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i have saved one issue to the very end because it is highly highly highly sensitive and that is the hadith that mentioned that towards the end of times when the big armageddon battle takes place and there shall be the jal on one side and isa on the other that is the final armageddon the big one that isa will kill the john and then all of the followers of the jal will disperse running for their lives many of them will be from that group and they will try to save themselves by hiding and the hadith mentions this hadith is muslim and there are versions of it in muslim primarily the hadith mentions that at that time frame the creation will side with the muslims publicly i shouldn't even just say muslims the supporters of isa because there will be christians who will support isa and believe in him so they will become muslim right and for all we know there might be yehuda as well who will choose at that time to be with the truth the hadith don't mention that all of them will follow it just says the majority of his followers will be from there there's a difference between the two so it was the hadith mentions that every tree and every rock will say to the believer come there is that person behind come and he is hiding so that the there is no use to hide there's no use to hide anymore because the creation of allah will publicly humiliate and say oh he's hiding here come and deal with this person except for the tree of that is a tree that will be quiet and not side with the muslims now every once in a while some innocent khatib somewhere in the western world gives the khudba and he quotes this hadith and memory jumps on him you know what memory is if you don't alhamdulillah for you or fox news jumps on him where pamela geller jumps on him and takes this small clip and goes viral with it and says oh this is an anti-semite and he is calling for the destruction and he is hitler version 2.73 and he is this and that bring him back again right so it becomes problematic to quote our own tradition because accusations of anti-semitism come and a few years ago there was a university of california would host the msa uploaded all of the books of hadith uh once upon a time if you ever did a google about hadith the first one would come would be the university of california one of the msa brothers he uploaded all of the hadith collections and it was a great resource obviously these guys found it and they found these a hadith and they said the university is anti-semite or it is hosting anti-semites it's hosting a muslim right so the university it was a big scandal the university had to get involved the msa had to edit and censor sahih muslim sahih muslim had to cut a hadith if they wanted to host and eventually the whole thing was pulled there is no longer the hadith collection on their website it's gone it's gone so this raises a very difficult topic are these a hadith anti-semitic the response i think is very clear and that is that first and foremost first and foremost as a matter of principle as a matter of principle these are traditions that are found in books authored a thousand years ago thousand two hundred years ago you know uh books of hadith censorship doesn't make any sense are you oh people who are criticizing a book in the past going to censor your own books and not teach them when they have misogyny when they have race issues when they have issues that might be politically incorrect there is hardly a classical book hardly except that there are phrases or notions even shakespeare has anti-semitism read the merchant of venice it is a purely anti-semitic track are you going to ban the merchant of in it are you going to stop it and strip it from being sold are you going to take it and make it unavailable the hypocrisy is ludicrous you don't go back and sanitize history just because you don't like it even if you don't like it it needs to be taught and explained and clarified that as a matter of principle that is what liberalism stands on and when it comes to every faith other than islam they unfolded when it comes to islam we see the double standards that's the first point second point the accusations of anti-semitism need to be addressed head-on they need to be addressed head-on and we need to stop being so defensive let us be frank and honest here study history or muslims be educated anti-semitism is a european phenomenon it's not a muslim phenomenon it never existed in muslim lands up until 1947. anti-semitism is something that began in europe by christians and it was prevalent throughout their history and it is still around to this day muslims were never anti-semitic yes it is christians and jews and there's a slightly different shady it's not anti-semitism historically speaking muslims and jews historically had much more in common and they would always bind together against the one who would persecute them and that is the afranj the rome the franks the christians historically muslims and jews had a much stronger relationship than muslims and christians and jews and christians historically speaking without exaggeration the greatest minds of the jewish tradition pre-modernity all of them are found in muslim lands all of them starting from baghdad and ancient iran and anderus and egypt you have the greatest minds coming including shaptides v in ottoman lands they could not do what they did in muslim lands they could not do it in europe every time the christians persecuted the jews muslims opened their doors the last time 1492 when the muslims were expelled from granada the sultan of the ottoman land said eu europeans are fools the jews are intelligent people they're useful why don't you come and he invited all of them and mass to come and live in muslim lands and that is why throughout the muslim world the largest sorry throughout the world the largest population of jews before 1947 were in muslim lands in yemen in iraq in morocco in egypt these were where the jews were so this whole notion of muslims being anti-semite by the very people who defended by the very people who invented anti-semitism please muslims educate yourselves don't fall for all of this stuff okay also so that's historically speaking let us realize these are hadith they are predictions not prescriptions big difference they're predictions not prescriptions they're telling you what's going to happen they're not telling you it is allowed to do it so if you believe in these predictions you believe that stones are going to talk i believe they're going to talk but the people who criticize us don't if you don't believe 90 of it then why are you believing the 10 these are predictions of the end of times of armageddon what's going to happen the apocalypse lives the end of the world if you believe that trees are going to talk if you believe there's something called the antichrist if you believe there's something called the coming of christ well then if you really believe that fight on the side of truth not the side of evil end of story if you don't believe it these hadith are not telling muslims to do anything is describing what's going to happen towards the end of times and therefore if you choose the side of good and not the side of evil you're not going to have this issue so the bottom line we don't have to worry about this charge of anti-semitism we need to educate ourselves and challenge it head on these are not anti-semitic hadith whatsoever it's merely describing a battle towards the end of times the forces of good the forces of evil those who choose the forces of evil will have to suffer the consequences simple as that you don't believe in this battle then don't quote 10 10 phrases or 10 words and ignore the 100 word hadith don't quote that one phrase about the tree is going to say and ignore the whole context that's being hypocritical no scholar derives sharia from and again to be brutally honest and blunt here when the holocaust was taking place in multiple places in the world muslims stood up to defend muslims stood up to help those that were being persecuted this is a fact the muslims of france the muslims of morocco multiple places they helped the jewish people and i have visited those places auschwitz and others and i will tell you honestly and this is a reality that allah knows if i were alive at that time frame i would have thought it is something that allah will reward me if i were to protect these believers from that evil that was taken believers in allah over all from that evil that is taking place what happened afterwards 1948 onwards is not related to what happened before if you were alive in 1940 you saw what is happening to this persecuted race men women and children being killed indiscriminately it would be a part of our iman to protect the innocent from this evil force of nazi hitlerism and that's something that i firmly believe whether you agree with others besides the point the point being we need to challenge this notion of anti-semitism it is not anti-semitic these hadith are predicting the future not prescribing law right now law tells us we protect minorities that's what law tells us even in an ideal islamic state history proves that we protected those minorities history proves that though they flourished they would flourished under the lands of islam like they did not flourish until the advent of modernity in europe they were not allowed to do what they were in muslim lands so we deny this accusation of anti-semitism from its complete as we said number one the issue of hypocrisy and double standards number two uh historically speaking where did anti-semitism come from number three the muslims and the jews and the relationship number four these hadith are these these are descriptions of the future predictions and not and not what prescriptions not prescribing what is to be done so there is no anti-semitism whatsoever and we muslims cannot be anti-semites because our prophet was a semite ibrahim was a semite the majority of semites are muslims how can muslims be anti-semites yes we can be anti-zionists and we are anti-zionists but we are not people who hate jews and christians no there's a difference between judaism and zionism muslims be careful never criticize judaism and mass unless it's theology we can criticize aspects of theology jews there are good and bad people amongst them christians good and bad zionism as a movement you have christian zionists as we explain you have jewish zionists you have atheist zionists and we criticize zionists but not people of other faith traditions they are ali kitab with that time is up in sha allah
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 202,271
Rating: 4.9366908 out of 5
Keywords: merciful, servant, themercifulservant, dajjal, messiah, anti christ, masih, al masih, jesus, end times, reminder, story
Id: V6tg9xKLwSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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