Epic Highs & Unwelcome Lows I Had Cruising the Nile!

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I never thought I would have to sleep on the  bathroom floor on my AmaWaterways Nile River   cruise to avoid a downside that no one warned me  about. I instead had been told to watch out for   safety issues, pushy vendors, and getting the  infamous Egyptian upset stomach. So, how did I   find it all? Was it worth it, even with those  two nights of sleeping on the bathroom floor? Welcome aboard. I'm Gary Bembridge. Let’s start  with the highs. First off, although I knew it   would be impressive, nothing had prepared  me for the actual grandeur of the sights. My AmaWaterways trip was 11 days,  starting with 3-nights in Cairo,   a 7-night Nile River Cruise sailing from Luxor to  Aswan and back and one final night back in Cairo. While in the city they took us to  see the three enormous pyramids   and Great Sphinx at Giza, where  many guests went on camel rides. Two other Cairo highlights for me  were the Alabaster Mosque at the   Citadel of Salah Eldin, and the  Museum of Egyptian Antiquities. But for me, the best sights  were on the cruise itself. At the start in Luxor, we visited the Valley of  the Queens to see the remarkable Nefertari’s tomb,   and others like Titi’s Tomb, wife of  Rameses III. In the Valley of the Kings,   I saw Tutankhamen's tomb, and three other  magnificent tombs with the most remarkable   being Titi’s husband Ramses III’s tomb  stretching deep into the hillside. We also went spent time at the multi-level  Queen Hatshepsut's temple carved into the   mountain side. This is one of my  favourites from the entire trip. Also in Luxor, we explored the 250-acre Karnak  Temple complex, which transported me into scenes   I remembered from Agatha Christie’s “Death on the  Nile” film. We also ventured north to the Temple   of Hathor, Goddess of Love, near Qena with its  magnificent blue ceilings depicting the zodiac. Then on the sailings to and from Luxor  to Aswan we called in at Edfu to see   the enormous Temple of Horus, and at Kom Ombo  visited the only temple dedicated to two gods,   Sobek (the Crocodile God) and Haroeris  (the Falcon-headed Good Doctor God). Once in Aswan we explored the Philae  Temple, which was moved in its entirely   from an island that was going to disappear  under rising lake waters to a new island. I also experienced two things in Aswan  that will stay with me for years. First,   was sailing on a felucca from the AmaDahlia  ship to have afternoon tea at the famous Old   Cataract Hotel, where Agatha Christie  spent time writing “Death on the Nile”. And second was Abu Simbel. These massive and  jaw-dropping temples were moved 62 metres up   and 200 metres along to avoid the  rising waters when Lake Nasser was   built in the 1960s. Ever since I was  10 years old, when I learnt of this,   I wanted to see it. It was the  highlight of the entire trip. Seeing so much packed into a 10-day trip  was something I loved about this trip.   Though with so many temples and tombs  many have asked if I got “tomb fatigue”. While seeing so much could have got  repetitive, it was not thanks to   the Egyptologist Guide. On AmaWaterways,  there was one per group of 24 passengers. To become an Egyptologist takes four years study,   and I found mine, Nermeen a mountain  of information. She was entertaining,   knowledgeable and a dab hand at helping us  navigate some of the challenges I come to later. I came away convinced that Nermeen was crucial in  making this trip. So, if you ever cruise the Nile   make sure you check how good the company you are  considering is rated for the Egyptologist guides. Another best thing was sailing  the Nile itself. Unfortunately,   there wasn’t as much sailing as I'd hoped  because the distance covered is not that   far. It’s just 140 miles (225km) from Luxor to  Aswan and many days we did not sail at all as we   were docked overnight. More on that later  as that brought some unwelcome downsides. But when sailing, it was beautiful and calming. I especially enjoyed our first day of  sailing, when all the ships departed   Luxor roughly the same time and raced each  other down to the Esna locks between Luxor   and Aswan. Only 2 ships can enter  at a time, and it’s on a first come,   first served basis. Watching the ships  jostling down the river was very entertaining. One of the fun things once at  the locks were the vendors in   small rowboats that surrounded the ship,  shouting up about what they're selling,   throwing items up to guests high up on  the sun deck and negotiating. It was   entertaining and unthreatening, unlike the  vendors on land that I will come to a later. Another thing I liked was my AmaWaterways fare,  as with most Nile cruises, was all-inclusive,   and pretty much everything was included,  and included someone on hand guiding us all   the time from arrival to departure, which  as you will see later is very important. It was not a cheap trip and  the 11-nights including pre-   and post-stays in Cairo cost  based on cabin type around   $9,000 - $12,000 per couple excluding flights  there. (That’s around £7,000 - £9,500) Within that fare, I liked that I was met before  immigration at the airport and guided through,   had all transfers, hotels in Cairo, flights to and  from Luxor, the river cruise, entry to the sites,   food (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner),  Wi-Fi (though not that good!), daily Sip & Sail   hour with all drinks using Egyptian spirits  every evening, Egyptian beers and wines with   lunch and dinner, entertainment events, and the  Cruise Manager (Walaa) and the Egyptologists. The only extra costs were optional and were  gratuities (around $250 per person for the land   and cruise teams), laundry and three optional  tours (Abu Simbel at $350 as involved flights,   Old Cataract Hotel Afternoon Tea  at $50 and Camel rides at Giza). Those were the best parts, now let  me talk about some unexpected lows   about Nile River cruising, starting with this one. I was told by the crew that there are  at least 250 ships sailing the Nile,   which means it is very busy as all are sailing  that short 120 Miles between Luxor and Aswan,   which is why I saw 50 or more ships docked in  some places. For example, as we pulled into   Edfu to visit the Temple of Horus, I counted  50 ships there. And counted even more in Aswan. As there are limited places to  dock, ships dock side by side,   sometimes 4 or 5 ships deep, and in rows. On  some occasions I had four ships to walk through   to get onto the bank. It meant my cabin  often had another ship a few feet away,   making it dark. Venues like the dining  room and lounge would have the same too. This, of course, happens on European river  cruises too, but a difference here created   another problem. Unlike in Europe, there is  no shore side power to plug into. In Europe,   the river cruise ships mostly switch their  engines off and use electricity when docked. In Egypt the noisy and fume generating  petrol engines run 24 hours a day,   seven days a week whether they are sailing or  not. And because they dock in rows close in front,   I discovered that a cabin like mine close to the  front is unbelievably noisy from those engines. That’s why the first and last night docked  overnight in Luxor, even with earplugs,   I ended up making a bed in my bathroom  to close the door and reduce the noise.   It was unbelievably noisy, so make  sure you book midship as cabins at   the rear could have the vibration and  noise from your ship’s engines too. This is very key as ships are  docked almost every night. We   were docked for 6 of the 7 nights of the cruise! Not surprising with all the  ships, the land-based visitors,   and the limited sites to go to meant  all places we went were extremely busy. The worst was the Valley of  the Kings, which Nermeen,   our Egyptologist, called the “Valley of the  Tourists”. In the tombs it meant shuffling   through with lines of people. Although  other places including Queen Hatshepsut   temple, Karnak and Luxor Temples in Luxor and in  Cairo the pyramids and museum, were jam packed. One good thing about AmaWaterways and  doing a seven-night itinerary is they   did try visit when places when it would  be less frantic. Like the Temple of Horus,   we got there mid-morning when the bulk of  the ships had finished their morning visits   and were leaving, we called into Kom Ombo  early evening and were the only ship there,   and we went through Esna locks back to Luxor  early morning when no other ships were. One of the downsides of my Nile River cruise   was the vendors and the focus on  shopping. It was a bit draining! Every site requires visitors to go through a  market stall area to get in and out. There is no   way round running the vendor gauntlet. The vendors  are pushy, get in your face, and are persistent. So, I found I had to just get ready, walk  briskly through, keep my eyes forward,   not glance or look at anything, not let anyone  put anything on me, nor take anything offered   and keep constantly shaking my head saying, "No,  no, no, no, no” (or “la, la, la” which means no). I was not that excited by what was  on sale either. All seemed to be   selling the same stuff, and looked  mass-produced, and very touristy. On the upside, there did not seem to be  other issues like pickpocketing, scams,   and tricks other than over charging. Nermeen told   us to always aim to pay only about  30% of what they start asking for. The other thing which I was less keen on,  although we didn't have a lot on our trip   were shopping trips dressed up as excursions. For  example, we went to the Luxor Papyrus Institute,   which really was a shopping trip. Though we did  get a short demonstration on how papyrus is made   and to paint our name in hieroglyphics  on a prepared parchment in return. One of the things that I did constant think  about during the trip was getting the upset   stomach many warned about, and the impact  it would have on going out for long trips   to the sites knowing the toilets were  limited and not generally appealing. I found the toilets overall at  the sites were rather grubby   and required paying to use. They  did not cost much to use though,   and one US dollar or less would suffice.  But I would not want to do sit down in most! Unlike as number of people on the trip  I did not get one. To avoid getting one,   I used hand gel all the time when out,  including after touching bank notes as   that was a tip someone gave me. I  used bottled water supplied by the   line both on and off the ship, including when  brushing my teeth and rinsing my toothbrush. I never had ice. I avoided salad, it's the first  time in my life that I've gone for nearly two   weeks eating no salad. And I only had fruit if  it was peeled and only had cooked vegetables. I noticed all the bottles of water  had reminders from the manufacturers   to check it’s sealed before drinking,  as vendors fill up empty bottles and   sell them at the sites which is how  some tourists get upset stomachs. People that did get upset stomachs  told me they found Imodium,   which is what I had brought with me,  did not really work but a local remedy   the ship provided for free if asked  worked. So, that’s a tip to remember! The closer it got to going the issue of  safety and security worried me as so many   people raised it, and even the UK Foreign  Office travel advice was full of watch outs. That sense of worry did hover   during the trip, as everywhere we went there  were armed military and police with barriers,   checkpoints, and metal screenings to enter every  site, the hotel, and up to three at airports. We   also had police escorts a few times, like  from the airport and when visiting Qena. And there was a lingering concern that I would  invertedly do something wrong. For example,   Walaa (the Cruise Manager) warned us to never  take photos of the police or check points,   be careful taking photos at airports as many have  military aircraft too, not to take binoculars   out as that could be misinterpreted as spying  or suspicious, and he advised me to not take   some of my camera equipment like tripods out that  could cause some questions with the authorities. So, while that safety was a concern, I found  travelling in the AmaWaterways “bubble”   alleviated that as we always had someone  with us to shepherd us around the issues,   brief us on what to do and  intervene if anything arose. There is much online about how LGBT people are  harassed in Egypt but being in that bubble also   helped I feel with the LGBT couples on our  trip avoid being exposed to any of that risk. So, while security and safety were a concern,  travelling in the AmaWaterways bubble for me   made me feel comfortable and reassured. That  of course for some will be a downside as it   means staying within the bubble and not truly  roaming, exploring, and engaging with the locals. I never left the bubble on the trip, although  we did not really have time nor opportunity to,   and I did have an amazing time  which if I had chosen a cabin   more midships would have edged it up even more. To get the answers to the most-asked  questions I keep getting, including   what the ships are really like, who  should not go, coping with the heat,   and the key question you really should be  asking, watch this video. See you over there.
Channel: Tips For Travellers
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Keywords: cruise tips, tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge tips for travellers, Gary Bembridge, Cruise Tips For Travellers, river cruise, river cruising, river cruising tips, nile river, river cruises, nile river cruise, luxury nile river cruise, nile river cruise luxor to aswan, nile river cruise ships, nile cruise, nile cruise egypt, egypt nile river cruise
Id: i6qAuzsYBYQ
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Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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