THIS Piece of Wood Will Make Your Backsplash PERFECT!

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hey gang welcome back to the channel i'm paul with stetpack in our previous video you saw jordan and i installed all the beautiful lights in this remodel they look fantastic they're shining brightly we just need something to sparkle and that sparkle is gonna be the backsplash now hang on a second bucko i can see you reaching for the back button you're like i'm not watching another backsplash video but i promise you we're gonna have tips and tricks in this video that are gonna take your backsplash from here to here one in particular is gonna make your backsplash better than anybody else's you wanna be this guy that watched the whole video not this guy that clicked off and speaking of clicking off we're banging on the door of a hundred thousand subscribers gang we just can't get there without you subscribing so while you're hitting that like button for us hit that subscribe button help us get to 100k now we've been talking about this backsplash for a while gang way back in the rough framing stage when we roughed in that niche over the range we're going to show you that in this video we have epic plans for that niche we're going to show you all about it but enough talking about the backsplash why don't we show you the backsplash here it is guys look how it sparkles in this afternoon sun coming through this window this is from prosource it is the scandinavia series the color is viking sky this is glass gang quarter inch thick glass each tile is a little less than two by six comes on a mesh backing obviously so about one square foot of coverage per sheet we have 40 of them and if you can see these bevels coming through on the video when i first saw this tile i thought it was on the front of the tile but that is perfectly smooth the bevel is on the back check that out now some of them just have two bevels some have three some have four so it gives it a really varied look i can't wait to get this on the wall now like i said this is glass tile and this is actually considered large format class style because one dimension is larger than three inches it needs a special thinset which we're going to show you later and also something you need to know about glass tile it expands and contracts a lot more than porcelain or ceramic so you need to account for that so that means our setting bed the thin set that this is going to set in needs to be as consistent as possible and that brings us to our first problem come on over here and i'll show you what i'm talking about now the back of our stone is perfectly straight and if you can see right here at the corner bead it's touching the drywall but as we go towards the left towards the sink that gap gets bigger and bigger and in fact it's so big here this quarter inch tile just drops behind it with room to spare and then as we approach the faucet it gets less and less and then we have another belly in the drywall over here now that's unacceptable to us we can't have that we can't make every other surface in here plumb level square and flat and have our backsplash with two big bellies in it so we're gonna fix this wall and make it flat before we put our tile on there so now that we've decided we're gonna make that flat how are we gonna do that what's gonna be our reference well i wanna follow the back of the stone because i know that is straight and then i want to come straight up so that it's plum but i can't just eyeball it we don't eyeball here on stud pack do we jordan sometimes sometimes so we have a method we're going to use we actually showed it in a previous video when we level the floor so we're going to set up and i think you guys are going to love it all right gang here it is check it out we just used our drywall screws into the studs a couple of them aren't in the studs but it's going to be fine but what we're doing i use my speed square i lined it up with the back of the counter and then i ran this screw in and out until the screw was even with the speed square just like that for the top screw i referenced off the bottom one with my torpedo level ran this screw back and forth in and out until the torpedo level red plumb and we're all set we did that for all these so they should all be in plane and you really get a sense of how off this is of how big of a belly we have if you look at this screw and this one's a little deeper and now it's going more shallow deeper that's what we're trying to fix so now we have all our reference points gang now all we have to do all we got to do mix up our thinset put it on the wall to the depth of each screw and we will have a surface that is much better to put our tile on than what we have right now so let's go outside and mix up some [Music] thinset [Music] oh [Music] alrighty guys that came out fantastic you saw in the video how we were putting it on the wall just use the notch trowel anything to get it on the wall use the flat side of it to get it smooth we found that it was pulling so we got a drywall knife a six inch taping knife got it wet and that did a great job let me put this straight edge against here you can check out the results and that is a lot flatter than it was when we started when you say that absolutely so that is ready for tile we're going to let that dry now we are putting backsplash tile there now over on this wall where the range is but those are perfectly flat because hey stud type framing with the laser right so they're good we're going to let this dry come back not tomorrow because tomorrow's father's day we'll be back monday and we'll start laying tile we'll see you then hey gang it's monday i hope everybody had a great father's day yesterday i know i sure did loving these things finally upgraded to a milwaukee m18 can't wait to use them but hey we're tiling today so not too many opportunities to drill holes but we're gonna look for every opportunity we can to use those things this is dry it's nice and flat so let's head outside and show you how we're gonna cut this quarter inch thick glass tile all right guys it's a beautiful afternoon perfect day to be cut and tile we got our wet saw set up over here but i don't know if we're going to be using it too much today and we're going to show you why so check this out all right gang that was one cut finished side up all the way through in one pass and look what it did to that coating on the back it just blew it out that looks horrible we don't want anything to do with that it's going in the trap all right second method already going on our second attempt here i've got the tile with the finished side down and the coating up and our blade is set to half depth so we're gonna make two passes instead of one let's see how that one looks all right that's attempt number two much better check that out the back is really clean the front there's a few miter chips but the sides are a little bit hazy i think we can do better than that let's do attempt number three all right guys we're here at our snap cutter obviously this thing is way too big for these little tiles but it's what we got but watch this and see what a good job this does check this out gang oh look at that edge in that nice crystal clear you can see right through it that's going to be our method for cutting this glass tile so let's show you why we had to use our little speed square right here so we found that when we put the tile right here over this piece of rubber that's on our bar it rocked too much so we just repositioned the tile where it was over solid aluminum and the other thing we were fighting was this bevel the tile wants to roll like this so we needed all the support we can but i think we got it dialed in i'm pretty happy with that i mean i can see through it yeah i can see the lowe's bucket through the through the tile that's what we want so i think we're ready to mix up some thinset dude you ready let's do it all right let's go [Music] before every single tile installation we do we do a coverage test what's a coverage test we're going to try a variety of trowels put a piece of tile down peel it up and check our thinset coverage on the back i've got this ditra trowel it's pretty close to a 3 16 by 3 16 square notch let's give this one a shot first [Music] i think that's it bud okay let's roll with that one let's lay some tile [Music] [Music] so [Music] all righty guys doesn't that look great we started over here on this small wall just to get our technique down make sure we were dialed in on everything came out fantastic love the way that looks once we got that done we came over here to this wall behind the stove you can see we put up our ledger strip and we just put three rows all the way across remember we're gonna put a niche in right here we wanted three full tiles under the niche so we're gonna let this dry overnight when we come back tomorrow we can make a cut here and start building our niche now speaking about the niche it's also going to get the same tile but we decided to have a little bit of uh poetic license okay is that what we're going to call it we thought we might just continue the same pattern behind it but the knee should stand out so come around the corner and we'll show you what we did so remember our tile came on this mesh backing so we took about four sheets and we just peeled it all off just like that so we had four stacks one of each of our colors and we decided to do a herringbone and that's what we're going to do that looks awesome yeah first we were just kind of a random herringbone but then we decided why don't we put some order in the colors like that so we go from random over here to a pattern organized yeah to a random pattern that'll make that niche pop it's gonna look sweet so what we're gonna do right now we have a little bit thin set left i'm gonna spread it on this kerdi membrane transfer our pattern to there then tomorrow all we have to do is cut out one big section and stick it in the back of the niche right and we also have these cardboard pieces these white cardboard pieces with our level that's our cut line basically right those are our cut lines so we made it oversized and then we put all these cut lines around it and we decided that we were going to cut on the corners and make everything look nice and sharp so that way it's not starting and ending at some weird diagonal right and we don't have little pieces to fill in here right we won't have any triangles to fill in right because we can make that niche we realized when we were building this we can make the niche um whatever size we want so we might as well just make that look nice and then frame the niche to fit this exactly instead of the other way around right so that's what we're gonna do and this is about 18 by 24 perfect size all right let's spread that thin set on here and transfer those down [Music] yeah we're gonna try the snap cutter [Music] do [Music] alrighty guys remember we thought we were going to try the tile saw first when we brought it over there it was flexing too much we had this piece of osb we tried to use it as a support trying to get this to move along with the table it was too much for both of us to handle i thought maybe the whole thing was going to fall off of there so we scrapped the idea of the tile saw we came over here to the snap cutter we still had to use this to support this but it worked out all right we put this block underneath there so it was all flush right here as we went around the corners and went around the edges i got a little more comfortable i think my final edge was probably the best cut i did we had four little pieces come off it was kind of interesting the blue ones we had a failure between the thin set and the kerdi right here and on these more clear ones we had a failure between the tile and the thin set it never really bonded just on those two little ones so we're going to reattach those cutters worked really well and i think they make a special glass cutter and look guys we're not professional towel cutters we do our own tile work probably three or four projects a year may not have all the right tools but we do a pretty good job i feel like so if you have any tips and tricks on how we can do better with something like this if you're a tile probe get down in the comments below and let us know we super appreciate that and speaking of tips and tricks we actually have one for you so let's go inside and we're going to show you what it's all about all right gang here's the problem that we all run into if we've ever done our own tile work in a kitchen or a bathroom and then you go to install the cover plate on your ground fault so you do a super job installing your tile tight to your junction box so you don't have any gaps and you don't have to use a big jumbo cover plate right and then you go to install the cover plate on your ground fault or your decor style receptacles and then these screws hit the tile and they jack the plate off of the device and you have a big gap right here so now what do you do now you go get a chisel or a grinder and you try to chip away or grind away enough of a spot so that screw has clearance behind your device it's a real pain so what we do we cut these wooden blocks it's just half inch plywood and they are two and three eighths wide four inches tall and then these two holes are the same two holes in your mounting box right here we screw it on there we just use some drywall screws it will mess up the plastic you'll still be able to use your number six screws later we put that on there we tile right to this after that we take this off and there's plenty of room for those screws it works great so we've got all of them on in this kitchen except for this last one let's put it on and then we're ready for some tile [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alrighty guys it's the next day i got in here early i pulled all the spaces on this side i gave it one final cleaning with the sponge then i polished it looks fantastic you know last night i was pretty tired pretty anxious about how this was going but then you go home get some rest come back the next day looks fantastic like hey i actually did a pretty good job that's right that's right it's not as bad as i thought it was it seven o'clock last night and so here's our little groutlet that's what jordan i call this thing it is patent pending so let me run these screws out and i'll show you how clean it is all right comes off super easy and check that out look how nice this edge is all the way around plenty of room for our cover plate screws this one on the top it was too much of a thin piece so we didn't worry about it the cover plate's going to cover that fine and you know this makes it so easy gang you know how it is on that first one you're fresh you're just getting started you get your tape measure out you're within 16 of an inch 32nd of an inch on your cuts but by the time you get to the last one and you're starving and tired that quarter inch is close enough well our little groutlet plates prevent all that you just measure to the plate cut your towel go and you're done yep same measurement a lot of the times that's right your ability to be precise throughout the day and you guys out there can relate it really does and on all the edges we put this schluter metal trim it's their shine profile a80 right on and i see you got the kerdi here ready and dried and we're ready to use it huh yeah in fact i started working on the niche cool but i also noticed right here look at these screwdrivers what you do doing man you cut them up yes i took a hacksaw to my klein screwdrivers so they come with a painted on cross and a painted on slot for the phillips and a slider screwdriver but i wore those off a long time ago i was always grabbing the wrong one in my bag so i just took my hacksaw put a cross on the phillips one line on the slotted that'll probably save me an hour a day that's all you need that's right so let me cut you up to speed on the niche the niche width is determined by the width of the herringbone that you already saw us do yesterday obviously that's my width we made it that wide so that we don't have any small pieces on the sides and this width is just a little more so we can put it right in the back i wanted three full tile underneath with no notches so our little shelf is going to go here we're going to be eight full tile wide with full tile across the top so this whole piece is going to get glued in the back here's my sides you can see how they work i just ripped them on the table saw it's a friction fit right now but we're going to glue them in but i need to get these in because i need to know the size of the piece of stone for my bottom shelf i don't even think that we've told them that we're using a piece of stone probably not we were going to use tile but we had some stone left over so we're going to take that leftover stone to our stone yard it's actually not that far away and have them rip it and polish the front edge this this herringbone looks taller than the niche though what's up with that it is taller than the niche good catch so i wasn't sure how tall the niche was gonna be turns out eight full tile works well for this so i'm actually gonna take this whole sheet tuck it up here then set it to the back of this drywall i'm just going to let it run long then i'm going to cut another piece of this to go between the tile and the drywall here and we can tile all the way around it's going to be fine cool i'd rather do that than cut this again i don't want to cut any more glass tile but we can't do anything else until we have that stone piece so let's head to the stone yard see if they'll cut it for [Music] us [Music] all right we're back at the job site our stone yard can't get us that piece of stone until tomorrow so we're going to keep working we're going to actually take our pieces of kerdi-board that we laminated together and we're going to glue them in here together we're going to use this schluter kerdi-fix this is the stickiest stuff in the world it'll certainly hold these in place strong enough to hold up a pepper mill don't you think i think so all right let's put them in [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] um let me see if you [Music] all righty gang we're going to wrap up this video we've gone as far as we could without this piece of stone we'll have it tomorrow we can finish this whole wall we wanted to finish the whole thing in this one video but we haven't posted in four days already and uh we wanted to get a content you know we want to get a video out for you guys so we just have to wait till the next one yep yeah and uh i think our biggest takeaway on cutting this glass tile with the ceramic backing it's got to be in two passes absolutely your first one this way your second one this way or vice versa i didn't find that that it mattered you cut through the glass first and then the backing later so two passes yep and also i will say that this is the first tile job that we've done where you were mainly cutting i mean today at least you were mainly cutting and i was mainly setting it was the first time that i felt actually super confident in my setting abilities like um you know when we were up in washington and i was setting it was super stressful and i was doing a pretty good job by our standards um but i'm i'm really happy with this yeah this came out great yeah and like you were getting more comfortable with setting it i was more comfortable cutting it today because i'm usually cutting yeah yeah and i'm confident in cutting and it's good to switch up i think sometimes 100 and just like we had to make two passes on this glass tile through the tile saw you may have to make two passes on that like button when you smash it for us a light tap and then really found that thing for us jordan i would super appreciate that leave us a comment ask a question and please subscribe if you haven't already that would mean the world to us and we will see you on the next one you
Channel: Stud Pack
Views: 762,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: studpack, stud pack, backsplash, glass tile, thinset, kerdi, schluter, membrane, how to set backsplash, how to backsplash, how to cut tile, wet saw, snap cutter, kitchen, renovation, remodel, niche, herringbone
Id: vEZ1WI79u3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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