3 Ways to Use Physical Teaching Materials ONLINE

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hello there and welcome back to my channel if you are new here my name is michelle faray and i am a fourth grade teacher in maryland obviously teachers right now are feeling a lot of anxiety when it comes to going back to school for a multitude of reasons but one of the reasons is just the uncertainty we don't know what this next school year is going to look like so in today's video i wanted to help ease that anxiety just a little bit by showing you a very easy way that you can use physical instructional materials digitally with your students online [Music] i wanted to start by thanking lakeshore learning for sponsoring this video as many of you know i have been working with them for going on three years now but i've been using their products since i was student teaching i have always loved their products because they're super high quality and durable they're going to last a really long time and they're actually made by former teachers so that's why they're so awesome it's because they're made by people who used to be teachers and know what teachers want now lake shore does have 62 stores nationwide but i know a lot of us right now are doing online shopping so you can shop online as well and i have a coupon code for you if you use code 6422 you can save 25 on any single non-sale item make sure you check out that coupon code in the description box for all of the details i don't know about you but when school first went to online i kind of panicked because i had all of these physical instructional materials that i was used to using in my classroom that i now had to figure out how to adapt and use online keep in mind you don't have to recreate the wheel you don't have to make everything brand new from scratch to be able to use it digitally you can actually adapt physical materials that you have to be able to be used online so in today's video i'm actually going to show you three different ways that you can adapt physical materials to be used online let's start with this building fluency card bank i was using fluency passages with quite a few of my students last school year i did teach reading this past school year and i had a few students who were struggling to progress reading levels because they were having accuracy mistakes and what i love about fluency passages even though it's focused on fluency it's also a great way for students to recognize mistakes that they're making so they can improve their accuracy what i love about this pack from lakeshore now this one is made for grades four through six but i do believe they have one for younger grades as well is the fact that there are ten different levels and there are eight passages for each level and i never felt like i went through all eight without needing to move a student up a level i also love that the cards are very durable they're a nice thick card they're like a laminated material so you can actually write on them with a dry erase board they have a different like genre so there's some fiction passages some non-fiction passages and some poetry passages however when everything went online i said okay what am i doing now so i'm actually going to show you how to take these passages and turn them into a digital pdf that you can share with your students so i've taken out just one of the passages and i'm going to be using my phone so on my phone i'm going to go to the notes app in the notes app you can actually scan documents and it will save it as a pdf in case you didn't know that so i'm going to go ahead and create a new note and then in the note there's a little camera icon down at the bottom i'm going to click that and i'm going to choose the top option scan documents now i will say you don't have to actually click anything once you get the document within the frame it's going to automatically capture the image so i'm going to scoop my phone up so that it can capture the edges and it took it that easily so now i can click and i can see that it created that pdf image of that page now because i'm using lighting and i'm filming i do have this kind of weird glare that's in that one spot but if i didn't have my light set up i wouldn't have that now if i want i'm going to click done i can actually scan more than one page it says ready for next scan so if i wanted to i could scan all of one level on the same pdf document but just for the sake of this video i'm going to just use one so i'm going to go ahead and hit save so now i have this pdf and it says scan documents i'm going to click on it and that's going to open up the pdf i now have the option to save it or put it into different apps in my phone so i'm going to click the share button up at the top and i have the option to be able to put it into my google drive i can actually put it right into google classroom and that is up to you you can actually share it directly to google classroom or you can save it first to your drive and then upload it through your computer i'm actually going to save it just to my drive so i'm going to click on my drive select my account and then i can rename it if i want so this is level k so i'm going to put level k fluency passage and i'm going to click upload so this is now saving it to my google drive and then i'll show you once i go into google drive how i add it to google classroom so now i have the document in my google drive and if you look at it the quality is really good especially for just scanning it on my phone i want to now add this into my google classroom so i'm going to come over to google classroom and let's say i want to share this but i only want to share it with one student maybe i'm only working on fluency passages with one student so maybe i'm sharing this with william my fiance so here's where i can add the little blurb this might be something that i have the student meet with me on a video conferencing software so google me or zoom and i might have the student actually read it to me while i on my end have the physical copy and i'm going through and checking it off so i might say here is the passage we will read today on google meet at one o'clock i can't wait to see you there and then i'm going to attach that pdf so i'm going to go to add google drive because that's where i saved it to and it will be right under my recents click add and there you go so once i post this that student will be able to open up that pdf and they can then read it to me while i am checking it on here another option for you is instead of sharing it with the student on google classroom you could actually present your screen during your video conference and have the student read it right from there so personally i could just go into my google drive i could open this up share my screen my student will be able to read it without me actually sending them the passage so up next i have these non-fiction comprehension quickie cards so what i love about these is i'm constantly analyzing data whether it's formative data just observations that i've made or whether it's from classwork assignments or assessments that my students have done and i'm always trying to analyze and figure out which standards or which skills they need help with these cards are broken up into five categories main idea and details table of contents index glossary and title page headings subheadings bold words and captions cause and effect diagrams charts and tables so if i have a student struggling with a particular skill there is a whole plethora of cards that they are able to work through and what i love about these is there actually is an answer key you can choose to remove this if you want or if you want it to be self-checking for the kids you can actually leave it in here however when i'm teaching online these are not really a great option so i'm going to show you how to take one of these cards and turn it into an interactive activity that your students can actually complete now i'm actually going to be taking an image of this card and inserting it into google slides so instead of scanning it as a pdf i actually just want an image of the card a jpeg image so i'm going to go to my phone but this time i'm going to go to the camera now when i take the image there will be some space around the outside in this case it's white space because i have a white table that's okay because we can always crop it later i just want to make sure the entire card is fitting in the image so i'm going to move it so the entire thing is there snap the picture and then i'm going to flip it over because that's where the questions are and again i'm going to make sure the whole thing is in the frame snap the image i can do this with as many of the cards as i want but for this example i'm just going to show you with this one card just like before i want to send these photos to google drive so i'm going to go into my photos and i'm going to select share and i'm going to share it to drive select my account and upload so now i'm on my computer i have google drive opened up and you can see i have those two images right here i'm going to create a new google slides by going to new and choosing google slides alright now i can resize the slide but i kind of want to wait and see how much the card takes up so i'm going to x out of the themes i'm going to select these text boxes and delete them so i'm going to insert that image from my google drive and it'll be right under recent i can actually select both of them and insert them now i do need to create another slide so i'm going to come down here and i'm going to copy this image onto that slide and actually i need to reverse them okay so now i can go in and crop that image so i'm going to go to crop and i'm going to drag this down and just get it as good as i can it doesn't have to be perfect move this over just a little bit now i can take this image and i can resize it to take up more of the slide just like that okay so it looks like i could make my slide a little bit more narrow so i'm going to go to file page setup and this is widescreen so i'm going to make the width let's try 8.5 inches all right and then i'm just going to stretch this back because it kind of resized it okay perfect now if i wanted to i can add in directions for my students i like to add the directions over on the side so i'm going to add a text box put it right here and i would say look at the diagram of a grasshopper and answer the questions on slide two i can change the font make it bold center it and then to really get my students attention i'm going to fill this in a yellow color and give it a black outline and maybe make this a little bit larger i'll slide that down okay so now their directions are right there on the side i'm going to come to this next one and i'm going to again crop it so that i have just the card okay that's good enough i'm going to resize it to take up the slide and maybe stretch it out just a little bit all right so i want my students to be able to circle the answer that they are choosing now there are four multiple choice questions i can actually insert a circle shape so if you hold down shift it'll keep it as a circle i think that's a good size i want to have no fill and we're going to make it red but kind of thick that way it's nice and easy to see i think that looks pretty good so because my students are choosing four answers i need to have four circles so i'm going to copy and paste this same circle and i'm just going to put it right over top of the other one and i'll show you what that will look like for students in just a second i'm going to go ahead and copy this thing of directions and paste it on this one and actually i'm going to move these down a little bit so here i would say move the red circle below to mark your answer choice on each question so now when my students go to actually complete this activity they are going to take the red circle and they are going to move it onto the correct answer like so but you'll notice once they move one of the circles there are still other ones over here so if i go back how many legs does it have let's see i see one two three four five six so they're going to move this to six and then what is located between the head and the abdomen let's see i see the head i see the abdomen that would be the thorax so i'm going to move it over to there i'm just kind of modeling how my students would do this and you'll notice i still have one circle left and that's for this last one down here i can do this with as many of the cards as i want i could create one slideshow that has maybe all of the diagrams charts and tables or i could create individual slideshow for each student based on what skills they need so if i have a student that is struggling with diagrams chart and tables and also cause and effect i could put a mixture of these cards onto their slides and then on google classroom i'm going to share it just with that student now i will say sharing it on google classroom is going to be a little bit different than the way i just showed you i'm going to undo me moving all of these circles so that it's back the way i want it i'm going to go into google classroom and this time i'm going to go to the classwork tab because if i want my students to actually move and manipulate these slides i need to post it as an assignment so i'm going to go to create assignment and i can title it so maybe this is diagram practice i can put their instructions and then i'm going to add from google drive and it should be right here under my recent yep there it is i didn't title it but oh well click add and i want to make a copy for each student so over here i'm going to select make a copy for each student if i don't want to share it with the entire class i can just choose the specific students i want so i can come over here to all students and i can unselect that and maybe this time i want to share it just with me you can make it graded if you want or if you prefer you can have it ungraded choose the due date topic all of that click assign and then that way every student you choose will get their own copy to be able to complete and submit to you up next i have the five minute vocabulary practice cards these are very similar to the nonfiction comprehension cards that i just showed you but you will notice these are broken up into context clues synonyms antonyms prefixes suffixes multiple meaning words and idioms now these cards are actually double-sided so this one for example has three on the front and three on the back they have different numbers of questions just depending on the card but just like before there is an answer key so these are made to be self-checking for your students if you want them to be i'm going to show you how to make them be self-checking for your students in a digital format so just like before we are going to take a picture of both sides of the card so i'm going to go to my camera and i want to make sure that i have the entire card in the frame and i want to try to keep it as level as possible take the picture flip it over same thing on the back make sure i get the whole card take the picture just like before i'm going to share these to my google drive so i'm going to go to share and i'm going to select google drive select my account and upload so now i am back on my computer on google drive and just like before i'm going to create a google slides so i'm going to go to new google slides and last time i resized it to be i think eight and a half so i'm going to go ahead and do that first so file page setup drop down custom 8.5 apply so i'm going to go ahead and delete the text boxes just like before and once again i'm going to insert my images so i'm going to go to insert image from drive and i'm going to select both images and insert them at the same time so i'm holding down command or if you're on a pc hold down control and select them both click insert and this time i'm going to go ahead and crop them first and then i will show you how i move the slides so let's take this first one again i'm going to crop it down until it takes up almost the whole thing so i'm going to go ahead and create a blank slide and i'm going to move this one onto this and i'm going to go ahead and resize them so they take up the whole slide let's do that and maybe this one i have to stretch it just a little bit and i'm going to resize this one to take up the whole slide now here's where this kind of gets tricky i am going to create a copy of that slide as many times as there are questions so this one right here there are three different questions i'm going to actually duplicate so i'm going to right click duplicate and i'm going to create three copies of that slide and for the second one there are two questions so i'm going to duplicate it so there are two of them and the reason is when i make this interactive my students can only answer one question at a time so i have to make a copy for each question they are going to answer just like before i do want to go ahead and add in some directions so i want to tell them what question to answer so i'm going to say answer question one by clicking on the correct answer so once again i'm going to make it a little bit bigger bold it center it all that good stuff i'm gonna make it yellow fill and make it a nice thick black border and i can go ahead and copy and paste this so now i want them to answer question two question three question four and question five now i want to be able to have my students actually click on the correct answer so i'm gonna be creating hyperlinks but i want my students to know whether they're correct or incorrect so i actually need to create some slides that say either yes you got it or no you didn't so after the first slide i'm going to insert a blank slide and if they get it correct i'm kind of thinking the color green like that's just how my brain works so i'm going to go to background and i'm going to change the color to green now i can add a text box and maybe it says great job you are correct click below to go to the next question so i'm gonna go ahead and make this century gothic let's make it bigger and i'm doing a very rough job just to show you all how this works you can make it as fancy as you want so for now i'm just going to leave it like that but i need something down below for them to click so i'm going to add a box and maybe it says click here we'll make this oswald and we'll do size 40 center it and we'll make like a white fill black outline that's where they're going to click to go to the next question i can now duplicate this slide and i want this one to be sorry you got it wrong try again so i'm going to make the background red this time to get their attention um and i'm going to say sorry but that answer is incorrect click below to try again and again i'm going to leave just that click here button i'm going to go ahead and select both of those slides copy them and i'm going to paste them after every question paste and paste so now i'm ready to start creating my hyperlinks i need to create a rectangle over each answer but i'm going to actually start with the answer that's going to be correct so let me read the first one which word would make both sentences correct i ran blank to the car to get my jacket look at the blank cover of the book let's see i ran front to the car that doesn't make sense i ran back to the car look at the back cover that makes sense so i'm going to make a rectangle over top but i wanted to have no fill so i'm going to make the fill transparent and no outline so it doesn't even look like anything's there but i'm going to hyperlink this to say you got the correct answer so i'm going to right click i'm going to come down to link and i want it to link to this slide right here slide two so i'm going to select slide two click apply now i can actually copy and paste this same rectangle so just made a copy of it i'm going to move it on to this one but i don't want it to link to slide two so i'm going to remove that link i wanted to link to slide three so i'm going to right click go to link slides in this presentation slide three and click apply and i'm actually going to have all of the wrong answers linked to that same slide so i'm going to copy and i'm going to put it on top of this one maybe make it a little bit longer and i'm going to move it on top of this one and you'll notice they're already linked to slide three now if i come down to slide two if they get that question correct i want this to actually link to the next question which is on slide four so i'm gonna come down slide four click apply if they got it wrong i want it to link back to that initial slide so slide one so i'm gonna click this go to link and i'm going to choose slide 1 and click apply now i'm going to show you how this would work for your students and this is something you would definitely want to model over like google me or zoom so your students know how to work it before you just throw them in to do it on their own but i'm gonna come to slide one i'm gonna click present it's now going to go into full screen mode and now i'm realizing i probably shouldn't have put the directions on the side because now they can't see them so no problem we're going to quickly move this i'm going to resize this just a little bit so i can fit directions on the top i'm going to move this down to the bottom and where are those rectangles that i had there they are okay so i'm gonna just move those down and i might have to move them over just a little bit so i'll move that one that one's good that one's good and move that one over okay and i'm just gonna make this direction sheet instead be on the top we're gonna make it thinner move it center it i can make it look a lot better but i'm not worried about it right now so now it says answer question one by clicking on the correct answer i think it's a round i ran around to the car look at the around cover click on it it's going to prop me to that slide sorry but that answer is incorrect click below to try again so i'm going to click it's going to take me back so i can try again and if i click on the correct answer then it takes me to the correct answer slide and then i click here to go to the next question and again i would have to move this one and put the directions up at the top but you get the point what i really like about these activities is the fact that they are self-checking that means students can work on them independently and we know especially if kids are at home doing virtual learning parents are really stressed out by that and parents have their own jobs and work and they don't want to have to be over the kid's shoulder every single minute so by creating this interactive self-checking activity it's allowing your students to be more independent with their virtual learning now it is a little bit time-consuming but i'll say once you start doing it you get into the flow and it actually goes a lot faster than you think but the great thing is you're not sitting there trying to come up with questions because you already have the questions from the cards or from whatever existing instructional materials you have now posting this on google classroom is going to be just a little bit different because it's an interactive activity it's not something i need to necessarily grade because my students aren't moving any pieces around or adding to it they're really just participating in the activity i'm actually going to be posting it as a material so i'm going to go to the classwork tab i'm going to click create and then i'm going to select material this is going to allow me to post it so my students can go in they can view it they can participate but they don't need to submit anything to me so i can put the title let's say multiple meaning words i need a hyphen practice again i can put my description if i want i'm going to click add google drive and it will be right there under recent click add and you will notice i don't have that drop down this time because i don't need my students to have their own copy they're going to be able to view it and they're going to be able to participate in it but they're not going to be able to make any edits so i don't have to worry about them messing anything up when you post as a material students can view it but they cannot actually edit it once again if i want to post it to the whole class i can or i can select specific students i can organize it into a topic and then i just click post so that is it those are my three different ways to take physical instructional materials and have them be digital for your students i don't know about you but having things like this that are already prepared for me make my life so much easier so i will link these three products for you down below don't forget you can use code 6422 to save 25 on any single non-sale item and i will have all the details with that coupon down in the description now i have a special treat for you all bridget from the letter classroom has a very similar video she's going to be showing you how to adapt these physical instructional materials to be used on ipads and schoology so if you are interested in that make sure you check out her video the link for that will be down in the description box also thank you again to lakeshore for sponsoring this video i will have linked not only the products but also their website so you can go on and either find a store near you or do some online shopping down in the description box if you all enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up share it out with your teacher friends hit the subscribe button and the notification bell so you do not miss any future videos as always thank you for watching i love you all so much don't forget to put your positive pants on and i'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 286,338
Rating: 4.9625201 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, lakeshore learning, ad, how to, digital, digitize, online learning, online teaching, distance learning, distance teaching, elearning, digitally
Id: YutzUKbp4Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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