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hello guys welcome to Egypt I'm on a tour here  with gate one cruising down the Nile right now   we're on a nine-day trip heading from Cairo  to Aswan to Abu Simbal to Luxor then back to   Cairo so i wanted to give you a few facts in  case you're taking this similar trip to Egypt   what to expect so number one is this  country at the beginning of the decade   in 2011 there was the Arab Spring here all right  demonstrators shouting angrily he's not leaving Tahrir Square had more than two million  people everyone in the square at the three   splinter square everyone the big revolution  everyone again is Mubarak the Arab Spring here   everyone that is complaints can you see where  they're working out what they're doing what   they're doing something here but in that spot, in  particular, most people shot that in that house during the Arab Spring everybody that is that is  february 2011. so it this country has faced a very   tumultuous decade a lot of people here they are on  a tour they are not traveling solo i haven't seen   any solo travelers or independent travelers at  all everyone is here with a tour you want to   have a guide to point out the facts to you there  is absolutely no way unless you're an egyptologist   or an archaeologist to know everything about what  you're seeing and our guide has spent years in   school studying archaeology so he knows about the  different pharaohs the gods the life and times in   the past so it's been really great number two is  there's a lot of people selling stuff and trying   to make a dollar so as you're going to the sites  you'll hear people say dollar one dollar take i did buy the scarf but be careful about that  because if you show your money or you show   interest they will swarm you so just so you know  number three is we are here in january so it is   chilly it's in the 60s i'm from california  so that's cold so that means a jacket   scarf long sleeves you do not want to wear  shorts here even if you are here in the summer   it's not considered acceptable wear also you  want to bring no sandals i would recommend   shoes covered shoes because the temples have a  lot of rocky roads and you could trip and get   hurt so be careful where you're walking wear  appropriate shoes okay i am boiling some water   and that means it's time for our next fact about  what to expect when visiting egypt is about the   food so egypt has some really delicious food but  you want to be careful about food poisoning here   we haven't eaten at any of the restaurants off the  beaten path we haven't eaten any street food it is   not safe to eat and the water is not safe to drink  for travelers so be sure to drink bottled water life here it's both modern and ancient at the  same time. i feel like if you went back in time   you would see a lot of people living the same  lifestyle like fishing, living in simple homes,   living a simple life. and then you have modern  Cairo which does have skyrises and some busy   modern life, a lot of traffic things, like  that. And one of our tour group members   said that it's similar to Pennsylvania in  that way. you have people living in the past   people living in the present side by side. another  thing is about safety. so we are on a tour.   i do not recommend coming here unless you are  on a tour. the reason is because of safety. so   our guide is with us at all times we also have  a bodyguard and sometimes even a police escort.   Egypt has a tourism police and they are very  vigilant and they've been watching over all   the sites. everywhere you go you have to go  through metal detectors and things like that   in order to get into the sites the airports  including domestic have double security   so you go through the security belt twice so  it's a little bit of a slog to travel like that   but it's good to be safe and they're really taking  extra precautions there which is great the economy   here is very much centered around tourism it's one  of their top sectors if not the top sector of the   economy here so it's we haven't felt unsafe at all  but you do notice people with huge machine guns   another word on safety is do not be alarmed  by the guards they're very prevalent here to   protect both you and the ancient sites also  egypt is experiencing a time of peace right   now but do check your u.s state department before  traveling here we did notice that walking around   it did feel safe and well lit and so  right now we're crossing through the   nile we're gonna go see some more temples  we're only on the nile for three days   it's really nice this is the relaxing part of  the trip but before today it was very go go go   a lot of early morning flights to get down to  Abu Simbal you can also take a bus to Abu Simbal but that takes three and a half hours so if you  want to do a seven hour car ride you can do the   bus but we opted for the 30-minute flight  like i said two security lines both ways   but definitely not to miss Ramses II temple! it was awesome! so the last thing i want to say   about Egypt is: it is definitely, 100% worth it  to come here. it is absolutely incredible. one   of the greatest civilizations of all time. super  mysterious. super interesting. you'll love it.  we're on the nile cruise we are on the nile cruise  what do you think about egypt so far it's cool we   are so happy to be here we waited so long to be  here now the tour groups are back and we are here i love this! it's a beautiful chat we were just  saying how this country is like a   two-speed country you got folks living  in the past and then folks living in the
Channel: Run The Atlas
Views: 358,699
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Keywords: travel, run the atlas, travel guide, egypt safety, travel safety, egypt tourism, egypt, before you visit, before you go, travel advice, Egypt travel advice, cairo, nile river, nile river egypt, nile river cruise, travel to egypt, egypt culture shocks, egypt what to, egypt what to wear, egypt what to see, egypt safe, egypt safe to travel, how to avoid food poisoning, egypt culture shock, egypt revolution tahrir square, is egypt safe, advice, honest travel advice
Id: FOS3-c0djkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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