Synology: This make NO SENSE

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this video actually started out as being a really great video I was going to be very excited because techology has unveiled new hard drives and I feel like they were finally fixing a huge problem in their lineup and just how expensive these excess units have gotten and a whole bunch of problems that I thought were solved I was really excited and i' had been testing these and they've been working great I've been very happy with them that is until I looked through the compatibility list for not just one anology but for multiple ones to finally figure out what is going on and it is driving me crazy as somebody who recommends what sonology to buy to clients pretty much every single day I'll do a hey this is what system you should buy for your needs I can't even tell what the lineup should be or how it is properly set up and I cannot imagine what a normal procurement person is doing trying to figure out what hard drive to buy because Synology has made it exceedingly confusing all right so before we get into this we need to is take a step back and go over some basic context here so about 3 years ago senology started selling their own hat hard drives which were really just Tosha drives and with some special sonology firmware they actually started off being somewhat cost- effective like when they first announced them and first released them to Market they were not that expensive and I was like oh okay well if you want to Spring the extra $50 for hard drive it's not that big of a deal not a bad idea to do it at least in certain cases and then something happened and the hard drives went from being maybe $50 more expensive than their competitor for the same size to twice as expensive in many cases as they're competitors for the exact same size and senology started requiring them to be used in their larger units I'll go ahead and leave a link down in the description below to that video where I go over that but to summarize it essentially larger sonology units anything with more than eight Bays or has an excess in the model name has to have sonology hard drives at least that's how it was back in the day and the has to have is actually a fairly soft have to have you will not lose any functionality you will still get smart tests you will still get disc reports you will still get everything except for the fact that your volume will show up as orange for that unit so it will constantly say there are unverified drives in your system warning warning warning and now as somebody who recommends systems client I essentially just tell them this fact like hey you will be paying about twice as much money per Drive which when you get larger systems is by far the largest cost of the system is the hard drives and so I will tell clients hey you'll be paying about 70% more money for the overall cost of the system if you go with son drives versus going with other branded drives like seate iron wolfes or exos and the only thing you'll get for that is the fact that if you go with a non-branded drives you will see your storage pool is showing up as Orange it'll constantly say your volume is in warning which is more of a nuisance than actual negative side effects so I essentially present that to clients and it's really up to them to decide most people take the cheaper option because they're generally homegrown video production houses and smaller units who are okay with that warning because they know it's not real and they'd much rather get a larger system with more capacity for the same dollar as the smaller system with theology drives but that was always a choice to them and that was all back before sonology had these plus drives so those were with the Enterprise drives that were significantly more expensive than other Enterprise drives even like the CATE exos so that was the choice then then techology came out with the plus drives that is one of these right here by the way sonology did send me both these drives at different times for free they don't get to preview this video or anything like that but I have been sent actually all these hard drives for free but then sonology came out with these plus drives and they started off as just having like four to 6 terabytes 4 to 8 terabytes I think and so they were significantly smaller but you could get them for cheaper and it was like Hey if you really don't need a lot of space you can go with these and I think they started trying to get people with disc stations like little 5 Bay units like this to start buying them because well they're maybe $30 $40 more expensive but they're the sonology ones so that's great you get some benefit of being able to do a firmware update whenever the system updates not that useful but just having that overall brand cohesion it became a much more palatable price for people who were buying smaller systems to get those drives and so then that apparently was pretty successful and they actually started making up to 16 tbte plus drives these are those hatat 3310 drives and that was awesome because now you can get systems that require syy Drive drives for much much cheaper because while these plus drives didn't have the same maximum capacity of like 22 terab that you can buy today they were up to 16 terabytes and were within about 10% of the competition so for that it becomes a much simpler conversation and it's much more likely for a system integrator somebody who's buying one of these systems to say you know it's going to cost us 7% more on our overall bottom line to get the drives it'll come with a warranty we'll get better support all that stuff it's much more likely to happen so that's where I started this video and I was really excited because now this is a massive problem that's been solved because most of the time I end up recommending 16 tab drives anyway because that's where you can save the most money per terabyte is about 16 terabytes and then if you need a larger system we'll just get a bigger system because the difference between a 16 and a 20 tab Drive is a ton of money for 4 terabytes and so a lot of time it becomes more cost- effective to get an 8 bay unit and fill it with 16 terab drives than to get something like a five bay unit and fill it with 20 tab drives for the exact same storage plus you've now got more drives more speed so that's where I was really happy and as I said at the beginning of this video when I started researching it I was a really happy camper until I found the compatibility list that makes absolutely no sense and I've got to walk through it because is honestly it doesn't make any sense to me and I've have yet to find a real Rhyme or Reason to it at all and so I'm just going to go ahead and pull up the compatibility list and we're going to look through and try to figure out which drives to buy for which system because the name does not make any sense or anything like that you actually have to check the compatibility list for pretty much every single system to figure out if you can use these plus models or not so all the people who have listened to my videos and everybody else videos from the past 2 or 3 years where it's like hey these units as long as you get sonology drives they won't show up as orange well now that's no longer true because you can buy a sonology plus drive stick it in your unit and it's still going to sh say it's not on the compatibility list even though it's a sonology drive it makes no sense and I really wish they just did not do it or if they really wanted to make sure people bought those fancier drives just limit it limit what drives you're selling and make sure that all of your drives are on the compatibility list for all systems I feel like that is not that hard as long as they're SATA drives you should have a United compatibility list for all your hard drives because let's be honest here the difference between a Enterprise Drive and a plus drive it's not that much it really just comes down to marketing things like that and maybe a warranty spec-wise they're within spitting distance of each other and for the cost it becomes way cheaper just to buy a few spare drives of the plus models than it is to buy the interprise drives so now let's go ahead and play a game is it going to be compatible because I've yet to figure it out all right so in this game we are going to start with the DS 1823 XS plus XS plus unit do we think it is going to be able to take these plus drives or not drum roll please we go into the compatibility list and look it is compatible with plus drives wo then furthermore on this page I want you to know that if you look it says always in install Enterprise class drives on XS plus units for full support and Optimal Performance and yet they literally call these Plus Class drives and yet they're compatible the marketing is just not there it doesn't make any sense and it makes my job harder all right so now let's go on and let's check out a larger unit so let's go in and let's check out a rack mount and we will go with a 3621 XS plus drum [Music] roll nope the 3621 xs+ does not have the ability to use the plus models and I would assume it would show up at as orange it only will take the Enterprise class drives all right well maybe if we go back and we go into the non plus model the XS unit maybe it will nope so while a DS 1823 XS plus which one would assume by the nomenclature is a higher end unit and a more Enterprise unit than this RS 3621 RP while the DS unit can take the plus drives the XS unit cannot it just does not make any sense and there's no easy way to figure out which ones there are as far as I can tell it's larger rack mount systems that are EXs models cannot take the plus units where everything else pretty much can it is just very very very confusing if we go down and we check out another rack mount unit let's try the 2423 RP plus doesn't really matter RP versus not it can take the plus models all the way up to those 16 tab drives so I think you see what I'm saying here it does not make any sense there is no Rhyme or Reason to really being able to figure this out because there's no just like okay two sections it made sense before because at least there were two sections and you could kind of tell now it's just confusing let's try one of the 28 drive units the 28 Drive Unit can take it so what this has essentially forced me to do is now I have to check pretty much every one of the compatibility lists for people who do want to get that because I really like these plus drives I really like the fact that I can start getting clients these larger systems without having to get the really expensive drives or have it show up as orange because that still sucks as somebody who's purchasing a system is to feel like it's Half Baked even though it's almost all psychological so I was really happy with this and I was like oh man I can start recommending these larger units because it is a different cost equation for all this stuff and while that is still true for our smaller rack mount units it is not true for the larger rack mount units and so it just has made this entire thing really confusing Synology we all understand that you are still way way way cheaper than Dell and everybody and so charging the largest clients the people who are setting these up in data centers 50% more for drives we get that and that that makes sense and totally fine you're still providing great product but please make it clear make much simpler compatibility list and I really think these plus models should just end up on those XS plus units because otherwise you're going to get a lot of people purchasing units and purchasing drives where they should be compatibility because it's a senology drive and a syy Nas and yet your system says sorry this is not compatible this is an unverified drive it may crash your system while it's got a Synology label on it I just feel like that has gone out the window where it just does not make any sense to an end consumer that there are some sonology drives that you can buy While others are not for systems and I get it SAS versus SATA we're not talking about that we're talking about just normal SATA drives and I just do not get why you have to sequester out those XS plus systems to requiring this because you're going to be getting people who did their due diligence and looked up and said okay I'm going to buy the Synology drives they're a little bit more expensive but there's these plus models that are not bad and then they get their system in and it just says that hey hey these drives could crash your system well that's it for this video subscribe we're trying to hit 100,000 subscribers and please signology look into adding those drives to that compatibility list it just does not make any sense not to have those on there just from a cohesion perspective it really will make lives so much easier and you still are making a killing on your ssds because those are way overpriced all right well that's going to be the end of my rant go and leave your opinions down in the comments below and have a good one bye he [Music]
Channel: SpaceRex
Views: 31,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BsnwiKvkEMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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