What You Look At Matters - Pastor Nicole Crank

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I have a question for you what is it that you expect out of life that sounds maybe kind of like a deep question you're like wow you're hitting me with the deep stuff straight off no gay I mean come on but you should have some kind of picture in your mind let me ask you this if you have some kind of picture in your mind of what you expect from life just raise your hand and say hey man if a little bit of it scares you raise your hand and say Oh me what do you expect out of life well chances are somebody told you early on kind of what you should expect out of life my mom is here from Union Missouri it's about an hour hour and a half away sitting right there dressed in her cool revolution gear for rough night way to represent mom and her black tennis shoes she looks so cool wow I can tell Ashton has been styling you and I remember my mom telling me when I was little that I was gonna probably be one of two things she's like I think you're going to be a lawyer I'm not sure she meant it as a compliment I think she meant it as I are you really well and then she always she would tell me - I think you could be our first woman president which now that I'm older and what's back and think about the timing of those statements I translate as you're just a little bit bossy enough to boss everybody in the country around but she she puts some of these things in front of me that were really big for some girl that lived off of a dirt road in a country town we didn't even have we didn't even have like the good gravel we had like the loose gravel and I'll tell you what if I ride a bicycle I'm not falling off because I learned to ride on a gravel road right off-road riding was my road riding and and there were animals there on there and it's not a place where you think that big attorneys or government officials would come from but I had this vision everybody say vision I remember another little girl telling us stories listening to this girl tell a story about what was put in front of her and she was said she was told by her grandma her grandma said girl you got to get some good folks to take care of you make sure they treat you nice make sure they talk to you nice make sure they send you home with food that's the kind of people you want to work for so I need to teach you to fold this laundry because you're gonna be raised up to be a good maid and that girl said hon grandma my name might be Oprah but I don't see that kind of future for me she said I always knew there was more I always knew there was more and I'm so proud of her for so many reasons one of which being the future that was set in front of her to look at to gaze upon that's why we do outrageous things that are I am woman events because we want to stretch you out just a little bit why being normal and give you more of what you got instead of let's put a unicorn for you to take a picture of let's ride out here on a motorcycle let's drop things out of the sky let's get a little bit crazy because the life that you're living in you'll present is not the life that God has for you to live in your future he has a future that's much bigger for you what you're looking at matters so turn to your girlfriend right now somebody's sitting next to you and tell her what's you looking at and then tell them well you're so fancy fancy can't get in now that's the only line of the whole song that I know so if you would turn with me to Genesis 15 5 if you have a Bible if you don't we've got it on the screens no big deal and it says the Lord talks to Abram so there is this guy and he's unable to have children and he's received a promise of God turn to your neighbor and say I got a promise that reminds me that song anybody from the back day Church days when they used to sing I got a promise everything gonna be alright she's donkey I was off everything gonna be alright [Music] come on y'all are awesome you got a promise little boy named David went out to fight a giant and everybody laughed it's such a funny little sight that's the verse they're like no don't go there you barely made it through the course Nicole know when to stop there's this little guy named Abram but he's got a promise he's older he's childless but he's enjoyed trying but you're not blessed back in those days if you don't have a baby so he's getting a little bit frustrated because what he has been promised he hasn't been able to see it happen in this realm yet you see there's a realm so much bigger than the physical realm that we live in girlfriends we are not this experience is a very temporary experience I had a friend say that life is like the parenthesis in the middle of a sentence when the parentheses open it that's when you're birthed into this world and when the parentheses parentheses close that when you come out of this world but really that's just between the parentheses you're you're in the middle of a eternity long sentence this is such a small piece but we get so wrapped up in this small piece and only what we can see with our eyes and we start thinking I can't see anything good happening for me and the problem is that's when the enemy is trying to gain our attention because what you look at matters if you're a note-taker I want you to write that part down if you're a tweeter if you're a Instagram poster bright what you look at matters and God knew that with Abram so with Abram in Genesis 15 verse 5 he tells Abram he's like Abram you're getting caught in the parenthesis you're getting caught in a few years of time and my dream for you is so much bigger than that so I want you to go outside he's like god it's cold out I got my blankets on guys like Abram get out the tent you can't like think that everything was so formal and everybody was so immediately obedient and that they used the deaath and the Dow it because Abram was just a man and when a man is settled down for the night and comfortable trying to get him out of his easy-chair is hard to do right so Abraham wasn't just like pop right oh he's a good I'm comfortable I wonder how many of us won't look at the future that God has for us because we're too comfortable in the present that we're in even though we're gonna complain about it like Abraham come on outside all right I'm going what do you want God look up at the heavens yeah they're really nice heard you live there probably got a deluxe apartment in the sky that's like you notice the stars he's like yeah they're really pretty count them count the stars yeah count um Abram oh I got I can't I mean they're everywhere you see they weren't exactly in the middle of New York City they were out there before lights existed and you could really see all the stars you ever been out on a lake camping or something at at nighttime in the country and you didn't realize how many stars there were that's the experience that Abram was having right then and he's looking at the sky and he's like God the stars are so many I can't count them and God looks at him and says now you're getting the picture that's how many descendants you're gonna have you see he knew that Abraham is actually at the time his name was Abram he hadn't even gotten the name Abraham yet at time Abram was so stuck in looking at his presence that he couldn't get a vision for the future that God has tonight we're gonna bust out of your presence we're gonna get you out of the parentheses we're gonna get you believing that God is bigger than you can ask that you can think or that you can imagine we're gonna get your imagination going again we're gonna get you dreaming like you're a little kid you remember when you were like well I'm gonna be the president I'm gonna be a fireman I'm gonna be a teacher or I'm gonna be a Hollywood movie star making millions of dollars remember the little game with the paper flower you're like I'm either gonna drive a Lamborghini or a Ferrari Porsche all these things back when we remembered how to dream but now we get stuck by our own limitations and to show you what I'm talking about I need a little bit of cooperation and I need everybody to stand up for me and spread out just a little bit cuz you're gonna need some room or you're gonna hit somebody so go ahead and move on out into the aisles I was looking for the boom shot guys cuz this is gonna be a good one and what I want you to do is I want to teach you to take your finger and I want you to point it straight in front of you with it your arms straight try not to poke anybody in the head and it's gonna get more dangerous than this kind of look forearm clearance over to your side right so whatever arm you have out you might have to some so let's everybody do their right arm everybody do your right arm and you're gonna point straight in front of you and then make sure you got clearance to the right now when I count to three here we go what I want you to do is I want you to point and I want you to rotate just as far as you can go and go as far as you can and stop how far did you get come on I'd said you might have to work around some people okay no everybody come back here remember where you stopped and then come back here now I know it's hard to close your eyes and heels but if you got them onto your best hold onto your hold onto your girlfriend's close your eyes everybody everybody close your eyes now I want you to imagine that you've got your finger pointed out in front of you don't do it just imagine it see it in your eyes you see the color of your fingernail polish can you see the end of your sleeve now imagine turning again now go ahead and bend in your imagination work here work your way around to that girl's head and keep imagine don't do it don't do it you're just imagining imagine going all the way around back to where you were okay now stop now keep your eyes closed I want you to imagine it again but this time I want you to imagine turning to where you were and I want you to see yourself turning past where you were like way far past like how did that just happen did i just become detached am i a plastic Barbie okay stop one more time keep your eyes closed don't you imagine pointing see your fingernail polish see the color of your skin go ahead and turn around that girl's head keep turning turning turning but this time I want you to see you turning yourself all the way around like an owl like a 360 degree you just ended up back at the front again this is crazy okay open your eyes now I want you to take your hands I want you to put it out in front of you points and I want you to turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn as far as you can and who went way further than you did last time way further if you win at least 10% further clap if you and at least 20 percent further clap if you would at least 25% further clap 30% 40% 50% 60% we got some people who went I went a lot further the last time I kind of went to here this time I went way over here I'm like how did that happen you can be seated how did you go that much further you see the first time you did it you had just as much potential to go just as far as you did the second time you did it you just didn't think you could and you couldn't see it in your mind but once you could see it in your mind you started to believe and once you started to believe that was possible your body started deciding we have to make this go nope nothing changed we didn't do any yoga we didn't do any stretching we just had the ability to go so much further because our belief system changed did you see that happen with your own eyes you have an unconscious belief about so many things in your life unconsciously you believe there's a cap on your salary unconsciously you believe this is as far as you can go in school unconsciously you believe that without a degree that's as far as you can go unconsciously you believe that's as good as a marriage can get unconsciously you believe that's as good as children can act unconsciously you believe that you can't move to that zip code unconsciously you believe that that kind of car is just frivolous and out of your range unconsciously you believe that they might have been good enough to get healed but not you unconsciously you believe you've lived a full life and you're gonna try and cheat God out of the twenty years he wants out of you unconsciously we believe a lot of things and therefore our body goes to work go in this far but when we can see it vividly in our mind when we will get uncomfortable enough to get out of the tents where Abraham was comfortable in his discomfort and get out of the tent and start looking around and getting a vision for what God really has for us the potential was the same both times but the result was drastically different Y was the result drastically different we didn't work on your potential we didn't work on execution we didn't take more action we just changed what you believed [Applause] Genesis 13 verses 14 and 15 it says after a lot had gone the Lord said to Abram look as far as you can see in every direction what you're looking at matters look as far as you can see in your earning potential look as far as you can see in your giving potential look as far as you can see in with long life I will be satisfied and shown his salvation look as far as you can see in relationship satisfaction and feeling loved look as far as you can see and living a happy joyous on no anxiety no depression kind of life look as far as you can see he said to Abram and every direction it's north south east west when we went to buy the building that were in today we came up here with some of our staff members and we were looking at some other buildings and this one was all the money in the world to us at that point in time we had figured the checkbook every different way and if we were 27 cents short on the offering we weren't gonna make it so we thought oh my gosh this is so big but it was so available pastor home honor staff said God's not going to show you a stake and give you a hotdog he wants you to look out as far as you can see and once you can see it God's not going to show you a stake and give you a hot dog he's gonna show it to you cuz he wants to give it to you and that next verse says because the land as far as you can see you and your descendants will have permanent possession how far can you see and what are you looking at God wants to take you so far into your future everything that you can see in your future is yours execution that's important but visualization that's imperative you're only gonna get what you can see so you we have to start seeing with our eyes of faith what is faith what is faith well he bruised 11:1 says faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things you can't see you can't see him that means in this realm they don't existed to touch you couldn't see yourself turning all the way around like an owl before tonight but suddenly you could and you realized wow I am a lot more bendy than I thought I was he wants you to see outside your scope he wants to see outside of your realm why because it will change your belief system it doesn't matter what your second grade teacher told you it doesn't matter what your momma your daddy told you it doesn't matter what your boss told you yesterday we need to put in front of us the promise of our God and know that we are a child on the Most High King and we need to start looking far out in every direction what is it is it proper 23-7 without a vision my people perish without a vision we have to get clued in to his vision because the enemy is trying to make us look at the bad things as much as God is trying to get us to look at the good things we've got a race car driver friend in Birmingham Alabama and like he drives the legit race cars and he said you know forever look at the wall because what you're looking at is where you go well I don't know if this marriage is gonna work I mean I just think divorce is probably something that we're gonna have to consider at some point in time you told your mama in confidence what you're looking at is where you go well you know I just don't feel satisfied anymore and there's this guy at work he's really nice to me and Bob used to be nice once upon a time but now he's just tired and he's aggravated and he yells at the kids but this guy work is so sweet what you look at is where you go you're never gonna have an affair with Bob at work if you never think Bob at work is nicer than your husband you're never gonna get divorced from your husband and have to find a new man I know your husband stinks I know he's got no idea how to clean that he always tells the kids yes he eats all the food and doesn't buy any to put back in there and he doesn't even know that it dishwasher exists I know but all those little things that he's learned that you've taught him so far you would have to start over you have too much work invested in this one starting over is a nightmare we have to see ourselves holding hands when we got to pull up our skin to actually find each other's hands I didn't realize that was that funny I'm gonna use that more often we have to be able to visualize it because the enemy the enemy's really honestly been working on me lately he has he's been having me doubt myself in areas that I was confident in the past I felt strong in these certain areas and then all of a sudden I started wondering well am I really good at that am I really should I even do that and I don't know maybe maybe I'm a waste of time over here and I started doubting myself the problem with doubting your potential is you will live up to your potential if you flip-flop that the good thing about seeing your potential is you will live up to your potential the awesome part about that is we control where we put our potential so where are we gonna put the dot are we gonna move it down here well I'm just not as good as them and I'm not as good a mom and I'm not as good a wife and I'm not as good a worker and I'm not as good a prayer and I'm not as good a church members Oh make me bit bored and then you watch yourself great in the bathroom mirror and you hold up the tissues cuz you don't want anybody else to know and then the toilet paper leaves those little white things mm-hmm I know don't ask me how I know and the devil's like I got them right where I wanna they think they're no good and therefore they're not gonna be able to get very far we have to say you know what I have failed in my past and I have made several mistakes and I have no idea why God picked me but I guess the pickings got slim and I was the best choice in the field so here he's got me right here in this place at this time and if he sees something in me then I should see something in me because he wouldn't put me somewhere that I would fail not when I'm with him because with men this is impossible says Matthew 19:26 but with God all things are possible all things are possible come on somebody the enemy is digging at your confidence he's digging at what you visualize he's digging at what you see about yourself at night when you dream your dreams are your unconscious coming to life you have any resource you need in your dream you're gonna drive a Lamborghini booth it's there if somebody's chasing you with a gun they're there if you're gonna be running from something you ever had this spaghetti Liat leg dream and you need to run but your legs just won't work and you're feeling hopeless in life and it's manifesting in your dream and the enemy will get on track and he will help you with that so we have to purposefully everybody say purposely put things in front of our eyes that God wants us to look at now I don't know your gifting I don't know your calling but I do know God is asking you what you see in Jeremiah 1 verse 11 he asked Jeremiah what do you see so that's my question for you today what do you see for you are you seeing it big enough are you seeing it wide enough are you seeing it sparkly enough are you seeing it far enough away that you're looking as far as you can see in any direction because that's what God's wedding you to look for because we serve Ephesians e320 now unto Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask think or imagine we need to get back to our childlike imagination because the biggest we can imagine according to this scripture is God starting point he's bigger than all that so our big imagination big reputation big reputation what's that Taylor Swift big reputation a big imagination big imagination how big is your imagination you have a child-size imagination if not we need to get back there we need to see the big things again we need to tear down what we can't believe and I love getting around people who stretch us a couple times we've been privileged to get on boats that are so big and we asked them hey how much you pay for this boat oh this boat this boats eight million dollars I love that you know why because I'm like if they can pay eight million dollars for a boat we can bill got a house for a fraction of that we can come up with that we can do this I love being stretched get around somebody who's gonna stretch you if everybody around you has less than you have you need to go make one or two new friends and don't be jealous of what they have just visualizing you having it well that sounds just so materialistic I cannot believe you were that materialistic well sweetie you got to drive something nice to get somebody's attention and then if you're driving somebody's something nice I expect your generosity to be every bit as nice as your car if not nicer and you'll know whether or not they are because generous people have friends so if you see somebody riding alone in a nice car all the time you know well they got the car but they got no generosity ain't nobody got time for that right we need we're generous in our life when God blesses us we bless other people that's how the plan is the plan is God's like oh you get nothing I'm gonna bless you but you can't enjoy a single minute of it you just gotta flow it all through you know it's like getting in a shower if water is coming out and you're in the shower you're gonna get wet if you're in the place where God is blessing you you're gonna get some lesson all over you while you're giving blessing out there everybody else surrounds you but it's hard to bless other people when you've got no blessings we've got to expand our vision you can't give away a car if you can't get one you can't give away a house if you can't get one we've given away both I want you to say that I want you to say I've given away ten houses Steve Harvey his teacher he was back into it when he was little he actually had a stuttering problem did you know that he is seven television shows he doesn't stutter anymore except for maybe when he's counting his money 2 2 2 2 Millions at the 3 million is how many million was that but when he was with his teacher his teacher told him to everybody to do a project say what they wanted to be when they grew up and as he was saying when he wanted to be when he grew up she looked at it and she said Steve you come to the front of the room and he's like oh I'm so excited they're gonna tell me that I did so good and she said Steve you could never be on television you stutter you're poor do you know anybody in television no do you know anybody on television no she's like well then you're never gonna be on television he went home and told his daddy daddy my teacher told me I'm never gonna be on television and you know what his daddy said I want you to write it down and I want you to stick it on your mirror and I want you to read every morning what you're gonna be and who you're gonna be and what you're gonna be on and he read it every day he believed it to his core he kept the vision in front of him he kept his eyes on it even though the enemy told him you stutter even though the enemy told him you're no good he said I don't care what you tell me I've got my eyes fixed Hebrews 12 into says fix your eyes on Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith and that's why I wanted to look at look at this real quick the high god journal just came out I am really excited about it it's a journal on a study guide and I know what most y'all got the high guide book so if you want to go home I want you to read on the book on page 149 and it's what are you looking at and that's gonna reinforce the message that you just got today and then here's part of the study guide and I'm gonna read the study guide cuz the study guide it makes you work see when you read the high guide book you can read it out loud and you feel really good and you get away but I'm not sure how much you're really pulling out of you just yet so that's like an intro what's that Chancellor wrapper this is intro not the arm tray right something like that I get all the words wrong my daughter is in the room somewhere wanting to die and this is what are you looking at it's gonna make you work everybody work work work work work I like when all the words in the song are the same because then I could get those right I probably still got it wrong anyway it's hi god when it looks bad and I'm surrounded by overwhelmed with and in the very presence of enemies that's actually an opportunity for you to show out what are you looking at friends I won't look at the enemy I will look at you with your help it doesn't matter what's coming at me with you on my side my enemies don't stand a chance they fall like David's giant they'll be defeated like Joshua's Mountain Land and they'll be swallowed up like the army that came after Moses it looks like these enemies are coming after me today now you got your notebook you got your pin you got your your phone out I want you to write down five things what are the five things like the racecar track driver and and the race what are the walls that you've been looking at in your life what are those barriers that have been set up by somebody's words by your zip code by your gender by your race by your age that you don't think buy your education buy your socioeconomic status what have been what are those barriers that have been put in our place that have stopped us here when gods like I have so much more but if we don't address them and intentionally pull them down those barriers are gonna be tempted we'll be tempted to leave them there so let's welcome straight in the face with no fear 2nd Timothy 1:7 for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind the first one and there is power and there are power and numbers that's why I connects are so important before we leave today you're gonna have an opportunity to become part of an eye connect there they probably gave you a card on every seat I connects that are specifically women's groups because I believe just like International Women's Day when women truly come together on purpose that there is no greater power that you could see because women's hearts are the moral compass of this nation women's hearts are the moral compass of the faith and when we get together and we support one another we don't push each other down when we start pushing each other up the whole nation gets better friends when I connect group and you finally get to know somebody enough you can start sharing what those hurdles are because you've gotten to know somebody and to trust someone and you know they're not going to tear you down but they're gonna pray you through you can get to know somebody well enough to take off your mask and talk about the enemy's been picking on me and telling me I'm not good enough in these areas and I don't even understand it because those are the places I thought I was good and then they can come back and tell you the things that they see in you the things that God sees in you that you've been forgetting about yourself so everybody say five things what are those five things we're gonna do this part right here and then I'm gonna close it says you want my enemies to see that you are for me you want the world to know what happened was impossible you want to set the stage set the table and set the circumstance right in front of my enemies for your miracle to be noted set the table god I might not have started this fight but did I turn my eyes off of the fight and I look at you because what you look at matters I know this my god is gonna finish it and then I put boom because if I was saying that just by myself it would be a drop the mic moment and I want you to have your drop to mic moment when you say it and then it's here's what here's some more homework it says I take the limits off my miracle-working God here is how you will make my enemy hey come on this is your visualisation opportunity this is where you close your eyes and you start seeing you overcoming where you close your eyes and you start seeing you getting the raise this is where you close your eyes and you see you opening the business anyway this is where you close your eyes and you see the bank giving you the loan this is where you close your eyes and you see the cancer numbers and the white blood cell numbers going back to where they should be this is where you close your eyes and you your husband having a smile on his face when he comes home from work this is where you close your eyes and you see the kids setting the table for dinner and nobody's killing anybody this is when you close your eyes and you see a gathering of women around you and I could never have a girlfriend before in your life and suddenly you feel supported this is when you close your eyes and see you being voted president of the company running that sucker the way you know you can run it this is when you close your eyes and see yourself being elected into that position so you can finally really change something this is when you close your eyes and you see the scale coming into agreement with what you always thought could happen but you aren't sure what's happening God has big things for you come on somebody but we have to keep that vision in front of us you know in in Genesis 11:6 they were building the Tower of Babel and he says nothing that they have imagined will be impossible to them Steve Harvey keeps his imagination active do you know 3.5 used to be the big big number the ratings number that he would always go for so he would have 3.5 put on the inside sleeve of his suit so the whole time he's out there hosting Family Feud hope this didn't little bigshots hosting all these shows he sees 3.5 3.5 3.5 we were going for the 3.5 he believes in keeping his goals in front of him so much he sews them onto the inside of the hem of his jacket when he loves he's like I'm gonna own my own material in Hollywood I'm gonna have seven shows and they're all gonna be 3.5 and he's gonna buy an eight million dollar boat he's gonna invite me on it and I'm gonna say if Steve Harvey can have an eight million dollar boat we can build a church in Ferguson right that's my heart that's my vision board that's what's on that's one of the things that's on my thing half giving goals have generosity goals have health goals have have materialistic goals girl put your handbag on there cuz different goals will get you going on different days and once you can see the potential it will make you move further than you ever thought you could move was that Alright for today can I pray with you father god I just pray for all my girlfriend's right now god I pray that the seeds of your dreams are planted in their heart God I know you planted those dreams so long ago but God plant them again resurrect those dreams so many of them we've dug the grave for one shovel at a time I just can't not anymore that time his past is over for me but it's not over the plans that God had for you he's speaking to my heart for you right now he said I never changed those plans why did you [Music] father God we thank you for believing in us even when we don't believe in ourselves and father bad I just declare that fire is coming up in them and vision is coming up in them and excitement is coming up and them is courage is coming up with them and father about I declare that businesses are being birthed and inventions are being being in ingenuity put together in their mind I declare that patents that were pending or coming through and folks that we're supposed to be written begin to flow that I declare that those children who would not come into line God but they won't only come into line when they will come in line in such a great way that they're going to begin to support their parents and push their parents god I declare that doors are opening up that scholarships are coming that internships are coming that apprenticeships are coming that positions are coming that grants are coming gonna claim that a lot of favor is coming and we will receive it and we will no longer say that that's not for us but we know that we are children of the Most High King and we are called to live it out in Jesus name we pray Handclap afraid
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 4,662
Rating: 4.9139786 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Nicole, Nicole Crank, Faith Church, faithchurch.com, church in St. Louis, church in West Palm Beach, church in Missouri, church in Florida, tall woman preacher, Hi God, imagine, imagination, picture my future, God’s will, vision board, goals, see it
Id: HXWffn-YhXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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