Synology DS923+ vs DS1522+ NAS - Which Should You Buy?

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foreign [Music] hopefully one simple question why would you buy the ds923 Plus instead of the 1522 Plus or vice versa because these two devices despite there being about three to four months release difference between them depending where you are in the world and despite being remarkably similar in their Hardware architecture it's only about 100 nickel or so difference between them depending on again where you are in the world you can't see your choice in your local tax you are looking at about 100 to about a hundred and three maybe 140 quid at the very top end price difference between them so when you're looking at these two nasas if you've spent a little bit of time going through the specifications it suddenly becomes abundantly clear that their internal Hardware specifications is frighteningly similar by that what I mean is in the past we've always got used to the idea of the five and the four bay in the case of the 10 19 the 1520 and the 1522 now have been very similar in Hardware architecture today after 918 uh the 920 and now the 923 but the price now has got a little bit closer together and the hardware attributes have expanded to a point where the 1522 that under 230 or so quid difference is actually a lot more acceptable for several reasons now one of the main reasons for that kind of conflict for people is when people were looking at five bay before it had certain Hardware attributes that were just not available it arrived with uh four Lan ports as this does it arrival eight gig of memory off the bat and it's got the extra storage space and the expandability something we'll touch on later on and in previous iterations of synology's uh product waves every two years or so in this series The disparity between them was large enough that the larger Gulf price point that existed in about two to 250 knicker um when you looked at these two devices it kind of made a lot more sense but fast forward to now and what you end up with and we're going to go through the hardware architecture in just a moment between these two devices is the new 4X is a lot more businessy and therefore instead of his parent like this big difference between them being a little bit more justifiable and larger somehow We've Ended up in a case where the 920 is normally a little bit more business but it's also a little closer in price so it no longer this golf between them is in any way as tangible as it once was and when it comes down to it there's actually only about three differences between these two devices I'm going to filter through even some real minutiae ones but ultimately when it comes between these two what are you getting extra for that money and do you need to spend it and then on top of that is it worth even going for this at all well let's go through them so first off there is that price differences break it down real quick when it comes to pricing I've looked up pricing on UK I've looked up for the US I've looked at Newegg and for Germany I've used and the prices there were 530 499 pounds 649 dollars and 699 euros and that's inclusive of local tax in those regions the 1522 again exactly the same three retailers 680 pounds 749 dollars and 799 Euros as so again about 100 euros hundred dollars difference a little bit more there in the pounds things are creeping up here in the UK look at your lucky bill but when we look at the hardware architecture you're getting there's only really at least in terms of Hardware architecture just two very small differences they've got the same cpud AMD r1600 um embedded rhizom processor there or dual core 2.6 gigahertz CPU that can be best up to 3.1 gigahertz no embedded Graphics or integrated Graphics something that I know has ruffled the feathers of Summer some of you um but the first big difference is to do with that memory as I'm sure you're aware um the 93 arrives with 4 gig of memory and 1522 arrives with 8 gig of memory off the back now four gig don't sound like much and if you do go to the shops you nip out and you try and get yourself four gig a ddr4 so dim memory honestly you're looking about 15 quid I mean 20 apples it's not a lot of memory however you have to factor in something about these devices and that is that they're using ECC memory as mentioned but they're also using Synology Zone branded memory and if you look at the price of a four gig stick of ECC Synology memory that is a different kettle of goldfish that is very much a big chunk of chain Synology I do kind of charge a premium on their memory and it is 3200 megahertz ECC memory so again the error correcting code again a little bit more businessy to avoid things like you know bit rotten inconsistencies on long-term Cold Storage but that four gig of data already makes up a significant chunk of that price difference once you rattle through Amazon at your checkout basket now another big difference between them in terms of Hardware architectures of course the storage this is the five bay this is a four by what does that really mean in the broad in the grand scheme I think Zone one bias storage right well yes and no because the four values of storage on here even if you populate them with Synology Zone um HIV 5300 um hard drives you can just on a pinch with lower form factor drives fully saturate this device we did it with 22 TB W red pros and we did it with their own 16 TB drives in a previous review now we're able as I say to fully saturate a thousand Megs there using 64 Meg and I think 256 and maybe even one gig only on read performance so right performance we are more at 26 and 700 megabytes per second there in a raid 5 environment now the extra Bay of storage that this brings not only makes raid 6 a little bit more palatable but it also means that you don't have to fully populate the whole thing when you get it on day dot you can just go with two drives if you like and then a year or two down the line pop in another Drive Euro toe down the line pop in another Drive these can mix and match thanks to Synology hybrid right but on top of that it means that you can graduate your stories a lot more gradually and that graduation in its lifespan is won by bigger so not only does that mean thanks to raid functionality that the expandable um uh size over time can be a great deal Banner but I'll talk about when you are reading and writing from multiple discs in a raid array particularly a less so raid one um I would say but certainly when it comes to raid five and raid six you are reading and writing from multiple discs at once and although there is a slight impact on CPU with regards to creation of the parity data to maintain the redundancy that is the safety net of a drive fan yeah in the case of this system five drives being read from means hitting that 1000 mix I'll discuss in a moment is a lot more attainable with less Enterprise drives on this than it is on this and if you do use Enterprise drives and again 7200 256 May cash that sort of thing um larger capacities at least I've attended 12 TB and the result would be that you will hit a thousand Megs over one gig file sizes you'll also hit 1000 Megs of great one consistently on right not just read in terms of sequential data there um now I mentioned that 1000 Megs the reason I bring that up is to do with the expandability both these devices can have a 10 GBE upgrade applied to the back on the rear there they both arrive with the option to add the e10g T1 mini not a catchy name um upgrade on there the proprietary technology module pop inside there very easy boom 1000 Megs added straight out there but that's not the only thing this system here has got four 1GB records now whatever your feelings and again let's not get into it about 1 gigabit eating it I think we can all agree that four one GBE ports is better than two so that's another area where this system makes up for that price difference there so the extra two ethernet ports they're mean not only things like link aggregation or if you want to take advantage of that multi-lane stuff that's going on at the moment with SMB that's coming through on DSM 7.2 and so there's a beta out there as well for SMB transfers uh if in your Synology do go into that and you'll find it down there the beta S P protocol um but when it comes to those four Lan ports link aggregation Auto failover having just more ways to create subgroups or sub connections and you know kind of hard locking different IPS you have more potential there than you do on this and yes you can both expand them with 10 GB but that's an optional extra it's the idea that this system only has the two and this has four now when it comes to also thinking long term thinking upgradability let's talk about storage again because this system here can have two expansions added two eSATA expansion devices the dx517 about a three 350 without your tax expansion device it's a j bot that adds five base of storage but this supports two of them hence the 15 in the name another way in which uh scalability and long-term storage is just better on this device because this is a four byte that can add one of those expansions so you've got nine days of maximum storage again shouldn't really yeah kind of spread your storage over the two in a single storage pool but if you did want to do that which again not recommended that is a great deal more attainable on this as well as using the expansion option to add the j-board to work as a synchronized backup although it's wire connected on this device over eSATA there and again five based on five bay expansion probably makes a lot more sense to some of you but when it comes to these two devices we have to talk about the giant M2 nvme elephant in the room Halo and we just want to interrupt today's video to talk about ask Nas compares the new community support form and give you some idea about you how it can help you with your data storage needs or maybe make a bit of scratch and this is it this is the community Forum arsenas Compares it's a bit rough around the edges right now because it's early days but with over 2 000 posts so far and 1600 threads it is getting some traction there now if you want you can go ahead and create an account you can head to the top and search for any questions that are similar to what your requirements are and your support that you need or you can just scroll down and I'll look at one of the posts or create your own when you do any one of the other users on the Forum can answer your question along with me and Eddie if they do have a question answered you have the opportunity to add a coffee bun via Kofi so people can donate and give you tips based on your responses you get to give a hundred percent of that and as Compares me edit we don't care enjoy it for yourself this is about Community Forum so if you need help with your data storage or you've got a bit of spare time in your hands and a bit of knowledge and you want to help others head over to ask Nas Compares where you can help the greater Nas community and we can all help each other out and this is something I think a lot of people are gonna get slowly but surely more pissed about if phonology doesn't address this a little bit more formally and that is to do with while I'm rotating this utterly wrong on the table to do with those base slots because both of these devices feature two M2 nvme SSD base these allow you to install pcie gen 3 ssds inside and those ssds can be used for caching well I say that it can be used for caching and storage pools on this now that's a big deal there's a number of you who are going out of your way to spend money on M2 and VMAs to go inside these devices these are not cheap these are around three to four times depending on the pcie Gen and the capacity you go for at times the price of a traditional hard drive there they also have performance levels in the thousands and like hard drives that will hit 2 to 3250 Megs on a good day unless you like use certain file sizes so these devices could fully saturate a 10 GBE connection that 1000 mix number we keep talking about on their own no raid just right there and you've got two of them that you can rate together you can go for a raid one boom you've got yourself a mirrored fast storage area now the fact that that is only at the time of recording at least available on Justice now system is weird and hopefully you're watching this video in the future and in the future Synology have enabled this feature on a lot more devices they've enabled that feature not just on the future devices but they may have retroactively enabled on devices like this because I think a lot of us are just a bit dumbfounded at the him at least at the time of recordings it may be corrected in the future that this device here with exactly the same CPU as this one has that feature to use those as raw storage pools and caching whereas this one doesn't now we've dug in to this system in the back end in putty to have a little look at the architecture and it looks like and again thanks to the chap on Reddit they helped us out there that this device although it has PCI gen 3 times 4 Lane for those m2s it's capped currently at 1000 mix now that throttling it's a few series there's a few discussions with officials that show that it may to be to do with just maintaining system temp and general airflow and overheating to avoid throttling now I'm not sure how I feel about that because I'm not entirely certain again because that's no official statement there so there's nothing really to back that up but I think a decent heatsink on those should be sufficient particularly with the two rear fans on it but it still doesn't really make up for the fact that this has got those two M2 slots and they're not available for Story tools now I accept if it wasn't available at launch maybe the feature wasn't fully fleshed out DSM 7.1 but the fact that in DSM 7.1 now now that this is released and if they both run the exact same version of DSM and they've got the same CPU inside therefore pcie chipset and Lane architecture will be the same for the most part the fact this has those two slots but they can't be used for All Storage pools I find frankly a little bit insulting now it could be that the available Lane to that CPU affords to this have been too spread out because you do have to pair drives in the uh when you're laying out the chipset for a Nas and drives that are in pairs take up later the fact this has got that fifth bank means it needs to take up another Lane there so because uh the pair grouping so it could be that that has forced the pcie slots inside this system to be slightly restricted they're still gen 3 but it's whether they're gen 3 times 2 or gen 3 times 4 will have to dig into after this video but regardless of whether that's true or not this system is still having that capped three to one which may be lifted down the line but it's still got storage pool so that to me is not a good enough reason now maybe it's a bios thing maybe it's something that can't be just flashed in the DSM update and this is something Synology actually need to actively resolve themselves with a hard-coded firmware a motherboard firmware update which is something you can't really do deep enough remotely with the DSM update I'm not sure but still despite the fact that this system doesn't have M2 nvme storage pull support only for caching I think that 100 to 130 knicker difference is enough for me to say that this is the better choice of the two Because unless M2 nvme's on this get unlocked uh that cap at 1000 yes there's only an external cap of because that 10 GB 1000 but internally could you be using that for VMS unless they unlock that M2 SSD capability on this or you see a price drop you know you start seeing it at 500 knicker here and there about I personally would recommend the 1522 over it because for two reasons one because I think sometimes you probably down the line will unlock those m2mvs in this it might take them a while I don't think they can really justify it as an in-system exclusive only to this given the similarity of the architecture but even then there are a lot of users out there that are unofficially unlocking those with some relatively simple SSH commands so therefore for the extra Bay of storage the extra storage expandability the extra Lan ports inside and the simple fact that this can be expanded by two more expansions for that price difference it's just got more longevity in its view today and not I mean even when it comes down to the software there's almost no difference on DSM running on these devices the only things I could find that were in any way I could personally validate because there was some stuff on there about the the licensing of um uh ex format uh there on of its fat um but even then I think I was just a a data sheet anomaly there was stuff like a maximum SMP um concurrent transfers 2 000 capable um at any given time versus one thousand on there and map shared folder uh synchronization tasks 32 versus 16 on this but again I think a lot of that's to do with that memory on day one and the amount you need there and ultimately for the price difference I think the fact that you can use m2mv storage build on this as you know on this but not this is not enough to place it in front of this the older Nas that is already starting to see a few promos online thanks to that extra bit of time that's been spent in the market and if you're going to be going into a Synology ecosystem anyway then definitely go for this because in terms of longevity and future proofing that's small relative small amount of money you're paying more up front gives you tremendous scalability down the line and if you need further justification for that money just remember the extra four gig of memory that's inside this device that if you look at the pricing online it just costs that much more and it's a single eight gig module at that as well so again you don't have to worry about half modeling modeling it as you go it's a single I give module in there with an extra slot free when you want to stick in another one but this has been comparing in a very casual way compared to my other comparisons the the 1522 plus with the ds923 plus if there's anything you guys thought I missed such as the PSU difference between them being around 30 watt I think it's 21 actually the fact the noise difference between them is like 0.2 of a DBI if there's anything you think I've missed do let me know in the comments but other than that thank you so much for watching I hope you've enjoyed this video we'll have an article out on this very very soon that goes into a little bit of detail and if you've got any feedback of stuff that I've missed on these I'll be sure to add it to that article so if you've enjoyed this click like it really helps me out to understand what I'm doing right and wrong ever since YouTube basically knackered the dislike button um if you want to learn more about any of these devices or Nas in general click subscribe if you need help or advice with your data storage setup use the free advice section everyone else Compares or the free community Forum over there over on ask now some pairs made by me and Eddie who does a lot more work on there than me by the way and other now's users and finally if this video has genuinely helped to choose the right Mouse for you and if you're going to shop from Amazon anyway use the links in the description using them will cost you nothing extra and anything can I mean anything you buy after using that link will result in a kickback from Amazon coming to here on the channel because we're Amazon Associates and therefore that little Kickback goes straight back in to help us do what we do but other than that thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 22,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DS923, DS923+ cpu, DS923+ NAS, DS923+ NAS Review, DS923+ Review, Synology, synology 10gbe, Synology 2023, Synology DS923+, Synology DS923+ NAS, Synology DS923+ NAS Drive Review, Synology DS923+ NAS Review, synology nas, Synology Ryzen R1600, DS1522+, DS1522+ NAS, DS1522+ VS DS923+, DS923+ VS DS1522+, E10G22-T1, SYNOLOGY 2023, SYNOLOGY DS1522+, SYNOLOGY DS1522+ NAS, SYNOLOGY NAS, SYNOLOGY RYZEN R1600, synology, Ryzen R1600 Plex, Synology Plex, Plex Media Server NAS, Plex NAS
Id: 2_Oo63VU4MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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