The Four Factors of Consciousness - Matt Kahn

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so this morning teaching is gonna kind of help us just evaluate help us just find some of those edges that we can buff and soften and buffer and smooth out and again nothing I share with you I want you to use and again this is my intention because I can't control what you do with what I say right the game I play with the world in my teachings is I try to concoct a teaching that is impossible for your ego to use as a weapon against you and then slowly over time I watch ego use it as a weapon and then I create more and this is the game I play so my intention is I want to give you some very clarifying teachings today my intention my invitation is let's use this to shine the light of awareness let's use this to see where we can grow but please my deepest intention is let us not use this against ourselves we don't to feel bad we can just become better for me and my life that was always an inherent philosophy of I don't have to feel bad about anything that I've done I can just in the next moment try again I just try again and I just tried to do better and in my life there are certain things that I've done really well there's certain things I've learned to do better and there's certain things I had to do a thousand times before I perfected it and I never stopped until I got it right so this morning's teaching which may elicit the oohs and ahhs is one by one looking at the four factors the four factors that help you determine how unconscious or conscious you are four factors and they came and bless you they came to me this morning the four factors of Hell conscious or unconscious you are and again no labels no need to put just to go oh I that might be where I should grow and I'll do them one at a time so we can all you know for those of us take notes because here's the thing if we don't define the factors that define unconsciousness or consciousness as sensitive beings you you basically walk around assuming you're unconscious like yesterday when I talked about the dream or the illusion you assume you're in one we talked about it being the dream of blame unconsciousness so these four factors will determine how deeply you're in the dream of blame or how far away from the dream of blame you become and for a lot of us we're gonna go wow I've grown a lot and that's my hope is for you to say that and if there are points where you go and that's growing edge for me that's good too we're here to learn how to feel good about the work we've already done and we're here to learn what work remains because we're here to do the work and we're here to enjoy the work and not be intimidated by the work and not to rush through the work mastery is not how much work you've done but how honorably you do the work at hand so my intention is to teach you and escort you through doing work honorably right not like you have homework and you flip to the back of the book and you let all that answers down and I'm done actually doing the work so fact to help us determine how unconscious we may be now when I talk about this it not only will help you understand how conscious or unconscious you might be but also help you understand where other people in your life might be partner family friends whatever because if you could understand someone state of consciousness it doesn't hurt so bad when they act the way they act so this is not just for you it's about understanding relationships the emotional journey is about understanding relationships so let's just deconstruct this actor number one unconsciousness begins with ask yourself is what hilarious question how quickly or easily do you become agitated because what I have noticed is that I have worked with beings at a variety of levels of consciousness beings that have woken up on certain levels but not work through their emotional denisita on another level and especially when you wake up out of identity and you think oh I'm not the body you try to disown the emotional density that is your course of mastery and when you have disowned your emotional density and you are in some sort of state of presence that's not liberation that's actually a state of disassociation and what's amazing is that the qualities of awakened consciousness and the descriptions of disassociation are like next-door neighbor's they're very close and what I have seen and I'm saying this has just an offering an observation that I have seen beings with very sacred sanskrit names dressed to the nines and the holiest of holies garb mala beads like their the mr. t of spirituality an entire crystal store on their being and what I watch is the speed at which they go from zero to agitation that's where the wolf exposes itself in sheep's clothing how quickly or easily D become agitated it's hard not to make awakened consciousness and aspiration for they speak to you from experience I've had a lot of healing over the last six months and it's made me more bulletproof than I already was I become more and more and you get to a certain space and just speaking from experience it's hard when I say this not to like salivate and want this but there's a certain point where you become completely immovable where you cannot be disrupted by life and you're not in a defensive state you're in a completely surrendered state you're too close to life for life to even touch you there's too much understanding for anyone to disrupt you it's not like you learn how to not be agitated you actually forget what it is to be agitated you forget what it's like to be disrupted by someone else's subjective experience someone has a problem with you it's actually curious you gotta kind of get interested like they're talking about someone else we have someone had a problem with me I'd love to hear more about that a couple years ago when we were getting the start of Julie called me one day and said Matt there's someone on YouTube who is blasting you in the comment section and I said can you ask him to elaborate on that I'd love to know more imagine someone's problem with you being interesting to you hmm I'd love to hear more about that how quickly or easily do you get agitated or in human terms how easily or effortlessly do you flip the fuck out you're in an elevator and it stops and the doors don't open immediately no no it's even more amazing when you see a spiritual ego Chive also called spiritual narcissists who has learned some degree of mindfulness I saw this at an event I was at one time before I started teaching and and I didn't know what I was seeing it amazed me and I was seeing a spiritual narcissist who had learned about mindfulness and what this means is that the person is pointing out other people's lack of mindfulness in a nun mindful way so there was a line of people leaving the sanctuary because I was at someone else's retreat was it a chanting retreat and peep the one person was talking to someone else in the line wasn't moving to those persons desired rate of speed and mindful spiritual narcissus said do you mind there's other people here while not being mindful of someone else's experience how amazing that can be how can that can be missed about this need thank you thank you I might have to go for it but see now to stage fright so you went away so how quickly or easily do you get agitated let's just even make it more true you right now and again it's not a judgement it's just an evaluation just for one one moment think about the character in your current life who agitates you we get you in other words name your Antichrist who gets you and whoever that is visualize they're facing your heart and you know we say them thank you thank you for helping me move further out of unconsciousness away from blame turning my problem back into a process thank you thank you for being ruthlessly ridiculous right who's the one person who doesn't play by any rule you subscribe to returns your spiritual reality into a free-for-all who gets you who's that one person where for whatever reason or maybe from your past of just you know you could be listening to David pearl mall light some candles and you know maybe some incense you know to some of your spiritual stretches this too shall pass so it is and so forth I am that I am and then there's that person that comes along and you're slow oh damn it that fucking first right there that person right there all right so here's the deal I don't get agitated I'll tell you up just be honest here's as close as I get to being agitated nobody could be honest about it I'm not afraid when you're when you're awake being a person and saying these things is a joy because you know yourself I don't get agitated but you know what I have I have one or two pet peeves I do and you know what you know what I think about my pet peeves they're fucking delicious and when someone does this it doesn't get me mad it makes me laugh that's as far as it goes now I have a pet peeve some an individual divine in an individual form and I'm allowed to have a pet peeve I'll tell you what else I'm allowed to have you know what I'm allowed to have I'm allowed to have one fear one childhood fear that's still there I'm in a state of Samadhi all is one I am that I am and if a bee buzzes by me I'm gonna do the Flashdance do you know why cuz I might get me he'll go by Matt nothing can touch consciousness yeah well bees have stingers so what's I don't know how many pet peeves I have to be honest I don't think I have many I know I have one specific one it's just one of those things where you go right it almost like when you're unconscious it burns but when you're conscious it just cat tickles your stomach and and I was reminded of a pet peeve because it actually happened at the hotel last night that's just the littlest thing that's missing so you ever been on an elevator and you're going to get off the elevator now there's people that are gonna get on the elevator but they're trying to get on the elevator before you get off I fucking hate that you don't see if you don't see the worse they're trying to get on they're not letting you off because they want to get on and as they're turning to scooch by you they say excuse me Oh am I in your way sorry I have the right of way you have the yield position I was here first I get off because I have arrived to the floor you are already on so let me off and then you have all this space to enter and even if they get on first they can't go down and so I get off what's the advantage what's how are you saving doesn't agitate me just makes me kind of just alright you know my other pet peeve is one all right laughter it helps us to loosen the emotions need to be healed by sneaking pet peeve and this is something that I just philosophically do not resonate with one day I went to the grocery store and I saw that I could either stand in line to be checked out or I could do this thing called self check where I would take on the role of someone that works at a grocery store and I could look up the codes of my vegetables I can do it all myself I don't like that I will stand in line and wait for someone to check me out for 25 minutes and there could be no one in line for cell check I will not do that I despise that it's funny it's funny it's a little quirk you know I mean it's okay to have quirks you can have quirks be a human being doesn't have to agitate you I say this to give you the space to be who you are is there any is there anything that that agitates you what is able to agitate you who educates you and whoever agitates you whatever agitates you and I've said thank you to self-check many times while rejecting it totally I would rather risk my frozen foods defrosting and lying and drive across traffic at lightning speed to get into my freezer and do that I did self check once and it was as bad as I thought I can the things and the system guidance says wait for assistance why why should I be in line and she goes is there a problem I said yesterday's problem she goes what I said the problems I don't work here I don't know how this works she was we have to look up the code I go do you know why you know that cuz you've been trained ma'am do I invite you down my stage you lead a meditation no I don't why are you asking me to do this I don't know how to do it so funny saying like The Grocer of my beautiful wives oh honey Joanne you self-check sure don't shoot oh honey I'm gonna stand right here rather standing and doing meditation so factor number one how quickly or easily do you get agitated that's the first way of checking unconsciousness after number two how genuinely do you receive compliments when a compliment comes your way do you allow yourself to receive the graciously or do you SWAT it like a flies in your face there's nothing stranger than secretly wanting people to see you and then politely rejecting the feedback they give you oh you look nice today usually we read for rejected compliments not even a word just a sound my god it's usually the sound basically means I don't know what to do with that I'm waiting for my starring role but I don't handle the spotlight when I come so unexpectedly I talked yesterday about how I used to do that secretly want to be seen and then say people would give me the feedback and then I do the whole spiritual mumbo-jumbo oh you know we're all one I'm just reflecting your light back to you which sounds awesome but how it was used in my reality was ridiculous because what happens is when you receive a compliment the light of a compliment is like a spiritual missile deconstructing and dissolving all the barriers that you yield to shield your heart from life so a compliment is trying to destroy your hiding spot and bring you out of hiding so we want the compliment but we don't want it to destroy our secret base our hidden lair it's like we want to be in our secret underground bunker we want someone to put a valentine card down by there we want to be able to come out of the hole get it and go back down and read it in secrecy but when a compliment comes your way you don't get that luxury a compliment is a missile coming to destroy that underground bunker it's someone going hey you're beautiful and amazing and worthwhile you're like oh my god I'm totally not ready for this you're never ready for it you're never ready for it here's a really interesting insight to always keep in mind you're never ready for the words that matter most to your heart you're never ready never ready you can wake up early take a run around the block do some stretches get ready oh my my baby's gonna wake up in a few minutes and I'm ready for this you're never ready for the words that matter most to your heart because we have to learn how to take it a lot of us know how to give it we don't have to take it we don't know how to be seen makes us feel Wiggly and if you don't know how to be seen someone's complement to you will actually feel like work or feel exhausting or actually might even feel draining to you like Oh too much I don't know take all of that in it doesn't match the things I say about myself to myself because a compliment is the light of consciousness actually trying to open your eyes to who you really are by destroying the barriers and shields you use to divide yourself with life a compliment just like any form of intimacy is an opportunity to be liberated by being destroyed by love let love destroy your barriers let love pull you out of hiding by obliterating the things you're hiding behind a compliment is an assassination attempt to the inferior ego structure to the ego the complementor feels like an assassin sometimes it's not even just a compliment that we don't have to take we don't know how to take I contact on the spiritual path one of a very popular practices eye gazing that's a beautiful thing where we connect our lights together but sometimes what happens is the eye gazing is a way of actually checking out of the personal connection like we look we trance out and we checked out because you don't know actually how to be on the receiving end of someone's gaze to be seen for that amount of time without feeling like okay that's enough fencing comfortable because the because eye contact and complements is an assassination attempt on the inferior ego it's a gift for the soul and it's panic and it's concern and it's worrisome for the part of you that's not gonna make the journey that's holding on for dear life so factor number two how how genuinely do you receive compliments because it's some it's kind of weird to think that sometimes it's easier to give compliments those to receive compliments and the reason that is is because we've been taught in our families whether directly or indirectly that love is something we have to earn so we learned how to give because we're trying to receive we're trying to earn something back but it's kind of like a little kid who run towards the ocean and when the ocean actually starts to come back a child runs away right hey I want to know the ocean the ocean goes oh yeah that's what we play with our loved ones oh I want to know you I would look in the ocean who give me some of that really okay no ha ha we seek love and then run away from the love that we've sought you ever had that experience maybe in yourself or others you run towards love here's the one ocean I got to receive that see you later sooner or later the ocean gets you one of those attempts to turn around and the little child trips on the sand and is soaked by the water and swept into the current of truth no one inherently has a fear of intimacy fears of intimacy is what always exists when the ego is letting go of its last grip everyone goes through the fear of intimacy everyone because fear of intimacy is when you know you are in the presence of the one you can be loved and truly loved to be loved by and love and that ego says this is going to destroy me and if you're insightful you'll allow it you'll allow your beloved to be your assassin that's what I did I love my beloved to be - awesome and I'm better because of it thank you in the fear of intimacy which is the egos last and the ego is afraid of losing its identity of objet consciousness and is afraid of merging with another but when love is present both individuals lose themselves in the same meeting point which is the merging of unity consciousness it doesn't mean you live without an identity doesn't mean you live without an awareness of your personal needs it means in the presence of the one that you can truly be loved by you will feel like you're getting sucked out of yourself and into them and to resist that is the fear of intimacy that keeps an ego structure alive and when you can let go and totally lose yourself another and they lose themselves in you here's the interesting thing that happens both people get sucked out of themselves and meet the point of oneness as soon as that connection happens they both are brought back to their individual structures to be individuals to hold space for themselves and also being able to be connected as one with each other simultaneously so it's actually an initiation when the initiation is happening you are being pulled out of yourself and you are losing yourself you feel like you're being flushed down the toilet of the universe and you have no idea where you're going you're being sucked into the heart of your beloved and your beloved's being sucked into your heart and it feels like you're dying feels like you're losing your grip on reality and as soon as that moment of connection happens the circles complete and then the two that are one then are individual aspects of the same one and they can have their individual needs but they can actually dance and harmonize together they can be individuals they can be one and it's no longer this back and forth of I'm in my individual reality and I'm sharing space with another hope that's too much time I gotta then hide and recharge and it's not this dance and whether you're in a relationship or not that meeting of you being pulled out of yourself in connecting with reality truth is you becoming one with present moment reality and then it's no longer I'm in present moment reality oh my god I've been in that for too long I got to go hide and be in an isolated space and it's not this back and forth so whether you're in a relationship or not it's the same metaphor does that make sense I say this because years ago I got sucked out of myself I got pulled out of myself and I was pulled into the light of truth and it was like plunging into a black hole and I plunged deep into nothingness until nothing was there it was such nothingness that not even anyone was following anymore and all of a sudden out of nothing the light emerged and that was the moment of communion and then I was put right back in my individual structure where I was able to connect and connect with the oneness within all beings whether they could meet me there or not but I had to get pulled out of myself to be returned to myself I had to take the wave out just to see that the wave would change its current and take me back into the shore so if you get sucked out of yourself and into the heart of your beloved or into the heart of the present moment if you allow it the current that pulls you out will bring you back better and reborn there's a difference between what I'm describing and making other people's needs more important than yours that's different the unhealthy losing yourself is when you are serving someone else's needs by disregarding your needs that's what I did most of my life because I wasn't trained how to pay attention to my knees because that was an empath that I was too preoccupied with other people's feeling and because I could feel their feelings all I knew is if I could change how they felt it would change how I felt and I was living in a reality of vibrational codependency and so I had to learn how to make my feelings matter and to articulate those feelings in the way where I wasn't worried about the people I was sharing it with and whether it would cause them to leave me or abandon me I had to face my own feelings of abandonment that I didn't even know we're there factor number one how quickly or easily can you become agitated factor number two how genuinely do you receive compliments factor number three how generously do you give to those you love because when you've merged with the light of consciousness you can give to those you love in a way that doesn't exhaust you you can actually be replenished by the vibration of your generosity and just by receiving the opportunity to give to someone you love you can be filled up no matter how what you give is received so if factor number three on how conscious or unconscious we are is how openly we give to those we love let's talk about what it means to give what are the aspects that go into giving and I'm going to talk about a very interesting word you know in the spiritual journey people talk about being present that's a lovely word but at this point it kind of becomes a very overstated buzzword we have to deconstruct or unpack it there's what I think isn't even more poignant word that is the activity of presence not are you present or not because often if you're asking yourself that question you're in your head and you're not in the present moment so what's the activity of presence it's one delicious clarifying word it's called interest interest if you want if you're in a relationship and relationship like I said as family friends or beloved's neighbors co-workers whatever you decide where the light needs to go but the question is how present are you with your relationships here's the question how interested are you in the experiences of those people are you only interested in these subject matters that personally interest you or whether they're interested in something that doesn't quite jive with you are you interested in watching someone you love express what they're passionate about how interested are you in being a part of another person's passion how delicious of a question is that how interested are you in being a part of another person's passion and how many of us want people to ask us questions to take a greater interest in us are we the people that take a greater interest in those we yearn to be validated by and one of the things that makes it so difficult is god forbid you have people in your family that are not quite as hopped up on the spiritual path as you are and if the spiritual path is an extension of your ego structure you will think the people that don't take an interest in my spiritual path must not be interested in me the people that are not interested in your spiritual path have the potential but you to be interested in your personal life and if your spiritual path is a replacement for your personal life that imbalance will make you think someone doesn't care about you so I say have spiritual aspirations have personal interests to give everyone an equal opportunity to share in your passion on a personal level I enjoy cooking i watch the Food Network I love music documentaries professional wrestling and UFC and someone who may not give a crap about my spiritual path in my offerings to this planet can talk to me about so many other things and I am someone who naturally is interested in whatever people are passionate about and if it's something I know the least about the more interested I become when you are an awake being you are thankful that you have people in your life to whom you can be interested in their passions they are the ocean and you are the observer and you are thankful that you have the opportunity to ride waves of passion in their world of interest and when to come together and sacred communion they don't have to be similar on any level but only have the common interests of being mutually interested in sharing in the passions of the one they love and so many times I remember I had a dialog once and I was talking with a woman who was married to a man who didn't have a spiritual aspiration building his body and her complaint was he never asks me about my meditation and I asked her a funny question I said did you ask him who won the game she says oh I'm not into that well in his mind you're not into him just like in her mind him not ask another meditation means he's not into her if you're in a wake being you don't let the fact that you may not give a shit about a subject matter to keep you from being interested in someone's passion you don't care about organized sports besides the point someone you love is honey who won what was your favorite play who's the best moment of the game even if you're with someone who is happy when a rival loses and that makes you feel like that is the most like conscious thing in the world honey did the enemies lose how many players did we injure but honey did we injure them to the degree where they're unable to even work in the NFL ever again I'm joking but you see I'm saying you actually step into someone else's world and say I'd like to be a part of your passion you don't have to be passionate about what they're passionate about you just have to say I want to be a part of your passion because one of the tenants of consciousness is answering the question how openly do you give to those you love now if you are firing on all cylinders the question becomes how openly do you give period but the problem with that question is that most of us who are spiritually waking up but still have a lot of emotional density work too hard to be all things to all people so I don't want you right now on day two to look any further than the people that matter most to you master this with people who matter most and then we'll broaden it over time does that make sense right a lot of us go I'm gonna be unconditionally loving to every single human being in existence well let's just pump the brakes on that a little bit right there's a play called life we all get decide which character we're gonna play and the over-zealous spiritual being goes boom I can be anyone I know I'm gonna be Jesus Christ I'm the new mother Teresa how about just fully present with your partner we start there maybe step number one isn't the liberator of all beings maybe just a deeper interest in your partner's aspirations not me to put out this pop you know one of the things a little bit my wife count myself as a star so one of the things I love to watch as UFC a professional wrestling I want to think of my wife likes to do and her own downtime is read a book on a Kindle when I'm watching the wrestling and she comes down and joins me and we talk about the wrestling for a second but she's reading her book and she just wants to be in the same space with me that blast my heart open means the world to me that for me is a moment of intimacy that we need to enjoy ourselves together thank you how openly do you give to those you love and that doesn't mean that you don't have the right to have your own personal Valentine you should you should have your own personal downtime I'm just saying when it's time to be with your partner or your family or people that you choose to be around right I'm not saying the family you think you have to be around or the family you feel guilty if you're not around them right if you have that going on I'm defining your inner circle let's let's create a phrase inner circle inner circle are the people you want to be around people you want to be around I'm not saying have no down time and always be in their field I'm not saying that I'm saying when it's time to be around the people you want to be around how openly do you give and what are we giving the gift of interest that's what presences interest what is a short attention span I don't know how to be interested for long periods of time most people in the world don't know how to be interested in others for longer periods of time and they go back to their own self-interest they step out for a second oh my god nothing you're saying is feeding me bye-bye you've heard a conversation someone ask you a question you start talking like oh my god that reminds me of something else back to you back to you that's so cool a short attention span means I have been trained to be more interested in my own self-interest and don't know how to be equally interested in others presence is when we are equally interested in ourselves as we are in others of balance and even when your partner has something to share with you and you're not quite in that space presence will say you can say to your partner honey I would love to hear everything you have to say I'm not quite in that space could we talk about this later do you know we call that something I never had as a child I was never given this it's called a boundary I was never given a boundary and I was trained by my parents god bless them mostly my mother god rest her soul that to be loved is to be smothered I was never given boundaries so I never knew the benefit of that I never knew how to stop and go am i actually in a space where I'm the most ready willing and able to receive what someone needs to share with me I never give her a never gave myself the right to consider that it was always someone needs me my feelings don't matter so when we're in a really conscious relationship you're able to have time for yourself and when it's time to be with your partner you can totally be together they're interested in you you're interested in them for the time you are dedicating to one another you both have time to do your own thing and you have time to come together merge together and to lose yourself in a moment that will only return you back to yourself more hole in the line than ever before and in awakening we're developing this primal trust the trust the ego doesn't have which is if you get sucked out of yourself into someone's heart you're gonna be returned back to yourself better than ever before and you learn to get pulled out of yourself and brought right back can't you trust that a lot of people can't be which is why they step out of themselves take a little bit of interest in the middle of these and the moment someone else's interest starts to pull them into the light they don't too much and that's not that's not a judgment that's that's something we all go through in what's called the egos last stand so factor number three how openly do you give to those you love factor number four and I say it slowly because I'm trying to remember factor number four how deeply do you respect the space of someone else's process when people are an emotional process when people are growing they need space to be with themselves it's one thing to say I can hold space for someone but what happens when someone says will in order for me to really be where I need to be I need to only be in a space with myself it's one thing to say I can be with you honey through anything and then your honey says or what I need from you is to be here while I am over there how deeply do you respect the space of someone else's process this is something that I had to learn in the latter years of my life because I was never given my space was never respected in my earlier years my mom god bless her soul and we again when she passed and from the majority of my adult life of the latter years mom's life where we were in the best of terms I actually became the spiritual teacher to both my parents my parents were lovely people just conditioned and I was just a much of a victim of their ego as they were no malice I hope to both leave their body and their doing great talk to them the afterlife all the time I do they my mom even said to me four days ago she came to me when I was walking through a mall and she said you know thank you for everything that you put up with and everything that we learned in the afterlife your father and I have both learned what we didn't see back then and my mom said to me never feel bad about sharing on stage what happened because when you talk about what you learned and grown from and other people benefit it gives our souls greater purpose for the roles we played so I was never given space as a kid my mom played a game with me in the play and she was played this is a game her father played with her and the game was I'm gonna do everything for you and go above and beyond in the moment I need something you don't have a choice and I'm gonna throw it in your face you're gonna feel bad I'm gonna break you down so you give me what I want I never had space I just learned to get comfortable burning and the fire of no space I learned to be the space within those space and that is really really a great talent until you get into a really functional relationship so I had to learn real quickly I don't learn what a boundary was and I had to learn that someone else's boundary doesn't mean it's taking away for me I had to learn that somewhere else taking space for themselves doesn't mean I'm being abandoned or that I'm not good enough was revived alone because factor number three says oh hello Polly do you give to the people you love right how Polly do you give the balance of that is how deeply do you respect the space of someone else's process give give give and someone says okay that's enough okay can you shift gears like I said yesterday sometimes your presence is the gift someone needs and sometimes the greatest gift you can give someone is your momentary or permanent absence how deeply do you respect the space of someone else's process how deeply do you respect the space of your own personal process meaning sometimes mentally you want to be around the person you love but what you actually need is just space to be by yourself and then that brings up feelings of loneliness and the ego and feelings of boredom and you're not actually taking the space you need because you can't imagine being without the person you think you can't live without are you giving yourself the chance to respect the space of your process and if not your process is gonna turn you into someone who is constantly triggered by your partner or you constantly triggering your partner because triggering partners means someone's not taking the space they need why is my partner trigger me because someone's not taking space the person that gets triggered is the one who's not taking the right space for themselves that's what the trigger teaches you the person that triggers you is triggering you in a moment where you need space to yourself and you're not taking it you're too busy try to be all things to all people how quickly or easily do you get agitated how genuinely do you receive compliments how openly do you give to those you love how deeply do you respect the space of someone else's process just by talking about it you feel more consciousness arising within you and the heat you feel is the unconsciousness being burned away it's being melted out of you at right add at lightning speed because we're talking and exposing at the light of consciousness so then what's the bridge what's the bridge that takes any degree of unconsciousness into consciousness self-love self-love which no matter what new teachings I channel and bring to you at this event and future events beyond which I always bring new teachings as you know the cornerstone will always be weaving in the importance of self-love so as a way of helping to further melt away any degree of unconsciousness and to strengthen and reinforce and enhance any degree of consciousness within you I would like to share with you a different nuance and way of approaching self-love I talked about the ease in which you become agitated is a sign of unconsciousness so what is the very remedy for agitation and in order to know that we have to know what agitation is trying to tell us agitation arises as a form of inner conflict within the body of one who desperately wants to be seen and validated and valued by others but it's not taking the time to validating value of it ourselves I can certainly fucking try don't know why I said like that but it's fun agitation is a form of inner conflict arising in someone who yearns to be valued and validated by others who is not valuing and validating themselves that's what agitation means so let's talk about how to see ourselves to see ourselves is to recognize our own inner beauty our own inner beauty which is also called our worth is how the truth of our souls light sees its own radiance when you see worth in you when you see beauty in you you are the light of truth being charmed by your own radiance have you ever taken the time to acknowledge how beautiful you are because over the last six months something that happened to me unexpectedly not that it never was true before it just deepened in a way I never imagined I had a moment where I and again this is not in a narcissistic way this is in a very soulful way remember I'm coming from divine reality and being a human beings for me a completion and a gift and a joy and I came into this moment where the light in myself recognized itself as it truly is with no distortions with no limitations and a moment like this is literally an accomplishment in your life's journey where when you accomplish this one thing it's as rare as seeing a comet in the sky that only comes around every 10,000 years and it is the spontaneous experience of seeing yourself as you really truly are in all your brilliance and all your magnificence and all your glory in all of your perfection and I had a moment where I was taking a walk in my neighborhood and I spontaneously without trying just it happened and I just stepped outside of myself and I saw myself as the light that people have been seeing me as for so many years and I saw myself directly in a flash and even if this flash lasts for half of a millisecond the potency of you seeing yourself directly for half of a millisecond has the instantaneous power to transform and change every single cell in your body on contact and in one fell swoop out of nowhere I was overwhelmed with the sensation of having unexpectedly fallen completely in love with Who I am and that's when I became a whole and I thought I was whole for many years and on certain levels I was and I didn't realize that there were so many other levels and horizons for me to discover and now what I really know it is to be whole to be relaxed to be complete to not make other people's experiences about me to not take other people's stories and make it into a disempowering story about this one I fell madly and completely in love with who I am and it left me with a sensation of waking up each morning for many years I've been feeling like diamonds past 13 years 20 like knowing where my life is going to go having a vision of all when I get there so so this caused me to no longer feel like when I get there feeling like now I'm here which is weird you've been spending years going when I get there and now you're here and instead of all day saying to yourself I'm gonna get there or I'm getting there instead you say to yourself I can't play them here and I woke up every morning and this has happened gradually and then profoundly over the last six months every single day I wake up and I have the greatest fortune that I get to be me with a sensation in the depths of my gut that says if after this incarnation there are future lifetimes I'm coming back as matcom I wake up each morning privileged to be myself charmed by being me grateful for the gifts I get to give to those I love and those I don't even know because that's the level I play out sometimes the gift is attention and sometimes the gift is space all the while I'm having the time of my life being me and I've always had a drive to grow spiritually and I've always enjoyed certain aspects of life but I never truly got to the 100% place of being totally content with being myself and now I am which is why I'm teaching this today to you can you open up in this moment and allow yourself to turn towards the recognition of your inner beauty can you allow the inner smile to arise that is just you being charmed and amused with the mystery of you and all of your innocence and all of your uniqueness and all of your quirkiness and craziness can you get lost and bewildered by the beauty of you like a work of art in a museum that captures your attention and you stop and you just can't look away can you be sucked into the single pointed focus of your own beauty because if you cannot give attention to your beauty for an extended period of time it would be no surprise while you walk around a world where people look past you can you see you don't ask the question how am I just look directly in word and find beauty find grace find perfection find innocence and then we extend it to our experiences can you find beauty in the vulnerability of your experiences you may not like how it feels to be sad but if you look deep enough you'll be surprised to find that in the depths of sadness it can suddenly become beautiful have you had that experience of finding complete beauty in sadness the bitter sweetness of God I hate how I feel but I'm almost I'm also intrigued and grateful that I have the capacity the field is deeply have you ever been so devastated 1/1 level everything your life has turned upside down and on some weird level you feel like you've never lived like you're living right now we had that feeling I'm living I'm living I'm doing it I'm on a journey I even smashed to pieces and nothing makes sense but goddamnit I feel alive you read that that's incredible hey you don't always need to be smashed apart to get there but that's all that's oftentimes what turns the key in the ignition it gets the motor going there's beauty in your sadness if you look deep enough there's beauty in your physical body if you look directly at it there's beauty and a diagnosis if you take a deep enough there's beauty in despair if you can turn into the innocence there's a sweetness in fear the sweetness and fear is there's an innocence in you that just wants to be told that everything's gonna be okay whether or not you know the okay that's coming your way or not there is beauty and tragedy and never for those that are in the tragedy but only when it happens to you because you see the opportunity of growth at hand and whether you can see that or not there is a beauty in tragedy there is a beauty in loss sometimes you don't know how to be so grateful for the gifts you've been given until they're gone you might think how come I couldn't be this grateful when I had it because sometimes you can't tap that deeply and until something's taken from you that's just the justice the journey of life there's beauty and pain if you can fill deep enough into it because pain is the cellular memory of emotional density and inflammation breaking apart within you to make space for more light to be embodied I'll do my best pain is cellular debris which is unprocessed emotion and physical inflammation breaking apart within you to make space for more light to be embodied remember once I was in a deep state of pain and one of my friends beautiful invitation said I'd love to help you out of that pain I said no thanks I've earned this I've earned this pain and they had no idea I was talking about you've earned this pain yes I've earned the right to be fully present with how fast I'm evolving let it break apart let it rip apart no mercy for me no mercy if I need to be broken in half and busted apart for more god consciousness to be embodied well I guess that's the game we're playing that's how I live and I'm not always in pain but when I am game on take a moment and tune into your experience to ask yourself this question where is the beauty or innocence in you that you have not recognized as often as you should where is the beauty or innocence in you that is waiting to be recognized right now let me give you a little assistance if the question doesn't give an answer the innocence and beauty that is here to be recognized is the opportunity for you to find beauty in the imperfections you hide from others what are the imperfections you hide from others what are the imperfections that when they arise you pull away from others and you go let me go my private little inner sanctuary fix my imperfections and come back out perfectly the beauty that needs to be recognized other perfections that the imperfections that you don't want anyone else to see it's okay to have imperfections I'm not afraid of him what's your imperfection maybe if you want love so deeply but you're so afraid to receive it maybe you're so ready willing and able to give the love of your heart to another person that comes from the space of desperation that it makes someone feel overwhelmed instead of uplifted what's your imperfection that recognizing someone else's passions talents and abilities instantly causes you to look at what's less than in you by comparison where is the imperfection the innocent tendency to make everything your fault where is the imperfection can we find beauty in the innocence of our deepest imperfections what are the things that you hide from others that you're afraid will be deemed as unlovable what are the things you hide from others that you think if I bring that to the table they're going to leave me and never talk to me ever again the things that you have called your inner ugliness the things you tuck away in the closet as if your heart is a home a freshly renovated home but the imperfection is the unfinished basement you don't want anyone to see oh no no don't go down there don't go down there in order to stay up on the main floor where it's open-concept notice notice the subway tile on the backsplash look how beautiful that is notice the archways sub-zero fridge check that out oh that's oh that door downstairs no no no no we don't need to go down there it's unfinished we don't need to go to the unfinished it's gonna take away from the beauty of the upstairs do you see that metaphor you're afraid that your imperfections will take away from what in you has already refined aligned and perfect and you see spiritual alignment is when we allow the imperfections and ugliness of those edges that were still buffing out to be embraced by the perfection of our unconditional love let what's perfect in you embrace what is imperfect so you're not hiding from those that are only here to love you not hiding from a world that is only here to welcome you and do me one big favor do not try to do not try to push down your imperfections and build a spiritual character on top of it because this real spiritual journey is about pulling up the floorboards finding those imperfections and embracing it with the love that it's always desired take a moment and tune in for to yourself what in you wants to be loved that you've been saying not until you've become better have you been playing out your own family conditioning in your own consciousness not now honey you haven't earned it you haven't run my spiritual gauntlet and won the gold medal yet what needs your love was it your mind is earr ego is that your is it reactions is it judgments nothing's off the table are they prejudices biases maybe not towards others towards yourself here's Annette again I ask questions to get from different angles is there any which way in which you in some way are your worst enemy where are you an enemy versus an ally to yourself what do you need to do to cause you to turn away from you that's the part that needs to be loved and you don't have to jump to loving the things you despise about yourself I'm just saying let's open up that the things we despise about ourselves or the most embarrassed about ourselves are is only here to be loved you don't - jump - loving you quite yet maybe just let's round the corner - this is here to be loved and I can't say I can continue judging it go from healer a healer as if it's like a child who won't act appropriately you just keep throwing into the arms of another child psychologist here you fix it there's nothing wrong with healing modalities but let me be very clear with you there's no man of Reiki that will change what love can do love not how inappropriate things can be in you but love there's something inappropriate in you that is going to only relent until they won't relent until you love him here's the game there are aspects of your shadow that have never been loved and recognized by others because their behavior was seen as unworthy of validation because from your family's point of view to validate that behavior is to say it's okay to act that way so you retreat you were conditioned to learn what's right and wrong and so then it came in a way that made you feel as if you're capable of being punished if you do if you do something out of line so here's the game rectifying that your inner shadow gets to saying do and I don't mean in terms of outside of yourself I don't mean to give yourself permission to do things that harm yourself or abuse yourself reduce self-destructive tendencies or abuse things or be add you know have addictive behavior I'm saying just inside your own consciousness your shadow gets to say and think whatever it wants and you get to support it and love it no matter what it says and even on the outside that says give me this you know it's not good for you I'm sorry honey I can't well if not I'm gonna just get mean and Ruth just a nasty go for it I love you that's when we go into what's called the final battle which is the final war and the war is the shadow fight the thing that keeps it from getting its way and we love the shadow to death like a child that's having a tantrum because you're not giving it breakfast cereal for dinner say honey if I do that you're gonna be up all night crazy can't do it and your child's on the floor ever seen children when they're having the tantrum I don't know why they go to this thing where they go on the floor and then they're swimming you ever seen that we're doing the snow angel on the floor never seen that where do they permanently marking the space where they realize they hated you or they did but your shadow is like a child who is just furiously expressing the vengeance of not getting their way because they never got unconditional love so they learned that the seeking of objects food for emotional comfort may be the high of a drug is the replacement alcohol whatever it is and you're not giving it it's replacement for love because you're actually just giving it love itself and it does not have received that so the battle is the shadows surrendering to the light and it's our job to be the light that finds the shadow and says honey it's okay that you think that it's okay that you want that it's okay that you fear that it's okay that you think that it's okay that you worry about that it's okay that you judge that I'm just gonna respond with I hear you thank you for sharing what's important to you with me and I love you authentically and graciously I love you and even if loving it causes it to attack you verbally and mentally it's reflecting to you that when I was loved by someone else those are the people that attacked me too I opened up their love and then I was a sitting duck they're just showing you their pain honey I understand that I love you for showing me this I love you love out sparks the shadow every single time when you're truly aligned in the authenticity of it I love you wearing your body does it feel like the shadow of unconsciousness lurks the ugliness that you don't want anyone to see is it in your body is it in your mind whereas is in the background is there the background like something following you around and you're afraid to let it step forward and take you over I love you find it I love you let's say I love you I love you I love you the shadow is the appearance of misery just waiting to be freed from its own inner ugliness when you recognize that only beauty resides in any form I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you can we be the most elegant and graceful with the parts of us that are the most harsh when those parts get harsh we get soft when at the when the hardened edges arise within you we just creates softness and elegance around it we give your harshest shadow the softest place to land I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you now we're gonna do a little bit of a meditation to help us deepen this some of us are already having releases and you're safe to face and set free what only wants tenderness so in this meditation which I've never done before so this will be fun this meditation has this has a very simple instruction we're just gonna sit and I'm gonna give us some space for the meditation that I'm gonna guide you here and there but give space for your direct experience not only to process all that I shared but this meditation is gonna start with a very simple instruction the meditation is let's just sit and the only invitation is how soft and tender can you be with you how much time in the day do you take to ever stop and just be soft and tender with nothing but you you may not so let's take this moment and make this you time the only invitation for this meditation knows no spiritual fancy dance no visualizing anything no leaving your body and going off into the higher realms be in your body and the enemy a question that we contemplate viscerally is how soft and tender can you be with yourself right now even if things are you say very softly on the inside it's okay honey it's okay and if you can't quite go there then the things I say will be speaking on your behalf it's okay it's okay sweet one I love you you're totally safe to feel that way thank you for trusting me with your deepest darkest thank you for bringing your ugliness out to be shared with me thank you I'm only gonna see this beauty and you're safe to share it you're only sharing with me the way other people have judged you thank you for sharing that with me how soft and tender can you be relax your body do not fall asleep just be totally attentive in being as soft and tender as possible soft and tender is the way we surrender soft and tender is the way we surrender someone else asked me how do we surrender I said softly and tenderly where is their tightness in your body relaxed at place as your neck in your shoulders soft and tender is the way we surrender you're safe to feel okay you you
Channel: Matt Kahn All For Love
Views: 130,031
Rating: 4.8228469 out of 5
Keywords: spirituality, yoga, meditation, Matt, Kahn, chakra, starseed, Pleiadian, Buddha, Consciousness, Lightworker, Energy, Healer, Enlighten, Spiritual, Awake, Cosmic, Angels, Eckhart, Tolle, Mooji, Adyashanti, mystic, spiritual, teacher, sound, true, awakened, consciousness, inspirational, Wayne, Dyer, Deepak, Chopra, oprah, winfrey, Hay, House
Id: popuXezlTIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 2sec (5342 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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