What's a habit of yours you didn't think weird? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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read it what's a weird habit of yours you didn't think was weird until someone mentioned it shared a hotel with a buddy during a trip and he told me i sleep like i'm embalmed arms crossed on my back stiff as a board anytime i travel with friends my so reminds me to warn them about my sleeping habits as it's caused some alarm in the past i don't move i don't make a sound and i'm a very deep sleeper same position on my back arms crossed i've had multiple friends think that i've passed away in my sleep and freaked them right the fck out one day i was taking a shower with my wife and i discover that she washes her underpants in the shower and uses the newly washed underpants a sponge to help to clean her body i said wtf and she said that her mom taught her to do that and just like that i found that females on her family have this weird shower tradition edit bad grammar edit too for those asking my wife is hispanic i sometimes use my tongue like a cd slot when eating chips didn't even realize i was doing this until my friend suddenly burst out laughing while we were hanging out [Music] i sniff every cup before i use it don't know why burrowing in my sleep as well i have to have my head covered for me to be comfortable didn't think it was weird until a college roommate pointed out that he always could tell when i was going to sleep because i just put my pillow or my covers over my head beforehand i've had people come into my room when i'm asleep and thought nobody was there so i guess it's a nice defense mechanism against predators when i was 12 i used to suck in and bite the insides of my cheeks a teacher at school saw it and copied me as a joke i saw how stupid it looked and never did it since edit r.i.p inbox i've done this all my life and still do it probably won't ever stop i will literally use my knuckles to push my cheek back to where it needs to be so i can bite the skin off the inside of my cheeks are literally torn to shreds at all time whenever i touch or bump something especially on accident i feel like i have to repeat that action on the same spot on the other half of my body now it's getting to the point where my brain just does it without consulting me first and it's gotten me some weird looks comments edit row thanks for the gold i talked to myself running conversations through my head a few words will slip out every once in a while i do this my wife points out that it makes me look crazy she's right and anyone who thinks talking to yourself doesn't make you look crazy or fooling yourself we've all seen the weird guy on the bus subway street corner whatever talking to himself and you know he looks like someone on the edge of losing it sometimes i like to hold my balls in my hand and think thinking with your balls and your brain that's pretty smart i talk to every animal i meet see in french my first language i don't know why i do this but someone pointed it out when i met their new dog for the first time maybe because it's how you're most comfortable speaking and animals make you comfortable and bring out your authentic self colon close bracket one day my husband raised his arm to put around me while i was sitting on the couch and i instantly flinched away from him my brother-in-law was shocked and instantly thought that my husband might be hitting me when nobody was around we laughed it off because he would never do such a thing he responded with she does it every time i'm just used to it by now double quote i didn't even realize that i did it mind you i did come from an abusive childhood so my reflexes are a little defensive he also pointed out that i am super jumpy and even the lightest of noises make me do a little freak out in a group conversation i sometimes stay silent for literally 30 minutes and start talking again like nothing realized with quarantine where i suddenly talk and people get surprised i was still in the voice chat after one five two zero three zero minutes of not even a word i have a problem where i just can't interrupt people talking and also when they interrupt me i just instantly stopped talking this can be nice because i don't come across as rude even though i like to talk a lot but in group conversations i'm basically always silent because there is always someone talking obviously eating kiwi fruit with its skin until i saw my friends eating without its skin then i turned on the incognito mode and searched how to eat kiwi double quote i had a friend who would eat the entire kiwi skin included by fitting it entirely inside his mouth chewing and swallowing in about five seconds he'd sometimes take kiwis to eat in class and we were all bewildered if i bump an object into a wall or a table etc i say ouch for that object not sure when i began doing it and obviously i know my toothbrush didn't feel pain when i hit the faucet with its head but i can't stop myself from saying ouch on the toothbrush's behalf i apologize to my car whenever it takes a nasty bump like a pothole or whatever i pat the center of the steering wheel like oh baby i'm sorry and then rub the dashboard soothingly to make sure it knows i didn't mean to it's doing a good job and that everything is okay i sht nude also rarely use public toilets edit no i don't strip down in public my siblings pointed it out when i was a teen also a male my ex-boyfriend could only sht nude literally the only way he could [ __ ] i feel vulnerable and scared if i try to sht nude lol asking permission to go to the toilet if i'm in someone's house that i'm not used to being in i'll ask can i use your bathroom or something like that one day someone decided it would be funny to say no and that's when my mates found out that i won't go if they say no i'll just sit back down to change this behavior i started saying where is your bathroom so it's not a yes or no question one of my favorite snacks growing up was cold canned green beans my mom would just open the can and hand me a fork i continued eating them like that until my sophomore year of university when my roommates just stared at me and pointed out how strange it was i just thought that was the only way to eat green beans i consume everything quickly i never really gave it any thought until i was having dinner with a friend and he told me i ate like someone that just got out of prison or boot camp i drink everything quickly and i drink a lot me and my buddy both love milk and lemonade one summer he was moving so he stayed at my house for a month and my mom screamed at us because we would drink an entire gallon of milk in two days tops and a 12 pack of lemonade in an hour i shake milk jugs before pouring a glass or over cereal i was raised on a dairy farm so it was necessary with fresh milk was about 30 before someone asked why and i had to think for a minute before i realized i didn't need to with store bought milk i need to be distracted while eating if i don't look at my phone or pc screen even when really hungry i will be unable to finish even a small amount of food i have on my plate because i will feel full and then get hungry again after five minutes while distracted i eat slowly in my own pace and then don't get hungry again for hours i noticed it at my aunt's place once when dad told me to stop looking at my phone while having dinner in the end i ate half of a chicken breast and felt sick the same way you feel after overeating i eat too fast i can finish the same amount of food my wife eats and half the time it takes her others have pointed this out too i don't think it's weird but it helped me finish my food quicker while in basic training me too was never in basic training but i always finished my food faster than my family and friends and when i try to be mindful of eating slowly i still eat fast i can shimmy my glasses from the tip of my nose to the bridge using only face muscles everyone thought i had a weird twitch i like to think i'm just efficient i do this but unconsciously i only notice when people ask me if i'm okay because i was making weird faces i'm so used to my glasses my brain just repositions them without me noticing i pick out my lips when i'm stressed out i've done it since i was a kid so my mom always gets mad when she catches me doing it lol i try to use chapstick to break the habit but i always end up doing it without even realizing like if i'm watching a suspenseful movie or texting someone about something urgent anxiety inducing i used to do a similar thing where i put my finger on one part of my hair and turned the hair around repeatedly making it twist and curl my mom freaked out one day when hair seemed to thin out in those parts of my head giving me a maleficent-style widow's peak i don't even need someone to mention it to know it's weird i talk to myself but like a conversation with myself more like a conversation with an imaginary audience edit not like a conversation with myself not my habit but in high school i had a very dear friend who would throw his phone behind his back up in the air and catch it when it fell over his shoulder without fail every single time it scared a sht out of me considering my clumsy old self would definitely have dropped it he would also randomly deeply inhale with his thumbs at his nose and also when we'd eat together whether it had been at my house or at school he would save exactly one bite of each item on his plate tray until the end of his meal and then eat those bites i miss him so much but we went down different paths and don't talk much anymore he was the coolest dude i knew go to save the perfect by doorway for last i'm guessing he left the parts he deemed best tasting for the last bite because i do something similar someone will say something to me like at the end of a work shift and i won't respond until the next time i see them and then they've forgotten about the comment they said just because it took me a few hours to process what they meant for example co-worker and i were talking about the gym and i said yeah you're just as sin and she replied no i'm round and it took me the next day to tell her she wasn't round smh so my inner wrists are really sensitive in a good feeling way so i touch them a lot to soothe myself significant others always touch them too because they know how much i like it never thought it was weird until i realize nobody else understands the sensation i'm talking about plenty of people have thought it was weird lol when i was a kid i learned that if you say the abcs while you hold your oreo in milk it's the perfect softness crispiness and doesn't completely fall apart in the milk to this day i will whisper the abcs under my breath i did this once in front of my ex and he stopped he stared at me horrified and asked me why i was chanting at my aureus i guess he couldn't quite hear what i was whispering to my aureus and was freaked out that i had some evil oreo ritual or something in this topic people learned they have obsessive compulsive tendencies but they aren't quite ocd so we just go along wondering if we'll ever be seen as crazy people anytime i hear something mundane doing a rhythm or tone like a coin falling or someone coughing i just repeat it whistling it makes everyone laugh now i pat my pillow to fall asleep edit spelling i stir every drink before i drink it bc the ice melting at the top freaks me out you having ice in every drink might also be an odd habit when i started sleeping with my lady friend she told me i have night terrors i never knew as i don't often remember my dreams no one remembers night terrors it's part of what differentiates them between regular nightmares they're not very common in adults like sleep walking most people grow out of it i talk to myself not just simple words but full-blown canvas this all started with just simple convos in my head but after a while it unconsciously evolved to me talking out loud my mother thinks that i need therapy because she's worried that i'd end up talking to some demon and attempt to kill people the volume on the tv is to be on a multiple of five of course i just can't believe there are people in the world who don't do this remembering a lot of details about conversations i'm jealous i have a chronic illness that causes wicked brain fog and my memory sucks i can have a full conversation and walk away with very little recollection of what we talked about it makes me sad because people think i'm ignoring them or that i don't care i tap the lid of the can three times before i open it when i drink coke beer etc i have no idea why i do it or even that i was doing until i was at a ring dunk and someone handed me a beer and i tapped it and got asked about the habit they assumed it was for luck so i went with that instead of me being a weirdo i pace a lot sometimes i just have to take 5-10 minutes and pop some music in and walk my sister and her husband stayed over with my family over the holidays and i guess they saw me doing it they made fun of me for it like just sort of joking not anything too harsh but i genuinely can't help it i get very anxious if i can't do it talking to cats on the street i look at a cat and just me out like seeing an old friend sometimes they be our back and voila we have a conversation my friends think i'm weird for meowing at cats while they talk to their pets in their native tongue cats don't speak human language so why should i talk to them with mine i put water on my toothbrush then toothpaste then water again and then brush my teeth why is this weird the initial rinse is to get contaminants off that settle out of the air the second is to moisten and dilute the toothpaste i thought i was the only one that would look for the biggest clipping after clipping my nails and bend between my fingers until i saw george carl carlin joke about it pulling the boxes out of my ass crack at work i didn't realize i was doing it often i bend over quite a bit so with the heat and crap of work i'm constantly digging it out suffice supervisor called me on it told me it was being more than just a random habit and i should look at finding a solution yep solution solved commando when i was a kid i used to scratch my head so much that i would have bald spots it wasn't itchy or anything it just felt like something i needed to do i'm an adult now and i stopped but i have no idea why i used to do that maybe you had some kind of surprised anxiety maybe it was just a compulsive habit i talk to myself when i cook and people in the kitchen usually think i am talking to them i cool down my toast in the freezer before adding butter because i don't want it to melt many have been appalled when they learn that about me play with my food before eating it positioning it the way i want it on the plate and leaving the best bite for last when i'm about to drink something i always stick my tongue out a bit i didn't know i did it until a friend pointed it out i also sometimes unconsciously stop breathing and when i realize it it's difficult to start breathing again my cousin woke me up in the middle of the night because she stopped hearing me breathing i think that it comes from my really bad memory the breathing thing is called sleep apnea has the potential to be deadly and you need to get that checked out i pick things up off the floor with my toes i'm too lazy to bend down i do this lol if you're flexible enough it's kind of normal drop your brush oop i'll just grab it with my feet and pass it to my hand ts completely normal for me lol whenever i accidentally bump into someone i always feel the need to apologize people always tell me not to apologize because it's no big deal but it feels wrong to accidentally touch someone and not say sorry this is totally normal and commonly accepted as just common courtesy my family talks really loudly my dad is partially deaf someone's i'll subconsciously begin to give commentary to what's going on around me nail biting leg shaking spacing out looking left and right constantly my mom pointed it out to me the other day she explained that those are all anxious habits also excessive body cracking if it can crack i'll crack it also an anxious habit i stick my tongue out a little bit when i'm concentrating on things and drawing remembering random things people tell me about themselves i began to realize it was creepy after people reacting badly to it i've been friends with someone for 12 years and barely remember their birthday but i can remember all kinds of tiny little random things i too had to stop telling people these things because they thought it was creepy but i couldn't understand why i just thought it was interesting and i always wanted someone to do that with me because it would make me feel important so i thought they would appreciate it they didn't really lol so now i just keep it to myself when making tea or coffee it has to be stirred anti-clockwise 25 times then 5 taps of the spoon on the rim of the mug if it's coffee depending on how well the coffee has dissolved in the liquid i may stir an additional five times but this will also result in an extra tap on the rim of the mug always has to be a five one ratio of stirs to taps drives the wife wild ia blowing really hard out my nose when i'm stressed i only realize people don't do that when i started getting weird looks from classmates i love eating spaghetti just with butter i'm not thinking that's weird anymore btw the italians have a name for this spaghetti albarro often there's some cheese involved but not necessarily some of them do that too i sometimes just play a random scene from a movie like talking to myself but acting don't know when that started whenever i bump into something i instantly say ouch even if it didn't hurt being aware of my tongue being in a weird position in my mouth there you are now also aware i am now aware of my tongue piercing and it pisses me off thanks i fold my right ear over backwards while i read and my wife always freaks out about it it's become such a habit that i don't even realize i'm doing until she points it out to me i have a lot of pets so there is a lot of fur in my house no matter how often i vacuum i have a habit of blowing on the end of plug-in cables to remove possible fur my friend saw me do it and yelled asking if i just blew on it i had to explain that fur gets everywhere apparently i talk too loud my hearing is rather poor so i never really noticed and most of my clients are seniors so if anything they're asking me to speak louder it was only a couple of years ago that a friend mentioned that his partner at the time was scared because of how loud and deep my voice was my whole life i was unknowingly yelling at friends and strangers my siblings and i kiss my parents on the lips we kiss our extended family on the cheeks i grew up in the american midwest and had no idea that this was weird until my fiance mentioned it to me i stare at people to see the colors i can see on them it's to help me with lighting because i draw a ton did you know most of the time you have a lot of purple and blue in your face i have to make sure that my food doesn't touch on my plate if there is a potluck or something i will use multiple plates to fit everything without touching i leave the best from the food at the end eating hamburger is like archaeology i strip everything that's not meat and deal with it and then when there's only me and the meat i am happy i have a tendency to anthropomorphism objects so if i drop like a cup i will apologize to it as if i hurt it also i still buy stuffed animals and assign them personalities and backstories i'm in my 30s so i'm way i too old for this kind of stuff i've got crazy expressive eyebrows when i'm singing a song in my head i apparently match the beat with them vacillating between the two this week's song has been zombie by the cranberries i used to talk to the dishes as i loaded them in the dishwasher and placed all the utensils in by two so none would be lonely in the dark i tend to gesticulate quite a lot while talking but apparently one of my gestures that i never even thought about is somewhat strange one of my friends commented on that when i was like 17 or so then nothing years after that the lecturer of rhetorics and the university teaching us to present our thesis told me that my gesture is quite unusual to this day i have no clue why [Music] this [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 12,228
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: v9bwwRQxU5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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