What To Expect From The Elder Scrolls 6 - Luke Reacts

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I wanted to do like a big deep dive on the Elder Scrolls 6 and go into all the details and all the interviews and all the whisperings and things of of what Todd Howard has discussed previously and really delve into it but there just frankly isn't a whole lot there and I've dug around I've tried to find it there are little Rumblings like around the time of Fallout 4 he was interviewed about the next generation of RPGs and what where he thought like gaming was going and he said stuff like I I think heavily suggesting things for Starfield which at the time was not even announced and then he also hinted at some stuff that was directly related to a fantasy game so almost certainly the Elder Scroll s but back in like 2015 he was saying stuff like oh yeah I was seeing some of the tech that people on our team are working on and it's just crazy you know the ability to just walk up and approach a big building and then you can hear the conversations going on inside the building before you even step inside that's something that only the next generation of Hardware is going to be capable of doing and we're really excited about it and all of that and like interesting Concepts and stuff but almost a decade ago some of that might have been really exciting especially for Bethesda games where you had to load into separate buildings whenever you wanted to go inside but nowadays that's not like that's not really that novel that's not that crazy right it's it's just a thing that happens like you're playing Red Dead 2 which released at this point I know it's crazy to think of but going on six years ago Red Dead 2 6 years ago yeah let that settle in in that game yeah you walk up to a a a just I must call it a Tavern it's not a Tavern a saloon you walk up to a saloon and you can hear the people inside talking and partying playing cards whatever uh you can hear the the piano player before you even go inside and so it's not that novel of a concept now but back in 2015 maybe it was more interesting or different so we know that they've been eyeing technical features for a while they have some ideas of they want to do with the Elder Scroll 6 of where they want to go with it what they want to be able to achieve with it but specifics have been very tough to pinned down and even when like directly asked in recent years what they plan to do with it Todd's been very very vague for example one of the things he said repeatedly is that he wants um he wants the next Elder skulls game to be the ultimate fantasy simulator basically he wants it to be the ultimate Fantasy game and some people see that and they get really excited but here's the thing every salesman is going to tell you that their product is the best thing ever it's just what happens right like if you go to a Honda dealership the Honda salesman is going to be telling you why Honda cars are better than Toyotas it might be like he won't say that oh they're more maybe uh they hold their value better because that's not like that's verifiably not true in some cases uh maybe the better example is like maybe it's it's like a a Lambo dealership versus a Honda dealership you go to the the lambo dealership the lambo salesman is going to be talking to you about how amazing the the engine is the tech how great and fast it is how it's a sports car it'll turn heads everybody's going to be obsessed with you think that you're super cool but then you go to the like Honda dealership and they're going to be talking about oh yeah we don't do the stuff the lambo does but we do all this stuff that Lambo doesn't do we're affordable so you can still own a house while affording this car and they go through all the other things so no matter who you talk to they're always going to be talking about how their product is the best fit and they're going to emphasize the good stuff and then just pretend the bad stuff or the downsides of it don't exist and not really talk about that because that's just how this works and for somebody like Todd Howard if he's going to talk about the Elder Scroll 6 he's going to talk about all the things he wants to achieve he's going to be talking about all the dreams and aspirations the team have but that doesn't really mean much of anything because it's all about execution in the final product who cares what the goal was if the end result doesn't live up to it I can tell you like oh yes my upcoming video my goal is for it to be the best YouTube video anybody has ever seen to bring you to tears make you rethink your entire life and it will also make you grow 6 in you get to choose where and how and in which direction that's a cool concept we all would love it if the video ended up being like that but it probably won't and you shouldn't just blindly take it on faith that that's what's going to happen right what's interesting about this though is that Todd has said very clearly that he somewhat regrets announcing the Elder Scroll six when they did now the Elder Scroll six was announced back in 2018 and what was interesting is that it was revealed as part of this Showcase in 2018 where at the time it was it was a little surprising cuz we were like why are they doing all of this right now and I think that there were multiple layers to this that informed it and and caused it on the one hand at the time Bethesda had just announced Fallout 76 and people were pretty skeptical of that people were kind of weirded out by it and so I think what they were doing was was like two or threefold I think that they knew that their core fans maybe were not going to be that stoked about a live service Fallout game so they wanted to make it clear that they were working on other single player stuff as well in the form of Starfield and the eldr Scrolls six so they're like look we're working on this stuff too we have forgotten about it we're also doing all this it would be like if Rocksteady announced Suicide Squad and then also on the side announced like uh the next Batman Arkham game and they're like yeah we know you might not love the live service thing but we're also doing this so if you're not into this uh game right here you can be excited for this other one and I think that that's part of what was going on is that they were trying to remind everybody that they had both things uh and both pots on the stove he's also said that they wanted to avoid the constant incessant nagging about the Elder Scroll six and just be like yeah we're working on it see look here's a trailer doesn't tell you much of anything but yes we're working on it but I think the other piece of this puzzle is that they really wanted to flex to Microsoft before the zamax acquisition um because at this time allegedly they like negotiations were ongoing they were talking to Phil Spencer about it and they wanted to prove how valuable they were so they announced all this stuff and got a ton of interest in high built up around it and I think that that was a big part of it I think they wanted to show how big their IP were and how successful Xbox could be if they were to acquire them and that's why that they uh that's why they revealed all of this stuff at the same time and then of course they went and then and revealed uh Starfield at the same show what he said was quote it's like I don't want to answer but I want to be polite Howard said after being asked for any details on on Elder Scholl 6 I will say that we want it to fit that role of the Ultimate Fantasy World simulator and there are different ways to accomplish that given the time that has passed I think in the context of it specifically it was time that has passed since the Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim so yeah it yeah um interestingly coward uh Howard kind of sort of already casually announced the Elder SCH 6 back in 2016 two years before the game's official teaser and E3 announcement in an interview with Jeff key back then Howard confirmed that bethesa was indeed going to make el SCH 6 but warned it was still a very long way off he wasn't joking he's just been very very koi and I mean this is really the extent of the teases we've gotten with regard to the game is that they wanted to be the ultimate fantasy world simulator and there's different ways to do that given the time that's passed I think that's a great ambition I don't know uh did I say coward that's funny um I don't know how they're going to be able to go head-to-head with some of the competition now though if they're trying to do the same thing and this is something we've talked about before on stream is like if Skyrim were to launch today with modern graphics with modern uh well for Bethesda modern uh but if it were to release today with the same design document as if they had one the same mechanics everything it's just with a fresher coat of paint basically and nobody had never played it before it was a brand new game would it cause the same like flood same tsunami of hype and interest and would it take the World by storm again because back when it launched it it really did it was everywhere and honestly I don't think it would I I don't think modern gamers are that into the classical bgs style of game design I just don't think they are it's not necessarily a disc I just think times have have changed a little bit and the competition has introduced some other really novel and interesting ideas to excite people so I don't know if it would be that successful so how are they going to approach the next game are they going to like really rework it refocus it are they going to try to do something really novel and different or is it just going to be Skyrim too I think that's a really valid question yeah this was the the initial announcement of Starfield and then he gets into the Elder School 6 boom goes the dynamite [Applause] Starfield is a game that we have spent years thinking about and working on something we feel uniquely positioned to pull off and that we're incredibly excited about I find it really interesting that he's like uniquely positioned like they thought that they were the team to make Starfield great whereas now I think everybody's looking at it and like no I think you might be like one of the worst Studios with in terms of like your Tech capabilities to pull this off you know it's like the actual opposite of that it's very funny very interesting but we're also building toward the game after that and it's the one getting keep asking about okay I don't know whose video this is that's talking triple Trip s League Standing Ovation those are probably the devs okay actually now I'm really done I just want to thank you all for your time tonight the time you've spent in our worlds we'll see you out so I think Mr Todd I think this was multifaceted it was a reveal partially to calm fans down which it didn't really do but it was also to calm them down with regards to the live service game that they were making and remind them that they were still a single player Studio because Fallout 76 was almost certainly built to appease zenax Executives trying to sell the company and I also think they were revealing all of this stuff at the same time probably because they wanted to show Xbox during the negotiations how excited everybody was for the IP that they would get and for the games they would get on their platform after they purchased because at the time I mean Starfield and Elder Scroll 6 were just future projects Xbox could buy them and release those exclusively on the Xbox series consoles which was super thrilling for for Xbox during this time to have these as exclusives and that's part of what they were doing by revealing it here but now it's funny cuz you look back and you wonder just like where the game was at this point and it also makes you really question a lot of the the premises of this like he says yeah we're uniquely positioned to pull off Starfield and after we got Starfield we found out that the opposite was true they were probably one of the worst teams technologically capable or or just in terms of overall staff they were not capable of pulling that off they weren't uh equipped to pull it off but they thought like they really thought they were and that makes you question all the other stuff with the Elder Scroll 6 and I think the other piece of the puzzle too with this you has a right I'm so sorry the Todd candle needs to go on the other piece of this too is just that Bethesda seemingly does not engage with critiques or people who are not big into their their games or have problems with them they kind of consider them to be haters and the problem with that is that when you kind of stick your fingers in your ears Todd calm down he does not like it when I talk about him like this um the problem with that is that it prevents you from ever making any sort of changes or improvements or anything when you just refuse to entertain any sort of any sort of I would argue valid critique some or maybe just constructive criticism or whatever and like you know I I try to you know we try to be entertaining and stuff on stream and stuff I I do hear people who are like oh my God Luke stop talking about suicide squad or stop talking about Starfield or whatever else cuz I want to entertain that that critique and be like okay is that is that valid is that something that I should stop doing cuz the only reason I talk about it really is for one it's fun for me but also because people seem to still be interested in discussions regarding that game and that's kind of where uh I evaluate the critique and then try to come to a conclusion from there but when you look at the interviews and like yeah like the the interviews that Emil pegley Rulo has done he's one of the like head honchos at bgs and he has given multiple talks at like GDC multiple interviews and stuff over the years and often his conclusion with a lot of this stuff is to just kind of ignore criticism just don't read it don't read reviews don't talk about it and instead just oh I think this is it this is what I'm thinking of yeah where he gave like an actual panel talk um it's really really it's really interesting I mean the top comments this dude this man must have darkest secret on Howard for him to still be employed don't bother writing a good story for a movie the audience is just going to eat popcorn and Whisper to each other end quote the dialogue system was a mistake said Todd which this was one of the things uh Emil was super into for Fallout 4 in short if you want to become a great writer listen to all of his advice and do the exact opposite it it really is a fascinating fascinating talk because a lot of his points in this um are are just the opposite of what you would think you should do it's it's really really fascinating and there's one point at the very end let me see if I can find it it's been like a year or two since I talked about this uh or since I watched this but let's see if I can find it but that's not the end though that's not the end of being a video game developer because the true Mark of being a of a real developer is as every developer knows is waiting to come in right and then reading the reviews of course and hopefully if you get lucky ignoring the reviews right I know it's like sort of a joke ignore the reviews but I think that reveals a lot I think that reveals a lot about the mindset where it's not like okay maybe the reviews and the The Gamers that are less than thrilled about some of the choices we made it's not that they they might have very valid critiques no just ignore them and celebrate the money that you're making I think that reveals a lot and you know the the rest of the interviews that he's done in the past also reveal something similar and I think that it's an approach that explains a lot of the behavior at bgs where they can make consistently they consistently make the same mistakes over and over and over again with all of their different games and you're like how are they not learning from this it's just it's it's wild um and Skyrim yeah you're right Skyrim enjoy your this appropriate username for this you're right Emil I think he is very talented as a creative mind okay I just think he should not have the leadership position that's my stance at least and I don't again like we did that survey and I heard from some former bgs employees I haven't been able to like totally confirm everything so I'm not going to like do a a big breakdown report on on any of it but I've heard some stories and Rumblings of the inner workings of bgs and I just think that some of the leadership probably is responsible for a lot of the issues that they've had I I'll leave it there for now but Skyrim's right em has made some cool stuff like the Dragon's Tongue in Skyrim that's right he's the one um that like came up with the the dragon tongue language basically he came up with the the lyrics for the the main dragon born theme um that was talked about in the making of the Skyrim documentary uh or making of Skyrim documentary and he's also done other stuff like trying to come up with how they would actually have the dragons writing based on the claws that would scrape into the Rock and stuff he's he's a very creative guy there's no doubt about that but I I don't I mean I think at this point it's pretty clear as like the head writer his writing leaves a lot to be desired because I mean Fallout 4 Fallout 3 Skyrim Fallout 76 Starfield these are all games that he's been like a head riter on and they all have laughably terrible stories and so I'm just like okay I mean being in charge of something brings some cool stuff and it also brings some bad stuff cuz I mean they have laughably terrible uh reviews and people openly tease the writing in these games because it's so freaking predictable and it's it's just not particularly interesting and I I mean the one exception was I think the far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4 that's actually kind of interesting in a cool DLC there were a couple quests in Starfield I thought were interesting but like that's it Skyrim I mean again like it's a Sandbox game it's not really meant to give you a lot to chew on and I think that's perhaps where he excels is in the quick like Escapist fantasy writing where it doesn't take itself too seriously but the problem is the rest of the games have started to take themselves more seriously and his stuff hasn't really kept up with it you know but he's still a head oncha he's going to be one of the leads in Elder Scroll 6 and whatever comes after and so like this is the big thing thing is if you're frustrated by bgs's approach with Fallout 4 Fallout 76 and then leading into Starfield and now going into the Elder SCH six it's not going to change cuz as you heard like out of the horse's mouth like half jokingly but I think that half and half jokingly is doing a lot of lifting I I genuinely think that they just kind of ignore the reviews if the game has good player numbers they just turn their brains off and stop thinking about it and if they're not considering it and they're not listening to feedback like that I don't expect the Elder Scroll 6 to be particularly good A lot of people are like oh man Starfield wasn't great so now I'm just hoping for the Elder Scroll 6 like who's going to tell them who's going to tell I don't think it's going to be very good this is washed for sure eldis scroll 6 will be the what could have been creation engine is archaic BJs cannot compete with ue5 they fail to me industry standards and remain ignorant there are certain things that the creation engine is very good at and the biggest thing and this is something that's not really uh not really discussed too much with a creation engine but it's actually its like biggest strength and that is its physics Sim this article from PC Gamer was really simpy and weird um but basically this reveal during the announcement of Starfield or the full reveal of Starfield was one of the like key talking points and it kind of turned into a meme which was that one of the the designers of Starfield over at bgs uh I believe it was a a woman she said that she collected sandwiches and just kept them all in her ship and would pile them up and the reason that this brings the the physics him up is because you can drop these physical objects in the game's World anywhere and they have realistic physics inside the the game World which is cool there's other cool stuff you can do where like you can blast the zero gravity effect and everything will start floating and all the objects throughout the room start floating everything in your inventory has a realistic fully modeled um object that can be placed in the world with realistic physics actual weights and things and that's all cool that's all cool and that's one of the reasons why the creation engine has to have smaller areas and also why it has to load in different instances where there's a lot of objects and it's because the creation engine apparently can't really Co physics objects the way it might call uh objects for rendering you know it's it's just it doesn't really do that um how you can think about this in a lot of games if I can mute this this was shown off in a demo of how Horizon zero Dawn calls things as you're rendering and this is pretty standard pretty much every game engine will do this um but this just gives it a good kind of visual representation is that as the field of view is moving certain things are C out and removed because the computer or in this case the console doesn't need to render that stuff if it's not in the frame like you just don't need to do it you keep it in memory but you don't need that actively being computed right and this is you know kind of when you're just cooling things out of um the frame out of the game world when it's out of the frame and other things will happen so like you know if you imagine that there's there's like uh I just got this in the mail so I'll use this as an example there's a book it's a good book by the way but then there's an object behind the book this is behind the book but when you're rendering a frame you can't see this right now so if this were a game engine it would Co this object and the back face of the book because it's not being rendered they don't need that in the frame so it'll call it to save on on memory and things so coing is basically just a process of not bothering with something if it's going to cause processing issues or if it's not going to be seen anyways and physics objects in the creation engine are one such issue where there are so many things that have realistic physics at play at any given time that you have to have all of those loaded into memory at any given time so that if you use the zero gravity effect you know those things realistically start floating and moving and stuff but the problem is within a game like Starfield there are there would be so many things in the game that have physics on them that you couldn't just have all of that loaded into memory at all times moving from planet to planet city to City whatever so they'd have to find a way to load it in and pull it out when it's no longer needed you lost me at this as a book yeah and Ms paint I think you're right I think you're right so what they would realistically need to do um one of the the responses to the survey I did described this very very well uh and in different ways and I will probably screw it up by trying to draw it out but I will I will try to I'll try to do my best so what this person who's a software engineer um that works at a very large studio that makes massive open World Games what this person described to me was that there's a few ways that they've they've done this for different types of games for games like Assassin's Creed Origins for example right massive game set in Egypt it's huge but that's not a game that has full realistic simulation of physics for every single object ever they do have some things so like they might have a crate that you can break or jars that you can break that you know fall and crumble down realistically once they're broken but you'll notice that those despawn within a few seconds and they kind of fade into the ground and disappear that's because they're basically culling it out of memory so that they don't have to keep that simulation running indefinitely one of the other ways that he described it was that you could have a large map full of different zones so if the player character is let's just say right here and then they're moving through zones what you could do is just unload all of the physics objects which you know might be all of these you could unload all the physical objects that have physics Sim on them once you leave that zone and then load in the objects in this Zone and then unload those once you move into this Zone and so you only ever have one zone of objects loaded at a time he said the other way that sometimes it's been done um is that you might have like a physical space a bubble basically around the player character and as that moves moves so do the things so in this case all the stuff inside the blue circle would be loaded in everything outside the blue circle would be cull out and dropped the problem is though this is not how like this isn't how the uh the creation engine works it it doesn't do this and the reason it doesn't do this is because it never has had to because all of these sandwiches are in one room in this case in a a specific room in your ship and so once you leave your ship yeah they unload it then they don't need that in the memory once you've left the ship um because the ship is its own instance it's kind of like having a separate Word document for each and every little thing all these sandwiches are stored all the data about them is in this document when you shut it down to open up the open world or the new Atlantis document you don't need all that stuff because it's in a separate space so you just focus on this thing you have open and that's how the creation engine works it's just by having each little bucket that it worries about one at a time and the issue is to make the game fully seamless they would have to either get rid of this major strength of the creation engine which is this crazy amount of physical simulation that they can do they'd have to just dump it or they'd have to find some way of dynamically cooling physical objects As you move from room to room space to space and and shift around loading in and out in real time and naturally I think they realized that was such a huge undertaking it probably wasn't worth it because imagine like you have all of those objects in your spaceship and then you physically fly out of the atmosphere into a lower gravity space and so how does that affect the physical objects in your ship you'd have to dynamically code it for like gravitational forces changing in real time based on where you are and I know they could just be like oh you have a grab drive or something so it keeps gravity on your ship at all times okay but even then like you're you're flying into a new city you have to load in all of that stuff while also still having the stuff loaded in in your ship and then you walk away from your ship you deload everything in your ship but load in the stuff in front of you in the rest of the city it's a huge undertaking and not easy and as we know bgs if something's going to be a massive undertaking they don't typically do it um and so this is just where they ended up where instead they chose to just do things the way they had always done them which is just have it loaded in each and each individual instance and the game suffers as a result because while it's cool to have a bunch of simulated sandwiches it doesn't make for a better space game you know this is this is not that crazy I I kind of want to see what this person said uh in this it's they're saying I didn't really get Starfield until Bethesda revealed we could just go around stealing giant space sandwiches it's been clear since the first proper reveal of Starfield uh that the that star was going to be bethesda's most ambitious RPG a th000 worlds fully customizable spaceships a new level of sandboxy Freedom there's certainly a lot of potential here but every time it's been shown off I've been unable to shrug off the feeling that it's all going to be a wee bit dull big sure but also dry who's going to tell them this was really typified in the recent Starfield direct when we were promised that we could land on a planet collect resources do a mission and maybe even stumble upon something unexpected what the video actually showed us though was Starfield space Explorer stumbling across an abandoned mind the kind of thing you would find in nearly every RPG that's ever existed okay I thought maybe there will be at least something weird and memorable in this abandoned mind nope just some space Bandits I get it you can't fill a Sandbox like this exclusively with thrilling bespoke diversions and if the combat is good enough there are still opportunities to make a mind delving Adventure a good time maybe there's some killer loot in there to make it all worthwhile but it definitely doesn't feel showcase worthy where things really clicked for me was the sandwich Heist you can play Starfield as a dirty rotten scoundrel fitting or flitting flighting I don't know through space uh through space and not just blowing up any ships you encounter but boarding them too now that alone was enough to Peak my interest this turns every ship potentially into a sort of dynamic dungeon waiting to be explored and looted space is an evocative setting but since it's largely empty there's a risk of it becoming incredibly dull turning ships into locations you can visit helps avoid that issue H sort of um one developer admitted that they just liked boarding and taking over ships specifically to steal sandwiches they have a place in their cargo ho dedicated to their ill gotten snacks just a pile of sandwiches spilling off a table it's kind of delightful I also find it incredibly funny and so typical of video games that it's just one type of Sandwich white bread cheese lettuce and ham the most generic of all sandwiches we're in the far-flung future but we're still eating the same thing maybe ham comes from a space Pig the sandwiches are also pretty big massive really what's going on in the future that demand such Hefty loaves of bread I really hope we'll be able to find uh a book that explains the lore behind this I need it it's kind of the pointless fun but personal Quest that makes me love games like the Elder girls and Fallout filling homes with big wheels of cheese and bones and until now the kind of Whimsy seemed to be missing from Starfield I'm not all that invested in fantasy Civil War prophecies or finding my lost child but if I'm playing in a sandbox I want to do some weird [ __ ] to see someone already doing this fills me with hope regarding potential Shenanigans then traits um yeah we always knew Starfield was going to be big but now I'm convinced it might actually be fun too and really that's what I want more than anything the scale is largely irrelevant to me I just want to go on stupid adventures and have a lark if Starfield can live up to that I might be converted oops we know how that ended again it's like a cool initial weird thing but I think that that was a funny quirky thing that the creation engine could do back in 2011 I don't know why that's compelling in 2023 in this case and it wasn't it end up being compelling it was a cool like funny little tidbit but again people just would like more and physics Sim is awesome but Starfield doesn't do anything cool with it which is the the key for like I think in Skyrim doing fous Roa and having all of the physical objects in the room go flying when you blasted the enemy across the room that was a cool thing and it was a cool use of something very unique that the creation engine could do Starfield doesn't really do anything thing with that they have the zero gravity effect that you might have you might have it equipped you might not but it's not like a core tenant of Starfield gameplay is taking advantage of the physics Sim and you would think that they could easily do this with having like Space Battles and stuff but really it just doesn't there really isn't much of anything and I mean even like within combat and stuff on other people or enemy ships there's almost never cool things with like zero gravity or like altered gravity effects because they're trying like the grab Drive broke while you were while you were boarding them or something there's just not many interesting ways to tie it in um so it's like the the greatest strength of the creation engine just isn't really used for anything cool other than stacking sandwiches on tables in Starfield and I think that that's why a lot of people are like it just seems to be like you're doubling down on the creation engine for no reason at all seems weird it's just a gimmick that never plays a significant role in gameplay or narrative so it just kind of feels like a waste of resources well and it's like people will often say no bgs shouldn't go away from the creation engine there's no need because they have a lot of strengths with the creation engine it does a lot of really cool stuff and while I agree there are many cool things that the creation engine can do it's stuff like this and this stuff the creation engine doesn't really uh or or rather the game doesn't take advantage of it it's just like okay you can stack any object dynamically that's cool interesting yeah Noob I agree building ships in Starfield I think that's the coolest feature in the entire game I I love the ship customization stuff I thought it was awesome um but once I agree once the ship has built it's like okay it just doesn't feel that interesting after that but this is in the business of selling games not making them everything they do is to build hype dumb practice in my opinion yeah Noob I I think at this point unfortunately that's where it's ended up like Skyrim at the time that it launched was a phenomenon and was huge but I I think Todd has just as the internet has has remembered more and more people started looking back and seeing like the clips of him talking about Fallout 3 and talking about the 200 endings it would have and being like okay but that's or was that with Skyrim I forget which one he said that about and it's like that's not really true though that's not that's not accurate I don't know how you got to that number or all of the little lies with like Fallout 76 or Fallout 4 and all that and I I think that Todd at his core is a Salesman who also makes video games and he's very good at being a Salesman but I think the Goodwill has been burnt a lot and now people are much more skeptical and I'm very proud of people for that yeah Skyrim has infinite quests and there's procedurally fetch procedural fetch quests same thing with like Fallout 4 where it's like you're technically right like you'll never have an empty Quest log where there's just nothing left because there should always be somebody to issue another fetch Quest unless you kill every NPC in the game but like you still know what you're doing when you say that right you know how's it good everybody laughs at him I I mean I'm saying a lot of people do laugh at it now uh even with Starfield though the level of hype around Starfield was insane I told you guys about the guys that were trying to hack into my server to get my footage of the game like during the review process people were trying to hack into my Nas to get access to the footage I had stored on there because they were so desperate for any inkling of footage or information about the game like it's one of the few Studios that can still get to just an asinine level of hype and um I I think it's made worse by some of the the content creators that specifically cater to it but I mean it's it's wild it's wild so Todd still has a hold on some people I think every time there's a release though the number of people that buy into it gets you know smaller and smaller and smaller but no sky is Superior in every aspect I I think no man's Sky it's just it's a survival like Sim game sort of probably more survival than anything else and it's good but it's also not it's not very approachable like I've tried to get into it a few times and it's like every time I've tried people have been like oh well it just takes like you know 20 hours or so to get your feet under you I'm like I don't know man he took my thing red red 16 times the detail
Channel: Luke Stephens LIVE
Views: 109,269
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Keywords: luke stephens, luke stephens clips, luke stephens live, luke stephens stream
Id: FlkkZdG4g6A
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Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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