Pokémon Obsidian Flames ETB! Relax and Enjoy Some Pack Cracking

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let's open an ETB also known as an Elite Trainer Box obsidian flame as I hit the camera again got kids screaming upstairs let's open a box got some BBS lying around let's do it oh look at this little uh I didn't know this Charizard Dragonite Lavar rhm or r rudm r rudm who knows let's get rid of that crap get rid of that oh got a little Charmander got Basic Energy garbage got some card dividers we'll keep coins garbage code please be subscribed if you're using it it's just the right thing couple Dy some Charmander sleeves and one two three four five six seven eight nine packs of obsidian [Music] Flames let's do it but I wonder what this is going to sound like because I do have uh some children screaming upstairs so if it sounds ridiculous I'm sorry um but you know such as life so deal with it code card if you're using the code cards be subscribed it's the right thing to do let's see what type of hits we are in for pack one dud pack two sherion and buron right through them Pidgey it's a good I think we got a hit here oh my freaking God oh boy oh wow wow wow wow wow a little damage on there or no dust oh man wow oh man oh man oh man close the front door look at that this is the code card from that pack by the way wow we got a not not a hit a major freaking hit major freaking hit wow [Music] wow nine tails one of my favorite Pokemon puffing no one cares guys I got to sleeve it I got to sleeve it has to be sleeved coming coming coming coming coming coming coming coming coming coming oh my goodness this is my second one of these bad boys this one is way more centered than the other one but still a little off I think I don't know if it's got the centering for a 10 oops but we'll find out Charizard EX damn sorry huge hit huge freaking hit SW Blue bunch of garbage what do we got nothing all right halfway point one hit at the halfway mark we need another one not going to lie need to see another hit oh my gosh it's so loud upstairs guys I don't even know if you can hear me these guys are going crazy up there Greta for ga ga Greta listen this is a great hit but if I open this whole ETB have one hit I'm not going to be excited so let's hit or miss right now let's hit or miss this obsidian Flames pack right here right the freck now here we go code card be subscribed to use it let's go do we have a hit I think we do I think I see a hit oh a double Banger look at that the hits big hits on a double banger Hound door character trar ex that was a hell of a pack huge hits humongous big hits code card let's get into it trcy Puppeteer and a scior they double Banner got to love it got to love it got to let freie Espeon ink oh very nice looking Lapras oh look at that Beauty look at how freaking beautiful that card is wow oh man what an ETB what an ETB last pack sorry for the sounds sorry for the kids but you know wow all right last pack of obsidian Flames code card hope you guys enjoyed this one cuz this was a freaking pleasure open I do not think we have a hit here we don't another Palin I think that was another one I think we already have that but guys let's run through these code cards real quick one two three four five 6 7 eight nine code cards and look at the hits from this CV only four but my goodness the Charizard EX with really good centering we're going to have to discuss that one we got Absol beautiful card Tyranitar ex beautiful and the nice character rare of the Hound or and of course her promo little Charmander character will'll open her up and boy howdy was that a good be thank you all for watching as always I appreciate it click the sub button enjoy the hits I hope to keep them coming thank you for watching continue to watch and as always I'll see you in the next one thank you so much
Channel: Novice TCG Guy
Views: 157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jfYcSMS5S_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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