6 Scary Middle Of Nowhere Stories (Vol. 13)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] it seems no matter who you are or where you are if you're in the middle of nowhere creepy things are gonna happen these subscribers sent in there allegedly true creepy encounters with people and paranormal and unexplainable things while out in the middle of nowhere as always it is up to you whether you believe these stories or not if you have a story you would like to share in a future episode whether it be from the middle of nowhere or something else completely different be sure to submit your story as swamped Willard net or the email you can find in the description down below it would be my honor to share your story on the channel it's stories like yours that keep this channel going now if you don't know before we get into this video on the side you can see that there is a donation spot this is to help the wildfires that are ravaging the Amazon rainforest the Amazon rainforest are the lungs of our planet and if the rainforest dies we die too so please if you have a few dollars to spare please check out and donate to the fundraiser on the side of this video you can also find the fundraiser or any other video on my channel it really would help save our planets now without further hesitation let's get into these creepy middle-of-nowhere stories so this happened to me just last night I can't stop thinking about it for some context I'm 19 years old and I live in the Portuguese countryside with my mom she is a surgeon and about once a week or so she has these 24 hour shifts where she cannot come home unless they grant an exception for roughly two hours before she goes back our house has a small garden at the back where she grows different sorts of flowers and where our dog is now because of how the house is built to get to the backyard need to pass a small open-air part to the left of the entrance of the home itself unlock a small gate then walk a few meters before the yard appears to your left that's where my dog is this will come into play in a moment in the front yard which is far bigger we have a lot of trees flowers and other plants my mother likes to tend to in her free time and near one of the roughly 2 meter or so tall fences which is to the right of the entrance into the home there is a wooden table and some wooden seats firmly planted in the ground right next to the fence I occasionally like to go there to relax and perhaps smoke for a bit this being the only part of the property with the view I have a bit of a habit sometimes for getting my pack of cigarettes or a glass of water whenever I'm drinking out there last Wednesday had been one of those nights where my mother was at the hospital I had been home all day and having been done with the University for the year mostly playing video games I took in half an hour to tend to the dog and take it outside for a walk and I did other minor things at around 11:00 p.m. I hear the dog going absolutely wild given that the window in my room peeks directly down to the backyard which is roughly 5 feet or so below my window I decided to see what was going on maybe another stray dog found its way from the entrance again and round her up I thought this has happened a couple of times in the past so it wouldn't be a big deal upon peeking down I noticed the dog was running from my right which leads to the past as I mentioned earlier that blocked her movement by the small gate and to my left where only stone walls a couple of plants and our barbecue place I tried to call out the dog but it refused to acknowledge me thinking there was not a big deal I decided to put my hoodie on and bring a few dog biscuits to see if I could calm it down now it's the dead of night in the countryside so naturally I turn on some of the lights outside which in retrospective doesn't really brighten up the whole property very well I got the keys turned on my phone's flashlight and headed outside my dog was to my left trying to get past the gate and still barking like crazy for whatever reason upon trying to approach it with the snacks in my hand it growl at me as if to demand me to open the small gate not caring about the treats I had brought the second I opened it it darted past me and towards the entrance to the hall I grabbed it by the collar and then sat there barking louder than I have ever heard it barked at something in the direction of the table not being able to see what it was I shined my phone's light in that general direction and within a few moments I saw exactly what it was there was a man looking as if he was in his high late 40s slightly hunched over if he was really drunk messing with the fence by this point it was looking at me he grunted and called over saying closer I want to show you something the man was trying to get into my home and was trying to lure me close to do God knows what I'll let the dog loose and call the cops right now if you don't leave immediately get out I screamed as loud as I could in order to get the attention of any neighbor which could be awake at that time and try to scare him off not fazed by this and able to fit through the gaps in the fence he started to try to climb the fence I let go of the dog and let it charge the man while at the same time going back inside to grab a kitchen knife and try to dial one one to the Portuguese variant of 9-1-1 in one hand in the rush I heard screams from outside in the dog growling upon going back outside I saw the man was now trying to get back outside the fence and the dog had apparently bitten him and was trying to go back for another bite of the intruder the operator picked up and I described the situation as best as I could in my agitated state eventually the man ran into the field and went out of view the dog thought there growling and occasionally barking to make sure the man was gone in time the dog came back to me and dropped a piece of torn clothing for the man and sat there next to me good girl let's take quietly while staring at where the man had come from originally one make sure the man didn't come back the police arrived a few minutes later and I told them what had happened sadly I cannot give any proper description other than what I told you guys but the fingerprints combined with a torn slightly bloody clothing and how recent the event was made it as they told me likely he'd be apprehended soon come Thursday afternoon I received a phone call telling me the man had being caught passed down a block down the road from alcohol he's currently in police custody and I hope he gets put away for a while and that we never ever see each other again also one last note I couldn't figure out where to place it in the story the man had a pack of cigarettes with him the exact pack of cigarettes I assumingly lost the day before so not only did he try to break in drunk and possibly attempt to harm me the fourth took my cigarettes this happened recently I was at my friend's house who I will call Nick his house is in the woods with no fence separating his property from them so we started off normal playing some video games Neha key and just messing around in his backyard when we were playing soccer in his backyard though a rock came flying out the woods and flew right by my friend's face nearly hitting him he didn't see it so I told him but of course he didn't believe me now we aren't the type to go hide away in his house when things like this happen so we stayed outside and continued playing now only a few minutes later it happened again except this time it hit him directly now he was angry as he has a short temper and started walking towards where the rock came from or at least what we thought the rock came from now it was pretty dark at this point so we couldn't see into the woods all that well this was when another rock came hurling out and hit me in the face not even an inch away from my eye neither of us saw where it came from so we started moving more quickly into the woods that is when we heard branches start breaking in front of us we chased whoever or whatever it was for stalked when Nick tripped on a rock we went back into his house and started to watch a movie on Netflix downstairs when suddenly a rock about the size of a baseball came flying through his basement window once again me and Nick ran outside but this time we brought our BB guns with us not that it would have done much anyway he handed me a flashlight and I knew what he wanted me to do I turned on the light and pointed it at the woods I swear I saw a dark figure running into the woods he opened fire but most likely missed at this point we still hadn't called the police because we are dumb teenagers this time we sat in a bush next to his house waiting for the man to come back after what we thought was about 20 minutes of waiting we saw someone come out I turned on the flashlight lighting up a man who was dressed in baggy clothes and easily over 6 foot tall my friend shouted him twice and hit him both times the man fell to the ground after wincing with pain and then immediately got up and sprinted away this time we didn't chase because we knew he wouldn't be coming back this story is completely true and happened last night at 1:00 in the morning I am currently on holiday with my family in the southwest of England we have rented a house out for the week in the middle of a forest quite literally in the middle of nowhere I'm not from England and I'm from a much quarter place this will be important later this all started three days ago when I first arrived it was late in the night in around 2:00 and I couldn't get to sleep because it was far too warm for me so I just laid there on my bed that's when the noise has started in the distance you could hear a very faint screaming not a high-pitch woman scream but a lower tone not a man scream either it's hard to really explain I had convinced myself that it must just be a deer like a muntjac parking or something but a small part of me still didn't believe it that was when the motion sensor life started going on and off repeatedly for hours I then tried to convince myself it was just moths until I heard faint footsteps I passed out shortly after that nothing happened two nights ago though thankfully last nights however was a different story I know it was around 1:00 a.m. because I was talking to friends on snapchat at around the time the screeching started it slowly got closer and closer and so it was almost 50 yards in the house the screaming had a pitch between a man and a woman and with a lower darker undertone and then suddenly stopped screaming that was around the time our footsteps along the gravel outside the holiday home I'm not going to make up that I opened the blinds wider to be honest it was much too scared to open them and much much too cowardly to do that I only got a flash of movement in the darkness and the sliver of the opening between the curtains I got no sleep that night how could I I don't understand how my parents didn't hear it they said they were asleep from 11:00 and never heard a thing but my sister heard the same thing apparently we then tried to get a reasonable explanation of what it is we looked up deer barking and any other native animal but no animals make that sound nothing should make that sound and was inhuman and ungodly I will keep you updated if it returns and I'll see if I can see what it actually looks like thank you for sharing my story and I'm sorry it was so short [Music] [Music] this happened to me almost four years ago in 2015 for reference I was a 25 year old female at the time and had just had my son my now husband then fiance I just moved into this cute lake house in Reed city Michigan this lake house was three stories altogether it had a huge basement on the main floor with a bedroom kitchen living room and dining room bathroom and laundry it also had the third floor which had two bedrooms with a bathroom in between them it was in a private association with two lakes out in the middle of nowhere it was perfect or so we thought we got to the house we were renting from a family friend of my husband's when we got to the house it was in horrible shape the lady was a hoarder and there was barely any room to move out about the house one of the creepiest parts was upstairs the lady had been a former foster mom and she had a little boy with disabilities who had passed years before and in the upstairs bedrooms there were multiple hospital beds as she insisted we keep there and used to write other creepy parts were this closet at the bottom of the stairs it didn't have a door but the inside walls were covered with pictures of kids not anything illegal or anything but just kids doing kid stuff camping crafts and playing stuff like that anyways we cover that up instantly putting boxes and such in front of it the landlady had mentioned a couple of things that had happened that made her think her son who had passed was there in a spirit form it was their vacation home but it was also his favorite place in the world my husband and I just kind of laughed it off we were so excited to finally be getting our own place and the place didn't really give us any strange vibes so we didn't care about a month into being there my husband came home and said he had a surprise for me and to come out so I hauled my pregnant but outside and in the back of the truck was a dog I was so excited because my husband works second shift so he didn't get home till almost midnight every night and I had been nagging him for something besides my cat to keep me company the dog's name was Zeus and it was a golden lab and a pit mix he was so sweet at first that quickly changed Zeus went from being a nice dog anytime he was outside but would change the second he came inside there were times I was more scared of him than the house he will growl at me but it was like he wasn't actually looking at me thinking her back now I wonder if it was me he was growling at so if there was something behind me we had a long haul between the front door and the kitchen they would just stand there all his hair raised barking and growling towards the door so I would sneak up to the door and look outside and there was never anything there oh just tell Zeus it was okay there was nothing there then I'll go back to my business just to have him start back up minutes later some days he did this all day long and it was exhausting and unnerving he would also refuse to go upstairs as he acted terrified of it our bedroom at the time was downstairs but I had my husband moved the hospital beds downstairs so I could turn one of the upstairs rooms into a nursery upstairs it kind of teed off with a room on the left side of the stairs in the bathroom directly ahead in the other room on the right side the one on the left was the nursery in the right was a guest room for my family when they came because they lived two hours away and would stay with us for the weekend when they would come visit about a month or so before I had my son this was probably the end of September beginning of October my best friend at the time was having problems with her boyfriend so I told her she could come stay with us and that she could move into the nursery and I wanted to keep the guest room open for my parents about a week or two after she moved in she asked me why I kept going into the guest room every night after she laid down to go to bed she also asked if it was a little bit quieter since she was pregnant too and worked almost two hours away every day and didn't get much sleep I told her I didn't know what she was talking about since I hadn't even gone upstairs since the day that she moved in and I helped her carry her stuff out she told me she locked her door every night because as soon as it was quiet downstairs she tried to get some sleep she the guest bedroom door open and then walking across the hallway she said the steps would stop outside her door wait a minute and then turn around and go back into the guest room and shut the door that obviously freaked me the hell out my sister was 15 at the time sent at any time she'd be up there alone she'd wake up and she tried to get out of bed but couldn't she was frozen in fear and didn't know why she didn't see anything or hear anything that I know of she was just so terrified also written in crayon on one of the stairs was the little boy's name who had passed she said she'd always look at it every time she go up stairs because the stairs were steep and hard to miss at first time she saw them they were in green crayon the second time pink one time just after my son was born I put him to sleep in his bed and went to check the mail when I came back the front door was locked this was an old house and the doors didn't lock by themselves so after a full-blown panic attack I ran around the back door tried that door that door is usually stuck and I was trying too aggressively to get into the house I broke the entire knob out of the door so that there was a hole where it should be that was definitely terrifying with the scariest thing that happened to me happened about a month later I was home alone with my son and it was about 11 p.m. I had just got done feeding my son and had gotten him back to sleep I was relaxing in my room watching a movie when all of a sudden I were heard walking up stairs it wasn't dainty little footsteps it sounded like a full-grown man parading around my house it sounded like they were wearing some heavy boots now in this association there had been some break-ins and some people had mentioned sheds and garages had had things take it the first thing that popped into my mind since my father-in-law had just told me about it that day was that somebody was breaking in I kept thinking it was this guy in being terrified and knowing since we live in the middle of nowhere it would take the cops almost an hour to get there and by the time that happened it would be way too late so I decided I wasn't going down without a fight and I was not about to let anything happen to my sweet little baby boy so I grabbed my husband's shotgun grabbed Zeus lock the bedroom door and I slowly went upstairs with gun locked and loaded Zeus pacing back and forth to the bottom of the stairs and all the doors were open and lights were on so I quickly cleared nursery my friend had moved back out and it was back to a nursery at this time then the bathroom then the second bedroom about this time and here's something down in the basement confused since there was no way anyone could have come down past me without seeing or hearing them even while I was still in my room I went downstairs and then slowly down to my basement Zeus ran down before me and I followed him quickly we cleared the basement there was no one there then as I'm coming up the stairs I hear the walking upstairs yet again this time I practically ran up the stairs prepared to catch this jerk was convinced had broken in and I was gonna teach him a lesson when I got upstairs once again there was no one this goes on literally for an hour I'm just running back and forth between the basement and the top floor of the house after about two or three rounds I had gone from scared to pissed and was pretty much just trying to catch this dang thing so I could tell the screw off since at this point I had decided it was not a living person so I just shouted you were so funny now leave us alone I then went back into the bedroom and locked the door behind me I stayed there until my husband got home from work now some people may think I'll last nothing but to a new mom who's home alone in the middle of nowhere at 11:00 p.m. that was terrifying we moved out a month or so later and even now when we drive past that house I feel as though someone or something is watching me and I get goose bumps all over my body I remembered something to happen to my best friend and I a few years ago and figured I might share it on the show while my best friend at the time and I were seniors in high school around 2016 or so we went on a weekend trip to visit my grandmother a couple of hours away from my town in Georgia the town we lived in was comparatively small for the state but one of the biggest towns within a few hours we had to travel about two and a half hours to get through tiny somewhat redneck towns to get to my grandmother's place we were on our way back home when we had to stop at a gas station literally in the middle of nowhere I'm talking corn fields cotton fields streets with no signs or lights not even stop signs and definitely no cell service the convenience store attached to the gas station maybe a couple of snacks inside but looked deserted from outside no other cars or people in sight we didn't bother getting anything other than gas I paved my card mainly because I didn't want to leave my five 100-pound friend alone in the car while I went inside another car pulled up on the other side of the gas station pump while I was starting to pump gas and because of everything I had read online forums and stuff like that I already had a weird feeling and decided to stay alert and stand us out at the car with my driver's side door open so my friend could see and hear everything going on heythe in late 50-ish older man got out of the car and seemed to be paying around at the pump and standing beside his car while he got everything going but after a few seconds he walked around the pump and maneuvered himself around my car door to stand within a foot of me and asked if he could pump my gas for me luckily the gas nozzle was locked so I was pumping without having to hold it I immediately placed myself between the opening of the door and the man prepared to either shut the door with me inside or move and slam it behind me to protect my friend if necessary I calmly told him it was fine and no thank you he looked me up and down with the corner of his lip tilted and said pretty girls like you shouldn't be out here all alone and he definitely shouldn't have to do this by herself let a man help you baby and covered my hand with his own as he for the gas pump I was holding I jerked my hand out from underneath his and slammed my car door shut thinking the last thing I would want to say I'm jumping in my car and driving away with my friend in the passenger seat orange flags started tinting red and my usual overly polite demeanor turned serious as I remembered something I'd read that said it was better to be safe and to seem to be mean rather than to be polite and uncomfortable so responded and said sir get away from me I could pump my own gas and I've already said no thank you leave us alone he didn't move he raised his chin and managed to make eye contact me with all lip tilt gone I stared him down and figured I'd gotten enough gas to last stuff and less time to get the hell out of wherever we are so I maintained eye contact pulled the nozzle out and basically threw it back into the pump before getting into my car and driving off as we drove away I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw that his car wasn't even being filled up with gas he was telling me he was driving by and decided to help a damsel in distress out my friend was shaking the whole way home telling me she would have just looked the man pump her gas but I'm just glad some of the confidence I gained from reading things online help me stay attentive and respond confidently not to get out of that situation [Music] my history is one that keeps creeping me out to this day it makes me unable to go into the woods happened some years ago during the summer I'm Canadian and I love to go camping into the wild in the woods with my friends let's call them Stephen Frank our trio always ended up in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees and rivers and let's point it out our rivers aren't small they could be more than 10 metres from one side to the other our favorite spot was in the north of Quebec on the east side close to Saint Madeline Island now keep in mind I believe in nothing aliens only if I saw one myself ghosts never met or felt one of my life and I am a 30 year old person God don't believe in a super being so sorry so it was in the middle of the summer and like always Steve Frank and I chose to take our vacancies at the same time and to go to our paper spot for a week we left our car at Steve mom's house and went back to our trail by foot we had six days left and passed them perfectly well what you thought it was during that time everything happened by luck no no it was far worse it happened while we were going home we left our camp but the first light of the day but it was a dark one and the wind was as cold as a November there was no sound at all and it worried us we've never heard the forest go silent like that no birds no animals nothing besides the wind howling in the branches then we heard a scream something that sounded just like a human that was about to be murder it sounded like a child's voice we all froze in place as the child started screaming help me mommy help me my blood turn into ice and we looked at each other honey want to speak without a doubt we all heard it but we weren't able to move we were paralyzed in fear for me I didn't like how the child sounded it was like as if it sounded false you know yes it was panicking scared but at the same time so neutral like a child trying to play another character but not being that great yes it I refuse to call that thing by another pronoun Steve and Frank wanted to go help it but I stopped them suddenly something like a roar makes us jump it didn't sound like a lion or a tiger but like a very very angry thing almost demonic in nature without waiting any longer we started walking again as fast as we could with all our stock we could hear something big and heavy walk a run in the forest it has very good sense of smell maybe even the best on this planet you know if it chased you were hunted you I don't know how but while we were fleeing I slipped on something and fell down a steep slope stunned I could barely hear my friend and almost lost consciousness I remember the feeling of blood on my face and I could barely feel the bruises forming I don't know how long I remained on the ground 1 2 ray even 10 minutes I don't know but what definitely brought me back was a scream Frank scream i sat looking all around me hitting all my stuff I tried to climb but I was unsuccessful I screamed my friends names but got no answers I tried for a long time to climb in different ways but it wasn't working my only chance was to walk and find another way as I began my lonely path I heard another scream this time it was Steve I recognized him 100% because that man screamed like a three-year-old girl when he was scared I froze in place before starting to run screaming his name why because I heard him close to me maybe 100 meters or so unfortunately I only found blood no corpse no flesh or anything only pulled blood and blood on the trees too much too much for a grown man to survive I started crying knowing all too well what I saw meant heartbroken I screamed my pain as hard as I could a scream Frank's name he didn't answer me but the roaring did this time I didn't freeze was started to run I need to go back to the town and call for help maybe they were alive I tried to tell myself then something hit me like a truck I lost my breath and fell on the ground all around we turned black for a second before my view came back to normal and when I saw still haunts my dreams a creature maybe ten foot tall yes I know what ten foot is like even if I am Canadian it stood before me it was humanoid but covered in like deer fur with its back legs even with the fur it looked skinny and unhealthy the fur was very pale I don't know how to describe it other than a zombie deer biped and that it was ten foot tall its arms were longer than they should be and his hands end up with black dirty claws its head looked on was human but with a deer skull on it the above muzzle was longer than the lower jaw in its mouth I can see fangs I guess not really fangs but like herbivore teeth broke into fangs the worst part was the fact that this thing was covered in fresh blood very fresh blood I screamed in his green back before laughing I swear this asshole laughed in my face it tilted its head on the side before talking with a child's voice jeez I still have goose bumps all over me as I write this why didn't you help me mommy for contacts I'm a trans man besides my two friends their parents in mind no one in my circle knows about it I changed my gender after having a miscarriage but it's not the subject my blood froze in my veins Cheers rolling on my face it fell on his hands its eyes they were as red as the blood it spoke again making one step towards me with Frank's voice another step was Steve's voice I was unable to move only able to cry the smell of death and blood was in the air when it comes only inches from my face I saw the surprise in its eyes for a second it looked like a child caught doing something bad stop it back half now a woman's voice rose behind it and to my surprise that step back lowering its body and literal submission I can now see who talked a woman yes but a Native American she eyed the Beast not disgusted but angry she pointed her finger at the thing and literally grouted it I would always remember this part because I don't know what she was or how she had power over this creature somehow she made it leave I woke up in the hospital hours later after losing consciousness my friends went missing well Frank went missing after the cops found Steve's blood on the ground I wasn't suspected coz of my state and that I had no blood on me besides my shoes I had kept for me what I saw and told no one until now why you ask because last week I went to see Steve's mother and I saw her the Native American woman and she wasn't alone she had this extra skinny woman with her another native woman I walked past them but I swear I smelled death and blood but what scared me the most was this goodie woman's blood red eyes I'm sure that thing that I saw was a Wendigo a creature from the natives folklore that's born from cannibalism it said to have red eyes to grow as much as it eats even if it looks anorexic stay safe if you ever dare not to follow my advice don't go into the woods of Canada to go camping if you hear a voice in the forest run run as fast as you can before smells and find you I hope nobody else will ever experience this and as for me I don't know if it will get me one day or if it only comes back to torturing thanks for listening to these creepy and allegedly true middle-of-nowhere stories some of these really gave me goosebumps who are reading them and I hope you got some goosebumps while listening if you enjoyed these stories please hit that like button as it helps me out a ton the more likes this video gets the more YouTube promotes it the fresh new eyes if you're new to the swamp why not subscribe and turn on notifications to never miss a new video as I upload them almost every single day and all things natural and supernatural if you guys aren't aware I am currently helping promote and run a fundraiser for the Amazon rain forest fires if you guys would like to support any way you can please check out the donation link you can find on the side of this video you can also find on the side of every other video that I have on my channel if you guys have a story you would like to submit in the future video whether it's a middle-of-nowhere story or something different be sure to do so by sending it in as swamp dwellers net or the email you can find in the description down below I would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp and stores like yours to help keep this channel going now I guess this video is over thanks for watching and if you made it to the very very end be sure to comment jumping green bean to confuse everybody who didn't make it to the end I'll see you guys soon with another creepy video
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 25,399
Rating: 4.8379159 out of 5
Keywords: Middle Of Nowhere Stories, Small Town Stories, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Narration, Unexplained Stories, Unsolved Mysteries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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Good ol Swamp Dweller

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MandieMortemm 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
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