Whatever the YouTube comments say, I have to do

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youre my favorite streamer 10/10

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/shimokoo 📅︎︎ May 20 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/9IsTheBestNumber 📅︎︎ May 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
we are doing dumb YouTube I'm taking your dumb YouTube comments and challenges and stuff that's that's what that's it that's what we're doing I'm literally I am doing your dumb YouTube challenges their dumb their did why would you suggest some of these things I don't know first dumb YouTube challenges of the day is labeled percent we're just gonna do that real quick that's that's what's happening yep so that's we're doing lado percent the hottest new category of breath of the wild guys so much hype holy [ __ ] you just like why do you think this was a good idea why I guess we're just we're just doing any percent gray plateau and then finding a ladle that's what this is going to be we like go through the grave Leto as fast as possible and then we get the nearest ladle and breaking him and time ends when we bring it I guess you guys just really hate labels yeah I already know the route for this like you don't need to backseat this speedrun I hate you guys for these comments because I legitimately had to do research for them I found the nearest ladle I have this knowledge now the shrine is not activated because we didn't get to the tower so we're going to clip into it because we can't go through it the raiiway nice sorry there we go what is Leto % we're just apparently getting a ladle as fast as possible and then breaking it I don't know you guys wanted it that is the comment that we are doing the speedrun idea is ladle % oh my god I'm dumb I'm I reset the timer so that's what I like i I'm instinctually like obligated to like split they're like that's what I normally split so I just stopped the timer because there's no splits all right we're resetting not because I I I'm resetting because obviously we were slow not because I messed up because I was slow right like cuz the the the speedrun was just it just wasn't you know wasn't fast so I was just like you know we can't you know it's also this run is incredibly difficult damn so difficult cut to it link link link dude man sometimes sometimes sometimes link you don't do what I want you to do it's kind of not very Poggi woggie of you that's not very nice you know I wish you could just like clip back in bounds that would be fantastic love when this happens you know as if this never add this actually never happens to me alright cool well I know how they come up the challenges sitting at home rubbing their little clown pause the other thing inhale yeah I'm gonna make this do whack cannon with a soup ladle what's going on what I've been doing that we're just getting a soup ladle and breaking it we're diving beating ganon we're just literally getting a soup ladle in breaking it that's the genius challenge here is just if it's it that's we're just getting a ladle and breaking it there's no challenge to the challenge focus got focus on this one to buffer whoo all right let's go get this let's go get the super guys we've completed the great plateau soup ladle ho nice yeah all right so there should be if I recall soup ladle is right here where where as he's still holding it yeah he's still holding the soup ladle nice soup ladle acquired all right guys we got the soup ladle perfect okay and now what we're gonna do so we're going to badly damaged oh no we died damn the skill the speed I can see why you suggested this challenge because this is so incredibly difficult sky spacer there we go soup ladle acquired time we finished it they're the fastest ones to break a soup ladle in breadth of the wild thanks Point crow if you see this I challenge you who to climb all the sheikah towers in under 30 minutes you're not reading this are you joke's on you I'm genuinely reading it I know that's pretty tough it's pretty tough I believe that this is so tough it's impossible because currently the all towels all towers world record is one hour three minutes huh however they didn't say complete all the towers in 30 minutes I challenge you to climb all the towers in under 30 minutes ah that's a little different so let's let's go do that right now all right so let's here we go I hope you realize how fun this is guys we're having so much fun smiles and chat if you're having fun once we start climbing the tower we'll start the timer all right go okay that's tower number one all right we climb the first tower it's going it's gonna be super speedy it's gonna be super fast I don't know if we got guys I don't know if we can do this in under 30 minutes all right second tower second tower okay let's do it all right I'll focus here all focus let's go down right let's let's go over here change our orientation nice the second tower second tower climbed third tower here we go goddamn guys yeah well if you fall in the tower and die I have no idea that's gonna be that's gonna be crazy here we go here we go all right third tower great plateau tower the hardest one of them all you gotta go over here turn around Oh God look at the skill and we climbed it nice awesome okay so let's do this next tower up here central tower perfect there's many more time in the loading screen than tide climbing the tower this is what you guys wanted this is the challenge climbing all the towers uh-huh you're so sexy don't get world record this is six okay nice we got six next one oh it's cold cold biome so we got to do this quick because we don't have ample protection nice nice alright next one's over here it does a little bit of a time loss cuz I didn't know where to go from there but we got it guys we got it we got it tenth tower this is the tenth tower got five more after this okay going over here turned around speedy look at that oh one too kind nice climb okay he's lost the tower gotten linear ooh perfect damn did you practice I should his first time doing this run I just thought I'm just that good at the game some people are just born with it you know it's just sometimes it's the skill it's the play of the game it's POG if I jump instant bolt I'm like that oh that was timeloss right there that was timeloss it's all over I know I know I just I feel like if we do the risky stratten to it here we go here we go okay nice last one Lake tower last one you see how I rounded it clockwise that's the fast strat right there FastTrack clockwise we didn't get subbing guys the dreams dead the dreams dead but here's the last one here's the last one can we get sub 30 here we go ladies and gentlemen time so Marwin rebel he white the name I climbed all the sheikah towers in under 30 minutes and I read your comment what a pace this one I like this one can you make family-friendly content for this one is probably about to be my favorite one I'll teleport over there first so let me just reveal to you guys we just revealed to you guys what this next challenge is it's can you beat a cork I'm sorry if I'm will have to commit war crimes here they ask you how you are you just need to say that you're fine and you're not really fun I can't believe what I've done I can't bear witness what I did for that young croc probably had a family friends mother father what I have to say Commander sapphic you are a heartless human being this one's a pretty interesting one can you beat breadth of the wild without an internet connection yes but yet yeah yeah yeah you can't all right well we we did we uh we did that one I have idea so real amove over here we're gonna do this one point crows speedruns mspaint point crow speedruns flash game point crow speedruns Internet Explorer how do we do this well ladies and gentlemen boys and girls I would like to Bret to present to you there we go there's my desktop my desktop so let me just change the UM thing oh oh oh shoot um oh uh you guys let me just sorry sorry didn't let me I was worried so how do you speedrun mspaint how do you speed how do you do it how does it go right we got a let's let's you know what let's do this let's get some intense music going on guys I've one thought speedrunning mspaint speedrunning Internet Explorer they said it couldn't be done they said you we aren't able to do it they said mspaint could it be completed any faster let me do this let me get up my keyboard really quick and let's open mspaint the fastest we can here we go three two one go I feel like we can do some time time save there I had to drag it runs dead guys scrap it let's do it again let's do it again here we go gotta get ready gotta get my my split up right here do I get my mouse pad right here three two one time time one second we did it alright so let's let's look through these challenges right so like next up on point crow point crows speedruns mspaint so we did that one guy so we did that one so let's do the next challenge right here Oh Oh God um shoot I did it look at what guys I didn't I didn't I didn't mean to I did that oh god oh no I'm sorry look away look away guys that was uh uh oh god that was weird um here's the next challenge that you guys have for me which is just a chair stream 24 hour stream where you are not there and it's just your chair on camera see do you want is this you guys want this I think what I want to do is I hope marco be 1 1 5 if that's your real name um instead of a 24 hour stream we'll do like what like 10 minutes this is this is what you guys wanted this is this is literally what you guys wanted I'll see you guys in 10 minutes time [Music] [Music] guys I'm this is the next challenge I don't know why you guys want this one because of how indecisive chat is but any % but chat decides everything with a pole and we know how decisive chat is we definitely know how to decisiveness chat is so we'll be we'll be doing all right let's let's get to it don't know why you guys wanted this but well we'll take it not chat % guys God just cuz you put a percentage after a word doesn't make it a 'speedrun good guide alright type 1 or 2 in chat guys is what you guys asked you guys decide everything alright press a if you guys just said no the run would just be over all right there you go boat this is going to be the longest oh my god what what is this challenge what even is this challenge alright next poll oh my god this hurts do we go guys she said now go well 29 and 30 alright well but there you go runs dead GG alright next challenge next shell is nice good you good job guys good job put a torch in the minecart okay oh this is awesome so looks like ah alright let's let's go in the minecart and let's let's time I think if you dare it yeah well put put the torch to the minecart I hope this is exactly what you wanted when you ask this question torture the minecart yep torch in the minecart yeah so next one is this a switch shirt % breath of the wild speedrun wow this is I I mean if you look at the YouTube channel right if you kind of like scroll down a little bit I mean I've kind of already done it I've kind of already done shirt percent guys it's kind of already here it exists but you need do you guys need switch shirt percent though they're completely different challenges really alright alright alright switch shirt brothel well runs all right here we go we're gonna get the Swiss shirt as fast as possible because you guys want me to look at these speed strats guys look at these speed strats watch ah oh I don't have the I don't have the paraglider I forgot look at that speed and that is why we got the pot lid guys that's the way we got the pot lid literally just for that literally just for that guys it's in sight let's go over one more up here there's there's the chest here we go guys there's the chest time four minutes seven seconds I hope you guys enjoyed you can only deal damage to enemies with stasis and remote bombs for those saying oh my god yes hell yes let's go in chat huh-huh where does that sound throw what's this one beating zelda with only bombs I already did that seems familiar here ha and for those clowns who are saying and stasis I did it with just bombs why would I need to do it with stasis let's uh what's this next one um beat breath riled with one weapon one rune one bow one shield and one piece of armor you can't get new ones once you pick one up and you can't switch routes one seems pretty hard right back to the YouTube channel really quick what if I took that like this and what if I just did it better what if I what if I just beat breath of the wild with with just just one stick you didn't beat it with one bow the [ __ ] I didn't beat it with one bow I did it's right above me ah yes a favorite a favorite of mine delete your channel feel like since you asked it's been nice knowing you guys I think this is I think this is the one I think we got it I think we got to do it guys I think we got a delete my channel alright so I just want to you know I want to let you guys know it's been a lot of fun been great it's been nice knowing you guys sometimes you gotta sometimes you guys just do do things sometimes you can't do other things you know delete your channel please thank you so currently it was nice knowing you guys this random Channel um Pete crow count gonna we're gonna we're gonna delete it right now alright let's fly by guys bye bye alright disable the account sick count counts been disabled we've successfully deleted the twitch channel the channel is channel is deleted alright let's see let's do this one I like this one I like this one super smiley face absolutely hilarious how about beating breath of the wild by not playing it we could do you guys want to all right well let's let's let's uh no no it cuz like if you guys play I I'm playing with you guys obviously for for twitch plays rough in the wild so what I think we're gonna do let's play breath of the wild without playing it by the way this is this is um shout outs to sceeto daraa for this who is the speedrunner who did do this right this is the current anypercent world record I'm not playing it I'm not we're being brought the vault and I'm not playing it so playing breath the wild super fast look Oh God look at that yeah let's go all right got to mash this really quick and then we're gonna gonna turn a little bit over here we're not gonna get the pie lid cuz that's pretty slow oh my go this way over that way then around I know it's crazy guys it's absolutely crazy alright we're almost done almost done he already he R at this point like you already know that you've gotten world-record 27:19 nuts actually nuts that was beating breath of the wild without playing so we did that up we did that pretty fast guys we that pretty fast oh yes here we go here we go no buttons blindfolded with detached joy cons with hands behind back in no stamina and only half a heart all core ox no armors no shrines all right guys here we go we're gonna get serious for this one we're gonna get serious for this and no buttons so I have to take out the Dance Dance Revolution pad right because that's not a button all right these are it's a dance pad got a blindfold myself somehow all right that's good all right hands behind the back all right here you go all right no nest suggestion guys beating breath of the wild without moving alright let's do it let's try it you guys I don't know if we can but let's try it okay three two one go we're almost guys we got this we got this let me uh link why'd you oh my god lid why'd you at home I got link just moved guys runs dead a stream where you do some sort of category extension run okay died percent raking the lake or go home and die I should I should do that right you guys think I should do it first off dog percent is a category extension oh I did another dog percent video over here okay cool cool cool cool um what else what else category extension is what's that dog % again all right that's that's three cool cool cool and then we did a if I recall it is right over here go home and die percent we've already done that and then wait wait wait wait it's it's down here somewhere right here die % I've already done it I've already done it guys it's happened oh my god oh let's go to the next let's go to the next one right off guys I'm damn I gotta get I gotta get this out of my I gotta get this out of the list here I'm sorry that's oh jeez that's embarrassing right there that's really embarrassing we could do this one B breath wild without hearing but I think we need to do the hardest challenge of all beating breath of the wild I think the hardest challenge in all of breath of the wild is breath of the wild without beating breath of the why how do you want to play there you go get Sidon pet dog all right type one or two in chat to vote thanks for voting guys appreciate that we'll take it alright so let's go to Sidon I'll have you know an already since October like like personally alright your side in guys here's Sidon Sidon haha don't go to don't go to Verona alone I got you yeah let's go beat it yeah you're too sexy yeah lip bite okay here we go so now we're going to uh you know now we're just gonna drown you know all right here we go guys now this is epic perfect okay alright now we are outside of the Sidon alright alright let's go let's go get side and the Sun should appear right about here if we are good with it there he is there Sidon there he goes how you doing dude how you doing let's get sight let's get Sidon and bring them to a dog how about that let's let's do that and I feel like we'd have fun I feel like that would be the definition of playing at that point yeah we keep in mind the challenge is still playing breath of the wild without beating breath of the wild so in order to play breath the wild I feel like we gotta have some fun here you know all right there's dueling Peaks right there dog is right over there alright dog in sight here we go where you go outside and come on I believe in you there he is all right we got him guys we got them we got them hell yes we just have to make it across the bridge across the bridge and to the dog and then I will say that we've currently played breath of the wild without beating breath of the wild as the final goal great challenge to be honest great challenge wonderful beautiful fantastic here sideand we're at the stable and here's the doggy so cute I'll consider that challenge of success all right so let's let's uh let's do one live one last challenge guys one last challenge for you guys here it is let me bring it Oh Oh God oh no gee goddamn it [Music]
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 764,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenge, is it possible, can you beat, breath of the wild, botw, speedrun, breath of the wild speedrun, botw speedrun, breath of the wild challenge, botw challenge, glitches, challenges, glitch, youtube, youtube comments, lwiay, fail, gaming, comment challenges, smallant1, speedrunning, the legend of zelda, zelda, twitch, point crow, point, crow, pointcrow, pointcrow botw, sidon, link x sidon, sidon x link, pointcrow sidon, breath of the wild sidon, speedrun wr, world record, wr, pb
Id: aoWaSd_ReKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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