What Smelting COULD Have Been... (Minecraft 1.14 Update Datapack)

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hey what's going on guys slog.zip here as you know minecraft 1.14 snapshots have begun coming out and with them come amazing changes pandas foxes new items new blocks new biome changes so much stuff but something is still you know missing i would say about 1.14 namely the creation process right look everyone knows how to make a sword you place a stick down you play some ingots down you make your sword but today my friends we show off to you six amazing brand new items that all come with their own unique features and abilities i mean y'all seeing this lava bottles hammers katanas sickles heavy swords that's right and not only we're going to show you how you get these things but we're going to dive a little bit deeper in to find out exactly what minecraft forging could have been in 1.14 that's right baby welcome to the forgery data pack a minecraft 1.13 creation that feels an awful lot like minecraft 1.14 first things first y'all can get this right now the downloads in the description today's video it's a download it's a it's a data pack you don't even need mods it's literally drag this into your world save and you are ready to go this amazing data pack allows you to create multitudes of different types of weapons and tools for your minecraft worlds and this is not even the half of it you can poison them you can give them special abilities you can do a whole lot of stuff so you're gonna have to grab it in the description below that pack itself is by velvoxelraptor and you can check out their information in the description today's video as well i'm gonna be showing you how you can make all of these weapons as well as how you can enchant all of them so you can change your combat experience forever so if you want to find out more guys subscribe hit that bell get notified and thanks for leaving a like on today's video with that we can go ahead and jump on it all right baby let's get to forging then huh y'all could use some new weapons today we're gonna explore a new way of crafting to the left we have a pool of lava you're gonna need this for forging that's right things are getting real hot up in this video right now and we're gonna need to do some mining as well because in order to forge anything you're gonna need some oars to be exact you're gonna need gold and iron ores those are the three well the two different alloys that you can use to create your new weapons however you can combine them to get a third type as well so i'm gonna go ahead and get some mining done and when we come back in a hot second it's gonna be filled to the brim with no one for the record you need ingots you don't need actual oars we're gonna have to make up a furnace cook it up i gotta get coal of course and so we're gonna furnace do its thing we'll be back in a sec excellent looking much better now we have a serious amount of ingots to work with and we've also got fire resistance to get some extra lava although through the magic of reaching and right-clicking we don't need to even go that far down so i'm gonna fill up on this lava because we're gonna need a whole lot of it oh boy my mom doesn't call me anymore so here's one of the exciting things you can do with the forge data pack you can fill cauldrons yeah with lava i mean it's honestly pretty dangerous truth be told and if you're trying to step inside well nothing would happen why well don't ask questions okay we're not here for that we're here to make weapons okay lava cannot be poured into cauldrons throw iron or gold into the cauldron to melt it down you can also mix them together so for example we're gonna make ourselves some hot molten iron we're gonna drop one two and as you can see three it gets lighter and lighter until it is completely down molten status metal look at it yes we're gonna be using this for some awesome weapons and if you look right here molten metal bucket it lets you know what type of ore and it's the same story you throw in some lava and you throw in some gold mm-hmm and then you grab it let's see gold in the nine now here's the interesting thing you can add lava in for third time's a charm good measure right check it out check it out check it out one two iron one two gold and you can get an interesting mixture of a gold iron alloy you can use these three different types of metals to make all sorts of different weapons now before we start actually using our brand new forgery area it's important that we get our hands on a hammer which is a brand new recipe as well in order to make you need an iron ingot and a single stick and you throw them on the ground just like that and look what you get a nice hammer because that makes perfect sense right this is a pre-crafting recipe snapshot so you got to deal with it sometimes you can use the hammer to choose what type of item it is you want to smelt flashforge i don't know what i want to use it's fine look right click and it will change you have swords you can make axes you can make double-sided axes you can make heavy swords you can make sickles you can even make a katana yes we're headed to the far east baby and you can even make an ultimate hammer look at this guy big old hammer alert fantastic so your days of crafting iron swords are over and if you're wondering the differences between the metals well there's not really much of one they just look a little bit different and they look a little bit cool and we'll get to what those look like in a sec but again before you can do any of that you need to make your forgery system and it's very easy to make all you're going to need to do is place down a single stone slab then on top of that you're going to drop down a clay block as well as a stone brick slab and just like that it's good and ready to go all you gotta do is approach it with either your hammer or with a molten metal bucket and lo and behold it opens up ready for you again right clicking with your hammer to change the molds you want why don't we go ahead and make ourselves a simple sword for now and then we'll get to the secret weapons later so all you gotta do is take one of your alloys your buckets right click nearby this thing and you'll see some smoke particles appear which means it has begun to forge itself look at this the iron gold ally sword yeah looking real fancy baby and so if you look quite closely you can tell the difference between the gold as well as the iron and the iron gold they have slightly different colors but they are all the same attack speed and all the same attack damage so again it's just gonna be color preference the reason you're gonna want these new weapons is because certain new weapons and tools have very special abilities indeed going to jump to those right now katanas they can be used to deflect arrows we've got some molten bug ears don't worry we already got plenty of extra right now check it out we've made sure that we've selected our right click to the katana which is the long looking guy kind of looks like a stick except it's very much not a stick go ahead and right click nearby you'll see the smoke particles take off once again and you will be left with the katana thanks cool so look the flex arrows aka deletes the arrows the moment they get nearby you you are completely immune nothing can hit me as long as it's an arrow even the dispenser's shocked he's like oh stop trying to shoot me man it's rude look at all the pretty flowers behind you this is just not your scene man violence not the answer all right next up is gonna be sickles these increase the amount of crops you get from farm and see how it is wheat delicious garby starchy goodness mr starch and wheat i don't worry about it well we're going to make some right now i already have a bucket hey look it's already switched to the sickle form so you can actually do that first right click as you do let it do its thing get on in there press it on there that's hold on what they say it will get what and we got a gold sickle again most of these have the exact same attack speed and damage so a lot of it's just cosmetic but they do have these special effects you see we're gonna collect right now from one wheat we got three pieces of wheat and a seed and you see look you just every oh i was breaking it with oh boy i goofed it well look here's the point huh we're gonna just slowly but sure yeah yeah baby yeah we got 26 pieces of wheat and 37 wheat seeds from one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twenty two so we got a bonus of five pieces of wheat fantastic and we would have got even more if i wasn't full and accidentally broke a bunch of it without the circle so you can use a sickle to get yourself a whole bunch of extra crops very useful moving on hammers can be used to crush mobs into the ground yes select your hammer forge hamill forge i said and then look you got a hammer right here we got an iron hammer look at this thing it looks enormous oh my gosh i don't mind if i do you can use this to do some serious damage to nearby creatures which appear to have he's all about that what's happening baby yeah down you go it will crush them into the ground and they'll die and when they die well the grass will grow pork chops which is everyone's favorite thing right i mean why wouldn't you want me it's grass fed meat hey yeah oh look at this piece is trying to escape sorry porker your days are numbered i thought i already killed you how are you still moving around it's bad news honestly now you can mix and match and get even crazier with your weapon choices so don't mind if we do new webcam alert no i look good anyways we should probably show you what the heavy tip sword does huh not bad not bad not bad so you want to take your hammer switch it over to the heavy sword as right hand drop in your molten goodies like you've been doing right and you get yourself your heavy gold sword or iron sword or iron gold sword so what does it do special nothing it does nothing it's literally the same as it's it it's just it just looks cooler but in the comment section if you want to leave a suggestion for vil voxel raptor the guy that made this you know he'll be looking at the comments i'm sure and maybe he'll get a couple of inspirations from you i don't know if i were me well it should naturally hit harder than the other ones and if it were me i mean i'd honestly say uh well it should make you slower and oops i forgot to have shaders on for that last clip that's what happens when you record a video over three days anyways now we've got a very special edition as well you can also mix in potions with your alloys yes i ain't even messing around weakness instant damage instant health poison and slowness so why don't we grab ourselves a nice instant health let's grab ourselves a nice uh i'm going to say instant damage nah that one's just the same as a tacky why don't we go a poison yeah so once again it starts with lava you place your lava inside your cauldron first thing you do is drop in your poison or your you know whatever potion it is you want to use then go ahead and drop in your ingots and then once you've done that and you collect it just like you would you now have a poison tipped iron gold owl or whatever the word is i don't know it's hard to say we're going to do it one more time to show you an example again drop in your potion of healing drop in your four ingots of choice once you've done that collect the goodies you've got a healing tipped iron molten lava alloy this and that and so we're gonna turn our poison one into a lovely sickle and all you gotta do is collect your weapon as you can see here it is a poison tip sickle best part about this experience though all you gotta do is attack one of the creatures right y'all ready and look it's an aoe effect all mobs nearby will start being poisoned and then you can just punch on them one hit one look at y'all looks like that one escaped the poison so you're good for now try i so fast i can literally keep missing them or alternatively you can make something else up that looks real good such as your healing tipped iron so i'm going to do that with a katana i'm i'm thinking the katana yeah a healing katana what kind of anime are we in right now look at this guy a healing katana you can use this on creatures and it will heal them you see they're they're healed you'll just have to trust me die see look even though i've struck him a few different times now he's very much alive normally this would have been plenty to take out this pig but instead oh look there's even weapons right here slowness sword don't mind if i do look at the slowness tipped all slow nice and again we have a gold sickle that heals right here this is fantastic now the fact is you can use this on undead creatures and it essentially doubles the potency of the strike because if you didn't know well undead creatures take extra damage from healing potions as well as with regen potions so if you combine these two together you've got a seriously deadly weapon oh yeah worst guy by the way so check this out look there's also a double tipped axe option we'd even get to that part i totally forgot about it it's the same story as the sword it doesn't do anything like remarkably different get in the crack there we go much better you see now you've got your iron gold allied double-sided axe wow so many words still strong as the rest of them anyway moving on we get into the good stuff throwable lava bottles but okay how do you get the lava bottles exactly well it has everything to do with your cauldron filled with lava i'm gonna grab a couple of these extra guys as well look at them calm down over here honestly with the smoking it's no good smoking is bad for you we're gonna go ahead and fill ourselves up some extra glass bottles here yes don't mind about why it's the craziness yeah you grab that thank you so much i'll take my glass bottles fantastic why is it like it's like acting up i don't like it it was like doing the most weirdest thing right there point is it's easy we're gonna go ahead and get ourselves some extra lava we've got the lava buckets right here we're gonna put it inside our lovely cauldron friend right here uh-huh now you gotta do it's quite simple you put your glass bottle in uh-huh you go right up next to it and then look it does its thing slowly filling with extra lava balls yeah it's a little finicky whatever so normally when you're brewing potions you gotta wait for the air you gotta put in your water bottles first of all you got to wait for all the extra steps to take place i mean really who's got time for that put the netherward in you see the arrow slowly filling up you can skip all of that by simply throwing a lava bottle right on top and look at that it's completely done awkward potion handled glistening melon same story why would you wait for that you drop your lava bottle on top it's done we can go even further with it oh well i guess we can't we didn't have any redstone in there but that's all point you get to skip the entire process by simply throwing lava bottles down that's it but it gets even better we've got additional ways to power up our weapons prismarine crystals ender pearls as well as the eye of enter will allow for some unique abilities indeed such as the charged weapon can be used to summon lightning the process works in a very similar way you'll go ahead and you'll place in your lava inside your cauldron get it baby you'll drop in your prismarine crystals then you'll drop in one two three four ingots just like that you've got your molten alloy ready to grab get it yeah now you got molten metal bucket with charged iron let's go and make a charged sword i'm looking forward to this one huh and get a load of this we have an iron sword that is charged so what does it do well does exactly what you thought it might hey buddy look he can't get out he's stupid george yes now you got easy access to charged creepers and and he's probably gonna die oh yeah he died next up quantum weapons eye of ender is required for this baby and it works in a very similar fashion as the rest of them put in your eye vendor putting your lovely ingots go ahead and collect that thing put it on down in the system and look at this we've got ourselves a gold sword with quantum and it allows us to teleport around randomly on strikes yikes no this is dangerous could you imagine trying to use this for combat this is fantastic and our final thing to show off today y'all ready loyal weapons loyalty loyalty loyalty you see put them all in there just like that get ready grab it turn it into your lovely weapon of choice we'll just stick with swords keep it simple baby and you get yourself a nice loyal sword look what happens try and try and just drop it down goodbye except not really it appears right back underneath you if it gets too far from you at a moment's notice look at that no way you're gonna lose this sword this is fantastic forgery in minecraft 1.13 this is honestly what minecraft 1.14 should look like this is fantastic stuff truth be told it's all by velvox the raptor you want to check out their information can be in the description of today's video this is available for download as i said you can get this right now and i encourage you to do so let me know in the comment section which power was your favorite which weapon was your favorite and what you'd like to see the double-sided axe and the heavy iron sword or just the heavy sword in general what what should it do let us know thanks so much for leaving a like on today's video thanks so much for subscribing so you can see more awesome videos right as they come out and of course hitting that bell so you can get notified and see them even sooner and that's where we leave things have a good one we'll see
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,306,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, crafting, crafting update, weapons, minecraft weapons, new, 1.14, update, minecraft 1.14, smelting, logdotzip, new minecraft update, new items
Id: 4zAceZaIEco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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