How To Fix Bethesda From MrMattyPlays - Luke Reacts

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so Maddie long-term friend to the channel I've watched his stuff since I was like actually 13 14 years old probably no probably not that young probably 15 16 years old but I've been watching Maddie forever and um he of course you know he his audience is primarily based around Bethesda and that's kind of where he got his start and that makes it kind of difficult I feel for him to talk about Starfield or bethesda's problems without facing a little bit of blowback he's done very well at at approaching those issues with the audience that might not like to hear about those problems cuz pretty clearly there are problems and I think at this point it's really impossible to ignore the problems even if you go onto the Starfield subreddit like there there's not a whole lot of people pretending that it is the game they thought it was going to be that it is as good as they were hoping it would be like T this most recent post 800 up votes replaying Fallout 4 makes me realize how lacking Starfield feels that's intense hot take to allow one character everything they drop the ball hard someone said the writing in Starfield is bad I disagree this is gold and it's it's a joke post uh the biggest issue is truly the writing 55,000 upvotes they were tough and well armed probably mercenaries what I made them of is corpses I wasn't really paying attention what I made what I made of them I can't read I'm the problem what I made of them is corpses it's still weird yeah there's there's just a lot of problems and even the Starfield Community is coming around to it and I'm very proud of them for coming around to it because this is how Bethesda actually improves and one of the the most interesting developments in the last few days is that Starfield has actually dropped to mostly negative reviews on Steam recently and then all reviews is 87,000 with mixed reception only 65% of those reviews are positive now the the key difference people have been asking what could have caused this like why is it all of a sudden going mostly negative and here's the thing uh I think what it is and this is just my my inference from the information it could be right could be wrong who knows but what I think this is is that people that bought it at full price 70 bucks at launch were hardcore Bethesda fans probably into modding which is why they bought it on Steam and not through Game Pass and as a result they were always going to be giving it the benefit of the doubt and were going to give it a little bit of extra wiggle room because they were the core hardcore fan base the game over Christmas and through the holiday uh sale on steam or winter sale I guess what they technically call it it's dropped 30% down to $48.99 this brings in a whole flood of new players that have been interested in trying it but that haven't especially with some of the mixed reception but they decided to give it a shot at the discount they came in tried it and found it lacking because they were not the hardcore diard fan base they were just people that were passively interested that decided to check it out cuz it was on sale and then once they did they were like okay this actually is not at all what I was hoping for and so they they had negative opinions which is very interesting only a third of the new players trying it only 31% are finding the game positive in the last month on Steam so the hope is that you know ubis or Ubisoft bgs that's a f slip right there is that bgs looks at this and honestly appreciates the feedback like this one these are not people that tried the game for an hour Jesus Christ um and then found it lacking these are people that actually really tried to to love and enjoy the game and just did not find it uh to be what they needed it to be so like I wasn't going to write this at first because I was so 50/50 and recommending it or not but after Bethesda started replying to negative reviews about why the reviews they've written are wrong I feel compelled to write something I would not recommend it for 70 bucks I would recommend until waiting until the game is fully released with all of its DLC on sale to buy it uh to me there's just not enough to justify the price it feels like a game that's only had a few years of development rather than seven and it's just kind of undercooked feels boring and inspired scoot this up uh and like locations what is bethesda's engine really good at it makes it relatively easy to handcraft huge worlds so what does Starfield do they handcrafted a few locations and left the rest up to procedural generation of course oh well the few handcrafted locations are great no okay then new Atlantis is kind of cool but it's small it's close to having some literal and figurative depth to it with the well but that's barely explored new Aila looks cool but again it's far too small the key is not a city and neon Jesus Christ neon yeah Neon is like an Alleyway um and then some buildings no part of it feels like this is like a hub of civilization within a planet yeah it just works like 37 hours 150 hours uh 90 hours 140 hours like this person tried it very like they they really put it through its Paces these people have really tried the game and given it a shot and they just didn't find it very compelling and I know it's like it's it's really easy for people to be like LOL okay well if you played it for 100 plus hours you clearly liked it you're just being negative like no that there are people like for Bethesda Fanboys and core fans I Fanboy sounds negative I didn't mean it that way but like for Bethesda fans that like their Golden Age games they will put a th000 hours 2,000 three 4,000 hours into one game that they really really really enjoy so for them to give 150 hours of their time to Starfield is not actually that far out of the ordinary and if anything I think the writing is on the wall with Starfield after like 30 40 hours I think it's really clear the problems are not going to get any better and so for them to continue going through and giving it even more time is is crazy so mad props to them all of this to say I think that there's a core issue with Starfield and with the recent I would say uh approach that Bethesda has taken towards these games so I agree with Maddie at least the premise of the video that there's something that needs to be fixed how you go about fixing it I'm not entirely sure I think that that is a valid question to bring um as I mentioned earlier in the Stream I've been working on my own video um for the last couple of weeks specifically on how to fix Starfield like giving my ideas of how they could patch it and mod it to to try and get it to be closer to the game that people actually wanted but that that's sort of tangentially related to this Maddie seems to be approaching Bethesda itself so I guess let's uh let's see what's up what's up earlier on I made a video called how Skyrim ruined Bethesda and it was a video essay based on on the subject of how Bethesda operated pre- Skyrim with design and communication versus how they operate nowadays talking about Fallout 4 Fallout 76 and most recently Starfield now all these videos that I prepared toward the end of the year are made in a vacuum of sorts I don't put them out and then read the comments and then put out my next video like I usually do because I'm taking some time off and this video much like that original video essay has been made in a vacuum I kind of wanted to have the video essay and then the conver ation afterwards where the video essay was what I thought was a fair critical look at how Bethesda operates and was less about the machange your engine Bethesda and more about understanding what kind of company they have become nowadays today I want to talk about how and I think that is fair I mean the the elephant in the room is just we'll change your engine stupid heads like that's the easiest thing you could possibly do to fix it but it's not necessarily a given like to change over a game engine for a studio means changing like not just training materials it means changing over sometimes the hardware so like your actual computers will change out um because it might be the case that oh if you're swapping to Unreal Engine but you were using this other engine before that's optimized primarily for development with like AMD chipsets but this is optimized for Intel you might be swapping out Hardware so like there's stuff on that end and then there's also licensing things where you've licensed certain um certain uh secondary software kits for your engine but now you have to get those licenses all over again like there's many many other cascading effects it's not as simple as just oh well we'll just swap over it's it's like just saying oh well just swap from Windows to Mac like on the YouTube side of things I've had people say you know i' I've said I've been really frustrated with Premier Pro cuz premere is super glitchy and buggy and constantly just breaks things but then people in the comments will be like well just switch to a Mac then and it's like well to do that would mean that I'd have to switch to Mac I'd have to have my editor switch to Mac if we were going to start using like Final Cut or something like it's not that simple like there's many other things all of our like pre-built stuff and effects and intros we'd have to redo because they're all built in like after effects that can talk to Premier so like there's so many other things that follow from it it's just not that simple to switch um which is why it was such a huge deal when like uh when cdpr said that they were switching over to Unreal especially after all of the crazy stuff that they had done how to quote fix end quote Bethesda they're an extremely successful company they make a lot of money in their eyes they need no fixing I do kind of like the idea that like we're saying how do you fix them it reminds me of like a really dysfunctional relationship how do you fix Bethesda do you love Bethesda or you just do you just love the idea of bethesa does bethesa love you or do they just love the idea of you that's that's a very valid question and there are some things that are said online about them that I disagree with one of those being a subject in this video and I'll call it out when I get there but what I wanted to talk about is how to get Bethesda to where they're walking that line of being the profitable extremely popular company that they have become while also maintaining that core fan base and how to sustain that for generations to come beyond the days of Todd Howard so ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for tuning in I mean I don't think Todd is probably ever retiring I think he's always going to be there I just don't foresee him leaving at this point so I think he'll always be there maybe not like active creative director he'll try to take more of a supervisory role but that's just I mean that is what it is I think a lot of people are like that um in the upper echelons of game development and even most companies you know they they might not be in the involved in the day-to-day anymore but they are still participating in the the process as for um as for all this other stuff I mean it's just I think it's a very valid question to ask is Bethesda the same company that made Star like Skyrim and on I would say it's two-pronged for one I don't think they're the same company it's pretty clear that they've shifted perspectives and approaches they're really focused on trying to re reinvent the wheel like they had this amazing thing with the sandbox Adventure game in Skyrim and then with Fallout 4 they try to go like super narrative even though their writing teams are not very good so the the writing Falls super flat and it's just not that interesting and then um with Fallout 76 you know that's just a cluster and then with Starfield it's like you guys are really good at handcrafted environments and worlds with like environmental storytelling that's top-notch that's what you're really good at so you decide to make a game with basically none of it how does that make any sense at all so I think that they've either completely lost their way or it's just a different approach or they didn't really like making those games like Skyrim back in the day or they got sick of it there's just something weird where they're really good at that but they don't want to do it you know they they just are actively trying to avoid it if you're new here and you're into pesda con oh and the other piece uh because I said there were two pieces to it there's that and then the other piece is that I think it's clear that um the industry has changed a lot as well and Gamers have changed and expect expectations have changed and so we're looking at Bethesda and we're saying yeah we love like those old school games but you can't get away with buggy piles of garbage anymore it has to be polished because that's where we are now as an industry yes it was like a little endearing I guess when in 2011 you'd constantly be releasing buggy stuff and it was like oh well it's the Bethesda bugs it's bethesda's charm they do that no it's not acceptable anymore and then beyond that we also have different expectations in terms of like technology like I think the most damning thing that happened with Starfield is that it launched right next to balers Gate 3 which as an RPG is insane granted it's like a once in a generation type of game but still just absolutely crazy and then it also launches right next to on the other side the Phantom Liberty DLC for cyberpunk 2017 77 and the 2.0 update that takes this game and just turns it into a a masterpiece of not just a technological Marvel uh in terms of graphics and loading systems and all this stuff but then they're also actively improving with an amazing story amazing RPG mechanics great combat and all sorts of stuff so I think it just happened to launch right between two things that make it look far far more lackluster than it would have looked if it launched in say like March we prepared a lot of it for this holiday season consider subscribing we got a lot more on and you should to so the first thing I want to tackle here when it comes to fixing Bethesda has to be when it comes to their team size they are an extremely small team of around 400 people and I say extremely small in the terms of AAA development that's usually pushing past a thousand multi- thousand and of course when you account for Microsoft and the QA that was backing them up like yes Starfield had a massive staff on board for this game but Bethesda has that if you will small business feel but big business mindset so to yeah the call Boutique shops uh like we did this when I worked in real estate our shop was uh they said we're a boutique shop with big business assets and capabilities so if you want the power of a big company but the feel of a boutique shop that's us we can provide both and it seems like Bethesda is trying to do the same thing like they shoot for the stars ah see what I did there they shoot for the stars with these amazingly ambitious games but they just frankly I don't think have the team or the budget or the capacity to deliver on it like everybody memes on Star Citizen taking a decade plus to be able to put stuff out that's like pretty lackluster but like at least they've like done all sorts of insane Tech where they can get it run running like that that Star Citizen um or Star engine technically demo that they did which we'll put the link to that in the description of this clip um Jacob put the clip in the description uh but we did a reaction to that engine demo that they did and it made Starfield look way way out of date because they're just like seamlessly without load screens at all loading from planet surface to space to actual realistic orbits being simulated they have object permanent so if you drop something on this planet and then leave for an actual year you can come back and find that water bottle still on the ground right where you left it so long as nobody's touched it or moved it on that entire planet like it's ridiculous how much they have working in that but it's taken them years and years and hundreds of millions of dollars to basically program their own custom engines and rework engines that they had licensed to get working that way like it's ridiculous what they've done and so Starfield and Bethesda in general I feel like they have kind of lost sight of what they're capable of because in in 2011 they were capable of AAA games that were massive in scope and they could deliver that but in 2023 it's just there's higher standards like there's just higher standards people expect more and you need to do more to be competitive really say and if I were to go in there and start tinkering with how they approach things I would say okay you want to be a 400 Man team let's start building your games around around that mindset what that means is that procedural isn't your answer for everything I think procedural content like we saw in Starfield is the result of development costs getting higher game development becoming more difficult and you need to make that same massive scale of Worlds that you made back with Fallout 3 back with Oblivion but it's much more difficult to do now so you need a computer to effectively generate it for you I think what needs to happen is a slimmed focus you can still make worlds to live in that are highly replayable at the same time as maintaining what makes your game special you can still maintain scope and scale in meaningful ways while not making for example a thousand plus Planet Galaxy now I really do like yeah I mean I I would agree they have a habit of biting off more than they can chew and if they decided instead of a thousand planets to do three like just stick to the solar system I think that that could have been really really cool um and that would have stood a chance to actually be I think enjoyable if they had gotten rid of the load screens and then also the fishbowls and only done like three or four planets to actually explore that could have been cool it could have been mostly forests and caves and procedurally generated stuff but that at least I think would be much more compelling but instead what we have now is like the worst of Both Worlds the idea Starfield presenting but I wonder if sometimes Bethesda is biting off more than they can chew something that we've talked about with 76 something we've talked about with Fallout 4 I will say though I hope that Bethesda in turn maintains the quest Focus to me that was starfields biggest strength and I hope they maintain that because that can provide Focus for the team what are our strengths I feel like questing is one of them it's about the adventure at s youan where even if it's not the quest itself that's incredibly well written it's about when you're going from point A to point B that thing that distracts you along the way Quest Focus fuels the best parts of Bethesda game studios whether their games are gigantic or tiny and that I mean I'm not sure if I agree with that there's a couple of decent quests in Starfield even good quests in Starfield but I feel like the writing is pretty lackluster across the board and I can't think of a single thing in Starfield that's like really unique to it or that it does really really well you know like what part of the Starfield universe is like that's really really cool like if you're not allowed to say Starfield or describe any details like it's made by bgs or this or that if you just have to describe the universe of Starfield how do you do that in a way that makes it actually identifiable well it's like a it's a NASA Punk inspired world and you fly in spaceships and then there's like space pirates and then I guess you could also say that there's like this this cool Magical Force that allows you to do things like push things and pull things and maybe slow things down like you just end up describing a Lamer version of Star Wars at the end of it you know and it's like there's just not really anything it does where it's like oh yeah that's that's the thing it does really well that's what sets it apart there's just not really anything it excels at that would go hand in hand with what I said in my video essay reconnecting with the actual reasons for Skyrim success at the same time when I am talking about acting your team size that may mean inadvertently kind of thinking about how you're supporting Fallout 76 I think if you have a 400 May okay I'm glad I'm not the only one so look when the bullet hits then when the head pops so pop okay okay his health drops he's close and then he's oh no the head did pop so like look at how much time this is why I can't really play oh it's a girl this is why I can't play Fallout 76 is because of this delay fires the bullet two frames it hits right there and then one two I guess is that another one no it doesn't hit there she just moves for some reason well no it shows the hit marker so the the actual bullet animation showing it moving is actually behind when the bullet actually lands okay but anyway so it hits here okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I'd say 30 frames later is when it actually looks like you've actually hit them and killed them because their head pops off and then their body stands up somehow and then a blood effect sprays and then the body goes limp and this is a 60 frame so like straight up half a second straight up half a second of delay between when the bullet hits and when the game actually presents it as being hit you know it it's just that delay makes it very very difficult for me to play personally cuz it feels like constantly you're playing with 100 millisecond pings or 500 millisecond pings it's really really tough to play it and for it to feel tight kind of thinking about how you're supporting Fallout 76 I think if you have a 400 Man team you can make the games you still want to make but you kind of need all handson deck for the production of them you can't afford to have multiple teams of your development Force involved in a live service product like this at the same time I will say 76 is getting much better Atlantic City was a pretty good step forward n World on tour was also pretty great there's still a lot corrupt within it on a technical level but I can see why they want to hang with it butda just wants to do that they want to do the same thing with redfall they just refuse to let go of these games to their credit but I feel like if you need to accept that like you're a smaller business a smaller staff it's time to act like one maintaining a live service game consistent support for Starfield for five plus years supporting Fallout 4's nextg update you can only go so far with the Manpower that you provided yourself so start acting your team size this next one I'm going to go on because bethesda's communication has historically sucked and especially in 2023 I think it was really bad I think of the Fallout 4 Next Gen update is the prime example of that I get that we all knew in the Fallout Community oh yeah whatever this Fallout TV show drops is probably when you're going to drop the nextg update that is our assumption as intelligent gaming fans you but bestda it's on you to not announce a nextg update which is considered a very small free thing whatever thing and confirm it for 2023 and then give us no word whatsoever all the way until the final dying weeks of 2023 go yep it's the late 2024 see you then we're excited about yeah I agree I mean it's it's pretty stupid um I don't know if it's the marketing teams that they struggle with or what but this has also been a thing with EXP Box xBox has really struggled to communicate clearly across all of these teams what was the example there was I don't think it was Starfield maybe it was redfall I think it was redfall like they had this game that they were allegedly really excited about that they were going to try to push to everybody everybody's going to find out about it and instead of everybody like the Xbox Twitter account and then the the redfall Twitter account and then the Arcane Twitter account and then all the Facebook pages and all the YouTube channels instead of them all kind of working together to promote the game it was like red Falls account would tweet things occasionally that was kind of it and then Xbox might occasionally tweet like coming to Game Pass soon and like that was it there was very little coordination between the teams so I think that that whether that's specifically you know a bgs issue or more of an Microsoft Xbox issue I'm not really sure but it's been a a big problem for Xbox as well and um PlayStation does not have the issue at all like play PlayStation has always been really good at getting all of their social media teams to work together they'll have Gorilla sending out tweets promoting the latest God of War Valhalla update and stuff so they've always been very very unified with it and I think that's something Xbox needs to work on it's very easy to fix you just get a new marketing uh marketing director and then you get a new team in there they go in there they unify everything create a system for planning out these posts and it's something they can easily fix they just have to do it yep see then your communication has to get better not just for an instance like that but I look at Starfield as it stands right now when I'm recording this video in the vacuum no real road map we get random promises on Reddit like Hey we're going to do new ways of traveling hey we're going to do more bug fixes we get the occasional butda Net post sometimes we find out news through that like there's no consistent lines of communication from the development team to the fan base and especially with Starfield a game with a lot of complaints most people are willing to as we've seen with like cyber punk as we've seen with every broken game Battlefield 2042 like people look at they go God you're hopeless it's dire but you know what gets them all out of that situation is communic what theate problem F provides and then backing it up with actions I mean that's the biggest thing like I you guys remember right after cyberpunk 2077 dropped everybody was like okay yeah you're saying you're going to fix it and write this wrong okay we'll believe it when we see it and they sort of you know started working on it but it was like okay guys this is not going to do it and it took a solid 3 years but they got it there you know they they added stuff they made the game bigger and cooler they this phenomenal expansion and they eventually got it there but their actions spoke louder than their words and with Bethesda it feels like they don't really have any words usually they don't really say much of anything and then their actions come a day late in a dollar short most of the time and it it's just like you got to you got to at least do one of them at least one of them please that's the game studios just is too kg for their own good it's a product of the love their fan base has for their IP from Fallout to Elder SCS to Starfield there are people who are only fans of Starfield and if you're only in that camp you're kind of sitting there going all right what what's the plan we know you're supporting the game for a while but you're giving us a lot of nothing here some people are only Fallout fans what's going on with the franchise like you've got to talk to the fans because then what happens is expectations build anger builds and then you get what's happening with Starfield speaking of which sometimes I think in the pre-release of your games please keep in mind that you can't drop key details of your games in like a GQ interview and then leave out that in like the big Starfield developer direct I say for example how Todd Howard in the GQ interview had mentioned that Starfield explores differently and he's Unsure how it's going to be received probably something should have been said on a public level to gauge expectations I would put money on it that so many of starfields problems wouldn't have been discussed if Bethesda was actually open about how exploration was truly going to work for any trepidation that they felt heading into launch on that but instead it was unless you watch the Mr manty Channel buried in a GQ article and that was like a couple weeks from launch you know unless you watched Luke Stevens calling out all these people for hyping it up and pretending like these weren't problems you guys remember and actually I have another video pulled up which is a video I did like eight months ago uh on Starfield field where I was like some of this stuff doesn't really make a lot of sense some of these things don't line up and I don't know why more people are not upset about it or talking about it because there were red flags everywhere with Starfield and people were just actively ignoring them they were pretending like it wasn't actually an issue it was weird it was freaking weird and now of course hindsight's 2020 so all of these creators I'm not pointing this at Maddie because Maddie I think uh in general was trying to calm his audience down he was just fighting an uphill battle cuz some of his Bethesda fans are are difficult to Wrangle let's just say but um there were a lot of creators that now are kind of retconning and pretending like they were always kind of skeptical and suspicious of Starfield but they were hyping it up just as much as the next guy like just as much let's be completely honest the decision was made for people by that point so I just feel like Bethesda needs to communicate these sorts of things better I said I had a hot take on this list I have an item on this list here that I don't think anyone's going to want to hear but I'm going to say it anyway keep the creation to me I think a lot of people use this as an easy I'm to hear out I know cuz it's not always yeah hashtag L Luke was right that's my favorite hashtag I've ever seen in my life Kenneth I love it um but like with uh with the the creation engine like I said there's a lot of extra Hoops you have to jump through to swap it out I think at this point my stance is that there has been so much Goodwill burned as a result of the creation engine over the the last decade I think just moving to something else would immediately give them like plus 50 Charisma immediately it's like okay everybody liked that I think that would be an easy way to win some people over if they did it and honestly if they went to Epic and they're like hey we want to pair with you guys with the Unreal Engine just like cdpr is doing cdpr makes similar games and they think that they can get it working in unreal um and that unreal will do a better job of what the the red engine was able to do which was already industry leading so I think they go to Epic they could probably work out some deal where they work together on the engine get it fine-tuned to what they need it to do and and move on from there maybe they work on mod support for it whatever I think that they could totally do that and find a way to make it happen I don't know like the benefit of the creation engine allegedly has been that for years and years and years it's allowed them to build big environments quickly and what we've seen is that with years and years going by in the case of Starfield I mean this was an active development for at least 5 years I don't really see how this is Saving Time over what other teams are doing with different tool sets like I I really don't see it like you would expect the way they talk about creation engine that they would have way bigger cities and more content more hand Place content way bigger stuff that's really really impressive compared to what everybody else is doing and back in 2011 that was true nowadays it's just not it's just not other teams with other engines are doing way bigger cities way bigger environments way more detailed environments way better and PC interactions way better graphics like everything is just better elsewhere but again like I said I'll hear mdty out let's hear mdty out I want to I want to hear the argument keeping uh the creation engine the argument against beesa oh my God it's the creation engine for literally every problem the game has and I get it because that's all you here online and I'm not here saying that the creation engine is literally blameless but at the same time I have to look at it honestly this is well let me let me be clear and I don't I'm sure he's seen people that say it the way he just did but my frustration is that the creation engine has led to Bethesda making development decisions based on its restrictions that are bad the decision to have a thousand planets knowing that it was going to be limited by all these load screens and Fishbowl environments that was a bad decision that still lands on the directors for thinking that that would be fun and enjoyable in the long term cuz it's just frankly not and everybody seems to agree at this point it's just not compared to what you can do in like Skyrim where you can just run around and explore and have fun uh without any interruptions it lets you get immersed and that's what people like so you can say that the creation engine is responsible but it's more that the creation engine sets up the developers and the directors to make big decisions based off of the tools that they have and the directors keep making stupid decisions on what to do and what to prioritize that's more my St like I I think that it would be easier for them to make a better game on a different engine I think they would have an easier time making great games um I think using the creation engine is fighting an uphill battle but it's the bla still lands on some of those core decisions that like Todd and those guys made early early on where they thought that the way Starfield looks and runs would be enjoyable to fans that powered some of the greatest games that we have enjoyed like Skyrim it is powered games like Fallout 4 when I look at Starfield and I see the critique is it's the engine man I mean it ran Skyrim a decade ago two generations ago of Hardware bear in mind that launched on the 360 yeah but Luke the astronauts weren't bored um so it ran Skyrim two generations ago it ran Fallout 4 a generation ago and Fallout 4 while people said it didn't look bad or even pretty good it was far from an industry-leading game graphically in 2015 I think especially when you compare it Side by with The Witcher 3 a game that's just as vast um and I think looks way better when you compare 2015 footage to 2015 footage so graphically it didn't really hold up and then in terms of spaces it also was filled with um bugs and it launched super broken for a lot of people including myself so you know this might be Rose tinted glasses kind of uh looking back on it with modern bias the engine is limiting Bethesda to me that feels like an ill conceed argument not targeting the true problem of their game Starfield to me and maybe your interpretation is different its problems boiled down to game design game design was its biggest issue and by that I mean how they handled fast traveling how they handled exploration these are creative choices that go along the way where you have this game you dream of making in the game you kind of can make and there's that kind of in between area that you're hoping you fall between and that's the challenge of game development is what are you going to cut and what choice are you going to go forward with and what I see in Starfield are choices that just didn't pan out well that's not ping over the problems of the game it's just I think honestly tackling what was wrong with the title I don't think creation engine is at the heart of any of Starfield issues some people will say well because of creation engine that's why the design was limited but there I would respectfully disagree and say that I look at sky okay disagree with me Maddie disagree in Fallout 4 and don't see limited games there I see excellent games that no I think they were limited but within the constraints of the technology of the time like you can't look at 2011 with Skyrim and compare it to 2023 like you just can't it's just not the same like you know like we had higher tolerances for load screens when everything was running on whatever it was uh 7200 RPM hard drive like we were just used to it everybody was used to it so I don't think you can then say that they're directly comparable like it's different times different Hardware it's totally different yeah Skyrim was really good for its time but in 2023 if you release Skyrim under a different name and we had never seen it before people would find it extremely lack compared to what we've gotten today had great design decisions made that led to feeding the game strengths Fallout 4's biggest complaint really was the lack of role playing that was a creative decision made by Bethesda it had nothing to do with the engine Skyrim's biggest problem I think that was more marketing though and this is something I've come to realize um is just that Fallout 4 is a really good game if you play it differently than Bethesda games are typically played um like Skyrim is all about role playing as just whatever you want and they give you like almost no barriers to entry there like if you want to just show up and be like oh now I'm a wizard they're like after 20 minutes of basic questing they're like okay you're now the head wizard of this entire group congratulations okay now I want to go be head of the Thieves Guild and you run off and you do like 45 minutes of quests and now yeah congratulations you're like executive leadership within this like they just really don't put any barriers between the player and whatever kind of fever dream fantasy they have um so it's like very lighthearted roleplay it's not like super serious intense roleplay where you have to play by the rules of the world and the rules are very strict it's very open it's it's a a very relaxed way of doing it Fallout 4 basically has none of that because they tried to go like super narrative and be super serious and intense and emotional and they just weren't very successful at that having the voice protagonist I think was also an interesting experiment I thought that that was cool and I can understand why they wanted to try it but I think it was clear that for the types of games that they wanted to make and especially with their writing it just wasn't going to work cyber punk I think demonstrated that you can can have a voice protagonist in an RPG that works well um well enough but I think with a lot of these RPGs it's better to just put the text on screen let the player read it with their own intonations and how they would uh accentuate certain words and stuff don't let a voice actor do it and then you just you kind of just let the player fill in those gaps and then you just play you press the button the text plays and that's that balers Gate 3 also has very limited text options for or voice options for the player character they'll still have your party doing stuff and saying stuff but like if you try to play as as Gail you know um the text is going to be different he's not going to be saying the same sentences and phrases he would have been if you were talking as somebody else as the player character if that makes sense I would say went also to lack of role playing and writing but when you look at the adventures and the exploration and how many areas you could go into and the amount of DLC it kind of pH right it wasn't an engine problem there either again I get it creation engine is buggy but I look at it I mean again I just I think probably the disagreement from this is just that I don't think you can say that 2011 is comparable to today like yeah you can say Skyrim wasn't limited by the creation engine in 2011 I would say it was it was just that in 2011 the restrictions on the creation engine were built and designed around the technical restrictions of of the time and the hardware of the time and as they continued to use that same system the creation engine is basically operating on the restrictions of the Xbox 360 and PS3 but now it has the assets of the PS5 and Xbox series consoles and PCs of the modern day and so it just feels like you're playing a game from a decade ago you know truly this way the same people who have called for the engine to be torn down thrown out and for Bethesda to take in Unreal Engine or Unity for example also are the same people often times saying oh we need the mods mods are why I play Bethesda games in the first place creation engine is one of the most customizable engines out there not to say that other games don't have fantastic mods I look at cyberpunk there's a wonderful modd Community there for the red engine it is possible to mod other engines I just think with what makes Bethesda game studios games popular and what gives them a level of interactivity is through the creation engine again I'm not telling you it's perfect I'm not saying your criticisms of it are wrong I'm just saying that I think we're sometimes avoiding the real problems which are more difficult to conve which is that Starfield problems to me as someone who even loves the game I put in my top 10 of the year to me is about design not engine limitations so I think stick with creation engines and naturally that'll make some people sick to their stomach to hear but look it's not going anywhere it's not going anywhere they've had so many moments they could have dropped this thing and with start they double down creation engine two which many people thought was going to be should we do a PLL should we do a pull I kind of want to know what you guys think I kind of want to know should we do a pull let's do a pull real quick I I I'm going to do a straw pull we're just going to ask if you guys think that they are going to drop the creation engine and specifically this is in or before the Elder Scroll 6 okay so we're not saying like eventually we're saying right now okay so I'm going to create the poll we're going to post this and I want to hear what you guys think so everybody vote on that real quick just click on the link and vote my my guess I think they should I don't think they will yeah I don't think people are that confident in uh in them moving on um yeah I don't I don't think I I think they should but I don't think they will because again I think it immediately gets so many brownie points if they were to do it if they were to announce hey and we're using not the cre engine 3 we're deciding we've partnered with epic and we're going to be building the ultr scroll 6 in Unreal Engine 5 I think they would get a standing ovation but they're not going to do it and honestly right now they're already moving into production on that so if they were going to do it in another another engine like I think they would already be doing it and I think at that point the news would have already been announced or leaked or something so I just don't think I don't think they're doing it and you guys apparently don't think they're doing it either so a brand new engine but it's just like Unreal Engine four to Unreal Engine 5 right you know it's still going to be Unreal Engine but there's going to be a lot of new features and additions there and when you look at what Starfield did on a technical level when came to polish I thought you know what this feels like a pretty good upgrade so so yeah and was a Polish turd I don't I again I'm a bug magnet so I I run into these things a lot but I showed you guys a lot of the bugs I came across in my review and there were a good amount like I had entire quest line soft locked and uh stuff that was just totally broken it was the best polished Bethesda game I've ever played but again like that's really not saying much at all I know it's a hot take but I always keep it honest here and I'm more than willing to hear the disagreement down below as I'm sure it will be there no doubt about it so the last thing I wanted to touch on for Bethesda was their focus of the future speaking of the engine part of the reason they want to keep that the same is Bethesda is hiring a lot of modders and when modders are working with your tool set you kind of want to keep them familiar with that because what happens is it cuts off that immediate process of training the new guy or gal the pipeline just has to be established but otherwise they're pretty familiar with what what you're going to be using in house and that's a great strength to have as a developer who's hiring and growing and is now first party and owned by Microsoft but future focus is in a different way Todd Howard has guided many of Bethesda game studios's greatest game and continues to do so but like any human here we all have an expiration date and I know that's very sad to say what I mean by oh my God I know what he means but that makes it sound like yep Todd's almost dead everybody buckle up he has an expiration date that's funny man is that Todd won't be at the best game studios forever if there's one thing I'm not seeing at the company that I'm a little bit disappointed in is that they're not really focusing on nurturing the next generation of talent that's something I love about Tango gamew works you had Shinji Mami and John Johannes there and Shinji makami was working closely with John johanes and letting all this newer younger Talent do their own thing that led to highi rush you had akumi Nakamura there who was kind of originally supposed to be the Protege for chinji Mami that obviously went a completely different direction she left she started her own team announced her own game at the game awards of 2023 the point being that studio was really focused on having a vet leader at the top guiding the new generation and then eventually moving on to do something else whereas I feel like with Bethesda game studios it's trying to pull Todd Howard in every single Direction work on the Indiana Jones game Todd work on Starfield work on the Fallout Rems or whatever work on Elder SC 6 it's like this is one human and when his bandwidth gets spread this far I can't imagine we're getting the best out of him in his final years his career who knows how I mean I I I forget was it an article or an interview we read we read it on stream but there was a whole story where it was breaking down Todd Howard and retirement and everything and he was like I don't really see walking away or anything but the other piece was that he has been working very hard to separate himself from the core development process so maybe Maddie's saying it's it hasn't been working or maybe I'm mistaken or maybe he's mistaken but at least in that thing we read it described how he was still the final decision maker for a lot of the stuff in Starfield but he didn't want to be um he's been trying very hard to separate himself so that the creative directors and the gameplay directors and designers that we saw a lot of in those videos and stuff leading up to the release of Starfield he wants those people to be the final decision makers and not everything to land at his lap because Matty's right he is working on a ton of different stuff for the Indiana Jones games he's doing like um he's doing I think Executive producing is his title I think is what his his official title is but he's spread very thin there's no doubt there's no doubt and I they do need to figure out how to how to take it on but more than anything I think um it's just a difficult reality when you have a designer that had their Heyday 15 20 years ago and and I know it sounds crazy to say Todd's Heyday was 20 years ago but we're approaching like Fallout 3 and Oblivion when like elder or Bethesda game studios really started skyrocketing in popularity that was at this point like 15 plus years ago is when like we're talking 2006 you know we're approaching 20 years uh since that game so you know he's been around for a long time and his most well-received games were a decade plus ago and so I I do think it's valid to at least question maybe he's not like the the future of bgs he can take a role in it but he might not be the one that's going to uh be directing the next 10 out of 10 Bethesda game how long he hangs around maybe it's beyond Elder SC many people are convinced that's his last game and if it is I hope they get on top of things quick and they start to nurture who's the next person who's going to get on stage and talk about the thesda games who's going to Pioneer the next generation of but bestda game studi game that's a legacy that can't continue solely through Todd yeah all of these guys we've seen in a lot of these videos a lot of them em if it is I hope they get on top of things quick and they start to nurture so Emil pulo this is a guy we've talked about on Luke Stevens live before I've made some videos mentioning him um he's been around since the early 2000s at the very least so he's been very very active and he is like one of Todd Howard's right-hand men like Todd needed that the the whatever chant that's at the opening menu of Skyrim he needed that written so he sent Emil home and Emil just like wrote the damn thing in this language that doesn't really exist he just figured it out so like he's a very cool creative guy but he also has a very interesting philosophy like he doesn't believe in design documents apparently which if you don't know design documents like it's it's like a whole thing um in game development where you build out the game before you even start development on it kind of like an outline for an essay or something so you build out the whole game what it looks like the narrative all the mechanics and everything and then you go and you start working through it can change it can refine a little bit as time goes by but you have everything basically laid out in that document you should see the game on that sheet before it actually is put together in its uh in its final form he apparently doesn't believe in that he doesn't like doing that um it's also Bethesda for years they very openly and proudly said that they don't play test their games and everybody joked and you know the old joke was Todd would say yeah we don't play test our games and everybody goes yeah we noticed cuz they were always so buggy so they've had these weird philosophies that I think maybe worked back in 2011 but they don't really work noways and I think Starfield is a great example of why some of those philosophies don't really work when you try to go extra big like with Starfield not having a design document to figure out exactly how traversal would work and how the World building would work and how procedural generated areas would work before you started working on it I think that was a huge problem because it it started field feels like a game where they were like kind of figuring it out as they went along and the way it ended up was just not really that fun and I think that's probably because of the way that they approached it you know it's like writing an essay without an outline hoping you stumble into a good essay but you're not allowed to edit it afterwards because the game has to release right you have to put it out so once the essay is done you're just like okay put it out there hopefully people like it and it's a good essay and it gets a good grade it's just a very weird way of writing it's it's not how people are taught to to make games nowadays I would say who's the next person who's goingon to get on stage and talk about Bethesda games who's going to Pioneer the next generation of Bethesda game studios games that's a legacy that can't continue solely through tith and needs to exist through someone else as well Pete hin is left Jeff Gardner is out so gradually the old yeah Pete hin in case you don't know marketing head honcho has a soft Works originally I think was at Bethesda game studios moved to soft works and then he recently stepped away I don't know if he officially retired I don't recall I think he did retire but he's out and then the other guy that they mentioned exist there someone else as well Pete H left Jeff Gardner is out Jeff Gardner I believe he was the lead director on Fallout 76 and he left after a couple of years so gradually the old Round Table of Bethesda Knights is starting to fall off and either start their own Adventures or doing something else and so here we are at the end of it all what are fans going to get who are in it for the long haul with Bethesda Games videos that's what I'm looking for here so these are a few ways that I think Bethesda could be fixed here from building around their small team size to better communication to keep the creation engine and building games around it with proper design and a focus on the future I'm curious to hear your thoughts on what you think would quote fix Bethesda in response to my video I say I put out earlier on looking forward to seeing your thoughts take great care for me I guess this is the part where I go through what I think would fix Bethesda so you know what we must do so I I think with this it's it's just a matter of a couple of core things my hope is that Bethesda is able to kind of deal with reality first and foremost and that's going to come from fans being honest okay I think fans have to be honest this this weird thing that people have done for years where they pretend like there aren't problems and well no it's just a different design philosophy or no I know you didn't like the the way they approached it but that it's just CU you don't like the the style it's like we got to shut up about this stuff like if there's a problem that's clear call it out and that's why honestly I'm really happy to see and maybe you know this is just shot in Fr but I'm really happy to see the negative reviews come to Starfield calling out very valid frustrations about Starfield because that is something that the devs are going to see and hopefully take notice of and grow from that's my hope at least is that bgs is going to respond um as a result you know the next thing is that bgs has to I guess maybe we just say reflect on the the honesty maybe that's what we say so they have to actually take the criticism and grow from it doesn't do any good if the fans are being critical and are going through all the stuff they're frustrated by and then Bethesda is like okay well you guys are just haters you know that doesn't work it's the same thing with like I made that recent video where I said Bethesda game studios is basically a LOL cow at this point and part of that is because they they they lack self-awareness it's one of the Telltale traits of a l cow is that they're doing things that are funny and entertaining without realizing they're being entertaining because they lack self-awareness and in the case of Bethesda game studios I think it's a great example where they lack self-awareness of of kind of the memes surrounding their games or at least they seem to behave as though they lack that self-awareness so hopefully they respond to these these reviews and reactions towards Starfield and go back to the drawing board and like okay so biggest frustrations from our fans are this this and this people are frustrated by the engine people are frustrated by the graphics and I'm trying to get better with this pen I'm not used to looking here and writing down here it throws me off uh so people are frustrated by the graphics and by the engine and people are also frustrated by um the the constant load screens we didn't think that this was a very big deal but clearly the fans care and so we need to address that because it doesn't matter what we think it matters what our customers and our fans think people are also really frustrated by the the communication you know like if we can't talk to our fans what's the the the point what are we doing if we can't have good communication what are we doing so like they go through all of these things that's what they need to do and they need to reflect and they need to figure out what what do we need to do to make these games better that's the the hope at least I think they have to reflect practical improvements that they could make okay I think again there's no doubt that swapping engines is incredibly difficult no doubt there I'm not going to question it everybody is going to hopefully agree on that um it is a very difficult thing to just swap engines and I I don't think that should be taken lightly however I do think as I mentioned earlier there are many upsides two swapping engines that I think end up more positive than than negative Chief among them is like improved uh credibility with the fans when you say that this is going to run well and it's going to be a very different game technologically uh when you say this is the most graphically impressive game we've ever made people are going to actually believe you when you say that this has the resources of Epic Games behind it if they swap to Unreal that carries a lot of weight uh and also just like CD project red is moving from from the red engine which made cyberpunk 2077 an industry-leading graphically amazing technologically impressive game they're moving to Unreal Engine so if Bethesda does it I think everybody's going to be like wow okay so I mean two of the greats are doing it makes sense right makes sense so I think that they swap engines I think that that's uh the easiest thing that they can do engines kind of all Blended together uh so I think swapping engines is a is a layup and imagine the response when they do a little press conference and they just come up and they're like oh yeah and we're doing a new engine guys buckle up it's going to be amazing I think people would lose their minds I think it would be a an easy thing take a lot of extra time to train the team up but guess what they're owned by uh Microsoft now and Xbox so they can probably if they go to Phil Spencer like listen we're going to swap engines we need an extra year I'm sure they're going to get it I would have no doubt if they're like this is going to alleviate all the frustrations people have with Starfield it's going to be great I think it's a layup so nobody's doubting how difficult it would be it would be a lot it would be expensive it would be a lot of trouble CU for like decades they've been using this engine um they're very used to it for sure but I think that's what just needs to happen uh for them to win back some credibility with fans so swapping engines I think is a layup I think beyond that one of the biggest frustrations I had with Bethesda was their lack of transparency it's probably the thing that really pissed me off about Starfield is that there were just constant instances and and occasions where like Phil or Phil Todd would say something like players will explore in a new way in this game and we're not sure how fans will like it that should be like what do you mean why wouldn't they like it why are you doing anything that you think your fans might not like that's weird and then they say stuff like oh there's no vehicles and you know the the player will not be able to run endlessly and there's no flying your ship so if you ever want to leave the planet you have to fast travel back to your ship it just it's not going to be free and open for you to just explore the planet like if they had come out and just clearly described all these things players would have understood it and I think expectations would have been managed like hype would be a lot lower because people weren't being lied to effectively and I think that that's one of the biggest things there there is a because of the transparency there's a perception of um of lies and while it's not the same as like Todd's saying there are over 6,000 endings in this game or I think in in uh Skyrim he said that there were over 200 endings what I or maybe it was Fallout 3 I think actually I think what he was saying is like depending on how you finish certain side quests if you count like I blew up Megaton and I finished the game this way therefore that's a different ending then if I didn't blow this up and then you know I got the same ending so I think if you tweak the math and really messed with it you could get to the point where you're able to basically like get away with it but I don't know it still feels like either either being intentionally vague to the point where I can't even tell what you're talking about so it kind of seems like a lie or at the very least a deception because you're not communicating honestly with me or other cases where they just straight up lie through a mission where they will describe how the game works and then not mention very important pieces of it that would probably change your mind about it like saying in the leadup to Starfield that you land on the planet and then you hit invisible walls if you run too far out of bounds uh because it's not an actual planet to explore it's a fishbowl that looks like a planet if you described clearly how it worked I think players would have a lot more respect but again hype would be a little bit lower and I think this is the thing that Todd has struggled with a lot I say struggle he's benefited benefited and profited from it no doubt but he has a real problem with over promising things and being a little bit maybe overly vague for his own benefit and this is the thing like if there's one occasion where you say something and you don't go into the detail that would have helped me decide I wasn't actually interested if it happens once okay it just maybe you just didn't say it you didn't think I would care that much whatever if it happens twice it's like okay like fo me once like shame on on what is it fool me once shame on me fool me twice shame on no fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me fool me three times I'm an idiot like that's basically how it works and in this case Todd just time and time again says things that are clearly ridiculous and like anybody who's thinking skeptically is going to be like I don't I don't think that makes a lot of sense what he just described a thousand planets and he says it's going to be their most uh explorable and interesting game yet like I don't see how that could possibly be the case and then you find out other things and it it just all to say it feels like there's a lack of transparency with what the game actually is and that kind of pairs with Todd's problem with lying about stuff or at the very least not being clear about things so I think that's a that's a problem as well um and then uh perhaps a a really really huge one is just managing expectations this is something Bethesda has had basically no interest at all in doing yeah I just did it Bush Jr style you're damn right um fool me once shame on on you fool me twice I'm not going to get fooled that's basically what it is uh so managing expectations is something no Studio or publisher or really anybody trying to sell you something wants to do cuz it's not fun like it doesn't actually really help you that much if I come along and I'm like Hey listen I'm trying to sell you this car this car is okay and it gets decent mileage and it's it's going to have some issues in the long term and break down and you're going to have to spend a lot of money repairing it but it will get you where you need to go for a little while um and it will also lose its value the moment you drive off the lot money please like no nobody's going to be that thrilled to buy from you but if you come along and you're like hey this car this is like this is it okay not only has it gotten all these safety awards not only is it retaining its value better than previous models in its own line not mentioning that they have some of the worst plummeting values of any brand but I'm just keeping this very slim statistic I'm not technically lying to you it's the best it retains its value the best of all of its other crappy brothers and sisters so I did tell you the truth technically but I withheld key information that would change your opinion but also it it has mileage that is you know you've seen those Ford F-150s the most popular truck in America this has like twice the gas mileage that that car does not even mentioning that that's a pickup truck and this is like a little bitty sedan you know I I could go in there and I could kind of stretch the truth and mention half truths here and there withhold other information and leave you in the position where I haven't lied to you directly but I did not paint a realistic picture but that's what salesp people do because they want you to buy it they want you to be excited for it that's just how this works and in the case of Bethesda they also of course want to highlight and frame everything around it being really cool and really impressive but that also I feel like for them leads to situations where they say things that are not easy to misconstrued and bethesda's fan base is based a lot around because there's so much time between releases there is a whole lot of speculation that happens there's a whole lot of hyping up that happens there's a lack of transparency from creators on what's real and what is I guess invented or or exaggerated so you end up with a lot of people thinking the game's going to be one way when it's just frankly not and one of the ways you deal with that maybe is with like Creator events where you actually invite people out to the studio to play the game so they know exactly what the game is and they answer those tough questions directly but that's probably not that likely to actually happen other things that they can do I mean for for the Elder Scroll 6 um I think it's it's going to be tough but I think what they have to do uh kind of unlike Starfield is probably like extended gameplay looks where they'll give access to uh the game to maybe IGN or Gamespot or even to players through a demo or something but they just give people the access to the game to play it for like an hour and they have an hour of exploration gameplay of Elder Scroll 6 and you can just see what the game is like for an hour like that's all they really really need to do just let them play for an hour let players see what it actually is like honestly I prefer not knowing much about the game or when it releases before it does I really like being positively surprised by Todd and Todd's uh apprach approach I get that I agree it's better to know nothing about a game and be surprised with how amazing it is that's one of the most fun feelings ever like to just go in blind and then be blown away that's awesome I totally agree however when you're talking about a game or a studio with a history of of uh let's say problematic behavior and approaches to things that trust to just buy a game for 70 bucks and hope it's good is eroded it's gone like I think if you want to just go into a media blackout with whatever laran does next or with whatever Rockstar does next uh well GTA 6 that's fine you're going to get the game day one spend 70 bucks on it and probably have a great time and be like wow this is great I'm having a great time I think that that will probably happen with either of those two examples with Bethesda I think they've forfeited that Goodwill and it's not a given that that will be justified the one thing you could say is that with them now being an Xbox company with it coming to Game Pass day one if you have Game Pass it's just like okay well I'll just uh I'll just come along and uh I'll just download it for free basically because I'm already paying for it I'll just pay the 15 bucks a month or whatever it is and I'll get the game day one and it's going to be awesome and voila you know that that could be very fair that could be very fair I think for for us it's that they are selling copies of the game still and with all of this I mean time is worth something too like downloading an actual or the game and playing it is is worth something as well and the mental energy involved is worth something and if you don't think your time is valuable I'd say that's a problem with you you got to figure that out my friend start valuing valuing your time uh and you know you'll go far in life that's the the first big step to success Luke's inspiration of the day so yeah I mean I think there's a handful of things that they could do to actually improve the game and uh or or improve their standing with fans and to convince players that things are going to be different I think that there are things they could do what do I think they actually do I mean honestly out of all of these do I think they swap engines no I don't think they do I don't think they swap engines I think that they're going to keep the creation engine and honestly I think we probably see many of the same issues in the eldra schroll six I think we'll see constant load screens I think we're going to see all of that I don't think anything's going to change so I think that's going to be a thing or not going to be thing I don't think they're swapping engines transparency I also don't see any reason to think that this is going to magically change if anything they're just doing the same thing they've been doing for years um except now they're using their customer support team to use AI to write messages telling fans that they're wrong for not liking the game and there's been no direct response from leadership within the company saying hey we disown that we don't know what they're talking about everybody's entitled to their own opinions and we respect our players opinions if if they came out and said that if Todd did that I would respect it a lot more but instead they're just pretending like didn't happen it's really really weird no lies I don't think you can teach an old dog new tricks honestly I think Todd's going to keep hyping stuff up the same way he always has and frankly I don't see him taking any back seat on the marketing or promotion of any of these games I just don't see him doing it and I don't think Xbox would want him to do that I mean he's a huge asset he's great at selling games granted he usually does it through uh a little bit of this at least through a mission so that's a problem but I don't see him going anywhere and I don't think anything's going to change on his end so yeah value my time so beat you're damn right uh and then managing expectations again I don't think this happens because it's Todd and it's Bethesda and they don't want you to be less excited for the game so if you get a little bit of a misconception as to what the game actually is that's just a happy little accident at the end of the day extended gameplay looks I think we actually could see this so I would say that this is actually a pretty strong possibility if just want people to see how great the game is they just do maybe they have a whole new dungeon system in the eldr scroll 6 or something um kind of like in D and D where it's like hey you want to level just go to one of these dungeons that's kind of procedurally generated and go knock yourself out I think they probably do extended gameplay looks of stuff like that so I'd say we probably see that I don't think this this bodess that well as for fans being honest this is happening so I'm very happy to say oh I should have done a check mark uh so this is happening I'm very happy to say fans seem to be honest about this stuff and then as for Bethesda reflecting as of right now I've seen no evidence that they are I think it would be really easy for them to do it but again there's been not a whole lot they've said oh we've got plenty of patches coming they say that they're going to be bringing new forms of traversal to the game a new expansion is coming next year soon to be this year you're probably seeing this uh in 2024 if you're watching the clip so I would say that that makes sense um that maybe they have reflected a little bit on some of the feed back so I would say this is probably a maybe a maybe we'll see it but I'm optimistic so all told is this enough to like win people over and convince people that it's going to be good and the game is going to be solid and and a great time probably not um I think people will be very skeptical of the Elder Scroll 6 but still there's going to be a crazy hype and as we all know hype makes you stupid but you guys will not be one of those people you guys will be here with me and we will be making fun of the people that are being irrational because it's funny so we'll be together uh and we'll do that and we will not be fooled Todd we will not be fooled I would love the game to end up being amazing I would love it but let's be honest I don't think much of this is going to shake or or change but interesting video from Maddie hot take of keeping the creation engine I get what he's saying but I think the cord disagreement is just that the creation engine you can say it didn't hold back uh Skyrim that technically I guess is true but we're also talking about a decade ago with different hardware and different things so I just don't think it's the same I just don't think you can compare the two I don't think you can compare the two it's a different it's a different world it's a different world you can be like hey we don't need computers maybe this is a good example you can say we don't need computers as a tool the newest tool for designing buildings and bridges we don't need CAD we don't need any of that stuff because like the Romans were Building Bridges with nothing but a quill and paper back in 100 AD so clearly they don't need it they don't need it we don't need it we can build Bridges and buildings and stuff we don't need computers to run simulations or anything it's fine and it's like but bro they didn't for one they didn't have access to modern tools or in this case in 2011 they didn't have access to the Unreal Engine 5 or other tool sets that were available and then also at the same time that doesn't mean that because they did it a certain way back then the same way is ideal today like today we can do it with all these computer simulations to calculate okay if this type of earthquake hits how is it going to respond is this going to stay structurally sound no well let's add a column here all of a sudden it withstands a level five or Category 5 a hurricane too and oh this is amazing that's something we couldn't have done with just a quill and some paper and papy or whatever so you know just because it worked that way back then does not mean that we should do it the same way today I think it's the same kind of fallacy uh at the end of the day having a blind faith in a studio is a privilege that must be one over from and Capcom are those for me yeah Cass I think that that's probably fair I think it's easy to burn that Goodwill but like from I think is is very good at it topcom has been doing amazing work recently uh Rockstar's been doing amazing work um so I think it's fair to look at those and give them more of a benefit of the doubt than some of these other Studios um and if we start to hear things and maybe hear some red flags and and see some red flags that are concerning about GTA 6 or about some of these other games then yeah I think you could be worried about that and you could bring that up but as of right now I mean I I think that that's totally fair so honestly people are saying this video is going to be a roller coaster I I I don't think this was that much of a shell shock but uh I don't think he had that many hot takes on this I thought that this was probably pretty pretty reasonable and well balanced I didn't feel like it was that far out of left field so I'll take it he took my thing red white red white 16 times detail
Channel: Luke Stephens LIVE
Views: 76,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luke stephens, luke stephens clips, luke stephens live, luke stephens stream
Id: CCN0igKED0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 28sec (4288 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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