What went WRONG with Tubbo's Minecraft Server TubNet???

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with a total of over 5.5 million views backed by one of the most popular Minecraft content creators there is free promotion from over a dozen other prominent Minecraft figures a Twitter account dedicated to it with over 250 000 followers a Discord server with over 100 000 members a tick tock with over 100 000 followers four years total spent in development and everything else 99.99 of Minecraft servers could only dream of having tubnet was born to succeed denoted by some as the Hypixel killer and promising to be a server that brought Java and Bedrock players together tubnet was meant to be the next big thing with an almost cult-like following thousands of players upon release and more hype than I've ever seen from a Minecraft server in the past how in the world did tubnet manage to die so fast regularly seeing player counts as low as two to three players their videos Barely getting the views they used to and some days the server not even managing to get more than 25 players online even Mineplex is putting up numbers but that just begs the question then with tubnets having everything you could possibly need to succeed and being the most anticipated Minecraft server of the past few years what exactly went wrong well it all started in August of last year tubner originally was set to release for both bedrock and Java players in late August of 2022. it was going to be brilliant the server had been in development for four years at this point and their trailer managed to get over 3.1 million views however that release would be delayed sadly I have to announce that we will not be releasing this Friday due to no fault of our own one of our service providers cloudflare was unable to handle the immense load which was all of you guys joining the server as tubbo mentioned they were currently having issues handling the massive amounts of players who are trying to join the server that's very normal for Minecraft servers though the issue when running a server is that you don't really know how well a server can run until you bring it to its knees taboo and the tubnet team likely beta tested the server themselves maybe even with small groups of players many times throughout development to minimal issues but when you have hundreds of players instead of just a handful things break in completely unexpected ways and there's no realistic way to get an idea of how server will handle players until you get the players to join and play themselves so them delaying the launch of the server is more normal than anything in the world of Minecraft multiplayer trust me unfortunately it seemed the players were very understanding most of which preferring a clean and glitch-free delayed launch rather than a messy release however this is where things would begin to go wrong two things in particular first of all after the announcement of the service delay there would be an almost radio Silence from tubnet for about two months the hype would die down significantly in this time and you can see that on Google Trends how much so this is still normal as well though and tubnet still had all the resources available to them to bring the hype back yet many players didn't even know that the server had come out upon its full release in November of that year how could that have happened though well it's because tubnet hadn't invested in long-term promotion after their full release an event was run the server featuring 50 Minecraft YouTubers and stream Gamers many of which had millions of subscribers or twitch followers with tens of thousands of people watching the event live due to this and in conjunction with the release of the server tubnet's Play account would spy keeping around 4 500 concurrent players the highest it had ever and seemingly would ever see the play account rapidly fell after that though and in only a matter of a week would barely get above 400 players in peak hours only continuing to fall to the sorry states it is in now taboo did not upload any YouTube videos on either of his channels promoting the server in some way he did not stream the server that often on his twitch very few tick tocks were posted on their Tick Tock account and Beyond a few tweets and retweets which people would see and then forget about tubbo didn't really promote the server at all this is the same mistake most YouTubers make when they try to create a Minecraft server and which is why most fail you can't just release with a big event or video and then cease all server promotions together you need to have consistent promotion otherwise a server is doomed players are going to leave a Minecraft server no matter what which is why I need a constant flow of new players coming in I regularly make videos talking about something relating to my Minecraft server or promote it in some way on my channel just so I can consistently promote the server and grow it in fact I'm going to do that right now join my server ogdashnetwork.net for Quality SMP and their civilization factions game mode oh and subscribe while you're actors no pressure of course tubnet had no presence on Minecraft voting websites very little presence on YouTube not much presence on Twitch very little presence on Tick Tock with only some presents on Twitter this is not what successful server promotion looks like every successful Minecraft server is at least significantly present and visible on one of the platforms I mentioned consistently being promoted there I made the same mistake myself when I first released my Minecraft server uploading an announcement video and then never talking about it again and surprise surprise it basically died after a month or two topnet needed consistent promotion from tubbo and that's not what it got now the second issue was that upon the server's release it was only going to be Java compatible what had made tubnet unique and helped build a lot of hype was this Java and Bedrock cross compatibility currently most sizable Mini-Game servers are not cross compatible either being Java only or Bedrock only pubnet was to be as a trailer mentioned in its description the first large-scale server to feature full cross play for bedrock and Java and that was true currently almost all cross-placed servers are smps or similar game modes not mini games so as you can imagine many Bedrock players were excited for this but upon tubnet's delayed release in November of 2022 and still to this very day months later the server is not Bedrock compatible while there are still plans for Bedrock compatibility there is no set release date now while I don't know for sure I'm going to use some of my experience running a cross-compatible Minecraft server here to make a bit of an assumption the true reason tubnet's release was delayed and the reason the server did not release with bedrock compatibility as was planned was because they could not get cross-compatibility to work properly now I don't know for sure what they are using behind the scenes for Bedrock compatibility but it's likely geyser or some modified version of it which for those of you unaware basically just converts bedroom plays to Java players by manipulating the package they sent to a server this how however is extremely taxing on server performance and as I discovered with my own Minecraft s p a single Bedrock player is about as taxing on server performance as at least three to five Java players that's excluding the many plug-in incompatibilities and issues that arise when introducing Bedrock plays to Java plug-in ecosystems as well simply puts I predict that tubnet could not handle Bedrock players especially in the abundance they got during their beta tests and could not get it working properly or at least to an extent they were happy with once again this isn't exactly topnet's fault and neither is a guy's fault but regardless many Bedrock players felt misled or disappointed that they could not play the server they were so hyped up to play for months now to this day players are still regularly asking when Bedrock compatibility will come out but you may be asking Mr Epic the server literally had thousands of players upon releasing and probably tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of more joining total so how the hell did it die so fast where did all those players go well to understand that we need to look at the service current game modes upon release tubnet had two game modes Crystal Rush and live strike with their third game mode Battle Royale not being released until a few months later so let's look at these two first now unfortunately due to my Australian time zone meaning that the service Play account was almost exclusively in the single digits during appropriate hours for me I didn't get that many opportunities play but from my limited play testing and the discussions of other players there are some very clear and glaring issues with their minigames first and foremost Crystal Rush what is it you may be asked he reskinned 1.9 combat version of bed Wars where you break a crystal instead of a Bed Bed Wars you may be saying the game mode which is losing popularity even on high pixel and many of the other hundreds of servers who run it yep that's the one now to be fair Crystal Rush has innovated on bed Wars a bit and rather than blatantly stealing High pixels Maps like some other servers they have designed some very aesthetically pleasing Maps there are also some unique items and power-ups you can get as well but that's not really enough to make it distinct from Hypixel and it has some major downfalls mining the crystals to not only collect special resources called shards but also to break other people's Nexus is annoyingly time consuming compared to the easer which you can pick up diamonds and emeralds on Hypixel and break people's beds and the islands also seem to be a bit further apart requiring more monotonous bridging and a slower gameplay Loop furthermore some of the power-ups just felt a bit gimmicky it's really annoying to be in a fight for a play just to fly away but that might just be personal preference so with all that being said why would players play Crystal Rush over High Hypixel Bed Wars or any of the many other rip-offs on dozens of other servers well realistically there's only one reason and that's for the 1.9 combat which surprisingly most of the minigame Community who have been playing the same version of the game for over 8 years now dislike Crystal Rush needed to attract a new audience of players to be successful ultimately they were never going to steal a significant number of high pixels or any other 1.8 service players due to the combat differences and they failed to do that as the game mode really isn't that Innovative or unique Crystal Rush doesn't really improve on bedwars popular gameplay loop at all making it slightly worse if anything then there's mines I mean Light Strike tubnet's Minecraft version of Cs go or the loserant a competitive 4v4 minigame where the PG Terrace encounter Terrace Juke it out with the goal of the breakers being either to kill all the places or break the PG bomb called The Beacon the goal of the places is to kill all the breakers or place the beacon and Defender for 45 seconds where it will then explode sorry remember we have to keep this PG you can buy weapons and items at the beginning of each round didn't have to win four rounds total to win the game now this game mode was successful on Mineplex and Hypixel seven years ago but ultimately is now mostly dead on both with high pixels version not getting very many players considering the server size now there are two big issues I notice with light strike the reason mind striking cops and crims were successful is because they adapted csgo's tactical base fast time to kill gameplay quite well Light Strike doesn't really play well because the time to kill is way too slow and players just play it like a team deathmatch mealing each other most of the time at least from my experiences the other reason for that is because the weapons are all modified versions of bows now I don't know if it's because they tried to be so child friendly that they didn't want to add guns but the gameplay is utterly boring because the weapons are not hit scan arrows do move faster with different versions of Bose but the fact that you have to stop and draw the bows completely ruins the style of gameplay which is game mode was originally successful in Mineplex and Hypixel 4. yeah I know there are crossbow weapons but having to load those up sucks as well to summarize life strike is just slowing boring and in my opinion they adapted it very poorly although they might have been trying to do something completely different and it just didn't work out if the game mode is already mostly dead on high pixel of all places how in the world is a slightly worse version of it ever going to be popular on top net so you can now see with just those two game modes alone why tubnet originally died so fast both are ultimately boring worse versions of game modes which already Exist Elsewhere with 1.9 PVP and the unique elements they added failing to be significant enough to draw newer players in so what about their third game mode Battle Royale well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Minecraft Survival Games died years ago now and while there have been multiple attempts from myself and others to bring it back none have been successful long term it was a game mode that was only ever really popular with 1.8 players trust me I've tried to get my 1.19 SMP players to play Survival games on my server and they hate it so you can imagine that such a competitive game mode wasn't really that popular amongst 1.19 players and the inclusion of 1.9 PVP turned away all prior survival games players as well to be fair though tubnet's Battle Royale is probably their most popular and well-designed game mode it's actually pretty fun to play although the lack of shields makes axes feel far too strong but that's more of a 1.9 PDP issue tubnet Battle Royale also does have some cool Innovations there are some custom items which are very fun to use you can actually place and Destroy certain blocks and the map is really well designed and vibrant but beyond that it's just a 1.9 combat version of Minecraft survival games at its core and that's just not enough to bring newer players in so is that it for tubnet is it over or could they bring it back well I don't know but one thing's for sure and that's the fact that 1.9 combat based minigame servers can still be successful MCC Islanders PVP Legacy is and saw the hundreds of other non-mini game servers which still involve 1.9 plus combat the problem with tubnet is that their game modes for the most part are just worse versions of already existing game modes MCC Island innovated quite well and even have a form of 1.9 PVP SkyWars with healthy selection of unique and enjoyable game modes that are more compatible with the newer age Minecraft player if tubnet could do the same start promoting the server consistently and hopefully eventually achieve Bedrock compatibility they still have a very good shot of being a successful server they still have all the resources and reach they started with which most servers could only dream of having and not only that but they have a lot of other cooler stuff as well their Hub design and general server theme with the resource pack is very unique the Cosmetics wardrobe and hub little mini games are all very well done and their Maps look beautiful but all of that is ultimately a facade as the core gameplay the most important thing just isn't there and at the end of the day that's the only thing that really matters now one thing I want to make clear is that the only reason we know tubnet failed is because it failed if you had told me that a massive YouTuber was planning to make a 1.9 PDP version of bed Wars and other game modes in an attempt to modernize a successful or once was successful formula and was going to make it cross-compatible I would have probably told you at a good chance of working out only in hindsight to receive many of the issues I commend net for trying to be unique and I would like to see them bring it back but only time will tell make sure to check out my own server ogdashnetwork.net we are running a special civilizations SMP event right now but anyways be sure to subscribe thank you all so much for watching [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: TheMisterEpic
Views: 379,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheMisterEpic, themisterepic, minecraft, minecraft server, tubnet, tubnet ip, tubnet minecraft server, tubbo, tubbo youtube, tubbo twitch, tubbo minecraft server, tubbo minecraft event, tubbo minecraft smp, minecraft smp, minecraft tubbo smp, minecraft hypixel, minecraft minigame server, minecraft mineplex, what happened to tubnet?, tubnet bedrock, tubnet bedrock ip, what happened to tubbos minecraft server, minecraft server tubnet, what went wrong with tubnet, 1.20 mc server
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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