The END of Mineplex - What REALLY Went Wrong...

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[Music] after 10 years of operation tens of millions of players joining hundreds of YouTube videos from YouTubers we all love in the door a Guinness World Record and much much more Mineplex has abruptly shut down only a couple days ago now nobody could connect to the server anymore then suddenly their Bedrock server disappeared from the server list what players thought was just some brief downtime quickly turned out to be the worst case scenario as the server had just shot down on Jabba and Bedrock without any warning or announcement 10 years of History a community of thousands and even Microsoft not even given an announcement that the server would be meeting its end soon what truly went wrong behind the scenes is something nobody is yet to talk about with Mineplex potentially being in debt 40 000 US dollars to admins and developers leaving the server due to not being paid or straight up being ignored by the owners behind the scenes Mineplex had been on the decline for years and unfortunately did not get the ending such a Monumental server the reserved while mineplex's ending was abrupt the decline was not over three years ago now I made a video talking about the tragic tale of Mineplex at the time in early 2020 Mineplex was still regularly getting upwards of 4 000 players daily but since early 2015 where the server still often peaked at over 30 000 players online it had lost about 85 percent of its player base two years after that video in August of 2022 I would make a follow-up Mineplex now was no longer seeing more than 400 players online during their best days losing 90 percent of the service already dying player base in only a span of two years in 2023 prior to closing down Mineplex play accounts were rarely in the hundreds anymore often dropping as low as 15 to 20 people online from early 2015 to 2023 Mineplex had lost approximately 99.9 of their player base within the past month alone the server was regularly offline for multiple days at a time the story behind the server slow decline isn't actually that well known though in 2013 when the server began the core infrastructure and back end was not designed for the player base they would obtain later that year and over time this would contribute to mineplex's Infamous reputation of being very buggy and laggy regardless this is not what hurt the server initially one of the original server owners spoo who was responsible for networking with and bringing in a variety of massive YouTubers such as Captain Sparkles would depart from the server due to disagreements with the ownership team YouTubers were a huge part of the service initial success and you can see the hundreds of videos many with multi-million view counts still on YouTube today so spoon their key assets in attaining such promotion leaving would be a blow that would only hit harder over time Mineplex had bigger issues at hand though with the 2014 Euler drama slashing their profits by roughly 80 percent leading most of the owners at the time to lose interest in the server besides wine cheers just became virtually the sole Minecraft developer for Mineplex at this time players enjoyed this time period though and chess was a beloved member of the community who was responsible for the development of many of the server's most famous mini games and according to players was the only owner at the time who regularly engaged with the community but developing for a server getting tens of thousands of players daily is not a one-person job just became overwhelmed and would leave the server in 2016. with their main developer gone development slowed down significantly and other servers like Hypixel only pushed harder and began growing extremely fast in 2016 the service declined would become noticeable to the point that the server no longer was able to achieve about 10 000 plays online in 2017. new owners struck 20 in apple G would come in in 2017 but the servers outdated back-end code was proving limiting and many new game modes and updates released around the time had a significant lack of Polish and a variety of issues that weren't fixed fast enough throughout 2018 and onwards to 2020 the server saw a much sharper decline from the beginning to end of 2018 the server lost almost half its player base further halving Again by the end of 2019 no new players came to take the leading Player's Place the server began steadily declining in terms of quality as well game modes and mini games were neglected and left without updates for months eventually becoming years paid developers admin and staff would leave over time due to the disconnect between server owners and the staff team slowing down updates even more and Bedrock was seemingly prioritized over java at least that's what the players thought by 2022 the situation was Dire with the server no longer even able to get more than a thousand players online but that same year for the first time in a long time there seemed to be a sense of hope that Mr Epic was now only 10K subscribers away from 550k subs and if he hits it soon he might even unprivate some of his older Mineplex videos hey off hey guys hey girl hey girl hey girl God no be sure to subscribe so my channel also doesn't abruptly shut down with no announcements no pressure of course anyways there was hope as the server was going to receive a massive back-end recode to improve Network performance and it seemed money and resources were being put into the server again a new game mode would also release deathrun from the now shutdown high of java and the scene that things might be improving they did not though deathrun was not sufficient to bring new players in and the newer infrastructure ended up having a myriad of issues and the server kept continuing to bleed their Play account behind the scenes things are already ending though throughout 2022 a variety of Staff including admins and developers stop being paid and thus left the server after the failure of deathrun and the new infrastructure almost everyone stopped being paid as was told to me by an admin no communication was ever really received from the server's remaining owners the fact 7 and strut 20 who were speculated to have lost interest in the server pursuing their other businesses instead of which were much more successful regardless a good chunk of the staff remained still maintaining the community and being active within it but without the time and resources of the owners the server was still doomed to fail a bit over a week ago now the server went down this wasn't super unexpected though as it had gone down for days at a time already as the new infrastructure was still being employed by Java's last remaining developer Alex Dakota but this was different as even he didn't know what was going on in fact nobody knew what was going on the admins and staff had no clue much speculation occurred the server forums and even Bedrock server were down for about three days and nobody knew why then Dean a server admin and also one of the two players who the owner supposedly still communicated with would break the news to everyone on Discord that the server would be going down forever Dean mentions that he shouldn't have had to be the one to tell us insinuating it should have been the owners who had left everyone in the dark wishing things could have gone differently and the server could have had the proper send-off it deserved Dean further elaborates in announcements he gave in mind play staff Discord mentioning that not even Microsoft was seemingly informed beforehand on the server shutdown and that one of the owners struck 20 just shut down all the servers without telling anyone it was also sudden and just like that Mineplex once the biggest and most famous server of them all had just shut down forever but why why did they shut down so abruptly though what happened with the new server infrastructure why did they shut down their Bedrock server which was still successful why was there no prior announcement leaving almost everyone including admin staff and even Microsoft in the dark for days while from talking with various staff on the server the answer is pretty clear the owners simply didn't care about Mineplex anymore as I mentioned earlier the owners only ever really talked to two people one being the admin Dean and the other being Jabba's lead developer Alex Dakota beyond that no other staff ever seemed to be able to communicate with the owners properly and clearly even Dean understood how poorly the staff was treated mentioning in his staff Discord announcements that their staff was never respected and he was boiling with rage over that fact the owners of the server were extremely disconnected from the staff and Community many players assumed that because of their other successful businesses and after the service big cut to profits in 2014 due to the Euler mine plexus button after thought for them now the fact that they weren't even willing to announce the service permanent shut down in advance not even giving their Community a thanks is very telling of that fact imagine being responsible for a Minecraft server for 10 years one of the most successful and well known of all time that has made you tens of millions of dollars and they're not even saying goodbye or having enough respect for your community but you inform them in advance no shutdown event no final goodbye the server just gone like that according to the service admins the owners simply stopped paying for their server hosting one day it was as basic as a statement as yeah we don't want to pay for it anymore Mineplex was hosted in a data center known as inapp and running a server in a data center can be very expensive part of the reason the service infrastructure was being improved was to help cut costs after all and since it didn't end up working out as intended this may have very well been the end of the Rope for the owners they didn't want to pay for Mineplex anymore this is also likely why much of the staff team also stopped being paid later in 2022 as they must have been trying to save money wherever they could but was Mineplex really losing money that badly while Mineplex Java was edging closer and closer to the Grave with every passing day the past few years Mineplex Bedrock was doing pretty well which is why players are so surprised it also shut down the server was far from perfect and even later prior to the server shutting down there were many complaints of the server being riddled with bugs and issues I know for a fact that Mineplex Bedrock survival was teaming with exploits and tubes and hackers that's if you could connect of course not to mention their minigames being plagued by cheaters yet Mineplex Bedrock still was a featured server one of the first to be partnered with Microsoft mind you and was still regularly seeing over 4 000 players during their Peak daily sure it had declined from the 15 000 plus it was getting two years prior but four thousand players daily is nothing to scoff at so why would they shut down such a relatively successful server as well well I got in contact with gyro ninja was Mineplex bedrock's main developer according to gyro ninja he was the only one working on Bedrock since mid-2020 and was basically the only one keeping the server updated online and lag free he wasn't being paid very much which led him to eventually lose motivation to work on the server and become burnt out as he told me it got to the point where he was doing everything for the entire server which of course is very stressful especially so when you have thousands of players playing daily with all the stress and burnout he stopped doing as much work and would eventually stop being paid in October 2022 gyro ninja stop being paid yet still continued to keep Bedrock up and functional addressing any downtime or lag the server had and did so up until the server's final days the Mineplex owners did not seem to be willing to get gyro ninja proper help supposedly not seeming interested in investing money to scale the team and since they weren't really willing to make any significant Investments it made it very hard to find any competent developers gyro ninja continued to work on the server as he wanted to keep the server fun and enjoyable for players with the server still having appeal to him due to its large reach-alang players to enjoy his Creations the issue was all science point to the fact that Bedrock was not very profitable gyro ninja never had the incentive to make the server profitable people since he wasn't being paid anymore for example prior to the server shutting down one of the Mineplex owners asked him to implement subscription-only games games you could only play with a rank but considering he wasn't receiving any monetary benefit and was only making the server worse for its players he lacked their motivation to do so as effectively as he could and thus these games completely failed simply put Bedrock likely could not make much profit if any at all because it was being solely maintained by one developer who wasn't even making money himself and with the Mineplex owners being unwilling to invest money into scaling the service development team was only going to continue to decline one person isn't enough to maintain a server that large especially when they aren't even being paid so with bedrock being unprofittable and Java clearly unprofittable as well even with all the pay cuts that would happen it's likely Mineplex was still bleeding money now take this bit of information with a grain of salt according to a reputable anonymous source who was close to Mineplex higher ups mineplex's owners were supposedly over 40 000 US dollars in debt to their hosting providers as I mentioned earlier hosting at data centers is expensive even more so than traditional server hosting but necessary for servers getting tens of thousands of players daily so if Mineplex bedrock and Java weren't making money it wouldn't be surprising if they gradually accumulated their stats over the many months their player base declined it also makes sense in relation to why they stop the server which is due to them not wanting to pay for hosting anymore and grow such a debt even larger is there a future left for the remnants of Mineplex though a potential Mineplex 2.0 Mineplex did not get the proper send-off it deserved the server was so important to so many people I myself have a long history with the server so much so that I actually joined Mineplex from its predecessors I played on a server known as better MC in late 2012 and early 2013. a server owned by defect 7 one which had the original dominate now known as Champions game mode as well as Clans I also played an Australian server called battleway u a clan server which just created the very first Minecraft clan server before it ever existed on my place better MC would eventually merge with Mineplex in 2013 and ultimately made it what it is today as you can see from my screenshots a lot of things on beta MC would make up mineplex's character I would move over to Mineplex as well with my love for dominates being unmatched by any other minigame on any other server at the time Mineplex is one of the just two Minecraft servers I ever donated to throughout 2014 I would upload my first ever YouTube videos Mineplex YouTube video I learned how to use editing software how to record gameplay how to make thumbnails sort of all because of Mineplex in 2020 when my YouTube channel had 500 subscribers the first video I made which got 10 000 views was a Mineplex video the video which blew my channel up was also a Mineplex video Mineplex is a big part of the reason my YouTube channel is successful and here today part of my Minecraft server is even inspired by Mineplex Mineplex is the single most important Minecraft server no gaming experience I ever had and I'm sure many of the members of mineplexes community who continued playing the server long after its owners essentially abandoned it the many starts were passionate enough about the surf to keep it running even when they receive no payment or communication from owners and the thousands of players who still played regularly even days before the server shutdown also have their own similar memories and experiences with the server they will cherish forever the fact that the owners did not even have the respect to offer those thousands of players closure and give them a final chance to play on the server is out outright disgraceful and truly reflects how little they cared about the server the main reason It ultimately declines the last time I joined Mineplex was about two weeks ago now to film a short comedic clip for my video on topnet after recording the clip I decided to stick around on the server for a bit there were about 30 people online all in one Hub the only Hub left and none in mini games people were doing Jewels jumping around and using their gadgets I hung around for about 30 minutes throwing gadgets I earned over nine years ago now and other people reminiscing in my childhood spent in this very same Hub logging in every day before logging off and continuing on my video I didn't know it at the time but that would be the very last time I would ever join Mineplex Mineplex has been on the top of my server list for 10 years now realizing I can never join it again and didn't have the chance to say goodbye to all my favorite minigames is very upsetting I can imagine many of you feel the same upset you didn't get that final chance to play the server that meant so much to you at one point not all hope is lost though there is plans for a Mineplex version 2 or rather a mind plan actually reimagined some of the staff from Mineplex have begun working on a reimagined version of the server of which will contain popular mine Place game modes that have been long neglected as well as eventually doing unique long-term game modes that take elements of Mineplex like Clans and champions kits and build them into more persistent game modes it's very early in development and things are subject to change so I won't say too much but from what I've heard there are plans for a large-scale modern Minecraft RPG featuring updated abilities and kits from mineplexes game modes but in a proper open world with bosses questing PVE and much much more it's like the future Mineplex players could have only dreamed of having the server is looking for help including Builders devs as well as players so check out their Discord I linked below it should also be noted that the server isn't intended to be Mineplex 2 they're going to go their own way and do their own thing still so don't consider it as so I hope you all enjoyed this video rest in peace Mineplex the best Minecraft server that ever existed make sure to subscribe thank you all so much for watching hey guys what is up XXX four minutes anyway guys surrounded where we're at Skylanders this is my very first Minecraft video you're a kick for suspicious movement [Music] you're dead bro oh yes and today I'm going to show you a glitch on the Mineplex Lobby look how many arrows are you shot there oh my gosh guys this guy's a hacker peace peace I'm not sure what you're trying to do it's a knife for me from up here as well thanks for watching see you all next time [Music]
Channel: TheMisterEpic
Views: 694,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheMisterEpic, themisterepic, minecraft, minecraft server, minecraft servers, minecraft mineplex, mineplex, minecraft hypixel, minecraft minigame server, hypixel, hypixel minecraft, mineplex shutdown, mineplex ip, mineplex survival, what happened to mineplex, minecraft best servers, minecraft top servers, minecraft captainsparklez, captainsparklez mineplex, themisterepic mineplex, minecraft survival games, minecraft clans, minecraft champions dominate, minecraft champions, mcc, 1.20
Id: ZsFcV27IvHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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