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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Wolfy_NotFound 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey hey there everybody it's me your boy waddles minecraft 1.17 now this point is basically the yandy of minecraft updates except hopefully this thing will actually release the cave update snapshots already have an absurd amount of really really cool features with so many features it's starting to get a little hard to remember all of them today remembering them all is the plan we're going to take a look at everything in the minecraft 1.17 snapshots as of snapshot21w03a if you enjoy like please it will help alright let's get something out of the way there's a lot of features today we're going to look at every feature but we won't be talking about every single little detail because things might end up changing the cave update is meant to release in summer 2021 it's january right now so that's a lot of time things might change okay there's only one place that i could start of course of course the axolotl axolotls are basically basically the entire game at this point look at this thing they are adorable so they come in a couple different colors one of the colors is insanely rare and they're amazing look at these creatures they like tropical fish you can breed them they attack things like squid and if you want to do you can pick them up in a bucket and bring them home with you which is so so cool axolotls absolutely amazing i don't know what they're doing though they're just kind of they're just kind of chilling there there was a fan vote it was kind of tragic but also it did kind of made sense in hindsight the glow squid has completely transcended jumped over from minecraft earth before it ended and made it into normal minecraft yeah so the glow squid is the only other mob in the cave update as of the recording of this video on javi edition that is this right here is the glow squid it does have a really clean texture and cool particle effects and it has a unique drop the glow squid was of course the winner of the 2020 minecraft live fan boat both the axolotl and the glow squid aren't naturally spawning in the world at this point but this is what the glow squid looks like when compared to a normal squid it's the exact same model just different texture oh yeah and it kind of glows not not actually glows it's just like it's just like it just stands out a little bit more statistically speaking like health everything like that the glow squid is identical to the normal squid but the drop the drop is definitely different glow squid will only drop glow ink sacks and glowing sacks are actually kind of cool i'm really happy with their implementation so check this out two signs but one sign has normal text the other sign has been dyed with the glowing sag check this out uh the glowing sac can make signs like a little bit more neon standy outy the glowing sac can be used to make text glow but that's not the only thing that you can do with the glow ink sack check this out crafting table item frame glowing sac glow item frame this right here is a glow item frame now like this the glow item frame looks normal i mean other than the texture it's kind of the same but check this out when compared to a normal item frame the glow item frame is actually bright like the item inside of it is lit up you could use these new glow item frames to keep your items always illuminated or maybe your map wall bundles are amazing minecraft 1.17 is finally working to actually improve the inventory like early game so right off the bat this right here is a bundle the ui it's pretty clean too so the bundle is used to keep your inventory organized let's go ahead and break this chest i'm sure there's a bunch of items in it yep definitely and then let's also break this chest too there might be a little bit more to check out yep just a tiny bit so the bundle my inventory right now is insanely messy what can we do to fix that the bundle we can use the bundle to go and pick up all of these random items in my inventory to help clean it up a little bit check this out all of these blocks are being compressed down into one inventory slot which is so so amazing now if we have a bunch of items in the bundle and we take a look at it right there we basically have our own inventory in here the bummer is let's say i wanted that i don't know the copper ingot out well if i wanted it out i would have to unload the bundle one buy one by one to get to the copper and get but it is nice it's great for keeping the inventory clean which is what it's meant for if you're holding the bundle and you use it it will actually spit everything out onto the ground which is probably a better way to get to items that are completely buried the bundle will hold one stack of items which means like 64 normal items like these things or if those things stack in something different like gender pearl stack of 16 that'll be one stack of ender pearls that's it this bundle is full and then maybe the zax 1x that's a full stack of axes when it comes to 1.17 so far we don't really have very many things generating in the world at all but let's start talking about some of the blocks and the things that we'll eventually generate in the world first up drip stone this block is pretty interesting looking to me it kind of looks like a combination of like granite and ancient debris maybe eventually this block will likely make up most of the drip zone caves but let's talk about something with maybe perhaps you could say a little bit more drip ah yes that's right pointed drip stone this right here is pointed drip stone slag tight stalagmites those things up rocks down rocks it is really really cool if you fall on the stuff on the ground you'll take damage if the stuff above you falls on you you'll also take damage notice the drip stone is actually dripping yep that's right water or even sometimes the lava will drip out of pointed drip stones if the conditions are correct you can throw a cauldron down below these rocks and actually collect the water or lava in terms of cave update biomes super excited for the lush caves by and we haven't seen any of those features really quite yet though but also insanely insanely excited for the drip stone caves i think they're going to look amazing this block was unexpected but insanely amazing what is it tinted glass so tinted glass comes in one form one color which is this right here it's like a little bit darker than black stained glass check it out that's the tinted glass that's the black stained glass to me looks a little bit darker in terms of actual light level it definitely is a little bit darker tinted glass lets no light through check this out down here in this hole zero light level even though this is just glass right there it's basically a transparent block that you can actually use to block light out so like grass blocks that you can kind of see through or other things it's going to be really cool you can make like a giant mob farm in the sky put this around it and then and then the mob spawned and you could see into it i can't wait but what if we wanted light well if we wanted light we could use candles candles are coming in minecraft 1.17 as well so on its own this is a candle but you can place up to four other candles on the single block almost like sea pickles each candle that you add will increase the light level a little bit the candles can be lit and unlit the candles can also be dyed there is one candle for every single dye color in minecraft that means we're gonna have 16 different colored candles and then one normal candle look at these things these are going to be great for adding personality to your builds maybe you're building evil fortress then like red candle or black candle maybe like happy place i don't know like lime candle pink candle something like that yeah the candles are so cool they're gonna be great for decoration and you can put them in a cake the mountains are being updated in minecraft 1.17 finally as part of the mountain updates snowy or snow will be a thing powder snow is snowier snow so this stuff is actually really really interesting so it's in a bucket which is actually different the black is actually in a bucket if we were to say maybe place some of the stuff on the ground it's basically a trap block so the block will sit there but if we were to walk over to it then i fall into it kind of like quicksand unless that is i'm wearing leather boots if i have leather boots on like right now i can walk right across the stuff and i won't sink into it that's pretty cool if i were to stand inside of the stuff and survive a minecraft i would slowly freeze that's what's happening right now i'm just standing here and now check out the hearts i'm frozen and i'm going to take a freezing damage that's definitely dangerous unless again of course i unless i have leather if i have leather on i actually will be protected from freeze damage leather sort of warms the player so as of this snapshot we have one cave plant that's it one new cave plant that is that plant is glow lichen this right here is glow lichen this right here is glow lichen at nighttime the stuff glows faintly but it does glow it is really really cool looking now the stuff can be placed on the floor of course it can be placed on the wall and it can even be placed on the ceiling as well you'll find the stuff generating in the caves okay so this next one is very complex there's no way that i'm going to be able to cover all of the details about it but skulk sensors skulk sensors made it into the one point snapshots pretty early on the skulk sensor is a complex redstone component the skull sensor senses vibrations so things like movements like this yep it's sensing it if you pair it with a comparator you can actually sort out what type of movement the scope sensor just detected if you place wool around it then the skull sensor will basically be blind to whatever direction that wool was placed in yeah uh they're going to be very very interesting to mess with potentially a game changer when it comes to redstone depending on how things end up looking amethyst amethyst amethyst amethyst this stuff looks so cool i love the 1.17 models so right here is an amethyst cluster this is a fully grown one that's right this awareness resource it actually grows in your world so right here is a baby then we have a medium one then we have a large one and then finally this is the fully grown amethyst cluster right there these things can actually be picked up in survival minecraft with silk touch if you place them down on a random non-growing block we'll talk about that in a second they won't ever grow so they're sitting right here they bend like this the whole time they don't change of course though if you're trying to harvest the stuff you harvest the fully grown one just like a crop and you'll get an amethyst shard this thing right here now the amethyst shard is a crafting ingredient it does look really really clean though i like the texture now if you have a couple amethyst shards you can craft it into a block of amethyst and listen [Music] when you place the stuff down and when you walk on it and also when you mine it it plays this little note which is so cool the stuff like basically makes music which is it's like amazing but growing let's talk about that for a second so right here is a block that looks a lot like the amethyst block that we just checked out but it's actually different this block is the budding amethyst blog there's basically a crack in it at least right now this block is actually not obtainable in survival minecraft if you find it and break it even with the soaked touch pickaxe it will go away forever it'll just be gone instead what you're going to want to do is isolate this block from all other blocks so it can grow amethyst on every single side of it then give a time eventually the amethyst will grow all the way up into fully grown amethyst then you could either soak touch it or use fortune on it or just a normal pickaxe to get amethyst shards now you can find amethysts growing in amethyst geodes that is actually one thing that does generate in the game right now we'll check about it in a second but these two blocks this block right here is calcite this one right here is top these two blocks make up amethyst geodes calcite i think in particular is going to be a really really nice building block i mean like imagine using this for like the wall of like a house that would look really really good tough is cool too it kind of looks like some of those dead corals amethyst geodes though these geodes generate down under the ground there's a couple different sizes right here is a smaller geode you can see lots of amethysts growing in there over here is a much much larger geode like i mentioned the budding amethyst cannot be picked up so if you want to make a farm out of this stuff that's simple but you're going to need to do it at the geode itself so like at this spot right here oh and another cool thing about the amethyst i always forget about this one but they actually let off a little bit of light check this out there's a little bit of a glow in here even though there's no light in here really for the most part ah finally the big one maybe the biggest thing in 1.17 1.17 cave update is introducing at least one brand new ore type like we're talking iron ore coal you know that type of thing the new ore is of course going to be copper this is what the ore block looks like right here in survival you would mine this with a pickaxe take it to a furnace sort of like iron ore smelt it up and then you'd have one copper ingot if you get a couple more copper ingots you could craft it into a copper block one copper block costs four copper ingots that's not too expensive but it is kind of a little bit expensive copper blocks are one of the most interesting blocks in all of minecraft first off in my opinion they look really really good i like them second off though they age they are the only minecraft black to age now this aging process takes a long time it's very very slow but eventually if you place a copper block down in your world it's going to turn into this block right here lightly weathered copper block then give it a little bit more time and by a little bit i mean like a lot and you'll have a semi weather then finally fully weathered copper black right there look at this this block actually has states that depend on the time like that has been in the world that is so cool now uh let's say you liked some of these stages if that's the case well good news you can actually wax these blocks with honeycombs and keep them in their state forever so this block right here is waxed lightly weathered copper that means this block will never age past this spot right here so yeah let's say i actually really liked this lightly weathered copper block crafting table place the block place the honeycomb and then it's waxed it's that simple but you could also do something else with this black you could place four of them in a crafting table just like that to get this interesting looking block over here cut copper cut copper is basically a cut up version of the copper block it's almost like polished granite or andesite you can think of it like that cut copper looks just like tiles this is going to work amazingly as a floor as a roof maybe even as a wall cut copper is really cool looking now just like normal copper this stuff will age if i started with this cut copper block right there then place it down eventually over time it will age just like normal copper keeping it real this next part kind of scares me so we go into the stone cutter cut copper it's a really good looking block i definitely want to use it as a roof i place it in here nothing nothing at all i hope that doesn't say like that if we go over to the crafting table right there is six blocks and the four staircases not good not good at all because these black variants are amazing so yeah the cut copper has black variants staircase and slab variants just like that one for every single phase it looks good and then you can wax these blocks too to keep them in whatever phase they're in but it's expensive i mean the slabs aren't a problem the the slabs have always worked in the crafting table it's fine right there you don't lose any blocks but staircases you lose two blocks this is terrible this is the worst news that i've gotten all day and i hope that's fixed if it's not that's gonna be really tricky to use copper because it's already kind of expensive unless of course the ore is made insanely common but anyways copper with all of those blocks that we just shacked out that means we have this many copper blocks right here there's more than a single chest full of copper black types right now which is absurd the ore the ingot and then all of these variants the wax and unwaxed ones is kind of crazy copper ingents are cool you could use them to make blocks or you could use them to make the spyglass check this out the spyglass is basically a brand new way to zoom if you craft this thing with amethyst shards and copper and then use it you'll be able to look around your world you can even put the slow cinematic camera on and you move around slowly look at that it's like a real telescope it's so cool and i love that this texture by the way like the square around it and the zoom in it's really really interesting you could use it to see things farther away but as of right now that's about all that it does does look really good though look at that item bottle yeah that's a that's definitely a spyglass next up the lightning rod the lightning rod is the other thing that you could craft with copper ingots now the lightning rod is what it sounds like it's a lightning rod maybe you have a roof built out of wood like in that village over here if i were to place the lighting rod on top of that roof and then the lighting boat were to strike near that roof it would strike the lighting rod instead of the roof meaning the roof does not get burnt down that's amazing i can't tell you how many builds that i've built and i've had these sweet roofs and then they just burn down yep if you have a lightning rod that won't happen anymore so minecraft 1.17 so far that is what we're looking at but there are some gigantic things that we still haven't seen quite yet for example the whole artifact dig side thing or the lush caves and the deep dark i'm not 100 sure but i'm pretty sure that 1.17 is already looking like it's going to be one of the biggest updates ever it might even be the biggest update at this point but what's your favorite feature so far let me know down in the comments below if you enjoyed the video leave a like and subscribe do both of these things helps me out huge time especially the subscribing thing because i mean if you haven't heard we're on that road to 1000k need your help today big shout out to my patrons sai fireman and ritman thank you both so much for the support thank you all for watching until next time cave update forever axolotl get out of that block you're going crazy [Music] [Music] you
Channel: wattles
Views: 348,752
Rating: 4.9469323 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft cave update, minecraft 1.17 features, minecraft caves and cliffs features, minecraft update, minecraft caves and cliffs, minecraft 1.17, minecraft caves and cliffs changes, minecraft cave update additions, minecraft 1.17 so far, minecraft 21w03a
Id: 2K6PNH63YB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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