What To Look For When Buying a Fishing Rod and Reel.

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what's going on guys today we're having a great fishing day here in florida um and i wanted to share with you guys some advice on how to choose your rod size and choose your real size we get a lot of comments and a lot of suggestions in our suggestion box asking what rod size should i get what does the speed mean what does the action mean what size reel should i get what do the numbers mean on that um and although that's common knowledge to some people it's not common knowledge to all people so i'm here to explain to you what i know about it and do some great fishing at the same time awesome and do some awesome fishing at the same time great and doing some awesome great fishing at the same time this is a great episode for people to comment below and help everyone else out what is your favorite rod and reel combo comment below tell us what you use it for and why you like to use it and maybe let's get a discussion going on on what are some of the some of the rods that we should be getting next so now it all depends on a couple of things the action the speed and the length of your rod so there are the light action medium action heavy action rods all of them have different functions and they're good for different things all of them work well for fishing but you got to kind of pick your tool for the job light action stuff i use more for like inshore smaller fish when i'm throwing like baits or if i'm drifting or if i'm float fishing heavy rods are for bigger fish and i can generally say that that it uh heavy rods are for for bigger fish oh that was a bite a fast action responds quick right at the tip medium action immediate moderate action responds in the middle right and the last one responds all the way down here so these the slower the the action the lower the bend you want fast action for lures and jigging if you're if you're going for tog or sheep's head and you need to set the hook really quick uh you want softer action for for if you're trying to throw some soft bait out [Music] the length that you choose is like if you're trying to get your bait out really far you got to choose a longer rod right so it all i i would generally pick like a 10 to 12 foot rod for surf fishing and this is this it can allow me to cast pretty far but i don't need one that's huge that you know i have to carry around all the time so for me a 10 to 12 foot is great for surf fishing for more like inshore fishing kind of stuff where i'm fishing off of a pier or a dock or something like that i choose like a seven foot six eight foot max i don't want to be carrying like a 10 foot rod on a small little tight spot so when you're picking a rod you got to think about where you're using it and and kind of judge the length according to how how are you fishing it and where you're fishing it the sizes on the reel usually go from anywhere from 1 000 to like what 10 000 or something like that the bigger the number the bigger the reel so this is a size 4 000 but a 4 000 in this in this model in this brand could be different than than pens 4 000. it refers to like that line or that company what size they go by my setup is is meant for float fishing right now this is actually a salmon rod but uh i think this will work really well for the the kind of float fishing that we're doing here for the speckled trout because it's got a soft tip so i can cast my my line out very far i can cast my live shrimp out without it flying off again you can specialize your rod set up with your reel for the specific kind of fishing that you want to do this is just what i'm doing another reason i would i'm choosing to use a moderate action rod today is because when you set the hook this won't make a big hole in the fish's mouth whereas a fast action would you know if it's too stiff it pulls that it pulls that mouth hole open leaving space for the hook to wiggle out you got a fish what you got there louie nice and what kind of what kind of rod are you using i'm using a medium heavy a medium heavy yeah why do you choose to use a why do you choose to use a medium heavy just like the field i can launch it out there oh my dad's on the fish too he's using a similar rod setup to mine the softer one i launched it out there because i'm short you know [Applause] what kind of rod are you using dad semcoy 10 foot oh this is a knife is that eight eight foot six no i think i don't even know what it is it's a nine foot it's moderate action too yeah how do you like the feeling of it nice you know compared to the stiff rod well this is better uh when you're doing a float yeah otherwise you should just land in the break glenn with marilyn hello and hi this consumer insurance and alleviation and i'm calling about your car insurance how are you doing today pretty good i just need to ask you a few quick questions okay first one is oh he's on a nice one no it's already lou you scared me man it's already i keep doing all this float fishing here because in jacksonville this is the thing to do like this is a very very successful method of catching fish here oh that's a red or red oh my god what the hell what happened i don't know he came right up that was a did you tell me you got that why you do that man man what the hell happened man you horsed that in no i didn't what did you do that oh walk me through it i lost a big fish aaron's got the instant replay [Music] you almost had it man what happened at the end i don't know man rubber hooks or something you buy those hooks on wish.com yes i did oh there you go oh man that thing was huge for me man i'm just pissed off right now pissed off this is where he lost it right here now look this is what you gotta do man you gotta swing it in like this shut up man this is a small one man yours is way bigger than this one this is a small one there we go it bit me you got shallow right there oh shrimp came off you see i told you i got a bite oh see i told you they they don't sometimes they don't play sometimes oh my god oh that's nice one maybe she could be your customer later that's not a baby fish that's a pretty good fish there ain't no baby what are you talking about willis hey yo baby let me talk to you for a second oh my goodness that's probably the same size of the fish you missed louie huh shut up that was a great day of fishing i hope that you guys learned something i hope that my tips are helpful to you our job at senkoskipper is to help as many people get on fish as possible and that's pretty much it we do this by making videos we travel around and we show you guys different methods for different places in the world and we do this by teaching you guys on our website senkoskipper.com we've got a lot of tutorials and different products to help you guys out so check it out if you need more help i know see ya that's a red yeah did you pop it yeah it's popping like a hot pop drop they actually answered you no he said no no i don't like the dark meat where is it dot that's five dots you
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 426,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing rod, fishing reel, fishing, fishing gear, how to chose fishing reel, how to chose fishing rod, senko skipper, senkoskipper, hey skipper
Id: nSLPZ4w5-so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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