5 NEW Trident Weapons! Minecraft 1.13 Snapshot Update

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you all know about frost walker boots right well now you've got magma slash lava walker trident wherever i get away i don't like him oh look he's gotta be the one hey what's going on guys log.zip here we're back in the latest minecraft 1.13 snapshot 18w09a and i wanted to show you a little bit something about our newest friend and deadly weapon alike that's right but it gets even better because in this snapshot we've got something brand new to show off in fact five brand new things show up y'all ready i don't think y'all ready get a load of this that's right baby five brand new tridents for your minecraft 1.13 worlds and trident cave trident sky trident land trident and nether tribe each with their own amazingly unique abilities and they look pretty cool to boot i mean really get a load of these things i'm gonna grab them all you can scroll through look at this nice look at the power oh yeah and this one's huge this one's the biggest one yet each one of these tridents comes with a sneak ability a left click ability a right click ability and a passive ability as well and we'll be showing you how to get each one of these as well as what they do it says strap yourselves it's going to be convenient of course big shout outs to xavier dragon 014 for helping us acquire these tridents they are quite beautiful i got to say like look at these you wouldn't want to mess with me so if you're not planning on messing with me well it's probably a good thing you should leave a like while you're at it and subscribe while you're at it as well so you can see all different snapshot videos right as they come out with that though let's show you what each of these is about huh you all ever seen anything as exciting as this wheat growing no no well you're lost uh well it has everything to do with our first trident that we're showing off it is the entry in order to make the entry you're gonna need to get regular old tridents you could find in the oceans presumably and surround it with eyes of ender and look what happens the moment you surround with eyes and a boom you got out of hand trout it is that goodness look at this i love it so much it's got its own unique eye of ender and ender pearl on it it's got it all baby and like i said it's got its own unique powers laos dive in further hit mobs with this trying to spawn in endermites which can drop either end or pearls or chorus fruit so let's go find a victim but before we find our victim have you noticed what happened with our wheat field here look at it it's growing out of control in fact i'm gonna reset it so you can see exactly how fast it goes what is happening here exactly well the end trident brings the wheat to the end of its growth cycle aka it grows things super fast when you're holding your end trident all growable things around you will actually move a lot faster it's a really nice ability so you could be good vibrate i mean it kind of looks like a hoe or so you know what i mean yeah so we got a command block right over here it's gonna allow us to spawn in some husks and use this trident against them what's good boys hey so you got a 10 chance every single time you left click to get a little baby under my despondent and when he does spawn in that mob's got a chance at giving you either an ender pearl or a chorus fruit so a nice simple and easy way to get yourself an enterprise of course get away i gosh stop probably come in handy to show you the other power when you right click and throw this thing wherever it lands will cause a little force field that will drag all of the husks and any nearby mobs to that epicenter so as you can see they all were slowly getting dragged right over here i'm like oh my gosh they're really yeah get get over there look at them over there they're all getting stuck they can't even ah yeah well okay they're a little bit a little bit feisty today i don't know what to say so you could in theory just keep hitting the husks over and over again and they'll all kind of get like attached and attracted to each other look at this wow water storm like i've never seen holy mole i gotta get away from there laggy oh my gosh i didn't like that one bit it does have one final power where if you sneak and throw this thing directly into the air it will cause a shock wave to appear that will spread out all nearby mobs around it the moment that try to hits the ground once again so use the end trident to really spread out the enemy divide conquer boys seriously this is a great weapon imma get it yeah get i hate them all i see there's our first under my what's up buddy i'mma kill him oh would you look at that all the wheat is nice and prepared perfect let's get a little bit hungry time for us to move on to our next trident this one is awesome it's the nether trident oh you see the recipe for this one could not be any simpler you just need a whole bunch of lava buckets and then you need a tried i got oh i have probably grabbed the tried i'ma grab the trident right here put the trident right in the middle there and then just slowly but surely place all of these lava buckets all around it until you get yourself your low and behold the greatest trident of all time don't never tried oh you'll never want another try to get it i'm so funny man now all the tridents work in very similar ways you've got your passive ability you've got your left click ability you've got your right click ability and you've got your sneak ability we're gonna head into the nether to show off the nether trident one i mean it only makes sense so the first ability we want to show off is the left click ability we're gonna spawn in a couple strays here and just start attacking on him first of all you get fire oh my gosh well that didn't last too long i would have brought it right run away you know what we're just gonna go into creative mode for this one huh so they all get fire is fire damage when you tag with it but the other thing is every once in a while every time you attack a stray you have a chance at making a magma cube appear out of thin air almost as if the magma cube is like living inside of this and here's one now like you attack it and look you're going to get yourself a lovely little magma cream a lot easier than having to always constantly try and find you see like a little man look at him oh my god he's the cutest and they always drop a madden cream when they come from one of these mobs the right clickability of the nether trident is amazing wherever it lands it's actually going to spawn in a block of water a source block of water that's right we're in the nether right now i know it looks a little odd they changed how rendering works with the fog and night vision the nether so it's like extra red but if you didn't notice water is not supposed to be placeable will in the nether i'm gonna grab a little water bucket you're gonna see exactly what i mean right here go into survival mode we're gonna have a grand old look see look nothing water instantly disappears you instead throw it with the nether trident and look at that we got a nice water block hanging out yeah please defend me mister please yeah look they're all fighting each other it's my favorite look at that look at the water i'm gonna put oh boy what's really fun about the trident is you can even spawn in water blocks in the middle of the air if you happen to hit a creature that's flying around in the air or if you hit just a little round like look at this look at this look at that oh yeah y'all see that water well i mean it appeared there for a second it didn't look like it lasted too long because the lava took it out but i got away getting water in the nether this is amazing i love this snapshot so much fun take it a step further though huh we're gonna go ahead and throw this directly upwards while sneaking to unlock the other power that it has the moment the trident hits the ground once again all mobs around set on fire instantly look at this we eating good tonight these bones are getting charred although the bones aren't really that tasty i wouldn't eat one i mean i'm not a dog so it's different story yeah get it boys get it get it get it that's what i mean i'm attacking all of them yeah uh-oh all the pigs are mad at me not what i had in mind allow me to show you exactly what the fourth power of this nether trident is because it is an amazing one you all know about frost walker boots right well now you've got magma slash lava walker trident wherever i get away i don't like him oh look he's gotta be the one yeah all right we're staying in creative mode from now on you hold the nether trident will she walking around and look all lava will turn into obsidian as you walk around it it's a little bit finicky you got to kind of move slow otherwise you could in theory still step in the lava but if you sneak it's going to work without fail and look at this we're going to leave a nice little trail of water along our merry way all this is lovely y'all would get him yeah all the water all over the place oh this is great oh yeah water in the nether whatever this next one is courtesy of mother nature isn't it just pretty look we got the land trident you see these these are great you need a trident and you need eight different types of flowers in order to make this thing look at all the tulips and the dandelions the poppies and the orchids now the order that you place them in doesn't matter as long as you use these specific flowers you gotta have all the four different tulips you need dandelions you need poppies you need blue orchid and you need a sunflower but look at that you get your land trident willy-nilly like it ain't no dang look at it it's nice it's green it's got loyalty you're smart you're loyal and you like i said green thumb you all ready check it out first passive ability i want to show off with the land trident is the fact that will actually replenish certain lifeless things if you will for example normally you got a nice set of water in your buckets right you got all these empty bugs we could do with all these empty buckets what's the point of it all well let me show you moment you have the land trident on any empty buckets are instantly filled with water right away and not only that but get close enough to dead plants they will turn into saplings getting close enough to dirt it will turn into grass that's right replenish all the life around your minecraft worlds all you gotta do is walk around with the land tribe extremely convenient that's good but is that not enough life for you well check it out throw this directly into the sky while you're sneaking look what happens the moment the trident hits the ground you all ready look at it it instantly starts to rain yes let all wall pour down feeds poor malnourished earth once again and not only that since the trident does have riptide since triton's work with rain and water the riptide will actually allow you to shoot yourself into the air extremely high up look at that except you gotta worry about dying stuff but yeah should note though that the rain only lasts for 30 seconds before it completely clears once again so you won't need to worry too is this when is the come on ah the trident's still all glitch is never gonna reach me again great whoa look literally he's hanging out can't do anything right what the heck gives come on give it to me it's like stuck in mid-air it's it's wild and if that wasn't enough life for you the moment you throw it normally wherever it lands will spawn in a source block of wheat so you can instantly feed your little grumbly belly get some nice wheat game going in strong well i guess it has to land on grass you can't throw it on sand otherwise you just gotta have a bad time look at that we instantly got ourselves a lovely little piece of bread the tridents they feed us yo honey this is great look they're in the air instant rain it i ain't mad about look y'all look oh it's such a lovely day except now it's raining all over the place now the final thing that i want to show you about the land trident is the fact that when you use it to attack other mobs you can in fact knock fish out of them now it is a trident so you might expect that right now it takes a little bit and you don't have the greatest chance it's like i think it's like a 10 chance of knocking fish out of mobs i swear if they kill me i would be so upset you stay away i go cl back to creative mode huh hey turtles it's nothing personal man i'm just trying to yeah get it get it give me some fish already would ya these guys would have fished before any other mob i think there we go look did you see a little fish came out of him yeah look look look two fishies popped out of him that time beautiful you kill the fish you get fish it's a nice left click and wow we got a whole bunch of these totems two more tridents to go the cave tridents up next this one's made with a whole bunch of junk look diorite granite stone andesite cobblestone gravel obsidian and dirt along with the triton to get yourself this brand new cave trot with its own unique capabilities again you're just throwing these in shapeless doesn't necessarily matter where the blocks are going and watch change it up alert look look so you all know i ain't even messing look look it's cave trident ah mess around with me with it yeah that's good we got a book here go tell us more i got cough sorry i'm a little bit sick this cave trident is perfect for cave exploration namely because the first power will be showing off is its passive ability to locate nearby mob spawn you see these particle effects that are going off that means there is a mob spawner fairly nearby we're going to set into these caves and use our particle clues to try and help us locate a mob spawner and look you see you see the mob that's glowing over there yeah i gotta make it brighter hold on sick playing these games man come on where are we going it's almost as if the torches are kind of like a past on the way there as well you see use this so that you can find nearby mob spotters make some great farms go wazoo with it do it all man what what hey oh y'all leading me down a wild goose chase where's the mob spawner oh i see i had it wrong you're supposed to follow where the particles are pointing so they're pointing this way so i'm gonna go ahead and go right through this cave which is nice because this triton has another power as well throw it it can break blocks wherever it lands we gotta like kind of nail it in the appropriate spot in a nice three but look at this look at that look at that yes yes this is what i've been waiting for you can do it in any direction so you can go straight up with it as well and we'll start to break blocks wherever you go i'ma go down with it instead oh yeah it's good i smell it we getting closer baby we getting real close i mean i hope this is gonna take a little bit otherwise and with my trident by the way if you're wondering what this number is underneath the riptide the 89 out of 100 that's the amount of special throws that you have left on this trident once that reaches zero or anything under zero it's a little bit buggy right now you actually have to recharge the trident in order to get those special throw abilities otherwise it just becomes another throw it's like a regular old throw almost there yo that looks promising come on the the particles are getting even closer uh yeah look look there it is yes waiting waiting for this moment in time yeah hey what's good boys don't hit me we have a lot of mobs right here they're about to get me i'm gonna use this brief moment to actually start to attack them from underneath so i can show you another power that this trident has dolly y'all ain't even ready for it check it out check it out check it out you know how you can left-click to attack other mobs well same odds apply here every single time you attack one of these mobs you have a chance at summoning in a little silver fish and the silverfish has a chance at dropping nuggets cobblestone iron nuggets gold nugs the whole wazoo so it's like a little extra bonus when you're attacking with the trident you got a chance of that silverfish giving you just a little bit more get out moolah baby now we gotta clear our way through these mobs maybe we'll get another c there he is boy what's good hey hey look see you dropped a little iron nugget convenient now i'm gonna kill these guys we're gonna see if that spawner ended up spawning right next to where we're supposed to spawn much more come on now you dig there it is there it is waiting waiting i'ma set you all on fire with my nether trident that's much better hey buddy hey buddy look at this use this to find monster spawns with relative ease aye stay away okay well we're a little bit of a tough spot here so why don't we go ahead and use the final power to get on out sneak and throw your oh wait i ain't got the wrong i got the wrong one here oh no i'm getting oh gosh where's my game one quick as i was saying use the final ability of the cave triton to get yourself out of a cave instantly sneak while throwing up to actually burrow through the cave itself and look at that wait that didn't do ah let's try this again huh we're at y equals 19 being subjected to some get away i hate him so much literally the worst guy ever tried to interrupt me i'm gonna sneak up i'm gonna throw up and we're gonna escape these crazy look at this look we're traveling through right now how come it's a witch um oh get up quick i wow that was that was amazing we made it we're really far away but hey we made it really that was that was terrifying yeah right so you might want to use that one sparingly because it kind of did a lot of damage anyways our last trident to show off the sky try the sky didn't whatever uh you need a trident you need four firework rockets you need a bunch of feathers you punk combine them all together you're gonna get what you need i got what you need y'all ain't even seen nothing yet look at this sky tried it coming in real good i like how it grows in my inventory real interesting now this one's got some awesome abilities namely right off the bat you notice you get some great jump boost the moment you happen to be wielding this thing you let off when you don't got the jump boosting or i mean it lasts for a little bit right just a little bit but not too long now how much how long does it last right as i s of course before we go any further i'm gonna go and grab myself feather falling boots and some electra they are useful for our demonstration today so hold for jump boost right throw to levitate mobs it's got a massive riptide so it's useful in water as well as in rain so get a load of this we're going to spawn in some crepes right here check it out what's good boys what's good boys run away don't let them get me throw nearby them look what happens they all begin to levitate temporarily so that you can escape very quickly from any nearby madnesses you see because they can't usually attack whilst they're just you know what i mean like look at this look they all just stop they all just start floating a little bit you could in theory try again like float over some lava or something wouldn't that be nice little fun it is i ain't mad about it they're actually taking a little bit of fall damage when they do that too no less so you can actually use this to your advantage just get away i very close naturally upon left click attacking some mob you have a chance at spawning in i think you saw it right there feathers so they can't all have great spawns but if you happen to get some nice feather oh geez wow these guys fly with or without me don't they come on step away oh gosh trying to get some feathers oh look we got feathers on it blew up typical gosh i can't just do anything right on this one oh oh oh my gosh how many creepers are oh my gosh its final ability is its sneak ability that allows you to throw things directly into there so we're going to sneak throw our sky trying directly in the air moment this thing hits the ground a water jet will propel us through the air wherever we look nice yes yes combine this with eletra to have a nice easy getaway using your sky trident and no less like i've already explained if you happen to use this in conjunction with riptide it has got inside wow i hit myself with it let's try that again in creative mode so here we are look at the riptide look at the effect of this look how far we go using just riptide like i'm just throwing like just a little throw while i'm sneaking about oh my gosh you can go so far with this thing you can even launch yourself into the sky and what's more you can actually combine the use of multiple tridents so in theory you could never need to use your fireworks again if you happen to have a land trident as well as a skytrain because all you need to do is throw your land right into the air while you're sneaking cause it to rain cause your little rain to appear look it's raining now just throw your skytride into the air to use that riptide and look you've instantly taken off and what's more you also have your jet propulsion to get things popping off real good now obviously you could use your trident of any type to use riptide but if you want that ultimate riptide baby you got to use the sky trite do you see the difference in boosts there it's pretty phenomenal although where's my trident what have i tried oh look there it is lost can't do anything right get over here buddy hey got him final trident trying to reach me if you there we go look at these boys land tried cave trident sky tri nether trident and triton all the different tribes five new tridents in addition to your regular trident of the seas off yo minecraft 1.13 worlds in late snapchat 18w09a guys if you didn't know by now there's a concept we actually made this so if you want to see these tridents release you can let us know by smacking a like on this video big shout out to xavier hudson dragon 014 for his amazing creation and contribution towards making these tridents good stuff we'll check his channels also linked in the description but if you enjoyed today's snapchat video why not leave a like like i said leave it subscribe hit that bell it'd be swell my friends you can see every single minecraft snapchat video right as it comes out we're going to leave things right there let me know in the comments which trident was your favorite which you'd like to see actually come into minecraft and who knows maybe there's a chance it happens other than that have a good one and we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 2,107,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 1.13, 1.13 update, new 1.13 update, new minecraft update, minecraft 1.13 update, trident update, minecraft trident, new trident, channeling, new food, new 1.13 items, new 1.13 mobs, new 1.13 blocks, new update, minecraft snapshot, new snapshot, minecraft 1.13 snapshot, aquatic update, the update aquatic, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, log.zip, the trident, 5 new trident weapons, nether, end, land, cave, minecraft 1.13 news, impale, riptide, loyalty, tridents
Id: IvFmit75nSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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