What Revival Really Looks Like | Andrew Towe | Ramp Church Chattanooga

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hallelujah are you ready for the word yes good because i'm about to deliver it this morning i feel so uh just full i just want to just spill out the word this morning thank you musicians thank you guys awesome job this morning the title of my message this morning is what revival looks like now this weekend this coming weekend is our uh resurgence conference one two three four five six is our resurgence conference i believe it has been divinely ordered of god for every person that's going to be there for every person that the speakers that have been invited are coming to release something into the people of god and to you into our city into this church so you don't want to miss it it starts at friday night at seven o'clock saturday night at seven o'clock and sunday morning here back here in chattanooga at 10 30. all right so i i know i announced that it was going to be in cleveland it will be friday and saturday but sunday we're back here but we're going to start with prayers so intercessors we need you volunteers we need you get involved we need all the help that we can get for this conference but i believe that revival is being birthed i know that each one of them carries a mantle of revival and i believe that's why it's been divinely ordained of god but the title of my message this morning is what revival really looks like because a lot of people pray for revival a lot of people ask god for revival but then when revival comes they really don't like the way it looks because it may not look like what they're used to or it may not sound like what they think it should sound like or god may use people that they don't feel are qualified maybe they're not in a three-piece suit and and people say well you know they can't be used of god maybe it doesn't have a denomination behind its name and people say that can't be of god uh maybe it's it's just a prophetic atmosphere or maybe it's the holy spirit moving in a different way than we've ever experienced so get ready for what revival looks like god sent me this morning to lay the foundation of what god is birthing right now in this church and in this city and in this generation i got to prepare you d.m panton the editor of the dawn magazine in 1935 described revival and i like this he described revival as a fresh inrush of divine life and power into a body threatening to become a corpse revival as a fresh inrush of divine life and power into a body threatening to become a corpse i don't know if you understand but the church of this hour much of the church of this hour has been in a deep slumber no longer are our people not this church not you you're here this morning but no longer are people hungry to pray no longer will they get out of the bed to go to church see you're here this morning so i'm not talking to you but but uh it's easier just to sleep it's easier just to do what's easy it's easier just to to pacify people and things and times but i'm telling you in this hour ramp church chattanooga we have been called in this hour to sound the alarm of awakening to say no you can't sleep i know everything around you the culture around you your circumstances around you your family around you your friends everything in life is telling you just go to sleep just just go back to sleep you're so tired you're you don't want to press you don't you sure don't need to be at prayer you don't even really need to go to worship you're sleepy see i know it's in the physical realm and i'm talking about that too but i'm also talking about in the spirit realm you wouldn't believe how many people even come to a church service like this where the holy ghost is moving and they're still slumbering in fact let me see what's on facebook he's not looking at me is he just keep looking straight ahead i'm not looking at anybody in the room this morning i'm talking to you online don't don't do don't you click off the broadcast in jesus name but but it's amazing how many times we can be slumbering in the hour that god is saying wake up wake up wake up wake up this is the time of awakening this is the time i want to do something this is the time i want to move this is the time i want to shake this nation this is the time that i want to birth something in the spirit this is the moment i want you to take the gates of hell this is the moment i want you to push back the enemy this is the moment that i want you to take authority over your family and the generational curses that have been binding you but you're too busy sleeping you're too busy going to sleep this is not the hour to sleep hear me this morning it is time every head of your house you need to take authority and say wake up in the name of jesus now you can't force somebody awake but you can set a standard that's all right i i love your replies but i don't need it because i got a word and when you got a word you appreciate when people pull on the anointing but you can deliver it whether they do or not come on this this baby's coming whether whether you want it or not but first kings i want us to quickly i want to cover some ground i'm going to try not to go very long this morning because i've got some text i want to cover more than usual because i got latest groundwork for revival that's coming that's here first kings chapter 18 very familiar passage of scripture but i want to go i don't have time to to tell at all of how that there have been no rain and the the prophet elijah prophesied that there will be no rain i don't have time to teach all of that scripture go home and read it for yourself but i want to start with verse 36. and it came to pass remember the the the idolaters began to call out for rain and nothing happened they cut themselves they were crying nothing happened but verse 36 says and it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice that elijah the prophet came near and said lord god of abraham isaac and of israel let it be known this day that thou art god the god of in israel and that i am thy servant and that i have done all these things at thy word hear me o lord hear me that this people may know that thou art the lord god and that thou has turned their hearts back again now i want you to notice that because that's called prayer saints that's called prayer he said hear me that's called prayer he said the reason i want you to answer me is that thou turn their hearts back again that they may know that there is a god of israel and verse 38 is the answer then the fire of the lord fail so prayer comes before the fire if we want the fire of the holy ghost every move of god is birthed by what prayer if we want the fire to fall we can't just sing about it we can't just uh think about it we've got to start asking for it we've got to start contending for it we've got to start standing for it come on somebody and it says the fire of the lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifices and the wood and the stones and the dust and licked up the water because he had them feel the water the trenches full of water he had them pour it on the sacrifice and made it impossible for it just to ignite he said i wanted to look impossible i want it to be impossible because i want god to supernaturally move some of you are in circumstances that look impossible but get ready because it's nothing more than so that god can show that he is the lord of your life that's the reason you're facing impossibility that's why it looks so hard somebody get ready because your prayer is bringing down the fire of god and it licked up the water i love that that the the fire licked up the water and was in the trench verse 39 and when all the people saw it they fell on their face and they said the lord he is the god the lord he is the god so what happens here repentance begins to fall when the fire fell they fell on their face and they began to repent and declare that he is the true god he is the living god that's the effects of true revival it's not about a series of services it's not about how much money you can raise it's not about how many people you can feel into an auditorium it's not about how many people can join your church real revival brings forth repentance real revival brings forth an acknowledgement of the real and true and living god come on somebody then the fire of the lord fell they fell on their faces and they said the lord he is god now i want to skip on down to first kings 19. y'all still with me y'all know the abundance of rain y'all can study it out but first kings chapter 19 this is the effect of a true revival and ahab told jezebel all that elijah had done and with or how he explained all the prophets with the sword so they killed all the false prophets 850 false prophets see that's what happens when you get rid of idols you get rid of false things when true revival falls you don't want that that that horoscope you you don't want to call the psychic line when you have true revival in your life you don't need to to okay okay that's what true revival is it makes you not want those things it makes you want god it makes you want to hear his voice then uh they slain all the prophets with the sword verse two then jezebel sent a messenger unto elijah saying so let the gods do to me and more also if i make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time now i want to stop right there for just a minute because we've done much teaching and we've heard much messages many messages on the spirit of jezebel the spirit of jezebel is is wrapped up in flesh in this woman jezebel but it's more than just the fleshly woman of jezebel it's a spirit and it's not just a female thing it's not just a woman thing i've seen many men that have a spirit of jezebel the spirit of jezebel is a spirit of control you've never felt the spirit of jezebel till you go into a religious climate and you begin to release a prophetic word of the lord or you begin to release a mantle of revival and they clinch up and you look over and the pastor is a nervous wreck and he's getting up and interrupting you and he starts to i've been there and i've done that i i'm telling you i've seen more uh men that operate well i guess it's just equal because it's not a a sex thing or it's not a male female thing it's a spirit thing it's a spirit of manipulation it's a spirit of control it's a spirit of false prophets it's a spirit of that wants to uh stop the true it hates the voice of a prophet you know why because the prophet reveals the heart of god it reveals the timing of god it reveals what he wants to do and the enemy wants to stop that and the spirit of jezebel appears to be religious oh i don't have time to preach about the spirit of jezebel this morning but there's some good books on it you need to go read about it but it's manipulation it's control it's something that see i'm tired of seeing holy ghost filled men and women of god called the shake nations being controlled by a little spirit called jezebel it's time to break it off it's time to get free it's time to do what god has called you to do the kingdom needs your voice and it says that jezebel sent a messenger now i've always thought of to myself you know jezebel always make sure you get the message it'll send someone so did you hear what they're saying about you did you hear that rumor that they had about you and did you know that somebody was laughing did you know so-and-so said they didn't like your preaching really okay praise god a lot of people don't like it but there's a lot of people that do like it so praise god i'm not everybody's cup of tea but i'm somebody's cup of tea thank you jesus but but jezebel will always get a message to you but then i further looked and i realized jezebel is really a coward because she when true revival breaks out jezebel is on the run you think we always read this passage where elijah flees from a woman that's what it says in my dick's bible it's highlighted right there of this passage of scripture elijah the prophet flees from a woman no he was fleeing from a spirit but i wonder what would have happened no i don't even have to wonder what i know what would have happened if he would have stead uh stood flat-footed and said bring jezebel to me i believe that there had been such a revival when the fire of god failed that those people would arose up against jezebel because they had tasted of something that was real but instead the man of god begins to flee from the spirit called jezebel in other words he was forfeiting the authority to her i'm tired of forfeiting the authority to a spirit named jezebel i'm tired of forfeiting it's time for revival awakening and it's time for religious spirits to fall in the name of jesus but elijah gets the message from the messenger and she threatens him with his life and the bible says that that that when he saw that he arose and went for his life came to bear sheba which belongeth to judah and left his servant there and now we know what happens he sits under a juniper tree and he begins to get so hopeless he wishes to die because that's what the spirit of jezebel does it doesn't want you to live in faith it doesn't want you to live free he doesn't want you to live in victory it wants you to wish for your death it wants you to feel so overwhelmed that the man of god that just caught fire down from heaven and saw a revival to where the people rose up and killed 850 false prophets that's called revival and then he got so overwhelmed by the threat of the enemy that he's under a juniper tree saying it's enough kill me lord don't back off once you see revival i'm going to say that again don't back off ramp church when we see a move of god don't back down because the religious devil the the spirit of criticism the spirit of manipulation the spirit of control will always rise up when an authentic revival begins to break out but we have to stand in the face of adversity and say no jezebel your day is over didn't you see what happened to your prophets that's what's happening in this hour god's taking over because the lord the people already declared the lord he is god he answered by fire and today he's going to con so we can't back off when we see revival we can't get our feelings hurt when the church down the road begins to say why do you go to that church they're a little crazy over there people falling on the ground and people up jumping and dancing and and why do you do you believe in all that prophecy stuff and do you i i don't i don't like all that no don't you back down from revival you begin to say i see false prophets being exposed i see the kingdom of god being advanced i'm not going to back up i'm not going to bow to you jezebel in the name of jesus don't back off once you see revival i want you to quickly i wish i could nail that down maybe after this revival i will go back and we will nail this some of this down but i i heard the lord say i got to release this very quickly this morning mark chapter 2. you say well that was old testament well this is new testament and this is jesus so get ready mark chapter 2 and we're going to start reading with verse 1. and it says this and he again entered into capernaum after some days and it was noise that he was in the house and straightway many were gathered together in so much that there was no room to receive them no not so much as about the door and he preached the word unto them and they came unto him bringing one sick of the palsy he was paralytic one sick of a palsy which was born of four he was carried by four men and verse 4 and when he they could not come nigh unto him for the press they uncovered the roof where he was and when they had broken it up they let down the bed wherein the sick was laid of palsy where the sick of palsy lay now i want to stop right there at verse 4 and i want to break some of this text down listen and again he entered in i want you to notice it was noise that he was in the house whenever you see a true move of god and true revival there's going to be a sound that accompanies accompanies it there's going to be a sound that goes forth whenever god is moving there is always a sound from the people see the sound of this house sounds different than other houses not saying we're superior not being prideful but i'm just saying the sound of revival has a sound revival the day of pentecost there was a sound as of a rushing mighty wind there is a sound that accompanies a revival and it says it was noised that he was in the house whenever he comes in there's a noise that happens there's a sound that happens there's a something that is released and straightway many were gathered together in so much that there was no room to receive them no not so much as about the door and he preached the word see that's what we've got to get back to i don't want to hear your philosophies i'm tired of the hearing self-help i don't need help of self i need death to self i need help of the holy spirit and it says he preached the word unto them and they and they come not uh they come unto him bringing one sick of palsy now i read that and i've ministered this before but it's very important who you connect with it is so important who you join yourself to because some people will move you out of position because of their own selfish motives come on that's what jezebel did to elijah her threats moved him out of position it had him on the run and so he got with people this man this man of palsy got with people thank you god with people that were carrying him to jesus and so they brought the sick of palsy four of them see there's power and agreement one could put a thousand flight two can put ten thousand a flight what happens when you get four together there's more than four in this room what happens when we came together this morning what is happening in the spirit realm even right now in jesus name and it says verse 4 and when they could not come nigh unto him for the press you can translate that to the people because the room was so crowded they couldn't get to him when they could not come nigh unto him for the press they uncovered the roof where he was that's why you need these four guys in your life they uncovered the room where he was the roof and when they had broken it up now if you underline your bible i do i underlined that when they had broken it up see it's time i heard him say last night it's time to break up with some things it's time to break up with some relationships it's time to break up with some addictions it's time to break up with some naysayers it's time to break up with some influences it's time to break up with some television shows it's time to break up with some friendship oh come on somebody he's saying if you want to go higher you've got to break open some things you've got to break open every obstacle you got to break loose from every restraint you gotta this is what true revival looks like you say you want more yo we're singing about it this is how you get more you break off some things you break off every barrier you break you make room you got to make room and it says they uncovered the roof where he was and when they had broken it up they made room they let down the bedwar and the sick of palsy lay when jesus saw their faith he said unto the sick of palsy sons thy sins be forgiven thee and this is what you were texting about ali uh this yesterday the day before there comes first with repentance whenever you see true revival you're gonna see people repent people are gonna get rid of idols people are going to get rid of they're going to break up with some things that are hindering their progress in god and i just keep hearing the lord say for some of you that's a television show keep looking straight ahead that's okay let the holy ghost deal with you but but you know your eyes and your ears are gateways break up break up break up and it says when they have broken it up they let down the bed wherein the sick of palsy lay when jesus saw their faith he said unto the sick of palsy son thy sins be forgiven thee see forgiveness was the first miracle here and verse six but there were certain of the scribes sitting there and reasoning in their hearts there were certain of the scribes whenever true revival comes it looks like religious devils getting mad y'all better be prepared i'm equipping you this morning be prepared because religious devils get mad you know why because you're pressing into something and they say things like it doesn't take you to it doesn't take all that prayer you don't have to do all that you don't have to be so radical why won't you go see that movie with me it just takes the lord's name in vain a couple of times why are you giving your money to the church you should be helping your children hallelujah everybody just keep looking straight ahead he said but there were certain of the scribes sitting there and reasoning in their hearts why doth this man thus speak blasphemies who can forgive sins but god only and immediately when jesus perceived in his spirit now notice that it was the holy spirit the perception of the holy spirit a word of knowledge you could say or a gift of the holy spirit that uh expose this religious spirit to jesus you say well this is jesus but he wasn't using his uh godly attributes to discern this spirit it was the holy spirit the same holy spirit that's in you that can awaken your perception that can awaken the gifts of the spirit in you come on i'm talking to somebody right now you've got to start perceiving the spirit behind the action of the motive of the person it's not a person you're dealing with you're dealing with the spirit and immediately when jesus pursued perceived in the spirit that they so reason within themselves he said unto them why reason you these things in your hearts we got to get away from some people that are reasoning everything you think you hear from god you think you you you're prophetic you think get away from those people that are reasoning things in their hearts whether it is easy verse 9 whether it is easier to say to the sick of the palsy thy sins be forgiven thee or to say arise take up thy bed and walk but that ye may know that the son of man hath power on the earth to forgive sins he saith to the sick of palsy verse 11 i say unto thee arise and take up thy bed and go thy way into thine house and immediately he took up his bed and went forth before them all in so much that they were all amazed and glorified god saying we never saw it on this fashion now just a couple of points there and then i'm gonna let you go but i want you to notice the scribes that are stirred because that's what happens whenever you see true revival that religious spirit is threatened threatened it wants to choke the life out of the walk of god of the believer in 1939 smith wigglesworth prophesied i've read this to you before to lester sumrall about the final wave of god's glory after that after the third wave and then he started sobbing i see the last day revival that is going to usher in the precious fruit of the earth it will be the greatest hour this world has ever seen it is going to be a wave of the gifts of the spirit the ministry gifts will be flowing on this planet earth i see hospitals being emptied out and they will bring the sick to churches where they allow the holy spirit to move that's what revival looks like that's what we're going to see church that's what we are seeing church luke 12 verses 1 and 2 in the passion translation says this is jesus by now a crowd of many thousands that gathered around jesus so many people pushed to be near him they began to trample one another jesus turned to his disciples and warned them beware of hypocrisy of the pharisees it permeates everything they do and teach like living everything hidden and covered up will soon be exposed for the facade is falling down and nothing will be kept secret for long i'm telling you in that at this hour that is what jesus is saying once again to the church the spirit of the pharisee is like living it tries to permeate everything that god is doing but i'm telling you this morning hear the word of the lord it is about to be exposed it is about to be brought down everything hidden and covered up will soon be exposed for the facade is falling down and nothing will be kept in secret church we've got to keep our eyes on jesus are you hearing me we've got to keep our eyes on jesus because if you keep your eyes on man god is going to remove some people god is going to remove some leaders that won't lord how do i say this that god is going to remove some leaders in the body of christ that refused to flow with what he wants to do that are in the way and blocking the flow of the holy ghost that's why if god removes a leader you say my leader is the holy spirit my leader is jesus i look to him he is the author and the finisher of my faith my circumstances are not moved by god dealing with a person and remember this always that god will deal with someone privately before he ever exposes it publicly so when that happens there's been a constant pursuit of god or constant dealing with god but you pray for that person don't you walk in judgment and try to condemn don't you walk holier than now and no what if you your sin got exposed you know i'm so tired of pious believers that act superior to every little well i would never do don't say you would never do that you don't know what the hell that they were fighting if that came against you in your mind you may never do that in your heart you may not want to do that come on what you need to say is god i pray for that person restore them cover me protect me god keep my foot from slipping steady my walk put me in a firm foundation put me in a firm secure place enough of the stones being throwed oh i might get some emails today that's all right that's all right i can take it because you know why god is setting us free from a religious spirit god is setting us free from stoning our brothers and sisters we got to go pick them back up and say get up you have a purpose in god what are you doing laying down the kingdom has need of your voice the kingdom has need of your anointing get up and start walking with god i'm not gonna leave you down leave no man behind come on we're in an army you're my brother you're my you're my comrade at war there's no way i can leave you behind in fact this weekend i started praying for someone's i i scrolled through instagram and one as a person that that used to come to church here came up in my feed and they were uh in some things of the world and my heart just grieved because i thought god i remember them standing at the altar worshiping with all of their heart and i began to say instead of throwing stones god i'm praying i pray for that person to be awakened i'm praying for that person for their scale the scales to fall from their eyes and for them to have an encounter with the living jesus again i call them back in their destiny in jesus name come on why do christians and i love the church i'm not beating on the church but why do christians walk around like we don't have any failures in our life ever some of you already you were texting your failure i don't know why he's preaching on this this on my nerves did you see so and so gossip that's a sin speaking against your leaders that's a sin come on somebody it's time for us to quit walking around like we're super christian humans that we never deal with the situation we never deal with a problem some of you cussed your spouse out on the way to church this morning that's okay i'm coming for everybody today i'm joanna i'm going to put my foot on all everybody in jesus name come on you know you were there jerking that hair of your kid get ready run now then you come and praise you jesus i'm telling myself too hallelujah come on i didn't cuss anybody out this morning but i'm not trying to look so holy to you i feel just like you fell but i'm telling you today don't stay down i'm telling you get back up this new move of god revival truly looks like nothing you've ever seen before it may not make sense because the church says god can't use someone that's been divorced what what if i say god can't use a gossiper why is their name coming out of your mouth oh lord jesus i gotta move on i'm being getting in the flesh now i'm getting hateful i say it in love be free be free from condemnation this morning but he says i love this in verse 11. he says i say unto thee he says to this man i say unto thee arise and take up thy bed now i've preached on on this text many times and i always thought to myself him and the man who laid by the pool jesus commanded him to take up his bed now i've always thought if i've been trapped to a bed i want to forget about that thing i'm like i'm walking into a new season uh-uh i'm breaking up with you bed jesus name but god said no jesus said take up your bed why because that was his testimony he said i'm taking of my bed and everywhere i go i'm gonna say look what i went through look what jesus did for me look what he set me free from look what i was bound to and jesus set me free that's why you can't be ashamed to tell your testimony of what god has brought you through the religious devil wants to shut you up and shut you down but the devil is a liar you pull out your bed and say oh i was bound but now i'm free this is what revival looks like this is what a move of god looks like i'm sure these scribes and pharisees thought they should be the ones that were the the examples of revival but that's not what jesus said he said i want the one that has the bed of infirmity i want the one that was bound and now is set free and i want him to pick up his bed and i want him to go to his own house can i tell you that revival starts in your own house did you hear me revival's gonna start in your own house it's not something you can i think sometimes we get it twisted because we think oh i hear revivals breaking out at first structure i got to fly to arizona so i can get a taste of revival i i've got to go over here and there's nothing wrong i want you to be at this house you got to get to this house because there's revival here so there's nothing wrong with that but can i tell you true revival starts in your own house what happened to this man jesus told him take up your bed and go to thine own house he said take this what i'm doing in you now and take it to your house parents in this room hear me it's time to take up your bed and take it to your house i went last night like i said i i just from the very get-go i had an encounter with the holy ghost last night and and so i heard him say i want you to go in your kids rooms and begin to pray my daughter's out of town my son's with my mom and my my stepfather and and so i go into their rooms and i'm just praying in the holy ghost then i heard him say i want you to go pray for their pillows so i go pray for the pillows where they lay their head at night and i said god i thank you that they have dreams of god i thank you that their spirits are guarded and there's a hedge of protection around them no evil shall come nigh our dwelling god i mark them for the kingdom and then i went to the other's room and i began to pray in their room and i began to mark my territory i said i've taken up my bed and i'm taking my bed into my children's bedroom i'm taking my testimony i'm taking my fire i'm taking my anointing i'm taking this encounter with the holy ghost i'm not leaving it in the prayer room i'm going to my children's bedroom i'm taking it in the kitchen while i'm making toast i'm taken into my bedroom i pray for my wife i thank you lord that she's going to hunger and thirst for i thank you that you're stirring my family take it to your house i said take it to your house break up with some obstacles break up with that television show break up with the naysayers break up with the voices that want to keep you bound to yesterday i know i'm here for somebody he said break it up break it off break it through this is your hour to break through and he said then take your anointing what the lord has done for you and take it to your house and he said to him and immediately see i love words like suddenly immediately hastily unexpectedly and immediately he arose took up his bed and went forth and i love this part before them all the ones that thought he was not worthy the ones that were reasoning in their hearts why is he saying he forgives him why is he why is he going to be the the example of revival but he took his bed and went forth before them all in so much that they were all amazed and that they were all amazed come on i was already prophesying to you earlier are you ready for your life to make people fall in love with jesus because of the miracles he's done for you are you ready for your life to be a testimony of the faithfulness of god and they were all amazed and they glorified god saying we never saw it on this fashion we never saw god move like this we've never seen a church service quite like this we've never seen god do what he is doing right now i have never seen god do this before are you ready to be astonished are you ready to be amazed get your hopes up get your expectation up get ready to see what you have never seen before we are living in a day in an hour that god is saying i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh that your sons and your daughters they will prophesy that's what revival looks like if you can't handle a woman prophesying then you're not going to be in the midst of revival if you can't handle a preacher wearing blue jeans with rips in them you're not going to be in the midst of revival if you can't handle somebody that doesn't have 10 degrees behind their name preaching behind the pulpit you're not a contestant for revival if you can't go to a church that doesn't have a denomination behind its name you're not a contestant for revival you're not a candidate but i want to speak to those who say i'm unworthy but i'm ready to break off some things in the spirit this is what revival looks like i once was lost but now i'm found i once was sick but now i'm whole this is the bed that i came in on but look what jesus has done for me this is what revival looks like can you handle revival i'll never forget when the lord spoke to me and he said andrew can you handle revival i said of course lord i'm ready come on he said no can you handle revival what if i raise someone else up you still want to be a part yes lord what if no one knows your name you still want to be a part yes lord what if they laugh at you they already have yes lord what if they write stories on you they already have on facebook i still want to lord what if they go on your lives and they start cursing you while you're ministering on facebook they already have i still want you lord he's saying get ready for the thing about revival it's unexpected you expect god to move but you don't know how he's going to move every revival has a sound every bible looks different every move of god may not come like we think and see what happens is most times we restrict god because we see the last move of god and think it has to look just like that that's what happened when saul tried to put his armor upon david he was looking he was putting an old wine skin on david but david had enough discernment to know this is not how god's going to move so i've got to cast off this old wine skin because i'm carrying some new wine and i've got to run to what looks silly in my hand but it's a sling that's won me victories i've proven over and over again that god is faithful and the same god that deliver me from the lion and the bear is the same god that's gonna bring down the giant see the new wine skin looks different than the last wine scans see i i've found through experience the greatest opposition to revival is the champions of the last move of god because they don't understand he's moving in any direction so they want to sing those same songs and do the same things but and nothing wrong with old songs i love old songs in fact last night when i was praying i brought out some of the hymns and i began to just sing them to the lord so there's power on those songs but what i'm saying too is that when we get stuck in an old wine skin and many times i found myself even doing this when a song has worked in the past i'm like let's go to that song no you need to hear the god you need to hear god for the now because if not you'll be putting your armor on david and your armor that wine will kill david if he went to face goliath in saul's armor he would have been killed he didn't he couldn't move in it he wasn't built for it he was built for a sling see some of you uh you're saying what i have looks silly it's embarrassing god i remember when i started this this ministry i didn't have anywhere to preach so the lord spoke to me and said i've given you the keys to the kingdom now open your door and i'll bless you as you walk through it he said what have i put in your life that's available to you i said lord i don't know what and he said you have a garage your grandmother has a garage why don't you ask her if you can use it one side of it for services so i asked my grandmother and thanked the lord my grandmother loved me to pieces and i could do no wrong in her eyes and so she's in heaven now i can't wait to see her again but she she said to me of course you can use this side of my garage well i took it seriously i put a tarp over the garage door i hung christmas lights around the garage lift i i i put actually that monitor over there it's still on the platform i bought that at l m music and a microphone as if my loud voice needed to be amplified in a garage that echoes for the great crowd of one two or three people you never know don't survive from all the beginnings and and so then i i remember i built i didn't have a pulpit i didn't but in that time it wasn't really online stuff like you couldn't just go online and order a pulpit uh or i wasn't familiar with it like that so what i did was i bought a cd rack at walmart and then i put a piece of wood on it and i'm not a builder you guys i i'm i'm not so this was by the grace of god that has stood in jesus name but because it was a flimsy little city case and i put a piece of wood on it and it was flat it didn't even have arch it didn't have a lip on or anything but it worked great and so for my big audience uh that i began to to have services and begin to speak and sometimes there was only one person my wife there she wasn't even my wife at the time but i would get up and preach because i took it seriously every day i would sweep out that garage several times a day because my grandmother would open her garage door and all the leaves would blow in and i would think that is so rude this is a consecrated holy place i'm not kidding you and so i stood there with my i would go immediately with my broom and start sweeping out the the and i left worship music playing 24 hours a day my grandmother was a saint i'm telling you and she let me leave uh christian music praying worship music playing 24 hours a day in that garage and uh it was holy to me but that did not look like and i remember uh being you know kind of i don't want to say embarrassed because i i knew what i was doing was for the lord but i remember a message got to me of some pastors in chattanooga that were laughing at my meetings in the garage and and the person didn't mean to like devastate me but they did and they said you know someone so so you know they were laughing at you playing church in the garage that you used to sing to a lot of people when you were a young boy and now you're in a garage and it was like i was being stabbed i'm not exaggerating it was literally like i was being stabbed and i stood there and smiled because come on i've been through a lot i can i can take a looking but i stood there and smiled but i'll never forget i went back to my house and when i went back to the house i was on the treadmill and i was sobbing i'm not talking about just you know wiping away i was like i like been i was on the treadmill again i was sobbing but i had a back then it was a cassette tape playing of bishop t.d jakes and he was preaching but i really wasn't listening to what he was preaching because i was too busy rehearsing my circumstances and i was crying saying god they're laughing at me i am a joke i am a laughingstock this is humiliating god why are you humiliating me about that time bishop jakes said these words and it hit my spirit he said i'm not a glamour preacher in fact i started preaching to my dog and then to my grandmother's garage no lie in my grandmother's garage about that time i jumped off the treadmill i started shot it worked out pretty well for him let him laugh in jesus name they can say whatever they want but i'm gonna stay still i take the door that's been open to me and lord if you did it for him you're no respecter of persons you will do it for me they may lie but you will shut the mouths of my critics you will shut the mouths of the lions you will shut the mouths of my enemy god i thank you if you before me who can be against me no devil in hell can stop me but i will say what you give me to say so if a little laughing knocks you out of the plan of god you gotta strengthen your endurance you gotta if that red that cashier at walmart hurts your feelings so bad that you wanna pull the covers over your head because she didn't smile at you honey you gotta toughen yourself up because there's a real devil that's been sent to steal to kill to destroy but jesus came that you might have life and life more abundantly abundant life is a choice abundant life is saying god i partner with your will for my life i'm not going to be discouraged i'm not going to be depressed but god i've never seen you move like this before but this is what revival looks like sometimes revival looks like being laughed at sometimes revival looks like being rejected talk to me joseph sometimes it's your brother's throwing you in the pit sometimes it's being sold into slavery and everybody misunderstanding you sometimes it's going to the lowest part of the prison sometimes it's being locked up because you set somebody else free talk to me paul and silas sometimes it's being beaten sometimes it's being rejected what this true revival looks like it looks like the power of god moving however he wants to move as long as we has to fit in our perimeters we will never see true revival no matter what it looks like no matter what it sounds like god as for me and this house we say we want you we want revival we want revival we want you to breathe the breath of life into the corpse called the church we want that corpse that's seemingly dead that's trying to go to sleep to be awakened i say today the cycle is over the cycle is over i sound an alarm to chattanooga and i say the cycle is over that old season it's over it's a new day it's a new day it is a new day in jesus name musicians come on up what does revival look like revival sometimes looks messy revival sometimes looks like we don't know what's going to happen in fact there's many times thank god for a team that can flow instant in season now there's many times i get up on this platform and and they've rehearsed some songs and and we're like i know the holy spirit's not leading that way we're just going to totally go off off this and we just flow with the holy ghost why because revival has a sound revival has a flow revival and he said the people they all said saw it and they said we've never seen him move in this fashion they were all in amazement can i tell you get ready to be astonished yes i'm prophetically declaring this over you right now get ready to be in amazement of what god is going to do but let me tell you revival begins with desperation for him you
Channel: Ramp Church Chattanooga
Views: 31
Rating: 4 out of 5
Id: byveWzb9EVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 54sec (7614 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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