Why Was This Serial Killer Obsessed With Nazis? | World’s Most Evil Killers | Absolute Crime

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September 1995 angle SE Northwest Wales 56-year-old Henry Roberts had returned home after having drinks at the local pub when he heard a noise outside his Cottage he went to investigate unbeknownst to Henry it was a deadly trap Henry came out to see what the disturbance was and saw this this figure in Black he had black leather trousers on he had Jack Boots a black leather jacket and a black leather slash Peak cap the idea was to look like a an Nazi officer the man in Black was 49-year-old local Cinema owner Peter Moore who was armed with a Commando knife Moore launched an attack on Henry and stabbed him repeatedly when Peter Moore kills Henry Roberts he stabs him 27 times this is way more violence than he actually needs to end his victim's life Mo in the end pulled his trousers down and stabbed him in both butts the final humiliation if you like I mean it was so astonishing on the one hand you have the respectable businessman on the other hand the cold-hearted killer he was a sexual predator who terrorized men in the north of Wales for nearly two decades and would go on to claim three more innocent lives in less than 3 months that makes Peter mo one of the world's most evil [Music] [Music] killers the 25th of December 1995 North Wales most people were enjoying the festive period when news broke that a serial killer had been loose in the Sleepy Seaside town of kinl bay and he was one of their own I think people were very shocked for a number of reasons it's the only case of Cal killing in North Wales and the fact that all four murders were carried out within a short period the brutality of the the murders as well uh was was quite horrendous the man responsible was 49-year-old local Cinema owner Peter Moore who' killed and mutilated four people he would also admit to nearly 50 attacks on men between 1975 and 1995 I'd known him 13 14 years years and I'd been to his home I'd spend time with him and realized that I didn't know him at all and I mean there was something quite evil there and I didn't see the Monster because the monster was so well hidden even season detective Dave Morris was shocked by the depravity of the crimes it's almost 24 years now since I arrested Peter Mo for those murders certainly in my police career we've never had anything like like that in North Wales before he presented this Persona to the outside world that he was a nice gentleman that would do anything for anybody but deep down he had this dark side to him um which eventually took over his whole Persona and that was just one of a very brutal Psychopathic murderer this killer Story begins on the 19th of September 1946 Peter Howard Moore was born in St Helens in Lancashire in the northwest of England he was the only child of Edith and Ernest Moore he was considered somewhat of a miracle baby because his mother thought she couldn't actually conceive and she had essentially doed on him much of his life he had a close relationship with her she had him when she was well into her 40s and I think in this way he does differ quite significantly from a lot of serial killers many serial killers you look at their childhoods they're full of neglect but in this case it seems to be the opposite end of the spectrum this was somebody who was overindulged essentially this was somebody who never faced any consequences for their actions he could do pretty much whatever he liked Peter had a very different relationship with his father his father nnest Moore was a disciplinarian but he certainly didn't make his son's life easy so he came to loathe his father father and adore his mother Edith he made some quite strong comments about his father he suspected that his father was gay and uh there are hints that his father had been violent as well uh his father according to Peter Mo was an alcoholic and Peter mo didn't like alcohol in 1952 the family moved to kinl Bay a small Seaside town in Northeast Wales northwest coast is historically a tourist area um in the winter it's um it's reasonably quiet and Kimmel Bay in particular revers to a sort of community Rel type atmosphere M lived in a comparatively substantial house and his parents were relatively prosperous they ran an iron mongus a family business the family was well respected in the area they provided a much needed service and especially amongst the elderly they didn't have to walk far more lived comfortable lifestyle compared to most of the other children in the area he was the son of a local shop owner so I think this would have given him a sense that he was above his peers he felt Superior to them and this would not have endeared him to the the children of this particular part of Wales many of whom their parents came from workingclass backgrounds at school Mo was described as being well behaved but he was a loner and his height made him stand out from other children he was much taller than them so there's that sense of exclusion from the pit group but there's also a sense of feeling better than them and I think his elevated height was something he accorded with elevated status he felt that he was above them and looked down on them he also felt that he was entitled to a lot of things he was a boy of vanity and that vanity was to emerge as his life went on and turn itself into a much darker quality isolated and alone Peter developed a passion for film he had a home cine camera and I think that instilled in him this fascination with Cinema with movies with storytelling after leaving school Moore went to work with his father at the hardware shop for the next 29 years his passion for the cinema was put on hold Peter was gay but kept his sexuality hidden from his parents it was something that he didn't feel able to share because I think at this time in in a very kind of traditional Community being gay was not okay it was was something that was heavily stigmatized remember until 1967 you could be arrested convicted and imprisoned for being homosexual in this country Mo was very aware of that so although there may have been certain number of covert relationships as he was beginning to grow through adolescence and into Young Manhood I suspect almost all the time he concealed it as effectively as he possibly could after hours Mo would frequent gay bars in and around Liverpool he would also travel to London to watch sex shows it was around this time that he developed an interest in SED masochism one of the Fascinations about sedom masochism is that it can arise from comparatively simple things tying someone up subjugating them wanting to be in complete control and so once that had placed itself in mu's psyche I think he took it upon himself always to be dominant and whats more always to use his dominance Moore also had a fascination with Nazi subculture and memorabilia if you accept that Mo wanted to control there can be no more powerful icon of control than Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany the two almost go hand in hand and there was certainly a tendency in the early 60s for there to be a connection between narcism and s masochism his appetite to control men would soon turn violent because of Mo's covert personality this dominant male he took great pleasure in homosexual Encounters in which he would not only attack a submissive male he would also demonstrate to other males just how dominant he was Moore used his homosexuality in that isolated community to become a preying individual he would Prey Upon vulnerable homosexuals who didn't know quite how to handle their homosexuality I think Peter Mo was well aware of the homophobia that existed in society at that time and he knew that there was a sense of stigma that the men that he attacked were unlikely to report those attacks so I think he felt secure in in the knowledge that he was targeting a a marginalized group and the more extreme his offending got he really did feel invincible at this point in time Peter Moore's desire for dominance and control was escalating by the day soon his need for control would turn violent and he began to attack random men in the surrounding areas he would go with whichever boyfriend he had at the time and he would drive around the sort of rural areas looking for older men walking home generally from the pub he parked further up the road and as they walked past he would jump from from behind normally would rubber Kosh I need to to severely attack them um some people were left very very very badly injured as a consequence of those attacks they were really brutal people were beaten unconscious so these were really really serious physical assaults and they were almost escalating I'd say in ferocity as his need to exert control got even greater despite some of the attacks being reported Peter Moore's name or any of the men he was with at the time never came up in any of the inquiries we were investigating those those through the 1980s but obviously we didn't connect Peter as the man that we were looking for Peter didn't have any criminal record there was no reason to suspect him in those days Mo continued with the facade as the son of a respectable local businessman but by night he was a violent predator in 1979 his father nnest died Moore had already been running the business but now he was head of the household too he has to be in command has to look after his mother has to run the iron mongers and at the same time wants to make a mark on the local community as a respected figure Moore opened up a video rental section in his shop which reignited his passion for film eventually he would close the hardware shop and in 1991 he opened his first Cinema in the winter of 19 94 he opened a second one in hollyhead as fellow Cinema owner leis cwell recalls he gave the impression that Cinemas were for families and children and that's what he believed in people liked him people talked to him he was very approachable he became a real pillar of the community in this regard so he was the one who brought the glitz and the glamour of Hollywood to the Rainy Welsh sleepy villages there can be no doubt that Peter Moore got a great deal of kick out of combining his passion for darkness and his passion for the cinema and he was absolutely relishing the fact that he had a secret life that he kept hidden from the world life was going well for more but in April 1994 tragedy struck when his beloved mother passed away she has been the focus of mua's Life the focus of trying to keep up appearances he could never have admitted to his mother any of his secret exploits gay relationships cruising gay areas but once she was dead it was quite a different matter Edith had been the restraint on Peter Moore without her he quickly escalated into what he was probably all along with the house to himself Maul was now free to indulge with his sexual fantasies at home while his mother was alive he kept his interest in sadism and masochism away from the home after the death of his mother he brought that sign of things into his home life and there was um all sorts of um SNM paraphernalia in the rooms whippings and floggings had taken place in the property the death of his mother had been like a release Val for him if you like he didn't have to sort of keep a cap on it anymore that side had overtaken in the summer of 1995 Moore opened a third Cinema the Wedgewood in Denby and reveled in the Limelight the first time I met Peter Moore was when he was about to open the cinnamon and he was understandably looking for publicity and he was always prepared to pose for pictures and always prepared to give a quote he was hailed a hero cuz he came in on a blaze of publicity the newspapers really you know went to town the savior of Cinemas he was on the 6:00 news but beneath the veneer of the successful businessman M was financially unstable all the cinemas he had were in little northwes market towns you know they weren't taking any money they were just ticking over or even running at a loss mu extended himself too quickly three Cinemas all in a shortish space of time he couldn't allow it to be seen that he was actually struggling and he certainly couldn't allow it to be seen that he would actually close one of the three Cinemas indeed quite the opposite he started to say oh I'm going to open a fourth Cinema which of course he never did because he was simply in financial difficulty with the financial pressure mounting so was Mo's need for control and violence well what happens in many of these cases is that criminal Behavior escalates he's inflicting pain on others and then he becomes more and more brutal and then it escalates to the the highest form of sadism and that is actually killing the victim on the 19th of September 1995 Moore decided to buy himself a macabra birthday present to celebrate his 49th birthday and he went to a a local gun shop in real and he bought a very lethal looking double bladed Commander knife in a sheath he told me later that he he'd been thinking of merging somebody uh for some time um the pressure of the the bank the financial situation everything he just felt that he wanted to kill somebody with murder on his mind Mo had his eyes set on his first victim 56y old retired Railway worker Henry Roberts Henry Roberts lived alone in quite a run down Cottage in Angley he was somewhat recluse really he would go to the local pub that was his routine Peter Mo had a cinema in Holly head and we drived home in Kimmel Bay as he was driving along the A5 Road he would pass Henry Roberts every evening and he decided Henry would be a good person to kill more than set about putting his devious fantasies into action and paid Henry a visit petore pretends to break down in Henry Robert's driveway and Henry comes out to see if he needs any assistance and the two strike up a conversation it emerges that they're both interested in Nazi memorabilia so this particular event has given Peter some knowledge about his victim to be able to plan his next move a couple of nights later Moore returned once again to Henry's Cottage but this time he was armed with his knife and was dressed for the occasion he had black leather trousers on he had Jack Boots a black leather jacket and a black leather SL PE cap the idea he said was to sort of look like a a Nazi officer Peter caused a distraction outside to attract um Henry out to the cottage um Henry came out to see what the disturbance was and saw this this figure in Black more then launched a brutal attack on the defenseless man and he got to stab Henry so when Henry that he was under attack he turned around and tried to get back to the safety of his Cottage he wasn't very steady on his feet and as he scurried back to his Cottage Peter walked behind him and stabbed him repeatedly he he collapsed near to one of the ouses in in the yard and died when Peter Moore kills Henry Roberts he stabs him 27 times this is way more violence than he actually needs to end his victim's life in a final Act of depravity more decided to humiliate his victim after he died he pulled down his trousers and he stabbed him twice in the bus and left him in that position so it's not enough just to kill him he wants to demean him as well he wants to experience feeling power and control Mo left Henry's mutilated body and fled the scene for days later locals at Henry's Pub became concerned when they hadn't seen him finally one of the regulars went to see what had happened to him and visited his house only to find Henry Roberts's dead body outside the house the regular ran back to the pub and told the landl who was cleaning the windows to call the police northwales police arrived to investigate originally when Henry Robert's body was discovered the police suspected a bir burgy that gone wrong but then of course they discovered there was quite a lot of money in the house at one point a 21-year-old was arrested but never charged of course because there was no connection to Roberts a second man would also be arrested but later released without charge for the murder there seemed no obvious motive for the killing and Peter Moore had seemingly got away with murder something that gave him a perverse thrill and would only ignite his desire desire to kill again after that first killing I think Peter Moore would have felt a sense of being back in control now that he has externalized that rage he's taken that out on somebody else he feels that he has some power back all those other things that are going on in his life his mother dying his financial issues they don't matter anymore because he's back in control keep in mind these murders are sexually motivated and the sexual instinct is very very strong and so when someone kills and gets sexually gratified in the way Moore did they want to do it again and that opportunity would come less than a month later in October that year Peter took a night off he went to Liverpool drove there in his in his van and he went to um a club called Pacos which was a gay bar in Liverpool I think Edward KY was there Edward he was 28 his partner had recently killed himself Edward was obviously deeply upset and took refuge in Pacos it was there he had The Misfortune to encounter Peter Moore Moore is smart he's not going after anybody he's going after only people he thinks he can get over on and he's pretty good at detecting who those people are Edward I think he'd had a few to drink and he approached pizza and started to speak to him and Edward asked him if he could have a lifto he says where are you going I'm going back to North Wales can you give me the left back to biren head Edward gets into Mo's Transit van and he falls asleep M decides that he's not going to take Edward back to his flat instead he's going to take him to his old hunting ground in North Wales Edward wakes up and realizes that is nowhere near burken head and in fact he's in rural Wales I think at that moment Edward feared for his life and he tries to jump out of the transit van Mo pulled into the Forest track and stopped the engine he then ordered Edward karthy to get out of the van Edward karthy starts to to panic and according to Peter Moore he said you're not one of of those Nelson types are you an Mo says barely flinching yes I am and he stabs him four times and he disposes of Edward's body hides it off the track in the midst of the forest unlike Henry Roberts Edward wasn't reported missing the family didn't notice anything usual cuz Edward was quite transient he would come and he would go in a space of a month Peter Moore has committed two murders and got clean away with both of them mo felt invincible and on the 30th of November just over a month after killing Edward karthy he was about to strike for a third time late in November Moore is once again on the hunt for another victim of all unlike ly places it's on a road site of roadworks on the A5 the main road across North Wales and Inter angle SE and as he's driving back to his own house he happens to see a caravan with its lights on the Caravan was a temporary home for 49-year-old Keith randles a security manager from Chester he had a couple pints in the PB and then bought some chips from the chip shop and taken them back to the caraban where so spent the evening then much in he rung his daughters and just spent the night in the van dressed in black more approached the work site he bangs on the door of the Caravan Keith wasn't expecting anyone to knock at the door on that night he certainly wasn't expecting a black clad Peter Moore standing in front of him he's barely opened the door when Mo launches an attack on him and starts to stab him Keith fights back there is a struggle Mo in the end overpowers him brutally ruthlessly stabbing him repeatedly Keith had defensive wounds on his hands where he tried to stop Mo and during the attack Keith randles according to V Mo asked him why he was doing it and his reply chillingly was for fun despite Keith putting up a fight he succumbed to his terrific injuries Mo was unfaced by the vicious attack and calmly left the crime scene but he' made a mistake as he went back to his house and was getting ready to go to bed he realized he had a black Cup on time um and it obviously come off during the fight so he had to drive back to the murder scene to recover his black TI with Keith lying dead outside the Caravan Mo decided to violate his victim further just he done with Henry Roberts pulled down Keith from Randall's trousers and he stabbed him in the genitals another Act of humiliation to defile the victim to render them an object and also to increase Mo's own sexual gratification the father of two was found by Workman as they arrived for work that morning it's a very difficult one to understand and it must be very difficult for Keith randle's family to to understand why he should be subjected to such a horrific Attack Just for doing the job and staying where he did the police were now aware of two dead bodies in just over two months the body of Edward karthy remained undiscovered in clog Forest again there was no obvious motive there was no direct link so that murder investigation was launched again um so there was two murder investigations running at the same time on angles with no one suspecting the triple murderer Cinema owner Moore was free to continue with his deviant desires and soon had his eyes set on his next victim Tony Davis worked in the crematorium in cwin Bay a family man he left home quite late and I told his wife he was going to visit his aunt and take a meal to her she had recently had an operation and so he went to pensan which is near abigel where she lived it was about 11:00 at night at some point in the early hours of the 18th of December Moore spotted 40-year-old Anthony Davis at pensan beach armed with his knife he pounced Anthony was a strong man and didn't give up without a fight Anthony fought back and what happened was um the knife had been turned on on Peter on his arm during the scuffle Anthony Davis was stabbed five times in the chest and once in the back he eventually died from his injuries the heartless killer then tended to his own wounds he took Anthony's coat and wrapped it around his injury and left the scene with the coat still around his arm and when he got home he washed the coat and he hung it up in his house meanwhile Anthony's wife grew concerned when her husband didn't return home that evening at about 4:30 now the Monday morning she Rings the elderly aunt and says have you seen Anthony and the lady says no no he left at 12:30 she suspected that her husband had been to kenzan beach sometime before for and so she asked one of his brothers to go to the beach to have a look the brothers set off to look for Anthony Anthony's wife has not just simply phoned his brothers but he's she's also phoned the police and in one of the most terrible ironies of this Dreadful event is the brothers and the police arrive almost simultaneously at the beach to discover Anthony's mutilated body police found Antony's car parked in the car park but it was locked they then discovered his body on the shore the police knew they had to act fast to catch their killer Dave Morris was part of the investigation team the city investigating officer was aware of the reputation that pensan beach had as being a a meeting place for gay men so made an appeal to the gay community to um try and identify who might might be the person responsible for this this particular murder in pensan but at the outset there really wasn't much movement until finally the local North Wales police were persuaded to open an anonymous tip line for gay men we had a very good response and one thing that became quite clear was that there was a a male who dressed in black leather jacket and black trouses who had historically attacked uh men on pensan Beach and robbed them they he he' takeen property belonging to them watches and like and this has been going on for some period in time another line of inquir that we had was a Transit van had been seen on pensan beach at around the time of uh the murder certainly over that nighttime period so um there were two focuses to the investigation one was to try and identify the driver of the van and the other was to try and identify the unknown man in Black Dave would finally get a breakthrough from an Anonymous caller 48 hours into the investigation somebody had called On The Hotline and the scrib being picked up on pensan beach and taken to a house in Kimmel Bay where he'd been attacked and he described himself as been looking to get away with his life I followed the loose directions that were given by the caller and um I was able to identify Peter Moore's house I was aware of Peter Mo from my time as a uniform police officer Peter was running the the hardware shop and we quite frequently phone for police assistance uh I was aware that Peter was a gay man that he liked to wear black leather clothing so I came back to the incident room and call went by and reported that um I believe i' identified the house and the house was owned by a gentleman called Peter Mo the police also had a breakthrough with the van that was spotted at the murder scene two other detectives came in and they' established that there was a van hire company in deman who had hired a white Transit van to a guy called Peter Moore and at that point decision was made to arrest him the police had now identified the man in Black as Peter Mo on the 21st of December 1995 they now had a warrant to arrest the 49-year-old we went out in the morning there was uh Team or four detectives and we went in two vehicles and as we approached the house I saw the van driving away so we fell in behind it we and we and we began to follow the vehicle Moore was on his way to pick up a colleague unaware that he was being followed he turned into a housing estate in abig he pulled up um outside a house and just sat in the van so I took the decision to to get out of the police car and and approached the van I'd open the the door of the transit van he was quite surprised I identified myself um took the keys out the van under the safy got ni and took him out of the van we just told him he was under arrest on suspicion the murder Tony Davis Dave would also make a shocking Discovery in the front seats of the van there was a hold old bag and when that bag was seized and searched um the murder weapon was found in that bag I was quite surprised by his reaction because um I would have expected him to be quite shocked quite um inquisitive asking why he was arrested he didn't ask any questions he just totally accepted the situation and came with me to to my police C Dave was tasked with interviewing Mo for the murder of Anthony Davis but had no idea he was responsible for three further murders and by now we'd recovered the the Cod that belonging to Tony Davis we'd recovered the murder weapon he still wouldn't agree that he was the murderer but nonetheless was was charged with the murder of Tony Davis with the killer now safely in custody the police made a thorough search of M's property a VHS video recorder had been stolen from the Caravan that Keith Randall lived in as look would have it we actually had the serial number of the VHS video recorder and when the search team searched Peter's house they found this recorder underneath this C and when they pulled it out and compared the seum it was it was the actual VHS recorder that been stol from the Caravan in slavy the police also found other incriminating items in his house there was a swas sticker flag that he'd taken from from Henry's Cottage has a momento some these keys were all found in in the fish pond in the back Garden so it was property from all scenes at the home dress he'd also kept the newspaper cuttings from the local papers of of the the investigations so really following those quite closely as well Moore is one of those serial killers who keeps things that belong to his victims and and this isn't particularly unusual because they want to relive those memories of the suffering and and the murders that that they've carried out it really is incredibly chilling also put whole new complexion on on on the murder investigation so once I'd finished my interview with him and at this stage there was there was no admissions um one of the sergeants from the inant room stepped forward and said you're now under arrest for the murder of Keith randles so that took him by surprise he hadn't expected that at all with the evidence mounting Moore decided that he wanted to start talking it was 2:30 in the morning phone call uh Peter Mo wants another interview he wants to admit four murders to you will you come in uh during that that initial interview he admitted the murder of Henry Roberts the murder of Sony Davis on pensan he also admitted the murder of Keith randles in the Caravan in Levy and then um told us about the murder of Edward karthy that at that time we didn't know about my opinion is that he made the admission cuz it was his way of regaining control of the situation the police quickly set about locating the body of Edward karthy basically um he was given a nor survey map of the area which he he circled where the where the body would be and initial the map and then um sear te went out on the 23rd of December badly decomposed the body is where Peter Mo says it would be he tells the police and I quote it's built up over a long time I must admit I've always had a tendency towards violence he also tells them that he had a fifth victim in mind his bank manager who he said hadn't dealt with him fairly the police continued to question more about the other murders and attacks he' committed he described them as a job well done the fact he'd actually murdered four innocent men meant nothing to him during that same interview as well as the four murders that he admitted he also told us that um he'd been attacking uh lone males at night uh mainly in the Ki Valley but the whole of rural North Wales and pass rural cheser from the 1970s through to the late 1980s Peter Maul was eventually charged for all four murders as he awaited his trial date he decided to blame the attacks on someone else tells the police that it wasn't him it was Jason his friend he was simply there at the time but Jason his gay friend did it Jason was named after a character in a movie not surprisingly Friday the 13th meanwhile news broke that a serial killer had been on the loose in the small town of kinmel bay and it shocked the locals in one word horror that a man who appeared to be a respectable businessman uh who' brought the cinema back to life in northw could have been killing people and attacking people it was very hard to believe you know you get these people who go around fighting God knows what you think they might but this bloke just wasn't that kind of bloke he was looked harmless I never felt threatened I never felt uncomfortable when they said my God Peter Mor murdered for you know I think oh my God my blood runs cold to think I've been in the house mid you know on my own with this man the trial took place on the 11th of November 1996 at mold Crown Court in North Wales the callous killer took the opportunity to Revel in the spotlight Peter Mo's Behavior at his trial really is evidence of his sadism firstly that he didn't immediately plead guilty because doing so would have spared his victim's family is the trauma of a trial and also because he had silenced those victims he was the one in control of the narrative he was the one who everybody was looking at and he was enjoying that the jury were presented with evidence taken from Moore's house as well as police footage from the property the footage was such a strange in congruous mixture of stuff items such as trunions German caps police helmet s masochistic and then uh the camera pan to show fluffy toys on on the pillows and um chint curtains and uh really odd it just showed the the two completely uh separate worlds P more operated in the heartless killer continued to manipulate the story Peter Moore presented to the jury of eight men and four women that um it wasn't him that was really responsible it was the mysterious Jason throughout his time in the witness box being cross-examined by then Alex carile QC that it was all Jason's fault there was a memorable piece of cross-examination in fact when carile said to him is Jason in court no can you see him no you invented him didn't you no in denying what he did to the courts he was reliving the murders he was list list to the facts again in in court it's a pleasure from from listening to that he was enjoying his notoriety and outside Court he didn't mind his photograph being taken he just failed to realize the tragedies that he'd caused and the Heartbreak that uh he'd left for families he played to the media he showed his handcuffs he displayed to them when they had the camera on him keep in mind more is than nobody so if he could have national attention of course he's going to play the media and and get his little bit of infamy the family were there in the public gallery and they had to sit there and listen for 3 weeks to to all of the um the details of of the murder of their their loved ones you know I thought that was very very cruel it took them 2 hours and 35 minutes to convict more of the four murders one of Al Scar's quotes to him about him the man in black black thoughts and the blackest of deeds and that was what gave Peter Moore the nickname that he still has of the Man in Black he was called and I quote a violent and predatory sadist who was obsessed by the Nazis and also as the judge put it one of the most dangerous men ever to set foot in Wes on the 29th of November 1996 Peter Moore was sentenced to a whole life tariff and was eventually sent to hmp Wakefield he appealed his life sentence to the European courts but was rejected several times even Behind Bars he craved attention I received numerous letters uh from prison many of them dealt with his uh proposed appeal others dealt with civil actions against North H's police and uh some former friends of his I think the letters were really a continuation he liked being the focus of attention Peter Moore was a coward who took advantage of a social climate who took advantage of the vulnerabilities of other people and he's a very dangerous man and he's exactly where he belongs it'll be many years before Peter Moos is forgotten and I think when people drive past in Kimel Bay they still point to the house where he used to live He Still Remains the uh one of the most brutal killers in in the history of North Wales place my hope is that we never have another piece of more in North Wales he was a very very very ruthless man and to kill people as a form of stress relief I think says it all he was a sadistic Predator who terrorized the north of Wales for two decades praying on those who were vulnerable he brutally murdered and mutilated four men in Cold Blood for fun just to satiate his devious sexual desires undoubtedly Peter Moore is one of the world's most evil [Music] killers [Music]
Channel: Absolute Crime
Views: 16,845
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Keywords: Absolute Crime, Crime Documentaries, True Crime, True Crime Documentaries, Murder documentaries, True Crime Stories, True Crime Youtube Channel, True Crime Documentary, full documentary channel, prison documentaries, serial killer, serial killer documentary
Id: vJxMEzsP0Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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