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are you ready for this recipe oh my gosh you we're going to be best friends once you know how to make the tacos you're going to love it okay so this is all we have chileo we have sugar white vinegar chicken buan Bay cumin oregano salt water um Tomatoes I have chicken ties you can use with skin and bone I'm using boneless skinless you can use either one I have onion and this so this is for the sauce that we're going to make and this is for the chicken so the chicken and some spices I have cumin oregano black pepper and salt so let's start with a sauce okay that's the first thing that we're going to do so I'm hoping you can see I'm going to add my water and remember there's all the ingredients and I'm going to leave it on the description below as well okay chicken Buon I'm going to cut so let me bring to cut okay I'm cutting the tomatoes guys like this and only half and put it inside okay we're going to put it on the pot have four tomatoes and then my onion I'm just going to like in chunks like that okay and I'm going to add it on my pot as well okay and that's it I'm going to cover it and I'm going to take it to the stove these are the two presentations that you're going going to find at the store the big bag and the small bag this bag it has 42 G and it's two bucks and this one has 141 G and it cost you four bucks 489 something like that so I always get the big one of course cuz it has three almost three more times than this one okay um if you have all these around you it's way cheaper to get it there so I always have this one so grab this one the baked bag because we're going to use it a lot you use it in a lot of Mexican recipes so grab this one and that's what we're using for this recipe okay this is what we're going to do with our chicken my chicken is washed and everything is clean okay and I have all the spices and I'm just going to mix them up oh mix it them mix them and I'm going to rubp it in all my pieces of my chicken I have seven pieces these seven pieces makes more than 20 tacos okay so just okay so this is what we're going to do I'm going to rub all my chicken first all this you're going to use it all okay okay and I'm just going to hold on here okay it's like this right so I put it in medium low okay and I'm going to leave it here for 10 minutes okay but cover it so you don't lose all the liquid so I just cover it and leave it there for 10 minutes 10 minutes okay guys so here it is I have a lot of liquid and everything so I'm going to put it on my blender we're going to blend it all oh I forgot to mention uh I I needed to add the bay leaf here so here's this and then I'm going to discard okay we're not going to blend that one and let's see if I don't make a big mess okay perfect and then oh I th a little and then I'm going to add my sugar my salt my oregano my cumin my vinegar and let's blend this let's go and do it okay this recipe I'm going to do it on my instant pot for 15 minutes you can do this hold on okay this recipe I'm going to make it on my instant pot for 15 minutes but you can do it in the slow cooker for 2 hours on High 4 hours on low you can do it in your stove the thing that I don't like on the stove is because when you do when you do it on the stove it's going to reduce the liquid and we want the liquid but you can do it too there like totally fine but it will take around an hourish maybe so you decide how you want to cook it but today I'm going to cook it on my insta pot okay you need a strainer I believe that's what it's called um I have it here I always always highly recommend please use it if you just put this on here you're going to see oh it's going to be bitter I'm going to show you why we have to pass it through strainer and it's very simple just go like this and it's going to go very quick can you see okay and I'm going to show you what I'm going to have here left okay so this is the reason that I like to use a strainer because always I don't want it first one I don't want it on my recipe right on my chicken and two you have the little pieces of the chileo and it's a little bitter and so I don't like that flavor so that's the reason well I do this so let me throw this away and I will right back to continue something that I do when we when I'm done I just go here cuz it's like you have a lot there so let me throw this away and come back okay and let's continue so I'll meet you right back when I'm done with this so you don't have to be watching this all the time okay I I have all this sauce and I'm just going to add my chicken in there and I'm going to cook it for 15 minutes okay so just want my chicken to get all mixed up like smells delicious you're going to love this believe me oh my goodness okay ah okay okay okay let's put it on on my instant pot for 15 minutes okay this is done look at this it looks delicious oh my gosh oh look at this oh my gosh okay so I'm going to get out all my chicken the pieces because I'm going to shred it and this delicious juice we're going to use it you're going to see how oh my gosh I'm telling you after this recipe you and me we're going to be the best friends ever ever this is delicious like so so good in 30 minutes this could be easy a 30 minute me less than 30 minutes cuz this was done in 15 minutes right and then the other things so I can see pieces here come on baby okay oh my gosh this smells so good okay so we're going to reserve it now I'm just going to shred all this chicken and because it's so tender look at this it's just going to be so easy and quick to do I'm not going to do do it really perfect because I don't want to you know I don't want to usually when I want more chicken I use my fingers so it can be very fine but I don't want to this time because I don't want to get all this yummy flavor right like I want to keep it on the chicken you know what I mean so just Sten it just like that like you can use two forks too of course actually I have one let's see this is so easy okay and you can have chunks it's all good too let me just bring these big pieces okay oh my gosh so good okay okay my chicken is ready now let's go to the font part okay I already I'm preheating My Pan now here in the small play or whatever I have a little bit of the liquid of from the chicken and you need a little brush and you're going to see why I'm going to show you the two versions or the two ways that you can do it if you watch my how to make corn tortillas which I'm going to leave it here or in the description below I show you there how you can make a pocket for your tortillas okay and I like to do this for different recipes that I'm going to be show showing you soon but one of the reasons is for this type of tacos you don't have to I'm going to show you the two versions of this okay so I have my pocket I'm going to add some cheese so let me go and get a little bit of cheese okay so you can see me and here's my pocket okay and okay I'm going to add it so I'm adding a little bit of cheese inside just a little bit more okay with my fingers I like to spread it a little bit so it doesn't be only this side so it's spread now look at this I'm going to brush both sides for my tortilla to put it here so but for these I'm going to use a spatula so this is what you're going to do guys you want all the tortilla to be covered okay I'm going to put it this way and then I'm just going to do the top I'm doing it this way because of the cheese okay I'm going to show you in a minute how we're going to do it if we're going to do it this step and the only the only thing that I want is to melt the cheese very quick nothing else okay so turn it cuz you only want that and as soon that cheese um is smelted take it out okay okay my dtill is ready you're going to see in a minute okay so then you're going to brush the top this has a lot of flavor and then immediately turn it and then here I'm adding a little bit of cheese only to one side okay can you see sorry hold on okay I'm just adding cheese to one side and then fold it cuz you're making a cadilla okay and just wait for the cheese to be melted and then take it off and that's what you're going to do with all your tortillas but now if you're doing it this way I really recommend to do one by one so as soon as the cheese is melted you have to open it right away and put the cheese inside because if not your tortilla is going to break it's going to break yes okay so those are the two options you can use corn or flour you can use my recipe that I'm showing how you make it because I love to make a sillas inside the tortilla you know what I mean so I'm going to show you both ways so this is done and I'm going to open it right away so I can put my chees my cheese not my um chicken inside okay now I'm going to show you how you can do it with normal flour tortillas okay this one if you do homemade tortillas you can do exactly the same thing with the like the corn tortillas that I show you the pocket and put that you can do exactly the same but let's say that you just bought your tortillas so I'm just going to do right okay you're going to flip them over and now you're going to add your [Applause] cheese your [Applause] chicken okay and we're going to close it and we're just going to push so we can make the cadilla okay and just press so the cheese can [Music] melt and even though you feel that oh it's gone it's the flavor is there so don't you worry and the flower tortillas tend to be a little more was the word like strong than the corn tortillas so um you can do either one we like my kids like more the flour tortillas I like the corn so and this is that so you don't have to make the cadilla and open it and put it you know you just do it like this both ways I was forgetting to mention you have to add a little bit of the the liquid that we have to your chicken because you don't want your chicken dry okay so you have to add more in there okay I have our tortillas here I'm going to add some of the chicken okay I'm going to add my hold on my next tortilla or cadilla because this the cad the cheese on side right I'm going to make three tackles okay you can add as much as less as you want okay and then this is the same liquid that or tacos or chicken uh cooked and this is the way you're going to serve it let me show you believe me when I said that these are going to be the best tacos that you're ever going to try I'm not joking I'm not joking look at this and then the way that we eat it okay let me hold this one oh you grab your tacle okay you put it inside what and then you bite it can you see the cheese inside my tortilla I'm telling you these are the best tacos inside right right right and inside they're so good go give it a try um and we'll see you on Sunday this is going to be showing Sunday you're not going to miss it you don't want to miss it it's hard to die for to die for see you next time bye
Channel: Mexican Cooking on a Budget
Views: 3,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make mexican birria, how to make mexican birria tacos, how to make mexican birria de pollo, how to make birria tacos mexican style, mexican easy recipes, easy mexican recipes for dinner, easy mexican recipes with chicken, easy mexican recipes for party, mexican recipes easy to make, easy mexican recipes, mexican easy food recipes, mexican chicken recipes for tacos, best mexican chicken recipes, crockpot mexican chicken recipes, authentic mexican chicken recipes
Id: 7x7w_XVw6l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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