Miss Kay Surprises Phil and Jase, and Phil Is Shockingly Blunt | Ep 364

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i am unashamed what about you who's that guy okay he's here he got well let's just start rolling well i wasn't even ready for her to be there but good night scubby where did you come from this is so weird out of the blue where are y'all she's up here where are we at kate we're in the fanciest studio in north carolina yeah i see that yeah it's this this is a high dollar studio here yeah it's a danger hub i could fall on any any wire in this whole place yeah if i were accident-prone you could trip on anywhere true she could trip we had we did go up two flights of stairs to get to the to the studio so she she got her workout in for the day it's exactly right without falling miss k i saw two men when i left the house they were dragging up uh trying to drag a washing machine out of a truck and get it in the back room of the house back there good luck do you have anything to do with that or new washington i did daniel bought it with your money um and you set up the logistics y'all got a lot going on what's your washing machine cost these days more than you think what are they like four or five hundred dollars try eight eight hundred dollars for a washer yep did you get the dryer too no just the washer what happened it went out it rusted out if that keeps going up we'll probably get back to where we were you know when i was a kid with the old wash them and hang them out on the clothes line that's where we started and wash day was a big event but you you you would it would go a long way on barbed wire fences that you could put a lot of clothes on barbed wire fences and get them later i guess you'd get a whole field you did it on tree limbs on tree limbs yeah when i help granny we run out of fence so we put them on tree limbs but y'all didn't do that did your house did you yeah we did have clothes lines yeah we did have clotheslines i hung up a menu clothes on that clothesline i told dan that do not buy the same model the same type machine if this one rushed it out i think it's been you've had about what five years or so i don't know i have no idea but they're not building things to last a long time phil no they don't well some they learned that a few years ago they were like if you build something to last we'll go out of business that's right phil are you surprised they've made an art form out of building junk i'll tell you that that's why we got jason won't quit talking whoa okay do you have something to say jump in here i just said it was phil surprised to see me i mean as surprised as phil gets which is what yeah right that was about it well i'm looking through the cables and the wires and i just saw you sitting there i said what in the world i i just forgot see well i got up early to do this i did she got he got her makeup done and everything everything's an hour earlier there didn't hour later oh an hour later yeah we're on eastern time you guys are central yeah i wasn't sure where y'all were at to be honest why were you why you were gone miss k every man for himself yesterday's menu was uh a ham sandwich about 12 o'clock and then for supper i had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so i had two sandwiches that sounds healthy yeah i feel good about it and i assume somebody's feeding the dogs well no glad we got all this i guess i don't talk on the phone or whatever she just leaves and then when you come back you assess the situation so when you get our aid you just kind of she brought like she brought about 20 people up here with her so she's got a she's got a crew with her shoes what's the problem what's the project y'all have going on up there okay why did you come up here it's called exploring north carolina oh and eating with my kin folks she comes up about four times a year now so you need to get your little airbnb up here or something that's an idea that's what you need to do well my plane was full that was yeah so we had we had a big dinner last night uh tonight we got we're gonna cook i don't know what we're gonna cook tonight well it's a light because we're eating out for lunch okay yeah we're going we're going to rocky's hot chicken nashville hot chicken that's what we're doing tonight so we're having a good time though well good sounds good that was weird uh phil when he just said that every man for himself you know one of our volunteers for mia's fun day with all the families that we helped through her charity one of the volunteers was lulu and uh it's which is was your brother's daughter of course he's moved on to the to the afterlife but we started talking and we brought up memory lane okay you would have loved it why didn't you record it what was disturbing is i found myself apologizing for most of the stories that she was telling me but uh so i was telling i was telling phil about it before we started aaron but a lot of the problems was one of the things phil just said because that was the mantra when he just said every man for himself because that pretty much depicted my childhood yeah so she was like that you know that my parents which were my aunt and uncle she said they would just dump us off down there on the river with no explanation of when we're coming back how long you'll be here or she said any kind of drive away yeah she said and there was no no skill set on how to survive the cousin she called them cousin wars i agree it was like a bunch of feral kids running around and if the younger you were you were on the bottom of the totem pole so you got the brunt of the wrath and i must say jace you were definitely the meanest of all the cousins well she said that also she said i mean i've never seen a more mean kid i said hey it was every man for himself i used that phrase that you just used and so he's a fighter he was a fighter we brought up the he's a man and because i said i i was told constantly you know who's a man who's a man survive and so uh it was it was pretty so i i really i apologize i said look i'm not sure it was crazy times i'm not sure what happened but i told her the time i learned how to shoot a gun i said you gotta remember back there in those days a lot of what was done now would not only be frowned upon i mean you would be ridiculed and persecuted so i was like it's like the first time i learned how to shoot a gun i mean i'm eight years old they hand me a gun and a box of shells so i'm looking around on what everybody else is doing all the adults on how how this is going down so when i shot the first time of course i had a 12 gauge magnum that was taller than me and so i looked up for help like i must have done something wrong phil's like hey what are you doing you got to lean into that thing who's a man here and so uh that's what i'm saying it was a miracle that nobody got hurt so that that was the line of who's a man you ever heard that guy that was the line who's the man years years of that well what about us getting thrown out of the halloween carnival jason for you fighting as we were coming in and then they just threw us out well we had at pinecrest elementary school jason starts a fight and we couldn't even get in the door well i mean there's some truth in there i remember it we had organized a it was kind of a gang fight but half of my gang didn't show up so was we just got pummeled you know well why did we get kicked out we're just your family and the whole family had to go well you raised him that's why they thought they blamed you for it okay i think it was that that mantra in some places we just didn't belong well i think i hung out with the wrong cousins because because i remember me and jeff went to a lsu game when we were in college and we got in somewhat of a gang fight but all my only backup was jep and we were at a a get together after the game and i ended up getting an altercation with a young gentleman who was way smaller than me so i wasn't really afraid of him i thought i could take him well what i didn't know was that with him were about 15 guys he was a a trainer for the swim team and and the next thing i know these guys jumped on me and and jeff was no nowhere to be found so no no he's good he's a good runner yeah i needed you for that jace yeah well at some point i realized that you know just because i only got a couple sets of clothes and i may not smell the best that people are gonna at school they're gonna they're gonna put you in a category and uh the category what they they kept calling me was poor white trash and uh so i figured those were fighting words i i wasn't looking at the truth of the allegation but uh so it just led to a lot of fisticuffs you know i i noticed another thing if you got free lunches or reduced lunches you were you weren't cool yeah that when when that happened they were like oh this boy's trash you know so it led to a lot of a lot of fights and different things so they can be mean yeah well a lot of what we dealt with uh okay with dealing with these kids which kay's always been really good dealing with special needs kids and you know psy has that talent too but yeah a lot of these kids are made fun of of course this is nothing that there's nothing they can do about it i mean they're constantly they should be lifted up in fact but they go to school and because they look a little different you know they're just persecuted and bullied and different things but you and willie both brought them home to stay with us and willie would say the first thing he said when they y'all got home was you know i like to take an afternoon shower or bath don't you and of course that boy was like no i don't do that willie said well i got some clothes in there you're going to take one today yeah because he needed to but he was trying to be nice about it and it really i liked that because he would appreciate the fact that nobody was taking care of him well after this morning what surprised me about this conversation we're having is that i was under the impression i'm now 75 and i'm looking back at my children which are now they all have grown children and i'm looking at the whole thing and i'm thinking i always thought until this morning that we were perfectly normal y'all are putting doubts in my mind about you know wars and all that kind of i said what in the world what was i doing all the time the wars were going on i think y'all were just trying to make catching another hook net yeah i think y'all are making ends meet and uh i think we were out here in the middle of nowhere so there wasn't a whole lot of mischief you could get into so y'all just kind of let let that let that ball go i mean y'all just let it run now it seems like miss k that that happened so quickly and all these children became adults and i'm looking at them now married have kids in college just graduated i mean i'm looking at my grandchildren and they're like grown adults you know driving vehicles getting out of school getting their education going here and there that was the fastest period i mean it was like you know james said life itself is like a vapor but it's amazing how fast all that happens your children and then they again begin to produce children and and you look at them now you know and i'm thinking man that was like the speed of lightning dasher now look at your kids already i remember when they little babies y'all were having kids but now i'm looking at your little group over there you know i mean they're there they're they're already you know making plans for college you know what i'm saying or whatever yeah let's take it let's take a quick break yeah so last week i got a text from somebody who had stolen my identity in some way and they had purchased a bunch of furniture on it was like rent to own furniture based on my name and social security number and whatnot so i've been dealing with the with the police department here and filing in police reports and trying to you know figure out what's going on here but there's a lot of different ways uh that cyber thieves can steal your your credit one way is they 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and you might not even know it also you can use our promo code which is radio for a 30-day free trial of protection again that's home title lock.com with the promo code radio r-a-d-i home title lock.com yeah it happened fast i got one that's uh about to graduate high school and then we got the the newborn baby which k you got to see oh she's precious precious so we're starting we're we're having another one so we can keep the thing going but that but it does move fast it does seem like just yesterday it's down there running at y'all's house yeah because you all lived up on the hill and granny's house which is now gone she was at the bottom of the hill and there was a like a a concrete pathway yeah which was the that's where you got abused that's where that's where jase did all of his fighting beating that was on that walkway i remember it and then below we had you guys had a uh a number it was it was not a number two wash up it was like the steel you had a pool but it was it wasn't a real pool it was like a a big metal aluminum um tub that we would also yeah yeah we would all swim in it was fun down there though looking back at it though uh zach i mean correct me if i'm wrong uh all of the all of the children and grandchildren i mean all of y'all turned out to be god-fearing christian people i mean to the person i don't know of any rogue rogue any of them that's gone rogue yet everybody's married to their original wife and y'all are all working for the kingdom it's i guess we maybe we ought to look at the positive side of it instead of viewing it as wars maybe it was just uh well we're not viewing it as anything you know it's just life is a war evidently yeah when you have a when you raise four boys you're gonna have fighting because it's like a little army that's just the way remember how jason and willie their biggest fight i remember was in the kitchen and it wasn't it was kind of over the food but mostly it was over who used the oven first pizza that's a famous story but you got to remember something uh me and willie get the the blame for being the leaders of the two war tribes among the cousins but oh wow was the instigator he was sneaky him and trey and whoever was the oldest they would they would set these things in motion and cause all the problems because they like to watch of course we would all get in trouble but they were the one they were the puppet masters of really all the trouble so looking at it from a big view of zach if you look uh we could make a pretty fair argument on the blessings that come from raising children in that kind of environment on the riverbank basically this and you know and all the all the friction of coming up and being grown but now since you're adults i mean jace is you know over there he's one minute he's on some other television show searching for treasure or something you know then the duck dynasty thing where you look at all that you say what came out of all that y'all i g i think y'all would agree were was more blessings than i ever had a inkling would happen yeah i mean the blessings that just just were worth but just how what would you call it you said boys to come from where they came from boy did they ever did they ever were they ever blessed now was it dog luck or was it just all of that was just a training ground for the fear of god and love your neighbor and and do what's right because the blessings did come hugely right right because if we say on the negative and say well here's the way they were fighting oh you can't raise kids i can't you know child ring has has never been an easy task uh that's hard that's hard i'm looking at you i'll tell you if i can tell you i remember well too that that that when i was raising my kids i thought they were so funny yeah and i would say i really said this out loud i said we should be on a tv show we are so funny you prophesied it i did feel it you know i've done that before but i really said that well you know i i think the thing that was interesting about the raising was uh in our family and this is not normal by the way i feel to your point earlier we weren't normal but the but it was the kids the the family was never centered on the kids in fact it was like we we looked up like it was like a rite of passage if you could get once you got to sit down at the domino table or the spa you got to be involved in the spades game what i mean whatever it was once you that was like a rite of passage and i think that now a lot of a lot of families in our our country and our society is so focused they build we build families around kids and i think that's very dangerous because it robs these kids with personality i think the one reason why all of us have strong personalities and because we were down there basically reenacting what you guys were doing of course y'all weren't fighting quite like we were but we were we were figuring it out you know and i think that we all learned a bunch you know yeah so well i think the difference is we were out in a place where you you learn how to live off the land and those types of skill sets and all these problems we had the difference was now most most kids just get on a computer and it's kind of a fantasyland existence and it's not necessarily what's going on it's how it's portrayed with images and pictures and instagram and so at least there was a lot of conflict but you know it was dealt with yeah i mean one way or another you kind of learned how to get along and deal with if it got out of hand i'd walk through with a belt oh yeah i mean you know i i pretty well said if it got out of hand and blood began to flow well blood was flowing i would come in and i would i would write this wrong pretty pretty quick but i i will say al and jason and willie they've all told me at certain times you know kind of giving me a thank you for being raised the way they were they said you know well since we have our own children we we get it now so it's just passed on whatever structure you have within a family it's passed down from the elderly you know you read the family groups in the bible it was a very prestigious thing on on the what do they call it what kind of system they call it there they oh the old uh patriarch system the patriarch system in my opinion work from observing all of y'all and your children it works better than any other the patriarchal system you know the great grandparents the great-great-grandparents then just the grandparents and then the the children if it's all handed down and passed up we did a pretty good job at that overall i think y'all all turned out everybody's a christian everybody's has a faith in god i mean you know and it wasn't forced on them we just it's just the way it was i had that was y'alls y'all were in close jace was in my unrepentant days and then the repentance days came you know you know we began to plant the seed that we've been looking at in the book of matthew you know we we we pretty well were doing the the work of god within all of that was going on you know but what y'all are saying is i would say chow ring it's normal to have clashes among your siblings it's it's a it's a sin cursed world and when people you know get about 13 or 14 well all these the sin comes into the picture and what kind of structure's in place it's critical for for how are they going to how that is dealt with and how that's going to come about on how what kind of man or woman you're going to be when you finally get old enough to be part of society so well a lot of a lot of t a lot of the problem when i brought up the older cousins and hold on a second let's let's take a quick break before you go into that so we've got a bunch of family in town as we just had miss k on the show and one of the things we're going to make this week for food is our steaks i just got our box in the mail and i'm anxious to try the t-bones i didn't realize this but if you think you're eating american meat chances are you're probably not in fact 80 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right way by the way how did we all end up zach and uh everything that's done start with birthdays weddings uh you know somebody you know got an award but so what's what's underneath all this these uh celebrations we have which i mean the robertson family will pull off a celebration for something i mean it's once or twice a week and they all come together folks well see there's too many how many how many okay how many grandkids you got 19 i believe 19. and and nine more great right nine great 19 yeah i'm just guessing here that's what it is you guys got so many you got so many grandkids that's i mean there's always something to celebrate i mean i think that's nice days a year well i think we all want a good meal have fun together eating it so we think of a celebration to invent so we can all be together and do it yeah so it's all the people it's all the grandkids and the extended family then the you know the cousins and all that which but hey but you guys you use that to your benefit too because back in the old days when you had that commander when you guys were running it what would y'all do whenever y'all have a big walmart order okay what would you do we'd have a big meal and invite everybody down to eat the meal but of course you had to stay and work packaged stuff cost of course we thought we were getting a deal because the food was so good but yeah you cook shrimps but we got free labor yeah free labor yeah we've been doing we did that for about 10 years didn't we feel yep i thought it was smart until everybody figured it out yeah no i still i'd come down there and work for for free food right yeah a lot of those principles came from just you're following jesus and you're putting your faith and trust in god and you see these types of miracles he does where it's like he was using food to bring people together i mean two different times he fed you know the five plus you remember the family intervention with with uh when zach and and uh jep kind of got went rogue for a while just just teenagers you know but uh you know what they made yourself a family intervention they call themselves cute country cousins cute christian cousins and that's what it was that's what they named themselves but when we had that intervention willie was talking to jep on the way he should be behaving jace had gave his speech this is the way you are to behave and older brothers and i was there miss k was there alan was there and i remember vividly when jeff heard everybody's speech on the way life is and the way it ought to be uh jeff's first he ain't he did it with a question he said what took y'all so long to have this to have to rescue me where were you that's my point all through this process i mean look i was terrible you know as a kid but everybody knew where everybody was at it was like not hidden i mean the conflict was that's true it was out there now looking back on it it's borderline miraculous that everyone survived because some of the you know some of these conflicts escalated i mean i remember that was probably a year of my life that i went to sleep because that you're the most vulnerable when you're sleeping yep i figured that out and so i had all these weapons at hand's reach in my bed and so well and lulu that was one of the stories she told she said i just opened the door later i was looking for a different place to lay down because it was too crowded in the living room she's like i opened that door and all of a sudden just things started whizzing by bouncing off the walls cause i was like if you came into my lair well i was asleep i threw first and then listened i mean it was just attack and then see where you were at or who it was and the remarkable thing in my mind in the midst of all that we look up and some people from los angeles california and new york city come to visit us and say we want to film your family and i'm like i grabbed my bible and held it up i said is is this is this allowed inside the the filming and they said whatever y'all do we're going to film it that's what meant we can edit that out at any point yeah so here comes here you guys have calmed down quite a bit by then though right well yeah but i mean like i don't know we're taking a trip down memory lane here i'm not i i think the lord had favor on us for whatever reason but i do think there's something to be said about living in a real world yeah and and i even think i mean for me the outdoors was my happy place i mean i could always just go get lost in the woods but a lot of those those skills that i learned as a kid i mean i'm still doing even in some part you know with this with the conflict you know willie creates this pond and puts all these world-class fish in it but then they never fish it but i'm living across the road and i'm like he's created yeah he's created a little bit a place where i have to sneak over there and i have to catch him well this morning i i i got all of them dan was telling me the bk got one i said how big was it it's a big buck so this morning when we i rolled in about 50 feet from where we're seated and there was deer hanging up you know and two of those mega bucks i've never seen i mean they were two huge bucks i'm looking at my little granddaughter she's about 14 i think within a few days 13 14 13. so she's 13 but she was looking at me grinning you know at a grandpa she's looking at me she said papa i got one i got one right here look look at him and i was checking out the meat that they were killing so with all of the things that family raising and all that and the discipline required and the love you look at all that together and you see your little granddaughter 13 that got her a big old buck this morning so her dad old stone was skinning the deer out you know so the duck blind stayed the duck blind brushing jace is still here the food regimes for the wildlife and planting all the trees we planted all that's just right here with us still and we're still doing the same thing well it's get better get the pump ready in case we need to pump some water we got the the food regime for the ducks and the deer we got the water regime whenever we're going to flood it for duck season then we got the duck blinds get them all brushed and patched up but all that's still going on like it was way back all we held on to that so now we were blessed so we've bought more land so we've got a gigantic bunch of property right out there in front of us we're on the edge of it right here but uh it's amazing that the structure of it all jesus number one still there just like it always was so waiting on waiting on duck season that's that's part of our lifestyle so that's pretty well a little insight for our listeners to say because they're looking at it like boy you ought to see my family you know with all the the things they have to deal with now you know drugs and all this you know so i feel pretty good about the whole thing that we have no drug addicts among the families no one's been murdered and we're we're just trying to survive on planet earth you know i think the jesus move was the best one and i think he's the one the reason it's still working i would say pretty good the life's pretty good i will say what about y'all what are you saying miss cake hold on let's take a quick break one of the best things about adulthood was having my own sheets because when i was a kid we used all the sheets to strain the berry juice from the berries that y'all would i would gather to make jelly hey so that's good yeah sheets are a big deal jace that's why our partner is here at bowling branch which is by the way founded in 2014 by a husband and wife team scott and missy all came down to choice a choice to do what's right for them founded to give more sleepers more choices for high quality sheets at a fair price the golden rule partners and customers are at the center of every choice the company makes and i've used these sheets as well they're amazing we would encourage you 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i i just think they're special that's me i'm pretty proud how many times a week miss kay are you working with women who are struggling with family issues and you know coming out of the rehabs how many meetings do you women have every week because i see y'all all the time you're getting your lesson ready and you're taking it oh yeah i have two two meetings and then what we try to do is i try to bring some to to church on sunday where we can go eat lunch together which i treat them to a lunch and then we wind up having a small group at the restaurant where we're sharing there too yep yep well you're doing a good work here ms k mckay works the older women work with the younger women which is biblical to its core the men they work with the men and and the parable of the sower is really for where where we fix to go and we've talked about in the last podcast jace it's pretty well what we do down in here the parable of the soil we plant the seed trying to get people just to bear fruit to god and do what's right love their neighbor so i all of that's still intact pretty solid i would say what do you say james yeah i mean you know we've all like kay said we've all made mistakes and dealt with different conflicts along the way but part of uh i think one of the reasons that we were trained in a good way was really not on purpose as a byproduct because in an effort to share jesus with other people and be hospitable you had all these conflicts that were discussed on y'all's couch with various people talking about years yeah and alcohol and husband-wife situations and fighting and cheating on each other and different things well you're as a kid you know you're coming up and you're hearing all these things it was it was something that you didn't really take a class for but it made you a little bit street smart about relationships because you're hearing about all these conflicts which y'all didn't really have a sensor or a filter about any subject i mean you know the first birds and bees talk i had them i said i'm eight years old but you know the things being discussed on the couch i was like what in the world are they talking about you know well it was it was definitely a rated r yeah you know talking about some of the things i heard and you know next thing you know i'm in the principal's office so then i come back down here and ask the question and it was like sit down here let me explain this to you but i mean i was like terrified i thought i'm not sure what all this is but it all sounds really bad well let's be let's be fair though phil had a knack for being blunt very blunt almost no not all of us he was shockingly blunt yes and so if you i'd always have to warn people before i take him down there and say look here's what's going to happen first of all my uncle is very blunt and you need to be prepared you he will share jesus with you so i'm just going to tell you but he cuts it around you know he'll say well we don't have time to get to know each other and all that kind of stuff we got to get right here to the chase and i'm going to tell you how it is in every detail and he did but what's funny is that y'all both of y'all that y'all y'all's marriage is is pretty amazing because you the way you complement each other you know you would create this hospitable atmosphere with the food there's something about food that brings human agency to people especially if it's good food and it's always good food it's always hot good everything was excellent and and your house was comfortable because it wasn't perfectly clean which made people feel comfortable that's right to come in and uh and then phil he would come in with with his ministry you know which was kind of this blunt ministry but i've just seen so many people over the years it used to just shocked me how they would how they would be receptive to the gospel and you know i think i think that's a testament to kennel's marriage and how god's redeemed it's kind of crazy how far y'all come you know that's exactly right and i who would have known that two teenagers get married have to get married and then all of a sudden you don't see all that ahead yeah but see i love when i went with phil one of my favorite things was they had see because it was me my sister was much older and then so i loved that they had all those p kids yeah i loved all his brothers and sisters of course i felt like psy was my real brother and uh you know i love that atmosphere so we had it even with that we had four kids but kind of spread out but then we had everybody else's kids there too oh y'all all the time one time a new preacher came to our church and he wanted to meet us and he came down he wouldn't couldn't walk through my living room because there were so many teenage boys on the floor sleeping and he said do you know all these and i said i don't know any of them they're new they just brought them home like boys bring home a dog they brought home teenagers a family of gatherers yeah that's interesting well i think something cool too that about you phil you were mentioning all the all the hunting i think there's something to see in that much you said meat and i mean when we you we would come down there to visit you know there was just always dead animals everywhere i mean there was fish i mean there was deer i mean i mean there was always dead animals and you think man how morbid it actually teaches you i mean you kind of realize that this how short this thing is when you're constantly seeing that over and over and i think there's something biblical there that you know and you guys are obviously harvesting it for the food but i mean there's something in that that circle of life and that consumption of that but i mean i've never seen more dead animals anywhere in my life than at y'all's place they were everywhere which is kind of however amazing yeah which is got to kill it if you're gonna grill it which is why i you know eat out one percent of the time now because it just it's not as good as doing it yourself it's just better yeah and you know what it is y'all yeah y'all still do that i don't know if you remember this story but uh when phil the last two books he wrote when we we we hired an agent um a good guy he's a christian book agent came in from california southern california so he comes in to the to the house and to meet phil for the first time and and we're going to the book and what it's going to be like and i mean they're like lost in conversation you know phil's kind of sharing his vision with all the passion he could muster and all of a sudden jace busted the front door with his hands under the gills of about a 20-pound appaloosa catfish and it's still moving but it's skinned there's no skin on it but it's still moving and jace is like i got lunch i got lunch and bill says he gets up and it doesn't say a word to sealy doesn't say anything hey i'll be back at this this gets up grabs the give me the butcher now and within 15 minutes the fish is in the fryer and within 25 minutes we're eating the fish and celie's looking at it like this guy from southern california's like what in the world just happened but he got to witness kind of everything we're talking about here he had never seen that before hey let's take one more break yeah i don't think seeley knew what he was getting into southern california but but it was i mean that appalachian catfish is one of the best things you guys make that's exactly right well share with god's people who are in need practice hospitality bless those who persecute you bless and don't curse rejoice with those who rejoice mourn with those who mourn live in harmony with one another don't be proud be willing to associate with people of low position don't be conceited don't repay evil for evil be careful to do what's right in the eyes of everybody if it's possible as far as it depends on you live at peace with everyone don't take revenge leave room for god's wrath you know you read that romans 12 jase i think we've i think we've practiced that yeah i thought about where we're at and matthew you know in matthew 12 and 13 you kind of see the beginning of god's plan in action at that stage of jesus's you know ministry and how he equated say your mother and your brother's out there well that's what i thought and and you know just a lot of people they don't even deal with that that what is that matthew 12 yeah 40 it just seems like what do you mean you got to put your family first but i think when jesus said that well look you know i'm not going to go out there and talk to my brothers because they wanted to talk to him he said this whoever does the will of my father that that's who my brothers and sisters and fathers so i do think there was a theme in all that which was y'all's conversion to jesus and and then an effort to kind of start over you know you move out here to the woods and reboot yeah but there was always a common theme no matter all the conflict and the bumpiness of everything and the mistakes that were made it was a there was a theme that we're gonna we're gonna do this god's way and so i mean looking back on it i was kind of thankful that we were poor and had to hang out with the you know befriend the people who were also bullied at school or whatever i was thankful for that because it made me value you know other people and really the only reason we were you know bullied or made fun of is just because we were poor which is you know you don't hear them about that in our culture now everybody's so sensitive but uh you know it makes you tough but it also makes you seek out other people who you think are being ridiculed just based on circumstances not at the moment in and of the themselves but i think i think this is you know the real world and i think as long as you're looking at it from god's view and this idea of being part of a forever family i think that's what gives you the perseverance and and the patience to survive yeah i do too well i don't i i look back at those memories uh growing up as some of the best memories i think things were more simple you know maybe that's nostalgia um we hit that we hit that word a few weeks ago but uh yeah it was it was like but i think coming down there to y'all's place and just being out in the middle of nowhere i mean for a time period you drive out there for the now the road's paved all the way to the highway but there was a time period when that was rocks dirt and then rocks and then pavement and it was about a 30 40 minute drive to church i remember in the back of that station wagon y'all used to have remember that it looked like the one on vacation that movie that's exactly exactly and we filled it to the brim then we fell we did yeah apollo we even drove all the way down to pineville and alexander which is an hour away from us yeah uh because phil had brought some people to christ and actually one of the boys kurt ryder was his name and he said i want to start it like you feel house church and everything and actually he did that and he he taught many many people from that our visit down there once a week all piled in that station wagon we heart we had to take up money for gas but it was so good because that got that whole church started down there what did y'all call them like soul talks or what was it called bible talk soul talks and uh then we had house church at our house for 20 years on sunday night and i mean jason you remember when you had me going and getting people all over town because jason would wait outside the grocery store and invite him to our house church and then he'll say my mama's going to come get you and then he sent me in places i don't know if i ever should be in there driving but i did it and god protected me and we had souls well it's kind of cool to see where you are right now and the cool thing is now we've been had the opportunity uh to do a movie on the first 28 years of y'all's life kind of the it's really kind of the as a media oh it's the family story it goes back even you know the granny the days of granny and paul and uh i'm anxious to do that to get that down i'll be in louisiana next week on like a scouting trip we're going to go back to vivian and all the area uh ida well your business grocery store is still there we're going to we're going to do some scouting for the film but um so it's kind of it's going to be kind of an emotional week next week because i'll get to see kind of the old stomping grounds of where where we started where it all started and then we're hopefully going to capture that on film and and uh have a really amazing story to tell so well i i respect you guys and glad you could join us here today kay i i love it and i uh i'm glad i got to surprise phil and jace you don't get to do that often that's true well that's it for today so hopefully uh we'll do better next time and thank you all for joining us thanks for listening to the unashamed podcast help us out by rating us on itunes and 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Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 60,579
Rating: 4.9625936 out of 5
Id: HahOg_P8oSA
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Length: 53min 11sec (3191 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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