Reasons Why Tourists Get Robbed in Europe

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hello Travelers Mark here with Walter's world and today we're here in Paris and today we're going to talk about our reasons why tours get robbed when they travel and we're here on a dark and stormy day here in Paris and I think that's a good time to talk about some of the dark and stormy parts of your travels because there are times when you do get robbed it does happen it doesn't always happen but it's important for you to know the situations and the reasons why so you can be prepared for that and honestly one of the biggest reasons why you get robbed as a tourist is because you're a tourist and you look the part that's why it's very important that you prepare yourself before you go what should I wear where should I go where should I not go what are the sites when do I go out when do I not go out the more you prepare yourself the less uncomfortable you fear and the less uncomfortable you look when you walk around because if you look like a tour so you've got your guidebook like this you're looking at your guidebook and the site you're not paying attention to your surroundings okay so so just be aware of that because the thing is it's not just your clothes that give you away as a tourist it's how you act and how you go around all right now another reason why you might get robbed when you travel is you're showing The Bling you know you got your rings and your bracelets and your earrings and your bracelets and your necklaces and lots of braces apparently but also you're showing your cash when you're going to the ATM you take out a lot of money or you're paying with cash you're showing those things people notice those things here in Paris whenever you take out my money by the ATM you'll see there's probably somebody begging near that ATM and they're seeing what you're taking out so just make sure you're not drawing attention to yourself to be like hey look at me I have money I you should rob me because honestly there's some place in the world you really don't dress up you really don't dress nice and and show The Bling and the Rings and stuff like that because it does attract people to rob you okay now another thing I think is important for all tourists to remember is this and this is the reason why people get robbed well you think the magic fanny pack of Travelers will protect you from anything bad happening I can't tell you how many people I've talked to over the years that have been really upset my vacation was ruined because my car got broken into or my wallet got stolen I'm like well those things happen at home too don't they well yes like yeah I mean crime happens where I live just like it happens here in Paris and people think just because they're on vacation nothing bad will happen look going back to that first one you do have to prepare you do have to do the basic common stuff my wallet notice it's not in my back pocket it's in my front pocket my mom has the money but when she's here because she realizes look I'm a tourist these things happen and I'm not just protected because I'm on vacation and I think that's one of the reasons why when people do get robbed or they do get pickpocket when they travel they get even more upset because they expect to be a relaxing vacation and obviously when you get pickpocker rob it is not a relaxing thing so be aware of that the magic fanny pack does not protect you from bad things happening when you travel now the next thing I think is important to realize the reason why you were robbed is your age either you're old or you're young or you have young ones with you because if you're old they see oh you're old you're not going to chase after us or you're not going to speak the language when you're in another country right so they're easy pickings my parents have been robbed before a guy is like oh you have some mustard on your shoulder and they helped it off my mom put her bag down I wasn't there for this I warned her it was in Barcelona I said don't trust anyone put it down he helped her get the mustard off they walked away her bag was gone okay old people are targets also young people little kids and and teenagers are easy because they're not paying attention that's one thing I always want to say is don't give your little kid the expensive camera because the camera is the Target and if you're a little kid has it they're relatively easy to rob from that's why it's called taking candy from a baby so do be aware of that and the thing is if you're traveling with your little ones you're watching your little ones and not your gear Jocelyn she had her wallet stolen from Liam's baby bag like where the dirty diapers go she had her wallet in there and they stole her wallet out of the diaper bag okay so just realize your age that would be something that influence it as well now another thing that might draw attention and get people to notice you that they might rob you is if you're loud when you're out and about if you're drawing attention Yourself by being loud I know Jocelyn talks about the girl here we came to Paris many years ago and she's on the she's on the Mets when she's like I can't believe I'm drinking French champagne in Paris I mean it was like so loud I'm like I want to rob you just to shut you up and one of the things if you're loud obnoxious as a tourist No One's Gonna feel sorry for you when something bad does happen to you so just remember that and remember your manners because then people are like hey leave that person alone because I've seen locals stop people robbing other people because the person was not being an annoying tourist so just have a heads up for that now another reason why you might get robbed is you have too much luggage the thing is sometimes we have so much luggage you don't realize when a piece disappears this is one of those taxi things when a bag is is forgotten in the taxi right these things do happen sometimes it's an accident but sometimes it's not when you have too much luggage you're too busy trying to hold it all you're not gonna be able to run after them if they take a bag or they take a wallet or take a small bag because you got all your other stuff and you're not going to leave it behind so that's why we always recommend travel light we will go for nine weeks at a time and I will have a carry-on bag and my backpack with my camera stuck and that's it okay you don't need to take the kitchen sink with you you don't need 20 pairs of shoes okay just ten all right but realize that the more luggage you have the more you gotta watch out for there's more things that can get stolen and it's it is an issue that is one of the things I want you to know now another reason why you might get robbed when you travel is you don't protect your important stuff right I mean you just carry your passport and your back pocket or your wallet in your back pocket easy picking points you don't use the hotel safe for your cash and for your passport when you're going out you don't back up your documents like these things because once they get lost they're hard to replace okay so that's why it's important have a scanned version of your passport in your phone or or also have it in your you know Google Drives or email it to yourself same thing with your plane tickets if you don't have your you know have your codes have those things ready just in case you need to get it if they do get taken also if you have medicine this is things you travel in the U.S one of the biggest things that happened is you get your medicine stolen in the hotel so make sure you do use that lock box okay or safe to keep your stuff safe okay because a lot of people again it kind of goes that magic fanny pack nothing's gonna happen no you you need to protect yourself all the time whether you're in the hotel room with your stuff or you're not with your stuff it needs to be locked away and put away and that whole not protecting yourself another big one I do see is you leave your phone just laying on the table I mean I will see people sometimes they'll put it in their jacket pocket and then put their jacket on the back of their coat that's easy pickings right there or they're out like here in Paris I've seen it a lot people are sitting at the tables outside they have their phone sitting there they're not thinking they're talking to their friends someone walks by boom their phone is gone that goes to that whole idea of not protecting your important stuff so remember that with your phone don't just leave it out same thing with your wallet don't leave I mean so if you got that big full wallet that you know some people joke about that dads have get rid of all that stuff before you go keep it small so you can keep in your front pocket so it's not uncomfortable to sit on now the eighth reason why you got robbed is you're gullible you're naive you think everyone is here to help you you really want to help them yes I will sign that petition to protect the world and and to make nuclear bomb is illegal here in France look you gotta be careful with the people you meet when you travel now I'll be honest when I travel around the world I've met wonderful people everywhere but you gotta at least be realistic when you meet people here in France if someone comes up and tries to give you a free flower a free bracelet it's not free they're gonna want something right or if they come up to have you sign a petition look they're not theirs for petitions they're sizing you up letting them know if like what could I get from this person or maybe they are getting something from you and you don't even realize it look you can't be gullible if something happens so a bird poops on you or the mustard gets on you like how they got my mom she was gullible it's like oh that's a really nice person that's helping me out don't be that way you got to be like on your on your nose and you're like paying attention when these things are happening because yes there's a lot of really helpful people but sometimes there's people that use people's naivete and gullibleness to help them to your stuff and you don't want that when you're traveling now the ninth reason you got robbed when you travel is you're an American or you're Asian and the reason why I say that is because there's two things that American and Asian tourists have in common one they usually like cash and cash is great because if someone does take your wallet once you notice it's missing that track where you went and look in the garbage cans because they're probably not going to use your credit card and your license but they will take that cash okay and they know with Americans and Asians they have a lot of cash on them so they're hey if we pickpocked them we robbed them we're probably gonna get more cash and stuff we can use than if we rob somebody else also in general Asians and Americans tend not to speak all the foreign languages of all the different countries they go to therefore it's harder for them to yell help or get the police and by the time somebody realizes something's going on Boom the thieves are gone okay so I just want to give a heads up for that I've actually seen that with my students when I brought them to Europe so just be ready now the 10th reason why you might get robbed when you travel is you're impaired whether you've drank too much or you've taken too much of something when you're doing that you're making bad decisions but also your reflexes are slower your decision making is worse and that's where it's easier to rob people I have seen a lot of drunk Travelers or hungover Travelers the next day at hostels all over Europe actually all over the world missing a wallet missing a phone that they lose it or somebody take it I've seen people that got beat up because they were drunk and they lost their passport that way my buddy Steve and we're in St Petersburg that happened to him so you know just be smart if you're going to be out drinking with your buddies don't stay out too late or make sure you're going with your buddies not going out alone okay so be careful with that and that leads me into the 11th thing and you see my tears go in because the 11th reason why you got robbed is something there's no we can do about it's just bad luck you're in the wrong place at the wrong time I lived in Lisbon this is like this is one of the safest Capitals in Europe guys try to rob me on the Metro because I got at the wrong spot these things happen you're going up the escalator and you forget to zip your bag someone goes and it takes it just just bad luck happens don't let getting robbed ruined your trip yes it's going to upset you yes it's going to suck but don't let it ruin your experience don't let it ruin your time enjoy what you can because hey you know what they took your credit cards you get your credit cards back they take your passport you can get a passport back you can replace those things you can't replace yourself and you can't replace your memory so let yourself still enjoy your trip even if some crappy things do happen like getting robbed and I'll be honest I've been doing this traveling thing for a long long long long long long long long time and the only thing I've ever had to tell them for me is an umbrella okay so just be aware of that because it does happen Liam well Jocelyn got robbed of Liam's near her wallet from her diaper bag when she was with Liam my mom's had her thing happen to her my dad's people tried to pickpocket him a number of times too because he was older and on public transportation so do be careful with that all right so if you want to learn more about safety when you travel we have a video on just general safety advice for travelers we also have a video on the most popular places for people to get robbed when they do travel yeah tourist sites and public transportation always have your head on a swivel and pay attention to those places because those are the two biggest ones but they're all linked down below if you want to have more stuff safety advice for here in Paris or tourist traps and scams all over Europe check us out on our website at or go below we'll have more videos down below to help out and I would say a special thank you to all our members on YouTube and patrons on patreon who make help us make honest travel videos like this I just want to say thank you you are amazing and I'll say from here in Perry and let's hope that nobody gets robbed on this trip bye
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 217,568
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Keywords: travel, europe, wolters world, travel advice, tourist attractions, travel vlogger, honest travel, Walters World
Id: Y8irjsjhtq4
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Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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