The Art of Self-love - Raising your vibrations by Matt Kahn

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[Music] and in today's transmission I want to clarify as always I'd like to clarify confusing misunderstood topics on the spiritual journey that seems to be the reoccurring theme let's take something that is often confusing let's take something that we often use against ourselves and let's shine a light of awareness so that we can see it in the most loving useful way possible and hopefully unravel any tendency to use it against ourselves my intention is not only to provide you with the most heart centered path but to assist you in no longer using spirituality against yourself it's so very interesting that what in the beginning seems like an essential key to freedom unknowingly becomes a weapon we use against ourselves strange how that is very stretch but I want to clarify today so I want to clarify the misunderstanding about what it means to raise your vibration and in this clarification what I hope to help bring to an end in your life is the end of sabotage at our upcoming retreat there will be the end of self judgment or the end of judgment so in preparation for the end of judgment perhaps today can be the end of sabotage and if I can explain to you how sabah taj gets created in your life from an energetic standpoint and how it relates to raising your vibration I believe things might start to make more sense because we think of raising your vibration even if I just say that for a lot of energetically sensitive beings on a spiritual path it becomes this scramble oh my god raise my vibration like if you don't spend every second raising your vibration it's gonna dip down like it's a balloon that a kid is trying to keep in the air and if they don't keep tossing in there it's gonna fall to the ground and all of life's gonna come to an end or whatever we've imagined it to be oh my god I gotta keep my vibration raised or if it's not like this intense drive to always raise your vibration it's almost this weird spiritual form of status like some people it's like do I look good in this outfit for some people this is my vibration hi my vibration look hi when I wear this it's very funny how that is why are some people are just something in my teeth I did dip so I wasn't focusing on for three seconds I think it dipped did dip is that why all this is happening cuz a dip for a second see we were joking but isn't that the insanity that lives in us and how easy are really how difficult is it to be a part of life and to interact with human beings if you're so focused on raising your vibration like some people in the world they can't give you their time and attention because they're too busy with their technology and their multitasking but for spiritual people it's the same thing with just a more noble packaging sorry I can't interact with you I'm raising my vibration and you are lowering it so now I have to work extra hard to transcend your insane energy pardon me while I raise my vibration and what's interesting is that for a lot of us were so deeply intuitive and we know there are certain choices that are in your best honor to make whether it's the elimination of self-destructive tendencies to bring more consciousness and mindfulness into relationships we all in a certain level know what our highest wisdom is trying to tell us and in a perfect world we know that there are certain choices that if we had the motivation or the ability I would take these five action steps I'd apply them to my life and I would earn the gold star and then what happens is you wake up each day with the intention to act differently and to be differently you get put in the situations and you are horrified to watch you not do what you think is so easy to do and it's a form of sabotage and you think why am i sabotaging myself the interesting thing is we think if I could only just do these empowered choices then my vibration would be high but the truth is until you raise your vibration you won't be able to access the kind of choices that you already know are in your best interest so a lot of a certain is very interesting predicament does energetic stage of purgatory where you know exactly what you should be doing you know what's in your highest evolution you know what needs to be done in your life but your vibration hasn't been elevated to a frequency where those choices can be accessed so you wake up each day hoping to be able to do what you know is here to be done we're not focusing on how to raise our vibration to access those choices effortlessly and we walk around either bullying or micromanaging for not being able to do what eventually we all will be doing and we are in this weird purgatory state I call sabotage and if I explain to you what it really means to raise your vibration in a very heart-centered way you'll understand how to get out of the spiral I mean it doesn't resonate with you if I say we all by and large know the choices we need to make and we wake up each day hoping something will click and make it effortless and it just seems like Groundhog Day does that make sense like it's not a mystery of what all of us are here to do it's not like someone needs to say you should try this choice lis it's obvious oh thanks Wow Wow groundbreaking well I should be nicer than myself really didn't realize I was yelling at myself until you pointed that out would we all know what to do but we're in a very unique stage of spiritual evolution where we know what to do but we have not addressed the subconscious mind and energetic reason why we're not doing what we know to do does that make sense so if I address it with you today in a very simple and universal way we can all go well that just sounds a lot easier we get all of a nice laugh and go wow I put a lot of pressure on myself for little to no reason and we can all regroup and try something different because for a lot of energetically sensitive beings they have what's called and then fear your ego and in fear ego is an ego structure that feeds itself on believing it's less than classically the way ego is understood psychologically or otherwise focuses on an ego character in a superior orientation a superior ego is one who feeds itself off of thinking they're better other people and they feel better about themselves by comparing the judgments of less than qualities they project on others so a superior eco is one who says I feel good about myself by seeing the limitations of others but energetically sensitive Souls are inferior egos which means the ego structure in an energetically sensitive being feeds itself on believing it's less than other people and then you wake up each day your intuition tells you here's what you should be doing and you think oh if I could only do that I'd feel so good about myself I'd be confident and you don't wind up doing what you want to do and then you feel bad about yourself and you torment yourself or you shame yourself and you're feeding your ego structure with negative reinforcement looking for ways in the spiritual journey to come out of this predicament and every path and process that you find is just another way to shame you along the way sound familiar so today we end that with a very simple explanation so the the theme or the approach is going to be you're not able to make empowered choices in your life until you're a vibration is raised and that doesn't mean you should say oh I don't have to make those empowered choices my vibration is clearly not elevated it's not like an excuse you know I mean oh sorry I'm totally ignoring you not being a nice person well you know lower vibration what can I say there's nothing I can do about it ask Matt can't do anything oh just handcuffed it's not like an analyte it's no license or an excuse to be inconsiderate but when you have an elevated vibration consciousness becomes instinctive versus effortful so if you find that you're putting forth a lot of effort in your spiritual path it's because you're trying to access a dimension of choices and behaviors that does not match the vibration you're at so if you can raise your vibration to a higher frequency then what used to be effortful and exhausting can be instinctive and natural and that's what I want for you is to be able to be more loving with yourself but I don't need you to make it like this project this like intense hostage crisis where you're holding yourself hostage saying okay I've got to love myself now easy we got to go about this a little more casual way because the more casually you approach your spiritual journey the more miraculous it becomes so let's look at raising your vibration in not such a goal-oriented way but more Ivana let's come into harmony with life kind of way let's look at the kind of choices that you would make in your life how you talk to yourself how you talk to others how do you respond and tumultuous circumstances let's look at all the action steps that in a perfect world you envision yourself being able to make let's let's look at that like an emotional bank account may give you a really interesting analogy and like a regular bank account an emotional bank account the action steps you want to take to earn your own respect to make you feel like you're the embodiment of the teachings that you admire that make you more of who you are trying to become in this path of expansion and evolution that make you feel like you're leading the way as a pioneer of ascension the kind of choices that you want to make are checks that are written from your emotional bank account and so your intuition says here are the choices I'm bound to make but when you exhaust yourself berate yourself and you can't seem to figure out how to make those choices it's because you're trying to write a check that is more than the amount in your emotional bank account and so you over draw the account does that make sense whenever someone does not feel good about themselves it's an overdrawn account and so what we do is we look at every time we give ourselves a compliment we're making a deposit in our emotional bank account and every time you make a deposit in your emotional bank account you are elevating the balance to inevitably allow you to write the kind of checks if that make the kind of choices that your account can handle that make sense and when you write a check that over draws your account the feeling emotionally is feeling bad about yourself and let's say your account is really in the negative really am you know a deficiency just like a regular bank every day that you don't clear that account and take it out of the negative more fees get added just like emotionally we feel worse and worse and worse because that account is just building up fees and then someone in my position says well if you felt better about yourself and loved yourself you would you know that would help things and then people say see if this resonates with you I try saying that I love yous or complimenting myself but it doesn't feel authentic feels like I'm kind of lying to myself or feels like I'm kind of pretending do you know why that is because what happens is every time you deposit a compliment into your emotional bank account you're taking your balance from negative to less negative and your subconscious mind is saying because in that because that has not taken us completely out of the negative that must not be true so when you're doing I love yous or something nice towards yourself and it feels inauthentic it means you're helping to take yourself out of the negative emotional balance but you still haven't gotten to zero yet and the metaphor of being zero at your account or just not negative is creating a new zero point in your subconscious mind so it's not that this is inauthentic it's that the subconscious mind basically says to you yeah that's nice that that deposit has taking you from negative to less negative but it hasn't taken you completely out of the you know out of the red zone so because it hasn't taken you out of the red zone the subconscious mind goes inauthentic false does that make sense but what we have to learn is that's okay because that's giving us feedback about our subconscious mind in the process we are in to rewrite it we're not here to escape conditioning we're here to rewrite the subconscious mind to match the vibration of our natural divine nature and so many of us are on this path having a very strange experience of what I call egocentric surrender egocentric surrender is I just let go and I drift with the wind and wherever I wind up I guess is where I meant to be it's kind of like you're the captain of a ship you're in this really huge vessel and you say I'm not gonna steer this I'm just gonna let the tides and the waters guide us where we're supposed to go and then you drift often some abandon I'll in you go I guess this is where we're meant to be no this is where you end up if you let the ocean guide you but you're the captain and you're here not to control the voyage just steer the ship so egocentric surrender is when we kind of let go and go I'm just gonna drift and meander and wherever I wind up is where I meant to be okay it's one way I do it where you're meant to be is where you guide this thing and guiding the ship is rewriting your subconscious mind you're not controlling the voyage but you are navigating the waters with your choices and the way we start doing that is by making the choice to to make deposits of compliments into our emotional bank account to build up the equity so when you start writing checks your account can actually cash them and allow you to feel good about who you are instead of more self defeated and sabotaging yourself in a subconscious level does that make sense it's fascinating and when you start to realize the way I treat other people is a way of practicing to make more deposits in my emotional bank account I don't I no longer treat people based on what the hell they deserve to be treated like if someone's really not nice to you there can be a societal thing of oh they're not nice to me well then I withdraw my love from them until they've earned it and if you live like that you're refusing to make emotional deposits and you're in your heart center bank account that doesn't allow you to make the kind of inspired choices that you want to make so in the love revolution we don't treat people in response the way they treat us we empower ourselves to use opportunities with other people to make deposits in our emotional bank account and the way you would act to make a deposit in your bank account by showing them more kindness and care than they're perhaps showing you you're also increasing the likelihood that they will catch on to the vibration and begin treating themselves more so how you're treating them so what helps to bring your emotional bank account into a proper balance is actually also helping to resolve the negative balance in the emotional bank accounts of all and if you just think of it like that like some of us might have a balance of five dollars and the choices you're trying to make are like writing $300 checks and the checks gonna bounce which causes you to feel bad about yourself and even if you're in it even if your ego is really kind of determined on the spiritual path and you're always looking for what you need to improve on see that's that's one of the biggest delusions is that an inferior ego thinks it's on a path of self-improvement it thinks it is it's the biggest facade it thinks it's trying to improve and it's gonna do so by focusing on what it needs to do better and there's no one who falls for that illusion more than the ego within that death and they say everyday I'm gonna look at what I do wrong and I'm try to improve my behavior and all they're doing is writing checks their account can't cash and going negative negative negative what it takes to get inferior ego out of that negative space is to only focus on what you do right and the fear is if I only focus on what I do right I might overlook something I might become this crazy maniac drunk with power doing all these things that I could be working on at nauseam but I'm just gonna overlook the things I can see an ego who feeds itself through inferiority is totally afraid to only focus on what they do right like is afraid of how ridiculously they're gonna act and how many people will be hurt if they stop trying to improve with himself but even though the illusion or the theme is I'm going to improve myself what an inferior Ito is actually doing is just finding new reasons to be ashamed of themselves and energetically speaking if you only focus on what you do right you will raise your vibration so quickly that all of the actions you used to work on that require more attention and intensity won't match your new vibration and won't even arise in your behavior so we unconsciously keep our vibrations suppressed to match the world so we have things to work on isn't that insane it's like talking to the universe and saying god how come this awakening thing can't be easier well you wanted to work on yourself you wanted to work on yourself you seem to do that a lot we thought you liked it so we gave you a lot of things to work on and then when she worked on those things you kept looking for there's got to be more in the universe I hope give them some moomer I guess this is what they want truth is you don't want to work on yourself you've been trained to believe working on yourself leads to no longer needing to work on yourself but those are separate dimensions working on yourself leads to working on yourself not working on yourself leads to not working on yourself they do not intersect they're not the same thing and if people try to tell you that they will that one leads to another insanity insanity it's not true it's never been true it will never be true only in an infomercial Willoughby I worked on myself 24 hours a day for ten years and now I'm free no no no it's more like I worked on myself 24 hours a day for ten years and now I found more ways to hate myself in others thank spiritual path thank you it's funny when you think of it like this so again think of it this way the choices you make every day to focus on what you're doing right just be kind words to yourself if you can speak kind words to others these nice things we're not doing it to prove anything to ourself we're doing it to build up the equity so that we can start writing checks from our emotional bank account and actually with effortless ease follow through with the action steps that will earn our own respect so we have to give ourself the reward before we're able to perform at a level that seems rewarding does that make sense if I explain it like that doesn't seem more obvious I think so so if you're not nice to yourself what's the likelihood that you're going to be able to awaken the superhero in you and bring it out to play not very likely it's as if your body is like an it's like your energy field is like a vessel of awakening and all the goodness you pour into your heart with positive self-talk and focusing on what you do right it's how you fill your engine now you could have the greatest race car ever created but if it's not filled with gas it's not gonna go anywhere is it so you have to be nice to yourself in order for your highest divine qualities to come out to play because the higher you go in the infinite realms of divinity the nicer things are it's one thing to say the higher you go in the infinite realms of divinity the more true things become the clearer things get but let's talk about what people don't talk about the higher you go in the infinite of heaven the nicer things are and sometimes we could be so focused on wanting clarity and truth and I want to know what's true right that thing that we're not actually going about things in the nicest way and that's more important than anything in the spiritual journey are you going about your path in a nice casual way are you nice to other people are you nice to yourself that's that's more of what I care about there's I mean god bless all of us there are so many beings on this planet who could walk around and talk about the most sophisticated forms of Awakening and abiding realization and you haven't put it all together and realized hey you know a lot of spiritual stuff but you're not that nice of a person and they and then they can even justify it and go oh but this is just the play it doesn't really matter oh it totally matters it totally matters it totally matters and not that superstition where oh you got to be nice to people because in the next lifetime you don't want to come back as a mosquito and oh my god oh my god I was totally drunk with eco power and I came back as a pile of horse poop I'll show me I'll show me it's not that at all it's that your spiritual evolution your level of consciousness is literally governed by how nice you are and I don't know if anyone's made that direct of a point but I will literally go on record and I will tell you straight out the gate that your level of consciousness is determined by how nice of a person you are because the impersonal realms of awareness are only accessed by how aligned you are in your personal journey and the sign of an aligned person even if you know yourself to be on the person is niceness goodness compassion and love so even if it's light I don't care about this human experience I just want to get to the truth as fast as possible then be a nice fricking person be a nice fricking person call your mother what's wrong with you Asia vegetables and every time you stop and say something nice to yourself hey you just did a good job think of it this way we all do extraordinarily amazing things every day every day we do amazing things but it's so natural to us we don't take the time to feel good about it I often I often call it the crime of the century we do great things every day but it doesn't register like you walk into a store and someone's there and you hold the door open for them you open the door and did something nice to them and even if they don't acknowledge it what if you acknowledge and just head to yourself hey that was really nice of you that's really nice of you you're a really great person and then some of my say that's not authentic that doesn't feel right why because they're emotional bank account is in a negative balance saying something nice would take them from negative to still something negative so it doesn't take you out of the negative into the positive the subconscious mind says that doesn't work but it always works it just takes time and to alleviate any misunderstanding about authenticity talking to yourself nicely is not inauthentic and here's how you know because most people will say if I can't talk to myself and feet and go from feeling crappy to feeling blissed out of my mind right if I can't go from Hell to Hiawatha all right I can't do if I can't do that in three seconds then it's all doomed that's that's like how impatient we are that's we're a little impatient so but here's how you know it's always authentic I'm not saying because again inauthentic or lying to yourself or that fake it to make it scenario is when you're pretending to feel the way you don't feel we're none of us are pretending I'm not saying pretend to feel happy no no don't pretend at all what I'm saying is authenticity is not about trying to pretend or even if you say the words to yourself and it's like well I've not you know I'm not used to this I'm not really feeling the power of those words yet the way you know it's authentic is isn't those nice words the way you want to be able to talk to yourself put aside if you can talk to yourself isn't that the way you want to be talked to by other people don't you want people to be nice to you don't you in a perfect world want to be nice to yourself so talking to yourself nicely isn't inauthentic because you're saying look I want to talk to people this way I want them to talk to me this way the fact that I don't feel the juju in it is because my emotional bank account is crazy in the negative I've racked up many penalties for my account being negative for so many days I'm now consciously complimenting myself to take my balance from the negative into the clear and the fact that it doesn't feel like I can really feel or believe those words is just the process of me right find my account balance it's just actually working with your subconscious mind does that make sense so you can say nice things to yourself when your body goes I don't feel it I don't believe it you go of course not I'm still in the negative and we just work with it and every day we find new ways to make complimentary deposits into our heart right we make deposits every day no we don't want any cash back we let the account build we built up the equity just like you built up your account and then one day you take yourself shopping you go oh my god I can afford this all of a sudden oh my god I never could afford this before just like spiritually one day you'll walk around going oh my god I'm being loving to other people loving to myself and I'm not having to hate myself along the way I'm not bullying myself I'm actually doing it so we make deposits no we don't want cash back and we let the account build by just saying beautiful loving things to herself even if you're at a place of saying to yourself I don't know how to be nice to myself just saying something that brutally honest is making a deposit so even if you can't make a deposit or if you feel like saying something so nice makes you feel kind of insecure or feels kind of dorky maybe saying I love you to yourself just feels too I don't know to my little pony or something too - right for me you know saying I love you is a beautiful thing I mean for me I still do the I love you process not because I'm a person who needs to I literally in the privacy of my home do the I love use for Humanity I do the I love use for every soul in every dimension who doesn't know how to do it yet I privately do these things for the world not for myself right maybe for you saying I love you or you're special maybe maybe that doesn't resonate maybe you still have that right your account is such in the emotional negative place that your spiritual insight is now like taken over I shouldn't have to say I love you to myself right I shouldn't have - this is an outrage why should I say such nice things to myself I should ignore myself and perform like a champion this is an outrage talk to myself why should I do such a thing right we are willing to sit on our head and yoga postures we're willing to meditate for months on end but saying something nice to yourself is the straw that breaks the camel's back are we for real are we for real in the spiritual reality if I suggested something to you ridiculous difficult and just exaggerated therapy a part of the ego that goes you know that might just work but if I say one should be nice to yourself won't you say some nice words to yourself that's outrageous all of a sudden that's unreasonable I don't know about this Matt guy wants me to like you know talk nice to myself well if I trust that guy like what what agenda do I have right you talk nice to yourself your heart is the center of the universe talk nice to yourself you're actually talking nice to all hearts because you are a manifestation of all hearts so you saying something nice to yourself is filling goodness in every heart to raise the vibration of the planet what agenda other than bringing heaven to earth is being translated here there's no there's nothing nothing else going on just trying to interrupt your inner tirade of self-hatred so you can bring your emotional bank account to a positive balance so then you can start writing checks that your heart's willing to cash that doesn't that make a lot of sense I certainly think it does so here's the question you have to ask yourself how much nicer to myself do I have to be in order to make the kind of choices that earn my respect kind of like someone might ask themselves how much money do I have to save to go on that vacation that's what someone might say how much nicer do you have to be with yourself to access the secrets of the universe and to make the kind of choices that would earn your respect or maybe it's how much nicer do you have to be to yourself in order to start liking being here how much nicer do you have to be to yourself to not be completely crippled by the collective unconsciousness and annoyed by everyone how much nicer do you have to be to yourself to no longer be interested in blame how much nicer do you have to be yourself to no longer allow sarcasm and judgement to speak on your behalf how much nicer do you have to be to yourself in order to be the same person in every interaction and not change your personality and demeanor to fit in with the people you're around how much nicer do you have to be to yourself to actually accept the fact that you're here for a reason and not wait to become a super-duper light worker who saves the to give a about yourself how much nicer you have to be to yourself in order to not confuse life purpose with an occupation see I'm saying it's amazingly eye-opening when you really look at it liberation doesn't free you from being nice to others liberation frees you from any distraction other than goodness and niceness when you're truly liberated there's nothing but goodness and those who are not acting appropriately are in more need of goodness than you'll ever know when you're liberated you're not necessarily lost in your experience you're actually aware of someone else's experience and all of a sudden the way people treat you is not why are they treating me this way it is oh this person is showing me how much pain they're in and how they're treating me is like them helping me remember the things in their past that haven't been processed sometimes people don't know how to tell you the way they've been treated in the past that traumatizes them so they reenact it with you where you get to experience what it's like to be them from the past and I'll tell you it's very interesting when you become aware of this point I remember I had someone be not so nice to me in a in a customer setting in a customer service setting like I was buying something at a store I was actually at a pharmacy when I used to have asthma and I was getting a refill on my asthma inhaler and this person you could just tell from a mile away just stressed they're there to handle business they're the alpha dog of the pharmacy we have little Dano bedside manner and they just got off the phone with someone and their body language and tone indicated vadas got off the phone with someone who has just used up all their patience and now with no patience I emerge all my heart shattered my little pony energy and she says to me how can I help you right now I almost like can't even take a breath cuz I I don't want to like make her day any longer I gotta keep in this rhythm and at the beginning I'm like I'm like a little stifled I almost don't even know I'm there I forgot you know I don't know I'm here I don't know home it's like a pop quiz hi ma'am I'm lost I don't know why I'm here I was here for a reason I forgot and I interacted with her and she was just typing my name asked for my last name I gave it you know and she's like typing what was that again I'm just you know I'm like sixth grade all of a sudden I'm an adult right but all of a sudden I'm in sixth grade like I don't know I'm sorry so sorry sorry let me spell my last name for you oh my god I mean you start feeling weird you start like over explaining things names Matt Kahn okay like Karen but my name's not caring started getting all weird right so getting all strange all overly explanatory like they're trying to make their life easier and you're totally not I just looked at her and I said it's so funny and I said you know you must deal with a variety of characters in this job it's all I said to her she looked at me and smiled I said thank you for doing what you do I'm sure it's not easy to deal with the kind of people that that push your buttons I said I don't know if your buttons get pushed I mean you see doing it doing a fantastic job and she's looked and smiled and all of a sudden that began a different rendezvous a different experience because I wasn't thinking about here's how she's treating me she's giving me an experience have her strain of her of her stress pain and torment that's interesting stress and pain strain she's showing me how strange she is how much stress and pain she's in and instead of sitting there and think righteously why am I being treated like this I deserve better customer service is there a manager I could talk to all that kind of stuff instead I decided to make a deposit for both of us into life's emotional bank account at a certain point you get to a place where you've made so many deposits in your bank account your balance is infinity and you can't get any higher than infinity and even if you write a check the bank account is so high the vibration is so high a replenish dissolved naturally kind of like a savings account or you could at a certain point live off of the interest not even dip into the bounce at a certain point you're just writing cheques from the interest of your vibration you're naive in touching the balance and so you still make deposits but you're not making deposits for yourself you're making it for other people whose bank accounts are obviously not in the positive direction so instead of asking yourself how conscious are you wrong question instead of asking yourself how awake you are wrong question ask yours and even instead of how loving are you willing to be that's a great question but the problem is trying to be loving a lot of the times is you trying to prove something to yourself by using other people instead of being nice to yourself so the real question of love is not how much more loving can I be but how nice of a person am I willing to become and the first person in line for you to practice being nice to is you it's you even just by looking in the mirror and saying hi I'd like to make it a deposit don't want to cash back just want to give because inherently we're all awake beings using life to remember how masterful we are just like using this analogy or all emotional millionaires who have all forgotten our pin the money's in the bank you forgot that four-digit pin and there's a child in your heart that says I remembered those numbers how nice are you gonna be to me before I give them to you oh now the fun begins the one thing that that little child in your heart has turns out to be everything and you go oh hi beautiful child it goes oh hi now you want to be nice to me because you know that I have what you want are you sure you want to talk to me you don't want to go and prove yourself anymore are you sure you want to stand in your head for a couple more days really are you sure you want to talk to this little child in your heart miss namaste rock superstar are you sure sure it's not some message board you want to go on and yell at people behind your keyboard really that's when your inner child smiles cuz it knows it sits there it's the consciousness of the whole universe it is literally the Higher Self within you inside you masquerading as a child just on the inside smiling laughing to itself just waiting waiting for you to go oh and it goes yeah it's like that and the first couple times when you take that emotional bank account from negative to a little bit negative it's I love you and your child goes whatever whatever I'm nauseated by that when you do it a few times you go it's not working no just keep doing it like the sarcasm of your inner child we're off cuz it's just the sarcasm of it being put in the background for so long and the first minute of you turning towards it it gets a little disinterested because it goes oh now you know you want to embrace me now I get the love because I know your PIN code millionaire hilarious then you have to just kind of level with your child and go look look spend my life an ego which is kind of like honestly being an ego is like being energetically drunk it's like if you were went on a drinking binge and here with some friends and you acted ridiculously and then you wake up from that binge and you call your friends you go okay look okay I've reviewed the footage I've reviewed my Twitter account I was a maniac I'm so sorry that's like the conversation you had with your inner child is you're coming out of you're coming into awakening the best way I can describe it without selling awakening like you're gonna be blessed you're gonna be peaceful it's gonna be great awakening is like spiritual sobriety and you've been drunk for like 30 years and you're talking to the child and you go hi wow I made quite a mess thank goodness you're still here you've had a quite rough little child I am so sorry I have been crazy I've been drunk for 30 years and you have not been treated properly I am so sorry please child and this is what really works asking the inner child can you help teach me how to love you that's really amazing can't you say to the child look I've been drunk on ego for 30 years I've been on this wild ride you can you child should know you've been along I've been dragging you along for 30 years every spiritual whatever and I need you inner child I need you which the inner child is the costume the universe where is within you so when you talk to your inner child you're talking to the seed that becomes your higher self in form you're talking to your higher self and you say look I need your help it may have taken you 35 years to figure out that I don't know what the hell I'm doing at all I need you to teach me how to love you because one you deserve to be loved more not less I deserve to have a little break from all of this and I obviously don't know what I'm doing so if you could teach me how to love you I think you and I can come together and work together in a very peaceful way and you can feel in your body how how much shifts in that and that shifts your bank account and your emotional body starts to go from negative into a zero a new zero-point field gets created and then from there you say the loving things that your innocence takes in every deposit starts to take you into the positive and then naturally you can start writing the checks that brings your highest level of awareness and action that's an easier way of thinking about how to raise your vibration it's making peace with your innocence and say hey please I want you my higher self dressed up as a child in my body I want you to teach me how to live teach me how to love you teach me how to make decisions you invite the innocence into your life you're inspiring the universe to come alive within you even when you have a choice throughout the day you ask your inner child you ask your heart hey honey which of these choices is in our best interest to make which of these would you do and whatever it says to do you just choose that and you let your heart do the choosing even if it wants to make a choice impulsively just to see that it's able to without giving any kind of spiritual wrath from you like it has the right to say do that without you sitting it down and going okay let's have a little conversation that's not what we do ya know we all have that passive-aggressive conversation with our inner child where the child just like listens to the adults words and silently thinks I'm here to I'm here to help you isn't it I mean heavier had that experience where an adult is talking to you and even as a child you have that impression of like they don't know what they're talking about and you're just listening and you're listening and you're nodding not because it's been this most enlightening experience but you're almost just trying to like just give them the stage they'll stop faster if you just agree with them so it's like your inner child is just going yeah okay thank you for correcting me Wow so enlightening whatever you have to go to your heart and say I need you to help me I don't know what I'm doing when save your inner child even when I try to love you I turn that into a spiritual form of nouns I said they're in a dually I love yous just waiting for cash prizes to erupt in my heart like right sometimes we're not doing that I love yous from like the authentic place of like I really deserve more love I've been a maniac my whole life I need to relax and love myself it's like we're treating it like that arcade claw that we're trying to go and get that stuffed animal oh my god I almost got it and your inner child knows when you're loving for real or when you're using it like an arcade claw okay I love you I love you love you okay where's my prize where's my prize so you need to ask your inner child can you teach me how to love you please because isn't it obvious that the one who's never been loved the one who's waiting to be loved is going to know the magic recipe of how it needs to be loved so you say inner child tell me the words you want me to say if I love you nauseate to you maybe you heard those words from people in the past who totally betrayed you so there's an association like your inner child remembers last time someone said that it was they left that's real serious so you see and your inner child if the words aren't I love you you tell me the word you need to hear and you tell me the tone of voice you want me to speak it and you tell me all the ways you want to be a part of my life and what you're doing is you're talking to the innocence of your heart which is really inviting the universe to awaken in your being and to work through you on your behalf so if you want to be aligned with your higher self and you want to let the highest aspect of truth work through you invite the inner child to teach you how to live and that emotional bank account goes from being way deficient to overly abundant prosperous and when that emotional bank account is in the positive on a very deep level that becomes the energy that manifests fine Angell prosperity into your reality self-doubt manifests as financial debt and heart-centered goodness toward yourself manifests over time as financial freedom that doesn't mean that every person that has debt doubts themself necessarily but every person that learns to speak nice to themself regardless of the situation will first shift their emotional body and relationship with their innocence and no matter where they're at financially feeling good about yourself feeling excited about life loving yourself at every turn always equates to greater prosperity so if we want financial freedom because again sometimes I hear this in spiritual circles you know why should there be money right people only said that way I don't have any it's so much easier to create a reality where everyone has like stacks of paper we all of it here we all have money and then we can all just hand it over to each other like a big money laundering scheme here is this best over there and it's easy but the process to create abundance in your life and again abundance isn't about a number in a bank account it's just knowing that you have the right and ability and have the resources to do in your life what you please and the question becomes how much nicer to how much nicer am I willing to be to myself in order to inspire the universe within me to begin financing my adventures and some of us have this impression of once I get my finances in order which maybe for some of us it's once I get my relationship in order or it's no once I get my enlightenment journey in order or whatever it is once I do a B and C then I'm gonna feel good about myself got to turn that around and see that it's until you feel good about yourself enlightenment will seem light-years away self-realization will be something you chase you'll either be in the relationship that you hate or constantly in search of the one that you are desiring or seeing all the things in your life that if only you had more resources you'd be able to do it now you can blame life all you want for that or you can say how much nicer do I have to be to myself how much peace do I have to make with my inner child to turn this whole thing around and that's the revolutionary shift that puts you as the captain of your own vessel and not just saying well the ocean will show us where to go no the steering wheel will and you're the captain who mans the steering wheel and doesn't control the voyage but guides it in the direction of your highest intention not only is a gift for yourself but as a magnificent as a magnificent catalyst of evolution for the well-being of all the universe is your banker the universe is your finance department and if you want that finance department to give you the ability to live as you wish then the bank teller who dispenses your abundance is dressed up as a little child in your heart and in order for you to remember that pin code to the abundance you already have you're gonna have to be nice to yourself in fact there's no ability to manifest anything you desire until you're nice to yourself so what if the law of attraction isn't oh I should just be nice to myself so I can get what I want see that's more foolishness you only want what you want because the journey will take you to attract it is being nice to yourself so you appear to be a character who doesn't have what you want you then become a character who knows what you want you then become a character it says okay this is what I have this is what I really want how do I bring those two together and universe goes oh oh you're gonna have to learn to be nice to yourself and the only reason why you don't have what you don't have or what you or the only reason why you want what you want is because your Dharma is really learning how to be nice to yourself and the universe will put you in any circumstance so that sooner or later you can't look away from the fact that the central theme of the spiritual journey is being nice to you does that make sense that's what it all comes down to you could be seconds away from liberation you can be ten dollars away from being a multi-millionaire you can be inches away from your soulmate and in order to bring that reality to form in the way that you desire you just gonna have to be a little nicer to yourself we either become more heart-centered or we continue to suffer when we suffer we blame and when we blame it's an opportunity to make a deposit in our emotional bank account by complementing and embracing the one who blames loving what arises it is the eternal doorway to emotional freedom
Channel: Dj Aditya - Alex Nechaev
Views: 71,849
Rating: 4.9098058 out of 5
Keywords: self love, self-love, love yourself, self acceptance
Id: 3HckQxHjuds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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