After The Saints Go Marching In (Part 2)

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i know you just sat down i'm going to ask you to stand if you would open in your bibles to second thessalonians chapter two we are in part two of this message in our future series second thessalonians chapter 2 we're reading through verses 1 to 12 and i'll read the odd-numbered verses you guys know the drill if you'll read the even-numbered verses out of the new king james version bible and we're looking at this message it's an ongoing i say ongoing we covered it or i should say started it last week we'll be in it today as well in our future series and that is after the saints go marching in and i am deliberately as you know building upon each week regarding what the bible says concerning eschatology or the future doctrines or future events of the bible if you're visiting for the first time you should know that this is a deliberate thing that i'm doing it is necessary that we as a constantly growing church that we keep our focus on where our focus needs to be and you'll hear about that today there'll be a little bit of recap from last week which is part one today's part two and we'll see uh if we need to continue on in this particular title after the saints go marching in which is a reference regarding the rapture of the church and from there we're moving on second thessalonians two verse one i'll begin if you would pick it up in verse two out loud second thessalonians two now brethren concerning the coming of our lord jesus christ and our gathering together to him we ask you [Music] let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the fallen away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition verse five do you not remember that when i was still with you i told you these things for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains it's the holy spirit will do so until he is taken out of the way wow the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan with all power signs and line wonders and for this reason that reason is verse 10 god will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie wow heavenly father we pray god that you would continue to stir our hearts to the truth lord i know that traditionally we're in a building right now we're glad for that it's warm in here we're glad for that everything looks kind of church normal-like and i guess in some degree we're glad for that but father god we pray that your holy spirit would actually possess this gathering that you'd possess us that there would be nothing predictable or traditional about our gathering today but it would be an assemblage of your people the church in the 21st century and god that each and every one of us are here because we have determined not to play church we have determined not to pretend we have determined not to do what you're supposed to do on sundays but god we have come here today starving as it were to hear your spirit speak to us and lord we pray that you'd energize us god that we would leave this building today transformed people may this not be just another sunday but lord as the days lesson and we get closer to your return may this day be a day that we can look back and say that the lord was in this place so father god move we pray move in our hearts move in our midst we prayed in jesus name and all god's people said amen hey before you sit down can you hold up your bible even if it's on your smart device hold it up okay that is an awesome site i want you to carefully bring it down gently you can be seated don't cut yourself with it by that let me say the word of god the bible says is living and powerful it's just not some book you just held up a moment ago it's living and powerful hebrews 4 12 says and sharper than any two-ed sword piercing even to the division and the soul of the spirit and of the joints and of the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of our heart there is no creature hidden from its sight from his sight he is the word but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him to whom we must give an account the bible the bible you just held up a moment ago uh yeah it looks like a book but according to the bible itself that it has the ability to dive into the very thoughts and the motives of your heart and mind and it's able to dissect you dissect me god's incredible truth awesome truth and as we are looking at these prophetic themes of the bible we need to remember that to qualify the accuracy or the authority of the bible god has not left us on our own church family listen up you and i have never been called to defend the bible did you know that by the way we're not even called to defend our god there are a lot of religions out there that they have to defend their god if you say something about their god they're going to cut your head off if you say something about their book they're going to burn down your country if you say something about do you get the drift the bible doesn't call christians to do any of that you want to know why he doesn't need our help he is god this is his word it's unfailing it's true it's perfect and god is god with or without us we don't make him up and then follow him no the fact is he has always been and he's invited us to follow him and how do we know that in a day-to-day life in which you and i live in well the stand-alone authority of the bible is truly unequaled in all of the world's writings and sacred writ what is awesome about the bible is that the bible in black and white challenges you to know if it's true or not just to discover to put it to the test for you to decide as christians we're just to present it so you take out the word of god and you don't have to prop it up you take out the word of god you held it up a moment ago and you let it go you let it go through witness through preaching through teaching god's word it's amazing romans 15 verse 4 says for whatever things were written before that is beforehand were written for our learning that we through the patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope that is god's writing of future events written down of old is to bring you and i comfort and hope how does that work 66 books make up the bible penned by 40 different authors over a 1 600 year period of time on several different continents most of the authors have having never met one another all spoke about one key individual and that revelation by the way this is pretty awesome you can take any one of the 66 books and they stand alone one by one on presenting characteristics and attributes about the messiah his name what he would do where he would be born how he would die how he would live again it's all written down in the old testament scriptures is remarkable and of course confirmed in the new there's this perfect harmony that the bible has from genesis to revelation about god's authority revealed in his word shouldn't surprise us second timothy 3 verse 16 says all scripture is given by inspiration of god that's what the bible says about itself is that awesome that's the problem pastor that's what the bible says about itself what's your problem with that it would carry no value if i said it it would carry no value of billy graham where the pope said it in fact paul the apostle said don't listen to a word i say didn't he acts 17 11. write that down it's not in your notes it just popped into my head right there acts 17 11 paul said you search the scriptures and see if what i'm telling you is true judge paul is saying my sermons judge my doctrine judge my teaching against the bible so when the bible says of itself it is the inspired word of god it's like begging you to come and take it on test and see and you can do that this is one of the tips on how you can do that second peter chapter 1 verse 16. second peter 1 16 says for we did not follow commonly devised fables when we made known to you the power and the coming of the lord jesus christ but were eyewitnesses of his majesty for we received or for he received from god the father honor and glory when such a voice came to him from the excellent glory you'll know what that is in a moment he quotes this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased remember when that happened peter james and john were on the mount of transfiguration along with jesus mount hormone in israel today and the bible tells us that the lord descended and showed his son jesus through moses and elijah how christ would die and to encourage or strengthen him in that and that's when peter it's awesome peter looks up james and john they look up and they see jesus glowing bright white as moses and elijah spoke to him and the bible says and peter answered and said which is fantastic because nobody asked peter a thing he wasn't even involved in it but this is peter that's why we love him peter answered and said it's good for us to be here let's build three tenths one for you jesus one for moses and elijah it's a very cute response by peter but it was completely out of context he saw the excellent glory when christ was transfigured and that statement there in ii peter goes on verse 18 says and we heard this voice which came from heaven where we're with him on the holy mountain and so verse 19 says we have the prophetic word confirmed verse 20 knowing this that no prophecy of scripture no revelation of the bible that bible you held up a moment ago listen there's no giving of it that is a private interpretation this is awesome that's why every cult before they knock on your door has failed because they have taken the revealed word of god and they go to go about to contradict what god has revealed to you god has spoken the truth and you can study it and research it it's of no private interpretation what does that mean today when people say something like this well i know that's what the bible says but i see it this way private interpretation well i know the bible says this but i feel private interpretation i know the bible says this but i was listening to a pastor or a guy in the radio or some speaker and he said what it really means is private interpretation can't do that bible is to interpret bible it's up to us to agree with it verse 21 of second peter chapter one says verse 21 for prophecy never came by the will of man but holy men of god spoke as they were moved that greek word means wrapped in wind or it means to be uh wind driven or born aloft i love that to be born aloft the wind picked them up and carried them now the wind didn't pick them up and carry them they were moved by the holy spirit the holy spirit wrapped them up and revealed to them the word of god it wasn't on their own strength it wasn't on their own power god revealed the bible and there and there the scripture says that it was by the holy spirit the holy spirit is the author of the scriptures and so this is why 2000 years ago jesus held israel accountable to know the prophetic bible and listen i'm going to tell you right now i don't say this to scare you i say this to prepare you god expects you and i right now to know the prophetic doctrines of the bible there's no excuse listen to this in matthew chapter 23 verse 37 it's palm sunday morning 2000 years ago jesus is writing on the back of the donkey fulfilling zechariah chapter nine verse nine and as he rides into jerusalem the mount of olives is to his back jesus says oh jerusalem jerusalem now this is his first coming now remember he's coming to be received as king for that week prior to his crucifixion the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her how often i wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but you were not willing isn't it interesting that jesus just said right then and there that he's the one throughout all of his israel's existence who had sent the prophets to them the eternal son of god i sent the prophets to you jesus says but you are not willing you weren't interested verse 38 see or behold your house has left you desolate jesus motions to the temple so i say to you you shall see me no more till you say now this is the second coming blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord the next time jesus comes back in the second coming israel will be shouting blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord did you know that and in between those comings the first coming and the second coming is you us the church age and we are nearing the end by the way it's been 2 000 years as we approach now the end of the church age and we studied last time together regarding some of those aspects but as we look at this message after the saints go marching in this is what we remember it's this we learned that there is left behind a world and free fall that when the church is raptured out of this world to meet christ again look at our first study later the world is left into a a condition where the holy spirit friends you read it a moment ago the holy spirit doesn't leave the earth the holy spirit is taken out of the way right now the holy spirit is working in the earth through the church and every believer to stand against evil by the way i need to ask myself as the holy spirit possesses my life am i a christian standing against evil the holy spirit resists evil in this world at this time through the believers it's not our strength it's his strength it's not our presence it's his presence but when the church is deposited into the arms of jesus at the rapture the holy spirit doesn't leave the earth the holy spirit stands aside or he gets out of the way he's removed out of the way he doesn't leave he steps aside and when that happens evil is going to go breakneck crazy in a post-rapture world that's what we learned we learned about a post-rapture world we learned that also that there is left behind this great cry by the world for peace and safety read about that we read about daniel's prophecy chapter 8 verse 25 where the one that is coming called the antichrist will deceive the world and answer their cry for peace and prosperity with his policies to bring peace to the middle east and to sign a seven seven year contract with the nation of israel and its surrounding neighbors the bible says and then thirdly this is where we left off church last time thirdly there's going to be left behind a global economic remember i use this word reset and then we ended the message by using the word reset and telling you to come on back we'll study more about it and here we are today and here's the deal uh so many of us have been conditioned to think that reset is a modern day term it's a it's a cool uh global word now reset reset everybody somehow reset we need to reset politics we need to reset the economy we need to re we need to go back and reason we need to reset the company that's an ancient word people think it's it's fairly new no it's not fairly new it's ancient there's going to be a global reset and some of these things church because i intentionally got ahead of myself last week to answer up to bundle up or tie up the end some of these things you'll recognize from last week a global economic reset according to the bible has to come just after the rapture of the church did you hear me okay i need you to participate you want to just sit down for you want to just wait we'll get some coffee get some get an iv drip of coffee there going it's very important because listen if you're not if you're not a real true believer in jesus christ this could cost you your life forever and ever if you miss this at some moment there's going to be a an instantaneous vanishing of the christian and in that yes yeah and in that there you are in that moment in that moment it may not be detected instantly but after the rapture happens what may not be detected instantly but it certainly opens the floodgates of evil there's going to be a bizarro manifestation of spiritual deception on the earth i actually believe that the rapture will be explained away by satanic lies and the world is going to be plunged headlong into a free fall first thing i want you to see is a few slides here the first slide you guys i want you to take a look at this the great reset i didn't make this up we didn't make this by the way this is from the world economic forum there's an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the covet 19 crisis i could go on forever right now to show you and talk to you about how important it is to the world economic forum to keep the kovid 19 issue alive as long as they can milk it they need it and if it dies if it dies they're going to find another one i promise you this i hate to blow your mind so early in the morning but there will never be the normal that you used to know these guys and a host of others will not allow it how can you say that because the bible says there's a coming economic reset and when the world tells us they are working on a global economic reset no wonder why i had you hold up your bible and so taking place in the context of the united nations general assembly farce the world economic forum's fourth and for the first time fully virtual sustainable and it goes on to talk about how we bring the world together as one economically to press reset making nations equal think of it he said well what's wrong with that listen it sounds great it sounds great listen let's be honest socialism works perfect if everybody in it is perfect that's why it's never worked socialism is a fancy statement for a couple of power brokers to dupe people into thinking they've got everything in common and they'll give you some vodka and some cheese and some bread while they live like cosmic kings and it's been the same throughout all of human history because why the human heart is corrupt but my but my millennial told me we're going to do it right this time how can you take counsel from someone who has not learned yet how to make their bed or make a credit card payment the great reset i love millennials don't get me wrong i i love them in fact we have great millennials walking around this campus thank god if this nation had our millennials this nation would be a different place today but does the global economic reset come in the next slide check this out next one hitting the reset button to avoid a new great depression this is from forbes magazine see that i'm not making it up and i'm going to give you a bible here in a second to show you what undergirds this movement third slide global economic reset promoting a more inclusive recovery the covet 19 crisis is inflicting the most pain on those who are already most vulnerable well i could fix that today why don't they ask me you want to fix this open up your business that first sentence goes right down the tubes never in the history of man has sickness made it into a culture and that culture shuts itself down did you know that's like getting a cut going to the doctor and then having them take a chainsaw to the cut you don't do that but when you're at the end of the world as we know it this not only happened in america it happened everywhere at once don't tell me we're not near the end look up friends any day now this calamity could lead to a significant rise in income inequality yes yes when you have a policy of you're essential and you're not essential translation inequality do you hear me oh is this making too much sense oh there's so much inequality hey why don't you just get off of your political microphone and go sit on your throne and let people work and let them do what they have been called to do and you won't have inequality and this is a fact it's a fact it was once something that happened for hundreds and hundreds of years in what was once called the united states of america and it could jeopardize development gains from educational attainment to poverty reduction the new estimates suggest that up to 100 million people worldwide could be pushed into extreme poverty that's a fact that's exactly what's happening right now and some of it is happening in your community erasing all gains made in poverty reduction in the past three years no wonder why the bible says this man the antichrist will come on the world scene with a team pressing a reset button to relieve people from this man-made mismanagement or maybe man-made stroke of demonic genius to gain control remarkable revelation 13 verse 16 regarding the tribulation period there'll be this man who comes on the scene it says that he will cause all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads we used to think that was weird and i've always explained it away and i still do by the way that we're too vain or humanity we're not going to be here the church will be gone when this happens but humanity humans humans are too vain to have a mark on their forehead i mean i'm thinking they just cover it up with makeup or something or on their right hand i get the right hand tattoo number something i get that but on your face the bible says there's going to be a day when people are going to receive they'll have an option you want hi you want it on your forehead or do you want it on your right hand i find that fascinating maybe it's going to be what's the word sub subcontanious subcutaneous where it's underneath the skin you know israel has now the no more the barcode on stuff they have a chip they have a chip that is so small it's woven in the fabric itself you can't even see it you can't even detect it and they put it on terrace by the way they'll arrest a terrorist and um they'll they'll sew it into his beanie or in his robe they'll interrogate them and then turn them loose and the guy goes home and they track him on a satellite all the way home uh they can pick up an israeli fiber i mean i mean a piece of clothing a book or or or a part and uh that thing that little michael super microscopic thing is built in it used to be i have all the data of a barcode is now reduced down to a quarter of a grain of sand they could have that in you i don't know but look at revelation keep going revelation 13 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the number uh or the name of the beast excuse me or the number of his name and we know if you keep reading that chapter it says that his number of his name is 666. by the way in jewish thinking in the hebrew mind 666 in numerology is man making himself to be a god man declares himself god 666 that's what that stands for and it'll be some sort of a prefix number you won't be duped into it by the way don't ask me after service if i get the vaccination am i going to be accepting the mark of the beast nope you won't you're gonna have to willfully accept the mark and by the way if you're a christian today you won't even be here if you're not a christian if you're not a christian today you should become one and if you don't become one then do you want it on your right hand or your forehead because you're going to be sent a lie and you won't be able to believe because it says there in 2 thessalonians deception is going to be sent by god to those who had a chance whoo man that's serious but we said man that's ridiculous you really believe that yeah i do bible hasn't been wrong yet you can bank on it being right but it seems kind of outlandish so i want to give to you first californians chapter 1 verse 16. first californians won he causes all both small and great rich and poor free enslaved to receive a mask on their face or a plastic shield on their foreheads now i'm joking about that if you have to wear a mask wear a mask if you're compromised or wear a mask but listen here's the point verse 17. and no one may buy or sell except one who has the mask or a mask on their face you say it's a good thing you're joking there well i am joking there is no first californians but isn't it amazing how many how many of us have been asked to step out of a store we excuse me sir put your mask on or get out see you right you can't now now okay now i'm officially exaggerating are you ready what if somebody said you can't buy or sell unless you have a mask you say that's silly it is silly but it's conditioning we mentioned that last just getting people used to someone else being in control and this this is the last thing i showed you last week i think last slide here remember satan moves in increments in israel regarding the vaccination you are not going to be able to go around israel as i mentioned you last week in israel when they get the vaccine that's uh going to be out momentarily by the way i guess ours you know is coming out any week any day now uh it's this week or next week so here's the thing in israel if you get the vaccination you get a you get identification and if you have the vaccination you get to go to the entire nation as you always have you can go anywhere you want you get a green you get a green pass if you don't take the vaccination you get a yellow pass and you cannot go to all areas of israel think of it what if we listen what if we want to take a vacation what if we want to take a a church cruise to alaska alaska bible crews amazing god's creation oh we have a problem we have a problem because we stop in canada and what if canada won't let you off the boat without the paperwork of having a shot you see all of a sudden a global reset and a world economic decision that this is how we're going to buy and sell this is how we're going to reset the economies we're going to do this nobody's going to be able to buy or sell unless they have this number and that number is going to indicate that you've sworn allegiance to the policies of the one warned about in daniel 8 25 that this one will come this world leader will arise out of a crisis and he's going to have all of the answers and what he says goes and the world will love him number two there is left behind a god in the making this antichrist and mark it down he's satan's man who's in the shadows right now i believe that the man i it's my opinion that he's alive somewhere today and that's not as far stretch and you guys you know i'm repeating myself from last time that satan has always had to have an antichrist in his pocket because satan doesn't know when god is going to rapture the church so when the church is gone then the end time scenario begins so in every generation think of it satan has had to have a man in the wings waiting and kind of gave you a little you know creepy feeling when i i mentioned to you that think about it right now somewhere in the world satan's probably got two three four five guys that he has in his pocket and they're in waiting just in case didn't mention i bet you satan is like this every day regarding the rapture there's a horn honk in new york city and he's like because the bible tells us you and i are supposed to be constantly watching waiting and ready it's a big trigger this man that's in the shadows the bible calls him the son of perdition he will be revealed it's remarkable and ii thessalonians the church was troubled because they were being told by false teachers that not only had they missed their rapture but they were right in the middle of the end times and christ would be coming back momentarily to establish his kingdom that the false teachers had completely removed the millennial reign and they had removed the church age in verse two it says don't be soon shaken or not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirit or by word or by letter as if from us as though the day of christ had come let no one deceive you by any means number one that day will not come unless the departing from faith happens apostasy and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition that's the antichrist he's going to exalt himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he sits as god hang on in the temple of god you need jerusalem for that you need jews and control of israel and jerusalem for that to happen and he's going to show himself that he is god those of you who are young enough you've always known your map and globe to have israel on your map now i am too by the way i was born in 58 1958 but in 1948 on may 14th in one day never before in human history israel became a nation a second time isaiah said shall a nation be brought forth in a day yep and that pro one of those prophetic clocks started ticking regarding the end times and then remember you guys those those of us who are a little bit older now i think i was about nine years old-ish tennis when there was a big battle and the jews took control of jerusalem for the first time in 2000 years you should say wow that's listen in 2000 years they had no control but the bible says in many places on many various topics the jews have got to be back in the land before christ establishes his second coming coming to his throne they've got to be in control of jerusalem when that happens and in 1967 israel first time in two thousand years took control of jerusalem yeah that's amazing so another clock started ticking as it were and here you read in a 2 000 year old document that's open on your lap that this guy this this son of perdition antichrist he's going to stand in the temple in jerusalem and declare himself to be god this is for your research later go research the many many websites of how israel is ready today to start rebuilding the temple today go to the templemount take a look church all these things are for us to get ready and to be evangelists and to be lovers of men's souls and to be disciples and followers of jesus and to be looking up the whole time matthew 24 verse 15. jesus talked about this matthew 24 15 therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet is an amazing church jesus expects his people to know the book of daniel question don't answer out loud do you know the book of daniel it's the holy of holies of bible prophecy the book of daniel you'll never understand the book of revelation unless you read the book of daniel so the question is how you should ask yourself how well do i know the book of daniel and start studying it today we'll cover many of it and much of it in our series here but you need to read it that warning by daniel standing in the holy place whoever reads let him understand for then there will be great tribulation such has not been since the beginning of the world until this time nor ever shall be and here we go daniel 12 11. from the time the daily sacrifice is stopped let me explain that according to the bible the antichrist is going to go into the temple and he's going to tell the priest get out of the way and he's going to desecrate the temple i wonder how many uh eschatologists are in this room right now the bible tells you exactly the day he'll do it did you know that the day on the 1260th day the book of daniel tells us from the antichrist seven signing a seven year contract with israel are you listening there's 360 days in the bible calendar not 365. from genesis to revelation the bible is based on a 360 day calendar there is no 365 calendar in the bible 1260 days which is a biblical three and a half years from the day the peace treaty is signed 1260 days from that day he's going to go into the temple and he's going to go on cnn and fox and all the cable and all the satellite networks no the bible says the world will see this and he will declare himself to be god and you know what the world does the world goes right on you're awesome and the bible says jesus says in matthew 24 to the jews the moment you see that happen run don't even go downstairs to get your coat run wow in the mid point he will go into the temple and declare himself to be god ladies and gentlemen there's no temple in jerusalem right now but they're talking about building it i'm looking up i'm excited so from the time the daily sacrifice has stopped that's where he interrupts with himself and the sacrilegious object that causes desecration is set up to be worshipped there will be 1290 days the 30 days added explained in daniel 12 in greater detail 1260 1260 there's an added 30 and then listen there's as you read daniel 12 and we'll mention to you the 1235th day everything is coded they're in daniel but it's all based upon the signing of the seven year contract which has everything to do with god and his people israel and not you that's why you can't find the church anywhere in the tribulation period you should get excited about that that's pretty awesome [Applause] the next thing is that there's going to be left behind the preparation of the gospel of the nations the preparation of the nations there's going to be a manifestation and again i showed you this last time where the world's going to look around and what what causes four predominant leaders the bible tells us both in the book of revelation and in the book of daniel that there's going to be four leaders that will arise out of a conglomeration of leaders so it kind of goes like this have you ever looked at like the photograph of like the g you know the g10 or the g20 anybody familiar with that where it's the global nations that make uh they're the movers in the shakers the the big 10 or the big 20 nations of the world that set policy predominantly about uh economics there's there's oh you you can look at every picture since they've been doing this but if you you ever notice with that right in the middle they always line the guys up and they always put the guys right in the middle where it's all riding on so there'll be the united states there'll be germany there'll be england and sometimes they throw in russia as a courtesy to be honest with you because putin was so upset that he didn't get to stand there but there it's always the big brokers the bible says out of that group that will arise there will be four that will be in the middle of the picture the bible says one of them who is the least significant of them he's not such a big deal he would be like uh macron today i'm not saying i am not saying macron's the antichrist the antichrist is going to be brilliant the antichrist is going to be articulate the antichrist is going to be something but this guy he's going to rise up and he's going to have these demonic powers come upon him where he'll be able to speak and people will not be able to refute what he says they're like oh my goodness that was brilliant he's probably going to be surprised himself with what he says and the bible says satan will enter him wow do you guys want me to show you that quote from last week or did i not show you let's look at it again let's go ahead remember that one former belgian prime minister of the founding fathers of the european union quote we do not want another committee we do not uh we've had we have too many already what we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold allegiance of all people and to lift us out of this economic morass and to which we are sinking send us such a man and be he god or devil we will receive him and that is true that's going to happen remarkable remarkable statement satan knows this well and he knows how we're designed and we know that we've got to have a leader whatever god gives church satan prostitutes and pimps it you know that god gives government man creates politics god gives sex and man turns it into pornography god gives marriage and man re-defines it god gives life man aborts it god creates the universe to display his glory man says we evolved god says he's god and man says no you're not i'm god we are one messed up lot that's in man's heart i want to read something to you i think you can follow along 1971 everybody went nuts over this they still do they played in europe a lot it makes me kind of sick actually john lennon's imagine this one world ism is satan's answer to a churchless christless age that's coming so let me read it to you i don't know if you guys oh yeah okay imagine there's no heaven what why how about this imagine there's no heaven because uh you're if you're john lennon writing this you're writing to the globalist and you're thinking imagine there's no heaven because we're not we're not willing to go there the way jesus said so let's just get away with let's just let's just get away from heaven it's easy if you try no hell below us above us only sky imagine all the people living for today and you know the part imagine there's no countries let's do away with borders says the world globalist no more borders it isn't hard to do nothing to kill or die for and no religion too imagine all the people living life in peace you you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one i hope someday you'll join us and the world will be as one imagine no possessions says says the billionaire or nobody possessing anything except me i wonder if you can no need for greed or hunger a brotherhood of man imagine all the people sharing all the world wow you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one i hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one wow you know who would say amen to that song she already did aoc now you might you might say pastor jack this is getting really political no it's not it's getting really biblical this is what the bible says about what's coming and the world is going to be as one and that strikes a nerve it strikes a nerve in people this isn't too close to home listen time is arriving to the ancient prophecies of the bible that just stand there they're just waiting and here come here we are on a train pull it up what's this one rapture of the church oh what's the next one advent of the antichrist and a world in freefall what's the next one global economy are you hearing me this is what the bible has always said and now we think it's too fantastic because it's so us which means he's near jesus is near he's coming are you ready for him revelation 17. revelation chapter 17 verse 1 then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls these are judgments came and talked with me saying come and i will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and i saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns again you read the book of daniel you know exactly who this is now seven heads and ten horns this beast and this woman writes the beast by the way if i forget because i have add really bad if you haven't figured that out when i get done reading this remind me to mention to you the greek gyro okay not the one you eat verse 4 the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication and on her forehead a name was written mystery babylon the great the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth this is obviously a religious system that has its origins and ancient babylonianism but she is the religion of the world at whatever time revelation 17 is speaking about john says i saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints guess who kills the saints during the tribulation period the antichrist doesn't come off of his office meetings and zoom calls and go he doesn't go kill christians no it's the religious hierarchy the the queen this woman riding the beast the beast the antichrist is referred to as the beast she's right she's on him she's religion she attacks the tribulation saints daniel 9 27 tells us daniel 7 21 excuse me tells us that power will be given to this antichrist system to kill god's people on earth wow and so he saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus there you go and when i saw her i marveled with great amazement then he said to me the waters which you saw where the harlot sits are the peoples multitudes nations and tongues isn't that great how the bible tells you what the symbol meant so great for god has put it into their hearts to fulfill his purposes to be of one mind and to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of god are fulfilled verse 18 and the woman whom you saw is the great city which reigns over the kings of the earth she will represent religion remarkable global economy global religion in the last days qualifying the saints the martyrs of jesus will be targeted right now as i've mentioned before the church you and i are to live for christ those in the tribulation period will be called to die for christ number three i don't know we're gonna we're gonna push right we're just gonna go we're almost there [Applause] thank you see how when you get a chance don't do it now just write yourself a note go look at the backside go look at the year the the euro coin from greece the euro one euro coin from the nation of greece go look at it when you flip it around there is a woman robed riding on the back of the beast over the waters think i'm kidding i should have brought you a picture you say what is that what is that every european will say calm down we know what that is the waters are the nations of the world how do we know because the weird beast that she's writing that's zeus that's his story he's going to conquer the worlds that's why he's running over the water notice he's not in the water he's running over the water and the woman on the back calm down you christians that's europa europa rides him to conquer the world listen the last governing world empire was never defeated the bible says in the book of daniel it's going to come back for example babylonian empire was that defeated yep was the medo-persian empire that followed defeated yep was the grecian empire that followed it defeated yep then who defeated the grecian empire the roman empire who defeated the roman empire no one it's never ended it just got so big it broke up people just stopped paying attention to it seriously the roman empire's never been defeated the bible tells us in the last days that ancient world that ancient governing power will be brought back together no longer represented in daniel's statue of the of the east and the west legs or eastern western roman empire it didn't say no the legs are going to come back together no it says out of the legs will be formed ten toes and out of the ten toes four will arise and out of the four three will be and one will conquer them and become this one we call the son of perdition the antichrist no one's defeated the roman empire third there is left behind a great deception obviously first john 5 19 says for we know that we are of god listen friend and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one satan ladies and gentlemen right now his leash has gotten longer all of a sudden satan is loose this whole world is under the sway of satan the advent of violence and evil around the world anarchy is rising and it's not just an american thing it's rising around the world we see that is left behind a great spiritual darkness and this is one of the triggers it's the spiritual darkness by the way that's will ultimately play the role in the signing of the seven year peace treaty but the fact of the matter is sanity can we agree on this sanity is evaporating from the earth right now sanity are you kidding me i can't believe how many calls i got this week from los angeles county deputy sheriffs and attorneys calling me pastor will you pray for me i cannot work under these conditions we see what's going on this new d.a is driving anyone everyone who is good and has integrity and wants to uphold the law we're being we're being marked if we believe in upholding the law and we are being overrun you see what's going on if you it sounds like you don't know what's going on you should find out what's going on if san francisco didn't teach us any lessons and apparently it didn't la county hired as d.a voters that is well la the voters this is you know what i got to tell you i don't want to go down this road but i'm telling you he rightly said the voters but i'm thinking more like dominion might have hired might have put him in the guy is crazy and he's evil and he's saying you know what you get to get out of prison you get to get out of prison and oh by the way if this stuff's happening on the streets do not arrest them you leave them alone what is that so how does that fit in the bible lawlessness the love of evil god is going to judge evil nobody gets away with this people who are mocking and shaking their fist at god god will have the last day people think they're getting away with stuff god is going to take care of it he's the judge and he's going to set it straight nobody gets away with it we may not see it in this world but it's certainly on the day of judgment the wicked will stand before him and the bible says he will slay the wicked with his wrath and with his righteousness it's coming god will respond to great spiritual darkness there is also left behind the beginning of judgments the rapture and the tribulation period begins the antichrist is in the world israel is isolated from the nations of the earth prior to the great seal trumpet and bold judgments that are found beginning in the book of revelation chapter 6 we are already now seeing globally the beginning of judgments and these aren't even written in the bible yet they're just general call them general judgments the bible tells us this is unnerving that satan is the prince and the power of the air of this age this may startle you if you don't know your bible but the bible says that satan lucifer is the god of this world his time is running out and he knows it that's why the greatest thing you and i can do right now is to preach the gospel of jesus christ more than ever don't let covet and fear and torment win the day use those moments to tell your friends the gospel people are families are being torn apart by the way why sanity is being lifted from the earth people are adopting insanity the bible says warning we have made a covenant with hell and with death we are in agreement that's what happens when you're deceived and we're living in a very deceptive age watch out for that and then finally this there is left behind the rise of imposters there's an age of deception no doubt coming but you're going to see the imposter that's the antichrist throughout scripture but there's the rise of the imposters yes the bible says that he will exalt himself and he's going to do this no doubt but listen to what jesus said in matthew 24 it's fascinating you guys okay we're almost done in matthew 24 verse 3 the disciples just got done showing jesus again the beauties of the temple and they went and sat on the opposite side of the temple mount on the mount of olives and the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of your coming in the end of the world and jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying i am messiah christ and will deceive many when somebody says there's a lot of roads to heaven they're of the antichrist spirit of deception when somebody says jesus is not the messiah the bible says they are of the antichrist the spirit of deception watch out there's impostors everywhere don't think that they only live behind a pulpit or some cathedral or chapel or some institution they're certainly there but satan has got his impostors everywhere in first john 2 18 the bible tells us little children it is the last hour and as you have heard the antichrist is coming even now many antichrists have come by which we know it's the last hour wow the message of imposters jesus said false christs and false messiahs will rise they're coming and they will show great signs and wonders to deceive if it were possible even the very elect i'm going to give you six things they're going to be really fast number one do you think you're allowing yourself to be deceived look at your life what do you allow in what do you listen who are you reading what are you reading is there someone an open door there in your life number two what are you reading what are you studying what's what's shaping your view this is a big one you asked quote the man on the street today hey what do you think about and it's it's ridiculous so how are you being informed thirdly what are you listening to what are you listening to for where did you get that information well i read on the internet i got it online i think this is a good practice to adopt if it's not in the bible you should at least doubt it if it's listen if it's not in the bible you should at least adopt i doubt it kind of an attitude one plus one equals two that's not in the bible let's make sure here in california it still equals two right because we don't know for sure [Applause] let's end well oh yeah yeah yeah good thank you no thanks i got a really uh so first service was practice today for second and third service doesn't your personal bias shape what you think your world view how you conclude things it's true you know yesterday i was getting out of my truck going into a store and i heard a bunch of horns honking and there were people driving down the street it was a caravan and they had american flags and trump flags and well listen listen and these women behind me who got out of their car they said what is that noise i could hear them what is that noise what is that noise what are they doing listen why are they doing this when it's over listen when it's over the the election is over why are they doing that and think about that where where did they get their information because a lot of people today think it's over they have no idea what's happening in the courts and what's happening in the states because they're not they're not studying it for themselves and that's just that area what about jesus is coming back oh i read somewhere that that's not going to happen i don't know i read somewhere and then finally this guys uh there's a couple of slides these pictures um this i was at barnes noble the other day because it's that time of the year right it's christmas so look to the left the light of the world his message of hope for the future that's pretty cool i don't know what they mean by that but that's cool the middle one national geographic jesus and the origins of christianity could be good could be bad don't know they'll sell millions of these and people will form their theology about jesus from the university of national geographic and then life magazine watch out life magazine jesus who do you say that i am i didn't even open it up because i'm afraid to find out what life how life magazine is going to answer that question i think there's uh watch this next slide i think right next slide that's okay we just saw that one let's move ahead this is the great one the unknown jesus the real story of the messiah wait wait do you see it everybody i need you we're gonna end you can stand even go ahead stand up take a look at the screen go ahead i want you to get some air in your lungs have we become so dumb that we don't recognize deception when we see it this is deception and i'm wondering if you did if you see it if you care look the unknown jesus excuse me that just blasphemed the bible that just blasphemed the god of heaven and earth that tells me jesus is unknowable we don't know nothing about him he's the unknown jesus he can't be known so by our magazine why bottom or mid-right hand section we're going to tell you the real story of the messiah deception 100 how many people even detect that you cannot detect this this is blatant if you cannot detect it you're in deep trouble father today more than ever we pray that the holy spirit would be upon our lives and lord i pray this in in in a bit of holy terror because you said jesus to those who have light i'll give more light to those who have light but it's dark what light they do have will be taken away from them and that i tremble at that because it is incumbent upon every man and woman boy and girl in the bible to know more of you and to know your revealed word because if we don't our light could begin to diminish our lamp stand begins to lose its flame and our oil begins to run out spiritually speaking dear god in heaven above please pour out your spirit upon this church and make us ready for whatever you want to do next catch us on fire and lord may we bring everything about us under the authority of the bible and then lord wind us up and let us go we thank you for the cross of jesus christ and our resurrected savior in his name we trust and all god's people said amen god bless you well hey thanks for listening and uh we appreciate you and of course we do in this time and in this age us being together and linking up together to get the word of god out is actually ministry being fulfilled and in fact if you would like to subscribe please do so hit the subscribe button tell your friends about us and listen if you'd like to help us get this out on a broader scale you can support us by hitting on the give now button and look we're going to continue on with or without you we're inviting you to join us no pressure but if you'd like to link arms in this venture you'd be greatly appreciated so listen keep praying for us we're praying for you god bless you and we'll see you back here real soon
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 143,860
Rating: 4.9247122 out of 5
Id: UWdB05Fsm1E
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Length: 71min 12sec (4272 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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