I dealt 990,000 damage in Minecraft… [Lifesteal]

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oh this player just went from 20 Hearts to zero in a single click all with the power of this illegal potion the only problem is that we're not supposed to have this and that was a really bad accident with the speed is 100 inverse in that area despite how that sounds it was our best excuse since super mobs were appearing around the server of the same effects however the next day clown called us and all right we were messing around yesterday right this is right when shows up and takes us by surprise right and I thought well I couldn't find afterwards do you want right now 20. now here's what I find interesting is that he's looks a little interesting uh this is doctored footage whatever this is whatever you're doing I want a piece you want to join join lifestyle hold on hold on let's not get ahead of ourselves oh yeah let's talk in Minecraft let's talk in the Minecraft let's talk in the lifesteal SMP wait oh my Minecraft crash how are you guys getting these potions okay first of all hello I don't believe we've met before my name is Ashley I'm a big fan of your work on the computer okay so I know that you have some like God like Powers right now like those potion effects they give it away I got the replay mod footage there's no use playing dumb anymore I know you like to do that I know that's just about all you do but no use anymore because I know what I do know as well is that you guys also want to keep it down low I want to keep a little secret so I'm willing to do that clown I don't think you understand there is quite literally nothing you can offer us right now except liabilities what's that why should we consider this at all I need to look up liabilities if you let me walk away from here without making me a deal then like you're a little little situation whatever you guys are trying it stops we're gonna tell parrots I'm gonna help pirate the owner I'm gonna tell everybody parents probably gonna know let's thank you for a sec let's look at like the politics of the situation obviously like like gear wise like clown he has a bit more armor than us items wise you know we can we can possibly a little bit be a little bit more powerful in that aspect however politics for a second politics who are you voting for in the 2024 election clown Pier you haven't logged on in a bit you're you're joining completely fresh like you're not like being held by any team currently I'm not wrapped up in anything no here's what I think there's a lot of other different teams different players and especially after all of this when these teams start to break off we need someone to be within them and have some have some control over them clown do you want to be a wormhole General a wormhole ambassador I should I should say Ambassador an influencer of the Wormhole okay what's the wormhole in 23 days clown Pierce The Wormhole will open and before then everyone has to prepare for the worst all right there's only four players that actually even know what that word even means that number him go from four to five well first I have to know that you can actually yeah you're actually able to have this knowledge you're actually able to use this use this in a way that'll actually be meaningful because if used wrongly we may never see the Wormhole open we want we want to see it open as we want to see this thing open wide open you're one of the first Mortals on the server to even fathom what's about to happen but we need to see if you're worthy so to prove his worthiness he had to complete the five Trials of the Wormhole with the last one allowing him to meet the most powerful entity on the server alright follow me to um spawn follow me to spawn our first uh challenge awaits us as we means you're goofy right now the first challenge um you were here yesterday so I think you're fully aware of the context of the situation how do we get this guy out of here oh don't worry I'll go talk to him hey buddy is everything okay peepees this isn't this isn't like you hey buddy come on we gotta get you back in the Maze all right clown is not gonna be able to pp's bro don't worry don't worry this is the first challenge it has to speak to peepees you want to come up with me please talk to your son okay hey buddy here here he does like staircases hold on let's what okay this your kid is attacking me it's clear who the favorite parent is and it's not me um okay we got him up now I want to see clown try to get him into the maze oh shoot there it is oh shoot oh my God oh my God oh holy life in a single time impressive you will need those helmets for later though this was only the first challenge it's your turn I'm thinking something a little bit more socially tortured can you message me with an idea for a challenge I don't know what I'm doing here luckily I had a genius idea in mine oh now that you mentioned I'm gonna Intel edits video and he called you clone piercer and I thought that was really funny oh oh no did that happen to you come log out for a sec this is bad no a fun fact about the fun pods is that they were stacked and I wasn't aware of how much data that truly was so now every time I log in Minecraft kicks me for loading too much data so my only choice left was to call the owner dude um you're eating lunch right now okay do you have access to possibly life seal console what did you do I did something I I didn't realize this but apparently stacks of yeah I need a slash clear right now okay it all work let me know when to log on I'm on all right thank you bro you want to finish the trial now uh yep let's call glad but before I could force Cloud to do parkour with a potion that stops him from jumping I'm going to place four to have stacks of Bedrock since yesterday as of recording this I got 307 subscribers so if you want to claim your Bedrock of lifesteal you just need to subscribe one of the key moments of you transitioning from Mortal to even semi Immortals one person Immortal it's this test and I called this the bajuki land test you see 500 years ago in bajuki land a king had told one of his wisest advisors to complete the bujuki land test the advisor filled with eagle scoffed at the king and told them the pajuki land test I could finish that all day now Club here I'd like you to finish this parkour course two times what what all you need to do unlimited attempts just two times that's all you need to do the kings were benevolent to this to this Challenger back in the day but he but he he was filled with ego sometimes but it's okay the Kings remained benevolent but there were still people with eagles who didn't want to let that happen let's go let's go congratulations Club yes no your next but hold on I told you you have to complete this two times right oh oh I forgot about that hold on one you think you can do it one more time I like you believe me write that in you cry okay wait wait he has to strike he has to try wait wait okay I know it's so tough he knows what's up he's completing the bajuki land test bro oh oh oh oh wait he knows what's up he knows what's up oh my God oh Rejoice clown bears oh my bad Cloud somehow did it but I knew this next challenge would be impossible all right clown Pierce are you ready I'm ready your first opponent is pretty simple all right this is booger oh yeah yeah cleared it all right you ready ready look me in the eyes you hook me in the eyes you ready you ready you ready bro are you ready I'm ready all right let's get it run it let's run it wait no it's so smart wait it's so small why is this man a genius resting poopy booger well congratulations clown Pierce you've completed the what trial around forced something yeah probably like four for the next challenge you have to uh go to Google look up Eminem Rap God lyrics fast part and then I want you to rap the faster someone loves I'm a human what I gotta do to get it oh I don't know as well are we ready all right I don't know man I after that dude I think he's ready to drop some some bars to our friends Thunder yeah sir Thunder Wing no sir Thunder Wing the third sir Thunder Wing that would be an honor to meet you all right it is a long painful Journey I'll see you bro no that's it clown Bears yes you you may now enter the portal I present to you sir holy hey buddy the third was it the only reason we brought him to this base in a few days an event is gonna occur on the server that you absolutely cannot miss like it's impossible to miss you will know it when it happens but here's here is your mission clown Pierce this event will cause somewhat of a reset of the politics of the server right now because you know you got eclipse and Leviathan but after this event it seems will be disbanded those teams will be gone a new player has to lead those players that player has to be you my friend but little did we know the players would obtain God items too am I technically a super mom I saw that on Twitter yesterday are you a what well at least not yet because over the course of the past few days players have seen our power it have begun trying to learn how to get it for themselves the only problem is that phase one out of three just ended and if we wanted to reach the day of the Wormhole we would have to put a stop to these players so you should probably subscribe soon because everything is about to get revealed
Channel: Spoke
Views: 316,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spoke, spokeishere, lifesteal, minecraft, survival, wormhole
Id: aaObHkx4I5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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