What Would Love Do?

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thank you for being a part of this love revolution thank you for allowing me to be a part of your healing journey and thank you during a time like this when the world can sometimes see more backwards than right-side up thank you for getting to open your heart and participating in the awakening of humanity thank you mm-hmm it's always amazing when I fill in to the energy of the group and I always tune into okay so what am I gonna what am I gonna say and because when I was invited to come here was because of the popularity of my first book whatever arises love that and so in the spirit of that I wanted to talk and weave through tonight's talk new ways of looking at and embracing unconditional love and unconditional love is the cornerstone of the new spiritual paradigm we are at a time in history where if a teaching is not rooted in love it may not be as helpful as it is interesting have you noticed this predicament in spiritual paths something can be interesting but not very helpful have you noticed this like for example there's a lot of there's a there's a theory going around that the earth is flat that's interesting not helpful someone asked me though imagine you think the earth is flat I really don't know I haven't really thought about it I don't know when I was a kid I was taught the earth was round and I thought well the people on this hemisphere are obviously upside down I don't know how all this works cuz when you go to that continent it's all right side up I don't know it's interesting not very helpful so in the new paradigm where we have our teachings that can be interesting but are always helpful and as long as it's rooted and loved it is always helpful and with tonight's talk and transmission of healing energy celebrating and honoring the vibration of unconditional love we are going to answer a very interesting question in many different ways a question called what would love do because in any given moment we can measure our spiritual progress against how much of us or how little of us is willing to do what love would do and to be a truly enlightened master in these modern-day times we cannot be too enlightened to be loving and heart-centered just as we cannot be so loving that we lose sight of our discernment and wisdom so it's a balancing act it's not exiting the mind to open your heart although that's a very popular clever campaign it's interesting but not helpful here's why if you subscribe to oh yeah just get out of your head into your heart like it's really marketable yeah get out of your head into your heart what do you wind up doing two things you wind up telling yourself all day I should get out of my head and get into my heart which you can only do in your head and then you take a break from that and you tell other people you should get out of your head and into your heart so be in your heart does not require you to get out of your head there are some of us who are just wired to be analytical thinkers and it doesn't mean that you're unlovable or unloving instead whether you're an analytical thinker whether you're an empathic being we simply in all of the ways in which we are created to be answer the question what would love do and what love would do is the theme of new paradigms spirituality which is the opposite of the outdated old spiritual paradigm and again the old spiritual paradigm is not wrong it's just a little outdated it's just antiquated the old spiritual paradigm can be boiled down into one constant process called blame the experiencer people have experiences there's misfortune there's disappointment there's unexpected circumstances maybe you've had this experience have you ever intended to have a certain outcome and the opposite happens and then you might go into the old paradigms little dance called blame the experiencer is it my vibration is in my energy is that my karma am I being punked by my spirit guides my vision board was very clear mmm I know there's pictures on the opposite side - I didn't check that on the front it's Hawaii and holding hands with my soul mate on the back it's mayhem I didn't is my Law of Attraction skills broken do you see this is all blamed the experiencer oh it's because I didn't forgive so-and-so my parent passed away and I wasn't I gazing the moment they left their body everything but the old paradigm is the reason why you're having this misfortune is because something is less than in you that's how you know something is illusory that's not that's interesting it's not helpful what would love do what would love do love would do the opposite love would honor the experiencer love would say there is a very good reason why this is happening to you we realize this is not the most popular circumstance but this is happening as a setup to initiate you into a level of consciousness where you are going to touch into a level of fulfillment beyond any outcome you can perceive you didn't choose this outcome you were the one who were chosen for this mission you may think you chose to come down here we chose you to come into this earth plane and wake this planet up and although it looks like you're being twisted and unraveled and broken into a million pieces it is only to create enough space for the light of heavenly perfection to flow through you and transform this planet for future generations to come what love would do is honor the experiencer to give you the space and capacity to embrace your experience the ability to honor the spiritual value of an experience that doesn't necessarily feed the desires of your ego is the benchmark of spiritual maturity and what gets us from the human plight of ego where you define yourself by the ups and downs of your career your relationship life your social status your bank account whatever you want to use to measure yourself with external means the shift out of that identification and into the identification with the light of your soul as a unique expression of Source Energy that shift occurs through the opening and expanding of your heart and it is only love that can help you through this shift from start to finish what love would do is honor you no matter how you are experiencing any moment no matter what you think no matter what you feel and how you respond love says thank you for acting this out the way you were created to be there is free will but before you can access free will you have to know it's all destined once you know what's all destined then you can start making some really badass choices so when this shift from ego to soul which I also talk about my second book everything is here to help you there's two ways in which love is perceived there's the egos view and there's the souls view and they're very clearly different views the souls view is love is the only way and boy isn't that a very beautiful statement to subscribe to when life is going your way but the egos version is I would love to get my way all the time so one side is love is the only way and the other one is I would love to get my way now you can clearly see which one of those is going to be constantly disturbed by the perfection of life's grand plan for your life the ego loves to get its way the ego desires outcomes that will give it the feelings it desires and the pitfall of ego because ego is not something we condemn again to condemn the ego is to blame the experiencer and that's not what love would do love would look at the ego like a precocious child and say they are just growing into themselves wouldn't that be a nice thing to say the next time you do something you're not proud sorry I'm growing into myself growing into myself and your reaction tells me so are you that's why we're friends but the predicament of ego just on an emotional and energetic level is that the ego always desires a love that is greater than the love they can give or receive which is why a lot of times if we're desiring a deep relationship and our ego as soon as we meet someone who might be that person we now instead of being excited about the love we finally found now we have something really amazing and important that we're afraid to lose there's no greater sign that we're unintentionally lost in our egos that when you meet someone that might be the one and instead of elation there's anxiety the universe goes look we finally brought you a person and you are a mess and the universe sees this and goes we don't want them to be scared we should we should do this less often the universe doesn't want to scare you and so if you know the universe brings you love potentially and instead of going oh boy let's just see if all of a sudden it's oh my god oh my god oh my god do they like me do they like me like me oh my god where's my pendulum listen spiritual people I love you all don't pendulum a partner rule number one of tonight if you have to pendulum a partner they're not it just so funny but the ego has a really big predicament because it desires a love that it doesn't know is greater than the love it can give and receive and you you you've experienced this because you live in a world where a lot of people walk around with their hearts closed as if that space is reserved for someone else do you ever have that experience where people are in traffic or they're on the subway or they're going in the store and everyone at nope no sorry sorry that's closed that's reserved for some person I don't know I don't know where they are but it's not you no no don't look at me you're gonna you're gonna rob some of it and I won't have it for them here's the thing when you close your heart as if I'm waiting for that special thing that means you are not practicing keeping your heart open and then when that special thing or person comes if you haven't practiced having an open heart you won't be able to open it for the person you've been waiting for that's what the ego doesn't know it thinks is closing down and preserving for the right person but it doesn't know that you have to practice giving and receiving love unconditionally so when a potential partner comes about you're able to receive it with worthiness and not be filled with anxiety or not to sabotage this situation because the egos biggest fear is it's afraid to open its heart it's afraid to love unconditionally it's afraid to let someone see all of their glorious perfection because what if it's not enough what if I open my heart and I show someone the light I shine with no hesitation with no holding back and what if I show someone my best and it still isn't enough that's the fear so the ego holds its heart closed waiting for the right person to open up to and because it's practiced shutting down more than is practiced opening up it will then have the greatest problem opening up even when the right partner arrives so the reason we live in a world of interacting with various people and places surrounded by things crossing paths with someone else's son and mother and father even if you walk past someone who's not the one for you every person you meet as someone else's soulmate and when you learn to respect every human being from that level of consciousness you are saying to every person you cross paths with thank you for giving me the chance to practice opening my heart for when in the presence of the one I'm truly mental of I'll be able to give and receive them fully so thank you and so it's a daily practice of opening our heart and even if you're a heart centered person the practice deepens to the higher levels of mastery that say how much more can I open my heart how much more can I open my heart so that instinctively instead of seeing someone on the street and labeling them a stranger I honor and respect and sometimes help and support them as someone else's child as someone else's soul mate as someone else's hero and when we live on that edge of respect and loyalty for the light in all human beings and not just reserving it for special relationships maybe you reserve certain behaviors for special relation I get it right but you don't withhold your greatest qualities from recognizing the greatest qualities and other people because as impacts and impacts meaning you tend to either match or take on the energy of other people as impacts it means you get lost in the energy of other people you don't know what's theirs and what's yours as empaths what we tend to do is we when we don't walk around with an intention we get sucked into reflecting to people their own self-image so if you leave the house and you set the intention that says I am going to honor the divinity in every person and I'm going to at least smile and relate to every person as someone else's child and someone else's soulmate in someone else's hero I'm going to acknowledge their light just by knowing that if you don't have that intention your lack of intention is going to be attracted to someone who equally has a lack of intention and you're gonna wind up perceiving them as a reflection of how they see themselves and then you're gonna think you just judged that person you ever like walk down the street and you like to see someone and you kind of revolt or you pull away you shut down you're acting out how they see themselves and how they see themselves is a recording of how they've been seen by other people in their lives so when we are a part of the love revolution we are literally helping energetically to break the inner cycle of self judgment and of course breaking the cycle of abuse by not reflecting to other people their own misperceptions of self image because we're too busy engaging in the act of intention that says I'm too busy looking at each person as someone else's son or daughter someone else's hero or someone else's soulmate I'm too busy looking for those qualities in another so at least in my presence they will have a momentary break from their own inner doubt in judgment and the more often you spend time seeing other people from this perspective the more you are gifted with the beauty of an open heart which will allow you to give and receive love the same level that you desire change in your life in order to get there we don't blame the experiencer we honor the experiencer because every single thing you think say and do was created exactly the way it is simply because at the end of every momentary experience you are always a little bit wiser and a little bit more aware than when the moment began which is why we learn in retrospect and maybe in that moment you weren't the way you wanted to be you were just the way you were designed to be and the reason you wanted to be different is because your intuition knows in the future you're gonna be better but you have to trust life enough to know that you're always going to be better than you were before and not because your ego tries to be in charge of the spiritual journey but because life is always assuring you into higher levels of consciousness your job is not to control and micromanage this your job is to love the innocence within you that experiences life exactly the way you do and because your heart beats in all bodies the more you love yourself the more others remember how worthy they are to be loved and the more you love yourself the more likely you are to honor the light of others as someone's child someone's hero someone soulmate and of course through the laws of unity consciousness the more you practice doing that each day the more fulfilled you're going to be not just when life goes your way but because you've realized love is the only way love is the only way that's what loved knows in an any moment of doubt at the brink of despair under the most insurmountable odds that's what love would do well let's deepen this because we know love is the highest vibration in existence but let's unpack what it really means to love or maybe one of many ways to define what it means to love because otherwise we don't know how to actively love you're just gonna go from this talk and tell yourself all day you should be more loving which is the same dances out of your head into your heart you're just gonna walk around tell people hey whatever Rises love that what do you mean read the book what does it mean to love when love is taught when love is expressed it's dynamic not passive so many of us who were loved by people that also either neglected or abused us learn to be in a passive state because of those Bicks messages so many of us are still caught in abuse cycles of neglect and abuse and betrayal that we love passively but because our nervous system is still shocked by the trauma of mixed messaging even a parent god bless them raising their voice at you condemning them or condemning you for asking you a question during a moment they didn't have any patience making you feel unsafe to share your experience and then following it up with I love you later that night or even shortly thereafter so when we have mixed messaging our love becomes very passive and then we have this very strange experience and very painful experience of opening our heart to love and feeling more taken advantage of than fulfilled and I'd like to change that for you love is dynamic love is courageous love is bold it's not showy it's not showy that's the ego it's funny how the ego turns everything into a performance someone's having a hard day hope that's okay please everyone meet back up I'm gonna love this person have no fear love is here that's the ego love as dynamic love is bold but love is solemn it is peaceful it is humble it just gives with no attachment to how its gifts are received but there's a dynamic way to access love and I'm going to teach you tonight and it's something that I received from the universe and the download I received week and a half ago and when I got it I thought oh that's good I love that because here's the thing none of us need to know how to love how to love when life's going your way it's easy to love when life's going your way when life's going your way everyone's your friend well that's going your way nothing's a big deal right the question is how do you love when your ego is being challenged how do you love in circumstances that don't feel fair and you know why some circumstances don't feel fair because they're not that might just be a moment of unexpected healing things don't feel fair because they're not look I wrote a book called everything is here to help you I didn't write a book called life is fair cuz life isn't fair and you know why life is too miraculous and perfect to be fair fairness is like an eye for an eye you hurt me I get to hurt you and we're good when you see how perfect everything is orchestrated fairness has nothing to do with it the only degree of fairness there will be is that every opportunity is going to make you so much better than you've ever been you'll one day look back and go now I can appreciate why that happened but not until that occurs to you but what will get you there is the dynamic power of love and action so how do we love dynamically how do we love boldly here's a funny way to think of it how do we love ruthlessly passionately it's very simple it is the willingness to take a moment of your time and whether to someone you have a conflict with someone you've been hurt by in the past someone in the news who might trigger you whoever that might be whether you watch him at a press conference you follow on Twitter whoever that might be I don't know you know just hypothetically to take any person that has hurt you or who is a great great example of how quickly you can be turned away from love and turn towards righteousness whoever has the power in your life to do that you take a moment of your time and you do what love would do and what love would do is to bless that person with all the joy their heart desires and the ego goes why would I do that right the ego is like an amateur Santa Claus the ego has a nice list and a naughty list and the soul says let's take everyone on the naughty list and bless them with all the joy their heart desires and the ego says that's not how this works the reason we do that is because if the people who hurt you intentionally or unintentionally we're blessed with all the joy their heart desires they'd be fulfilled and in a state of fulfillment no one else would be their victim so the blessing is helping to break the cycle of violence and abuse in whoever it exists in and the ones in which it still exists are the ones who have hurt betrayed abandoned or triggered you and you has a soul in human form think you're just a person in a planet being wronged what you are is a spirit guide who is on this planet dressed up like a human being learning how to be a guide and an angel to evolving souls and you don't know who you're here to guide and help evolve and the universe reminds you who you're here to help heal once that person wrongs you and once you are wronged you either carry their pattern of pain in your cellular body and now it becomes yours to heal or you say thank you for reminding me of my power as a spirit guide at angel-in-training you have wronged me because my light has the power to liberate you in the name of breaking the cycle of violence and breaking the cycle of abuse i bless your heart with all the joy your heart desires for in a higher level of fulfillment you or anyone else will no longer be a target that's what love would do the question is when do we start doing that and when you employ a strategy like I'm describing you will find the most incredibly potent spiritual process that exists to be on earth it is actually the vibration of forgiveness but the way I'm describing it increases the potency of forgiveness for those whose perception of forgiveness feels more weak and disempowering because for many forgiveness feels like you're saying it was okay this happened to me it doesn't have to be okay nothing that has happened to you has to be okay and in if what happened to us was so not okay then the most reasonable thing to do would be to bless this person with all the joy their heart desires so the not okay thing that happened to you doesn't happen to another and why do we want to make sure it doesn't happen to another because another is someone else's child someone else's hero and someone else's soul mate we live for the well-being of others and that is how we get over ourselves that's how you get out of ego and I will tell you that when I was given this download because when I'm given downloads by the universe I like to practice what I I've downloaded I can feel the energy and then when I'm on stage I'm transmitting I know the trajectory I know the vibration and so as an exercise I sat and I thought let me go through my life and let me call up one by one all the people that I've ever hurt me now in my current reality my current dimension I'm pretty okay with everyone in my life but I could go back and remember in my life one of the different ages I was triggered and wronged and hurt so I did that and one by one I would call up the image of the person in my mind and I would say may you be blessed with all the joy your heart desires for in a heart of unlimited fulfilment you or anyone else will no longer be your target one by one I did this and I started to feel a very powerful energy and then I decided let's make it interesting and then I went to fascist dictators and history and I wanted to see what would happen when I spent a specific amount of time praying for the salvation and well-being of people who have done the unthinkable inhumane cruel acts to other people and what I found was a level of liberation a depth of love that even in the presence of unthinkable cruelty is only concerned with equally helping all because in the body of a predator is a victim who hasn't been healed that's why that predator is trying to free themselves of their pain by projecting it onto another person and the pain they are always projecting on to another person is always a person naturally at a higher vibration of consciousness because that person at a higher level of consciousness has been chosen as you are the one I'm going to remind that I have unresolved pain that I don't know how to deal with and you are closer to the vibration of forgiveness that when you forgive me by blessing me with all the joy my heart desires we will both be up leveled in consciousness that doesn't sound fair and it will be totally unfair when you have received all the pain betrayal and damage someone can dish out to you and you haven't responded back with the opposite vibration of light that's what's unfair because someone who hurts hurts others you've probably heard the phrase hurt people hurt people I like to say free people free people hurt people attract free people or people that are closer to liberation than they are and the setup is you will be wronged and when you forgive that person you both will be up leveled now if you lead with the intention of I am going to see every person as the light of consciousness someone's child someone's relative someone's hero someone's best friend someone's soul mate when you start leading with that and not waiting for something in life to hurt you before you forgive then the vibrational energy shifts and instead of you having to be wronged for you then to send the light and you're just sending the light first you begin to attract out of every person around you only the versions of them that are aligned with the light and if no part of them is aligned with the light any injustice or cruel act that they were planning to do to someone will be circumvented and they will be redirected away from you and then there will be a greater time that goes by before their next attack or assault on someone else so we don't have to be light workers who just wait for pain before we heal other people we could just lead an offensive love revolution sound familiar an offensive love revolution that says I'm not going to wait for someone to wronged me to remind me that I'm here to help evolve their soul I'm gonna walk around this planet and blast every human being with the most joyful love honor graciousness recognition generosity until I want to burst into a million pieces I'm gonna love so deeply that I might step back and think I'm going a little crazy because it takes almost going a little crazy with the light you shine to start affecting the positive change in a world that looks as crazy as ours people want to be committed to pain committed to addiction committed to vengeance committed to judgment committed to righteousness we have to be just as committed to love thank you I never know when that's gonna happen yeah yeah you hear that YouTube you hear that YouTube oh thank you so funny YouTube every month I put a video out here's a funny story I put a youtube video every month and I always will do this and you know it comes out and I get a lot of positive responses for my videos I'm very humbled by that's very lovely and I started to notice as a few months ago and then we became like a little detective in my life and I started noticing like literally minutes after a video was posted there's one thumbs down like there's someone out in YouTube land waiting from my team to put a video is this the day it's like they're gonna look back on the video nope and as soon as a new video comes out it's so amazing that we can do online what we can't do in everyday life like that person can't stand outside of my house and his goal I hate this guy that I don't even know it's amazing every time I see that what do I do I bless you with all the joy your heart desires for an aha heart overflowing with fulfillment maybe you won't spend time behind a keyboard putting your thumbs down on a heart centered spiritual teacher that you've probably never met I totally want to meet this person and if I do do you know what I'm gonna do thumbs up thumbs up all day everyone gets thumbs up for me that's what love would do I'm not a heart center person because I choose to be heart center let me just make this point really clear and you're not a heart centered person because you choose to be we're heart center people because we can't help but feel and love we can't help it but when you start directing your love in this type of intentional way the you that can't help but love and feels like being heart centered is more of a terminal illness in a recipe for disaster a recipe to be victims and doormats for narcissist of all shapes and sizes instead when you start leading with this offensive love revolution to answer the question what would love do instead of attracting experiences that you have to tell yourself or for your own good and evolution you will start attracting experiences that reflect back to you the light that you deliberately put into the field of consciousness and instead of you being the light in a darkened world you will start having a world reflect to you the light that you deliberately and boldly shine in all directions and when you can bless someone who has misperceived you judged you hurt you with all the joy of their heart desires something breaks open in your mind and there's no longer this ongoing list of people or this or people are that all those categories get eliminated and there is simply love to share and when there is simply love to share you will live in a world that works harder to support your every need and desire then you work to love and fulfill it and in order to get yourself to the place where you can love at this edge I'm speaking of it begins by loving yourself and maybe some of us have the experience of inner critics maybe not you maybe someone you know maybe you have an inner critic that's not so nice to you so that's where the process begins when your mind is being all-consuming with fear-based what-ifs when your mind is being judgmental and critical towards your behavior appearance lifestyle take your pick body shape you can stop and don't disagree with your mind don't be your mind's life coach you're not your minds life coach you're its Liberator and you say to your mind I bless you with all the joy your heart desires for in a mind overflowing with fulfillment you or anyone else will no longer be the target and the first predator that we disarm is the imaginary one lurking in our minds because the predator of the inner critic of your own mind is an imprint a constant repeating and orbiting of all the things that other people have done and said to you like a broken record of reoccurring pain so let's try this together let's make this interesting - my inner critic may be blessed with all the joy your heart desires for in a mind overflowing with fulfillment you or anyone else will no longer be the target to my ego I bless you with all the joy your heart desires even without a thank you back or responding with an insult I bless you with all the joy your heart desires for in a body overflowing the fulfillment you or anyone else it's no longer the target my mother or father whether known are unknown I bless you with all the joy your heart desires for in an energy field overflowing with fulfillment you or anyone else will no longer be the target to my ancestral lineage throughout all dimensions time and space past present or future even in parallel dimensions I bless you with all the joy your heart desires for in a heart overflowing with fulfillment you or anyone else will no longer be the target to all predators intentional or unintentional as well as all victims throughout all continents planets solar systems timelines and dimensions I bless you with all the joy your heart desires for in a heart overflowing with fulfillment you or anyone else will no longer be the target to all souls to all incarnated beings of all dimensions from all spectrums of light to all densities of darkness I bless you with all the joy your heart desires for in a heart overflowing with joy and fulfillment you or anyone else will no longer be the target and can I see when I spend a few moments blessing others with all the joy of their heart desires helping them or anyone else to not be their target can I feel how much less of a target I feel to the unconsciousness of the world and maybe the safest way to exist in this planet is to constantly bless the highest joy for all and maybe that's how I tap into the highest joy without always having to get my way that's why love can do this only love can do this this is what love does this is what it means to be the love I am just feel that for a moment feel powerful that is now there are people in this world that are destined to stand on the front lines of a social protest who are meant to march up the steps of Capitol Hill and are meant to be a part of that type of uprising that is inevitable usually those beings that are equipped and meant to play that part of the rebellion are not empathic energetically sensitive beings such as yourself we are working on an energetic level while there are some people working on a social political level and I'm not saying one is more important than the other you just have to know your role if we were to be asked to take a social stand against the things that are so corrupt it would be like an army of asthmatics we are equipped to energetically shift a paradigm for an entire planet but as sensitive beings we're tired are we we're really tired we work in different dimensions we do all sorts of work in the dream state we zip out of our bodies and do all sorts of stuff we may not even be aware of and we wake up the next day why am I so tired because you are doing so much energetically don't feel bad about it we all play our role I have no problem with social rebellion it's just not what I'm called to do it's kind of like when a friend of mind you're talking about sports and he goes oh are you were you interested in sports and I said well until I looked in the mirror and I said well and I'm 5 foot I was born asthmatic I cry pretty frequently and it seems the universe has balanced that out with a healthy dose of confidence and charisma so you kind of figure thank you and it's not like God Matt thank God you didn't go into sports I don't think I would have been led into sports you know what I mean so I think I was just being a little intuitive woman you know I get it but you know your role as energetically sensitive beings we may not have the most intact adrenal system we may not have a ton of energy to throw around but we are the ones who are feeling and processing on a collective level emotions that most of the world wouldn't be caught dead facing we are doing such incredible light work on behalf of an entire planet now here's the deal I know some of you are gonna secretly cuz you know we secretly we want to say things but we secretly have this little meeting with ourselves or our small group of friends at our little spiritual gatherings and we go hey I heard that we're all doing all this work for the collective I don't want to do that anymore right I don't want to be the universe's janitor I got invited to Times Square it for New Year's and they handed me trash bags I thought I was a party guest I don't want to clean up this anymore but here's the deal all that you would be required to do to transform yourself and your highest potential is equally all the work you're doing for an entire entire planet so it's not as if you can just focus on yourself and not heal the collective everything you will need to heal yourself is simultaneously your greatest contribution to the collective so even if you want to think and screw the collective I'm just gonna heal myself I'm gonna be healing myself they all want to heal they should buy an Oracle deck or whatever's going on go buy a pendulum make a vision board check both sides check both sides everything you're doing to heal the collective is also everything you need to become your highest self or a fully realized ascended master Archangel or spirit guiding human form so it's not as if we're doing extra work when I talk about empaths and unity people think I'm saying we're all you know how weird is doing everyone's homework it's not what it is it's the light within you as the light equally in all beings and as you wait awake in that light it spreads out and spreads out until eventually all the work you've done to shine a full capacity will be your single greatest contribution to helping an entire world remember the light and all that's what loved us that's what you're doing and if you think you're here for any other reason that's why life hurts let's make this very simple someone who sits around and constantly lists all that's wrong in the unconsciousness of the world is also spetic the equal amount of time distracting themselves from the vital work of blessing others with all the joy their heart desires and if there is some person in this world whose actions are so unconscionable that you would hold yourself back from blessing them without joy you've just found the edge of your ego and that's not a judgment that's an assessment in most people's levels of consciousness in the collective is at a very basic level oh hey won't you do something nice for that person why whether it doesn't for me do I know them of my friends on Facebook why don't they do something nice for me I've you know and that's people walk around with that attitude waiting for the next moment of victimhood but we are the ones who answer the question what would love do and what love would do is recognize any attitude any unsavory behavior isn't a nice way of saying it unsavory behavior and say this person needs to be blessed with all the joy their heart desires now you don't have to do it out loud you have to do it out loud I might do it out loud because I'm a very audacious person and I've done it out loud in the most natural unassuming way I was at a grocery store and I was talking to the clerk and I said how was your day which is unbearable I said really I said you know what I'm gonna do I just what I did was a straight face I said I'm going to bless you with all the joy your heart desires his visual accused the whole thing and I said to her I'm not gonna do it later I'm into her right now and I hope your day even for this moment improves and there was a pause in that pause that person had space from their own judgment and perceptions of stress and pressure and then of course the ego comes right back and goes okay of course but love is willing to put itself out on the line just to give someone a millisecond of relief even if they don't receive it I didn't need that person to receive me it was the love I am receiving them I don't need to be received I am the one receiving everyone in sight I am receiving the innocence of all to reflect back to all that they have something worth giving I don't need to be recognized I don't need to be honored but I will say if this is all very nice let's not stop that but I do it because there's a love inside of me that can't stop loving don't blame yourself for being that way let it be a strength not a weakness it's only a weakness and not a strength when you're waiting for other people to love you back the same love thank you go thank you thank you how's that yeah that's true I don't like that one my dad hit too close to home yeah you got me there you're a loving nature as a weakness if you are waiting for other people to love you back the same now here's the caveat only be in intimate relationships with people who could love you back the same I'm not saying well matt said no one can let me back the same so oh well just lower the bar and you know why I say that spiritual people need to be told that because spiritual people have intuition and they don't listen to it they're on a first date and your intuition says nope and you go oh that's judgmental let's give them a chance nope nope you know who doesn't need chances the right person I'm gonna give them another chance you know who you give other chances to the wrong person is that judgment no that's discernment judgment is shaming someone for being who they are or shaming yourself for that way so you go out of first date first five minutes nope you go that's not nice give them a chance and we do this because we want people to give us a chance but your intuition is just so crystal clear they don't even have to say anything you just get in their field and you know but you don't trust that they literally turn the corner they're walking towards you nope and then you doubt that oh come on give them a chance the right person doesn't need a chance the right person is the one you can't refuse so as my little social message of spiritual people be discerning follow your intuition always being romantic relationships with people that can love you and be loved by you equally but in our everyday affairs when we are just opening our heart to be more compassionate and authentic and loving and conscious and mindful with other people you're gonna love a lot more than other people and when you cross paths with someone who can meet your love or exceed it call that a national holiday but if you understand that more likely than not you are going to be shining a light into this world two beings who need love but don't know how to ask for or receive it and when you know I'm probably going to love at a deeper level than other people are gonna recognize me if you know that your love will be a strength and not a weakness if you are loving and then looking around going okay my turn then the love you give to others will weaken you and will exhaust you energetically a lot of times we get exhaust around other people because of the expectations we have for them to love us a certain way especially when it comes to parents it might be and there are latter years and when parents aren't there a lot of years a lot of parents don't go through their spiritual evolution until they're in the last stage or chapter of their life is a trimester maybe because our parents can sometimes act like babies I don't know but oftentimes in the last chapter of life is when someone who hasn't quite cracked open their spiritual impulse starts to go through a deep process you ever seen someone in the deathbed who has had a crash course in spiritual reality right someone's at a deathbed hi you have no control I know you thought you had control but you don't I know there's a ton of things that you regret and wish you could do over yeah you can't do that and now you have to evolve within the last five minutes of your life and then we sit around going gee mom's not being very nice is she mom's got a lot in her plate and there's some of us that hold out hope that even in the last breath maybe I'll get that momentary experience with them that I never got before maybe they'll tell me the words I wanted to hear maybe they'll look at me almost like god I'm so sorry I was that way to you and it's serious because some of us really want that but do you know how you get that resolved with a parent or someone without waiting for them to give you what you give to them are you blessing their heart with all the joy they desire you look face to face with anyone who you hold any animosity for and silently right out loud you say look I bless you with all the joy your heart desires and I know this seems like the end of one lifetime but the itch is the continuation in your next lifetime I bless you with incredible fortune in joy and love and you will liberate yourself from whatever you took on from them we don't necessarily need to be fulfilled by others because our fulfillment comes from being nourished by all that pours through us depending upon how often we choose to give it to the one that gives love often without expectation their love will only be strengthened and it will not exhaust them and to the one who loves often and authentically they will love so often that the mechanism of love will be so ever flowing through their being that the love that you send to others has to pour through you before it gets to another heart which means you will be totally fulfilled on every cell on every body of consciousness by the love that pours through you before it even touches the heart of another whether they accept or deny your offering so when we give true unconditional love we are saying thank you to the person who gives us an opportunity to give the love that fulfills us whether they choose to receive it ignore it or deny it thank you for helping me open my heart thank you for helping to make my love more unconditional thank you for helping me transform the vibration of an entire planet please do with my love as you wish whooo so try this out loud when I give with expectation I'm disappointed and exhausted when my offerings are not received acknowledged or reflected back when I love without conditions the weakness of my giving nature becomes my biggest strength for each and every time I choose to love my heart opens and widens to allow a bigger and more powerful current of loving-kindness to constantly pour through me to fulfill the lives of those who inspire me to give and such a current of light like a river of bliss must first fulfill the giver before making its way into the energy field of the receiver and even when the receiver denies deflects ignores or judges in return it is simply their souls decision to choose when to receive more light and if without the conscious awareness of how to integrate such a frequency they will choose to deny what I am giving them like someone who sees the food I've baked for them it doesn't have the stomach to digest it may the love that I give to others fulfill me fully so that I can give without expectation so I can love without hesitation and while I don't have to spend all day with every person or be all things to all people I can still honor every character that no matter the role they play in my life there's someone's child someone's friend someone's hero someones Idol someone's beloved someone's future spirit died and may I respect them no matter how they respect me because the vibration I am body and shine is an ongoing progress report of what I openly give most often and so when you really feel the frequency first of all as we've been going through this evening you can feel the energy in the room just gets more intense like I always call it like smoky barbecue energy because where we're speaking of such a truth that we're invoking the light everything I have you do is invoking the light and I'm when we come together in these experiences we are invoking the light so you can actually have a direct real experience of the light we call the light we invoke the light by speaking of the light by seeing from the light's perspective by speaking the words that the light speaks by honoring the truths that the light embraces we invoke the light which is why when you're around people who are gossiping or judging it feels so bad because it is alive is an infinite space where the light is ready to be invoked and any amount of time spent doing anything other than invoking the light creates the painful experience of having your light held back in a world like this you can either dare to be loving or you can choose to be right but when you step out of yourself where there spontaneously are gradually over time you will come to see that all the time you have spent trying to be right convince other people of your righteous standpoint even when it comes at the or from the perspective of my point is equally as important as yours when you do that with people when you say hell you have that opinion but mind is equally valid when you say that you're asking people to validate you you're telling people I don't know my Worth and power until you tell me that I am equal to you and you're asking their ego to free you you don't need other people that honor oh you know your point of view is equally valid all you need is people to give you proof of any degree of suffering and suffering as either they're debilitated from unresolved moments from their past or they are being an adversarial character treating you as a replay of how they were treated in their past either way they are there to be blessed with all the joy their heart desires and they don't have to deserve it thank you that's the that clap is the dissolving of all of our inner Santa Clauses we no longer have to be in negotiation we're no longer if I tell people okay if you can be a good little boy and girl I'm gonna be nicer to you the rules of unconditional love as people can do whatever they're gonna do I don't have to constantly be around them if they're not gonna be nice and cordial and respectful but forever time I'm around them if I sense any kind of discord or pain or imbalance a person deserves to be blessed and if you attempt this who can hurt you there's a very subtle distinction I want to make to make this more real you can be harmed harmed harmed means something happened that is created a change in me I used to walk down the street this is an example by the way I used to walk down the street carefree not a worry in the world until someone jumped out of the bushes and attacked me that's an example of being harmed hurt is how long that stays with you so I am here to boldly tell you if you employ what I am suggesting you will never be hurt again you may be harmed but harm is temporary hurt can be eternal and knowing the difference between harm and hurt is only something that live in us harm may occur but it may not hurt the way it used to when we hold our love back everything hurts and when everything hurts we've we perceive everyone as potentially being someone who might do harm to us when we open our hearts we don't hurt as often we don't hurt as deeply we don't hurt as long we develop a level of psychic endurance called resilience resilience is how quickly do you pick yourself up from when you've fallen or if someone throws you to the ground how quickly do you get back up when we hurt it takes a long time to recover we have not developed the psychic endurance of resilience the more often we love the more resilient we are the faster we heal and the faster we become greater aspects of ourself instead of more insufferable victims of our circumstances you may be harmed but when you're psychic endurance of resilience is at its peak capacity you will recover very quickly and ultimately reach a vibration where you don't hurt and you don't attract harm there is a reality where that exists and we are shining the light of love into this dimension to awaken that heavenly realm for all that is what it means to manifest heaven on earth to bring to this world a frequency of well-being where no hurt or harm exists and it starts by blessing those who have harmed us with all the joy that our heart desires to lessen and shorten the time that we hurt so try this out loud I accept that while there may be harm it doesn't guarantee hurt harm can be temporary hurt is the eternal remembrance of harm that lingers for as long as my heart stays conditionally loving the state of conditional love is also known as judgment to decide who gets more or less of my love only to withhold from myself the light of my highest perfection and in knowing it is so I allow all memories of harm from all incarnations known and unknown seen and unseen remembered and forgotten to be cleared out of my energy field return to the source of its origin transmuted completely and healed to completion now I accept that in the dimension of heaven the light is so obvious ever present it is the absent of hurt or harm and in the name of supporting the awakening of humanity I allow all patterns and paradigms of harm and hurt to be cleared out of my energy field and the energy fields of all in accordance with the Akashic records to be transmuted completely and healed to completion now and from this moment forward I invoke the vibration of heavens glory to enter this moment to enter this body to enter this world to enter this breath to enter this heart to enter this mind to enter this field of consciousness to enter this world for myself for my loved ones and for the greater good of all may heavens glory that I invoke bring about an absence of hurt and the absence of harm the eradication of suffering that allows well-being to dawn and may it begin with me blessing all hearts with all the joy that all sentient beings desire for in a reality of ever growing fulfillment no one is the target everyone simply is the giver receiver and reflector of the love I am from this moment forward may I choose what love would do for the greater good of all and so I'm free and to help bring heaven to earth as we just didn't repeat after me and to help eradicate pain and suffering off this planet and to bring well-being to life for all sentient beings and for future generations to come we say to all hearts out loud boldly I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you you feel that vibration that peace that's your living proof of what we are all bringing to this planet by choosing to love has one this is what I refer to as the love revolution this is the movement I was inspired to help facilitate and it is my honor and privilege to know that we has almost 1200 people have created such gigantic waves of positive change that will continue to ripple out throughout this planet throughout all continents throughout all families all communities and just think of how incredibly this world will come together as one when we choose to love and dare to never stop who's with me I didn't even know who Matt Kahn was a couple of weeks ago and a friend of mine sent me a poem of his and my mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and I'm at I've been having a really really challenging time with that the next thing you know I sees in Denver I buy a ticket in less than 12 hours I watched the episode dissipating sadness and it truly has transformed my life in such a huge way I'm going from loving my mom through this to loving myself through this and thank you so much Matt I can never thank you enough and I love you he gives you that like practicality in the sense that he doesn't want you walking around holier-than-thou or better than other people he knows that life is really hard and that most of us have suffered pain shame tragedy hurt and so he takes that and tells you you're still okay versus people pretending like maybe that didn't happen or you should just transcend that with no tools to do it what really is drawing me to Matt's teachings is how centered it is around complete unconditional acceptance and love for anyone in anything there's no requirements there's no set of rules to follow it's just all from here and that's what I really like you
Channel: Matt Kahn All For Love
Views: 149,657
Rating: 4.9152217 out of 5
Keywords: spirituality, yoga, meditation, Matt, Kahn, chakra, starseed, Pleiadian, Buddha, Consciousness, Lightworker, Energy, Healer, Enlighten, Spiritual, Awake, Cosmic, Angels, Eckhart, Tolle, Mooji, Adyashanti, mystic, spiritual, teacher, sound, true, awakened, consciousness, inspirational, Wayne, Dyer, Deepak, Chopra, oprah, winfrey, Hay, House, Angel, Academy, Healing, Integration
Id: lRXD_brYxiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 31sec (5911 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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