What's REALLY Happening in the Millennium? - Dr. Gene Kim

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in Matthew chapter 5 this is the famous Sermon on the Mount let's start off with verse 1 the Beatitudes right you all heard of that that's the most famous passage on the Beatitudes now I have a sermon covering about the Beatitudes and in this one I'm going to tell you something here so we see in these different timelines we see the Old Testament we are in the church age right now that's where we're in then you got the tribulation and then you got the Millennium now the Millennium sometimes a lot of people just don't know about what's gonna happen in the Millennium if you live in the Millennium the question is how do you get saved in the millennium tribulation verses will be easy to find you just jump through Revelation how they get saved church age is easy to find you just look through Paul line epistles Old Testament is easy just look at Old Testament verses but they're verses on millennium where do you find them right so how you find verses on the millennium about salvation or the doctrine and the workings of the millennium is looking at the fit earthly kingdom that's the key that's an important thing to understand how you major in doctrine any doctrine about the millennium is looking at any verse that has to do with the earthly kingdom that's the key now when you think about it what kind of verse is what support would talk a lot about the earthly Kingdom if you read your Bible enough then you could use your head what do you what traverses would talk a lot about the earthly Kingdom the major prophets right because they talk about this Messiah this king coming and what kind of Kingdom he's going to set up so if you look through these major prophets and it's bound you're bound to find a verse about it see not only that here's something people don't usually think another one that they got to find out is referring when Jesus is preaching about the gospel of the kingdom see that and usually this is called kingdom of heaven these are two salient areas where you're gonna find verses about millennium salvation now we're in Matthew five then right because Jesus here is preaching about the kingdom there's no doubt because if you look at chapter four verse 23 through 25 notice Jesus was preaching what kind of gospel the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ no he was preaching about what the gospel of the kingdom oh no he was preaching about the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ if he did the Jews would not crucify him and Jesus would not say Father forgive them they know not what they do he wouldn't say it that way see that so the thing is this is that in this preaching right here he's preaching about the gospel of the kingdom now in verse 1 he opens his mouth about the gospel of the kingdom the famous Beatitudes opened his mouth and taught them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you now look at this passage where he's preaching to all these people on the earth now some of these verses we we are not hyper dispensationalists we firmly believe every verse and I mean every verse in the Bible you can learn a lesson from right so in these verses you can definitely use some verses where you can learn lessons from and even apply to yourself but think about this if this is talking about the kingdom of heaven what is the kingdom of heaven it's an earthly Kingdom you might say but it says kingdom of heaven passed or not kingdom on the earth keep your hand at Matthews five keep your hand at Matthew five jump to Matthew 13 I'm Matthew 11 excuse me Matthew chapter 11 yeah a few chapter a letter oh you just got to read the Bible that's it friend that's it look at Matthew chapter 11 and verse 12 Matthew chapter 11 verse 12 what is this kingdom of heaven it's definitely an earthly kingdom there's no doubt because look at Matthew chapter 11 and notice in verse 12 and from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven right okay so let's assume this is up in heaven where God lives suffereth violence and the violent take it by force does that make any sense that God is suffering violence in heaven and there's pain no but what is suffering violence a lot it's a lot of earthly kingdoms right they are fighting against each other there is violence especially during the timeline of Jesus they were there's so much violence conquering lands there's no doubt the kingdom of heaven is referring to an earthly kingdom by the way this would have been a no-brainer because you hear so many churches harping about that's build the kingdom of heaven here on earth did they mean like going up to heaven no they're trying to build what some kind of earthly kingdom that is perfect see that so that is what Jesus was referring to in Matthew 5 a perfect kingdom on the earth now think about it did God ever had a perfect kingdom on the earth at the Old Testament no did God ever have a perfect kingdom on the earth that the church age would definitely know so it these pastors who joke around let's build the kingdom of heaven on the earth you can laugh okay tribulation kingdom of didd God can God build a perfect Kingdom during the tribulation no it's the Antichrist silly if that's not gonna work millennium bing that's why Matthew 5 it won't apply to these but to what the right here make sense see that now let's think about that if this is millennium wouldn't these verses we read at Matthew five work great with people who are entering or living in the Millennium blessed are the poor in spirit why they've been through poverty through the tribulation right finally they can obtain the kingdom so that they don't buy and sell with the mark of the beast blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted oh that makes sense right these people who went through the tribulation they were mourning through sorrow a din jesus said that it will be like a day of sorrow during the tribulation now they're comforted in the Millennial Kingdom blessed are the meek for they shall inherit where the earth so there you go it shows right here it's referring to an earthly Kingdom blessed are they which do notice hunger and thirst after righteousness it makes a lot more sense right with people entering or living in the Millennial Kingdom now blessed are the pure in heart blessed are the peacemakers blessed are they which are persecuted and blessed are you when men shall revile and persecute you that makes a lot more sense now doesn't it see it's referring to people who are what they are entering into the millennium and they live throughout the millennium that's when Matthew 5 is referring to so now we see this salvation thing here in the Millennium is purely works that's why it makes sense the salvation timeline of the millennium is worse people who deny that then they're gonna have trouble with this look at verse 21 you have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment but I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause have you ever got angry at some brother and sister in your family or in Christ for no good reason notice shall be in danger of the what judgment really do we get arrested by the government here if I pick a fight with brother Robert in the middle of street preaching it's not like they're gonna bring us haul us up to the judge or something like that and whosoever shall say to his brother raca shall be in danger of the council who i get in danger of the council i call brother Shawn hey Shawn raka how are you doing oh I'm in trouble now of the council what is this earthly judgement this earthly council if not related to God's earthly kind of government and setup see it makes sense it that would fit with millennium but look at this one but whosoever shall say thou fool shall be in danger of what Hellfire well you bunch of fools hmm I lost my salvation I'm going to hell no Jesus called people fools didn't he Paul called fools didn't he so was Jesus lying right here or was he referring to this kind of Kingdom that will be set up yes you know why because in the Millennium there are no fools you all should get along this is a peaceful government and peaceful set up all right so don't get angry without a cause otherwise I'm gonna set you straight don't call each other fools or I'm going to set you straight see that that makes sense now that makes perfect sense not only that look at the verses right here about what the Bible says concerning salvation verse 48 be there for what perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect can you be perfect no you and I can't be perfect it's by faith in what Jesus Christ did on the cross but in the Millenium see this is purely a work set up why because you got a perfect government a perfect God so each he expect things to go perfectly see that it makes a lot of sense now what these verses are saying and how God wants salvation to be done but look at this chapter 6 it's continuing you notice that notice right here that chapter 6 he's continuing all these teachings Chapter seven he's continuing this teaching now it makes sense in Chapter 7 verse 1 judge not that ye be not judged right why because in here we're all supposed to get along but in the church age we got to do a lot of judgment right of the Old Testament it was a day of judgment tribulation it's severe judgment right here see these verses now makes sense when you keep on reading and then at the end of chapter 7 he's done with this Sermon on the Mount also look at Isaiah chapter 33 Isaiah chapter 33 Isaiah chapter 33 and look at verse 14 Isaiah chapter 33 and we will read verse 14 through 15 verses 14 through 15 so notice right here what the Word of God reads concerning about the tribulation and their salvation verse 14 the sinners in Zion are afraid fearfulness surprised the hypocrites who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire who among us she'll dwell with everlasting burnings okay so notice right here there's a particular group of people that can survive through the burning fire who are they he that walketh up righteously and speaketh uprightly he that despiseth the gain of oppressions that shake AddThis hands from holding a bribes that stoppeth excuse me that stoppeth his ears from hearing a blood and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil see all that works works works works works right he shall dwell on I so notice these works are involved and these sinners in Zion Zion are afraid of burning fire remember I Matthew 5 Jesus says that you will face Hellfire 4 you know if you call each other fool could this be could Isaiah 33 which is a major prophet is is it talking about God's kingdom on the earth yes it is because what is the Lord talking about at verse 5 the Lord is exalted for he dwelleth on high he filled Sian with judgment and righteousness remember I Matthew 5 he talks a lot about danger of the judgment danger of the judgment not only that the Lord is ruling on earth in Jerusalem see that not only that look at verse 17 that is very plain thine eyes shall see the who King in his beauty look at that see God is ruling as King on the earth look at verse 22 well there's that's very clear for the Lord is our what judge the Lord is our what lawgiver the Lord is our what king he will what save us because what this tribulation is about to end he rescues them that's why the sinners in Zion are afraid he's setting up his kingdom on the earth so according to verse 14 through 15 we see that it is works but not only that in Isaiah 33 it gives you an easy verse here that in the Millennium salvation is works only faith is not necessary you might say how does Isaiah 33 show that simple 14 and 15 works right verse 17 no faith is required you notice at verse 17 then I shall see the king in his beauty what is faith it's believing without seeing look at Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 1 now there are some people who will argue that faith is required in every dispensation and stuff like that now this is pretty simple to me I think even the angels in heaven and everybody has some kind of faith so that one's undeniable but that's not what I'm interpreting from the verse I'm going by the verse itself in the verse itself it specifically says that what in Hebrews 11:1 how they define the faith now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of what things not seen defining ourselves with this terminology of faith at Hebrews 11:1 that kind of faith and the kind and in Isaiah chapter 33 where they say they see the king what does that mean then there is no faith see because why you already see Jesus do you think that you need that you're going to have to require faith to do that when you see Jesus and Hellfire burning right in front of you you think some atheist is gonna say well this is a delusion and a hallucination and I can't believe it unless I see it it ain't gonna work that ain't gonna work we're going to look at Zechariah chapter 13 and we will read verse 1 in that day there shall be a fountain open to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness and it shall come to pass in that day saith the Lord of Hosts that I will cut off the names of the idols of the land and they shall no more be remembered and also I will cause a prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land and it shall come to pass that when any shall yet prophesy then his father and his mother that began him shall say unto Him thou shall not live for thou speakest lies in the name of the Lord and his father and his mother that begat him shall thrust him through when he prophesied a--the and it shall come to pass in that day that the prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision when he had prophesied neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive but he shall say I am no prophet I am an husbandmen for man taught me to keep cattle from my youth they cannot prophesy they cannot give visions God Himself is ruling at that day we're also going to look at Hebrews chapter eight Hebrews chapter eight Hebrews chapter eight notice that when God sets up his kingdom right here he has his cover covenant and his government in place we're gonna look at the book of Hebrews chapter eight notice that in verse eight for finding fault with them he said behold the days come saith the LORD which when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lean them out of the land of egypt because they continued non my covenant and i regarded them not for this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days this is referring to what his kingdom on the earth millennium it's a future future see this didn't happen in Old Testament or Newt or in the church age I will put my laws into their minds and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a god and they shall be to me a people look God is with them he is with those people and as a result look at verse 11 and they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the Lord why for all shall know me from the least to the great to the greatest for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sin in their iniquities will I remember no more so look at this you this can't definitely apply to church age Christians because we are supposed to say know the Lord know the Lord tribulation Saints they're supposed to preach throughout the world Old Testament they're trying to tell people to know the Lord millennium there's no doubt because he's with them he's with the children of Israel so you don't have to tell people hey Jesus is God he is king believe on him see that you don't have to teach that kind of faith people will automatically know ok people will automatically know that's just common sense that's why people cannot prophesy when God rules over the world at the book of Zechariah why because if they promise sigh oh they're going to know and they can even thrust you through with the spear you have no vision and no prophecies during those days see because everyone will know God at that time so we see right here that millennium salvation that it is clearly works and look at Revelation chapter 22 22 Revelation chapter 22 and we will read verse 14 Revelation chapter 22 and we will read verse 14 notice the Word of God says here blessed are they that what do is commandments that they may have right to the Tree of Life and may enter in through the gates into the city so notice right here that there is a works requirement right here that God gives them that blessed are you that do the commandments so that you can enter you may have right to enter through the gates of the city well I look at that this is what long past the tribulation time period this is near the end so God says blessed are you if you do the command so that you can enter in so we see right here there's undoubtedly a work set up right here during the timeline of the Millenium and as we step out into eternity so when people try to show you verses about works for salvation you just simply ignore it you know why because this is referring to people who are entering the Millennial Kingdom and live in it that's what the vs. are applying to Christians they are say by grace through faith alone I mean there's no doubt a contradiction you saw Hebrews 8 that's a contradiction if I ever saw one no the Lord no the Lord don't tell anyone to know the Lord if someone actually preaches or proclaims I can prophesy or I can give a vision right here then you thrust them through with the spear according to the book of Zechariah here we're supposed to preach and prophesy prophesy means to preach we're supposed to tell people to know the Lord see there's a contradiction this verse says don't call somebody a fool here you see Paul calling people here you say do the commandments do the works here it says not by works lest any man should boast see that so there's no doubt this is a works only set up and then the church age is very different you
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Keywords: end times, Chuck Missler, Walter Veith, Trump, Obama, conspiracy, prophecy, revelation, Rob Skiba, apologetics, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Alex Jones, Steve Cioccolanti, King James Bible, Peter Ruckman, Mark Dice, tribulation, flat earth, antichrist, mark of the beast, vigilant christian, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, Paul Begley, Hillary Clinton, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, ufo, new world order, illuminati, celebrity, Joel Osteen, Desiring God, TD Jakes, Joseph Prince
Id: qsKOZNoLCuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2018
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