The Crew Confesses Their Dreams About Rhett & Link

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Welcome to Good Mythical More. As it turns out, Mythical crew members dream about us. They don't tell us. It's mandatory. So, today we're gonna try to match the crew member up to the dream that they actually had about us. This gonna get weird for us or them? Well, both. But first we're gonna play, Who You Talking About? We read a comment that one of you Mythical Beasts left about one of us, we guess who it was about. This one is from Robin Love, who says, "the screams of horror when blank eats some harmless, BICARB is so funny." What's a BICARB? Is that two? Just something with two carbs in it? Bicarb? I don't know what a BICARB is. It's just, it's like a keto thing. Oh really? Yeah. You can have two carbs a day. What is a harmless BICARB? The screams of horror when, I mean, this has gotta be Link eating something and that, and being a little extra about it, right? I mean, that's you. But you eat so much more than me. But do I scream, horror? Well, no, the viewer screams with horror. I love carbs. I'll take 2, 4, 6, I don't care how many you give me. They're screaming with horror. I'm gonna say you, man. And I'm gonna say you, man. Me, it's me. Let's see. Okay. We need Mike Paisley. Oh, he already told us. Yeah. You only have one lifeline left. Oh gosh. Just the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. I still don't know what a BICARB is, but I think it has something to do with baking soda. Yeah. It was like a trick that we were doing. Come on in here guys. Where do you move this? I don't. This is your job. Push it this way. All right. We've got some familiar crew faces. Like Emily, and Chase. But we also have for the first time on Good Mythical More, KG and Najia. Welcome. You guys scoot all the way together. All the way up. Don't be shy. You gotta really scrunch it. Really scrunch it in. How are things over there in Sporked land? They are pretty good. I'm in charge of all of the product sourcing. So, if you've been on Sporked and you've eaten it, I've ordered. Well, thank you for that. There's so much stuff being sourced. So, that's a lot to be in charge of. That there is. Lots of stuff being sourced and tasted. It's important. It's important work. Well, I mean, Morgan was just talking about what it was like to taste 25 mayonnaises in one city. He was such a trooper for that. Stronger than me. So, all of you guys have had at least one dream about at least one of us. I've had multiple for sure. Yeah. Multiple. But you gotta scoot that way a little bit. Only one I can remember vividly enough. Okay. And Rhett, you got the card, so let's hear one of these. Okay. This one's innocent enough. This is just, "I dreamt that Rhett and Link and I were flying together. Arms out, like wings, classic dream flying." That's cool. You know, flying with your boss. I do the swim method, when I fly in dreams. I don't fly anymore in dreams. But as a kid, if you got exploding, you'd be like, "oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Did you ever fly in dreams? I don't think I've ever flown in a dream. Well, if you do you doggy paddle through the air. I think there was one time I flew in a dream. Now, when I say I've never done, so and so. Then the next day on Twitter, it's just like clips of me doing so and so. So, we're gonna have clips from your dreams. Flying, in your dream often represents a feeling of freedom, such that you have set yourself free from people, places, and experiences that may have been holding you back or harming you." So, this person does not feel as if you are holding them back. And in fact, they want you to fly away with them. Look at how much you've grown here. Chase. You've grown so much just like, we've encouraged you to spread your wings and fly. Thematically. This just makes sense. I would like to think that you've, that you've turned that into a dream. Although I do typically fly in dreams, the swimming way. Pointing that out there. Flying together. Were we all swimming through the air together? Well, we'll find out. Now KG and Najia, you guys, are both relatively new here. This is her first time on the show by the way. Both of you guys. First time on the... Oh, really? Yours too? Oh, wow. So, I'm thinking that the dreams that they'll have are more like what they think about us or like starting the job anxiety or something. Or like our hair will be the current version of our hair in their dreams. Long haired Rhett and tall haired Link, and then that's how the dream will be played out. Right? It's a giveaway. "I've had two dreams," Uh-oh. The first one was with Rhett, Link, Nicole, and Josh, and we were playing football in a grocery store." Okay. Emily does a lot of mythical kitchen stuff. That's right. And a lot of football. A lot of. You're like the biggest interloper. Interloper? The Mythical crew, like going to the kitchen content, going to the GMM content. I like interloper a lot. Yeah. You're very... Emily. The interloper. You cross membranes easily. Mm. Thank you. Thank you. "The aisles were the yard markers." Okay. "In the second dream, GMM was being filmed on a water stage. So, I had to hop onto this stage in the middle of a lake and prep the next episode." Okay. This is gotta be KG. KG, you're giving yourself away here doing... Also your face. Like, come on. I'm just nervous. I'm nervous. You're nervous? Cause you work on the Mythical Kitchen set too, right? Yeah. We know this has gotta be you. I mean, when you, before you started working here like, what did you think it was gonna be like? I just felt like I was gonna be cleaning up a lot of messes. I watched you guys before, so I was prepared. And is that part of? oh yeah. Guys dreaming about playing football, can symbolize working on a team, in a team. Oh yeah. KG's part of the team now. Running through the grocery store. Love it. Clean up on aisle, everywhere. Kind of a thing that's kind of like, that could be your Twitter bio. I would think it might have been you cause of the, the amount of shopping you say you do procuring. I also do some article writing. So, I'm not as involved with messes as KG might be. I apologize. Or anybody else. Okay. All right. Well this one's, this one's a little disturbing because, "I accidentally let Barbara out of the building, and she ran away." Oh wow. This is like my nightmare. That would be bad. It's like killing your boss's dog. Or losing it. I guess. You sure you didn't have this dream? Like yeah. She could've just run away. She didn't die. Maybe. I don't know. So, Barbara hasn't been around that that much lately. Maybe like once or so. So, I wouldn't think this would be Najia. Emily's got a relationship with Barbara. Emily knows Barbara. Barbara knows Emily. I know we did the live stream with the dogs, and you were part of the... That was fun. Yeah. Part of the Mythical Society, dog livestream. Maybe that explain why she had the dream. Bet that was it. Great memory Link. How about this one? "I had a dream that I was..." You're not from Kentucky. No. "I had a dream that I was getting a tour of the Rhett and Link factory." Whoa. Factory. This is cool. "I never saw a Link, but did see Rhett at his post, where his job was to graciously accept drawings from children. Well, thank you child. I've never judged a child's drawing, you know, in front of them. I wait until they get out of earshot. It's a wonderful drawing child. If Stevie tells us what graciously accepting drawings from children means. Yeah, I'm working on it. "It was basically just him in a booth, surrounded by piles of drawings, thanking every child as they handed him papers." How does that play into the factory of it all? Do we like burn 'em, to like fuel the factory? I don't know if this is accurate guys, cause the sentence structure's pretty bad. It says, "dream about child drawing is an evidence for your support system. You are suspicious of everyone's intentions. You need to be more aware of what is around you. The dream is a signal for the image that you are projecting to others. You're reevaluating your path in life." Wow, that got like really, really intense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I thought you would've just Googled being Zati Santa. And that would be like that would be it. I'll just pull that up from my history. I think this is Najia because there's like these, like what's it gonna be like to work at Mythical? It's a Rhett and Link factory. Okay. I mean. Anyone could have thought that though, when they were coming into work here. I don't know, man. Now this is not my dream, but I have had dreams that we all lived here. Like we had an apartment that was like, attached to the studio. We all live here, but we still share that little, little shower situation. Just the one. With the hot water heater, that's like this tall. Have you ever seen the hot water heater? It's not the type it's like, it's not on the tour. No. No, but it's like this tall. So. Who's showered in that shower? You have, you have. KG. You ever? No, I was pointing at you. You've cleaned the shower. There's rubber boots in there, what is that? After the fish guts thing. Why are there rubber boots in the shower? Well, I don't know. Sometimes the water gets deep. We've sent so much down that drain. I was like, are those the shower shoes we have to use when we get in there? Just rubber boots on. So, we're gonna give this to Najia, but before we see if we were right or not, we wanna make sure that you're checking out and following Mythical Kitchenere, Trevor, because he's got a podcast, Trevor Talks Too Much. And you know what? Stevie's also got a podcast, Best Friend's Back, Alright. With her best friend, Neagheen, from high school. So, get those podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. And don't miss the latest clips from all the shows on Mythical Pods. That's on TikTok. Yeah. TikTok, Mythical Pods. Chase, are we right? Were we flying together? Yeah, you're right. This was like the week leading up to starting my internship. I was just like, I had a dream that we were all flying together. Oh wow. You really, you really had a positive outlook coming on board. I really did. I was very excited. And I do remember like typically whenever I have a flying dream, it leads to like also falling. But when I fell, you guys were not there. So, I don't think you had anything to do with that. We pushed you down and then flew away. But I've also dreamt that we all like lived together. I think it's cause I grew up here in Burbank. So, in my dreams, it's always like the house I grew up in is melded with the Mythical Studio. Should we have a Mythical hostel? Should that be it? Should we like annex? I think we should build like a bunch apartments on top, like it goes second floor. Great for my commute. A live work community. Yeah. And let's make it more like barracks. So like, it was like, if you're having trouble at home. If you're having trouble at home, you can take up in the barracks. Don't charge those LA rent prices. This is like that movie, Sorry to Bother You. They had, it's like people who are now living... Yeah. That's true. It's the future. Become a horse person. Shh! You just spoiled the thing. We'll, cut that out. All right, Najia, was it the factory dream? You're correct. Yes! I have a lot of apocalypse dreams when I get stressed. So, this was like a dystopian future, where this was replacing Chuck E. Cheese. And basically... I like your apocalypse. That doesn't seem dystopian though. It seems awesome. Well, the factory was amazing, but it was, I mean, especially that Rhett graciously accepted... Very gracious. I mean, many as you got, I'm gonna be happy every time. Wait, if it's Chuck E. Cheese, are they animatronic Rhett and Links up there like singing happy birthday. And dancing every hour. I wish. Oh my gosh. No, it wasn't. I would love that. It was, it was still dystopian, but it was very much like, okay, the children have received their monthly allotment of praise and now they go back to their kindergarten cubicle to accept their nutrition cube kind of. Oh really? Yes. Well we gotta start this. And what are we making in the factory? Nutrition cubes? I'm not sure. Mythical nutrition cubes. Maybe you're repurposing the drawings. I didn't get to stay that long, but. Oh, okay. I think it's after we thank the children for their drawings, they leave, then we burn them for fuel. Yeah. The drawings? Yeah. Oh, good distinction to make. The drawings. Not the children, not the children. KG. We know we're right about yours. Right? Yeah. This, yeah. So, the first one was the grocery store one. Yeah. And I woke up by someone tackling me into the aisles, and then it was like a domino effect. And once the last one fell, I woke up, and then the second one was kind of like a, it reminded me of like a Disney World water show, and they came off the water float, like parade. And I just had to like hop on and not try to drown and clean up the table. Man. Did you ever think you were gonna die? Like actually at work? Oh, no. Not yet. It could happen. You are asking for more water situations here. Yeah. Like a little, yeah, water show. It would be bad if somebody died here. Keep it in the brain. Someone's gotta rewind and go, "somebody did die here." Keep it in the brain. Show up tomorrow on Twitter. It would be bad if somebody died here and then I totally forgot. Oh, somebody? Oh really? I don't remember that. I mean, you're sitting next to the person who you literally threw a dart at. It wouldn't have killed you. It would not have killed me, no. A little bit higher. Could have gone right up the nose, right into the brain. In the arm. It would've been like right there. He could have bled out right there. Yeah. It's not like there's major arteries in there. If we couldn't have gotten to the hospital in time. Emily. What's up? What was yours? It was, I accidentally let Barbara outta the building and she ran away. I was leaving like the front door. Queen Sweep. End of the day. Yeah. Y'all nailed it. At the end of the day, I just opened the door like I was leaving and then Barbara just went just like out the door. And then Rhett was like, "oh," and like ran after it. And I thought everyone was gone. I thought it was the end of the day. I was like, where did they come from? And then everyone was behind me going, "how could you do this?" And I was like, "I didn't do it on purpose." And they were like, you just, you're not paying attention. You did just let Barbara out of there. And it's just like, I didn't do it on purpose. If it was on purpose, it probably would've been Jade. I get it. I get it. Me and Jade had a tumultuous relationship for a moment, but now we're chill and good. But like Barbara's never done anything. No, Barbara's sweetheart. Jade, knows only one love. Jade has boundaries and I respect that. Barbara has no boundaries. No, she apparently doesn't this in this dream. Barbara has no boundaries. In fact, we have a friend who is staying with us right now, and last night was the first night that he was staying with us. And, of course, like Jessie comes up to the bedroom, and usually Barbara would be with her, and Barbara wasn't and she said, yep. Barbara was at our friend's door, waiting to be let in. So, she could sleep with him because that's, if you're a guest, Barbara's like, "well, I guess I gotta do my thing, where I sleep with the guest." All night, or like half the night? All night. Is she in the covers? Or on top. On top, she she'll come up, and she'll get on top of you and kiss you and lick you, and then she's like, she like nods at you, and then goes to sleep on the foot of the bed. What she does with every single person that we've ever had stay over. She's a great host. Yeah. She's like, this is my, this is my role. That's amazing. "I'm the lover in the house." Where does Jade? And the other one? Jasper. Jasper, sorry. I really do like those dogs. Oh, you don't have to like them. I do like them. I just, you know... but where do they sleep? Jade sleeps right here. And like up underneath my arm, and then Jasper sometimes he'll sleep down there next to my leg. Or sometimes he'll sleep behind Christie, like... On the pillow? Yeah. On the pillow, like up here. I'll like roll over and look at Christie, and like, then there it is like, it looks like Daniel. Jasper's head... That's where I got the idea. on top of Christie's head, both like looking at me. Well, when one of us is out of town, like Jessie or I are out of town, Barbara sleeps on the pillow of the person who's not there. That's another weird thing that she does. Oh man. She's like, I'm going on the pillow. I'm so sorry I killed your dog in my dream. ...and one of you was outta town. If she would pick, like... The pillow or the guests? I don't know. We're gonna have to experiment. Hey, we wanna let you know about a brand new podcast hosted by our very own Mythical kitchenere, Trevor called, Trevor Talks Too Much. Check it out on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 252,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: luXvfNGmxKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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