What It Means To Heal - Matt Kahn

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and in tonight's teaching I want to address many things clarify a few major points to help us all take really rather large leaps in our spiritual journeys awakening processes paths of healing of course in the most loving way and in the process I'm gonna share with you one of my favorite words that will be flow v'n through tonight's teaching as what I hope becomes one of the most popular words in the spiritual journey the title of tonight's teaching is what it means to heal because what I've noticed is that there's many of us on a healing journey and there's a lot of us that have been on a healing journey for many years many lifetimes and there's a lot of us that have gathered an abundance of wisdom and it's very surprising when we take a step back in the journey that has educated us so much and we ask ourselves what does it actually mean to heal and I say this so that you do not rely on believing that healing is when the change you're waiting for arrives healing is when what I want happens healing is when I get my way I would love that to be the case and I will do everything in my power to help you make it so but at the same time I want to really deconstruct what it means to heal from the most clear wise and loving perspective so that every day you wake up and you look at your body or your life and if things are not the way you're hoping them to become you don't get more disappointed and frustrated like a child that wakes up each morning goes crap it's not Christmas maybe on a spiritual journey our version of that as shit I haven't ascended what does it mean to heal and in the process I'm gonna also answer what does it mean to anchor the light because anchoring the light is how we heal ourselves and hold space for the healing of others and we hear that a lot I'm anchoring the light and then holidays come around and you're gonna spend time with your family I hope I can anchor the light but what does that actually mean I think that would be a really helpful question to ask it's like we're all here on this spiritual journey right like Braveheart the movie with war paint on and running on a battlefield screaming and I'm just gonna go to everyone hey hey stop for a second hey put down your Spears hey hang on a second what the hell are we doing helpful like no we're healing humanity what does that mean and if I deconstruct what it means to heal I think we're gonna find that healing can deepen be even more immediate and the role you can play to help anger the light for yourself and others can be a lot more productive when we are healing we are reclaiming the power that past experiences of conditioning hardship tragedy abuse and neglect took from us when power has been taken from us we are stripped of something called dignity dignity is the ability to feel worthy of honor and respect and whether your dignity was robbed by an abusive situation whether it was robbed by a neglectful environment whether is robbed by you by a family of origin that said one thing and did another or acted in an unloving way but then said loving words and so it was a very mixed messages whether your power was taken from you by the unexpected loss of the one who represented unconditional love in your life when power has been taken from us we are living in pursuit of our own dignity that dignity that says I am worthy of honor and respect and here's how you know if your dignity is missing because instead of the natural state being I am worthy of honor and respect just as I am not as a ego form of entitlement or arrogance but the natural confidence of your soul that says just as I am I'm worthy of being honored out of the uniqueness of spirit and I am worthy of being respected and I celebrate that by honoring and respecting whoever enters my reality when you don't have dignity or when it's been robbed from past experiences you are under the conditioned impression that you have to do something special and spectacular in this world to earn the honor and respect that you have always deserved and this is why there's a huge mix-up in the spiritual journey on life purpose and why a lot of people mix up life purpose with career choices because a lot of us have this feeling of I've got to do something spectacular that positively affects the world and once the world turns around and gives me a standing ovation and I'll finally say I deserve the worthiness and honor that I've worked hard towards and that seeking of needing to do something to prove that we're worthy is because we're chasing after the dignity we don't hold to be true in our hearts and so what does it mean to heal to heal is to reclaim the power of your dignity when you have dignity honor and respect and you are worthy of it you do not treat yourself like any particular label you treat yourself as the uniqueness of spirit and form and you honor the name this form has been given when you have dignity on a regular basis you think differently about what you put into your body because it's not just about putting things in anybody it's about being fair to you and yes I could eat something that might be delicious and might emotionally soothe me and numb me out for a little bit and give me a little coffee break from my emotional purging but it's gonna be a lot more painful to digest this amount of choice than to enjoy it would that be fair to me one who has dignity starts to think of the choices they're making for themselves like they would for their own beloved one who has dignity realizes there's two different versions of self-inquiry there's what you are and there's who you are what you are is spirit in form radiating a spectrum of wisdom depending upon your level awareness maturity and integration that's what you are who you are is the wisdom you demonstrate in your choices and your life time is a scrapbook of how much or how little wisdom you're willing to put on display and when what you are as spirit does not translate into who you are as the nobility of choices the gap between those two is how far apart you are from the reclaiming of your dignity and if you don't have the power of your dignity it's because it was stripped away from you by a past experience and the healing journey is how we reclaim that and the more dignity you reclaim in yourself the more dignity you shine into the hearts of everyone you encounter the dignity that says I will not treat another human being as a label I will give them the name and the respect of the individual name that they've been given when you walk down the street and you see someone sleeping in a cardboard box you don't turn away and go ooh homeless person don't make eye contact they might attack me know that's someone's son or daughter that spiraled so deep and a hardship that they are now living as a label and they've been stripped of the dignity of their individual name and we can give that back to them even just with one moment of eye contact ss hello you ever looked at someone who has been stripped of their dignity and name and gave them them direct eye contact there's almost this look of I don't know if I have the right to receive it that's how far away from worthiness they are and you're just helping them return by giving their history of pain a face and what most of this world does is it strips others of their face and hides from the pain that people in body by putting a label over them Oh other stranger someone I haven't liked on Facebook someone else's problem where's the dignity in that because when you honor the face and the name that decorates the hardship and pain in every heart you are honoring the one within yourself that pervades and expresses itself as all characters you don't have to get lost and consumed in the pain of all you just have to show that pain respect by letting that pain have a face and knowing that face has a name and knowing that name has a past and knowing that that past if heard will be healed and maybe you're not the one who's there to listen to that story to heal the epic saga that transforms their life but you can the very least take away the label and give back the face and invite the knowing of the name of the one whose dignity has been stripped from them whether it was they worked hard at a business and worked for a company and budget cuts came in and with no explanation that person no longer has a job that defined them they had everything that's destiny calling mother or someone who had everything and a tragic twist of fate turned the world upside down and they found themselves unable to recover and then within a blink of an eye everything was lost the survivor of that tragedy has a name and that name belongs to a face and that face can be seen as your own if you look deeply into it and when you look deeply into the eyes of another and only find yourself you have taken the moment to give someone back the dignity that's something in their past took away and that's what it means to be an anchor of the light as anchors of light we are the restorers of dignity and we are restoring the dignity in the world as a way of reclaiming the power of our own dignity and embodying the respect of spirit and form in an honor of amplifying dignity and respect let me clarify some old teachings that I think were requires some clarification because when I look at the spiritual journey you know I have respect for all teachings I'm just very clear on what is very much outdated and what is still valid everything's helpful at a certain point and we're at a point in history where there are some teachings that are very helpful and some that are not very helpful in the old model there was this misunderstanding about low and high vibration and here's the litmus test if you everyone know how to measure the value of a teaching do you know what you measure when measure the effectiveness of the teaching you measure the level of dignity in the teaching is this teaching gonna teach me how to respect others more or is it gonna help me develop more superstitions if I develop more superstitions I'm anchoring fear and projecting my dignity further away from me member dignity is being worthy of honor and respect so I look at teachings of what is it honor and who does it teach you to respect and if it's a teaching that lacks honor and lacks respect it's not valid so let me give an example high and low vibration there's an old misunderstanding that says none of these bad things would happen to me if I was higher vibrational you ever hear that one who's that honoring who's that respecting ironically it's not honoring and respecting the people getting the shit kicked out of them because the people who are getting the raw end of the deal are either having their friends say you know if your vibration was higher this wouldn't be happening who does that honor who does that respect no one or someone who's having all these upheavals goes God if my vibration was higher this wouldn't be happening now they're being their own peanut gallery and it's like they've stepped outside of themselves and are now bullying themselves and judging themselves while being the person who's going through the transformation and adversity not helpful so that understanding of high versus low vibration can't be true as it lacks dignity so that's the new definition if the teaching lacks dignity it can't be true because truth is always respectful and honoring of all that's where the rubber hits the road here's what high and low vibration really means to be high vibration doesn't mean you are beyond illness beyond circumstance perfect example Raman a Maharshi one of the most enlightened beings who have ever walked this planet who brought to this earth self inquiry the question of Who am I probably one of the main people responsible for a date of the dawn to teachings and the list goes on and what does being brought to this planet and when Rama does time on this planet was done Ramana had cancer and left his body so by the old teachings Ramana Maharshi must have been this high vibrational being that one morning woke up ate a big bowl of low vibrational cocoa puffs holy crap now Raman has cancer and geez if it wasn't for that low vibration he'd still be here today is that what we think how this works most people don't know how it works so they assume in in the superstitious ways of understanding things high vibration doesn't mean you don't manifest illness just like not all illness is caused by unexplored or unprocessed emotions hey here ramanamma her she had cancer geez must not have looked at all of that anger it's not that simple high vibrational beings are just as susceptible to manifesting what low vibrational beings manifest the difference is high vibration means you have a greater resilience to integrating the wisdom that any moment is awakening out of you if you fall you recover much faster so high vibration means you heal at record speed you still fall but you recover rather quickly and high vibrational being also means that you're able to embody your worthiness and your dignity through the process of deconstruction and not spiral into unworthiness as a result of unexpected change so if you're a high vibrational being you recover fast you learn quickly you expand into the new vibration that a moment is bringing to you and you're able to do it in a rather honourable and dignified way and not crumble into wimey a low vibrational being is just a being who is on the path to becoming high vibrational and they just have an innocent tendency when unexpected things happen they turn inward not towards themselves they turn against themselves and instead of supporting themselves their inquiry becomes endless judgments and superstitions and let's run towards the high vibration so I can get the hell away from this haunted house of my life and low vibrational beings take a long time to heal because they're still learning about resilience resilience is the ability to fall and get back up quickly do you know it gives you that high vibrational resilience dignity dignity the ability to embody self-respect that says anything that happens to me is a gift of my evolution and even if I'm experiencing characters turning on me betraying me hurting me and damaging me it is only inviting me to make my next most all decisions in my life where life is moving me into a new reality for my own benefit a low vibrational being is someone who has a tendency to think everything is happening against me or to me and a high vibrational being says this is happening all for me even if the way in which people are loving me is rather harsh critical and aggressive do you feel how much dignity is on that how much respect and honor is in that that's how we measure a teaching how much honor and respect does it give you in the rip and the in the spiritual path of heart-centered consciousness we are waking up out of the belief in labels but not to go from a human label to a spiritual label that's just more illusion that's just going from an ego to a spiritual ego I'm not my family's concept I'm God's concept that's just a reframe what I'm talking about is waking up out of a label reclaiming the dignity that your past seemed to have taken from you cleaning off the damage imposed upon the name given at birth and making that name God's newest nickname God's newest emoji the real spiritual path is reclaiming the power of your dignity which is a process I call clearing your name so that when you introduce yourself to someone it's not saying hi I'm so-and-so the one my mother couldn't love the one my dad a bet the one abandoned by my dad the one who couldn't measure up to the people who didn't know how to love unconditionally your name is no longer the history of your pain when you clear your name your name is a unique expression of spirit and form and you say your name with pride and you know that your name is a unique vibration of the universe being sounded into existence in the way it's never been heard or expressed before clear your name and do what the most enlightened beings aspire to do which is to speak your name with no apology and no regret that's the litmus test as to how deeply we have or need to be healed can you speak here a name with no apologies or regrets that's why life puts us into social settings with the divine masquerading as other characters that's why everywhere you go people go what's your name that's God testing still apology still regrets someone goes oh what's your name on the inside of your oh god oh god oh god and you might say your name but vibrationally it might be hi I'm at everyone's disappointment I please love me please love me don't leave me ever don't ever leave me I'll never leave you I swear to god I'm not gonna leave here you don't leave me okay have you ever have you ever met someone and just the sound of their name can transmit all that doesn't take him intuitive to know that sometimes you don't get that by the sound of the name you know where you can always tell that shaking someone's hand that's why we do that shit in society hey pleasure to meet you wow that's a strong grip don't leave me don't leave me don't leave me sounding your name into existence and introducing yourself to another with no apologies and no regrets that is something that is done when our dignity has been reclaimed and the way we do that because dignity is the ability to be worthy of honor and respect the way we do that is by waking up out of the belief that there's something you need to do to either be more honorable or there's something you need to do personally socially career-wise any level in order to be respected it is to be worthy of your own honor and respect just as you are so again as a fun repeat after me try this out loud I accept that the healing of my heart occurs through the clearing of my name which is the ability to sound my unique expression of spirit into reality with no apologies or regrets and in order to do so in order to clear my name I accept that I don't have to do anything to be respected and honored it is my very existence that is here to be honored and respected and one of the main reasons I exist is to always honor and respect where I've come from all that I've survived and all the places I meant to be I am the one who embodies my honor and respect and when I am around those who do not honor and respect me I am witnessing characters who so are so far removed from their own inner dignity they're showing me that they are incapable of egg of acting in a dignified way and I will have the choice that if this is a reoccurring pattern my own dignity will invite me to put myself in a different situation so to give them the space to prosper to process the pain that my light distracted them from and to be around those who honor and respect my presence even if in my reality the only one who can is me and if other people have a problem with that I can either swirl in codependency and people-pleasing and we can take turns begging each other for the validation only we can provide ourselves or I can clear the space in my life for more on a for more honorable characters to arise discernment is not a judgment and when we are discerning in the presence of those who lack their own honor and worthiness they interpret our discernment as judgment and rejection but that's not what we're doing that's how they're interpreting and as of this moment I release all responsibility for other people's behavior I released the tendency to identify with other people's interpretations just because they say I did something doesn't mean something was done and I allow people pleasing codependency identifying with other people's perceptions and all other nauseating forms of human interaction to be cleared out of my energy field return to the source of its origin transmuted completely and healed a completion now as of this moment I accept that no matter how high vibrational I am it doesn't mean I'm not going to experience adversity it just means I'm gonna heal at a faster rate I like other people might feel like the entire universe is beating the crap out of me but as a high vibrational being I'll survive it with honor it's kind of like it's this big reality check wherever it goes all camp okay here's another thing I want to clarify let's clarify shadow right shadow right all these terms on the spiritual list ego shadow right right it's just it's it's so funny oh my god that person over there see how much shadow they have you see that oh my god it's funny we're all scared of our shadow we're all afraid of other people's shadow and when people are lacking their own self-worth and are not abiding their dignity and not embodying their highest choices and honor we we go in to the scientific exploration of how much shadow do I think they have inside of them it's like two spiritual people being on a first date right instead of it being I tell me what you do for a living so how much density remains in your field and shadow again it's one of those things where people go oh my god shadow and I just want to jump out and say hey do we know what shadow is cuz yes shadow is the density of unprocessed pain shadow is the intensity of hardship that someone has survived and endured when you're a heart centre being and you feel shadow in someone you want reach on go oh my god at first of all congratulations on surviving all that and I'm so sorry that's respect and honoring that's dignity not like you tune in and go oh my god goblins runaway shadow is the intensity of adversity someone has endured and survived and shadow once processed is only going to reveal a hero to those still finding their way a hero that is not fully stepped into their heroism because they're too steeped in the previous chapters of victimhood they haven't made their way through the journey of redemption and we help fast-track people through the journey of redemption in the hero's journey by just being able to say wow I feel the intensity in you you must have endured a lot of hardship I'm so sorry for your pain and my god congratulations on surviving the unthinkable it's kind of like seeing someone who's been burnt severely and your human instinct is mmm look away and that person comes up to you and says if it's hard for you to look at me imagine what it was like for me to endure and survive this dignity do we look at someone like that and the label is gross or is it this is someone's child this is someone's beloved this is the survivor of tragedy this is a hero in the making and we respect every single person as the hero that they are coming to be to anchor the light is to transmit the gift of dignity by respecting the journeys hardships and experiences of all who walk among you and what that eliminates out of you I could say it eliminates ego but the most accurate term I like to say in something ego is spiritual pretense like someone caught you off in traffic oh my god what a so-and-so or did that person who unintentionally or intentionally cut you off are they driving away from being blindsided in the most unexpectedly tragic moment of their life as you all know I'm not a pessimistic person and a rather optimistic person so optimistic that some people hear my teachings and think I'm bypassing and all that nonsense or something you know you're we all know this is about facing everything with hearts enter consciousness but compassion will tell you if you don't know someone else's journey assume that the moment you meet them they've just survived their worst assume that assume they've just survived their worst and it'll be no surprise why they have nothing for you and in that moment you will have something for them and in the moment that you have something for them you thank them for reminding you how whole you are because you can't help another unless you're whole within yourself and the moment you see someone who has less than you or someone who's in a moment of tragedy our human instinct is to help and the reason why the divine masquerades as people and helpless situations is to pull the impulse out of you to help and every time you help you realize if I have something to give another it means I'm whole within myself Thank You helpless person for reminding me how whole I am I've been on a spiritual journey I've been measuring my vibration I've been muscle testing my ass off I've been debating how much shadow I have how high and low vibration I've been in this mental haunted house of a spiritual journey trying to figure out when is the day gonna come that I'm finally gonna be activated and all I had to do was give a shit about a human being in pain and I realized how whole and complete I am thank you God for suffering in my presence amen we are the restores of dignity and as I sail this you feel the energy fill the room he filled a light awakened within you you feel the clarity of how simple and its core all of this is doesn't mean life doesn't have complexities but the truth is always simple and if the way we are operating ourselves and our human lives and our spiritual lives doesn't seem very simple like if you wake up and if you've got this endless to-do list of things you got to do just to be right in yourself energetically the truth is being missed the truth is simple so let's talk simple truth when you are healed you act with dignity and what that means is that you are aware that your choices are the demonstration of your highest ethics and values and you do not treat people the way your ego says they deserve to be treated you treat people based on what your values are and if your value is love and you love and if people are not treating you with dignity then you give them space and say I love you but I can't do this that's love too when your dignity is still at a distance you are run by ego consciousness which I can refer to as an illusory level of reality so what's the difference between illusion and truth just to make those real simple truth is your actions coming straight from your values and there's nothing in this world that could ever happen to you that causes you to stray from your ethics illusion one who lacks dignity acts out of accordance with their ethics and they will say I only did that because X Y & Z or if you hadn't done this I wouldn't have done that you ever heard that one what truth says there is no excuse for acting out of integrity ever even if you are in a reality and the rules were you have to harm another human being to get your next meal the one who is in their ethics would say if that's the only way to get my next meal then I am nella breatharian and if that choice takes me out of this life and so it shall be nothing takes you away from your ethics because your ethics builds the positive vibration of your name and when you sound your name into existence you sound your name with the intensity and ferocity of I exist for a reason and my name represents what you can expect as a reflection of my values with more time in my presence when we're an illusion I only did this because XY and Z there's a very old saying I once heard many years ago and I loved it I didn't make it up but god I loved it and that old saying is everything after because is bullshit there is no because there is just alignment or a lack of alignment and when there's a lack of alignment that means do you have fallen short or lost sight of your dignity I ever heard stories have really really well intended people doing rather ugly things like someone in the heat of the moment gets in some sort of fistfight with someone at a stadium watching a football game and they interview their family they go yeah he's an awesome dad and father we don't know husband we don't know what happened that's someone who lost sight of their dignity and that person says yeah I do that because oh no because no because the razor's edge of truth is you act in accordance with your dignity in a world where no one else needs to act that way but you and you have to assume that you live in a world where no one on this planet knows what ethics are and it's a game of follow-the-leader and you're gonna act out loving kindness and the world is gonna follow your lead depending upon how skillfully and consistently you bring it into action no one needs to be an integrity about you and you have to be the greatest example of the highest integrity you've ever encountered and that's where discernment comes very easy bless you that's where you meet someone you go wow you're a wonderful reflection of the divine I see your light and this isn't for me that's not a rejection it's discernment so take a moment and decide vibrationally what is the ethic the valley you stand for what is the thing you want to bring more to the planet during your time in your lifetime from the time you were born to now until the time you leave what is your greatest hope of what you want to bring to this planet and when you zip off into whatever spaceship takes you home you will look back with your little alien friends remember speaking for myself and you will say my existence brought more of this to the world is your living existence going to bring more love to the planet or tolerance than the complexity planet or compassion to the planet more peace to the planet that's who you are who you are is what you're bringing more to this world who are you and what ever you stand for you respond verbally socially physically and emotionally from that contribution and when you do that no one can bait you into any kind of battle of the Wits no one can take a respected PhD and turn them back into a fifth-grader on social media nothing more strange than seeing a well respected well aged adult who in the aftermath of acting out of integrity with their ethics saying they started it that that that's what we do when were five they started it or if we're spiritual their ego started it to reclaim the power of your dignity you must decide what you stand for and you must embody that at all costs and you must accept that every moment in life is just challenging you are you going to be reactive or are you gonna be responsive and when you're in the presence of someone who's trying to bait you into a debate or a tit-for-tat or someone does something unconscionable to you and there's a feeling inside you like I'd love to give them a dose of their own medicine you take a deep breath and you say thank you God for helping me to remember how important my ethics are and by choosing to respond instead of react I'm stepping deeper into my own integrity I'm reclaiming more of my own dignity I'm showing my self respect and I'm honoring myself by not polluting my energy field with retaliation and not bringing violence criticism or judgment into my world it's kind of like if you imagine your inner child is like a baby sleeping like imagine someone came to your house and they were talking really loud they came over and they're just being very loud and you said it excuse me there's a baby sleeping in the other room would you mind kind of lowering your voice because you're gonna wake the baby when you wake the baby baby's not happy so if you wouldn't mind lowering your voice and the person keeps talking and talking you go look you're gonna wake the baby so you have to either lower your voice or your enough to leave now imagine and some of us don't have children but imagine if you spoke that way about the child in your own heart and imagine you're talking to someone and they're acting us or when you go look look look hey I get it but the way you're acting you're gonna like the baby I mean the baby wakes up baby ain't happening trust me you don't wanna wake the baby some agrees I don't see a baby the baby I'm the baby and imagine even not having to say that to another person imagine saying it to yourself you're getting baited into this conversation with people and you're you know social media whatever oh yeah and you look you're gonna wake the baby you take a deep breath the baby you ever get into a situation with someone someone hurts your feelings and you sit there just like in an emotional tears he woke the baby you are the baby within you don't wake it if and it's not as much as you say it to other people of course and I give as an example it's about what you say to yourself and when other people are acting in a way that might wake the baby if you had a baby in your arms you would say I gotta leave this isn't good for the baby why don't we do that for ourselves wow this isn't good for me this isn't good for me I gotta go I gotta go would you ever hold it this is so sad and would you ever hold a baby in your arms and go ani I know this is your crying week but we can't go because mommy's not people-pleasing when you're older you're gonna people please - then you'll know all about this your mirror neurons are picking this up right now why would why wouldn't we treat ourselves with that kind of respect here's an interesting thing and we're all treated differently in our families but when we're really really little a lot of people have that respect - don't be too loud around the baby and everyone's trying to be respectful of the innocence of the baby and then children absorb that kind of respect and then they like fall off their bikes every when you're kid remember like falling off something and jumping back up like nothing happened you are resilient that's the natural state of consciousness high vibration you could literally ride your bike into a wall and you fall off when you go well that didn't work and then you get older you go through conditioning and age sets in like I've recently gone through a lot of beautiful healings and I feel the best I've ever felt in my life but you know what I actually feel for the first time my life and it's not a bad thing I feel my age I'm 41 and I feel that the other day was icy and I left my house and I slipped on ice and I fell you know what I realized when you're 41 falling is an incident it's an incident I got back up an hour I just felt that hurt a lot you ever wake up the next after falling it's like what workout did I just do - I go to yoga in my sleep this is from the fall falling did this and then the older we get God bless us following is dangerous and the more we reclaim the power of our dignity the more flexible we tend to become sometimes physically but mostly emotionally and we can hold space for people's experiences and tragedies and upheavals and we can actually have the wisdom that says if I don't know someone's life's journey why not expect that I'm meeting them in the aftermath of their lowest point so that whatever state they're in you go god I understand I feel the pain thank you for surviving that and I'm sorry for all that you've been through do you know what that kind of respect does it ends confrontation because confrontation is when two people are trying to get the other people to recognize and respect them and knowing is showing each other respect just the arguments occurring between two welcome babies and if to heal ourselves we have to realize what we're actually healing we're healing the pain of being without our own dignity some people say that the pain of human suffering is the space of separation we feel from the divine and I understand the truth of that but in a world like the one we're living in where like literally overnight like things look like they have like kind of flipped upside down right we went from like world a gangster planet in a world like this saying the pain is from the separation of the divine it just sounds too lofty now twenty years ago Oh something to consider and other that's untrue but the the reality of things is that it's not it's not as as a specific to say the space between you and the divine because for most people the divine is a concept and so the space between you the divine is just how close or how far away you are to your preferred concept of divinity the real suffering is how far away you are from your own dignity and power and the power is the embodiment of your dignity and the respect you show yourself and others as equal expressions of the one and when we heal we are reclaiming that dignity that's why what I teach the I love use what are the I love yous doing but giving you attention honoring your presence and showing you and your path the utmost heart centered respect that's why it works and for some of us that do it you know and it's not me that in the beginning has a genuine just to be nice right I love you I love you I love you nothing nothing screw that Matt con guy nice sure screw that guy it's because when we are not loving ourselves genuinely it's kind of like a disingenuous meditation disingenuous meditation first of all genuine meditation both eyes are closed dissing genuine meditation one eyes open one eyes closed like when you're a kid and you're supposed to nap and your eyes are closed and they're looking around to see who's napping and you're doing that I love yous you're I love you I love you but you're literally just waiting for other people to give you the respect that you deserve all right I love you I love you and on the inside I'm waiting waiting for the respect waiting for the respect keep checking my phone to see if they call not yet God tells people when we love ourselves we are not waiting for other people to respect us we teach others how to respect us by respecting ourselves the way no one else ever has we teach others how to honor us by honoring ourselves the way no one has ever honored us and we teach others how to respect and honor us by honoring and respecting others perhaps in the way they've never been honored and respected and when you can genuinely honor and respect another human being from the purity and vibrational clarity of your name because any active attachment to ego has beliefs has judgments but can't commit to anything because to commit even to its own beliefs becomes a moment of intimacy because intimacy is about engaging engaging in the oneness in the presence of an and when someone is in Eco which is ego is basically how we hide from intimacy because in our beginning stages of pain and neglect and abuse we were intimately open to all beings and if we were abused and neglected that intimacy proved to be a very dangerous place so ego is where we hide from intimacy and when we are anchoring the light and when we are returning the dignity of life to itself we are abiding in the presence of intimacy and when you are in that intimate space of just meeting others as a name and a face and not a label any ill intention they have can't even withstand the power of your light and even if they have a negative intention they literally will not even be able to stand being in your presence even if they hurl a judgment in your direction you say thank you really thank you for that thank you thank you for sharing anything else you'd like to share with me that's when they're evils Oh God because you've invited into them into an intimate space you've actually invited them into a space where they have to become aware and accountable of their behavior what most egos do is they hurl out the judgment of the insult and they get the hell out of Dodge that's why people like to hide behind keyboards Dada and they run away when you say that's interesting that's interesting how you seen me please tell me more about that tell me tell me tell me all the ways I suck I find that interesting please I'm all ears and because an ego cannot commit because they commit is to be present and to be present as to open to intimacy and all egos have to fight intimacy because Awakening is surrendering into the light of intimacy they can't do it and they will shut down and they will remove themselves from your presence faster than you can walk away from them and all you're doing is being the light of dignity that says come-as-you-are be as you wish and feel the light of God now and if you're not ready to receive the blast of my light then you will find a better place to go and that's okay but if you want to stand in my presence and if you want to say something sarcastic and judgmental and demeaning and demoralizing then I will hold the presence of truth and I will make you aware of what you're saying and I will invite with curiosity more of what you're saying and we will do this dance you want to talk to me we'll talk and I'll be so goddamn interested in your bullshit that you will run faster for me than I can get away from you egos always want to tell you what they think and when you say please why don't you tell me exactly what you think and that ego goes oh oh I don't know what this is but I don't feel very good why don't you tell me exactly what you think because what I'm saying is not just to be funny there's obviously there's also deep wisdom what I'm saying because interest is how you return worthiness to people who have been stripped of their own self-worth someone who acts in a judgmental and cruel way has no value for themselves and they are only projecting onto others the reflections and echoes of the pain that they have no face themselves and when you give interest to someone that has been defined in their own mind as being unseen and visible and unworthy when you say hey even if you're gonna give me your lowest vibrational judgment and projection and your most demoralizing insult that's just the echo of what someone else said to you I'm interested I receive you I value you and I will listen the way no one is listening before and in that moment they either come undone and surrender or they turn away and go find other people who will just hurl back the hurt that they're hurling out to keep them spiraling in their own abuse cycle but all we do is hold the light and invite people home into the light of liberation by saying I may not agree with what you say but I'm interested and in one level and in the spiritual ego we only seem interested when we talk to people we agree with when you're totally liberated someone who thinks something that you don't believe at all it's kind of interesting for a moment oh wow I think rather positive things about me this person thinks rather negative things about me I'm interested give me a difference of perspective judgments being hurled at you from other people only hurt for one reason they only hurt because what allows the judgment of another to penetrate your innocence is your failure to be interested in them of course their words are not meant to be gifts of evolution their words are what they hurl at you to keep themselves from the intimacy they're afraid to surrender to and your interest in their pain and their healing journey that is evidenced by the lack of integrity in their actions gives them whatever amount of intimacy they will let in their heart for their journey and if you can be interested in the pain behind someone's words it's hard for those judgments to be believed about you so when you're interested in the healing journey of another and even the interest that says someone who treats me this way can only be in a large amount of pain whether they know it or not the awareness of the pain of another person frees you of being their victim that's the living evidence of forgiveness to be aware of the pain in another that causes them to act the way they act instead of perpetuating their own abuse cycle by being another person who condemns them who shuns them who overlooks them who keeps their light from being seen forgiveness says no matter how dastardly you speak to me I will never turn away from your light I may not spend a lot of time with you there might be a great distance between us but if in the moment you're gonna speak some rather unnecessary words to me I'm not gonna let your negativity cast me in your movie to be another condemned er of you I will not perpetuate your abuse cycle I will not be another attacker of you just to prove to yourself that this is an unsafe world for you to live in I will be interested in your pain I will apologize for all that you've gone through I will congratulate you for what you've survived and I will see your light and as I represent the light of forgiveness your pain will not hurt me and my light will free you amen that's forgiveness there's a certain level of reality where things don't hurt the way they have always hurt there is a level of reality and I can tell you that from experience there's a reality where things don't hurt emotionally there's even levels of consciousness where for physical pain changes it's very strange I've had very strange experience that had this experience once it was a very strange I hadn't I was holding my laptop and I was standing in my house and I was barefoot and it slipped out of my hand and it fell like with the corner going straight down and it on top of my foot and bounced off my for tonight I said to myself there is no doubt my foot is severely hurt by that when it happened I literally felt the impact and it bounced off and like then the scary thing was like oh god I don't want to look and and I looked no mark no bruise and I felt nothing strangers experience in my life and i sat there going how did I not feel that and earlier before that moment there were moments women most of my life I felt emotional pain I've impact the pain of other people so it's not just like in my life I've experienced you know not just being hurt by people something a very sensitive person my whole life so I've taken everything personally I was always the first to cry in every situation and even when no one was mistreating me I could feel the pain other people's hearts so whether anyone was talking to me or not I was processing something so I understand from an empathic point of view feeling so much pain and there's a part in this awakening journey and by the way when I say this I don't say this so if you experience pain you your God I'm not like that don't judge yourself by that because everything is so essential in the journey but there's a point where you stop feeling the intensity of pain on an emotional level that's because you get to a point in your own heart center consciousness where judgments are no longer used to turn away from things that feel scary or painful or unfortunate instead you're just on a heart-centered level interested in respecting and honoring the journey of all whether they are embodying their consciousness whether they know all is one whether they're being nice to other people or whatever but we respect that each person each person throughout all dimensions time and space and throughout the course of history each person has and always will be the missing piece that completes the puzzle of the universe and without each of us all would never have been that's a level of respect this world needs that's a level of respect thank you require in order to complete this healing journey and to make your spiritual journey notches dealing with some sort of energetic terminal illness but to actually start living as the embodiment of your light or as we gather our healing and awakening journey can allow us to gather and just to explore new levels of light and new levels of light and every time we get together it shows what new level of heaven will we manifest together and that's why I guide the way I do with dignity honor and respect for the life you've lived for the hardships you've endured and for the tragedies you've survived that have only made you brighter than you've ever been before and I see the brightness energetically intuitively and I'd see it literally I see energy physically of my own eyes and I just don't know if you are seeing the you so clearly that I can so clearly see and so we come together my job is to reflect to you what deserves nothing but honor and respect it is the light of your divinity and when the light of divinity is fully embodied divinity becomes a different word divinity becomes a word called dignity dignity is what happens when your divinity is active in you and when it's active in your words and it's active in your choices and active in your behavior world's transform in your presence that's what it means to heal that's what it means to anchor the light to respect yourself and to honor others and so nothing but the light of perfection remains that's the love revolution you
Channel: Matt Kahn All For Love
Views: 207,935
Rating: 4.8619823 out of 5
Keywords: spirituality, yoga, meditation, Matt, Kahn, Julie, Dittmar, chakra, starseed, Pleiadian, Buddha, Consciousness, Lightworker, Energy, Healer, Enlighten, Spiritual, Awake, Cosmic, Angels, Eckhart, Tolle, Mooji, Adyashanti, mystic, spiritual, teacher, sound, true, awakened, consciousness, inspirational, Wayne, Dyer, Deepak, Chopra, oprah, winfrey, Hay, House
Id: 9XQDlgbEY6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 58sec (4798 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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