"There Are Worse Things Than Alligators In The Everglades" Creepypasta

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[Music] when I agree to go down to Florida to visit my grandparents I know it was probably going to be boring in layman I was mostly right they moved down a few years ago and missed that MA but I didn't really want to spend a whole week at their house but when my mother offered to buy me a new phone if I went I couldn't say no that I figured if it was worth that much to her it was really important they picked me up in Miami and not a hug to be tighter than usual and told me how much they had missed me I'll be honest it was pretty touching the first thing I did when we got to the house was fix the computer of course we spent a couple of days wandering around there were old birds in neighborhood taking lots of walks and going to bed early I'm pretty sure I was spending an abnormal amount of time of my Fona and it didn't take them long to notice how bored I was I wasn't trying to be a button my grandparents just have a really low-key retirement puppy and I have kayaks now and we can take you to the Everglades if you want I think that might be fond de nada offered I gladly accept Etta but not that I'm like kayaker but I figured anything would be better than hanging around another day I know that so far it probably sound like I don't like my grandparents but that is not true at all I love them very much I'm just used to watching YouTube and playing video games while they read the newspaper and go for walks it was a culture shock to me the next morning now we got up old person early and headed out puppy strapped the two kayaks on top of the little car and we were off we drove south and got to what looked like a boat launch by mid-morning uh the place was in the middle of nowhere but that was the point there was a little parking area and a box to put a card with your visitor information into her in case you got lost or something but we unpatented the kayaks in the water when I realized that we only had to who we won't all fit I exclaimed his puppy was put in a lunch bag into one of the kayaks he kissed me on top of my head and he handed me a hat have fun sweetheart - I'll meet you girls back here this afternoon he said and gave not a quick pack before getting back in the car I felt bad that he was probably just going to have to hang around on the car waiting for us but nada told me not to worry and pull me into the water he'll find something to do we've been here a few times and he's seen it before pop he wants you to get to see the park she insisted and I knew that she was right but I felt a little bit guilty still grandparents just had that effect and don't they soon we were off and paddling slowly through the mangroves it was absolutely beautiful and unlike anywhere outside of Urbana the trees there are so unique in full of character I even caught myself thinking that I saw a person out of the corner of my eye a few times but it always turned out to be just a person shaped tree we admired the birds and chatted about school while we paddled huh as the day went out now the heat began to build up I was surprised or not I'd handed me a cold bottle of water the condensation dripped on my arm giving me a pleasant chela of course she had packed all the water into ice she's my Nana she thinks of everything we didn't see another person the whole morning and we stopped for lunch at midday there is a little patch of sandy earth that didn't have any mangrove roots on it a rare sight in this area so we dragged her kayaks on top of Etten not a stretched out her legs but insisted that she was fine to keep paddling her we ate her sandwiches in oranges and we reapplied our bug spray and then we started to head back text papi and Tom that we'll be back by 3:00 and not a told me checking her watch I pulled on my phone and I found that we had no signal oh that's right and the phone still worked this far out don't worry we'll get to a spot in an hour that you can text from my grandmother SATA we continued on in no rush I kept checking my phone for synovitis 3 p.m. rolled around not only had an I found a single bar but we went back at the boat launch like we had planned over here I'd let it go for another half an hour and figuring that we were probably getting close nada it's almost foreign did we take a wrong turn I asked him she gave me a word luck she scanned the trees and though I couldn't imagine what she could have been looking for her the whole place was just the wall of hanging branches and air roots it's overwhelming to try to pick out any variation in the stuff another hour went by in we finally stopped to regroup we were officially lost not a grabbed onto the side of my kayak and we sad for a few moments I watched her hoping that she was coming up with a plan that in your phone get us out of here she asked I don't have any signal but the GPS should still work I told her pointed out huh we watched the phone trend to lock on for a couple of minutes the battery was earlier 35% and I cursed myself for leaving and odd without signal all day [Music] eventually a little icon popped up on the app showing us in the Everglades since that's where we were and it seemed right enough and I showed my grandmother and she looked at it for a long time okay well it looks like we should try going back the way we came and see if we can find under the passage that'll take us east and she said finally I was glad that you'd come up with something new even if she didn't sound all that confident we paddled for another hour without finding an Eastern traveling waterway check it again and NIDA asked after burning another couple percentage points of battery the thing showed us in the exact same spot it had an hour earlier well that can't be right we've obviously did not go in a circle huh my grandmother sada I think it just doesn't show an exact location nada maybe we just haven't moved far enough away to register I suggested her she sat there for a moment and then smiled suddenly well kiddo we are good in lost as she said with a laugh she didn't seem scared of him they gave me a little bit of confidence puppy is going to be annoyed with me here I should have paid better attention huh why don't we keep heading this way and see what we can see we have to hit the ocean at some point not asada we paddled for another hour but every time I looked up it seemed like we were in the same place all the trees were identical every turn held the promise of something different but when we took it the same scene always greeted us the Sun started sinking and it was becoming harder to see clearly not a paddle towards the side of the waterway and I followed her there was a little Highlander a bit larger than the one we had stopped he lunch Anna he pulled our kayaks up on to it to my grandmother stretched her legs and back I really noticed her age Donna she squinted and looked around and then turned to me and smiled I'm sorry Olivia but I just can't paddle anymore today and she hugged me tightly and then sat down hard under the root of a tree what are we gonna do I asked her we're just gonna have to stay out here tonight and see how things look in the morning it's too dangerous to keep moving in the dark we'll be fine sweetheart this won't be the first time your old grandmother has slept outside she said with the wink it'll be mine I told her and she laughed well huh you're gonna have a good story to tell your mother when you get home nada was so mean that she made you sleep outside she said and I couldn't help but smile we rested on a tiny beach but behind us was a wall of mangrove so thick there would be no way to penetrate it without a chainsaw not a pulled out a massive flashlight from her bag and then carefully inspected the whole area before taking a seat beside me okay no Gators or snakes so we should be fine it occurred to me that if I had to be stuck in a situation like this I was glad it was with her she'll make sure that we're safe and everything will work out we talked for several hours while after sunset and it was actually pretty fun huh eventually I was yawning dawa I laid out on to the sand for a bitch but I ended up climbing back into my kayak to sleep it wasn't the most comfortable place but it was better than having a snake curl up out of me in the dark the nighttime sounds that were amazing frogs and bugs and night birds were out in a forest I watched the stars march slowly across the clear sky until horner I drifted to sleep just as I was going under her I was startled back awake by a hoot nod aha Oh was that a bear howl I asked her my grandmother had always been a big bird watcher she rose up slowly listening huh I couldn't see her while in the dark so I don't know what kind of expression she was wearing it but she was sitting up straight nada I asked she reached over and touched my arm gently I don't know what kind of all that was she whispered I heard a hit of fear and even against the bomb before tonight that sent a chill through me I strain my ears towards it trying to hear the Owls colleague Anna it took me a few seconds of listening to realize how quieted to be , no longer where the frogs are the insects singing there is a sound a dull soft sallets was only distinguishable because there were no other noises to be heard it was bird wings gently flapping against the still air the sound grew and a dark shape passed over a subtly I felt the air whip as it moved and then I sat up what was that I whispered ax and not a shush me the thing passed over a sugandha it had to be a bird but it was very large I tried to tell myself that it was a hair in herself Dana even though I knew that that couldn't be right and then I felt at land it must have set down on a root connected to her Island because everything beneath me shuddered uh not a slowly stood up and stepped out from her kayak something else was moving too and it was getting closer I saw dark shade come towards us stepping slowly from Rotorua it was large the size of a human and shaped kind of like water my heart jumped to my throat thinking that some person was out there in the mangrove stalking us not a flipped out our flashlights and illuminated the shape the light only lasted a moment before fizzling alta he gave us the glimpse of a thing I wish that it had been a percenter it flushed away from the light drying its gnarled us daily for let up across his eyes it had a perfectly round flat face like an owl but it definitely was not an owl Olivia go and get away from here not a shout Etta with the light out of Gatineau he can only see the dark silhouette of the thanga it turned its head towards her voice and a lead a great black shadow spread over me as it opened its wings the creature fell onto me and I felt crushed beneath its weight its claws gripped my shoulders and I screamed out it didn't tear into me Bella it only held me tightly the thing brought its face up to mine an inch away at most the star light shone into its huge saucer eyes there was shining around and live listened they were staring straight into me I heard my grandmother grunt as she swung her old-fashioned metal flashlight into the thing the Beast cried out attendant released me its voice was horrific so near the human but somehow terribly preferred at her it spun around and not a charged anta it's swinging in China she managed to get between me and aunt Olivia go home quickly it'll catch Appa not Adam and Anna pushing my kayak into the water I swallowed my body into the little craft and I have left on my phone flashlight the thing loomed over my grandmother it was taller than her by a foot at least and had a spindly emaciated body that was spotted on evilly with tops of dirty feathers from its back stretched two large wings covered in patchy and misshapen feathers it stood on two legs over straight - lon unlike human legs and there were four limbs - were armed should've an ax but they were covered in scales in Benton ways no human arms could be but Stella it appeared so similar in shape to a human hats and must have once been wanna and that was molded into something more grotesque the creatures horrible limbs were tipped with a curved talents at been towards nada I screamed and that round face turned swiftly in my direction now fear overtook me and I fumbled with my paddle I caught one glimpse of nada bashing that thing across the head with her flashlight before I paddled away furiously the sounds that came to me were terrible screaming and screeching and I couldn't bear to stay to hear what was happening to nada I didn't wait for her I paddled through the night to flashing my phone at every noise that I heard her I don't know if the light helped or not but the thing didn't come for me how died hope that nada would find her way back to to me somehow but as the Sun came up it became clear that she wouldn't I don't know how long or far I kayat but at some point I heard voices human voices eventually here a tour group had found me I tried to tell them what had happened but of course I was young and dehydrated and in shock so my story wasn't to be believed they brought me out of the Everglades and back to puppy and I couldn't tell him what really happened it was too awful and deep down I know that I shouldn't have left her like that all I could tell him was that I got lost he knew nada wouldn't leave until she found me so he organized a search effort for her it found Athena of course and he eventually had to stop looking and admit what I already knew whoa Nana was gone honor my mother flew down to Florida and we both stayed with puppy for a few weeks I still can't imagine what he went through losing the woman he had been married to for so long I was wracked with grief and gallatin but his loss is even greater it always wondered what had happened to her telling him would open up a worst trauma then the thought of her being lost in the Everglades near the end of our stay dawa he seemed to be improving in some kind of normalcy was returning to his life I think your Nana is at peace sweetheart puppy said to me one afternoon while we sat on his stack his voice didn't shake with emotion oh it was sure in Colma tears walled up in my eyes thinking about what she had did for me I hope so I sad I've been hearing an owl at night and I think she sent it to look for us and it told me that she's passed into a peaceful place she always loved Hallows did you know that she knew every call he said with a wistful smile at his laps yeah papi I knew that I just wish she was here I don't recognize the Alice call that I've been hearing but I'm certain that she would know it [Music]
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 160,346
Rating: 4.8935361 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: 1bN-6yWWz-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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