HIDE AND SEEK in my new house!

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hello friends it is me and today we are here with sausage and digital next behind the camera say hi to everybody today you have my but like really hard [Laughter] today we are doing hide and seek in the new house we did the house tour already if you guys haven't seen it I will leave a link to the description below this goes on the other you think your do you yeah how this is gonna go the whole house you can hide in you are a lot but it is dark outside and it's scary and there's lots of bugs outside so no one's also hide outside I don't like bugs there any incentives of winning does the winner get something what what's the rule here okay you know what I got a fake stack of $10,000 whoever wins gets traded at dinner tonight when we go out of yeah yeah okay well I can buy myself did someone follow thousand dollars alright winner gets to PayPal of $10,000 I'm okay with that okay we're fine when he's gonna PayPal me $10,000 you gonna have to get a nice house of ebooks so you're searching first I guess so I'm a master at this I know cheated right start hiding yeah I was a kid I didn't my uncle I hid in the washer machine uh-huh and I couldn't open from the inside so I'm glad he found like that would have been really bad okay guys I know exactly where I'm gonna have it actually I don't know if there's like somewhere better there's a lot of hallways that I can hide it but I'll never know so in my room put my bags here at the my chair so I can I wasn't wanting to do this it's kind of a gross and dusty but [Music] all right so now alternatively we can just like leave we could say your new car we got in and out she's like oh my gosh you guys I'm still good at hiding cows no you stay outside cheaters all right B v fo fum I smell a girl big bump I thought she like curled up in the corner down there let's look at that thing in the dark turn the lights on she should return to the steam room she's not in the master suite at all boys she's got my destiny row guys I've been scared for the past 24 hours nice nice I'm the best that's what wonders where it's go you got three options here well there's couches in here yeah because there's no no put them out there yeah is the garage off-limits no it's not yeah check everything the garage door opener oh that was first okay [Music] oh my god y'all struggled we surely gave you a timer it's been a long time if I had more space to like hide I don't think you would have found me if I put the bag away but had more bags behind pretty easy because you're so big you'll be easy to find I'm gonna look in the reflection of your girl I can't see anything all I see is the screen but it's too small and my eyesight is too bad all right guys I think she's gonna find me I box myself in I mean you just can't see anything but I'm just way too big no please dinosaur a big girl like me should be offended by that or not wait check all of the I gotta be careful he scares me [Music] pretty good though so this is the door that leads to a secret room mm-hmm he was in the gateway to the secret room but I knew about that spot so if she didn't know she wouldn't have found me I know I just barely saw you I think if you ducked down all right I mean he's pretty big I don't know where he's gonna hide I mean there are a lot of places to hide it's just gonna take a while till I go through all of it yeah he has that much time the stakes are high I know where I want to hide the next time I got a good spot no idea what I'm gonna hide now oh hey just so we just playing in where we going actually a lot of hiding places in this house they gave me a minute and a half I'm gonna leave every door open that I possibly can [Music] I should be me he likes food that's perfect AutoCheck in here oh no he's not stealing my snacks viciously open just a little open I don't know if it was supposed to be like that he better not be in my bag somewhere I could smell him nope not in the shower no closet no surprisingly not I don't think he's in this room maybe under the same no behind the door [Applause] Wow scumbag tactics he's playing war I know you left all the doors open and drawers open okay he's in here this is a big WOW Oh see you I'm fine there's another box cuz I'm gonna have actually went in there I have an idea where I want to hide an X but it's really tricky cuz I'm a big boy all right guys my turn again so so many places hot so many places going sausages from they might see me Oh bingo [Music] classic all right let's go guys swear I thought I heard her what you did here little mouse yeah I swear I thought I heard her in the pantry I'm like that's kind of obvious okay I look like the bedsheets change every time we come in mmm you talk some water we thought you were like damn get out of tighter than I thought like we out here - unites with us you know this is so uncomfortable you almost left this room I almost got away with it if it was a friend that's your heightened security but you can't hide feel like I'm pretty good at this I found all of y'all and I found y'all in a timely manner - I really like big boys so I've been doing this the fastest I'm really gonna hide it because a lot of the spaces I can fit in in this house so that's nice I feel like we have a disadvantage here you need a bigger area company big boys how big do you want I love you and ya be stinky face she walks in right there she misses me I'm good I just scrunch up against a wall alright there's enough time for him yep all right let's go make this easy oh man I was really hoping she would just like walk in and be a because I was reporting like this so you can see you come in through the door oh she's what how did you how did you see him though he's big and blue jet top sq feet - fine thanks hiding spot was see Sam good but you guys I wasn't in a blue shirt mine would have been the best I feel below who had the best hiding spot so far Tony tail momentum should [Music] not be in my room or anyone's a lot of Meyer slams a door open in our fix as we walk by you know what I want to do I didn't want your keys where I was gonna hide in the g-wagon no clocks a-tickin babe how do you hey he's in here he's got to be in here this is the last resort he's actually not why did he go boozled here you checked in there yeah it was five minutes for bed really yeah alright so this one we need a ladder for so I want to try it out we've never done this before so we're gonna be trying it out we have like one minute to do this alright I got a 12 foot ladder just specifically for this so my goal is to go up there okay down there I can't see at all okay put the letter later yeah oh my god this is so high up what if this whole thing just collapses I'm actually scared this is the first time I was scared of heights you guys see my reflection of me laying down on up here this is terrifying I'm like stay here you guys see where I'm shaking so dusty I plan to be so drunk I think I've had the best science possible for be honest you come in second place where I spend a big bomb no I don't know why we bother checking you're gonna know I thought she would have hit on rubies good old impulse buys right here excursion past 24 hours I actually don't hear anything the ladder inside hmm mr. Kirkham ring why would the latter be inside if you guys what you get I have to use a lighter - oh I see the bot you guys you would be terrified but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video probable law let us know who you think is the winner who won the hide-and-seek because we don't know we can't figure it out and who had the best hiding spot if you guys want us to do any part to make sure you hit that like fine antha and make sure you turn on notifications so you know when I upload click click I love you guys so much thanks judging bye guys
Channel: undefined
Views: 10,920,421
Rating: 4.9198456 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, hide and seek, hide, seek, hide and seek game, hide and seek challenge, challenge, new house, hide n seek, mansion, family friendly, fun games, sssniperwolf house, house
Id: QZhM8koAHaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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