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hey guys I just spent the last two hours setting up lighting in my dining rooms almost 12 million subscribers and we still struggle with these issues on the daily the lighting in my house sucks I feel like it's not really good to unbox things in my room especially because we got a small box today and I want a table top to do it on and I don't have a proper table top in my normal setup their food comes even mind around my dining table where I eat gets dirty I wanted to tell you a little bit about the other mystery box we did not have nearly as much budget as the first one which was a five thousand dollar mystery box I will link it below if you guys haven't seen that you should probably watch it see all the magical things I got for five thousand dollars in my eyes on this video not focused that's my worst nightmare me filming a video and then it's not focused hello do you see my face alright so basically for the last one I got gypped damned bamboozled I contacted eBay I was like this is nowhere in here five thousand dollars I don't feel like I'm gonna get what I paid for so I tried to work something out with a seller and they said the value was over five thousand dollars because there was supposed to be a MacBook in there and if you guys watch the video is that a bass book this is really like there's nothing in it is there anyways I was talking about that now they lion so you know what I did I bought another mystery box this time we only had $100 budget I don't know I know adsense money and this is all I could come up with also is very curious to see what is in a hundred dollar one there we have it it's not that big just the right size you know cuz I'm not expecting some super huge box I paid $100 for this on eBay they said in the description you will get more than $100 worth of things in this box so I have very high hopes and hopefully I won't get ripped off over time I'm gonna be very careful opening this okay okay I'm just gonna pull things up yeah sweet what is this sugar can you guys see it definitely cover it and says your sweet sweet isn't sweet what does it mean they spelt you're wrong huge pet peeve when people don't know the difference between your and you are this looks like sugar but how do you know I'm sweet maybe I know maybe I got some on my finger right now I think we should do a smell test for these maybe I could die maybe I should wear gloves in these videos mmm smells like maple okay all right mr. eBay silent this does smell like sugar I appreciate the cute message oh by the way I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy that knows a guy that can go on the dark web and get me a dark web mystery box so if you guys want to see that next make sure you leave like on this video and I will risk it all to get a dark one mystery box I don't know digital nuts brought it up so I was like okay maybe I'll do it if you do it or you know that guy that will do it for me but I don't mess is no dark web okay next thing Oh a snack coconut cashew crunch this actually looks delightful it has a dark chocolate drizzle shredded coconut and premium cashews I enjoy all three of those oh and it's gluten free how do they know they're almost expired but should I eat these mister smacks it's sealed there are no holes poked into it I mean I don't think they haven't bad intentions I'm gonna eat one of these I hope I don't die mmm they smell so good come smell smell smell let a stranger sense it to me or what I bought it this piece looks funny I'm sick get really good usually when people send me food or like when I'm dealing with food I'm not sure about only take a little bit I don't eat the whole thing I like to live dangerously okay my little pony cotton candy oh my god cool it looks like it's been messed with how was this there's something in it nobody open it damn you we have opened okay it's cotton candy not the stuff that's in your attic or is it smells like cotton candy I want to taste it did I just stick my hands in it does not feel like cotton candy it feels like the stuff that's in your ceiling I don't think they would poison me like that it smelled like strawberry but what if they like took this stuff from your attic and like put it in here you don't know the sketchy stuff online oh god my foot fell asleep my foot fell asleep am I getting poisoned is it that stuff that I ain't shake it off shake you should shake it off shut up Taylor Swift is a baggie another baggie jackpot at my finger still gross I really want to wash my hand okay this is some white substance says jackpot and it's got some white substance this is what I think it is wait what I get in trouble they would think I ordered it I did not consent to this no I really I don't know if this is right is very smooth I don't think it's flour I don't know the texture of drugs I really cannot tell you I'm not an expert in this field I'm gonna open it I'm gonna smell it it smells like an unknown substance it smells very industrial Mel's like the Home Depot I don't know but they say jackpot oh it feels nice it was kind of like cornstarch when you press it oh I like it I don't know what it is though so if you have any idea comment below because I am Lula's and if your dad is an FBI agent maybe he could come to my house and we can investigate together and actually don't don't do that I'm sorry all of this away I'm getting rid of this evidence you'll never see it yeah I'm gonna wait for trash day and then upload this video there's a lot of stuff in here t-shirt Oh a kinder egg this is not sketchy right it's just a kinder egg it has a little dent in it I haven't had one of these in a while maybe since I was like a kid I don't even know if I had one of these when I was a kid but we had stuff similar to it I've never opened one of these don't people doing unboxings I'm a really great girl doing like tinder oh it breaks in half I didn't know this this is so cool what is this supposed to look like I don't think this is what it's supposed to look like they still wants to scoop it out well that's just like melted chocolate with like two little bear or O'Shea's in it not smell so good you like scoop it up with this this is like a scooper oh there's toys in it do you like mix the toys and then eat it in the fat dog I don't know how to put these together what am I making I'm not good at this I always loved Gundam and I wanted like the model set so I could make them but like I sucked at making stuff like that oh I never got them that was looks really impatient oh god why does this egg smell so good I had never smell it egg that smell so damn good trying to assemble this - what is it even this is not a toy I hate it these are the legs that's all I got okay and then we got like two of these little winged things I don't know this is stressing me out and with the instructions I'm looking at it like what the hell is this this is stupid what is it okay I really want to try this I don't know if I can eat this but I really want to try it because I've never had it yeah I couldn't definitely not eat this takes another bite it's good I'm sorry okay it's my light I'm an adult I can do what I want okay imagine headlines youtuber dies from poisoning from mystery box what a shameful way to die we got a t-shirt over here oh oh this is the same t-shirt Wow okay and it fits me is a small is this real or bootleg merch because you know what I got a problem with bootleg merch we got a bunch of sites like taking my designs and then reprinting them and selling them on really low-quality shirts so don't fall for that I only have one official merch store which is representable merch play but yeah after Shane Dawson I like this shirt but I don't get it I wish I understood the meaning somebody has definitely worn this on more than one occasion nothing a good old Tide pod won't fake oh god you can't even mention those our video game monetize in here whoa grow a boyfriend okay let me show you this before I look at it you could grow up boyfriend so I guess they assumed I was single and lonely and they got me a boyfriend you drop it in water and watch it grow both to six times its original size okay see that's not very big maybe not to be sick hi guys I'm so excited we got my man's right here look at him six-pack and everything got them pecs you little short though there we go test-tube baby you're good my dude are you good I think he's wrong yeah nothing happened until overnight then I came downstairs I was like what is this okay and away gross I don't want to date you anymore what the hell is this whoa we got a doodoo bag try it your own wrist oh we've got some solid pieces I don't know what this is it looks like chocolate but there's a lot of solid pieces and it could definitely be some kind of poop doesn't smell like poop but what if they mix poof and chocolate so that the chocolate overpowers the tooth I think that's what they did cuz it smells like chocolate but it also smells like something else that's not chocolate but not poop but just smells like your grandma's pantry I don't know obviously I'm not gonna try what's the worst that could happen yeah that's not going to happen today it's brown and I don't want to try this good take everything else here we go another one hope you're not salty they spell you're wrong again okay whoever is doing this is eating this is salt gotta be salt I'm not salty actually this was actually pretty good buck oh we got some always wanted to try these Wow this is one of my life goal and now I can finally mark it off my bucket list look at all the hands I have these don't smell good ah more fingers more problems I just stabbed my eye which one of you was it some people on Twitter really make me do you like this is this better than my mommy pets you she's terrified do you like it this is the luxury do you want hands I could literally give you some hands right now one always like to have thumbs for the first time in your life it doesn't fit alright so the last thing is what is this one your ball plus prize I'm guessing this is like the Jojo see wha version of a kinder egg I don't even know what that means oh it's literally an egg yeah it's like a kinder egg what is that there's a separate contraption that has wow they're bracelet with a creature that look like a booty dude but this is chocolate it's a wonder ball I'm gonna break it whoa there's candy in there this is watermelon flavor guys don't try this at home I know I'm telling a horrible example by trying this I don't know where it comes from don't eat food from strangers don't put things in your mouth that you don't know where they've been even if they might help your YouTube career where's my damn teeth if you guys enjoyed it and want me to do another one well the dark wood mystery box make sure you hit that like button and subscribe here on the wolfpack I love you guys so much thing stretching big guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,789,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, mystery, mystery box, unboxing, mystery box unboxing, box, family friendly, kid friendly, $100, $100 box, whats, inside
Id: 0SyoBoMx6aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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