The Truck Stop Killer With A Mobile Torture Chamber | Most Evil Killers | Absolute Crime

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on the 1st of April 1990 Arizona State Trooper Michael Miller pulled to the side of Interstate 10 in Casa Grande to inspect a park truck when he peered Through the Windows of the cab he couldn't believe what he saw the face of a petrified woman chained up like an animal he immediately handcuffed the truck driver and put him into his patrol car I think he was probably thinking how am I going to get out of this one what do I do now back to bed me back I think that's by as far I there go Michael didn't know it yet but he'd apprehended a coldblooded serial killer Robert Ben rhs he is without doubt one of the the most dangerous men ever to have stalked the American Highway for over a decade roads had been raping torturing and killing vulnerable women across the country but he'd remained completely undetected I think that Robert Ben rhs is probably the most evil person I've ever met in my life and I've met a lot of evil people the police were only just discovering the gruesome crimes of Robert Ben rhs one of the world's most evil [Music] [Music] Killers When 66-year-old Robert Ben rhs pleaded guilty to the murders of Douglas cisowski and Patricia Walsh in March 2012 he took his official tally of victims to three but investigators suspect he's killed dozens more it's believed that the long-distance truck driver was active from the mid 1970s preying upon vulnerable hitchhikers and sex workers Across America Road's victims were people who would readily get into his truck he wouldn't have to coers them to do so he's looking out for people who are vulnerable he's looking out for people who need help from truck drivers and motorists so these are individuals where he already has the access and he already has the opportunity it was a routine check of his Park trailer by an Arizona State Trooper in April 1990 that led to rhs's Dark Secrets being revealed the truck driver's horrific crimes may have been discovered accidentally but it would take the Ingenuity of three detectives across two states to help bring the serial killer to Justice detective Michael Shey first heard the name Robert Ben roads while investigating a murder in Illinois he had been a truck driver for a long time and gave him a great deal of opportunity to find victims at local truck stops along the interstate hitchhikers which we know were victims so he had a great deal of opportunity for such a predator as he was and that's exactly the words that he is he was a predator FBI special agent Bob Lee worked with Michael to find out more about roads he not only kidnapped women but he kept them and tortured them for as much as two or three weeks at a time um and that made him uh a special kind of evil as I saw him a decade after roads had been imprisoned for murder in Illinois Texas Ranger Brooks long uncovered two more victims of roads I would say that he had the ability to be Mr Dr jeal and Mr hide he was able to coer people to trust him and gain confidence in his good old boy laidback attitude but once he had their trust and their guard was down then you saw the real Robert bin roads come into play the story of this transient killer begins in November 1945 Robert rhs was born in Council Bluffs Iowa he was mostly raised by his mother as his military father Ben spent a lot of time overseas so there are periods of time when rh's father is away from the family home and and I think there's a sense in which he perhaps misses him there's a sense in which that the family feels incomplete and there's a longing for an attachment to his father but when his father returns he's quite brutal he's quite violent towards him so I think he did feel this conflict about his relationship with his father all the time it was a relationship that soured further when rhs was a teenager when rhs was 16 his father was convicted for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl so his father was was essentially an abuser and this Behavior was a reflection of a misogynistic value system that he had that women and girls were there to be used and abused that they served a function for men and I think that was something that would have cemented itself in Road's mind Ben was a army veteran and a firefighter could hardly be a more upright member of the community so imagine the shame that would have fallen upon on him for his arrest for sexually lascivious Behavior I think another important thing when we look at his father's conviction is his father's response to it so he takes his own life shortly after he's convicted of this crime and in this case suicide is the ultimate Act of control it's the ultimate way of saying I'm not going to take responsibility for my own actions I'm going to decide to opt out of this whole thing Al together was it that that made the change to rhs's character was it that that flicked the switch rhs was a College Dropout who'd also failed in becoming a police officer he went through numerous jobs and two failed marriages never seeming to settle by the late 1970s though he'd found the job that would define his murderous career eventually rhs finds a job that suits him him down to the ground and that's the job of a long call truck driver so here he has long periods of time when he's unsupervised he's off the grid he doesn't have to answer to anybody and here he gets the chance to spend long periods of time on his own ruminating fantasizing and I think this is a very dangerous period in his life at the age of 41 rhs married his third wife Deborah but his sexual perversions would eventually lead to their separation their relationship she was disillusion when the marriage went on because rhs wanted to go to a swinger club here in Houston that was something that she didn't want to do but he kept pushing the envelope and pushing the [Music] envelope rather than just accepting that and saying okay that's fine he pointed to her and said well clearly there's a problem with you you need to loose up so this is showing me that that his relationships if you'd call them that with women they weren't based on mutuality or respect or love or affection they were simply a way of him getting what he wanted Deborah admitted subsequently how badly she'd been abused by Brads The Man Who Thought nothing of handcuffing her to the bed or raping her so badly that she feared for her life but it's undoubtedly true that that form of sexual abuse was the signature that was to develop throughout RADS crimes RADS had an uncontrollable sexual appetite working as a long-distance truck driver presented him with the perfect opportunity to act out his aggressive sexual perversions on Strangers he would meet along the road with or without their consent I think it's important to emphasize here the term consent because there are people who will consensually engage in this kind of behavior but when it came to roads he didn't care where the people consented to it or not he wanted to do this and whether or not people were happy with that was just completely disregarded in February 1990 a distressed young woman flagged down passing motorists she claims she'd been abducted by a truck driver and kept hostage for 2 weeks she was subject to torture sexual assaults and rape and she actually had a leash around her neck when she was found by passing motorists so this was a victim of roads this was somebody who had luckily managed to escape with her life the police drove the young woman across Houston looking for Road's truck and they immediately started searching for it and they found it but uh when they brought roads out to the car for her to look at him she just looked down would not uh identify him said that's not him it was an opportunity to stop roads that sadly wasn't taken later that day after they let him go she told him that that was him but she was too afraid to identify him even though there were two police officers by her side she had been completely terrorized and traumatized during the two we ordeal RH is such a terrifying man that he puts literally the fear of God into this young woman now that must have even further confirmed rh's absolute sense of invulnerability it must have even further inflated his already over inflated ego a chance to put roads safely Behind Bars had been missed for now he remained free to stalk the highways by the spring of 1990 the 44-year-old had been living as a sexual predator and a murderer for over a decade but nobody had any idea his veneer of Lies was about to come crashing down on the 1st of April 1990 a state Trooper named Michael Miller spied a truck on Interstate 10 in CA Grande Arizona I observed a truck parked on the side of the road with his emergency lights on but he had no triangles out so I went up alongside of the truck to I pull behind the truck had my lights activated to go up and check on the driver of the truck and see what his situation was armed with a flashlight Michael took a look through the windows of the truck I saw some lights in the back of in a sleeper birth and peered in the window of the driver's side of the truck and I show my flashlight in I heard a a woman started screaming and what I saw was a woman it looked like she had a horse bit in her mouth shocked to see a woman with a metal restraint strapped to her mouth Michael was even more surprised when a man appeared out of the darkness of the cab the driver came sliding out of the sleeper birth and then came on down to the pavement and put his hands up against the side of the truck and he said that's okay Officer everything's fine we are consenting adults and uh I still heard screaming coming from inside the the truck and he said I've got a gun in my rear pocket and I patted him down felt it took it out put it in my pocket and then handcuffed him took him back to my patrol car I think he was probably thinking how am I going to get out of this one what do I do now with the man seemingly restrained Michael headed back to the truck and when I got back up there and looked inside I saw a completely naked female and I I took a blanket that was there and covered her up told her that she was okay that the police were taking care of it and the the driver would not bother her anymore but had Michael waited a minute more the man in his car Robert Ben rhs would have been free I went back to my patrol car and Mr rhs had uh got his handcuffs in front of him and he was in the process of trying to get a key in his pocket to get his handcuffs off if he' had done that he'd have been gone he'd have fled the scene Robert Ben roads was arrested and taken to Cas grande police department way back to bed me back I think that's about as far detectives wanted to know more about the man whose home address was over a th000 miles away in Houston Texas under the jurisdiction of FBI agent Bob Lee he had been arrested the night before and they asked me to get some background information on roads since he lived in Houston at the time treat yourself to the best gift in history this holiday season enjoy unlimited access to award-winning podcasts and thousands of hours of original history documentaries released weekly exclusively on History hit there are topics for all history lovers from Pompei to D-Day sign up via the link in the description for an exclusive discount don't miss out on this this incredible opportunity to explore the past like never before with history hit the young girl had been through a traumatic ordeal at the hands of rhs when the victim was interviewed by the detective she tells him that uh roads agreed to give her a ride and she said that she fell asleep and when she woke up he had her chained in the sleeper compartment and was starting to take her clothes off he had his truck modified he had put some anchors on both sides of the sleeper where he could put handcuffs attached to a chain on her feet and the same thing with her hands but she also said that you know I was going to see the president it uh makes you wonder what her grip on reality is and then you take that back to the allegation she's made and is that a credible statement I can't this is not for the P the mental state of the distressed woman meant there was a chance that RADS could walk free I think rhs believed he was going to get away with this because he very deliberately chose victims who were vulnerable um this particular victim had some mental health issues um she experienced delusions but the police were very good at their jobs here and they observed that This Woman's story never changed it was consistent and that was what mattered some of the things that helped corroborate her statement she said that when rhs approached her she was fighting trying to trying to get away from him and said I bit him on his shoulder can you remove your shirt I and he had a bite mark on his shoulder the case didn't go to trial uh RADS agreed to uh enter a guilty plea on a plea bargain and got a reduce sentence on it in December 1990 rhs was sentenced to 6 years for the kidnap and sexual assault of the young woman while RADS was in custody Bob had begun to unearth the past of the 45-year-old truck driver well the first thing I did was check our national database for his criminal history and and I found he was a suspect in a previous kidnapping I called the Houston Police Department and spoke to a detective in the sex crimes unit and obtained his report the report told the story of the woman who was raped and kidnapped but refused to identify roads in February 1990 Bob was now aware of two cases where women had slipped through the grasp of Robert Ben roads but he was certain that searching the trucker's apartment would uncover any darker Secrets I talked to the apartment manager after she saw in the paper that he hadd been arrested she went up to his apartment to take a look and told me that she saw women's garments all over the apartment he also had um chains and handcuffs and there was a white towel that had a lot of blood on it there were some um racks where he could uh chain somebody too the apartment bore all the Hallmarks of a sexual predator I found a stack of photographs I think they were in his dresser drawer and it showed a young girl who uh was in various stages of dress he had had a lot of nude pictures of her he had pict pictures of her chained up and I could tell that he had held her for a while because on some of the photographs she she had some bruises but over time the bruises were changing color so that told me that she had been captive for at least a week or so so they knew that at very least he has definitely harmed other women and at worst killed them but they didn't have any actual cases to connect this evidence to so this was the beginning of a very long investigation the pictures of the young girl prayed on Bob's mind I tried to identify the girl I I carried a picture with me and every time I went to a different Police Department I'd show it to the officers to uh see if uh any of them recognized or did they have a missing person case or anything like that in September 1990 over 800 M away in Bond County Illinois reports of the discovery of a body landed on the desk of detective Michael Shey so I went out to this rural community and met with the sheriff out there and um he had told me that a local farmer was going to donate this particular Barn to the fire department to burn down and he was making a last minute inspection and had found what he believed to be the remains of a human body the badly decomposed body was found up in the hay loft and it was clear the victim had been murdered it was very apparent that there had been a wire Garrett made a ligature if you will to place it around the victim's neck and it's our belief that she was bound and handcuffed over a large beam that raised her hands up and it's our belief that he placed a wire around her neck then he continued to squeeze that with this broken piece of board throughout and then strangled her to death and he twisted this ligature at least 16 times according to the medical examiner so he would not only have enjoyed torturing her but he would have enjoyed watching her die a forensic anthropologist believed that the body had been in the barn for about 6 months the other thing he did is that he gave us gender dentification said it was the body of a young girl he gave us an age range between 14 and 16 years old he gave us hair color which we thought would assist in the identification early on what was alarming is we had U approximately 950 missing female girls that fit her profile and fit the time of death so it it became overwhelming initially Michael sent out details of the victim to missing persons departments across the country a detective in Pasadena Texas soon got back to him and she contacted me and she said that her victim a runaway identified as Regina K Walters her family had received an anonymous telephone call after her disappearance saying that she had been left in a barn Regina's father receives a call on his unlisted number so this is the number that isn't publicly available Regina is one of the few people who actually know it and he doesn't recognize the caller but the caller tells him that he knows where Regina is that she's in a barn that he's cut her hair and when her father asks is she still alive the caller hangs up so immediately a lot of red flags that this really sounds like this could be our victim and so I asked if she had dental records the dental records confirm that the body belonged to Regina Walters who was just 14 years old detectives could finally put a name to the face on the shocking photographs that had been found in Road's apartment well the the photographs to identify the young person would would have been impossible for me uh from being out there but the barn that she entered I knew every square foot of that Barn I I had seen that Barn for days and days and so the minute I saw the photographs of her entering the barn and going into the Barn Loft and the beams it just gave you that Eerie feeling that that that's exactly what had to happen here and and so we were on to this case two photos of Regina in particular were difficult to look at he had chronologically photographed her the most telling for us was how he had taken photographs and staged her death and that staged them during the course right before he killed her and looking in her eyes and looking at her face you can tell that she's terrified um and at that point she's just just minutes from being killed when you see a photograph like that you have to control your emotions it's a piece of evidence that you're looking at you have to realize what your goal is your goal is to take this piece of evidence tie it to someone and be able to put that person in jail the story of how Rego Walters ended up in the truck of Robert Ben roads is a tragic one Regina had a boyfriend Ricky Jones and she and Ricky decided to run away one day they were out on the highway hitchhiking and Road stopped his truck and picked him up and took off with her um and that's the last that um that she was seen she's this really a beautiful young almost just totally normal 14-year-old girl with just a little Rebellion streak unfortunately um she made the wrong decision rhs kept Regina prisoner in the makeshift torture chamber of his truck for 2 weeks it's widely believed that he disposed of her 18-year-old boyfriend Ricky almost immediately he was never seen again she was the prize and the boyfriend was just Surplus to requirements while the investigation into Regina's murder continued roads remain in prison for kidnap and sexual assault but by early 1992 he was due out on parole so the Clock Was ticking for us to make a case against roads detectives in Texas and Illinois had been working together to build the case against roads if they didn't charge him soon the dangerous killer would be released finally they had enough evidence the district attorney in County Illinois issued an arrest warrant for roads for the murder of Regina Walters just prior to him being released from prison in Arizona and detective Sheely flew out to the prison to serve him with the arrest warrant and to bring him back to Illinois to face the charges detective Michael Shey remembers meeting roads in the Arizona Prison and confronting him with the evidence linking him to Regina he was cold was calculated um he didn't have any trouble looking you square in the eye and saying he's not involved we provided him with the arrest warrant for murder it still no reaction nothing at all and so I had a 8x10 photograph of Regina and I put it on the table in front of him turned it around and I said this was your victim and that was the first time any emotion out of out of him but it wasn't an emotion of of sorrow or an emotion of of something that he had done it was he was angry and he got up and said that the interview was over he wouldn't speak to us any longer at a court hearing on the 11th of September 1992 rhs agreed to a plea bargain he admitted to murdering Regina Walters so he wouldn't have to face the death penalty um the courtroom was packed a great deal of Spectators there had been a lot of interest in in this case because there was now speculation that he was a serial killer he didn't just plead guilty he played guilty with a smile he was ring in the trauma that he created and for me that shows that he was still very much the sexual sadus that he'd always been this is somebody who hadn't changed whatsoever and I think he enjoyed the opportunity to relive the details of these killings Regina Walter's family couldn't travel all the way from Texas to Illinois to be in the courtroom but Michael Sheely made sure he conveyed their feelings to the killer as he was beginning to exit the courtroom I just became overly aware if you will that there was no one there on behalf of Regina and so I I mentioned to him in a very small faint voice as he began to pass me that it was my certainly my pleasure that I was going to get to send him into prison for the rest of his life and um he was uh really upset at that comment and uh and told me to um to get and so um maybe um not as professional as I should have been I returned um and told him where he was going I was hoping that that was going to happen to him so that was my last real conversation with Robert Ben roess and looking back at it I'm kind of glad that that's what I told him with roads Behind Bars investigations continued into possible victims of the killer there were many missing person who fitted hiso roads would Target his victims generally people that either had mental deficiencies or heavy drug users that he picked up hitchhiking uh he referred to them as lot lizards these are as he described women that hang around truck stops to uh take care of the truckers or to swap sextra ride some War he is so itinerant he literally crosses state line after state line after State Line all over the United States they aren't to know it but when they climb into the cab of Road's truck their lives had to change forever in 2003 11 years after roads had been imprisoned for the murder of Regina Walters Texas Ranger Brooks long began investigating the disappearance of two hitchhiking newlyweds Douglas owski and Patricia Walsh who'd been missing since January 1990 they were both from Seattle Washington they had basically given up their personal belongings and were traveling to the east coast of the United States primarily for religious reasons the family searched extensively for them but then the remains of Douglas were located around 1990 but there was a formal identification of it being Douglas owski till 1992 through dental records so there wasn't much to go on there was no witnesses there were several suspects but nobody was actually linked to the crime 28-year-old Douglas's remains had been discovered in Crockett County Texas Brooks wanted to look at the ballistic evidence that had been found at the scene Mr zasowski was shot multiple times in the head he was shot with a Jennings j22 semi-automatic handgun this information was obtained by not only the projectiles removed from his head but also the casings that were left behind on the crime scene that were collected by law enforcement so what was unique about the ballistic information was that the ammunition used in the murder of Mr zasowski was very rare this Tarson branded ammunition had a noticeable te on the casings this fact had initially ruled rhs out as the potential killer the reason he was eliminated at that time was simply because the ammunition that was seized from Robert Ben roads was marketed under the name of arms core Brooks contacted the C grande police to take a closer look at the ammunition that was found in Rad's truck when he was arrested for kidnap back in April 1990 and when he called me I asked him to open the arm score box and to describe the head stamp on the casing and he said it's a t so that was the first clue that this is the guy most probably is the guy and we need to put efforts and resources into this because that all matched where the possible link between rhs and Douglas secured Brooks gathered all the information he had on the Killer and concentrated his efforts towards connecting roads to Douglas's 24-year-old wife Patricia Walsh she's probably out there somewhere and they may not even know who she is because Douglas had no identification he had no clothing uh Regina K Walters didn't have any identification she didn't have any clothing so when you looked at those two situations what I started doing was looking for a red dehe headed female in her mid 20s that was probably naked and would have been shot with a Jennings j22 handgun with toss and ammunition Brooks received word of a possible unidentified body in Millard County Utah so after I obtained that information I reached out to the Mard County Sheriff's Office and inquired as to the status of that case and what I was told by their Chief Deputy was we haven't solved it and the Skelter remains are actually inside our evidence Vault so I was able to tell him I know who that victim is and I also know who killed her Brooks was right dental records revealed that the remains belonged to Patricia Walsh Mard County had projectiles and had casings that matched the same gun killed Douglas zasowski killed Patricia kenis Walsh so that was linked then the timeline on the records we were able to determine that roads was traveling westbound so what made sense was is he eliminated Douglas es Kowski first Douglas was essentially just a barrier because Patricia was what roads wanted so he killed Douglas he dumped his body very quickly but he kept Patricia alive for seven days and he tortured her and he raped her before he eventually killed her and disposed of her body in 2003 13 years after her remains had been found in Utah Patricia Walsh had been identified another innocent victim of Robert Ben rhs Patricia must have been absolutely terrified during the days that she spent with roads and I think during this time she probably tried to at him she probably tried to plead with him and interact with him but there would be absolutely no reaction to that from roads because this guy was essentially a killing machine he wasn't affected by other people's trauma or or emotion he got off on people's fear and I think the more afraid that Patricia was the more he enjoyed it investigators still needed to find some hard evidence that link roads to the Newlywed hitchhikers before they could prosecute him with their murders so now became an analysis and comparison not only for DNA under Douglas zasowski now there was analysis to be done and comparisons relating to Patricia candos swal and what had happened on that is eventually there was an a match that was located on a white towel that was seized from Robert Ben rhs's truck that was matched to the DNA a of Patricia Candace Walsh so there was an affirmative link the mo the timeline these things fit and RADS was in custody he was in jail in the state of Illinois by March 2012 rhs had served 20 years for the murder of Regina Walters but he was due to be released now investigators needed to convince a grand jury that he was guilty of two more slayings before Foods was freed once again the Clock Was ticking Texas Ranger Brooks long needed a jury to indict roads based on the new facts he'd uncovered the Crockett County grandury returned two indictments for capital murder on Robert Ben roads for the murder of Douglas Scott zasowski and Patricia Candis Walsh based on the evidence and the information that was presented so essentially he was extradited and detained in the state of Texas and as we were preparing for trial he plad guilty to both cases and received multiple life sentences the killings of Douglas and Patricia took the number of Roads known victims to at least three after working as a truck driver for over a decade he'd honed his method of murder I think that Robert Ben rhs prayed on people that I think we coin the term later is disposable he looked at people that had some checkered history people that that he believed wouldn't immediately be missed and so I think he systematically profiled his victim if you will and I think he was very good at it and unfortunately there's a lot of those folks out there and rhs knew that he had an endless supply of people that he could pray on and he did as far as roads is concerned any woman hitchhiking or working in a truck stop is fair game and after all who's going to miss them it is a perfect combination if you were devise a fictional serial killer roads would be a very very good example Brooks long continued his search for victims of Roads there was one obvious person to start with Ricky Jones the 18-year-old boyfriend of Regina Walters after the work had been done to identify who the killer was relating to Douglas es Kowski and Patricia Walsh then there was resources put into myself and trying to locate Ricky Lee Jones because as I reviewed the file and reached out to officers and Witnesses in that case it was obvious that he had never been located his remains had never been found Ricky had been missing since early 1990 evidence found in Road's truck when he was arrested in Arizona just weeks after that suggested that he could be the killer during the course of the search that was done by the FBI there was a notebook that was found a very very alarming notebook where roads had kept information in that information in that notebook was phone numbers and and family names um there was even a notation with a drawing of a knife with with appeared to be like blood drops and it said Rick's dead Ricky Jones Is Dead Brooks sent out information to police departments he was desperate to locate Ricky we didn't get anything back from these agencies but as I on my own started searching unsolved homicides and looking at various databases online I essentially came across a young white male's remains that were found in Mississippi I then reached out to law enforcement and it was unfortunate because we were able to obtain some teeth from the remains in Mississippi and we were able to obtain samples biological samples from Ricky Lee Jones biological mother and those were compared and they were matched so we knew that we had located Ricky Lee Jones the bad part about that was that the remains could not all be located so Robert Ben roads has never stood trial for the abduction and murder of Ricky Lee Jones simply because there was a lack of evidence despite not being able to link roads to the crime it is widely believed that he did Kill the 18-year-old before murdering Ricky's girlfriend Regina Walters investigators believe Rose is responsible for the deaths of many more innocent people this is a case that is is unresolved it's a case that's incomplete there are going to be many many families Across America missing relatives who've been murdered by this individual and they deserve justice I think during the course of the investigation initially um we believe that it was probably in the neighborhood of probably 10 to 15 but as the investigation grew in in the FBI I spent a lot of time with it the Behavioral Science unit spent a great deal of time and effort and they had actually linked him up to approximately 45 homicides through throughout the United States that not only fit his profile but fit his timeline as well as a truck driver I don't think there's any doubt that there's other victims and there's other crimes that can be linked to Robert Ben Rose I think that science and the ability to link potential suspects through DNA are somewhat Limited in this case because of his Mo and what he would do with those victims but as other agencies become aware of Robert Ben rhs hopefully some of this information will get back to the right investigator officer or even family member that might be able to listen and say hey why don't you look at this guy whatever the true number of victims there could have been many more had it not been for a chance encounter on the side of the I 10 in CAG Grande Arizona in April 1990 the most striking moment in in the case is that wonderful Arizona highway patrol officer coming upon this rig with its hazard lights flashing climbing up looking through the window and seeing a young woman trapped in the car who starts screaming that was the moment in which finally rhs's extraordinary run of killing came to an end and had that officer not gone to check on that truck he could well be killing people right now I had a phone call from her many many many years ago she and she thanked me for uh for saving her life I said well hey they're just doing my job you enjoy your life and have a good I'm glad you you have a life to have Robert Ben roads remains safely behind bars at the Minard Correctional Center in Illinois he will never be released from prison I think that Robert Ben rhs is probably the most evil person I've ever met in my life and I've met a lot of evil people I hesitate and always have hesitated to use the word monster but Road certainly deserves to be be called a monster and I dealt with many murderers but of all of those the one that stands out as far as the lack of emotion the lack of remorse he wins the prize by far there is no feeling to this man there is no inkling of remorse there's no inkling of anything the only regret he has is that he got caught Robert Ben rhs is a coldblooded sexual predator who prayed upon vulnerable women for his own self-gratification he would chain his victims in his truck and torture them before disposing of their lifeless bodies in the most callous manner only RADS knows exactly how many people he has killed and his reluctance to give closure to the loved ones of his victims undoubtedly makes him one of the world's most evil [Music] killers [Music] [Music] that
Channel: Absolute Crime
Views: 1,121,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Absolute Crime, cold tapes podcast, cold-blooded killer, crime documentary channel, crime history, crime scene investigation, crime scene reconstruction, criminal motives, criminal patterns analysis, criminal profiling, criminal psychology, forensic science, homicide cases, most evil killers, notorious criminals, psycho killer, psychopathic killers, serial killer, unsolved mysteries, weekly crime shows, women murders
Id: vL9-M82sAcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 40sec (2740 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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