Washington Under Attack | TRIPLE EPISODE | The FBI Files

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as crack cocaine tore through Washington DC a drug G fought to take control up authorities fought back with everything they had but gang members used any means to avoid prosecution as the violence raged out of control law enforcement take back the streets [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh in the early 1990s Washington DC became the murder capital of the nation few were left untouched by gang violence which was ignited by the drug trade by 1994 that violence would strike at the very heart of law enforcement I'm Jim calom former head of the FBI's New York office would fall to the FBI to lead an international Manhunt and bring in the leader of the city's most vicious gang October 26th 1994 the nation's capital was about to become the backdrop to another bloody crime just before midnight three massed gunmen broke into a home in the Northwest section of the city get up get up get up they targeted Gerald G demanding his Cas where's the moneyone he turned over what little money he had in his pocket get the owner of the home William Ragland was accosted while working in his basement where's upstairs one of the gunmen discovered Nancy Hatchet and Darlene Hatchet rin's daughter and granddaughter go to convince gther to cooperate the gunman terrorized each of the idence get out get out the women were ordered to lie face down on the floor get out hands out tell come on old man come on old man tell us where the money where is it gazer denied having more cash or drugs head down now one of the gunmen turned his 22 caliber handguns towards rag the 89-year-old retired federal worker died instantly tell where it is play game Andre Madison another Resident was hustled into the living room shut up one of the three attackers noticed his gold necklace and ripped it from his neck get out get out shut up the one man was dead G still refuses to cooperate get out get out what are you what are you doing enraged one of the gunmen began shooting the residents to we got out the robbery attempt collapsed into murder the trio quickly fled the house one of the attackers vomited near the back door Nancy Hatchet called 911 officers from DC's Metropolitan Police Department quickly arrived at the house located in a known drug area inside three people were [Music] dead William Ragland his granddaughter Darlene Hatchet and Gerald Gaither pictures were taken of each body and shell casings were collected outside police discovered vomit near the door from this angle over to the right hey how you doing Nancy Hatchet and Andre Madison the only survivors tried to help police develop suspects but the attackers were masked making identification [Music] difficult can I talk to you okay for Metropolitan homicide detective Anthony badini a check on victim Gerald Gaither suggested a possible motive the main victim of the triple was a drug dealer in the first and Kennedy Street area uh the guy drove flashy cars had nice clothes had a lot of money when the drug dealer was unable to give them enough money and with drugs uh things started to get little harried and uh that's when the shootings occurred inside neighbors told police that after hearing gunshots they saw a dark colored sedan with a loud Muffler leaving the [Music] area an all points bulletin was issued for the vehicle and three men inside 1 hour after the Mur two DC cops spotted a noisy vehicle that fit the report noticing three men inside the vehicle the officers pulled over the gray Ile police asked the men for identification the driver was identified as Benny Lee Lawson passengers were determined to be Kobe moat and Germaine [Music] GV in one of their pants Pockets police recovered a broken gold necklace but details from the murder scene were still incomplete the officers the necklace was [Music] meaningless after recording all of the men's names and addresses the three were soon released there was no evidence in the car to connect them to the murders despite the lack of solid suspects homicide detectives believe that Gerald Gaither had been murdered by a rival drug gang by 1990 crack cocaine had hit the streets in Washington DC neighborhood gangs began to emerge throughout the city when it became clear that there was a lot of money to be made from dealing the druck 53 as more and more money flowed to The Gangs they resorted to violence to protect their Turf from rival drug dealers by 1994 the nation's capital was averaging nearly 400 homicides a year DC police joined forces with the FBI and several federal agencies to combat the drug related violence most of the murders remained unsolved hoping to Rattle free a lead in the triple murder detectives began canvasing the neighborhood where the murders took place neighbors were too afraid to openly cooperate some were willing to phone in information [Music] anonymously one tip led to Benny Lee Lawson one of the three men pulled over the night of the homicides Benny we need to know investigators learned that the gold necklace taken from Andre Madison matched the one officers found on one of the men in Lawson's car detective badini questioned Lawson Lawson's interview lasted about three or 4 hours and different detectives went in and spent some time with Lawson in an attempt to get him to provide some sort of information about his uh involvement in the trouble murder sit up look at me Lawson repeatedly denied having any knowledge of the triple murder and refused to take a polygraph test investigators tried to shake his story with the false threat that they could put him at the murder scene through a DNA test of the recovered [Music] vomit Lawson remained unswayed on us up after 4 hours police had no choice but to release [Music] him Lawson's name was run through the crime database he had been identified by police intelligence units as a member of One of DC's most violent and feared street gangs the first and Kennedy Street crew named after the city blocks the group lived on and controlled organized in 1988 the crew was involved in drug dealing theft kidnappings driveby shootings and murder the men with Benny Lawson the night of the murders Kobe moat and Germaine Graves confronted him about the long hours he spent with the homicide detectives they believed he had snitched and told the police about the gang's involvement in the triple murder Lawson was infuriated by the accusation he hated the police he assured the two that he had revealed nothing to investigators no thing that they told me they got my no arrests had been made Graves was confident the cops had no evidence they W tell us nothing we had to get our money was not as sure he declared that he would leave the country rather than be indicted for murder Lawson vowed he would never go back to prison where he once had been raped what they ask Lawson returned home that night being labeled as snitch was an insult to his loyalty towards the crew and for a gang member on the streets it was a death sentence he was committed to gaining back the respect of the crew proving that he was not a snitch [Music] [Music] on November 22nd 1994 a few days before Thanksgiving Benny Loston returned to Metropolitan Police Department headquarters it was around 3:15 p.m. he was trying to locate the homicide department he had visited several days earlier hey he asked two teenagers for directions going that way through that door there they mistakenly led him to the Cold Case Squad okay well we'll see you there the team inside the office was made up of personnel from the MPD and the FBI whose job was to breathe life into the growing number of Unsolved homicide investigations inside the office were FBI agents Martha Dixon Martinez John Kua Mike Miller and Metropolitan Police police Sergeant Hank Dy at least consistent the teenagers who were there for a scheduled appointment began to speak with the [Music] officers with no warning Lawson pulled out his M11 assault handgun and started fir the headquarters of the Washington DC police was under attack repeated gunfire echoed through Washington DC police headquarters detectives raced to the third floor office where the shooting continued no one knew what was going on behind the locked doors of the C case Squad open come on open up the door open up the door across town at the FBI's Washington field office it was just a normal day like any other day and we were monitoring one of the Police radios and we heard a call go out that there had been a shooting um at MPD headquarters agents quickly determined the shooting was taking place inside the Cold Case office where several FBI agents were on duty and very quickly we started to page our agents that were assigned to the Cold Case homicide Squad to try to account for all of them and as time progressed we weren't hearing back from some of the agents and we realized that that we we might have some agents inside there and as we listened that the calls became more serious and they were requesting assistance critically wounded special agent John kufa was ined inside the Cold Case Squad office when the shooting had stopped you could hear the shouts from officers outside the office trying to get in Lo the help was just a few feet away at that point I Heard a Voice tell me they couldn't get in and I thought to myself you know I'm I'm not going to die in here uh I thought of you know my wife my mon old daughter at the time and and I knew that if I stayed awake if I continued to breathe if I continue to pray and if they got me to a hospital I'd be alive shot in the thigh arm stomach neck and chest Kua managed to open the door detectives pulled him out the only other visible person to The Rescuers was Metropolitan Police Sergeant Hank Daly barely clinging to life he was dragged from the room he was rushed outside where a helicopter waited to transport him to the hospital not knowing if the shooter was planning another Ambush the officers waited for the SWAT team to arrive FBI agents and SWAT teams from around the capital converged on the Metropolitan Police Headquarters yells continued from inside the room as the SWAT team arrived heavily armed they entered the [Music] room they first discovered FBI agent Mike Miller's body his weapon was still in its holster in an adjoining room the SWAT team discovered the body of an unidentified black male there was a gunshot wound on his hip and a fatal wound to his head FBI agent Martha Dixon Martinez was the final victim found she had gunshot wounds in her back near her lay the gun the shooter had likely used to kill her and the others an M11 assault weapon shouts for help came from inside a closet suspect in the Closet open the door slowly not knowing if he was a suspect or an innocent bystander the SWAT team apprehended one of the team had walked in the room before the shooting began on the other teenager had managed to flee the office earlier after being shot in the leg I don't even know the guy supervisory Special Agent Mark Giuliano and other agents arrived at the scene I just remember walking through the hallway and just seeing the chaotic scene and the blood and and just the the total um realm of emotions and everybody's face from you know being focused on on the mission of trying to figure out what happened and could there be other people involved based on the crime scene analysis investigators quickly reconstructed what had happened inside all shs over there yes after Miller Kua and Dy were ambushed agent Dixon Martinez joined the firefight she was able to shoot the suspect in the hip before being shot in the arm dropping her gun the attacker took her 9 mm handgun and shot the agent in the back as she tried to crawl for cover he then put the gun to his own head and pulled the trigger police fingerprinted the shooter hopefully his identity would shed light on his actions two FBI agents were dead Sergeant Hank Dy would not survive his injuries it would be the first time in8 years that more than one FBI agent had been killed at a single time it was also one of the worst attacks in history on the DC police agent Kua would endure seven major medical operations before recovering the loss of his Co workers Sergeant Hank Dy agents Mike Miller and Martha Dixon Martinez was devastating Martha Mike and Hank were law enforcement Heroes they didn't as much lose their lives as gave their lives for a cause of Justice For A Cause that they so deeply believed within hours the investigation was moving forward the Fingerprints of the shooter had come back when the information came up about the identity of the shooter a detective had the information came into a conference area where the majority of the homicide officials and detectives were uh and it was announced that the the shooter was Benny Lee Lawson Jr when homicide detective Anthony badini heard the news he realized his Squad was the probable Target of Lawson's Rampage Lawson and the first and Kennedy Street crew with the prime suspects in the triple murder of William ragman darene Hatchet and Gerald Gaither the shootings at headquarters showed just how far the gangs would go to protect themselves that c I think that law enforcement as a whole has learned that people operating gangs or crews are serious about what it is that they're doing um they won't stop at at any cost to get their mission accomplished now that Federal officers had been murdered the FBI was given jurisdiction in the investigation of the crew I was detailed to work jointly with the FBI to investigate the first and Kennedy Street crew who at that time we felt were responsible for um essentially Lawson's actions here at Police Headquarters after joining the task force radini Shar cared what he knew about Benny Lawson and the crew special agent John Kerr was on the team for him Benny Lawson's connection with the first and Kennedy Street crew raised serious questions was this just an act a random act by many Lee Lawson or were their accomplice um did they have any help in this were there will be any further attacks on on agents and police and uh so that that was a reason that we opened up an investigation they answer those questions was this a conspiracy investigators obtained a search warrant that night for the house Lawson had lived in please get out please get out in his room they uncovered a note written to the members of the DC homicide unit who had interrogated him threatening to kill them all right there Gang Related materials violent rap lyrics and drawings of murders were everywhere for investigators the items in Lawson's room reflected a fixation with violence common to virtually all gang members it was very obvious and disturbing that these individuals were living this lifestyle this is the lifestyle that they uh were a part of this is the lifestyle that they identified with and and wanted this they wanted to actually live the same lifestyle as the as the as the lyrics that they were writing the pictures they were drawing and the videos that they had as the victims of the shootings were laid to rest investigators were planning their strategy to ensure that these gang members could never kill again with six homicides on their hands including two FBI agents and a Washington D DC police detective a joint FBI MPD task force began gathering information on the first in Kennedy Street FBI Agent Mark Giuliano headed up to the task force and our goal was to a investigate the crew because they were a violent street gang and B to try to determine what the motivation was of Benny Lee Lawson to come into Police Headquarters and do what he did and to determine if there was anybody else involved at at either end either in help helping him get there to pull off what he did or helping uh the crew afterwards to cover up what had happened in the wake of the shootings at MPD headquarters police pressure on gang members increased the crew members reacted by spending less time on the [Music] streets building a case against them for their criminal activity would be difficult the crew was impenetrable to Outsiders planting an undercover agent inside the gang was too dangerous what we realized is that a we had a very close crew that is they they took care of each other and watched each other very closely but they were very very leery of Outsiders they had been leery before but they were even more leery now and that any attempts for us to get somebody an agent or a police officer on the inside was uh was not something that we were going to even attempt to do instead agents would have to gather intelligence on the crew through covert surveillance as time went on the gang returned to business as usual all right we got the FBI was watching we had uh extensive surveillance coverage of the area uh day and night uh identifying everyone that came on the Block identifying who the buyers were what time of day where did they go when they bought did they get get into a car did they go into an Alleyway uh did they do it hand to hand right there in front of you uh all these things we started to uh take notice of and document through surveillance the leaders of the crew were soon identified Kobe MOA and his second in command Germaine Graves the two men in the car with Benny Lawson in the night of the first triple homicide on the streets moat was known to be violent and unpredictable the reputation of Kobe moat was that of of fear that he would uh react quickly um at times he had a temper um he always carried a gun and could be extremely violent at times looking into Kobe's past investigators discovered he shared a common history with Graves and with Benny Lawson their relationship developed in 199 while serving together in Washington DC's Lon prison located in Northern Virginia they had been arrested and convicted for weapons violations while preparing for a driveby shooting on another game man do you know what happened to me here the task force members were convinced that moat and Graves played some role in all six murders but the leaders of the first and Kennedy Street crew continued to keep a low profile agents devised the long-term strategy that would net not only moat and Graves but also the entire gang membership think they would slowly build a conspiracy case against the crewp that would include the entire range of their criminal activities from crack cocaine traffing off the street well back hang on agents would work themselves Inside by first targeting individuals who regularly purchase their drugs from the crew this would allow them to watch and record the gang committing crimes and by arresting the buyers agents would have leverage to turn them into informs we'd come into an area when we thought that they'd be the most active in selling drugs and in order to identify someone and hopefully get lucky catch someone with some drugs and maybe force them to work for us at some point some of the buyers arrested were unwilling to cooperate at first the dangerous reputations of moat and Graves were well known but the threat of long prison sentences was powerful you know for one thing there's guns involved the FBI strategy paid off drugs involved I mean we found threatened with significant jail time one of the biggest drug suppliers to the crew decided to become an inform deter at the FBI's Direction he would generate conversation with crew members about their illegal activities and he'd have conversations with them and they' like to brag about what they've done um and at our Direction he would bring something up say an old driveby shooting or an old murder um or something about drug dealing and these individuals would just start to talk about it they talk about who was involved what happened all this was was being recorded see what got through the informant and the recordings agents learned that moat Graves and Lawson had killed previously Less Than 3 weeks before breaking into William raglan's house they had kidnapped and murdered another rival drug dealer what up boy what up William red Billy Woods was a well-known dealer from a rival gang Germaine Graves arranged to lure Woods to his mother's house uh once there moar Graves and Lawson robbed him and beat him get fearing the rival gang would retaliate against the crew they shot him three times and dumped his body in the r you can go down agents also heard testimony from another informant that further implicated moat Graves and Lawson in the triple murder William ragman's house down where first in Kennedy H he overheard Benny Kobe and Germaine Graves talking about the triple homicide and one of the things that he mentioned that they were giving Benny a hard time for was the fact that he threw up um at the scene of the triple homicide that's something that only the homicide detectives knew and that we knew and had not been released to the public the information was only circumstantial but months of surveillance and informant testimony gave agents enough evidence to obtain a search warrant for the homes of Kobe moat and Germaine Graves they would strike at Germaine Graves first a heavily armed SWAT team made their way in inside his house get down no one was there H one more agents would not leave empty-handed we were able to locate a uh 9mm gun semi-automatic pistol as well as some crack cocaine what we believe to be crack cocaine one of the members on the squad took the information that we got from the gun and put together an affidavit for an arrest War based on the fact that it was a convicted felon in possession of a firearm for several weeks Graves eluded investigators they continued surveillance hoping that he would turn up uh what's theob you have we really didn't know where he was uh we we had some ideas we knew he was still in the metro area but obviously he knew once we hit his house that we were looking for him and were was on on the street that we were looking for him so he was keeping a very low profile um during one of our very standard surveillances I saw an individual who walked like Germaine Graves just from the back I couldn't see his face so I asked one of the units to drive around the block and just take a look at the guy and the next thing I know they jumped out and and arrested him um they knew as soon as they pulled around the corner it was him and um you know he was arrested right on the street corner of firstman Kennedy just a few months after the first triple murder Graves was off the streets making a case against Kobe moat would prove more difficult with the arrest of gang member Germaine Graves on a weapons charge the FBI task force was one step closer to taking the first in Kennedy crew off of the Washington DC Street now agents were ready to serve a search warrant on the home of the crew's leader Kobe moat a SWAT team ented the house Kobe shared with his twin brother Karim the two never knew what hit [Music] them investigators found Gang Related documents drawings and writings and a small amount of [Music] marijuana they found no guns or evidence of the murders but that was not their prime interest the task force hunted for evidence of a larger crime pattern gang videos bad videos everywhere most of the evidence we were looking for at the time was list of crew members um shirts that they all wore with the the the logo on them pictures um phone books things that would associate this group together the Twins were arrested on drug charges and taken in for [Music] booking Kobe's time in jail was brief only his brother Kareem's fingerprints were on the bag of pot Kobe was released and the possession charge was dropped agents were determined to see him back behind bars you know what investiga has continued developing informance from within the gang you're supplying these guys drugs guns they got the break they were looking for facing jail time on a drug charge a member of the first and Kennedy crew agreed to cooperate finally investigators learned the answer to the question that had most plagued them I'll youal why did Benny Lee Lawson go into Police Headquarters and killed two FBI agents and an MPD Sergeant yeah Jimmy it started the night Kobe moat Germaine Graves and Benny Lee Lawson broke into the home of William Rond going with them stupid the Trio's plan had been to robed drug dealer Gerald Gaither Germaine Graves became frustrated by gaither's refusal to cooperate and he snapped killing three of the residents overwhelmed V loss and vomited outside the home to moat it was a sign of weakness scared man Jimmy man going on the informant continued when Lawson was brought in for questioning by investigators moat was sure Lawson had snitched he began to tell others in the crew that Lawson was cooperating he was sitting around you know we was at the barber shop Benny hated snitches he hated him uh he actually pistol whipped one uh individual whom he thought was snitching and and probably hated him more than any other crew member so to have Kobe think that he was ratting or snitching on him and to go out to First and Kennedy Street crew and have the rest of the crew look at him as a snitch um we believe was more than he could he could handle really for agents and investigators it was now clear that Kobe moat Germaine Graves and Benny Lawson had committed the triple homicide try to agents took their case to the US attorney's office through these conversations and the cooperating Witnesses plus the information that we uh that the police had from the car stop the night of the triple murder was left us no doubt that uh they had enough to get a murder warrant for these guys for the for the triple murder it was also clear that Kobe moat was part of the reason Benny Lee Lawson murdered Three Investigators inside the Metropolitan Police Police Department agents finally felt ready to go before a grand jury and present their conspiracy case against Kobe moat and the entire crew among the 57 charges that were handed down were indictments for nearly a dozen homicides drug trafficking armed robbery kidnapping and racketeering already in custody Graves was charged with three counts of felony murder an arrest warrant was issued for Kobe moat investigators returned to his house this time he wasn't home close door moving the closets had been emptied the place looked like it had been abandoned where our boys are like travel in the trash investigators found a receipt for a plane ticket it appeared that Kobe had kept his promise to flee rather than go to jail and the plane ticket was for just a few days before we hit the place and the plane ticket was from New York to Moscow and at that point U we knew that Kobi had most likely fled not only the area but most likely the country moat was one step ahead of the agents they tried tried to pick up his Trail in Russia but he was nowhere to be found investigators discovered there was a flight departing to Africa soon after he landed in Moscow the check of the passenger list revealed nothing there you are Sirah agents grew increasingly more frustrated moat was slipping away gentlem for 6 months FBI agents in Washington DC police tried to track fugitive Kobe Mo he could be hiding anywhere an international Manhunt was underway we literally went months without a break um we went through hundreds and hundreds of documents that we had obtained during search warrants um during various parts of of the uh investigation looking for overseas phone numbers looking for overseas relatives um once again without a break after several months agent John Kerr got a break through an informant he uncovered the name of an ex-girlfriend of Kobe's we had come up with addresses for one of the addresses we came up with we subpoenaed the toll records and sure enough we found a collect call from Kenya on one of her toll records and uh this was shortly after he would have arrived in Africa agents brought her in for questioning I don't know where he is she repeatedly denied knowing anything about Kobe mowatt's whereabouts he's out killing people agents confronted her about the phone records if she continued to withhold information they would serve her with a grand jury subpoena talk to my lawyer I don't believe that she decided to cooperate do she told investigators that Toby had in fact called her several times from Nairobi Kenya seen he had not called her recently she believed he might have moved on to Tanzania the information was immediately passed on overseas you you have to know where he is Mo's phone call to his ex-girlfriend had originated from a hotel in Nairobi a US Department of State Regional security officer in Kenya followed the lead like your assistance and find gent we know he stayed in your hotel the hotel owner said he had no recollection of Kobe Mo agent Giuliano received the news and it becomes very very frustrating because once again we're getting no new information we're not getting a break and we know that the only tie that we have now is this hotel in Nairobi Kenya so we go back to the regional security officers and asked them to go back out and reinw the individual again the hotel owner insisted he knew nothing about Kobe moat when shown photographs he seemed to hesitate the regional security officer kept pressing finally the owner asked for a guarantee that if he gave information Kobe would never be told the regional security officer agreed to protect him he said Kobe had in fact been to his hotel but he had left several months ago he gave the security officer a number that Kobe had called while at the hotel the call was to the east African country of Tanzania not let him know he got this information took agents a few days to determine why the hotel owner protected the first in Kennedy Street crew leader trouble what we determined is that Kobe's mother was um educated in Jamaica and during that process she had befriended several individuals who ended up going to various parts of the world she had an association with this hotel owner in Nairobi and she had made the contact to uh protect Kobe and to help him you have a nice day thank you perhaps the phone number in Tanzania eventually LED investigators to a local college professor he was a friend of Kobe mad's mother the FBI asked the Tanzanian National Police Department to follow the lead no the professor was unwilling to cooperate with the authorities certainly not a student okay the National Police began their own investigation into Kobe mt's whereabouts in their country as the search for the gang leader intensified in Tanzania agents and police in Washington DC C continued to build their case against the first and Kennedy crew they amassed volumes of evidence through surveillance and informant testimony over the previous year there were about 20 to 25 Metropolitan Police Department officers and FBI special agents working on this investigation Around the Clock whether it was uh determining um phone records or uncovering new murders that these guys had committed over the years on September 14th 1995 officers and agents executed over a dozen arrest warrants they search for any indication of the gang leaders whereabouts in Africa I got it they found nothing they collected additional evidence of a criminal Enterprise They confiscated Financial records guns DRS drugs and gang paraphernalia stay right there don't move some of those arrested agreed to cooperate in exchange for Less jail time investigators were slowly taking all of the gang members off the streets in Tanzania the search for Kobe moat was heating up the National Police Force developed their own informance and learned that moat had in fact been in contact with the university Professor don't know anything about perhaps I could take on small they returned to interview him he once more denied knowing anything about Kobe threatening the Jamaican born Professor with deportation the Tanzanian police convinced him to reconsider finally he admitted that helping Mo find a place to hide out he offered to take the authorities there and this Hut is literally out in the middle of the tribes people who are living in straw Huts or actually just living on the ground right amongst the the wild animals and amongst where they U grow their crops it was the last place on Earth authorities would have thought to look for moat unaware that the professor had betrayed his location moat was surprised to see the police approaching his Hut he set fire to anything that could potentially identify but the police quickly moved in and bced the Flames what did I do while they searched for a reason to place him in custody they never told moat why they were there they also determined that out in the back he's growing a small amount of marijuana or what they call bongi um and in that part of the the country it's a it's against the law and the penalty is 10 years in prison or $100 so they um they bought him in based on that premise telling him that he was going to be in car carcerated for that investigators in Washington received the news that moat was in custody but time was working against them the Tanzanian police could only hold Kobe on the possession charge for a short period as a drug trafficker moat had plenty of cash on hand to pay the $100 fine after days of diplomatic wrangling the arrangements for Mo's extradition to the United States were finalized [Music] agent Juliano and detective badini traveled to Tanzania to take him into custody investigators were finally face to face with the men who had eluded them for over a [Music] year when he came in um Kobe looked tired and uh um he looked like he he had been defeated um we explained to him what the charges were that he was being removed to the United States um that he had been indicted in the United States for a variety of charges in including several counts of first-degree murder um and racketeering moat was on his way back to the United States where he and fellow gang members faced 57 indictments are you okay with that Kobe moat and Germaine Graves would be convicted on all counts they were each sentenced to 35 years in a federal prison moet's capture in Africa allowed investigators to get the remaining first and Kennedy crew members off the streets when we bought Kobe back to the United States um he just had a domino effect on the rest of uh rest of the crew members um eventually every crew member pled guilty um because they they felt and actually told us that once they saw that we had uh found Kobe uh in East Africa and bought him back that uh they felt they didn't stand a chance FBI agents and DC police worked tirelessly to bring Justice to the victims of gang violence but this case was also personal only after the entire gang was in jail could they have a sense of closure and feel they had Vindicated the deaths of their friends Sergeant Hank Daly and FBI agents Mike Miller and Martha Dixon Martinez for agent John kufa who barely survived the attack at Police Headquarters the implications of this case were far-reaching when this group was locked up I think it sent a clear message to other criminal organizations out there operating in the District of Columbia and in that tri state area there that the uh FBI and the DC police will go to whatever lents are necessary if it takes them to other continents to track you down and find you and bring you back to the United States to Justice everybody's down in the 1990s Seattle Washington was plagued by hundreds of bank robberies most of the thieves were caught but one continued to elude the FBI wearing a disguise he stole Millions threatening to kill anyone who got in his way with no leads and little evidence agents feared the only way to stop him was to catch him in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] act [Music] [Music] every Bank teller's worst fear is to stare down the barrel of a robber's gun Banks use a variety of devices to discourage wouldbe robbers security cameras silent alarms and exploding die packs but when an elusive bank robber targeted Seattle's Banks none of these precautions were effective I'm Jim calom former head of the FBI's New York office it would take cunning precision and patience to capture a Master of Disguise the FBI knew only as Hollywood Seattle Washington 1992 the computer Revolution was growing technology entrepreneurs were pumping billions into the city's economy to accommodate the new found wealth Banks opened branches all over Seattle but neighborhood convenience also meant more opportunity for [Music] theft on the afternoon of June 25th at seafirst Banks Madison Branch it's the rivy two Mass gunmen threatened to shoot anyone who did not comply with their demands bu we're going to shoot one trained his gun on the frightened customers while the other forced a teller to empty her cash [Music] drawer stay [Music] down after the bag was filled they demanded car keys from one of the customers who they had watched pull up they warned the tellers not to hit in alarm where they would return and kill someone the two sped away with nearly [Music] $20,000 since the bank's deposits were insured by the federal government the FBI was called in to assist the Seattle Police one in front one in the back because no alarm had been tripped the bank security cameras were not activated ethnic or investigators had no photos of the Suspects customers and Bank employees described the gunman as being of medium height in Bill gentl one employee heard the man holding the cash called to his partner using the name Mark called the guy came to that door called the robbers had worn gloves so no fingerprints could be obtained investigators attempted to lift shoe prints from a desk where one of them had stood partial Treads were recovered which investigators believed were made by sneakers agents recorded the license plate number of the customer's stolen car a Cadillac sedan hours later the stolen Cadillac was discovered abandoned in a neighborhood close to the bank forensic technicians would pour over the vehicle's interior but find no fingerprints hairs or fibers foreign to the car 7 weeks passed with no leads then on Friday August 14th this is a robbery everybody the same bank was robbed again do you the thief struck alone wearing a new disguise one of the tellers believed it was the same man he appeared to be wearing theatrical makeup we didn't trip off any alarms did we fill that up his take was more than $8,000 and it was just the beginning over the next 3 months the same man hit four more Seattle area Banks each time AA solo gunman wearing theater makeup a hat and dark sunglasses was responsible he brandished a Glock 9mm pistol and threatened to kill anyone who tried to stop [Music] him on his sixth robbery the thief had gotten away with $252,000 and investigators still had no leads and no name special agent Shawn Johnson of the FBI Seattle field office began tracking this Master of Disguise who had come to be known as Hollywood it's much easier to coin a name for somebody than call him tall white male and a blue hat so uh with this person in particular he wore once again this elaborate facial disguise makeup uh so somewhere along the line somebody started calling him Hollywood because of that and that name stuck with him Hollywood had gone silent since he'd robbed SE First Banks haw Thorn branch in Northeast Seattle his take from that location exceeded a quar of a million [Music] dollars to date Hollywood had grabbed over $320,000 from Seattle area Banks authorities had recovered none of the stolen cash and they still had no clues to his identity as the months pass investigators wondered if he had quit or moved on to another [Music] city then on November 24th 1993 just over a year since his last Heist Hollywood struck again brandishing his trademark Glock pistol Hollywood HED the customers together don't move on he returned to cir bank's Hawthorne Branch the bank he had previously hit for more than A4 million's the he asked for the reserve [Music] cash unsatisfied with the cash draw take he ordered a teller to let him into the vault in a back [Music] room [Music] [Applause] Hollywood emerged with nearly [Applause] $100,000 again he threatened to kill anyone who hit an alarm no one disobeyed his orders when Hollywood came into the banks he was very much in control he was polite to a degree but it didn't make people comfortable uh they were very afraid that he would use the weapon he brandished it he actually pointed at a number of people during the course of the robberies so we knew that he was not afraid uh to show the weapon and also to possibly use that weapon against somebody who didn't obey what he told them to do security strategies in Seattle banks at this time included using marked bills to trace stolen money another tactic was die packs hidden in inside a stack of bills the packs contain red D and an electronic charge all right it's going to work forast underneath one the pack detonates and stains a thief when he crosses Senses at the bank's exit TI silent alarms made it possible for tellers to call the police without alerting the robbers you video cameras monitored every corner of the bank they'll take a picture about every 7 second so far Hollywood had somehow managed to defeat all these measures need to give us a call July 13th 1994 Hollywood attacked his 10th Bank in 2 years he used a stun gun to threaten Bank employees the teller risked her life pushing a silent alarm Independence West leg bank and truck robbery and Hollywood looted the cash drawer unaware that Patrol units were racing to the Sea shut up and don't touch any butt get all don't touch any but [Music] go all right he fled with nearly $112,000 a witness outside the bank saw him get into a dark blue Dodge [Music] Caravan the second person drove it the witness was unable to see the vehicle's license [Music] [Applause] tag after police secured the scene another bank employee arrived for work oh very good thank you tell me what you saw he told police about an incident on the previous day the employee noticed a man taking notes in front of the bank standing next to a blue Dodge [Music] Caravan about the witness said he was too far away to get a good look at his face I appreciate you uh coming forward and if you can think of any other details to agent Johnson it appeared that Hollywood studied the locations before [Music] striking he would uh scout out the banks days before get a feel for the layout uh who came who went from the bank at given times Hollywood's planning was paying off he had gotten away with over $660,000 he struck most often on Wednesdays or Thursdays the next time he appeared was 6 month months later the alarm as he filled his bag the teller overheard a radio call from beneath his coat urging him to exit when he passed the bank sensors a die pack exploded for the first time he had failed in a robbery attempt a witness outside the bank took down the license plate number of the getaway car special agent Johnson was able to trace the vehicle we ran the license place from the cars and they came back to uh a couple who lived in Tacoma Washington south of Seattle so I went and talked to the couple to find out how their car had been sold stations to test drive they had advertised the car in a local paper shape he did ask if it run and we told him the buyer paid $1,200 in cash without test driving it the couple described the buyer as a white male in his late 30s or early 40s of medium height and weight based on their description a sketch artist created a likeness of the suspect I think that looks the FBI now had their first glimpse of what Hollywood might look [Music] like by the spring of 1995 a masked Seattle gunman had robbed 12 Banks of nearly a million dollar and left behind few Clues investigators dubbed him Hollywood for his use of disguises and theatrical makeup the only lead that agents had was a sketch of what they believed was the face behind the mask special agent Shawn Johnson looked for a pattern if he could figure out similarities among the bankers Hollywood robbed perhaps he could predict when and where he would strike next I went back uh and visited all the banks that Hollywood had hit since June of '92 what I was looking for was some commonality how many doors were in the banks what was the layout of the lobby where was The Vault located was it downstairs upstairs on the main floor what was the size of the parking lot was it adjacent to the bank was it across the street uh what kind of street was this Bank located on John discovered that most of the banks were in commercial districts where area businesses made their [Music] deposits the banks also barded residential areas this enabled Hollywood to blend into the surrounding neighborhood without arousing suspicion he liked uh three areas of the city primarily the Northeast part of town Madison Park which is just outside of downtown and West Seattle so uh once again looking at the types of banks he hit the branches uh themselves and areas of the city we came up with a pattern of uh likely Targets in March of 1995 3 years after Hollywood's initial Heist the Puget Sound violent crimes task force was [Music] formed staffed with investigators from five different agencies they had one goal in mind to take Hollywood off the streets Hollywood struck most often around noon and almost always on the last three days of the work week two particular ones tell you what four of his past five robberies occurred in late January or early February agents calculated that Hollywood appeared to be going through about $2,000 a month thetive Mike McAn joined the task force in June of 1995 Manan knew the streets and had many bank robbery collars to his credit it was my belief that at least 95% of the people that I arrested were narcotics users the other 5% I believed to be gamblers Thrill Seekers professionals or people that were working out of sheer desperation where I'd classify Hollywood was that he was a well trained welld disciplined professional Manan poured over the security camera photos of Hollywood he noted the weapons he brandished were a 9mm Glock and a stun gun at the time these arms were being considered as Weapons of choice among law enforcement the detective also noticed that Hollywood indexed his trigger finger on the side of the 9mm a technique taught to police officers many of the robberies occurred in the late morning between 11:00 a.m. and noon precisely the time when a shift changed for the Seattle Police occurred the evidence pointed to a frightening possibility Hollywood might be a cop and the reason I I thought he was a police officer is he knew so much about how we operated that he was probably watching us or listening to us uh he had he was disciplined he uh was in and out of the banks quickly he moved swiftly he just knew a lot about the the policy procedures of the bank he knew that the the areas that he was hitting in were primarily you know residential areas that don't have much police presence in them then something else caught his eye he noticed that Hollywood was wearing a radio on his belt if Hollywood was communicating with awae perhaps police could intercept the transmission the detective contacted an Electronics expert known as the glitch with his help began hope to gain an advantage rectangle I had sat down with this person and showed him the uh surveillance photographs of Hollywood and the two-way radio he had and he was able to determine the frequency most common to those radios that he would work off and it was two different frequencies the glitch offered to rig up a scanner in manan's unmarked car9 how did you come up this by e Shing on Hollywood investigators hoped they could pinpoint his whereabouts and catch him in the act the idea didn't work special agent Johnson was stationed outside a bank in Northeast Seattle monitoring the radio when Hollywood and an accomp struck [Music] elsewhere it's about 11:30 uh I was going to break off about 12:00 and all of a sudden I heard the Seattle police radio saying we've had a bank robbery first Interstate Bank and that was about 2 miles from my location I heard the physical description I knew at that point it was Hollywood and he had come back on one of those three days I had predicted a year before and we just missed it a bystander outside the bank got the license number like his first robbery the getaway car was found in a neighborhood near the bank the FBI traced the car back to its owner who said he had sold it to a man for cash a few weeks earlier I had the owner come up and look at the vehicle and I said is there anything different about this car from when he sold it and he said sure overall condition of your uh engine compartment here is anything the owner noticed the car had a new battery different here noce any differ it's about the same agents found that the car had been wiped down inside and out the owner also noticed the two of the tires have been replaced with newer ones so I went to trace the the tires found out they' had been bought in Tacoma Washington the battery bought at a Sears store in Tacoma about 2 days after the car was purchased so I knew at that point that uh these people whether it was Hollywood and/or his Partners were in the area at least two months before the robberies working with a sketch artist the owner described the buyer investigators now had two composite sketches but they were still no closer to catching Hollywood supervisory special agent Ellen Glasser was brought in to head the task force she made the decision to go on the offensive it's one thing to put pen to paper and to put your thought processes at work and try to solve a case it's another when you take a proa posture in an investigation knowing that you might get into a confrontation with somebody like Hollywood the supervisor realized that a more aggressive stance would Place her agents in Greater Peril Hollywood had repeatedly threatened to kill anyone who tried to stop him we knew he had a propensity for violence and figured that if he was going to these elaborate means to disguise himself to plan the robberies that he probably would not uh necessarily give up easily as most others did and we were concerned about the safety of law enforcement and safety of customers and employees of the banks okay he's taking a lot of care more Personnel were assigned to specific areas of the city targeting the banks hit most often by Hollywood Vehicles certainly so we came up with a game plan saying okay we're going to be out on the streets on Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays between these periods of time knowing full well that uh greed would probably take the better part of Hollywood and he would come back and Rob another bank even with the amount of money he'd already taken on May 22nd 1996 despite the increased presence of law enforcement Hollywood hit the First Interstate Bank in the affluent suburb of Madison Park it was his 14th known robbery to generate leads agents reached out to the community we increased the reward to $50,000 that we were offering in the community for tips we didn't want to have the media work against us now we didn't want to glamorize Hollywood and and cause copycat bank robbers to to go out and and rob banks but we also felt that we needed the public agents saturated Madison Park with hundreds of wanted Flyers perhaps heightened public awareness could also help eliminate that neighborhood as a potential Target then law enforcement could increase Manpower in the remaining neighborhoods the campaign yielded nothing Hollywood had not surfaced in months they consulted a police profiler to learn how Hollywood might react if and when he was cornered could be someone who is familiar or someone who is taken out of based on his broad knowledge of violent criminal Behavior the profiler told him that Hollywood would not go quietly a littlear and it was very important for us to hear him say this guy is going to resist arrest this guy will not want to go into custody this guy will fight you this guy is dangerous authorities could only guess when where Hollywood would strike next and if his gun would remain [Music] silent for almost 4 years Hollywood had threatened to shoot anyone who got in his way agents were convinced that if he was challenged the masked gunman would shoot to kill do you understand it by 1996 a mass gunman known only as Hollywood had robbed 14 Seattle Banks trip off any alarms he threatened to kill dozens of people for his take of $1.2 million over 4 years though Hollywood had not fired his weapon agents believed that if confronted he would kill supervisory special agent Ellen Glasser showed the task force a videotape of what could happen if they were not prepared we have been using for training in the FBI a video of the tragic firefight that took place in 1986 in Miami where we lost two of our agents and several other agents were wounded what they were doing that day is they were on a surveillance for two dangerous bank robbery suspects so there were some obvious parallels to what we were doing on April 11th 19886 the FBI confronted two armed bank robbers in Miami a shootout erupted the gunman Advanced while the agents were reloading their revolvers killing two of them and seriously wounding five others that Miami shootout was a reminder of How High the stakes were we can't always be 100% prepared but we should be thinking have a plan all right come on [Music] set to avoid repeating the tragedy that occurred in Miami Glasser developed more uniform procedures between the various agencies the Seattle SWAT team trained alongside special agent Johnson we did extensive training with them uh firearms training uh felony car stops uh how to take people out of cars uh different situations and how we would respond to a bank robbery that Hollywood had committed uh and that was all done under Ellen glasser's supervision and her number one concern of course was the safety of all the people involved get out get out get out detective Manan knew they needed to make sure all Personnel were on the same page it also gave us a chance to test our Communications because the FBI doesn't work off uh police Communications they had their own so what we had to do is is get everybody on board on the same radio frequency to prevent the danger of friendly fire all Personnel were required to wear clothing with emblazoned logos it looked really good otherwise but you had your head up just a little too long as Thanksgiving approached Glasser beli they were as prepared as they could be got make 360 it's all around it's not just well that Wednesday that day before Thanksgiving in 1996 it started out just like any other day I went to work thinking I was going to catch up on some of my overdue paperwork thinking that I was looking forward to the holiday the next day having a day off the banks would be closed and thinking that people needed a rest because they had been working so hard agent Glasser detective Manan and detective pet Erikson with the last ones in the office when an alert tone came over the radio at 5:41 and upon hearing that I knew that it was Hollywood that had hit and I'm looking around the office thinking well Pete's here and I looked at him and said do you want to go he goes oh yeah let's go and Ellen saw me run down the hall and she's yelling Mike what's going I said Hollywood hit do you want to go she goes yes so she grabbed her coat and we all left the task force office and my car was parked right outside the front door we ran down and turned on the lights and in the siren and put the light on the roof and away we went multiple suspects had robbed a bank in Lake City the Seattle suburb just minutes from Task Force Headquarters as soon as we got into Mike's car I could hear the Seattle police radio traffic and I remember hearing the references to the makeup and it was really those references to the pancake makeup that that made it resonate in my head that this was it this was it they got another call a witness had seen a vehicle exit the bank's parking lot in an erratic manner a vehicle matching the description had been [Music] spotted the police believed they had found the getaway car it turned out to be a false alarm to you later the engine was [Music] cold 20 minutes had passed since the first call Manan was sure that Hollywood had transferred to a different vehicle by now he would need a place to change he would need place to take that makeup off that wig off to change his clothing uh to put the weapons you know so put the weapons away or the money the getaway car there would most likely be a van detective Manan continued to cruise the side streets in the residential area near the bank from past robberies Manan and agent Glasser knew this was where he would most likely change Vehicles some units were responding to one location and Mike was saying that's not him that's not him he' patrolled in these streets he'd grown up in Seattle he knew every nook and cranny of the town in that area after several minutes minutes of crisscrossing the main roads they pulled up behind a white van there was condensation on the insides of the windows I mean heavy condensation where the the beads of water were dripping down on the insides of the van but there were flashlights moving about the van real quick light and it had dark windows tinted windows on it Manan had a strong suspicion it was [Music] Hollywood they called in to check the plates the driver of the van ignored the emergency lights and pulled away dispatch vehicle the investigators had no way of knowing how many persons were in the van or if they had any weapons if it was Hollywood they knew at the very least he would be carrying a 9mm Glock by this time I knew he knew we were behind him he could see me he he just knew we were there and he drove Northbound and slowly came to a stop they prepared to approach the idling van good when I got out alls I saw was this person holding the rifle up Port Arms and stepped out from the side and took aim at me with that rifle and right then I feared that I was going to be shot and killed the rifle jammed fired into the rear of the van the Chase had turned into a firefight get in get in on the night before Thanksgiving 1996 Three Investigators had just fired at a fleeing van after its driver had attempted to shoot them with a rifle they believe the van held a man known only as Hollywood an elusive bank robber special agent Shawn Johnson responded to the call for backup my pager went off I looked at it and knew immediately there had been a bank robbery uh I called the office and was told that uh uh Hollywood uh based on the description that they had gotten Hollywood had just robbed a bank seir bank Lake City branch in the north part of town still several miles away Johnson raced to the location [Music] as the van came to another stop backup [Music] arrived the gunman ducked back into the van and the chase resumed special agent glaster felt it was a miracle the three of them had survived unharmed I think that's partially by the grace of God because these these rounds were found in the windshield of the car that was behind us so they went right over us they continued to pursue the unidentified gunman through the residential neighborhood the agent updated their new position for approaching [Music] units they followed the van until it disappeared around a [Music] turn fearful he might be driving into an ambush Manan got out and continued the pursuit on foot detective Manan told a K9 Officer to cover the right side while he moved up on the left and I'm was trying to think am I doing everything right I'm alive there's no bullet holes and me my co-workers are alive plenty of help is behind us and I knew plenty of help was in front of us coming at [Music] us up ahead they could see the lights from an approaching Seattle police cruiser it intercepted the van forcing it off the [Applause] [Music] road [Music] the van had come to rest in the front yard of the house investigators still had no idea how many were in the vehicle right out of the van keep where we can see do are opening the side doors burst open but no one came out C hand your hand down two men badly wounded were pulled from the [Applause] [Music] van one suspect had taken three rounds the bullets had penetrated his left shoulder thigh and [Music] stomach the other had been hit in his right shoulder and I looked down at him and said what's your name and he said Steve I said Steve what and he said Steve Meyers and I said are you Hollywood and he says no oh the other suspect was taller and heavier than the gunman from the security camera photoos police believed he was not Hollywood either the detective turned his attention to the van but no one else was inside and I'm thinking where's the third suspect you're saying the suspect got out are you positive they're saying yes he got out when he saw us he took off off so I'm thinking oh my God investigators quickly organized a search both on the ground and in the air a third suspect probably Hollywood was on the Run police believed he was armed they did not know how far he could get if he was wounded as the search continued a forensic team processed the van and in the back of the van there was a guitar case that had been converted into a gun carrying case and a blue nylon bag that that had money in it and it was a a big bag of money the robbers had left behind more than a million dollars they also found pieces of a latex mask most likely belonging to Hollywood scattered around the blood soaked interior investigators found an assault rifle a semi-automatic shotgun two pistols and several boxes of ammunition Hollywood's block 9mm pistol was nowhere to be found could have taken hostage in a house yeah I that did cross my mind that you know maybe he ran into a house and was holding a family hostage and would hold him in until you know the early hours of the morning or traffic until traffic died out or he could be watching us he could be one of us wherever he was and whoever he was Hollywood had eluded the FBI once more after 4 years of pursuit the massed bank robber known as Hollywood had eluded capture again following his 15th known bank robbery but two of of his accomplices had been taken into custody one was identified as Mark Biggins bins had been Hollywood's accomplice in three of the robberies including their first he wore the Reagan mask the other accomplice was Steve Meyers the man who drove Hollywood's getaway cars special agent Johnson pressed Myers for Hollywood's real name you need to tell me uh who this person is where he is uh and he finally said okay I'll tell you uh the person you're looking for is uh Scott Scurlock Scott Scurlock wasn't a police officer he was a local actor agents moved in on his 20 acre ranch in Olympia Washington an hour south of [Music] Seattle got search War clear left but no one was there clear investigators found a semi-automatic 9 mm Glock okay SC our n take it out agents recovered $23,000 in cash [Music] The Searchers also found a dozen pairs of canvas athletic shoes the same kind that Hollywood was reported to have worn in several robberies check over here behind the house agents approached a barn all right left inside they found tools building materials into equipment on the dusty floor one of the agents noticed some footprints that led to a trap [Music] door it opened into an underground [Music] chamber see light switch anywhere right here agents had no way of knowing if Hollywood was hiding there with a gun yeah Scurlock wasn't there but behind the curton they discovered a second room it was a complete makeup [Music] studio the agents also found a photograph of skir Lo without makeup you see what we've been looking for it's got Hollywood it's man it's got to be behind the barn special agent Shawn Johnson and his team came across a large Treehouse it sat about 60 ft up into the trees it was built on seven cedar trees uh it consisted of three stories I had numerous ramps that extended out from The Treehouse it was uh something to behold hey agent searched the Treehouse they found no sign of Scurlock police were still patrolling the neighborhood where the shootout had occurred the night before Searchers had combed the area but found no trace of The Fugitive then a report came in that a man had spotted someone hiding in a camper behind his mother's house come out of the trailer police responded and approached the camper sir police officer come out of the trailer they identified themselves but received no response an officer emptied a can of pepper spray into the window police come out of the trailer a shot see get the [Music] back police set up a perimeter around the camper and called in reinforcements agent Johnson had just returned from searching scurlock's property within minutes of arriving at the office uh having not even unloaded the evidence I heard on the Seattle police radio uh shots had been exchanged at a location about two blocks away from the the previous night's events so without even uh uh beginning to unload the evidence I took off again heading Northbound out of town uh light and irons to this uh location every available unit converged on the site supervisory special agent Glasser had gone home after the shootout by that point in time I had decided not to cook a turkey on Thanksgiving I had changed the reservations for where we were going to eat Thanksgiving to a later time so that we could all be together as a family and we were almost out the door um when we got a call from the office that Hollywood was barricaded in a trailer no other shots had been fired since that first exchange come on Scot come out scurlock's girlfriend was brought to the scene anything we just need to know you're okay if it was the Fugitive perhaps she could persuade him to give himself up come out come on Scott come out there was no [Applause] response got nobody knew for sure who was in the camper yeah out of options the SWAT team was called to [Applause] [Music] action hoping to flush out the suspect they fired two rounds of tear gas into his Refuge they heard nothing SWAT members entered cautiously and the initial radio communication with the SWAT team said there's lots of blood uh but we see no body and I my first reaction to that was is this guy a ghost or what how can there be no body and then just seconds later they say we've we've got a body through the smoke a white male could be seen lying lifeless on the floor a gun near his head [Music] scurlock's photograph was compared to the body it matched the coroner later determined that his death had been self-inflicted Mark bins recovered from his wounds he and Steve ERS pled guilty to bank robbery assault on a Federal Officer and Firearms violations they were sentenced to 21 years in a federal prison Scott Scurlock had hidden behind a mask for 4 and A2 years but when the FBI struck back the man they called Hollywood found there was no place left to hide in the Pacific Northwest tragedy would forever bind three women who would never meet one disappeared just months before her wedding another vanished leaving two children behind a third survived her night of Terror and spoke for the others she never knew the hunt for a serial killer LED FBI agents cross country as they followed his deadly [Music] [Applause] [Music] Trail The Disappearance of young women trigger a search that span the Pacific Northwest even a massive media campaign failed to locate The Drifter who first Charmed then killed them as investigators followed his Trail he always stayed one step ahead I'm Jim krom former head of the FBI's New York office in a case that landed on the FBI's 10 most wanted list agents hoped that the one victim to killer spared would help put him behind bars March 28th 1987 luron Kon left a party in the suburbs of Tacoma Washington at 4 in the morning he was looking forward to a day of fishing come with me I'm having a good time lon's fiance 22-year-old Robin Smith decided to stay she was having a good time Robin assured luron she'd be fine I love you I love you too she would just get a ride home from someone she'd met at the party after fishing all day Saturday luron fell asleep exhausted he didn't wake up until early Sunday afternoon Robin he hadn't seen his Fe say Robin S the Party 2 days earlier Robin concerned the young man called Robin's mother hello yeah Ed Smith had assumed her daughter was with luron uh no let me check just a minute Robin she checked to see if Robin was in her old bedroom [Music] Robin no I haven't seen her per she'd come in late without being heard Lon told Edna not to worry okay I'll be there in a few minutes maybe Robin had decided to spend the rest of the weekend at their friend's house hello about an hour later luron and Robin's brother arrived at the apartment no one there I don't guess they have any choice with no sign of Robin her family decided to call police Lon joined the Smiths at their house to wait for detectives from the Pierce County Sheriff's Office they were all worried Robin had never done anything like this before always she's home she didn't come home at all last night they described Robin as a happy young woman though quiet she worked long hours as a waitress saving most of her money to help pay for her upcoming wedding detective Terry Wilson and his partner initiated an investigation important information we receive from her mother Miss Smith it was unlike Robin to have just walked up and taken off she was engaged to get married uh she was close to her family and every time she ever went any place her family was she usually told him where she was going to be at and so this was unlike her Lon Kon told detectives about the last night he'd seen Robin early in the morning of March 28th Robin and luron hung out at a bar until it closed at 2: a.m. some people they had met during the evening invited them to an after hours party at their nearby apartment the place was rented by Elizabeth Glenn and Darren de O'Neal luron and Robin were having such a good time they didn't want it to end I left very early the last place Lon had seen Robin was at the party before before you got to what time did you detective Wilson went to the duplex where the party had been held he found Elizabeth Glenn at home no I feel they leave together she corroborated lon's story and told the detective that she had intended to drive Robin home how long you live but as the night wore on her plans changed Darren seemed more interested in Robin so Elizabeth remained in the kitchen and flirted with a man named Mike Broda Elizabeth told the detective that she and pra had made plans to meet later at his apartment where they could be alone Roda left the party first to avoid arousing Darren's suspicions by Daybreak Darren D O'Neal hardly seemed to notice he was wrapped up telling Robin about his favorite author Louis LaMore who wrote stories about the wild west Western so about living off the land O'Neal was unemployed and talked about living off the land like the Outdoorsman in lamore's books really yeah I'm going do that one day Elizabeth had heard it all before more at about 8:00 a.m. she left the apartment to meet Broda she told O'Neal and Robin she was going out to buy more [Music] beer when she returned 24 hours later O'Neal and Robin were gone Elizabeth pointed out that she found several items missing from the apartment weird I have no idea in searching the apartment we found that there was a television that had been pulled out and the television electrical cord had been removed there was a couple of lamps from his girlfriend had told us that had extension cords on it these were missing some a lot of his clothes were gone and she specifically mentioned that there was a blanket that also was missing from the house is this yours in a file box Wilson also found social security cards with several different aliases they included the unusual name of zebulun mcran when detective Wilson told his partner what he'd learned detective Walt Stout immediately suspected Foul Play Robin was left on with Darren O'Neal and something happened at that residence after that uh it would be speculation that maybe Darren tried to come on to her physically or sexually she may have rejected that or there was some something that happened there and I I believe she was probably assaulted in that house detective's next question Dennis Morrison O'Neal's friend former employer got a few questions for Morrison said O'Neal had worked for him as a Carpenter where where's the last time you saw him it was last were alone he said he had seen O'Neal just a few days earlier it was Saturday afternoon the day after the all night party running kind of low on cash man you a got O'Neal stopped by to ask for traveling money he said he was heading east over the Cascade Mountains Morrison had no cash to give him O'Neal was about to leave when Morrison realized he could write him a check he went to O'Neal's car to make the offer his friend seemed nervous and anxious to leave then a movement in the back of the car caught Morrison's eye it looked like something was pushing against the back seat from inside the trunk O'Neal told him it was his dog he put it there to punish him if marrison could say another word O'Neal pulled away that's all he said heard from Morrison described the car as a tan Chrysler with Montana tags afternoon day after the party authorities knew they were 3 days behind O'Neal by now he could be anywhere Detectives contined to pursue the handful of O'Neal's known contacts in the area they called Gary Skinner the owner of another cabinet shop where O'Neal had worked part-time he told detectives he'd been looking for Darren O'Neal since his last day at work when Darren left he apparently took a hammer with him from the shop because it was missing and Mr Skinner couldn't account for it having been uh taken in any the other way with no leads pointing to his whereabouts Pierce County detectives hoped O'Neal's past would provide some answers a background check revealed that the suspect was no stranger to trouble he had um warrant s arming he had been in trouble in Colorado he had been uh been accused of sexual assault physical assault some of all all his victims that we were aware of had been females so a profile of him was starting to form that we looking for a person who is um Pro predatory in nature but violent for sure Pierce County deputies entered everything they knew about Darren de O'Neal into the National Crime information database the ncic a listing of criminals and victims Nationwide they included his physical characteristics a description of his tattoos and the make and model of his car if O'Neal were picked up by any Police Department in the country Pierce County would be notified immediately detectives also helped Robin's family launch a media campaign to locate the missing woman Robin's picture was posted all over the Tacoma Washington area along with O'Neal's the campaign began to generate leads O'Neal was spotted and in a local hospital alone on March 29th there was no security at the hospital but the ER nurses were nervous uh at this man's presence so they did call a couple of male employees of the hospital and Darren ultimately left without receiving any treatment for some scratches that were visible investigators believed Robin had inflicted the scratches on O'Neal's face when he attacked her the hospital staff told police that the scruffy man bore a teardrop tattoo at the corner of one eye the letters ju u n e were tattooed across the knuckles of one hand detectives learned that June was the name of O'Neal's ex-wife excuse me the media campaign continued to generate leads a highway flagman had seen O'Neal in his car at two different locations on March 30th 2 days after Robin's [Music] disappearance the first sighting was on a highway construction site east of Tacoma construction just keep us slow O'Neal was heading south when the flagman waved him through leave this low sir he also saw O'Neal a few hours later at a gas station off the same Highway hang on a second I want you to take a look at some pictures he called police when he recognized the man's face from the newspaper to be sure the detective showed the flagman a photo lineup take a look it included a mug shot of O'Neal alongside five others the flagman picked out O'Neal immediately as investigators continued the hunt a Washington state trooper spotted a tan Chrysler with Montana tags on the afternoon of March 30th the same day the flagman had seen [Music] O'Neal it had been abandoned on the side of Interstate 5 about 50 Mi north of Pierce County 2 days after robins's [Music] disappearance on a of the ongoing investigation the officer found nothing suspicious about the car he followed proper procedure by calling in the license plate and vehicle [Music] description a Communications officer entered the tag number into a database the information should have triggered the NCC listing on O'Neal and his vehicle it did [Music] not she had mistakenly typed the abbreviation m o for the state of Missouri instead of Mt for Montana the trooper on Highway 5 was still unaware that this was the very car Darren D O'Neal had been driving following Robin Smith's [Music] disappearance investigators best clue was about to be tow to the inbound lot on March 30th 1987 a Washington state trooper found a tan chryler with Montana tags 50 Mi east of Tacoma misinformed by his Communications officer the trooper was unaware that Darren D O'Neal the man wanted in connection with The Disappearance of Robin Smith had abandoned the [Music] car the vehicle was to to an impound lot for future [Music] sale a few days later the local paper ran an article about Robin Smith's Abduction the story described O'Neal's car it sounded similar to a Chrysler the tow truck operator had recently impounded he checked the make model and license plate they matched he quickly notified police detectives ran a check of the Chrysler vehicle ID number a man calling himself zebulin mccahan was reported to have stolen it from an Idaho residence in 1986 Wilson immediately remembered the peculiar name from an ID card he'd found at O'Neal's home it was one of the suspect's aliases at the Pierce County West Precinct garage detectives and evidence technicians processed the Chrysler they hope to find some trace evidence linking O'Neal or Robin to the car while technicians searched the interior the detective IV moved to the trunk they found a large quantity of dried blood detectives also found a Blood Stained lavender jacket Mrs Smith later identified the Garment as Robins they also recovered teeth bone chips and a clump of hairir O'Neal's fingerprints on empty beard cam pointed to his involvement if detective Wilson had held out some slim hope that Robin was still alive it was now gone we felt now that we probably had a homicide on our hands by the way the type of blood that was found in the trunk and the amount of blood was found and so we started focusing on Darren as a homicide suspect at this point in time the whole tone of the investigation started changing the to charge O'Neal with murder examiners at the Washington State forensics Lab First needed to confirm that the hair and bone fragments belong to Robin Smith Pierce County Sheriff's requested Robin's dental records and blood type sent to the lab but there was a problem Robin had not been to the dentist since childhood she also had never documented her blood type since a definitive match with known samples could not be made murder charges could not be filed as the hunt for suspected killer Darren D O'Neal ground to an abrupt halt 120 Mi to the north detective carlot Jared of the Bellingham Washington Police Department was working on a similar case Wendy oi a 28-year-old single mother was reported missing when she failed to pick up her daughter Wendy had a date the evening of April 24th 1987 stheart she left her daughter with the child's grandmother when Wendy failed to return her call the grandmother drove over to her house to find the little girl's favorite [Music] pillow on Wendy's bed she found blood stains and called the [Music] police detective Jared obtained a warrant to search the house Wendy's car a red Ford Torino was [Music] missing the front door to Wendy's house had been left unlocked the wallet and keys were missing in the bedroom detective Jared found evidence of a brutal attack there was bodily fluids in the bed and there was a great amount of pulled blood underneath that pillow which had seeped to the mattress below there was low to medium impact velocity blood spatters on a wall and there were also blood smears on the wall Bellingham Police retrieved the entire bed as evidence on the headboard they found more of Wendy's blood along with two blonde hairs that did not belong to the missing woman police also recovered an acrylic fingernail Wendy's friends told police that she had worn acrylic nails on her date with a man named Michael Johnson Wendy had met Johnson earlier that afternoon on her lunch break he was the new bartender at laloma restaurant detective Jared checked the restaurant for leads I contacted the owner to see if she'd filled out an employment application for Mr Johnson and and the only thing she had was a placem that he had written some information on she gave that place mat to me and we did and process it for fingerprints while the detective waited for results she visited a local Mission which the bartender had listed on the placem as his residence detective Jared spoke to the desk clerk at the mission who remembered the day Johnson checked out he had seen Mr Johnson at the mission at 7:30 in the morning on the day after that uh Wendy a he had had a date with him and at that time he was wearing black slacks a vest a white shirt and a tie and told him he was going to work he also said he had met a lady and he was going to move in with her this person also said that Mr Johnson was driving a red Torino and drove away in it previous to this point he' had no vehicle on May 4th 1987 Jarrett received a phone call from police in Eugene Oregon they had found Wendy's car a red Ford Torino abandoned in the parking lot of a Tavern inside police recovered fingerprints that matched the fingerprints found on the place mat ex a check through the automated fingerprint identification system revealed that the prince belonged to Darren D O'Neal the man wanted for the suspect murder of Robin Smith detective Jared contacted authorities in Pierce County 120 Mi south of Bellingham is they quickly realized There Were Striking similarities in both cases since we were convinced that Darren O'Neal was responsible for Robin Smith's death and we also felt that he was responsible for Wendy ai's disappearance and possible death we felt that the rest of the people in the country were also at Great risk from Darren O'Neal Pierce County deputies called in the FBI to assist in the hunt former special agent Dell oros of the FBI's Tacoma resident agency was ass signed the case at that point we knew we were dealing with an individual who was extremely mobile and extremely dangerous he had the history of a violent sexual predator and now he had the current tag or label of a murderer since Wendy and Robin's bodies were still missing formal murder charges were not filed sexual assault charges against O'Neal were still pending in Colorado the FBI opened a federal case against The Fugitive for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution still O'Neal managed to stay one step ahead no one knew where the suspected serial killer fled after he left [Music] Oregon and authorities still had no murder case unless they found the bodies of the missing [Music] women in May 1987 evidence pointed to the brutal slaying of two innocent women in Washington state the FBI and local police launched a media campaign to flush out suspected killer Darren D [Music] O'Neal dozens of Agents fanned out to investigate sightings all over the Pacific Northwest call you guy we're looking for yes O'Neal was spotted hitchhiking at truck stops north and south of Seattle was one trucker gave O'Neal a ride on May 23rd he claimed his passenger thanked him for the ride because the cops were after him the trucker pulled off the highway a short time later and left O'Neal just a few miles outside the city special agent Del oros recalled that even as lead came in the hunt for The elusive killer did not get any easier the months immediately following The Disappearance of Robin Smith and Wendy AI were extremely frustrating because of O'Neal's change in facial appearance a change in weight people were consistently telling us that uh the pictures that we were showing of O'Neal were actually two different people well they [Music] weren't the FBI focused on places The Drifter might blend in because O'Neal was constantly on the Move agents questioned Travelers at local bus and train stations they hoped someone had spotted O'Neal and would remember his distinctive tattoos even when they found people who had seen the fugitive it was always too late O'Neal was comfortable in the everchanging world of transients and Drifters where people people could easily disappear forever all it wasn't as though we were going to find Darren O'Neal at the local rata Inn um it forced us to take a hard look at the reality of having to search for him in places where he would blend in very very easily um by way of example we looked in um bus stops homeless shelters day labor camps he was certainly not anyone who was going to be holding a 9 to-5 job which really did increase the difficulty in trying to find him as the pursuit went on through the the subsequent months while agents and detectives continued to pursue hundreds of mostly false sightings detectives were called to the rural area surrounding Crystal Mountain just east of Washington State's Mount reineer hikers had reported finding what appeared to be human remains yeah there's the location was closed to where a flagman had seen O'Neal's car about a month earlier not long after Robin Smith's disappearance just inside the Woodline officers spotted a Jawbone and a [Music] skull each item was carefully flagged before it was retrieved as Stout and Wilson surveyed the crime scene they wondered whether the remains were Robins investigators also found other bones scattered in the vicinity folded clothing was found hidden in the base of a nearby tree it matched the description of the outfit Robin had mourn to the party they also recovered a wallet inside they found Robin Smith's driver's license investigators fanned out to cover a wide area their persistence paid off they found a claw hammer with markings similar to the one reported missing by one of O'Neal's former employers detectives also suspected it was the murder weapon the Pierce County Medical Examiner agreed a careful examination of the remains revealed that Robin had probably died as the result of blunt force trauma to the Head Darren D O'Neal was charged with first-degree murder once the remains of Robin Smith were found um we certainly had the confirmation that a murder had occurred and by virtue of that murder the Washington Federal authorities then issued their own separate and second investigation um they issued another unlawful flight to avoid prosecution warrant for him the FBI was more determined than ever to get their hands on the man responsible for this heinous crime by June of 1987 the FBI had issued two Federal warrants for the arrest of suspected serial killer Darren D O'Neal still on the loose in the Pacific Northwest the remains of one woman had been recovered close to mount reneer the second woman was still missing and presumed dead since onal was last known to be in Eugene Oregon special agent Michael Elie of the FBI's Portland field office was called in knowing that he was a sexual predator I went and checked with the local police agencies with some of their sexual assault cases to see if his uh Mo fit any of or description or anything fit any of their pending cases special agent odonnell detective Smith it meant hundreds of man hours but agents refused to Simply wait for another sighting or another victim dozens of Agents met with Det detectives in districts across the region to try to link O'Neal to outstanding sexual assault cases the search was complicated by the fact that O'Neal looked very different in each of his mug shots by a lot ofas most often the agents left empty-handed crimes color frustrated and out of leads agents continue to Wade through hundreds of old Case Files with a dangerous predator on the prow agents had to exhaust every possibility an agent met with police detective Bill Carter in Portland yes thank you have as he had done a dozen times before the agent compared O'Neal's picture to sketches of sexual predators one sketch stood out this is De it bore a strong resemblance to The Fugitive very a 14-year-old girl named Heidi Lang had provided the drawing 5 months earlier when she filed rape charges against her unknown attacker from the police report her description of the crime sounded eerily similar to O'Neal's other assaults and looking at the photos of uh Mr O'Neal especially when he had a beard and the glasses uh saw that there was quite a bit of resemblance between the two and and the method and mo were were similar as well luckily he did not uh kill Miss Lang as he had other subjects agent Elie wanted to speak with Heidi Lang as soon as possible detective Carter arranged a meeting between the young girl and the FBI like 12:00 a little bit after with her mother by her side she told the story from the beginning and around midnight on January 17th 1987 2 months before Robin Smith disappeared Heidi broke her mother's curfew and walked to the nearby convenience store to get a soda it was a tough part of town the young girl had walked it many times before but never this late at night as she crossed an overpass leading to the store a trucker called to her from his parked rig she ignored him and walked [Music] on it only took her a few minutes to get the soda then she started back home she walked as quickly as she could to get back before her mother knew she had left overpass and Heidi told investigators that as she approached the overpass the man and the truck were [Music] gone but on the other side of the overpass the trucker jumped out of the bushes and grabbed her get the Dr get the truck get in he forced her down an embankment of knife and shoved her into his semi parked at the side of the [Applause] highway years later Heidi recalls that she believed her young life was over the first thing I noticed is how dangerous he was I felt that he had every intention of killing me there there was no question in my mind get her back he threw her into the sleeper compartment of his truck she was terrified with no idea where he might take her or what he might do he threatened to to make me a sell me to pimps he was going to cut me open I I tried finding what what was going to keep from angering this man I had to behave like I was just holding conversation with him and at the same time learn what I could about him despite Heidi's best efforts the trucker climbed into the sleeper compartment and repeatedly raped the 14-year-old for 4 hours and he did not like to think of you as a woman that brought him to violence that brought him to violence I had to keep him talking mostly to keep his mind off other things things and um I had I tried my best to give him the impression that I was insignificant and I was just there to be there with him and it wouldn't it wouldn't mean anything if he let me [Music] [Applause] go [Applause] Heidi's insight and courage paid off after suffering hours of abuse her Tormentor let her go she ran until she reached a truck stop she asked an employee for a ride home the bushes and after all she'd been through Heidi bravely submitted to a rape test this provided investigators with samples of the rapist seamen though no match could be made until the suspect was in custody the man take a look at these please when Heidi finished her story detective Carter showed her a number of photos of Anil and some similarl looking men it was amazing that he was in it and I did see him and uh I picked him out I really did not expect to see him in them I I hadn't really heard anything since I had given the sketch seeing her attacker's face brought the memories flooding back but she never hesitated to press charges Heidi was determined to face her rapist and put him behind bars um fitting jeans I think that she wanted to see that this person did not do that to anyone else ever again and uh so it showed very much strength in her character and especially at the age of 14 being able to be so descriptive um in the events that occurred the uh description of the subject in him that uh kind of got us to the path where we were agent El called the Tacoma office they finally had a witness to testify against O'neal He had run other places but but they still had to find him agent Dell oros called FBI headquarters in Washington DC to request additional [Music] assistance on June 18th 1987 Darren D O'Neal's name was placed on the f bi's 10 most wanted list the case was now a priority for every FBI office in the [Music] country agents had to find O'Neal before he could strike [Music] again in June of 1987 suspected serial killer Darren de O'Neal was added to the FBI's 10 most wanted list hey here's I want special agent Dell oros was in charge of the case he convinced the FBI's fugitive publicity unit in Washington DC that Darren D O'Neal fit the List's criteria the bureau's determination as to who goes on to the top 10 Wanted list is a function of a lot of different factors primarily it's a protection of the community secondarily it has to do with the ability of those individuals to be mobile to transport themselves across Interstate lines so effectively going from state to state with Nationwide publicity The Manhunt for O'Neal was relentless countless sightings were reported in several [Music] States O'Neal was most often spotted in bars and taverns in the northwest for a guy may have been seen around here investigators followed up on dozens of leads only to find witnesses with vague descriptions of The Fugitive nobody knew of his whereabouts anything uh anything noticeable about his appearance agents were left with little to go on okay thank you very much so we had a long stretch of time when the the clues were drying up the leads from other agents were not producing any form of immediate return we were going back and to the same people consistently re-interviewing the family friends we were reaching out as far as going to um prior instructors prior employers looking for some type of clue that would tell us or show us a pattern of his activity and his Mobility across the country 7 months later on February 3rd 1988 agents discovered that O'Neal had made his way to Lakeland [Music] Florida he was spotted by a Lakeland police officer conducting what appeared to be a drug deal got some good stuff you got M the officer was unaware that O'Neal was wanted for murder O'Neal noticed the cop but did nothing the officer turned his car around to [Music] investigate when the cruiser pulled past the stopped car O'Neal pulled up and asked for directions pretending he was lost the officer asked him to pull over instead O'Neal took off the officer followed calling in the Louisiana tags on O'Neal's car as he drove O'Neal tried to lose him zigzagging through the streets of Lakeland when their car jumped a curb the suspects ran chasing a white M the officer pursued on foot and eventually caught them all your car where you at your car O'Neal was extradited to Louisiana when police learned the car he'd been driving was reported stolen from that state when asked O'Neal told police his name was zon Mayu a clerk who was working nights compared the Fingerprints of the individual that she knew as Jean Mayu to the list of fingerprints associated with FBI top 10 wanted fugitives and found that the individual that she knew as Jean Mayu was the individual that we knew as Darren O'Neal Neal was extradited to Washington State to face charges but State prosecutors knew their cases were weak since Wendy ai's body was never recovered O'Neal could not be charged with her murder the Robin Smith case was Stronger but lacked definitive forensic identification it would be difficult to prove Beyond a reasonable doubt that the body found in the woods was Robin Smith's okay let's go back to that despite the evidentiary obstacles prosecutors moved ahead with the Robin Smith case they would take their chances with a jury O'Neal and his attorney would never let the case get that far in appear Pierce County court on January 4th 1989 O'Neal pled guilty to first-degree murder in in the killing of Robin Smith detective Wilson knew there was an ulterior motive Behind The Plea the court system in the state of Washington at that time was if a person was convicted of first degree murder but there was a loophole in there if you plad guilty to the charge the most you was the maximum time you got was 333 months the family of Robin Smith was devastated even without parole O'Neal would be free well before the end of his Natural Life the killer still face charges in Portland Oregon for the kidnapping and rape of 14-year-old Heidi Lang if convicted O'Neal would be put away for life but prosecutors had a problem [Music] Deputy District Attorney Charles Sparks recalls that the rape kit Heidi had provided at the time of her assault would not be admissible for a comparison with O'Neal there was a a sexual assault kit that uh included um vaginal swabs that were taken and that had molded because of the way these things were stored back then and it was not usable and DNA evidence would have been very helpful but we just didn't have it I HED on May 16th 1990 as O'Neal's trial began prosecutors knew their only chance was to put Heidi on the witness stand to face her attacker about midnight I went out to it would be traumatic for her but it was their best hope for putting O'Neal behind bars for good it was very difficult for me to testify at the track [Music] it was even more difficult to look at him face to face it was very frightening very scary experience first of all at this point I had promised this man that I wouldn't tell anybody what happened and this is a man who had no qualms about going after anybody even just a girl walking down the street in the middle of the night night um I knew I had to put him away or I was as good as dead that's the way I view it here today could you point to that man Heidi pointed out the man who had kidnapped and raped her sitting sullenly just a few yards in front of her her testimony was enough to convict O'Neal the jury found him guilty on all 16 counts of kidnapping and rape Under Oregon law he was sentenced to 135 years in [Music] prison Darren D O'Neal is serving his first sentence of 27 years at a Washington State Penitentiary he will then be transferred to Oregon to spend the rest of his life Behind Bars once he was convicted um I was able to put put a lot of this in the past I was able to put it away and I that was most important to me that's the most I don't think I would have ever gotten over this if we hadn't put him away for agent oros though he has since left the FBI to serve as Deputy district attorney in Sacramento California the case remains fresh in his mind well to this very day I still have the wanted flyer for Darren O'Neal hang my office here at the District Attorney's office he um even on the wall is a constant reminder of the dangers that um face each and every one of us as we go out on the street I'm particularly aware of the fact that he represents a significant danger to the the women in society uh he's an individual that was a cold calculated murder uh and he only he reaffirms for me that I'm in a profession that matters and that every day when I go into court uh I'm there to make a [Music] difference
Channel: The FBI Files
Views: 186,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FBI, FBI Files, FBI Documentary, Documentary, Crime, Crime Documentary, Crime Patrol, True Crime, True crime daily, Unsolved, Crime Stories, Crime Documentaries Full Episodes, Full Episode, unsolved true crime, fbi files full episodes, we got him, mystery, solved, investigation, police, criminal, prison, jail
Id: rsTlYhBq2Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 47sec (8927 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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