Avoid This Egyptian City 🇪🇬

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good afternoon everybody here in luxor it's around 4 45 p.m and according to my weather up look at that 42 degrees um but decided to head up to luxor temple where hopefully we can uh hop on a falooka which is sort of like a traditional boat here in egypt and set sail into the nile first time on the nile but yeah let's walk out the front gate of my hotel here and uh you'll see what happens a ton of taxi drivers it's always a funny time but as you saw on the sign just at the beginning there only 40 pounds it should cost we'll see how much we get charged if he's an honest guy we'll give him a tip but uh yeah let's do it and they are coming over yeah i'm going to luxor temple how much no just the one way how would you be uh 40. because it's about 50 40. it's 50. 40. it's in the hotel it says 40 because the fittest 45. 50 between 50. who is the driver he's the driver okay what's your name hey adam the other driver i had his name was adam that is your arabic name yes really no my middle name is adam where uh what a problem i'm from australia yes you're from australia i don't know oh awesome it's very hot in our swan yeah yes also very hot in luxor how many day in egypt or in uh maybe two three days i'm not sure i decide why tomorrow morning tomorrow morning i will be swimming in the pool oh yeah because it's so hot you know oh yes i have your uh i'm king valley the green valley oh yeah the valley of the kings are the queen yeah maybe we go another time you are always outside of the hotel what you are how much is the hotel the hotel friend not too wait what now i'm confused i'm confused where this conversation is leading how much to uh how much should i pay to go to um for faluca [Music] all right well anyway we go to luxor temple and i will walk okay okay foreign yeah hello i'm good how are you you're doing good let me hang on oh i'm not sure i'm going to luxor temple and then i'll decide where where i want to go but maybe i'll go for you have faluca nice to meet you adam the door is not working the door i can't get out that's abandoned ah thank you very much thank you hello nice to meet you nice to meet you um maybe i'll just go for a walk with one second i'm sorry one second today for the big mark would be over the day today the market come on yes alabaster ah it's fine i'll just go for a walk okay maybe after a walk maybe all right we'll see all right we'll play he gives you you look like an egyptian i'm not egyptian where are from i'm from australia good people meet me coming from not me from nabi you're from esmen you're from you're from arsenal yeah from rice one um here look horses oh look at the horses how much does a lady gaga he's a lady gun lady gaga oh my goodness how much one hour half an hour well how much is half hour about 50 egyptians i'll come back okay i'm gonna go for a walk all right you what you wait here and i'll go for a walk after walk together no no no no no no i go by myself excuse my friends one second i'm so just my time your own business don't work six years no business you understand because it's my time no business yeah you have a good man for half an hour certainly you should be about yeah well i'll come back after my walk lady gaga my horses no business my friend only 30 egyptian pounds lady gaga as i said i'll come back all right all right i'm going to go think about after a walk don't worry my friend you wait here and i'll come i'll go you stay here don't worry about otherwise people oh my goodness no thank you what this newspapers are still a thing in 2021 what is oh my goodness no it's okay i didn't even know newspapers were a thing anymore no man i don't need it i'm okay nothing english no thank you look at all the stores um it's my time no business here yeah no but you know yeah i know but like even you just said it you know you're hustling wake up my friend after you go to go half an hour down marco lux or city after i come back all of a sudden yeah i i told you i'll do it but i just like not now you know i just want to go yeah by myself all right after a while by myself you know all right after a while maybe i want to i want to enjoy time by myself i i'm sorry i'm sorry for hosting this many times no business i know you see the stickers no business yeah i understand that yeah anyways let's have a look at lockster temple okay so luxor temple everybody to be honest i don't know how we get in or if it's even open i was just using this as a meeting point i was using this as a meeting point to sort of get to the seaside because i knew no like around here there's a lot of cool things so yeah you know especially during summer and covered times there's not many uh tourists around so when you are here look at that when you are here um be prepared to be hustle i don't mind actually like going on these things but just like at my own time i sort of just want to like walk around first what is your name me mohammed muhammad hey what's your name thank you all right let's go to the seaside and uh see what happens i feel like there's going to be a bit of action there ah look at this so hey uh maybe later i'm just i'm just looking are you from i'm from australia nice to meet you where are you from it's from pink oh yeah yeah yeah westminster near the valley of the kings valley of the queens yes you already done it or tomorrow no i've done it already yeah many many times so the nile everybody tons of boats that you can get there's faluca for luca good price how much i'll go for a walk first and then then we see so we'll definitely be able to get a fulluca there's our horseman muhammad uh let's walk up this way i walk like an egyptian how do egyptians walk i thought everyone walked the same road be like this that is how i was not walking like that what are you going off this walk yeah i'm just going for a walk walk exercise yeah i need it because i'm getting fat all the coursery oh okay yeah egyptian food no you don't go to the city town what do you mean city this is the city right here this way mcdonough is the egyptian i don't need it i'm already fat enough i don't need the mcdonald's i'm just going for a walk i'm going for a walk along the coast you know seeing the nile maybe for a market today no i'll go on another day maybe because today is special day egyptian market oh that's what the other guys said one day one day oh it's very big shop city vlog yeah i don't know i went i went on a market hunt in cairo so i don't know how much for faluka one hour where where is the boat the faluca this one says all right let's go check it out but 100 pounds yeah let's go down here gee it is tout central out here i tell you to be fair though you know they're just making a living you know what's your name my name is mahmoud mohammed yeah nice to meet you nice to meet you oh wow look at all the architecture here this is this is your faluca which one how do you get there oh you have to walk along the rocks we've got to negotiate the price before i hop on board otherwise i lose all the leverage well i'm not sure if i want to go on you know how much 100 pounds yes sure for one hour you can do better than that like you can do better than that better price yes but his egyptian but if you need normal prices i have normal price and i have a egyptian price and you're giving it to me for 100. yeah that's what everybody's saying yes you know what i'll help out the local economy one hour which one is it this one or the next one next one all right you're are you coming with me yes take care but what's your steps all right well we're hopping on to a feluca this one the next one do i get over here all right this this one here you are you are the captain to be honest i don't know what the price of these usually go for but one hour for 100 pounds around less than 10 australian dollars ah actually seems like a half decent price to be honest so maybe what i've seen is actually like people uh you know you go out on these boats and there's like a lot of like sellers come out to you and sell you like sunglasses on all those kinds of things so we're going to raise the flag of the faluca and then we will go on our merry way over into the depths of the nile river tell you what even at like five in the afternoon it's so hot out here as i said well as i showed around like yeah 43 degrees at 5 pm it's just absolutely insane and we're not even in like the middle of summer yet you swim in the nail there's no crocodiles alligators no that's good i have no idea how that video turned out oh we're leaving i didn't even notice i was having i put my camera underwater to see if it was waterproof and we're already off onto the shores nice well yeah let's go sure all right how do you drive all right we got we got the sail up oh my goodness that is not very stable the big sail he's attaching all the ropes muhammad how long have you been a captain for about here 16 years wow so you're a professional yes he's because i am i work in i was my father ah you learn with your dad when you're young and it is it is completely powered by the sail there is no motor no motor just the just the sail yeah this one by the sail wow it's way cooler out here on the river as you can expect compared to uh walking the streets but yeah we will go for a fellow ride everybody i mean we're off and racing so there's this thing apparently called banana island over there i don't think i have enough time to check it out today but maybe we can get a fluke another time and then uh yeah we'll check it out then and apparently there's alligators and crocodiles and bananas there but yeah this is it everybody the nile biggest uh river in the world as far as i believe definitely the biggest running through africa in it it uh starts in i believe like maybe oh wow oh my goodness we almost got clocked by a freaking big wooden pole [Music] do you need my help you okay i have no idea what's going on i'm just going to sit down are you from luxor yeah i'm from east bank west west bank the valley of the kings valley of the queens nice so this is how you control it with the you want to throw it down oh wow look so you move it that way and that goes that way you want to go that way it goes that way and then obviously as i said i'll sit all right let's direct it which way do we want to go i'm guessing is it like opposites if you go that way you're going to go to the left i think it is yeah it is 100 for one hour right yeah i don't believe in that huh well i don't know you know there's a lot of scammers and people meaning i know maybe somebody here maybe he will talk to you know one hour 300. so you're giving me a good price but you know sometimes sometimes as a tourist it is difficult to believe everybody yeah yeah because you know there's a lot of scammers because maybe you know he's some people will told you yes 100 so i'm paying you 100 egyptian pounds yes i [Music] you i actually didn't even think of that he could have got me there honest man you know how i treat honest people here in these videos guys that you are very lucky today sure but you are because yeah good weather a lot of wind and you know do people sell things in boats like uh i don't know i saw videos of people they come up to you and sell you sunglasses and closets ah okay luxor temple right in the distance is luxor temple the oldest temple in egypt the oldest one temple you know but his fairest his habs yeah valley king valley queens i haven't been but i don't want to be up sold you know can you call me today hey can you help me today uh like one day i leave saturday so what happens if the wind stops and you can't go back home you have to row well let's hope the wind uh maintains it's presence but i think we've been look we'll use this as our marker so i'm pointing it straight that's where we are in front of this kind of boat yeah hopefully in a couple minutes we go one way or the other t is okay if you like yeah yeah okay oh i will be all right have to sit there i will be the driver here's my legs oh yeah i see what you mean oh wow yeah all right wow that's very uh strong you have to put your legs here because there's so much like force with the wind on the sail that if i was to move like i'll show you look it goes instantly straight away back into me so just chilling being the captain of the boat do you use the water from the nail no no is the water clean in the nile yes but the last one is more than clean yeah okay ah so that's the tea yeah nice [Music] yes yeah i'm going we started drifting look at this i found a hack everybody we go around here and then boom i am a good captain you i have learnt the ropes oh literally i've learnt the ropes this is how you do it now if i leave that there that is the way to do it a bit more and then where do you tie this you can oh you just wrap it around nice and now i can see how the tea is uh being cooked so it is just gas so in there it's being cooked you can see the flame oh this is where you sleep yeah oh can i go inside yes oh it's a bit crushed yeah well i don't want to knock the gas burner over but here it is oh wow all right this is where you sleep it's actually very cozy i can't imagine it being like cool or anything like it'll be so hot like right now it's very hot for me you know you got pillows union jack what is that disgrace come on where's the aussie flag actually the freaking union jack is on the aussie flag is that germany above me oh my goodness cool and here's the team [Music] all right let's get out of here yeah i'm going to chop out of these uh just just one one one sugar please yeah that's fine perfect oh you have a lot of sugar yeah oh maybe more more yeah more more sugar like the egyptian way you want one more yeah that's good that's good thank you all right let's give this a taste test oh it's very hot yeah freshly boiled egyptian tea i am i don't know what is my kid from uh hey i i don't know ah you go haha that is the local way my friend i want to do something any water he will walking you know he will have current um yeah you know he's not bad yeah yeah because it's always moving yes yeah any water for an eye will have a all right here's the taste test of the tea wow it's very nice very delicious so sugary and so delicious gee it's only the better teas i've had in a while oh that's so refreshing so there's definitely no no alligators no crocodiles no somebody told me there was i don't know i can't remember who his uh but not in the knife you're waiting for me yeah it's good i don't know if i can believe you i hope to you yeah it's fun welcome back thank you now are you taking me to your shop thank you my friend there you go thank you i'll text you if we uh we go to west bank okay i have your number oh you're waiting for me yeah i don't know if i want to go with you though i'm going to uh where do you want to take me to your shop wow it's a much more manageable temperature right now so much cooler yeah it's very beautiful maybe i'll go this way but i don't think look i don't want to waste your time man i'm not going to look for language to speak okay we can speak english together okay how many languages do you know four four four arabic english german spanish german french french one thing i noticed on the like boulevard here is that there's so many people like setting up like for cameras they have uh like their cameras and have all the setups well lucky i have my own camera so i don't need to pay them but you can see there's some there some there's some there some here some there some there and there's a guy over there as well they're wearing the yellow they're like bumble bees black and yellow nice similar together you know i cook in in the kitchen i know how to make you're a good cook yeah you know saffron saffron no no no it's very expensive oh saffron no i have heard of that you know why i've heard of it because i've heard of tourists getting scammed by buying fake stuff from them that is the only reason i know because there's lots of fake stuff pretty cheap from the shop for an original one okay ah this way yeah i said i don't want to waste your time so only have a look no man i'm not gonna buy i don't need chaffron i'm just going to i'm going to walk this way okay okay not for buy just for have a look why enjoy your eyes buy no buy let's just see how to make the spices i think no i just went on one you know how much 100 maybe um yes last one gee that would take like 10 days right stella yeah the beer beer yeah do you like it i don't drink too much to be honest one bottle of cake yeah one bottle maybe a bottle of vodka boutique also a small one not one liter no half liter yeah it's 250. 250 pounds egyptian pounds it's smaller one for stella or vodka no vodka what's going to say that's expensive for wine so as i was saying these boats here they um they go down from like us one or lux or us or arsenal under locks or either way three or four nights you stop along a couple of the major cities and the temples along the along the nile and all that kind of stuff now look i'd do that if it was one night but three or four nights for me i mean what am i gonna do sit in my hotel room by myself it's pretty boring when you don't travel with anybody especially when you're spending three or four nights on a um hey we have some viewers hello how are you you're good all right let's walk back down this way hopefully we can get rid of this tout he's annoying me man i just want to walk around excuse me let me invite it for you horse and curry i invited his hospitality his big friend this guy come on we'll take smalls today no how much is it it's this month no it's okay i'm fine that's somebody else excuse me no i don't need it we invited hospitality it's hospitality but you're making me pay oh no honestly honestly come on man hospitality gee you know the hospitality in pakistan the next level no it's okay i'm okay i bite hospitality you are you invite me i i like you i invite your horse you want beer yeah no i've already been you can't say hospitality and then you know exchange products and all that stuff i'll just walk man you can stay here and i'll walk okay i'll go by myself we'll go photoshop no you can go to your shop and i'll go over here enjoy it come on man just just let me be alone you know i just want to talk to my camera i know i don't want to look because i know i'm not going to buy it man you're going to want uh so you can't get me to buy anything so now you're going the uh the small bit no business small yeah come on no man whatever if i gave gifts to everybody because of no business then i'd be a poor man thank you there's no business no good business not ask you whatever no man i'm okay you don't see the market no no thank you thank you for leaving me my goodness usually just like ignoring them or just like saying no a lot of times does the job but here in luxor it's a little bit different you have to be spatially aware when you travel behind me i'm about to be approached nice to see you yeah where is your friend where is the friendly flavor yeah lady gaga where is lady gaga it's a different one a different one there's not how much how much how much weed have you smoked you look very high you love you love the gunja what are from i'm from australia yeah bob marley i have a bob marley shirt but i'm not wearing it i'm wearing the mozzarella shirt where are you going i'm just going for a walk for a walk yeah how much i think one hour my friend how much 10 egyptian no it's okay we might go in there and see if we can sit down just chill out you know how much candy no i don't i don't know yeah there's no one to do [Music] abram is no church okay promise but my friend is promised i'm okay man like five grams five grams yes for how much for 80 pounds yes and it's good yes good i swear you know a lovely tasty really can we try before you buy no i don't i don't need it i'm not saying do you look like i don't need it i'm okay you know we have each other here bro you know don't be worried why are you worried bro what am i worried about i am i am worried because my mom told me never to buy drugs in a foreign country we live the beaver enjoy was alive do you smoke enjoy yeah where is the east side uh east side east side yeah sure what are you going now bro i'm gonna go for a walk where i might go back to my hotel show this way bob marley no i'm not staying at the bob marley hotel otherwise i'd be high all the time oh what about you wanna smoke one joint no no no i volunteer this is my hospitality bro hospitality listen i respect your country i respect you nice guy to talk with us all right listen yeah we can walk we can walk no we think we sit here in the garden we smoke when we join no that is a recipe for disaster recipe for disaster as a tourist you know smoking on the streets in egypt the cops will uh want thousands of dollars from me yeah how much huh how much just 22. 20 pounds yes so starch and burger 20 pounds yes okay this is this one yes this one okay i'll sit in the back all right guys well that's a bit more chaotic than i was expecting and i didn't like some of those situations especially like at the end there like when when you're outnumbered and i could see people weren't too happy about the camera that's why i was like holding it down but yeah you know i feel like in in like a majority of other countries i would have taken up that guy's offer of like smoking a joint like if i was in pakistan 100 um like kyrgyzstan even 100 uh but yeah like if you're an egyptian watching this right now you might want to plug your ears but i just don't really like trust these touristy areas especially after like some horror stories that my friends have told me um and you know after experiencing that there's bloody chaotic could tell you that's for somebody that's traveled a fair bit as well but nonetheless beautiful sunset overlooks all over the nile into the west bank and beyond all right back at my accommodation i'll give you a quick little uh accommodation tour i'm not on the nile side because this is just a little bit cheaper so i was like ah i've seen enough of the nile views um so i decided to go this room but that was damn crazy honestly that was like very crazy so many touts so many people out there muhammad the faluca captain was super nice gave him like a um i gave him 300 egyptian pounds around 30 australian dollars because he's super nice super humble got his number uh he's a really kind guy yeah you saw how much he got hustled there just like wanted to be on my own wanted to be alone but just time after time people following me good content i guess but like still like i imagine why like tourists here get so annoyed because you know it's just constant and it's like i know they're just trying to make a living let me show you my room quickly so this is around 35 usd per night you can upgrade for about 10 usd extra to get a nile view but i was like you know this is fine bathroom is absolutely gorgeous bathtub toilet got the bomb gun which i haven't seen in egypt yet which is um you know i'm happy pretty nice sink all that good stuff and then of course the above shower which i always crave about so it's like there's something so different about it being like from above you as if it's a rain instead of just like a normal tap um so yeah that's that sort of standard like coffee stuff mugs you know i've got my bags and a bit of drawers there got my flip-flops my thongs chuck them in the corner and then the bed which uh is again one of the nicest beds i've had uh here in egypt like the beds are just like on point in this country you can just like oh so fluffy it's like i'm jumping onto a cloud but uh yeah flight screen tv got a desk uh you know all that kind of stuff that was my pool tower that i'm drying out a little bit and then as i showed before just a view over to the city and and whatnot we might enjoy sunset down on the nile so i'll bring you down to the pool area and we'll finish up the video down that way [Music] well guys look how beautiful the sunset is over the nile we've like kind of just missed it but there's still like an orangey pinky tinge in the distance it just looks absolutely beautiful beautiful colors and so such a good temperature it was definitely an interesting evening around luxor dealing with all the touts and everything but nonetheless fun time muhammad the faluca guy was absolutely amazing delicious tea so he was a real positive of today's video so yeah as always guys i want to thank you all for watching the video chase dreams and we'll see you all in the next one goodbye
Channel: Travel with Luke Damant
Views: 258,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: egypt, cairo, egyptian, thisisegypt, ancientegypt, alexandria, egyptology, egypt food, egypt travel, travel egypt, egypt travel 2021, travel egypt 2021, cairo 2021, travel cairo, luxor, aswan, luxor 2021, aswan 2021, giza, pyramids 2021, great pyramids of giza, great pyramids, great pyramids 2021, travel vlog, egypt vlog, egpyt travel vlog, cairo vlog, luke damant, travel with luke damant, travel, traveller, travel video, travel vlog 2021
Id: lIrqq81_2kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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