I Bought Viral Items From TikTok Shop

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Hello friends it's me today we're going to be trying some cool things that Tik Tok made me buy we got this cereal cup to eat your cereal on the go in a convenient sippy cup I'd be eating my cereal in a bowl on my lap in the car but there's a better way without my cheex mix getting soggy so you pour in the milk and then it has a separate compartment for the cereal and then you just take a sip out of it to have non soggy cereal on the go this is genius that's why I bought two two I ordered one and I got two I think I accidentally added to cart twice ouch I don't see no paper cut warnning on here she's out the crunch cup no Froot Loops included it's a lie Froot Loop paper unfortunately the only cereal I have on hand right now is some cinnamon cheex mix okay same but I have a video to film did you know they have apple cinnamon cheex mix what I wouldn't do for some apple cinnamon cheex mix right now is that it it I thought this was on the go not on a diet why is it so little you know if I put it in a bowl it's going to be at least twice that I usually love milk with my cereal but I've been doing almond milk and it's surprisingly just as good no this this feels dirty I just put it in like this and it start floating I should have probably washed it before putting the milk and cereal in the germs will make me stronger that's what it look like you can't even see the cereal so the milk comes out of this tiny little sippy cup and then the cereal gets this big old hole cereal POV open wide I need to put more cereal in this I got all milk where is the cereal at I feel like I got to work for the cereal like it's not coming down with the milk personally I don't like the ratio I'm getting m that's more like it I mean it's all right you know what I'm such a chaotic person that I would honestly just rather yes I don't like doing things the proper way I like doing things the way that works for me and if you want cereal on the go I think this is a much better option I'm not going to do the whole sippy cup thing I'm just going to have it in here also I like my cereal slightly soggy I like it a little wet I don't want Dry Cereal and wet milk touching for the first time I want it to have sat for a hot minute this is the proper way to do it excellent this is like getting a hammer and using this side to hammer something I've been seeing this blush oil a lot so it's literally just oil and then you put it on your face like it goes on clear and then it turns into the perfect pink shade for your face so this right here is by youth Foria it's like a nice little oil as you can see it's a clear oil or it could be green I don't know so we're going to put some ol lip cuz why not put some on my cheek oh this is the second time I had to do this because it wasn't recording so if you see a little blush you know why I'm not a professional makeup influencer so if I look like a clown after this then I'm going to join the circus oh this is nice you know it'd be nice if I had a mirror to do this but do you see this that color is nice all Rosy or whatever what about my lips do you see a difference I thought my lips were crusty but it's just the cinnamon sugar from the cheex mix okay you know what I like this it's just like very subtle I feel like this would go so hard with no makeup and then just put a little bit on gorgeous you know I thought this was a custom item it never occurred to me that I could buy one of these monkeys these ones that go Splat yeah they got them on Amazon for $18 you can have this handsome fella oh I can't wait to do this a moment there he is my very own monkey me and my monkey monkey doesn't wear any pants oh he's stretching cheek we got the same arm span hey watch it buddy look at this thing look at them cheeks W little monkey cheeks oh this is just sand inside oh this is nice this is quite the stress toy I'll give you a little ASMR while I disfigure him wo oh [Music] oh I pulled my leg I've mangled him me and my mangled monkey oh good this thing is so much fun how do you get him to go back to normal does he go back to normal uh-oh please he's not going back to normal it's t time for the monkey drop test goodbye sweet prince that wasn't a satisfying what have I done bro flat as a pancake he didn't deserve that I'll see you in the morning can you believe monkey is back to normal time to do it all over again I've been getting so many ads for this dress not this one specifically but the dupe for $30 on Amazon you can buy this $250 dress I was looking at the pictures I'm like they literally stole the pictures from the real one I want to see how good the quality is here she is I tried on a lot of Amazon dresses and it's like usually they're like hit or miss I don't know the quality on this seems kind of nice it's like a nice mesh it's see-through and then it's lined underneath and then the back you can lace it up give it a good snatching I'm going just I'm going tell you right now I do not like it I mean it's all right the biggest part is the fit I like my dress is snatched I thought this would snatch it but like this doesn't do much for me and then all this in the back is like baggy I feel like it should have laced up down here the cups offer no support whatsoever I really wanted to like this dress but it's simply no good this is going straight to Goodwill it sucks because I really like the design I love the mesh I feel like it should have been a nude slip instead of a white one the white one's kind of weird but I don't know what do you guys think should she stay or should she go she gone straight to Goodwill I have reacted to so many videos of these markers I had no idea what they were and then everybody in the comments are like they're PCA markers you can buy them on Amazon for like $20 they are probably the juiciest markers on the market do y'all remember these right oh I can't wait to do this this click it until the paint comes down oh PKA I don't know how I didn't know about these now I get to make one of those videos and what color should we do first pink I got the skinny ones on Tik Tok I saw that they were some like huge ones look at this look at this point it's so tiny see if you draw normally nothing we have to activate zaka by going like oh no I tried to record it it's not not satisfying when I do it I am my cameraman and my backup cameraman ooh this thing is milky wow now I kind of regret not getting the really thick ones I don't know what I'm drawing Patrick the starfish if he was a silly goofy guy do you like my painting please tell me you like it trying to hold my camera and draw at the same time oh no it's literally what have I done okay these are nice they're real juicy but I feel like they're destroying this paper you definitely can't use these on normal paper it's got to be that thick kind of paper for the thick kind of marker as juicy as they are they're not as juicy as I thought they would be oh okay maybe I'm just pushing too hard hello this one doesn't want to come out oh I see it it's coming oh wow the yellow is nice you know it's like a Sharpie but moist I like I've seen so many videos of these bubble guns do they really produce this many bubbles you know with one shot of the bubble gun is probably more bubbles than a person blows in their entire lifetime that's a lot of bubbles you know the graph for bubble blowing goes a little something like this bubbles blown in your lifetime goes [Music] up blow a lot of bubbles when you're 10 12 when do you stop blowing bubbles 15 no more bubbles blown until you get one of these and then it's going to Skyrock it back up invest in bubble blowing okay I don't know if they added like food coloring to this cuz that's purple I don't remember bubbles being purple I bought this on Amazon for $35 something tells me the bubble juice is not included just kidding bubble juice is included maybe I should do this out oh what are these these are all bubble juice bubble liquid and bubble auka oh and it comes with a battery how thoughtful I hate it when you buy something that it doesn't include a battery that just plugs in some decals if you would like everybody to know that you have a bubble bazooka nice pour our bubble liquid into the dish I have to stab this how much we talking just a little bit give it a good little Shimmy Shimmy and then just wo oh my goodness there are so many bubbles it's making so many with a teeny tiny bit of bubble juice this is amazing wow this is fun loader rip make it do a little bit or a lot POV I bubble you to death this will probably be an outdoor activity know if the bubbles weren't enough you can take the bubble juice whips and just like finish him off I'm not a big air freshener in my car kind of guy probably smell like stale Chick-fil-A that's been hiding under the seat for the past 2 weeks but then I came across this small business on Tik Tok I'm going to show you how you can have such an amazing fall fragrance in your car for an entire month after just some easy setup instructions that's all I have to hear you can make my car smell like fall say less and a cute little bottle too so you're always going to start off by unscrewing the wooden lid and underneath it there's going to be a plastic stopper step is going to be to remove that plastic stop it's like a little bottle of fallen leaves it's so cute I have never bought something so quickly you just tie it to the mirror I'm ready to do the smell test here it is this has got to be the cutest little air freshener I've ever seen oh I don't know if I'm just down bad but it smells this smells like a man like if fall was a 63 man goodness gracious so she said something about like opening this part up is that necessary I can smell it through the thing oh my goodness I am speechless this scent is just delicious am I supposed to remove this thing or like lift it up a little okay I'm not a fan of instructions so I'm just going to remove the cap and then put the lid back on oh free smells feel like I'm in Jimmy John's I want to inhale the scent as an air source I'mma put her in my car so I've been following the Slime page for a really long time out they make like the most satisfying slimes I've always wanted to do that just smos it you know I don't think I've ever bought slime before this is my first time I was actually using this box as the tripod but now my long awaited package finally I get to play with some luxury slime so this is Snoop slime subscription box I've been following them forever finally got my hands on one of these snoop's Outdoor Adventure it looks like some green slime let's open it up and see what's inside yeah that's definitely slime and then here we have a Christmas tree captive free him is this also made of slime why does the Slime smell like chocolate suspicious okay so we're going to put the tree on top and then it comes with some bark know if you from the UK there's a chocolate called flake that looks just like this and it's very tasty and it's making me want to take a bite out of this right now you I always wanted to where'd it go oh okay don't eat the Slime I know it looks tasty so how am I supposed to do this like this like a little Christmas tree Sunday so we're just going to take this and smos it oh there's like green slime in the regular slime why do they got to make it smell so good why is it wet I'm not sure I like this she's a little too moist for my liking guys it smells so good it literally smells like chocolate and you expect people like not to eat this I feel like I missed out on being a kid I never got to play with slime this was literally so cool very satisfying well I could do this for hours this one has bubbles in it it's going to be crunchy this one's happy camper slime ew I want this one to smell like vanilla what is that it smells tropical kind of like coconut this one's really wet okay listen to this okay this one's really sticky you know it's fun until you start to wonder how you're going to get this off your hands and your countertops get off me okay I'm going to try to wash this off my hands looks like somebody vomited Dipping Dots on my counter I'm going to give this one a three out of 10 I don't like how sticky it is the last one is a toasted marshmallow s'mores fluff oh it's it's got little mixins ooh that smell like straight up chocolate oh this one's kind of fluffy you see that the texture is wonderful wo oh I am a fan spooky very cool very satisfying oh it came with mixins look at these I don't know how I forgot to season my slime but anyways that's all for today I hope you you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face and make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tag tops at OG wolfpack.com I'll link it below and subscribe Jo the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 3,019,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, relatable, tiktok memes, memes, tik toks that are actually relatable, tiktok shop, tik tok shop
Id: __IYvz-swlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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