What Turned This Artist Into A Serial Killer? | World’s Most Evil Killers | Absolute Crime

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on the 24th of February 1986 police in Talladega Alabama forced entry into the home of 24-year-old Sheri weathers the profoundly deaf mother of two had not turned up to school for nearly a week and the reason soon became clear Sherry and her two young children had been strangled to death and piled on top of each other in the shape of a cross the utter callousness of it of not only killing them strangling them but then posing them to be discovered it's a an act of a vile human being the horrific scene will forever be etched in the minds of the two detectives who worked on the case when you see something like that you can't help but but think about your own child this could happen to my child too and so now you know you you got to do everything Poss to do to bring this person to Justice the killer was a 31-year-old artist named Daniel cabet and his mab Masterpiece was far from complete two more bodies would soon be discovered but the police had no idea where to find him he's in the wind we didn't know where he was but we knew that somebody's going to die until he was caught Daniel seabert had made his mark as one of the world's most evil [Music] [Music] Killers When 33-year-old Daniel seabert was sentenced to death for the murder of Lind jman on the 17th of April 1987 it signaled the end of the Killer's coldblooded career on the 19th of August he received a second death sentence for the murders of Sher weathers and her two children officially found guilty of five murders authorities believe that seabird was responsible for many other deaths across the US in the mid 1980s homicide detective Eugene Jax was part of the policing team who hunted the killer for over 6 months before his dramatic arrest in September 1986 he killed Sherry because she was deaf and she would never amount anything because she was deaf he killed those two little boys because their mother was dead and they would never amount anything because they wouldn't have a mother he killed Linda jarm to get her car he says he killed Linda odm because she was a racist I think he just killed people because he like to kill people in a series of interviews with the killer Eugene learned a lot about just how callous Daniel Sebert could be if you didn't know what kind of monster he really was you could actually like him but he had no compassion for anyone no feelings for anyone these people didn't matter to him not at all he didn't hate them he just didn't have any feelings for whatsoever this killer Story begins in matun Illinois a small City in America's Midwest cot was born in 1954 so these were the postwar years in the US the economy was starting to Boom we have the idea of the American dream but I think when we look behind closed doors at his family life it was anything but that there are reports of abuse from his father towards his mother and towards him father was an aggressive man he uh mistreated both Danny and his mother he was a man who was violent and abusive and controlling and this is the role model of masculinity that CBA grows up with so I think that there is a real sense of shame that CBA maintains throughout his life and having been victimized I think that CBA was always trying to to turn the tables and be the aggressor seber's parents divorced in 1968 just a month before his 14th birthday the young man's life began to spiral out of control he became addicted to drugs he had uh got into prostitution himself acting as a male prostitute I think there were several warning signs in seab butt's childhood and Adolescence that point towards a very TR B individual he's somebody who could not make relationships work with other people he didn't relate to his peers particularly well there was a feeling of rejection from the family environment and it's this sense of isolation and later the choice to be isolated which is something that's very concerning for me there was nothing about him that could be described as ordered he was like a Catherine wheel going round and round in every single Direction a firework aged 18 and looking for some stability in his life seabert enrolled with the military in 1972 seo's decision to try and join the Marines is a really really interesting part of this case because it's what that decision symbolizes the Marines symbolize this alpha male this toughness this kind of Real American Hero type Persona and I think Sebert wanted to try and live up to that and fortunately he couldn't deal with the order the Marines brought him and quickly well within a year I went absent without leave after being dishonorably discharged from the Marines seabird was once again at a loose end but the troubled young man had a hidden talent that soon began to flourish one thing that CET excelled at was as an artist it was the only thing he was good at you tell a look at some of his drawings it was just and I think he was expressing his fantasies in his drawings that's how he got started with that he was quite a person I mean he he had an engaging personality enjoyable to talk with really if you didn't know what kind of person he was down deep he would actually enjoy sitting talking with him but life for the Charming Young artist remained difficult between 1972 and 197 he was principally based in Los Angeles and there were a series of offenses drug offenses some violence charges of battery it was a life lived on the edge uh on the fringes of society and on the fringes of the law by January 1979 24-year-old seabert was living in Las Vegas he was in a relationship with a male partner it was reportedly an abusive one that ended with him fatally stabbing being his lover this homicide was a particularly vicious one because cber stabbed his partner 29 times now for me that means that he has made that decision 29 times to put the knife in again this was somebody who knew what they were doing they knew what they were doing was wrong and they chose to do it anyway despite the viciousness of the slaying and his subsequent trial seabert was charged with manslaughter not murder see but insisted that it was a matter of self-defense how it can be to stab someone that many times is slightly Beyond me but it did seek to throw into doubt whether it was a premeditated murder and therefore added strength to the argument that it was a crime of passion I think because this was a homosexual relationship there was a tendency for the court to just want to accept that narrative and put this case to bed because there was still stigma around homosexuality in the US at this time and I think that was perhaps what drove this offense in the first place because a lot of violence has its roots in shame I think Sebert was fundamentally ashamed of who he was he never accepted who he was he never felt that society would accept him for for his true identity so I think this early offense is so important and the criminal justice system's reaction to it was just not good enough seabert was sentenced to 10 years in prison prison but after serving just two he escaped while on work detail in December 1981 now we really do have a Lethal Weapon waiting to go off while he's on the Run he kidnaps a woman at gunpoint in San Francisco and she only escapes by jumping out of the moving car on the Golden Gate Bridge it is a remarkable remarkable Escape because my own mind I'm not the slightest out that he intended to kill her seabert was recaptured the following day in nearby Oakland and returned to prison an extra year was added to his sentence but in 1985 he was freed on parole on the Proviso that he would return to court to face charges for the abduction and assault he committed during his brief Escape due to ATT 10 Court in San Francisco in December 198 5 Sebert didn't turn up his next known whereabouts were over 800 miles away in Tucson Arizona where he was found hitchhiking and heading east but now Daniel cut is not calling himself Daniel seut is's calling himself Daniel Spence he's given a lift by a man called Donald hedrin who is on his way to Alabama before the journey comes to an end Donald has offered Spence a post as a volunteer at the Alabama Institute for the deaf and blind in which henron works Alama Institute for death blind is a big part of the to community it's actually a community of its own or a family of his own you might say and he has superficially at least the perfect cover artistic young man happy to volunteer at an Institute for those with deafness and blindness leaving his troubles in California far behind him Sebert settled down in Talladega Alabama in January 1986 working at the aidb he had a new identity and a new community of friends after he arrived here people realized that he was an accomplished artist and he was asked to do a mural at aidb which he did uh and that's one of the reasons he stayed here for a while I was doing that mural once again he hid in plain sight the affable art volunteer friend of Donald welcome in The Institute and then and it's almost heartbreaking he meets Sher Anne weathers a 24-year-old deaf mother of two small boys and they form a relationship a new circle of friends had welcomed 31-year-old Daniel Sebert into their lives with open arms but they had no idea they'd allowed a brutal killer into their close-knit Community seabert spent much of his time at the apartment of his new girlfriend 24-year-old Sherry weathers by the 24th of February Sherry a single mother of two hadn't turned up at the school for almost a week her concerned friend contacted the authorities in February 1986 uh police dep received a call for welfare check at son Rod's apartment in Talladega police were dispatched officer Tom bman was the first on the scene when he entered share weathers Department he discovered the bodies of share weathers and the two boys he immediately backed out locked the door and called for investigation Eugene was joined on the cas by an investigator from the District Attorney's Office Dennis suret we arrived at the apartments and the police department had already had the scene roped off and we met the other investigators went into the apartment and as you walk into the room there's a bedroom and then there's a living room and there's a kitchen and right in the center of the living room and the kitchen you see three bodies it's quite horrible I haven't forgotten it after all these years one of the next door neighbors had heard the two little boys playing in a tub he got them out of the bed he Strang the two little boys he actually woke them up because they were in bed asleep he wanted them to know that they were being killed he wanted them to feel that fear and he' stacked their bodies on top of the mother it looked like it Formed across that's from my first impression Sher weathers and her two two sons 5-year-old Chad and four-year-old Joseph had been strangled to death 5 days earlier on the 19th of February it was a sickening scene even for season detectives but the team knew they needed to stay professional and not let their emotions get in the way of their police work you know the minute you walk into that scene you know this is a death penalty case and you know things have to be done differently everything has to be perfect everything has to be exact everything has to be documented eyes dotted tees crossed cuz you know where this is headed too because you know a murder of two or more is is going to be a death penalty case and then the emotional part hits you you know this is a young mother this is two young children had their lives ahead of what kind of person would do this I mean it's emotionally it hits you that's the second thing after after reality is what you got then emotionally you're hit you know especially if you have children when you see something like that you can't help but think about your own child this could happen to my child too it's something that you don't you just don't forget about it just as the two investigators were getting to grips with their Halloween Day some more worrying news came in we're in the middle of processing that scene we'd been there probably two or three hours processing the scene for evidence and then we notified that Linda jarm who was a friend of Sher weathers she did not show up for classes that day she lived in adjoining apartment not to this building but the next building so Dennis and I went to her apartment and we discovered her on the bed in the bedroom and she'd been strangled 33-year-old Linda jman a deaf teacher at the same Institute where Sherry was a student had been murdered in Cold Blood he used a sock and just strangled her in her own bed course most people don't know what a VCR is these Day times but back in those days VCR was worth some money so he stole her VCR in order to get money to travel further Linda jarman's cream colored car was also missing the team would report their findings to former Talladega County district attorney Robert Ramsey the evidence would show that after he triangled Sherry and Chad and Joey that he went to Linda jarman's apartment telling her that he had had a fight with Sherry and could he sleep on her couch when she went back to bed and went to sleep then he went in and he strangled her to get her car to leave after speaking to acquaintances and colleagues of Sher and Linda the detective soon had a number one suspect who they discovered had been using a different Alias at that point we learned the name Daniel Spence from the people at the school and we start running him in the computer to see if we find out Daniel Spence who is he where he is he everything we can find out and it's determined that his name is actually Daniel Lee Sebert once we developed him as a suspect and and got his true identity we put a nationwide pickup out on Danny SE and London jarman's car he quickly became the prime suspect because Daniel Spence wasn't here and London J's car was gone as the duo headed to seab Bird's apartment building they soon discovered there was another potential victim so we go knocking on the door and there's no answer at the door a neighbor comes out and says why are you here I said we're looking to see Mr seert he said well he's not here he said but I got tea my girl girlfriend's missing well who's your girlfriend it's Linda odm how long she been missing oh 2 days I had seen her she had been home well you know if she's ever connected with this guy here Mr cber yeah they're kind of friends well you need to go Police Department fou report in the space of 24 hours four people had been found dead and another was missing the investigators needed to find Daniel seab butt fast and they soon had word from authorities over 350 Mi north of Talladega we received information from Elizabeth Town Kentucky that they had located Linda German's car right off the interstate in Elizabeth Town that's when Dennis and I left here to go there to process the car for fingerprints and physical evidence and so they takes to the scene and we go up an embankment from where the car was and we find a campsite we uncover a campsite in Eugene R we find identification to the boys we find information on she weathers and Linda jarm all at that campsite so we're fairly certain this time we're on the right Trail it was a huge breakthrough that confirmed Daniel Sebert was their man we got Daniel seber's fingerprints out of the car L other evidence we knew that tied to him the type cigarettes he smoked and the type chewing gum that he chewed we recovered photographs of women and children women's Cosmetics there were also some quite chilling items at this campsite there were photos of the weathers family there were drawings of the weathers family and I think this emphasis on those victims is so significant in this case this young mother and her two children seem to have quite a lot of importance for CA because I think that he didn't feel they deserved to be alive these boys were happy they were loved and cared for by their mother I think he felt a real sense of envy and resentment towards them it was something that he wanted to reive and I think those three murders of Sher wellan had two children were the murders he was most proud of despite being sure seabert was responsible for at least four murders the dangerous killer remained undetected Dennis and Eugene both of them are excellent processors they go and they're in Kentucky for quite a while so they were up there several days and he in the wind we didn't know where he was but we knew that somebody's going to die until he was caught in Linda's car Eugene and Dennis had recovered an address book belonging to 31-year-old Sebert which would eventually prove to be an important find I had one investigator her Main job I'd say in in this investigation was to stay in contact with non Associates of sabert but she had built a rapport with the girlfriend of cers out there and she promised that if she heard from him she would call with every day that passed the investigators knew seabird could strike again at any moment each day when you went to work the first thing you did was start checking tips and leads on the possibility of where C was it wasn't a day that went by that you didn't do something on the Saed case I don't know how many miles we put on cars going from here to there to check out leads or informational Sebert or some of his friends or this that and other I mean Lord there's no telling as days turned into weeks and weeks into months SE butt's location remained a mystery the investigators desperately searched in vain but in reality he was was over 900 M from Talladega Alabama in New Jersey and was about to claim another victim 57-year-old tour guide beatric McDougall Daniel cber was in Atlantic City staying in a hotel on March 8th of 1986 walks by a room of Mrs McDougall that was a tour guide she was fixing up for a reception for a hospitality room he would have deduced fairly quickly that she's a tall guy so she's likely to have some cash on her seabird was determined to get his hands on Beatrice's money by any means necessary and he goes in there and kills her we don't know at that point that it's Sebert but he's off and in the wind and we ain't got a clue where he is after that he just drops off the radar seabert had stabbed beatric twice in the stomach and strangled her to death in an opportunistic attack I think that there is just no regard for the the rights or the feelings of other people it's all about him he needs money at this point in time because he's on the Run um he also wants to kill any potential witness to this crime this crime of theft so her life was just not considered valuable by him as C remained undetected the bad news continued for investigators in Alabama on the 30th of March 1986 another victim of the 31-year-old artist would be discovered we're all actually at the DA's office working on another case and we get a call that we've got a body and just outside of tala there's a little cemetery on the left hand side of Alabam Highway 21 and there we find a SK alanized body no question he been there for a long time decomposition is already come and gone and we sift through everything she's not buried or anything she's been laid on top of the ground we know it's a female and that's all we know and we shft through the pine straw and everything looking for all the bones the teeth and this that and other that we could find to identify and ultimately she's identified as Linda OD the girl that was missing from the next door neighbor SE the timeline suggested that 32-year-old [ __ ] waitress Linda Odum was seab butt's first victim seab butt strangled Linda on the 19th of February 1986 meaning he killed five people on that one day Linda's body was taken to seab BT's apartment and he disposes of the body by lowering it in sheets out of the window and then taking it to a nearby Cemetery to dispose of it and interestingly seet said that that when he was disposing of Linda's body he started punching her I mean she was obviously dead at this point in time but I think that was something that enhanced his feelings of control over this victim and I think that that that sense of Rage as well that he expresses at this point in time the way that he's seeing this community this community who are so welcoming who are so inclusive who are loving towards one another this is something that he feels he was entitled to when he was younger something that he never had and these people don't deserve it according to him so I think that's what's underlying all of this Behavior this is young girl she didn't deserve what happened to her but she just dumped in CER that kind of hurt your heart that somebody is a cruel to do something like that what the detectives in Alabama didn't know is that by now Sebert was in prison in New Jersey serving 61 days for assaulting a woman when he was arrested for the altercation he used the stolen social security card of murdered 5-year-old Chad weathers as identification this meant that no one had made the link between seabert and any of the murders so during the time that cber was on the Run he actually used the identities of Sher weather's two boys um to to gain new identification and at this point in time it was relatively easy to do that to use a child's identity to get a Social Security number but I think that the significance of this is more than just a practicality I think there is is something much more meaningful going on here by possessing the these children's names by presenting yourself as them you are owning them you are possessing them they are yours and it's that extension of control over your victims after serving his time for the assault seabird was in police custody again in June 19 1986 this time in Virginia this young officer stops sabered and in the car he finds ropes and knives lady's belongings photographs just all types of things that just made him very suspicious of this man they checked the car and it was stolen so he was arrested for uh car theft being in in possession of of the stolen car he was using the identity of Joey weathers using the social security card as identification he made mine and he was gone cber was incredibly cunning incredibly manipulative I think he was well aware of the fact that law enforcement wasn't particularly well joined up in terms of Interstate communication and sharing of information at this time and I think he he truly did take advantage of that in August seabird was yet again in another Maryland he assaulted a woman in Baltimore but wasn't captured by the police he then headed back West towards Nashville Tennessee the investigators in Alabama still had no idea where he was but a breakthrough was on the horizon detectives who' reached out to people listed in seabirds address book had been contacted by one of his ex-girlfriends in Nevada she had news that wood fin finally cracked the case this lady calls from out there and says that she had just spoken with Danny s on the phone and he told what time it was where he was at and she could hear thunder and it was raining so the investig came and then told the rest of us about the call and that it was raining at that particular time with very little information the investigators tried to trace the source of seab butt's call said what not these the trace telephone calls but they told us if we had any idea where he was it would make it a lot easier otherwise it could take 3 weeks to a month to trace it I told the investigator go call the nice The Weather Service find out where it's raining in that time zone it was raining in Tennesse that was it in that time zone we were able to use that information and trace a telephone call to Hurricane meals in Tennessee uh to a little convenience store restaurant there it was a stunning Revelation detectives could now pinpoint seabert to the small community of Hurricane Mills Tennessee 70 Mi west of Nashville so I called the district attorney told him we we're going to Tennessee he said okay I'm coming with you there's no question we would key it up because been spent 6 months and no telling how many trips not me but how many trips with the investig skaters and stuff had gone running down every little lead that they could come up with which really had proved fruitless and but this is a live hit now so we all loaded up in cars headed to Tennessee I called FBI which is tene Bureau Investigation this is what we got going on we got him traced to this location and we're headed that way after 6 and 1 half months of searching for seabert the anticipation of his arrest was at the Forefront of the detectives Minds The Journey up there was it's almost like waiting for your birthday party we were all extremely excited well the time we got there was late night and we decided not to do anything but send one bot one investigator in there to see if they could see anything to this search first cuz you had this service station where that the car was from and then you had a restaurant up here and then you had another filling stational restaurant up here so one investigator went in kind of knew the owner and said yeah he's been painting some signs for me and he'll be in here in the morning to collect his check it would be a sleepless night for the arresting officers everybody's upbeat everybody's tired but everybody's upbeat and I don't think a single one of us took a nap that night out there on the road cuz we were just on a roadway uh waiting for morning the following morning the 5th of September 1986 the team were ready to pounce as Dawn broke over HurryCane Mills it's hard to describe what it was like sitting there waiting for him him to come around the building but I'd always wondered if I'd recognize him when I saw him when he rounded the corner of that building there was no doubt in my mind that's him as soon as he went in the door then now we're out the door we went in behind him oh he wasn't there scared us death we just looked at the clerk where is he and she pointed to the resturant and we went in and TBI and uh the captain went in and arrested him in the men's room and his only question to us was uh had y'all find me I mean he's got about six weapons just aimed at him and he's caught with his P down basically uh we sees his back pack we found where he'd been staying in a car a wrecked out car behind the station and he he is immediately taken to the court in Tennessee and we contact our governor and asked her for her plane to fly him back finally Daniel seabert was in police custody he would never be free again I mean man alive you can imagine the relief you feel we've got him he's not going to hurt anybody else and there again you're thinking of Sherry and you thinking to the babies and Linda and Linda Odin you're thinking about them okay we can put everybody to rest you and it's it's the best F in the world the police had their man but the job was far from done detectives were certain he was responsible for the murders of five people in the small community Linda odm Linda jman Sher weathers and her two sons Chad and Joey investigators had stacks of evidence against cber but they were hoping an interview with the 32-year-old would uncover even more Secrets it was tense for me and I'm sure it was for the captain because we were wanting to get a confession this was the end of a long hard battle for us and we we wanted them to admit what he had done cber told Eugene about the five murders he'd committed on the 19th of February 1986 and also confessed to the killing of beatric McDougall in Atlantic City on the 8th of March he showed no remorse for any of the murders he wasn't concerned at all uh showed no emotion whatsoever never shed a tear you could tell there was no concern in him about what he had done and if we had released him right there he'd have done it again in a few days because he had no remorse whatsoever for what he'd done I told people want to know how how he felt about his victims he didn't feel about his victims he had no feelings for him one way the other other he had no feeling of anyone I don't know that he really felt anything about himself be honest with you he just he had no faing I think he was a psychopath I think he demonstrated every normal or if you can use the word normal when applied to a psychopath every possible Psychopathic tendency an atter lack of remorse and outter lack of conscience and out lack of empathy with other people they were simply objects seabert also confessed to another murder that predated any of the other six whilst he was lodging with Donald hendren in Alabama it's early February 1986 Donald hendron's asleep seabird gets out of bed and borrows Donald's car and picks up a girl called Cheryl Evans she's working as a prostitute in Birmingham and Alabama he kidnapped her robbed her and killed her and and carried her body to oh hatchee and dumped it in a roadside garbage dump and then just returned the car like nothing had happened that brought the tally of victims to seven but Eugene was certain there were still more he had uncovered a telling piece of evidence when searching seab but's home back in February in his apartment I'd found a road atlas I'd gone through the road atlas and out on the west coast he had had ex's was zeros x's and zeros and he just had X's I asked him about those and he said every place that there was an X was a circle around it is where he had killed someone and just the ex's were robberies I contacted each of these jurisdictions and sure enough each place that there was an ex with a circle they had recovered a body this is basically seab butt's commemoration of the murders that he's committed I think every time he looked at that map he would have felt powerful he would have felt Superior and we we do often see this in cases of serial killers seabird confessed to killing three sex workers in Nevada and California in late 1985 the fact that he's targeted sex workers is really significant for me because he's preying upon these women's vulnerabilities he's well aware that Society does not value these individuals as much as it values others and therefore he has access to them he has the opportunity to harm them he was also indicted for the murder of beatric McDougall but never went to trial for this despite admitting to as many as 13 murders detectives could only link 10 victims to the 32-year-old but for his impending trials seabird would only be indicted for the murders of the five that had been thoroughly investigated in Alabama there was five homicides lended Jarman was a capital case because it was murdered during the commission of a robbery or a theft of getting a car Sher weathers Chad and Joey was a capital case because it was murder of two or more people pursuant to a common plan scheme or design Linda Odum was not a capital case he plad guilty to Linda Odum after all of this life cers during three trials over the course of five months between March and August 1987 seabert was found guilty of all five murders and sentenced to death twice I've probably tried 30 death penalty cases or more but this one is just the magnitude of it and what makes another human being go do something like this I mean you got a woman that's death that he's intimate with a four and five-year-old who wakes up from their sleep to strangle goes to another Death woman and kills her just to get her car to get out of there I mean been sticking your mind it it'll be there on a deathbed I think the sentences that he received were appropriate I think he he committed the the most serious of crimes so that deserves the most serious of sentence but I think if if we were to ask his victim's families um that they're not going to have their loved ones brought back um I think they they have achieved some sense of justice but at the same time I think they were asking a lot of questions as to how this man had had slipped off the radar of the authorities this man had committed a homicide in 1979 and he went on to commit more so could more have been done to prevent that I think one of the things that always moves me most about this story is that um when he was asked about the killing of Sheran and the boys he said Sherry didn't have anything to say Joey didn't have anything to say Chad didn't have anything to say and I don't have anything to say if there's anything that could be more heartless more utterly revolting more depraved than that remark I have yet to hear it and this is a man who stuffed out the life of a deaf 24 yearold mother and had two children aged five and four it is it is utterly monstrous in August 1987 Daniel Sebert began his death row sentence for 18 months the case had consumed the investigators who had worked on it now they could breathe a sigh of relief I still think about those two little boys and always will I'm sure I'm sure Dennis and other investigators do too cuz they all had children too I don't know what it is but I know he's a psychotic killer and had he not been taken in Tennessee that that's what so outstanding about the police work had he not been taken in Tennessee I don't know whether it would have been Arkansas Oklahoma Nevada Utah or California but somebody else would have died he wasn't through after numerous unsuccessful appeals throughout the years 53-year-old seabert remained on death row for almost 21 years on April 22nd 2008 Daniel seabird died but not from leth injection from pancreatic cancer natural causes in the end he escaped the death penalty I mean this was a personal type of crime this is not something that you're standing 30 ft away and shoot somebody this is someone you put your hands around their neck and choke life out of them that's bad think about that could takes anywhere from 2 to 4 minutes to do that to someone and you're sitting there and you got your hands around the neck and you're taking the life from you got to be enjoying that otherwise you wouldn't do it that way and if you're enjoying something like that me and you are bad and I just wish we had got to elute him I think we felt we we cheated for that Daniel seabird was linked to at least 10 murders and was convicted of five but he never tried to justify his reason for killing people for me what makes cber one of the world's most evil Killers is the degree of manipulativeness that he was able to to exercise he was able to come across as an individual with feelings as an individual who cared about others but those feelings were not genuine at all they were simply a performance he was an absolute monster he was a horrible person he he really was oh and that's what comes to mind anytime anyone mentions his name is he's a monster Daniel seabert was a callous killer who felt No Remorse to choke the life out of two children simply because he felt they would never amount to much is a coldblooded act that cannot be forgiven we may never know exactly how many lives he took but seber's death means he can no longer harm anyone and will forever be remembered as one of the world's most evil [Music] [Music] killers for
Channel: Absolute Crime
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Keywords: Absolute Crime, Crime Documentaries, True Crime, True Crime Documentaries, Murder documentaries, True Crime Stories, True Crime Youtube Channel, True Crime Documentary, full documentary channel, prison documentaries
Id: NaBGu3X1Sdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 40sec (2620 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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