Heaven - Will You Be Going There? (Part 3)

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as we're looking at this message heaven will you be going there i got a lot of comments about last week's message and i i i get that a lot of people said that was a little harsh don't you think uh boy pastor heavy heavy one person said heavy heavy heavy and and i don't i felt horrible i just want you to know them just humanly speaking i felt horrible going home after third service uh because i felt like i had beaten you guys and a shepherd's never to beat the sheep uh but then the lord strengthened my heart the lord strengthened my heart and he gave me just him and i together he said to me and it's kind of cool because it was it was it was this it was not the one but it was a little bit of a hint jack well done jack well done it was not it was not yet well done now good and faithful servant i'm waiting for that one later but it was jack weldon you're fine jack you're fine with me you you told them what i said to them 2000 years ago in the printed word and and yet god reminded me because uh during that time in between services especially young people came to me with tears actual tears saying i need to be saved and listen that makes everything if we can give satan a punch in the eye any day that's a good day that's a good day and so we have interrupted our normal uh teachings to go through this series called futures we're looking at heaven will you be going there and today is going to be really the fourth installment on this particular topic and we're going to do our scripture reading together in a moment remain standing i have been i've taken it upon myself to learn more and more in light of the attacks against him i i picked up books and i began reading about christopher columbus and i'm being absolutely blown away and now certainly assured as to why the united states of america has more statues of christopher columbus in the 50 states than any other person who's enshrined in statute form including george washington or abraham abraham lincoln did you know that i didn't know that there are nearly 700 statues throughout the united states of christopher columbus i didn't know that in 1492 he was commissioned by the king and queen of spain to find a new trade route because of europe's wars with the pirates of the barbary coast the muslim terrorists of the mediterranean i didn't know that i just thought in modern reports that columbus became some lunatic murderous bloodthirsty freak and terrorized the atlantic no that's that's what you get out of modern day public school teaching it turns out christopher columbus's parents had a vision regarding him before he was even born about what god was going to do with them but one of the things i read this week was fascinating to me as he was landing for the first time europeans coming to the various islands of the caribbean which this has nothing to do with the bible study but um carib caribbean it is true columbus he and his men armed themselves and went after a group and slaughtered them called the caribs you know why they were cannibals they were eating other islanders on the other islands and the islanders were terrified of the caribs in fact the last group of caribs to be killed were 11 different tribes in the area on the coast of which is now called texas carob in their language is man-eater and the the sea they terrorized for centuries was called the caribbean the sea of man-eaters the caribbean and when columbus came with rumored about of who these rescuers were see you don't get that in public school they rescued islanders they didn't exterminate them columbus said when coming to one people group he says they have no religion nor are they idolatrous except that they all believe power and goodness to be in heaven they firmly believe that i with my ships and men came from heaven and with i with this idea i have been received everywhere since they lost fear of me they are however far from being ignorant that was the letter he wrote to the king of spain because part of columbus's mission was to propagate the gospel of jesus christ did you know that and many times he reported back to the king and said these people have a greater morality and a greater love for god than we do in europe what does that mean it goes exactly in line with what we're talking about today that it's god's will that you and i experience the salvation that comes from heaven even a people naked walking around tropical islands of the caribbean the man-eating sea understood that there's a heaven where good things come from and even columbus himself said without the preaching of the gospel they were not ignorant of that church in our scripture reading together we're gonna be talking about heaven first peter chapter one i'll begin in verse three we'll go down to verse nine i'll begin in verse 3 if you'll pick it up on the screens with verse 4 nice and loud so hell and heaven can hear us blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead amen who are kept by the power of god through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time verse 7 that the genuineness of your faith being much more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire may be found to praise honor and glory at the revelation or the coming of jesus christ and i'll end this section with verse 9 receiving the end of your faith the salvation of your souls to the screens second timothy 3 i'll begin in verse 1. you should know this timothy that in the last days there will be very difficult times they will be unloving and unforgiving they will slander others and have no self-control they will be cruel and hate what is good they will act religious but they will reject the power that could make them godly stay away from people like this now luke chapter 21 luke 21 i'll begin in verse 29 luke 21 29 eyes to the screen then jesus spoke to them a parable look at the fig tree and all the trees so you also when you see these things beginning or happening know that the kingdom of god is near heaven and earth will pass away but my words by no means pass away [Music] will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth and all god's people said amen you can be seated powerful portions of scripture there for us heaven you kept by the power of god the lord jesus coming to get us the promise of him and judgment the glorious confidence that god's word tells us that before his wrath comes upon the earth we might be able to seek his face and pray and be ready that we might escape that time of god's global worldwide judgment against all wickedness called the tribulation period that is for a study of future sundays that's ahead of us right now we're looking at heaven and we're asking the question will you go there will you go there the first thing that we want to lay out before you today by the way you can take a deep breath and relax this ought to excite you the approach that we'll be looking at today regarding that question last week was last week's challenge by design i deliberately gave the message last week how it was and what it was not this one first there's a reason for this when asked the question heaven will you be going there the answer should be number one in your note-taking is yes [Music] you need to be able to say yes to this and this is the reason why yes because you believe in him church will you mark that down i want to hit this and i want to hit it hard for this reason it is absolutely overwhelmingly assured that the man or woman boy or girl who believes on and in the lord jesus christ they're going to go to heaven but we need to understand what believe or believing really means the bible tells us in acts chapter 16 verse 31 the bible says so they said believe in the lord jesus christ and you will be saved you and your household then they spoke the word of the lord to him that's the jailer in that famous moment where paul and silas and the ministry team were gathered together you know the story they were singing songs of praise while they're shackled in stocks at midnight an earthquake hit i think it was an angel quake by the way it was an earthquake i think an angel did all that because of what happens later but uh the fact of the matter is uh that one of the jail keepers were terrified as to what was going on and his basic expression was uh i need to be saved and the bible response is believe in the lord jesus christ but today you and i live in a world that just thinks that belief is just something where we assign a level of uh attention to something uh that we we all believe in we we believe in this we believe in that and oh yeah i'll believe in jesus but it's more than that it's not difficult it's not rocket science listen the belief that god expects from you who are going to heaven is a belief that is so precious that a child can believe in god in fact the bible makes it clear that god is i think most encouraged by the belief or faith of a child jesus said in matthew's gospel we need to become like little children before we can enter the kingdom of god belief believing the word means this you might care to make note of it it means to entrust it means to commit it means to um believe in such a way that your belief is uh to depend upon so when we say i believe in jesus christ listen are you gonna go to heaven yes why is that true because you depend upon jesus that's the believer that's the one that's going to be going to heaven and if you've called upon the name of the lord jesus christ and you understand that he is lord savior god he's messiah he died on the cross he rose again from the dead if christ has become i have to underline the word become if christ has become your passion because that's how it really is the more you fall in love with somebody the more they become your your uh focal point of your passion of your attention and that's good that's one that's the way it's supposed to be all the best when it comes to god all the best when it comes to jesus to love him we'll talk more about this in a moment but what does it mean to believe in him the reason why you're going to go to heaven is because you trust him when you hear the things that are going on around the world and when you hear how you're not hearing things that are going on around the world because it's being kept from you that raises a level of anxiety that raises a level of threat to your peace and for your safety and all of a sudden what we as a culture uh in the first amendment type of culture we are threatened by that americans have more to lose than any other nation on earth right now and that that may encroach upon you and bring fear wait a minute you're going to heaven and because you're going to heaven you've trusted in jesus christ you believe him and what he has done in your life you can entrust your future today to him he will take care of you listen you may or may not doubt that we may or may not doubt that from time to time we all have our moments and our seasons of faith and the challenge of faith every single one of them we all go through this all of us go through this people don't think that you having doubt this morning is is because it's because you're not a christian that is not true every human the greatest saints of god i love reading them have gone through horrific battles of doubt george whitefield the wesleys charles spurgeon charles finney john the baptist great seasons of doubt listen you've got to have belief in christ before you can suffer seasons of doubt in that order cheer up don't lose heart heaven will you be going there the answer is absolutely yes if you're believing in jesus christ but we want to make sure that we are truly believing him there's a firm warning in the bible about belief only is what i would say belief only you said jack didn't you just say a moment ago from the book of acts believe in the lord jesus you shall be saved oh yeah yeah that is and that is true but there's a belief only danger see what do you mean to believe is where you begin and when you really begin by believing in jesus christ that belief takes you somewhere never think for a moment that just because i accepted christ on monday night just before 9 00 pm june 20th 1977 calvary chapel costa mesa gregory preaching the gospel revelation chapter 20 keith green doing the worship that night just because i came to believe in christ that night if i would have walked away after going forward and never picked up the bible again and never had a passion or desire to know the one i claimed to have fallen in love with that moment then my belief would have been void and with no effect are you with me it would have been nothing to believe is the first step of a journey called sanctification where god brings you all the way through until you breathe your last breath or you hear a trumpet blast [Music] for the christian that is alive and well and possessed by the holy spirit there is no downtime in our world we you and i we have been deployed into a godless christless age to tell everyone we can about the love of god and the forgiveness that's in jesus christ the question is do you believe in him james tells us this strong warning james chapter 2 verse 19. he says you believe that there's one god you do well even the demons believe and tremble satan believes in jesus christ but satan doesn't believe in jesus christ to save him satan knows of jesus's authority but he doesn't bow the knee that will happen later and i think according to the bible you and i are going to watch satan bow his knee that's going to be a great day that's going to be a great day so number one church yes yes you're going to go to heaven if the fact that you believe in him as you ought so yes you believe because he's come to you i want you to write that down he has come to you pastor jack i do believe in jesus yes that is true because he has come to you the bible tells us in second peter chapter 3 verse 9 but the lord is long suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance this is awesome people the fact that you're going to go to heaven is based upon the foundational truth that christ has come to you he's the one that reached out to you number one for this reason he is not willing that you should perish but that you should come to the knowledge of everlasting life by the way that's his desire for all people we talked about that last week in a small degree the fact is this church that believing in him is based upon this act of repentance you see people will say i believe in jesus but there's been no change in their life why they never repented they're like the devils the devils believe in jesus in fact they're not no i take that back they're not like the devils who believe that's not even fair to the devil's demons to say that i'll tell you the reason why the word i read a moment ago in james it says that the devil or demons or satan believes and trembles do you know what the word tremble is the word tremble in the greek is where we get our word goose flesh goose skin you say goose skin yeah i know we don't really think like that but have you ever seen a naked turkey exactly when you pluck that turkey wait we don't plug turkeys somebody else plucks them when we go down to the store and bring them home and unwrap them from the plastic and you run your hand over the breast or the skin of the turkey have you noticed that is it all lumpy that's what the bible says in the in the book of james when satan thinks about god his skin goes he gets goose skin people don't do that people are brazen they don't believe in god they mock god we read a moment ago how there's a generation of people as we approach the end they'll be mockers of god they don't get goose flesh and yet hell has a respect for christ like the godless of this world do not oh but you who believe in him you're going to heaven you who believe in him he's going to see to it listen you don't hear this very often because most often you know you need to commit your life to christ you need to commit your life i get it the reason why that's true is because he has first committed himself to you think of that and that's true because he has come to you and i want some of you to think stop and think right now how that happened in your life how did he come to you refresh your memory go back slow down rethink go back to the ancient paths retrace them in the early days of how christ spoke to you where were you what did he say what were you thinking when you began to awaken to his stimulating overtures to you as he began to draw you jesus said nobody comes to the father it's interesting by the way it's it's referenced really in two ways of scripture jesus said nobody comes to me unless the father draws them to me and jesus also mentions that nobody can come to me unless the spirit of god is at work in their lives i kind of like to look at it this way god the father god the holy spirit working in the world working in your life to bring you to the one who saves you the bible says there's one mediator go between there's one negotiator between man that's us and god and that is the mediator christ jesus he's pulling i'd like to think of it this way he's got a he's got a lost humanity right and represented on by the work of the holy spirit on this hand it's the holy spirit convicting people which is almost illegal today think of it if i say something today that google doesn't like facebook doesn't like if youtube doesn't like if i say something that is counter culture and their algorithm detects the words i'm using it will block me out we are not far from when i say you say something from the word of god with all love to reach someone with the gospel of salvation to bring them out of the grips of hell into heaven where this age of censorship steps in and says you can't talk like that we're going to sue you we're going to shut you down what are you really saying this is what they're saying but they don't know how to say it we are going to shoot you the messenger because what you said that message affected that person and we heard about it translation we are going to legislate the work of the holy spirit till the point that it's illegal did you what when he said that did you feel odd yes i did that odd feeling was the holy spirit saying you need christ you need jesus you need hope love salvation forgiveness you need mercy and someone who's rejecting christ says i felt offended i felt threatened by their words and a godless age will come in and begin to sue the holy spirit you know what i'm saying in fact they didn't even like what i just said just now if you think about it remembering you said i thought we're gonna be talking about future things this this is exactly what we're doing that's why we're taking this as a whole series because salvation is the greatest prophetic doctrine of the bible isaiah chapter nine in fact you're gonna recognize this isaiah chapter 9 verse 2 this is awesome isaiah chapter 9 verse 2 the bible says the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light those who dwell in the land of the shadow of death upon them a light has shined you ever heard that before you probably didn't recognize isaiah 9 2. next verse you guys this is the reason why you you you recognized the hearing of it you didn't recognize their scripture reference this is what you recognized matthew 4 12. now when jesus heard that john that's john the baptist had been put in prison jesus departed to galilee and leaving nazareth he came and dwelt in capernaum which is by the sea sea of galilee in the region of zebulun and naphtali you don't care about that unless you're jewish friends that those two locations just got your jewish attention by the way matthew anybody remember matthew's last name matthew levi he's a jew i encouraged a friend of mine the other day i said you need to read uh the new testament he said it's uh i'm not going to read a gentile book i said did you know it's written by a bunch of jews i did verse 14 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of by isaiah the prophet saying the land of zebulun in the land of naphtali by the way of the sea beyond the jordan galilee of the gentiles the people who sin and darkness have seen a great light and upon those who sat in the region of the shadow of death light is dawn from that time jesus began to preach and to say what what did he say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand that's believing listen when the holy spirit has spoken to you christian and you've sensed i don't know if god speaks to me well listen the next time you do something wrong unplanned or planned you do something wrong you will hear him speak i don't know if god ever talks to me if you do something wrong think something wrong do you not hear him speak yes he does every christian should say i hear him speak what you really want to do is be able to say i read the bible a lot god speaks to me from the word i don't get in trouble much but when i do boy do i hear him speak what you don't want to do is walk around as a christian and say god spoke to me today and he spoke to me twice today he spoke to me five times today what are you doing oh he's faithful to convict he's faithful to speak all of god's kids the bible says god will never discipline a child that's not his own he only disciplines his own kids you don't spank your neighbor's kids you go to jail i mean you want to the little creep is messing things up best you can do is say go home depart from me you worker of iniquity you can't spank it you can't spank kids that are not yours i see pastor i don't know if you should say spank discipline then the bible says nothing it's a what's another story that's a whole nother day god disciplines his kids because he loves them if you don't love your kid it's it's lived out because you don't correct them you just leave the little rats to do whatever they want nobody wants them around because you've raised up a little maniac right because they've been left to himself the bible says you leave this has nothing to do with this message this is just side note that if you don't discipline your child in love for crying out loud if you love them you're going to tell them don't do that again you're going to wind up in jail someday you teach them listen the bible tells you if you don't do that the bible says that kid will grow up and be a reproach to his mother you know dads have a hard time it's like you know what that rotten kid turned out to be a piece of junk i'd like to men are just the moms no matter what the moms they just weep from the inside out it's a heartbreak and i don't know how i went down that but it's but it repentance is required if we're really going to believe and that's why many of you many of us we get the sting of the holy spirit because listen he calls us to repentance because we are his kids there are those who are becoming god's children because they are going to repent of their sins god knows who who they are and there are us who are in the family that when we sin the bible tells us if we confess our sin he's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from from all unrighteousness what's that all about god will convict you and i to maintain fellowship with us if we don't repent as a as a believer to our heavenly father then we're still in the family god doesn't believe in abortion you're not losing your salvation he just won't talk to you can you imagine if your little kid came up and said after you know slapping the dog and and and burning his bicycle or something and then he comes up he's you know he's he's quarantined to his room you go to your room you stay there all day you're in trouble and then the kid comes out coming down the hallway and the kid walks up remember he's under he's under the sentence of you're in trouble but he comes and says mom dad i know it's supposed to be in my room but can i talk to you about what i want for christmas you know what mom and dad are going to do they're going to say no i'm not talking to you get back to your room repentance is the key that keeps or restores or brings about fellowship with god it's got to happen the second thing is this yes because you believe in jesus christ you're going to be going to heaven because listen he's begun to work in you oh for those of you listen that maybe think that you've gone too far maybe god has given up on you and you're thinking thoughts of condemnation you need to remember again romans chapter 8 verse 1 that there is now therefore no condemnation to those who are in christ jesus can you remember that you're going to go to heaven friend because listen did god not create a work in you didn't he begin to work in you can you look back and maybe you're listening right now and you just think it's all over for you and just out of curiosity you've stepped in here today or you've tuned in today and you think it's all over for me i want to ask you this question did god ever begin a work in your life i do believe that if this question is answered there will not be enough churches in america to house the prodigal sons and daughters that can make their way back home today you think the church is big in america you think this church is big this is a this is ridiculous i i believe there are more condemned brothers and sisters who are walking around with a scarlet letter as they were on their forehead thinking that they could never go back to church because satan has lied to them they're not happy in the world listen is this you you're not happy in the world because you know better but you feel as though jesus doesn't want you back and you're in no man's land that is satan's language that's how satan talks and you get up every day with a cloud over your head in life david lived like that for about a year i think it was a year after he had murdered beth shiva's husband after he got her pregnant so who are you talking about oh some renegade some murder some adulterer named king david a man after god's own heart he repented and he turned and god welcomed him back into the family if this last year that's past taught us anything and if the opening days of this year has taught us anything you better come back to jesus quick friend if you are if you somehow ostracize yourself from the family of god you better come back you better hurry back listen if you can't find a church with the doors open catch a train stick your thumb out hitchhike if you have to get somewhere get somewhere to run into the house of god and set up a and if you can't do that go find something i'm really big on what i'm about to say it's not necessary but i like places what i mean by that is i like to make places special between me and god you guys all know about the oak tree i own that oak tree that oak tree that the city has on their city emblem i found it before the city ever found it i lived here before the city was here that was my oak tree it's gigantic you got to climb a hill to get to it it's epic it's amazing and i've got a lot of prayer time at that oak tree there were times of dedication listen in 1986 i stood on that hilltop with my family holding them in our hands and and stretching out our hands all over this valley and beyond the mountains and we didn't know what we're saying but we said it dear god in heaven for whatever purposes you've moved us this unbelievable distant land we can't smell salt water we can't hear any waves what's up with this and we stretched our hands out over this valley and beyond and we said lord if it's your will deliver this valley and beyond into your hands and i didn't know how he was going to do that and i didn't even think he was going to do that we just had this weird thought in the moment and every time i see a city vehicle or a cop car go by i don't see anybody but that tree on the side of that car that that logo is like that's my tree i took a group of men not too long ago where's right didn't we go up there we went up there and we held our hands up like we did in 1986 and i dedicated a group of men of this church to god's hand and by the way those men are deployed all around you and they're on a mission that mission that they're on is to be masculine god loving wife children loving men as examples and they are going to transform this church this is going to be a true listen this is going to be a church of the most amazing biblical masculinity you've ever seen can you say that word can you say masculinity oh god invented masculinity the problem is the world has shown you a horrible picture of it not not toxic masculinity anointed masculinity jesus taught us how to love jesus taught us how to defend truth and to care for others can you ask yourself if god has done a work in you in second timothy chapter 2 verse 19 the bible tells us nevertheless the solid foundation of god stands having this seal this is awesome the lord knows those who are his oh come on this last week i was in washington d.c for various things and one of them for a few hours went over and stood uh in the massive crowd of rally protesters there on the mall and it was interesting to see that there were some people there from all kinds of walks of life and by the way i don't care what you're watching on the news i was there okay there were definitely a handful of people who infiltrated that rally and i watched it by the way i took some pictures too and sent it to the cops [Music] yeah but what was amazing was you could you could see people who were um i saw a lot of people who were tattooed and i'm not gonna endorse or condemn tattoos i'm just gonna say that you could tell you could tell that that guy was a harley davidson fan are you with me you could tell that that guy was a new york giants fan okay um you could tell that that person filled in the blank how did i know because they had tattoos in the back of their neck and on their arms and hands they were marked are you with me i saw it guess what to those of you who believe in the lord jesus christ god sees your mark we can't see it physically god can see that you're marked the bible tells us in the book of ephesians we'll talk about it soon i think of a moment if i get to it in time that you who believe are sealed with and by the holy spirit and there's no getting around that listen today if you say i don't know if i'm sealed by the holy spirit either either you're not and you need to get or you are and you don't know how to identify that and that's okay but the lord knows those who are his the word in greek is gnosco it's a great word i love this word because the word listen the lord experiences those who are his that's what the word gnosco means it means it means you see this watch watch listen bible turn the pages see what i'm doing i'm gnose going this bible i'm familiar with it i feel it i am in direct connection with it god's word says i know those that are mine i'm in direct connection with them i feel them i can touch them i know them i cannot be any more intimate with them than what i am with my own do you believe in lord jesus christ that's your reality you need to spiritually stop tiptoeing around and be confident in christ here's a big test you ever want to try this do it at home don't do it here if you don't think you belong to god if you think god doesn't want you try denouncing him take your bible when you go home today go get a trash can and try to burn it just burn it just throw your bible across the street you say i never pick it up again i did that once you're looking at a guy that struggled for three years with such condemnation because i couldn't get over my past i remember being so angry because i couldn't fathom the love of god for me how could he what was funny is that i could see god's love for all of you and the friends around me at that time but i couldn't see it for me and it's powerful because that's a date it's powerful because it's dangerous because jesus is a personal savior he's not a group savior amen you need to hear this if i were to ask you do you believe in jesus yes i do and i asked you the diagnostic question do you believe he died for you on the cross yes but do you leave then you believe you're going to heaven right i don't know i'm just such i don't know i keep remembering about my past and it's just i don't know listen you understand something he died for you personally that's why it had to be god that did it no man could have done it for us personally do you understand that yes so hey i found a really great guy he's down the street as far as i can tell he could almost walk on water maybe he'll die for me hey even if you found such a person it's not going to work god had to die for us and when you come to realize that that if adam and eve had a baby somebody give me your names just give me a name jennifer if adam and eve had a baby and jennifer was the only one born and then eve trips over an apple over there it had to be an apple the way up a computer apple it had to be an apple if adam and eve would have sinned and plunged the three of them by their action into condemnation jesus christ still would have died if jennifer would have been the only kid born into this entire world did you know that that's not a very big salvation purchase for all that suffering you're looking at it religiously god looked at it listen listen listen to me so god looked at it purely based on his nature of who he is god didn't convince himself that he's the redeemer because he is redeemer it's not that it was one or 100 billion people over the course of human history it's irrelevant to him he doesn't love based on numbers he loves one at a time and that love he has for you is blind to your sins and faults because you believe in jesus christ do you know why that do you know why you see red when you see something red because your brain your eye is processing every color except one color you know why the sky is blue because it's not blue you know why you see red because that thing's not red john you have a red sweatshirt on i think it's red okay you forgot that you shocked them i do i do so here's oh it's wild my eyes in this in the spectrum of light my eyes are processing all of the color colors here but you know what's what's being rejected his what he's wearing the reason why it's that color to me is because every color of the spectrum is being absorbed except one color what color is it red red is bouncing back and hitting my eye thus i say it's red it may not be red the sky is not blue the sky absorbs every color except blue it spits blue back at you because it's not absorbing blue are you hearing me when god looks at the christian the bible says we've been washed in the blood of the god sees everything he would have you see as a as a non-christian god sees all of my sin but the moment i'm washed in the blood of the lamb imagine you being because of belief you're dipped in a tub of blood you see patch that's so gross it should be gross it costs god his life and you stand up i see listen if i were god and i'm looking at you i only see red that's why the bible says he will not he will never remember your sins and as far as the east is from the west he will remove your sins from you why because he only sees red so who made that up god did stop trying to convince him of other things just zip it will ya thank him for it when you trust christ god sees you red washed in the blood of the lamb that's his deal listen he did that enter into that you have nothing to do with it but to believe him so get into it stop overthinking it did you do wrong did you sin against god was that evil yes then run to him run to him and get red plunge as the old hymn goes and under the fountain of emmanuel's veins remarkable genesis genesis 3 14 and 15 says so the lord god said to the serpent because you have done this you are cursed more than all cattle more than every beast of the field on your belly you shall go and you shall eat the dust uh all the days of your life and i will put enmity listen god is speaking to satan i'm going to put warfare between you and the woman that's funny you mean god is like arranging a fight between satan and eve not exactly more specifically between your seed satan your offspring and her offspring his offspring plural her offspring that's why it's capital s they're singular you will bruise he shall bruise your head you shall bruise his heel you'll inflict pain upon this child that's coming that will redeem the world but he's going to crush your head satan's new satan has known that since the garden of eden but has god begun to work in you why don't you let him finish it this time it's time to stop goofing off let him finish it you're going to heaven why not go there in blazing glory you believe him yes do you believe that his word is given to you the word of god yes i think stand up wipe your nose and get going stop looking back every time you look back you crash i don't care if you're driving your lawnmower push in your lawnmower if you're sailing your boat if you're driving down the freeway you know the faster you go and are we not going fast in life right now the faster you go down the freeway i don't care if you're in a hugo or a ferrari the the the truth is the same if you look over your shoulder to look back you're gonna crash that's why you have rear view mirrors you don't look back a lot of christians today are going to heaven but they're stuck because they keep looking back oh god remember this the guy goes no all i see is red yeah it was really bad remember i said that thing uh no i just see red psalm 138 verse 8 the lord will perfect that which concerns me your mercy o lord endures forever do not forsake the work of your hands that's his prayer here's the reality ephesians 1 verse 3. listen to this everybody you guys okay ephesians 1 3. listen blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in christ just as he chose us in him that's jesus before the foundation of the world that means god knew you before you were ever hatched he knew who you were that we should be holy and without blame before him in love having predestined us he did that based on his foreknowledge this should encourage you believer who's going to heaven to adoption as sons by jesus christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise and of the glory of his grace by which he made us accepted in notice capital b the beloved that's jesus verse seven in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace which he made to abound toward us in all wisdom prudence having made known to us here comes the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself hear all these this legal talk it's as though god is making a declaration an executive order from god that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in christ both which are in heaven which are on earth in him verse 11 says in him also we have obtained an inheritance being predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will is this genius or what verse 12 that we should first that we who first there it is trusted in christ should be to the praise of his glory wow you meditate on that's deep that's beyond deep that's letting you into to the secret or the mystery of salvation that was in the heart and mind of god before time ever was philippians 1 verse 6. philippians 1 6 tells us be technically the greek is be being we say being confident of this very thing the the word in the greek means be being confident always never never never do you not have to be confident it's a command be being confident of this very thing that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of jesus christ somebody say amen that means god does his work are you going to heaven well i'm not sure do you believe jesus christ died on the cross for your sins yes i just don't feel saved stop it and believe go back to what you know what got you originally to raise your hand or to get up or come forward or to fall on your face or to say jesus come into my life and save me from myself wash me clean of my sins and cause me to walk with you and if you prayed that 10 20 30 years ago and you've been like a pinball machine ever since by god's grace and mercy you're hearing this message today and you can stop being like that game that toy and receive this message from the lord today that he wants you and he will make up for all the time that has been wasted and then finally this is the final push it's going to take me a few minutes to give you this final thing but yes you're going to go to heaven because he has spoken life to you this is the absolute come on let's be honest man this is why we love god he speaks to us the things that we need to hear when when a wife wants to hear her husband say i love you more than any thing in the whole world that's she wants to hear that if she says honey do you love me and he says i pay the bills don't i that's that's sad that's sad that's sad amazing name what god has done god did it all and then we ask him do you love me and he says yes and if and whenever you doubt it jack just look back at what i've done for you in the past go back to the cross you know what if you doubt it read the gospels again and and you'll see what i did because i'm crazy about you jack he said i just can't handle the love of god well listen he's begun a good working you know you're a little stubborn i get it just start here then god likes you that's a good place to start i can't handle the love of god well then you know what he likes you start there see what does that mean that means he wants to hang out with you today that's good news most people don't he does right think of it i'm glad he loves me second corinthians chapter 4 verse 3 says but even if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing who's the minds the god of this age satan is blinded who do not believe see that lest the light of the gospel the glory of christ who is the image of god should shine upon them wow last verse it's a whopper you guys can stand even see if you stand at your expense it will remind me that i gotta end soon i'll feel sorry for you this but this is a whopper we'll look at it together it's matthew chapter 13 beginning at verse 1. watch this by the way before i read it father i pray that you'd speak to our hearts as we read this word this word that you spoke technically really those words should be written and read because they're words that you spoke and you speak and they're eternal and we ask you father that you would allow us to see our own hearts right now and the same day that jesus went out of the house and sat by the sea a great multitude or multitudes were gathered together to him so that he got into a boat and sat and the whole multitude stood on the shore and then he spoke many things to them in parables parables parabolos pera alongside parabolos to cast truth alongside every head every heart of every listener he just threw out the truth and it landed like a like a bobber on a fishing line right alongside each person's head pera alongside balos to cast truth alongside their head notice he didn't force it into their heart he didn't shove it down their throat he cast it alongside them he's casting alongside us this is what he said behold the sword went up to sow and as he sowed some seed fell by the wayside and the birds came and devoured them some fell on stony places where they did not have much earth and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth but when the sun was up they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away and some that is seed some fell among thorns and the thorns sprang up and choked them but others fell on good ground and yielded a crop some a hundred fold some sixty some thirty he who has ears to hear let him hear and the disciples came to him and said to him they're gonna be asking him this why do you speak to the people them in parables and he answered instead of them because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it has not been given stop right there verse 12. listen he's not withholding the truth from them satan blinds the eyes of those who do not believe jesus throws out in preaching he throws out the truth to all but not all except that's how you know who is in the family and who's not oh i wish pastors across america would get this down they don't need to apologize for the bible and avoid portions of the bible if they're really pastors they're supposed to give the bible and let jesus do his work you don't make you don't make a church happen you just you're just supposed to do one thing pastor and you're just supposed to give them the truth faithfully and god does the rest you if you try to build a church you'll never build a church you'll build a clubhouse but you won't build a church let him build it and he uses his word to do it you just give the word and he takes care of the rest for whoever has to him more will be given more light more light more light the more open you're to the light the more light you're going to get he will have abundance but whoever does not have even what he has will be taken away from him therefore i speak to them in parables because seeing they do not see and hearing they do not hear nor do they understand and in them the prophecies of isaiah is fulfilled which says hearing you will hear and shall not understand and seeing you will see and not perceive for the hearts of this people have grown dull their ears are hard of hearing and their eyes they have closed no who closed their eyes they but in their conjunction and their unbelief with satan lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears lest they should understand with their hearts and turn so that i should heal them but blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear for assuredly i say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see and did not see it and to hear what you hear and did not hear it therefore hear the parable of the sower when anyone hears the word of the kingdom the bible being preached and does not understand it and the wicked one comes and snatches away what is sown in their hearts this is he who received by the seed by the wayside but he who received the seed on stony places this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy yet he has no root in himself but endures only for a while for when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word immediately he stumbles now he who received the seed among the thorns is he who hears the word and the cares of this world 2020 and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and he becomes unfruitful but he who received the seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it who indeed bears fruit and produces some 100 some 60 some 30. heavenly father we ask you lord in the name of jesus christ lord and savior thank you for saving us at the cross of christ and thank you for leaving us an empty tomb thank you for your word and today father i pray that those who even now have been ministered by your holy spirit that they would breathe deep filling up their lungs with air if they expand their chest for the first time in years perhaps for some they would take you at your word and that they would remember that you began to work in them you will not forsake it because that's true they will no longer delay they will obey and with that the joy of the lord will be their strength and they will go forth from this place today bearing precious seed how beautiful are the feet of those who go and distribute your truth to the world so father baptize this church baptize this service in the power of your holy spirit and lord god any man or woman boy or girl who was outside the kingdom that you'd intensify their state their condition that they might run and say what must i do to be saved and the shout would come from us believe on the lord jesus christ and you shall be saved well hey thanks for listening and uh we appreciate you and of course we do in this time and in this age us being together and linking up together to get the word of god out is actually ministry being fulfilled and in fact if you would like to subscribe please do so hit the subscribe button tell your friends about us and listen if you'd like to help us get this out on a broader scale you can support us by hitting on the give now button and look we're going to continue on with or without you we're inviting you to join us no pressure but if you'd like to link arms in this venture you'd be greatly appreciated so listen keep praying for us we're praying for you god bless you and we'll see you back here real soon
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 97,224
Rating: 4.9530687 out of 5
Keywords: life after death, stairway to heaven, heaven, real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs, jack hibbs sermons, heaven will you be going there, middle east update amir tsarfati
Id: 9LDhdUWbwtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 15sec (3795 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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