12 Harbor Freight Fishing Hacks ( Save money)

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[Music] about a year ago I made a Harbor Freight video and it was about stuff you could buy Harbor Freight to use for fishing gear today I'm doing another video about Harbor Freight stuff but some of this stuff we're going to make some hacks with and it's going to be awesome so let's get started oh by the way I recruited some help at catcon this year so I'm going to be using them as feelings whenever possible fishing house number one see what I'm saying so some something that's really cool that you can get from Harbor Freight for fishing is powder coat actually got this idea from one of my subscribers powder coat's an easy and inexpensive way to paint your jig heads at least it's inexpensive if you get it from Harbor Freight the only problem I've had getting powder coat from Harbor Freight is they only have black or white now I've always painted my jig heads with fingernail polish and it always seemed to work goody do you think it's weird if a guy gets his nails painted yeah Bab but the jig heads painted with fingernail polish tend to scratch off if you keep them for a while which most people don't but when you powder coat jig heads once this powder coat set it's pretty much indestructible and it's really simple too I had to take a plain jig head sometimes I'll heat it up just a little bit before I dip it but you don't want to get it super hot because it'll Clump up then I stick it in the powder coat and kind of swish it around when you take it out make sure you knock all the extra powder off of it then just just take your heat gun and heat it up again and it'll melt that powder and it'll end up giving you a really nice finish be an alpha male get you some powder coat ba by the way if you like crappy fishing then you should check out this video cuz on this video I tied a really awesome crappy jig fishing Hat number two so another great thing that you can pick up at Harbor Freight for fishing is a super Sonic Cleaner is a Ultrasonic Cleaner what that means ultrasonic it vibrates really really fast and it'll take anything dirty and it'll clean it see it's got this lid then it's got a little basket to put your parts on so you can pick them all up out of it it's got a minimum level and it's got a maximum level now the reason I even thought to put this thing on here is because I watch a show on Monday nights called Catfish weekly it actually has three host and all three of them are YouTubers some are crazier than others but I really enjoy watching that show and on one of their shows Josh the weekend angler he actually did a show about how to clean a spinning reel well he used one of these cleaners on it and it actually did a good job but one thing about this basket it's kind of short and I kind of don't like that so I took me some weld wire and I just bend it nothing fancy but you see them little slots right there and there's one right there on that side too I'm going to stick this wire in these slots like that right there when I put this Basket in it's a whole lot easier to reach in and grab it and pick this thing up see what I'm saying what most people I've seen using this thing is like mean green or Simple Green I rode out to the dog General near my house and all they had was mean green so that's what I'm using speaking of green why was the green pepper not able to practice his archery huh because he getting habanero get it habanero now we got this thing full of cleaner and this button right here sets the time I mean you can set it for 180 seconds 200 380 480 or 90 seconds the on button starts it the off button will cut it off of course you got your set button and this TC button adds heat to it so you can actually Heat this up so it cleans better we're going to put some heat on it now next thing we need is something to clean I was looking around and I found this old real I got and I mean it's old this thing is probably from the 60s see how dirty that thing is we're going to clean this reel up we're just going to drop it in there put the lid on then we're going to hit start and it is working we about to find out if this thing's any good or not okay so it stopped we about to find out if this thing works oh my freaking gosh look at that I'm about to go buy me another one right now y'all need to calm down you know I'm just kidding you got to take your dang real apart first but seriously this thing is pretty cool I mean you ain't got to take a part of reel now and scrub all them little Parts in it just take it apart throw them in here let it run a little bit and then slap your reel back together that's pretty cool I am just saying well I was up at Harbor Freight shopping I ran into a couple of my subscribers so I volunteered them to help me so I met these two guys at Harbor Freight what's her name Emmanuel and Marcus go ahead and uh help me out pck number three I found this Lantern right here at Harbor Freight and I know you're probably asking yourself what's so special about a lantern well I seen it and I thought well that's kind of cool and then it hit me I know where this Lantern came from I had a Streamlight Lantern years ago and it too was also 2,000 lumens and the more I looked at this thing the more I realized this is a direct knockoff of a stream might Lantern I know there's going to be people in the comments going streamlight's much better well I looked it up and Streamlight lanterns are also made in China so why I pay 150 bucks for a Streamlight Lantern when you can get this for like 308 or $48 I can't remember this thing is actually cool and it's really bright like I said it's 2,000 LS I guarantee you light this shop up let's see yep I can't see nothing we're going to cut our Lantern on that is pretty bright and I'll show you the part I really like it's got this little cover that you can slide around that way when you're fishing It Shines on your rods but not in your face you know what I'm saying it's got the carry handle exactly like the Streamlight I mean exactly you could hang this thing up by the carry handle you could pop this hook out or this hook and they're just exactly that they're hooks so you can hook it on something and hang it with that and I already showed you the lantern part but if you hold this button down it's also got a light on the bottom that's so you could hang this thing up and it still shines light down and it don't blind you unless you look at it and it's also got this red top I a't sure what that's about unless it's like wait a minute I think that's SOS you can send a SOS signal help me that's kind of cool now one last thing I like about this Lantern this bottom here comes off when you do take the bottom off you can store the cord inside of it that's actually pretty convenient I'm going to tell you something else you can store in it you could keep your money in here that way if you're out bank fishing and somebody tries to rob you your money is HD in your Lantern I'm just saying you you know I'm kidding if somebody tries to rob you and you bank fishing the best thing to do is I started blasting then they ran away I ran after him okay bang try to shoot him in the back I'm just saying fishing number four har Freight started carrying these fishing chairs and they are awesome I mean look at this bag on the side right here you could put all kinds of stuff in this thing you can put your little Plano box in there put your drink in there I mean you could pretty much carry everything you need for a fishing trip and this thing's comfortable the best part is this fold down table got your place ha to put your stuff while you're fishing you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying I really like this chair and I've looked online the cheapest ones you'll find is like 50 or 60 bucks I bought this at Harbor Freight for like $35 I think but yeah a fishing chair that's freaking awesome I hate chairs why would you hate chairs because I can't stand sitting huh you know stand sitting I can only explain it to you I can understand it for you your hat number five at Harbor Freight you can get this threaded insert rivet kit it comes with a rivet gun and it also comes with threaded rivets one of my subscribers brought this up I mean I know what this is but it's actually a good idea what he was talking about you can use these three threaded inserts to bolt stuff down temporarily and then you can remove the bolts and there's nothing left there to trip over that's kind of cool but if you've never seen them I want to show you how they work so the first thing we need to do we take a threaded rivet and we're going to see which one of these this thing will fit into almost so it fits into the 23 64th drill bit then we find that drill bit we stick our drill and our drill bit we stick our drill bit and our drill now this piece of Steel right here is eighth of an inch that eighth of an inch is going to represent the floor of our boat and yes I do realize this is steel and our boats aluminum but it's the same principle it don't matter what the material is next we'll drill a hole through our piece of Steel then we'll test fit our threaded rivet to make sure the holes the right size then we're going to take our threaded rivet we're going to screw it onto our rivet pliers once you get it screwed on put it in the hole and clamp it down just like you're popping a rivet so now you basically got a nut inserted to your floor when you squeeze those pliers you see how it crimps the back side of the nut and when you're not using it for anything is smooth so it's not a trip Hazard oh SN I'm just saying but you can insert bolts or you can insert eyebolts into it I had another subscriber that sent me a hack idea about how to Bol a cooler down and this hack and his hack would go perfect together like for instance let's say you're mounting a rod rack and where you're mounting it let's just say you can't get to the other side well you can insert these threaded rivets and you don't need to get to the other side to put a nut on it that makes these things really handy fishing hack number six har Freight has these really cool Quinn scissors and look at the metal on these things I mean they are theck there ain't no flex in these blades and these scissors would be great for cutting up bait and anything else you need them for actually got this little tiny pair that I really like as you can tell I've been using them I threw these in my tackle box they're really short and they're super thick so the blade won't Flex on them because when you got scissors and the blade flexes it makes it really hard to cut stuff like braided line actually got some braided line This is a 100 lb test and 300 lb test Andy that stuff's like dang we need a strin so let's see how good our Quinn scissors do but first we're going to see how these regular scissors do you see how thin they are even though these scissors are short that this means the blade can Flex so let's cut some braid with them and see how it [Music] does as you can see it ain't happening so let's go ahead and cut some braid with these big scissors and and look at that slices through it just like butter and that's 100 lb test right there let's try to cut this Andy monster yep it ain't having no trouble so like I told you these are some awesome fishing scissors that's all I'm saying have no more now on my last Harbor Freight video I had heat shrink tube as one of the things you need to get a Harbor Freight reason why if you watch my channel I make a lot of hack videos and I use a lot of heat shrink tubing call me dumb okay you're dumb I never even knew Harbor Freight sold marine grade heat shrink tube look at that Marine heat shrink tube that's crazy I don't know why I didn't know that but I was in there one day shopping and I seen it and I thought that is pretty cool marine grade heat shrink tube is actually waterproof because it has an adhesive liner now I got a wi right here and I'll show you what I'm talking [Music] about now as you can see this is our regular heat shrink tube and I mean it looks nice but our marine grade heat shrink tube you can see the glue coming out the ends of it that means it's waterproof so when you at Harbor Freight shopping for heat shrink tube if you're doing fishing projects make sure you buy the marine grade heat shrink tube or at least order it off Amazon like I've been doing I'd be cheaper I don't know speaking of Amazon everybody always leaves in the comment section that they want a list of the materials that I use for every video so to make it easier for you and easier for me from now on on every video if you click on the Amazon Link in the description box under the video there'll be some list on that page with the video title if you click on that list it'll open up and it'll have the parts that I used for that particular video fishing hack number eight I made a video like a year or so ago about the best headlamps and I didn't realize how many headlamps that Harbor Freight actually carries and they carry some really cool headlamps for some decent prices and everybody needs a headlamp when they're fishing at night so next time you're in h a freight check out the headlamps well I'm out of help hey cranky you want to help me sure I'll happy well take it away fishing and stuff is done now one thing harber Freight don't have a shortage of is cheap clamps and one of my favorite hacks to do is to take a quarin drill bit see that hole right there you just drill a hole through that hole right there next we're going to take a/ qu 20 Bolt run it through that hole and put a nut on it then you can clamp that clamp to anything and now you got yourself a cool camera mount I mean that's actually pretty cool there's no rule that says you have to spend a bunch of money on camera mounts my favorite clamp are these right here cuz these things are made to ratchet down and they ratch it down tight you can unscrew this side put it on this end it'll kind of separate stuff the way it's hooked up right now it's made for clamping and since we're making a camera mount out of this we don't really need this hole so we're going to drill this hole out with a/ quar 20 drill bit next we're going to take our quarter T bolt put the nut on the other side and after you screw your camera onto it you'll have yourself a camera mount that's pretty dang cool right there if you can't get your camera to line up straight this put you two nuts on it that way you can use the last nut as a jam nut up against your camera and you can get this thing to line up perfect HCK number 10 now for what it's worth Harbor Freight does carry black lights but they're only blackl flashlights take that for what it's worth actually hor Freight has a whole bunch of lots I'm just saying fishing hack number 11 now when I was at Harbor Freight shopping I ran across these portable storage sheds all they are is like a tent that the front opens up you can pull a car in it or whatever but they have them 10t X 10t and the price really wasn't that bad you ever heard of a fishing bivy they're especially used by C fisherman over in the UK but if you're a bank fisherman and you really want to fish and it's supposed to rain you could set up a fishing bie and stay in it and stay dry while you're fishing anyway that's just an idea hack number 12 har Freight also has a good deal on carabiners you can buy like a whole set of carabiners like this you can buy fancy carabiners I mean they got all different kinds there and you can do a lot with carabiners I mean you could make Rod leashes you could use them to keep your Mano trap closed you know got that little thing on the top you got to click something into it to keep it closed carabin are very handy for fishing just saying so there you have it 12 more Herber Freight fishing hacks that might be useful maybe not if you like this video go check out this video because you're probably going to like it too if you like this one and if you don't like that one check out this one or even this one cuz I'm sure you'll find something you like I'm serious go check it out because this video is [Music] over
Channel: Fishin N Stuff
Views: 327,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I5LlyPMG5zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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