What Synology should you buy in 2023

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all right how's it going y'all so it is early February 2023 and Synology has really kind of finally finished unveiling at least I believe all of their 2023 models at least the for a long time that really home users will be expecting and businesses smaller businesses will be able to use and have value there's a couple things that may get added in here but I think now they just unveiled the ds223 and so I think that there is a good time to make a video on what technology should you buy in 2023 because a lot of people ask this question and it's gotten a lot more complicated than the last time I made this video so we're going to start off this video and really just kind of go through the bottom tier up to the top on the units that I would really stand out for probably 95 users I'm not going to go into the really really powerful crazy stuff but I'm going to focus on things that are reasonable going up to the rack mounted units the very basic rack mounted units all right so really quickly I think the majority of people buying a Synology have really one constraint that I would say probably don't it's not worth it by Synology unless you're gonna get one with this and that is make sure the unit you're buying has a btrfs that's a huge one and so all the units I'm going to talk about today have btrfs and then one thing that is not included in all the models is also active back of our business so if you're looking to back up your Windows PC servers a bunch of stuff like that make sure to get one with active backup for business but that's going to be all the plus models so I want to get those two things out of the way here and now I want to talk about basically what Nas you should buy at all these different price points and essentially kind of go up the ladder so I think the really good starting place for people is going to be the ds223 this unit has btrfest is only 250 and I think that makes it a really good price point and it is a good input into the market it's got a decent CPU it's arm but in all reality that CPU probably is not going to slow you down if you're just looking for a basic home or office file server I think the ds223 is going to be a solid entry point into the market for a lot of people and probably would be the Nas I buy first before buying anything else assuming you do not have other constraints this unit cannot do active backup for business so if you want active back of your business the ability to back up laptops everything like that to the nas you cannot do that on this unit you can back up Max with a time machine and that's pretty much it but everything else will be there all the other features pretty much will be there other than virtual machines and Docker but don't worry about that stuff for the vast majority of users you probably do not care too much about that I think it's a good entry point to the market for people who just need a simple office file server and just need to get started The Next Step Up is a big question between the ds723 plus and the ds923 plus they are essentially identical units with a difference between having two bays or four Bays built in so the price point difference here is the ds723 plus is 450 and the ds923 plus is 600 so it's a 150 price increase to get twice as many bays that cost difference very quickly can be made up for if you're planning on using raid so the only reason I would buy the ds723 plus is if you know you do not need that much space if you are somebody who only has a terabyte of file and you know it's not going to increase that much buy two eight terabyte drives are often on sale for a pretty good price let's take them in there and you know this is going to be very future proof I probably would not bother adding the nvme caching on there if you are looking to get a more powerful unit I'd go to the 923 plus because you are going to get four Bays then which is going to have a lot more overall throughput to your device and it makes that 10 gigabit card a little bit more interesting both these units can support the new proprietary Synology 10 gigabit card it's that guy right there it slots in very easily but it's not cheap but the nice thing is you've got the upgrade path there that you can buy this unit and if you do go to a 10 gig Network at some point you can buy the add-in card without having to replace the nas so there is that advantage so this price point right here between the 723 plus the 923 plus the 1522 plus and the 1621 plus is a hard place to figure out where you are any one of these units is going to be solid the most powerful CPU of all of these is actually going to be the 1621 plus and the 1821 plus the 1621 plus and the 1821 plus are essentially identical units just one of them has an extra two bays in there then the 1522 plus is essentially the 923 plus with an extra Bay and an extra four gigs of RAM so this entire price point right here is basically every time you go up it costs an extra 100 to 150 and because of that it makes it very difficult to figure out where a really good place is I think the 923 plus is a great place to be unless you think you're going to need more RAM if you ever think you're going to need more RAM which most people do not need to upgrade the RAM in their Synology but if you're planning on it go straight to the 1522 plus you get an extra Bay for an extra hundred dollars and an extra four gigs of RAM definitely go straight to the 1522 plus they're the exact same unit except for the fact that the 1522 plus cannot use the ssds even if their Synology nvme ssds as their own volume you can use SATA ssds but you cannot use the Synology ssds very confusing there that's actually this unit right here so if you do plan on buying the 923 plus upgrade the RAM go straight to 1522 plus well worth it there then if you do need a more powerful unit the 1621 plus and the six and the 1821 plus are the most powerful desktop units that I often recommend to clients these things those CPUs rip through the vast majority of things they're capable of multiple gigabytes per second of upload and download speeds under a 10 gigabit Network you can actually reasonably fill those things with ssds and get the performance of ssds out of them they rip through stuff these are great office file servers and really really powerful I would definitely recommend them they're great units a lot of people think because they're 21 model they're less powerful no these are by far the most powerful desktop units that I recommend I really like them and all the units I've mentioned so far do not have restrictions on the drives you can put in them so one thing you know about Synology is any Synology that's got more than eight Bays so nine base or greater is essentially required to use Synology hard drives they are a lot more expensive than regular hard drives and they do have some advantages but for the most part it is an unnecessary expense for most small businesses because you probably do not need that level of space so I very rarely tick up to the 2422 plus because of that because there's a very large cost increase to that the rest of the units that I've mentioned so far you can stick any hard drive in there and if it's not on the compatibility list it'll throw a quick warning but that is not a big deal these units the nine base or greater will give you warnings and it will be a lot worse and it will look like there's something wrong with a volume because you use non-synology hard drives even though there's not so I tend to stay away from the 2422 plus if I can get away with an 1821 plus if at all possible the other thing to really think about when you're doing this is don't buy the storage you need today buy the storage you think you're going to need in the next five years and that does not mean you have to fill up the drives to the start often what I'll have clients do who are looking to save some money is buy an ass and fill half the hard drive Bays to get the space they need then as they need more space they can buy more hard drives a lot more hard drives in one click expand the volume and that's it so that's definitely an option there buying a larger unit and not using all the hard drives to start is a great way to get a lot more life out of these nases because the primary reason why you're going to want to upgrade to a new Nas is you start running low in space because as you have the space You See It adding more and more files all right so that's kind of the overview of the desktop units it's hard to go really wrong with any of them if you're looking for the utmost power for something I would recommend the 1621 plus and the 1821 Plus or what I recommend a lot there is the 1621 Xs plus which does have a more powerful CPU but for the majority of people you do not need that unit it is that extra power is kind of unnecessary and does not get you that much bang for your buck in my opinion it becomes a lot more expensive though it does have 10 gigabit ports another thing to do these three units right here have 10 gigabit capability using that proprietary add-in card which is about 160 dollars for a single 10 gigabit port whereas the 16 and the 1821 plus both take standard pcie cards so you can add in SFP plus cards 25 gigabit sfe plus cards or RJ45 cards so they are a lot more flexible with 10 gig upgradeability all right so now I'm going to skip ahead to Rack mounted ones and we're really only going to talk about one because it's it's kind of the golden one for what I recommend for people the vast majority of businesses who I recommend a rack mounted server to is going to be the RS 1221 plus note you almost certainly do not want the RS 1221 RP plus the RP stands for redundant power supply unless you actually have the ability to use redundant power supplies as in two different UPS's off two different power sources however you got that it's probably not worth it to buy the RP plus it's a good amount more expensive but more importantly it is a lot louder it is significantly louder than the RS 1221 plus the RS 1221 plus is nearly silent it's a phenomenal unit really great it is essentially an 1821 Plus without the nvme ssds in a rack mountable format great unit really lightweight and it's a really short depth which is very nice this is a great unit that really recommend the majority of businesses go to who are looking for rack mounted solution because it's quiet powerful and a short depth which is all great points and then from there you can start upgrading but they're all going to be a lot louder and that is something that a lot of people are ready for and so really the 1221 plus is probably the Golden Goose of the rack mounted units and is probably going to be my upgrade maybe whenever the 24 unit comes out I might go ahead and buy that just because I love that unit so much it's so easy to deploy and just it goes anywhere really like that unit all right so I know this was a quick video but I've had a lot of people ask me these questions in the comments below so I figured I'd make a video addressing them go and leave any other questions you got for me in the comments below and I will leave affiliate links to all these things down in the description below as well so check those out in the sports channel all that good stuff all right if you want to hire me for a project I've got a link for that in the description as well what else can I say all right that's it have a good one bye [Music]
Channel: SpaceRex
Views: 74,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GUup9lHwCMo
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Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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