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hey gang it's paul with studpack welcome back to our channel we are back here at our main remodel project continuing to put the two bathrooms back together our next step in the project is to install the two vanities but check it out they don't fit so come along with us as we get the chop up two two thousand dollar vanities now the homeowner ordered this vanity online along with the other one and they each came packaged in a huge box now we see this a lot right homeowners are buying furniture online and it shows up and immediately there are big headaches one headache we were expecting was that this vanity would not fit through this doorway that's why you may have noticed we haven't installed it yet but that's gonna be an easy fix for us we're gonna install the vanity first move it in and out of here plenty of room to work and once it's installed we can hang this door and the last piece of base right down here by my foot we were expecting that issue what we weren't expecting was all the issues in the back all right let's check it out see what we're up against the first thing i noticed look how close the bottom of the sink is to this shelf this is the tailpiece that came with our faucet it won't even fit without hitting the shelf and i got to put on the trap the other thing you notice see our water lines back here they are hitting the support for this shelf and then down here our drain is right behind this board so that's in the way and because our drain is so low we're gonna have to cut into this to account for our trap and when we do that we have to make sure the drawers still work so there's going to be a lot of fun the other thing we have to consider is this is intended to look like a piece of furniture it's supposed to be pushed against the wall but in our case it's going to hit the baseboard so we're gonna have a gap at the top and when we put the backsplash on we're gonna have a gap on the sides now because this is such a tight fit you probably wouldn't see it but we want to account for that and we're actually gonna notch the back legs so this thing is all the way back to the drywall so that's all the challenges for this vanity let's go take a look at the other one it's a little simpler but it has challenges all of its own so here's the second vanity and as you can see it's up on its end on some towels we did that because that's the only way we can make all these corners and get it into the hall bath and this one's a lot simpler there are no drawers here we are going to notch these feet the other vanity has square legs this one has turn legs but it's going to be the same process but check out the drain i marked on here here's the center of our drain and here's the center of our water lines so we're cool on the water lines right all kind of room right here but the drain in the wall is lining up right here so i've got plenty of room for my tail piece right here on my sink but as you can see this shelf is in the way of our p-trap so we're just gonna simply notch this one out and that's all we have to do to this one so since this one's easier and we have all this working room i say we start on this one first what do you say bud let's do it let's get to it all right let me walk you through the setup on our first vanity and the first thing we're going to do is trim the back of the feet as you can see i simply have a piece of three-quarter inch plywood we have it screwed to the leg got a center line on the template i've got a center line on the leg we simply align those now i know my window is in the center of the leg the window is a little wider than the leg and a little taller than our base that dimension is not critical in my router i have a pattern bit so this bearing will follow the plywood and the router bit will cut away the wood on the other side of the pattern you're going to see exactly what we're talking about so let's get our depth set i don't want to go full depth to me that's taking off too much material at once so let's go about a quarter inch deep about right there we'll lock the router and get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go guys nice and quick and look how nice that's going to look when that baseboard is there you never know when somebody's going to lay on that bathroom floor look under the vanity and make sure we got a nice tight joint there right for all your binocular bobs out there you probably notice all of this we're going to come clean and we're going to admit it yes there was some shipping damage when we unpacked this thing even though it was really well packed the shelf did shear off these two pocket screws in each corner they were really small too small for this application so we've put the shelf back where it went and then we put a four inch screw through the post into this piece right here it's good to go you'll never see this it's on the bottom and it's in the back a little damage on the front but when this thing is flipped over again you'll never see that now that that part is done let's tackle the drain all right here's our setup to cut the hole for the drain made this u-shaped piece of plywood the bearing on the pattern bits gonna follow this right here and cut out this section let's do it [Music] there we go gang a nice perfect cut a lot better than using a jigsaw or a oscillating tool you noticed i was cutting full depth this is a brand new bit and it's cutting through this soft plywood very well but i don't want to do that here because if i cut this side and then cut this side now this is going to come loose and the last thing i want is this big piece of wood loose when i got a spinning router bit in there so what i'm going to do take my jigsaw cut this out and clean up the edges with our template [Music] [Applause] [Music] fantastic guys great job and you may be asking yourself well stud pack now that you cut this stretcher in half didn't you weaken the shelf it moves a little bit but check it out now that we can push this all the way back against the wall we can run a screw through here into our wall studs and this will be stronger than factory so let's clean all this up move all our tools to the back of the house and cut up that other vanity it's a little bit more work and i'm kind of anxious all right second vanities turn now this one's a little different we have a shelf in the middle and it's in our way it's got four little blocks underneath each one secured with a phillips screw i'm going to remove those take my knife go around the paint here and see if we can get this shelf out if we can it's going to make our job a lot easier [Music] all right let's see what happens i got my dead blow hammer what i've got the oscillating tool just ran the blade in there and cut the glue i like that okay [Music] what a theme we got the shelf out and that was kind of a pain so we're going to get our orbital sander we'll sand this give it a coat of paint and joe and i are thinking about not even putting the shelf back because when the shelf's here you have very little room here and very little room here and we all know that you store tall things under the sink right here's our setup to cut the hole in this bottom shelf and we need that hole for the p-trap to sit down into because our tailpiece needs to go through right here plywood template just like we talked about before we got it screwed in through the back let's get our router and cut this out [Music] [Music] all right guys we're ready to cut the center partition jordan wants to use a jigsaw you think it's gonna work i think it's gonna bounce like crazy let's give it a shot see what happens i'm confident all right all right buddy i mean i was i'm here to hold it pretty pretty strong but you were right all right now let's connect those two lines and get that piece out of there [Music] [Music] all right the hole for the p-trap is done looks really good we have two more steps first thing let's make room for our base board so we can push this unit all the way back against the wall you'll notice we laid it down on its front and to keep all the drawers and doors from opening we taped them all shut with blue tape we're going to use our festool track saw and i have to rip this because it will hit the baseboard also so we're going to make one cut all the way across route out the back of this leg right out the back of this leg we'll be done [Music] all right gang not too bad for freehand it's up against the wall nobody's ever going to see this backside and you saw my technique i was holding the router like this holding pressure down with my left hand and pivoting with my right working my way back to the kerf line we made with our track saw speaking of the track saw we then got our track put it on our feet across here to represent the floor then measured up from that to the center of our drain we also have the center location this way x marks the spot we're going to drill a three inch hole and all the modifications to this one are done don't forget we will sand and paint this it's going to look sharp i'm afraid to push too hard because then this is going to dig in like that she is done all right we are all ready to plum this thing up but we're gonna save that for tomorrow and check out the mess we made and look at all the cords i think i'm gonna head home and dream about cordless tools with integrated dust collection we'll see you tomorrow all right guys it is the next day check it out down here our vanities are all modified and i did go ahead and paint the inside of this one where we removed that shelf sanded it coat a primer coat of paint and i even painted all the edges of this plywood where we routed it out to make room for our drains now before we slide this in place there's a couple things we have to do first the first thing we're going to do is put on all the new angle stops so let's head outside and turn off the water to this house at the main water shut off here's our main water shutoff right here pretty simple turn that off open this bleed the pressure from the house now we can go inside and start changing angle stops all right gang we're ready to change the angle stop so i have everything i need right down here on a towel a little bucket to catch any water i've got a crescent wrench an angle stop remover a tubing cutter just in case i have a 13 16 and a 15 16 wrench these are combination wrenches i have six discussions some pipe dope maybe i'll use it maybe i won't we're gonna see and my angle stops i'm gonna use the crescent wrench and pull off this shark bite cap there's a little collar right here if i pull that towards me it's gonna release the fingers inside and i can pull off that cap slowly there we go not too bad at all now this pipe is covered with paint and drywall compound i want it nice and shiny like a penny now that that's clean we'll slide on our discussion they're usually not this difficult this pipe's all banged up you see these little spots in it jordan where the emery paper didn't clean it yeah that's where it got like banged up with a wrench or something maybe they were trying to straighten it as it came out of the wall but almost there there and i simply use these two wrenches to tighten them rigid actually makes a couple of wrenches that work well but i already have these tools in my toolbox i'll grab the body of the valve with the 13 16 and snug up this nut with the 15 16. it gives me plenty of leverage that's all i'm going to go for now because we're probably going to adjust this later when we install the vanity let's put this one on and then we'll do the toilet all right these two are done and this exposed copper here that's going to be fine because it's in the vanity right but over here at the toilet you're actually going to see it when you're in the shower and there's a lot of chrome details in here and we'd rather not have that copper showing so there's this little kit it's called a sweat cover sleeve and flange kit it's made by mountain plumbing products and there's the model number they come in different colors depending on the finish for your bathroom so this sleeve is made to go over the copper and into a discussion and completely cover all that it's going to look fantastic we're having a couple of problems number one the escutcheon's too big it's hitting our baseboard so we're simply going to go outside to the wet saw and chop it off i think we just need to remove about 5 16 of an inch of it and come back in here slide the escutcheon on and try to get this on the wet saw worked great cutting this thin metal discussion that's about the only way i know to do it without damaging this or risk cutting your fingers off gonna be perfect we have to slide this on there and it's not going very easily just like the copper on the other side was all bent up so is this one so what we're gonna do we're gonna tap that on and then cut off the excess leaving one inch of this copper exposed to put on our angle stop that's the plan anyway let's see if we can pull it off i told you come on so close get harder there you go dad there you go dad hit it harder much better all right you can already tell how much nicer that's gonna look huh yeah and these are actually pretty easy to put on it's just our pipes bend a little bit and we're struggling but we're gonna get it done now obviously i have to cut this off leaving a little bit of the copper exposed to put our angle stop on and i already know how much i need i made a mark right there let's cut it off and i think we'll be good to go man i'm just going to go real slowly with this because i don't want to cut the copper but i don't think i'm in much danger doing that anyway so it moved on me i was on the wrong mark i don't have enough all right guys that looks incredible that was a little bit of work right just to cover up that copper but it was worth it let's get our stuff moved to the other bathroom get that one done all right we're in the other bathroom and i'm going to walk jordan through these and he's going to do them that's true you ready bud yeah i don't know i don't think you need to walk me through it just you gotta you just just uh tap the brakes if something starts all right going wrong there you go perfect that's why we got the towel right cool now we'll clean it up yep i got you some new emery cloth we could probably get away with this going in but whatever you want to now why do you have to get paint all over these dudes i'm cool with that all right yeah i was looking for that yeah all right now slide the discussion on mm-hmm okay with that yeah all right now you're ready for your angle stop right so we always get a lot of comments should you put pipe dope on here now let me see let me see the angle stop so these threads do not form the seal that nut drives the ferrule or the olive as they call it in the united kingdom right there into there and it's brass on copper two machine surfaces and they form the seal but i had a project once in los angeles and i had a tiny leak here i'm gonna work while you tell the story i spent four hours on the 405 going the second busiest freeway in the world right fixing that so that's why i put a little bit of pipe dope right here yeah we'll go ahead and do that this side especially with these because they're bent you can tell these parts are so hard to slide on it's more of an oval shape so that's why i put a little bit right there i don't put any on the threads because it's pointless and the pipe dope is doing what exactly it's going to fill that microscopic void where you're going to have a leak i know you're all the way in just make sure they're pushed all the way down there's a stop make sure it's pushed all the way down the valve is all the way on i know you're already there yeah i saw you do it so tighten it up and it's easier to get this one on if this is in the off position now you got more oh now i can go deeper yep good tip see that you like that nice little move i do but it's the wrong way but right i was just showing the move right i don't want to show the move in action right right you want to make sure that that's started right exactly i know i'm just checking all the you know dotting the eyes and stuff and it may be easier for you sometimes on this one just grab it right here on the toilet we didn't have room for the floors right here okay but that's a lot easier oh yeah i can get way more yeah way more on it yeah yeah okay and we'll do the last one nice job we got two more two more aren't those wrenches easier than using a crescent wrench and a pair of channel locks yep they don't slip so you get it start it's easier to get started back here yes yeah and we're not going crazy right about right about a quarter turn past tight yeah i mean that's what i would say yeah i'm not trying to like break it yep nice all right one more yeah all done bud yeah all right i already checked all these okay they're all off i'm gonna go outside turn the water on and you hold it if we got any leaks i can do that all right all right all six angle stops are installed no leaks good job bud now our next step is to caulk the baseboard we got a lot of comments in the last video do we caulk the seam between the baseboard and the tile yes we do the reason we didn't do it in the last video is because i needed to paint all the baseboard the caulk for me is the last thing we do because i use 100 silicone and you can't paint it so here's what i got it's color matched to the grout we used remember that arctic white jordan there we go right there and a hundred percent silicone if it says siliconized acrylic latex cleans up with water i don't use it it's gonna mold and mildew eventually but 100 silicone you'll never have any problems and i use denatured alcohol to clean the joint and it's pretty simple let's start right here i actually did this section behind jordan you can already tell how nice that looks it just makes it seamless and it's beautiful let's do this right here and then we are about ready to install some vanities that was nice and this is also something you want to do at the end of the day because if you try to come in here and work after you do this you're going to kick something into this wet silicone and you're going to ruin your nice smooth bead you just put down i got a nice clean rag it's t-shirt material just going to dampen it where my finger is with some denatured alcohol check it out look what a great job that does all right buddy let's finish this and we are ready to install some vanities [Music] easy peasy go let's go ready to install vanities i'm ready i know mom is she's hovering back there waiting huh all right gang there it is all installed even works now i have a place to wash our hands so we hope you enjoyed that and we'll see you in the next video ah we're just kidding we wanted to do one first so we can really show you detail on the other one but check this out we used our laser to get it perfectly level and i even put stud pack green led lights under the faucets ah just kidding again that's actually the laser beam hitting those plastic washers but jordan loves that idea maybe a manufacturer can pick that up pretty sweet awesome let's head the other bathroom and get that one installed here we are at the other vanity and jordan i decided it's going to be a whole lot easier on us and save our backs if we put the faucet in now because i have all this access from the back i could do it right here instead of getting my back and laying in here and trying to make all the fittings work and it couldn't be any easier it's a delta wood hurst widespread faucet we've got the spout they come with the plastic washers so we don't need any silicone or putty there you got all the hardware let's start with the spout bud you ready let's do it all right okay here's our spout i got the plastic washer right there and i'm going to put the stopper rod in because i want to show you what's going on underneath this u-shaped washer is going to go just like that with the rubber washer between the steel washer and the bottom of our countertop and this washer is u-shaped to give you room for the water line and also the down rod right here let me pull that out if you move that washer over there now the down rod is going to hit the washer so we learned that on the first one i'm going to pull all that off get the washer in there you see that step step goes inside just like that i'm going to stab this through this hole and get underneath with my two washers and this is the nut it's got a screwdriver slot here but it's better to grab it out here at least in our case let me get this finger tight and then we're going to install the two handles here's the faucet handle for the hot side and we know that because of this tag and we know it another way because this one actually has an h on the top for hot sometimes they don't have that on there so you got to rely on the tag i'm going to spin this brass nut off of there i've got a steel washer and a plastic washer it's the same design as the plastic washer under the spout with that little step that step goes inside the valve body just like that and we're going to stab this through the hole perfect now i'm going to get underneath and put these on in that direction make sure these two screws are like flush right here you don't want them screwed in all the way because you need the adjustment you don't want them back out too far because you want them threaded in this brass i love this design no basin wrench needed that is such a pain all right am i snug yep we use our combination square like this just to make sure they're all the same distance from the back edge then we're going to tighten it up the other thing you got to watch for this is off and that's on sometimes people install them like that and it's not lined up right so when it's off we're in a straight line parallel with the backsplash jordan's going to get these lined up for me i'm going to head underneath with a 5 16th nut driver and tighten those screws on that brass nut and secure the two handles all right now let's head underneath and connect it all you connect it with this piece of tubing this goes to the spout one side snaps onto the cold side one side snaps onto the hot side no tools required here's our tailpiece assembly i like to do a couple of things i like to unscrew these two parts right here and i like to put a little thread sealant on those fine threads right there screw that back together clean it with a paper towel [Music] all right the other thing i like to do i like to put a little thread sealant on top of this washer because sometimes the bottom of these bowls are irregular right and i found that if i put a little pipe thread sealant right on top of here it'll make up for any regularity it's a lot easier to do it right now than it is under the sink cool now our last step before we install it is to get the flange that goes right here we're going to put some plumber's putty under there and we're ready to assemble [Music] you see these holes right here it's very important you don't clog them up those are your overflow holes check it out over here the sink fills with water there's a hole right here the water will go into this hole and you see the space right here it runs down inside and you can get out right through there so very important not to clog them up i'm going to place this in there and jordan's going to hold that for me and i'm going to get underneath there and install this part all right that's what it's going to look like before you tighten the nut on the bottom come on down here and i'll show you what i'm talking about we're going to tighten this brass nut and it's going to pull it all together and make it watertight and this is for your stopper so it's got to point straight back now this extra putty it'll just pull right off just like that and you're ready to go this stuff does not need to harden or set up anything like that before you turn the water on it is ready to use let's uh let's hook up the down rod for the stopper and we're almost ready to put this in there bud on this little stopper this tab goes in the back against the wall it wouldn't go this way because then this part may not engage and spin it around like it's supposed to go and see the difference so i'm going to drop it in the hole and then come from the back side and install this i'm going to remove this nut and that goes on there let's see if i stabbed it yeah and then okay so now i stab that little piece i was telling you about and now the stopper is working up and down and i'm just going to go finger tight there we go already got the rod in and now these are our last two parts this little spring clip get half of it on there put that on the stopper rod put that on there then the other half of the spring clip hold it in place i can tell i'm hitting these hoses if the hoses are hitting this we'll use some zip ties or something and clamp that over there out of the way i'm liking that now we tighten this nut and we are about ready all right we've even installed our supply line so that leaves us only one more connection on each side and i'm going to remove the aerator right now it comes with this little tool and i'm doing that so i won't forget and i want to remove the aerator so that any trash that's in the line is going to get blown out down the drain instead of clogging up our brand new aerator [Music] now it's time to get this in there all right we're perfectly centered on the wall now let's open the doors and see if that three-inch hole we drilled for the drain lines up all right maybe it's a quarter inch off but that'll work all right gang all we got to do we're going to level this with the laser secure it to the wall hook up our plumbing and we can wash our hands all right just like the kitchen cabinets we used our laser beam to make sure this cabinet was perfectly level left to right and front to back we are splitting the laser beam in half with the front edge and the rest of the laser beam is on the backsplash and we're even picking up all this star dust that's on the top the laser beam is grazing across the top of that dust pretty cool let's fasten this to the wall connect the plumbing we'll attach the backsplash to the wall with some silicone and we are done all right gang we're all connected now i'm missing one slip joint nut right there but i'll put that on later but it is working drains fine and this hole we cut out was just big enough i'm hitting a little bit on the side but it's fine so we hope during this video we saved you a little bit of panic at your house if you're installing one of these and you find out that the cabinet is in the way you're plumbing because it was easier to modify the cabinet than to cut open a freshly painted wall and move the plumbing right so if you're finding that the framer on your like button is in the way of the plumbing for your like button now you know how to modify it just like we modified this cabinet once you change it smash that like button for us ask a question drop a comment subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you on our next video
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 190,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STUDPACK, stud pack, bathroom vanity, bathroom vanities, how to build bathroom vanity, how to install bathroom vanity, how to modify bathroom vanity, bathroom makeover, bathroom renovation, bathroom remodel, DIY bathroom, DIY vanity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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