Transforming the Darkness - Matt Kahn

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Well hello In our five-day journey Parts of us get activated some parts of us don't make the journey apparently my chair Family my chair isn't making the journey I don't know I iced it up for the first time last segment a couple of hours ago first time I've ever taught standing up at over 30. Well. I won't say over 13 years cuz 13 years ago. I didn't stand up I've never taught standing up before ever Feels like I literally stepped up into myself. Thank you And I literally my experience literally as I felt when I stood up and started teaching a timeline shift and I fit and so when we watch what's about to happen Which we all know what's gonna happen over the years people have said me Matt. You know it's about to happen So I feel like that was the moment where we look back, and we say that was when it started the moment I stood up Feels good Hills bow thank you, thank you feels good Well, thank you. I Can actually see you all it's amazing how much more I can see standing up That's amazing That I've been sitting for for many years and teaching like that which has been great I'm just feeling like I need more room so It's good, so here. We are Evening of day 3 What a three days it's been my goodness Transformations that have happened Oh amazing Weather it's been an explosive realization for you or a slow burn You know this is how the journey unfolds I Think today's teaching about Pain as sacred medicine is very crucial and instrumental and I think it's it's it's really important because It's not always about What's missing from your life, but how you put the pieces together That's really what it always comes down to someone in my position is Not here to tell you what's missing from your life, but just to have an objective view and say well What if we put the pieces together differently what differently would be created for you if we put it together differently? And so in the spirit of that If we were to look at certain things Differently what different experiences would we have I? Want to talk about a subject matter that is very? Popular in the spiritual arena One could call it the cornerstone of the old spiritual paradigm Because although the old spiritual paradigm is useful Particularly for the narcissistic journey a Lot of the old paradigm is insight and consciousness that is rooted in fear And if we are gaining wisdom that is rooted in fear because the thing is everything is consciousness So you can be rooted in fear and still have some perspective that is useful, but if it's rooted in fear It's not gonna take you all the way Like someone could say to you. It's useful to surround yourself with a bubble of life and that could be a very useful thing for some beings who get inundated with energy, but If that is rooted in fear because we're afraid of the repercussions if we don't It's not allowing us to become the very light that we're trying to surround ourselves with And ultimately the example of surrounding yourself in a bubble of light as you're pushing away the Aspects of yourself that only come to you to be recognized as an equal expression of consciousness So a very popular subject I'd like to talk about a Very mysterious subject a very misunderstood subject Is the subject the topic Entity Yes and entities Entities isn't that a popular one? And I say this just to give you some background I've always been a very energetically open being I've been inundated with energy and other people's emotions Most of my life starting from when I was about six When I was about six years old I remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing This vibrating glowing energy within my legs It was actually the vibration of consciousness, and I didn't know what it was and I actually thought it was bugs crawling on me And I would cry myself to sleep so that bugs were getting me Yeah Yeah I was really scared Okay, he's wondering one more, okay And And I remember Discovering you know from an early age My parents bought me a book as one of those coffee table books on every subject matter and paranormal You know like ESP Bigfoot UFOs and that's what kind of piqued my curiosity in all this such as kind of a wokes well can something inside of me and You know as soon as I? Would read an article or a part of this book of how people bending spoons with their minds? Oh yes I'm gonna do that I? think I spent 2 times 10 minutes staring at a spoon When nothing happened I kind of moved on but UFOs Bigfoot Loch Ness monster all that was just like this is my playground Have you learned about UFOs, I developed a fear of being abducted by them And so I would sleep totally afraid of being taken aboard ships by aliens Not realizing that if I did it's probably just my family saying hello Matt it's me Steve The irony is that those of us that are the most afraid of aliens are unaware of the fact that we are a ladies so Coming to this plot in this planet on a raise the vibration mission and to check out skinny jeans Just pretty awesome And then I remember learning about God and light so I had friends that were religious and Then of course when your friends are religious you also learned about help and darkness and the devil And I didn't know anything about this hell devil. I only learned about God as the light of God my parents were very spiritual and So they they taught me in a very open way about God is within you And it's the light that guides you and so every time I had that up from an early age None of my friends talking about the hell the demons and the devil and none of that made any sense It always seemed like okay. God created everything and on the seventh day God rested on the seventh day Some things snuck through the program And set up shop underground Something called the devil whose dark and mean and tries to ruin your day and Infiltrate your thoughts and I just I don't know Sounds kind of like a dick You know I don't know none of that really it just didn't make sense But I was young enough and impressionable enough to be afraid of that. I just found the scary a place where Souls are tortured forever Hmm if I don't do good enough things. I might wind up there. Oh my god, so I spent most of my life Open psychically and totally afraid of darkness Knowing nothing about darkness Which is how I was able to be afraid of it Because you're only afraid of the dark because of what you don't know about it If we have a discussion about the darkness We start to understand and we start to understand we cultivate consciousness about it and when you cultivate consciousness about a subject matter you start to Illuminate light within that subject matter and to illuminate light and darkness is to rescue it from itself and transform it So if we understand darkness we free ourselves from being afraid of it We're only afraid of darkness because of what we and because of what we don't know about it, so I spent most of my life afraid of the darkness then I would you know later in my life I got into spirituality and healing and helping people And I I didn't learn how to do healing the way most people learned I mean, I learned from just being downloaded from the universe have you told what to do I do it And it would work and then I came into this field and started talking with other practitioners And I thought when I came into this field. I was gonna meet a lot of my psychic friends We had all buddy up We'd all hang out do our psychic things That's not what happened I Met a bunch of people back in the day Who talked about things that seemed completely backwards as to how ethics his life? And their version just seems scary They told me Matt you're too open you must surround yourself in a bubble of light so the entities don't get you What Surround myself in light so the entities don't get you the entities What the hell's an entity Oh Matt an entity is a formless energy That hides and waits for you not to look and then jumps inside of you To take you over and do the things that you're gonna have to pay for later What? I'm gonna get hijacked by entities What is this all about I? Didn't know what it was didn't really feel true to me. I didn't know what to say, but I was freaked out So, I just kind of would like walk around Yeah So looking behind me making sure the entities don't have a point of entry Like I'll turn my back on anything he says And I'd hang out my so-called spiritual friends anytime we'd be around someone who would act kind of funny They'd go you see that. They have entities Fuck how do you know that? how do you know they're entities I could just tell they say and Then sooner or later became really weird because they don't let me friends. I had at the time Anytime you'd say something that was contrary to what they agreed with Think you have some entities. Oh, I don't know I Think the real entity is the human ego, that's what I realized And that what we think of as entities Are fragments of our own shadow? the shadow being the most unrecognized Aspects of our own consciousness That are in so much pain so much terror and have been so ignored for so long But these are the parts that are in such difficult Emotional states that we tend to turn away and shut off and split off from these parts as if to stay safe and whole Because when we turn towards these parts it feels like we're being pulled out of ourselves or pulled into a different dimension so when I started to see isn't that the entities were just these parts of ourselves that had been so not recognized and and every entity Wasn't actually trying to hurt anyone was just appealing to the witness saying I'm a part of you that has gone through so much torment in hell Please bear witness to my pain in my testimony, and if you can just watch and hear what I've been through I will unravel my darkness and return to the light of your divinity and So the entity situation was like an initiation The one who could withstand just sitting and witnessing all of this pain and agony and feeling and listening to whatever wanted to be sure No matter how horrible it sounded No matter how derogatory it sounded if you could just hear feel and listen to what was being shared with you then the evil yucky would unravel and Become the light of its true self and merge back within you and you would experience integration and wholeness And the way I realized this as I started working You know as an intuitive healer And I'm guided by a set of masters and Archangels and I can feel them always standing with me And I would have people that would come for sessions and people who would tell me well Matt I got to prepare you I have entities inside of me And I was at a point in my career well, you know you can feel Archangels and ascended masters with you, and I'm like well Okay Let's see what's real and The person who was so convinced of having entities would come to my house at the time I've been sessions at my house and would sit in front of me And I would just sit calmly And they would talk about their experience of having entities And I would say well that was then when I wasn't there, where are they right now And they were never there to be found Where are these things you're talking about? And they would say well, they're not here right now Why is that Why are they not here right now And every time I would show up an entity was never there to be found Anytime I'd look in someone's energy field never once have I seen an entity I've just seen aspects of someone's own Consciousness that is so shadowy and dark and so opposite from how you want to see yourself that it splits off into unrecognized ania You know about these things the less you're afraid of them you will be because you're only afraid of the things you don't understand and The thing that's interesting is that? especially when we talk about and I joke about it a lot just because I like joking and it's an easy way for me to disarm and the energy to get into your energy field for the healing everything I do is for the healing purpose I Joke a lot about the conspiracy theory stuff And As a person who's into the mysteries of the universe that stuff is intriguing to me I'm aware of it to a certain point. I'm not totally diving into it because the energy is so heavy and dense I Know enough just to know with what people are talking about But what's really interesting about those subject matters is when we're talking about Conspiracies or entities or darkness or really really heavy subject matters in this field It's as if we're all inherently agreeing that there's one reality Instead of recognizing that we are all seeing reflections from the level of consciousness we're inhabiting And if you have been educated by an old spiritual paradigm to understand a dualistic understanding of higher dimensional realities you're gonna think there are some entities floating around and when you see someone who's in an ego state whether Manic-depressive or otherwise you're gonna see entities inside of them, and what you're seeing is what they haven't integrated in their shadow even if we think of higher dimensional realities and that there are Sinister religions of aliens that are trying to overtake our planet and that and I'm not here to affirm or deny that I'm just here to suggest that what you would see Inter-dimensionally it can only be a reflection of how whole and fragmented your consciousness is So to know what's really true about Reality you can only trust the testimony of your direct experience And from my 13 years of experience I have you I have had the experience of people Who have had entity attacks? But then when they once they see that it is the integration of their shadow though, they're not being attacked by an entity It's just the shadow trying to come out of denial To be seen by the light of consciousness so that it can be liberated and returned home all of those attacks end And that even if you hear a story or watch a TV show of someone who has a home And there's a poltergeist and this energy is Running rampant and terrorizing their home Sometimes if you're a being who is totally Unconscious you're gonna manifest Paranormal activity to blow the lid off of your limited mind just to open you up to a spiritual dimension. That's an initiation And a set and as soon as you open up to the fact that there are spirits in a certain location That are asking to be recognized and respected that activity can come to an end which is why people will call a medium into a location because the medium is the one who's Not afraid of that dimension and who can be kind of a marriage counselor And so I want to say all this to you because tomorrow night We're going to be doing what's called the star seed activation and that's where we start to activate various aspect of our light body template and go through a very powerful level of Healing process that I channeled from the universe about five years ago And before we can do that I want to help dispel the old beliefs about entities that I want to take us through some Clearings so that we can clear the beliefs that We are beings capable of embodying darkness and instead to just see that the darkness we may miss perceive Are just innocent parts of ourselves begging to be recognized? No matter, what subject matter we Are perceiving in the journey of consciousness? we're not gonna see the whole truth instead unless we're looking through the eyes of love and It's very easy to hear about entities and darkness and things like that and to get so mesmerized by the fear of being taken over that we forget to see through the eyes of love and Of course something that is dark and insidious is not trying to scare you but is showing you Its most insidious form That reflects how many lifetimes It's been ignored overlooked tortured and ostracized and been absent from the light and comes to you as The light or the doorway of heaven that just as you recognize it as an equal part of yourself gives a permission to return home So the reason why things like that will come to you is because you're its liberator Not its victim You're the doorway of heaven and just by seeing it has an equal expression of consciousness you are giving a permission to pardon to be pardoned and to enter the doorway of light and enter heaven and the doorway of light Is your heart and heaven is your consciousness So imagine how Insane it is for a darkened being that's been tortured and persecuted ignored finally makes its journey of scratching and crawling finally comes to the doorway of heaven and Shows up in such a form that the doorway of heaven starts running away from them And Esoteric belief in ego is that you are a person afraid of being taken over by entities instead of you being an animated doorway of heaven that pardons and Returns everything to its original form of consciousness just by seeing it as an equal expression of truth Yeah Which is why in my career when I show up whether individually on groups like this things change As you've noticed over the last three days things changed quite quickly and The more time I've spent understanding this field the less afraid I am And that very interesting experience is talking to intuitive's about entities, and then I share with him what I found to be true and The more I share with them what I find to be true the more their ego gets triggered That's an interesting insight I've had intuitive --zz who are so rooted in the belief in entities and light versus dark because in their mind there has to be light versus dark so that their work has purpose and I'm not saying healers don't have a purpose. I'm saying in order for healers to continue to have a purpose. They must evolve I never stopped growing, and I'm always willing to push the envelope for your benefit and Far beyond you know when we are reaching a point in history where I no longer and necessarily up here Transmitting the answer to life's problems. I will be up here simply saying let's just have an infinite exploration of Consciousness and of potential where we can just go from one radiant dimension of light to a brighter dimension of light to a brighter dimension of light with no end in sight I don't need you to have a problem for me to be of service to you once we have eradicated problems And if you still have one I'm happy to help you solve it, but once we get beyond problems That's just the beginning of our journey So it seems as if I am part of pioneering a new spiritual path Where we don't have to be afraid of the dark in order to be rescued by the light We can actually be the light that is actually liberating the dark I've had in the experiences where I've talked to such Esoterically aligned healers who are so in this whole entity thing we're just me talking about what my experience is Not only do they get triggered the ego, but I've literally seen people just completely unravel and flip out Because they could not handle the shift into a new consciousness I Even have someone look at me when I was politely disagreeing and they said I think I see entities in your field though And I said yes, and they're called Archangels And I said they look like they're dark beings, but that's only because your eyes are closed I was a good one On the inside I did that And so that's why most of my career I've just been kind of doing my own thing because I'm not here to come up. I'm not here to have this consensus of let's all agree on something I'm just here to say look. There's another way Any time you're interacting with someone even like for example someone who have mental illness If your intuitive it could look like they have all his dark stuff in their field But all you're seeing are just fragments of their shadow totally split off and this person's consciousness is just trying to put together fragmented aspects and trying to Function So I think it's important that we really start looking through the eyes of love and understanding that everyone's on a healing journey But that doesn't mean that everyone is infested with evil aliens And to walk around surrounding yourself in the bubble of light is a really easy way to not go full-on in the Understanding that all this God all is one If all was God and all was one putting a bubble around you is only gonna divide you from yourself and I remember the time in my life many years ago. I don't mean five seven years ago. I Had already seen what I'm sharing with you about entities And there was still some very innocent parts of me that were afraid of them And it wasn't afraid of it. I was afraid of the idea of it I Knew the truth of it But there was a little part of me going by the way if this shit happens to be real. Oh my god oh My god Like if this turns out to be real God seriously as a pothead and The world was created by a Nintendo controller because I don't know how you get any of this shit created So I remember I sat in my living room in my apartment one day alone, and I kind of got this audacious Feeling come over me, and I thought you know I want to know What's true about this? And I sat in my apartment, and I just thought well, this is gonna go one of two ways It's gonna be real revealing one of two ways I Thought I'll just keep my friend door unlocked so people can find me if K something weird happens So I said out loud cuz oftentimes what we say out loud is accessing our subconscious mind I said if there is any truth to the reality of entities Please step forward reveal yourself and Completely take me over now or forever hold your peace And this is exactly what happened The worst thing they did was keep me waiting I'm still waiting And that's okay Do you notice how when I invoked it peace came over us? because we are no longer afraid of Seeking the truth about it and to seek the truth about it frees you of your fear Because you can only be afraid of what you don't know We're bringing consciousness to this so we're finding parts of ourself that are in deep healing crisis We're not finding things that are hiding in bushes waiting to get you And whether you come from a religious background And you have a belief in the devil and all that stuff like I grew up with a friends whose parents father particular Was real hot on the devil Never known someone whom you really into that who like blames everything on the devil Like his car wouldn't start my car won't start. You know did that the devil did that? But devil messed with your collar The devil did that my friend like talked back to his dad, so I'm you got the devil on your lips Got the devil on your lips you Can get the devil on your lips Is that way they get chapped Because it's hot and he'll the devil get soon that so that's why they moisturize no And so whether it's the devil or Entities or Reptile holes or little grey alien people or whatever the case may be Your initiation into higher consciousness is the recognition that all is one? light and in the light we have all spectrums and hues of vibration of intelligence Which means there is one eternal school where all grades exist? And as you know in school Second graders at different than college students and everything in between And so just as I did Sitting in my apartment As I freed myself from the belief in the stuff that was really really scary I would like to be able to work with you In a way, we're together We free ourselves of this once and for all if there is something in our field It's gonna just be fragmented aspects of our shadow. Let's bring consciousness to it. Let's transmute it Let's heal it by transmuting, and I don't mean get rid of it I mean bring the light of consciousness to it so they can be pardoned and returned home to the light of your Divine art space and let's actually do the healing work that lets these parts be seen heard and Ignasi so that you don't have to hold the past in your cellular body You can simply move forward into your pre dust in the future How's that sound? It's finding the last session, I started by standing and answering questions. It's the first time I've ever transmitted while standing So far so good Yeah Stumble here and there, that's okay. We'll get around to it I Gotta stand so I can dodge the entity Well we're gonna be inviting everything to the light yeah Thank you Thank you. I Will say to you That I have many friends that are Russians None of them are entities Right I will tell you I went to a restaurant I had a salad russian dressing Raise my vibration just Saying just want to put that out there wanted to say that But thank you for this this group I say that's not here Amazing amazing That does it take that in for a second, okay, we'll take questions later Actually, you know what let's make it interesting. Would you like to stand up and answer question? It's a great question right the in between Well the answer that that's a good question so and thank you, thank you for that So let's talk about crossing over because when I first started doing Intuitive work I worked part of the time as a medium Now in the beginning. I'd work as a medium But there's a certain vibration to connecting with the other side now what I found is that for me in the beginning I could really connect to the other side, but in my evolution. I kept raising my vibration and not that it's lesser work It's just that in order to be a medium you have to be a specific vibration where that's pretty much all you do and Because of that because that wasn't the work I enjoyed doing I was good at it I didn't like doing it, and I found that what I've evolved into doing right now I like doing just like you go to school and you have elective courses Tried the mediumship. It was I was good at it, but I didn't really enjoy It didn't enjoy the vibration so I enjoy this and in order for me to do this I had to take a step into a different dimensional place, so I had to say goodbye to mediumship And again there are people that are very talented of being mediums But that's when it's you know it it is it's kind of like if you're an animal communicator if you're an animal communicator It's a very specific frequency, and that's what you do If you're a medium, that's what you do What I do is what I do, and I have enough room in this field to do things at many different levels Even for me I know communication there are people that are amazing at it. I'm not one of them that's just not my thing I Had a French probably their dog Said hey Matt. What's my dog? saying Woof I Don't know I Don't know And that's honest You know it to be an intuitive You can't assume you know it all you just have to know what you know And if you don't know you can't say oh, I don't know that's not the wrong answer. That's the truthful answer I Was looking at the dog the dog was looking at me we were both dumbfounded Don't think your dog's thinking anything So but to get back to your question when I worked as a medium and what I've tuned into the energies Here's what's interesting and again? I speak from only my experience and other mediums are gonna. Tell you other things but it all depends on the level of consciousness you're perceiving from I Noticed two things about the afterlife One is that every soul I've ever communicated with When they leave their body passes into the light instantaneously the difficulty is not whether they make it into the light after they leave the body the Difficulty is when they're surrendered enough to let go of the body so the difficulties when you're seeing someone on their deathbed They're going to die and then they come back, and they're they come back. That's a difficulty too. They can't lick over the body Cuz this is the ultimate letting go Once you let go of the body you have guides that are kind of like theater usher. 'he's that? whisk you into the light, so I've never had the experience of a soul ever Leaving the body and on the way to the light They wandered into the forest Or took a left turn and now they're in purgatory Always they left the body and it's literally a gravitational force spent Right into the light, and you're in the light faster than you can even think You have guides whose job is to guide you there And when I've met with people who have come to me and they've said I Feel like my family member is stuck in the in-between I've then tuned in intuitively to see if that's actually true, and I've always found That that was a projection of their own unaccepted unprocessed grief But they missed that person so deeply they project That that person is on the in-between and they assume that soul needs their help in crossing over So to spend more time in their mind with the loved one they can't bear being without and that's very serious So that's what I found in my living research is that There is no in-between to get stuck in and if you're looking from the eyes of oneness I'm not saying it as a concept of because we're all one there's nothing to get stuck in I've just never Personally seen or felt it and I've worked with a lot of people that have lost loved ones There have been people who have feared their people not crossing over there are people who have missed their loved ones and Project that so to maintain a relationship with someone they can't be without in the physical realm And I've even had people Who have even been told by other intuitive's or assumed that because my loved one? Took their own life. They must be in purgatory Here's what I'll tell you whether you die from natural causes, or you take your own life you return to the light the same And I'll tell you why thank you I'll tell you why because To take your own life is only to follow in the Destiny that was already predetermined It looks like that was someone's choice, but someone's choice only inspires them because they're willing towards them What was already meant to be and? The way someone passes away tends to be as tragic as It needs to be To be like a magnet so when they leave this planet they pull with them all the unprocessed Pain that needs to be healed in the hearts of those that mourn their loss So one of the most important roles we play is in our death because our role is to make deep bonds and relationships On the earth plane and then when we pass weather naturally or tragically those whose lives. We've touched we like a magnet leave the earth and return to heaven and pull with us all of What all of those people couldn't heal without that type of tragedy? So to live and to die is to pull out of the hearts of those We know what couldn't be healed without something less Tragic so therefore the ability to live and die and heal those that remain here on the earth is the selfless mission of the soul Yes, Las Vegas Twin Towers hurricanes How many people have to perish before were inspired to live Great question what I? equate Soul retrieval Which is a healing process to the reintegration of the shadow yes? Yes, very very good question. Yeah, you're welcome. Thank you Soul retrieval Whether done through, hypnosis Where they're done through a breath work process a rebirthing process in all the ways we can alter our consciousness so to begin looking into ourselves and finding things that we haven't seen it's how we Request the shadow back into our field and integrate it when someone has a really really unfortunate plant medicine experience They are opening up a doorway And opening up the floodgates to integrate massive levels of the shadow back into consciousness Oftentimes way before they're prepared for it so If we don't necessarily Work too hard to try to conjure it up it happens over an entire lifetime very gradually Oftentimes the most popular way that you will integrate your shadow Occurs in your dreams you Ever have a really wild acid trip like dream, and you wake up and you go what the hell was that? That was just fragments and aspects being being reclaimed and woven back together and synthesized And all the different images from those different lifetimes are then put together in your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind says I can make a story out of that a wild one And then you can this dreamlike adventure that makes no sense and you wake up a little more integrated well perplexed about The sense of what just happened to you so dreams are where a lot of our integrations happen, which is why a lot of Native American cultures and shamanic traditions put a lot of credence in dream interpretation Because dreams are where people begin to access the subconscious mind And when you begin to access your subconscious mind Consciously that's what it means to begin activating your intuitive powers The ability to access the subconscious mind from a conscious state This is great. Where's my answer for questions yes if you can please stand up For example So what if the reoccurring aspect of that dream is to actually challenge deeper subconscious beliefs That is challenging your spiritual beliefs that say if I'm dreaming about my husband's husband in my dreams it must mean I'm not resolved So let's challenge that belief try this out loud what if dreaming about my ex? Is only challenging my belief that Something is yet to be resolved and what if the allowing him to be in my dreams Is the very proof that forgiveness has occurred Because true forgiveness is allowing one to be as they are and If I think that having him in my dreams Is proof of anything being unresolved I'm gonna try to maintain control over my reality Instead of seeing what's being unraveled in a deeper level? So if I'm truly forgiven him why not just let him be wherever he wants to be And when his presence doesn't remind me of something wrong with me He'll have successfully taught me everything I need to know And then there will be no reason for him to show up How does that feel
Channel: Matt Kahn All For Love
Views: 141,225
Rating: 4.8663578 out of 5
Keywords: spirituality, yoga, meditation, Matt, Kahn, chakra, starseed, Pleiadian, Buddha, Consciousness, Lightworker, Energy, Healer, Enlighten, Spiritual, Awake, Cosmic, Angels, Eckhart, Tolle, Mooji, Adyashanti, mystic, spiritual, teacher, sound, true, awakened, consciousness, inspirational, Wayne, Dyer, Deepak, Chopra, oprah, winfrey, Hay, House
Id: K70oA8vMOfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 13sec (3073 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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