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hi my way my way or the highway i don't like who i am sometimes [Music] i kind of think that i'm gonna become a vlogger again once quarantine's over maybe i'll become a vlogger like i'll start vlogging more could happen what's up everybody okay these are secret coffee bags oh god i look like [ __ ] these are secret chamberlain coffee flavors that could potentially be coming out anyway i'm making a coffee and then we can get started even though these products aren't out yet is what i'm using but you don't know that because the products haven't come out so i could be lying for all you know so this morning i was super bored i decided to just drive around like literally just get in the car to start driving i ended up getting this crazy idea this is another tick tock thing whoa big shocker so basically on tick tock i've been seeing a bunch of people talk about all the different fun foods that they sell at trader joe's if you don't know what trader joe's is then you might not need to watch this video maybe you go watch another one of my videos because this is just going to be stupid and boring then again maybe there's a chance that one day you will go to a trader joe's so maybe you watch this anyway i don't know everything at trader joe's the grocery store is like their own brand or at least 90 of it and they like come up with the craziest stuff i'll give you a sneak peek this is a bag of potato chips that has sea salt vinegar dill ketchup barbecue chips all in it why so they have like some stuff that's like genius and then some stuff that like doesn't make sense but a lot of people are talking about it right now and a lot of people are taste testing it on tick tock and i don't know about youtube but i know for sure on tick tock and i felt like left out so today i was like i'm gonna go to [ __ ] trader joe's and i'm gonna i'm gonna try every single weird or genius thing that trader joe's has trader joe's taste test this is what my channel has come to because i don't have any other ideas comment down below if i should start an internet beef with someone to give me something interesting to do oh my god the coffee's so [ __ ] good can be ready as the [ __ ] as the kids say big things are coming it's literally 10 a.m like i this is like my [ __ ] breakfast so there's snacks so things like crackers chips nuts all that stuff and then there's foods that need to be warmed up but we're going to start out with the snacks because it's easier and i'm really not in the mood to cook right now and i never am so first thing we're gonna try this is the patio potato chips it's a mixed bag of sea salt vinegar dale ketchup and barbecue flavored chips all in one bag makes no sense to me so this is not something that's genius to me this is just weird it's almost like they got lazy like they had like extra chips in their like warehouse and they're like let's just put it all into one mixture smells [ __ ] weird absolutely not i'm gonna eat another one though no i'm not i don't like it this is a three out of ten the problem is is that i know i know that there's all those individual flavors so when i eat the chip it's like they're all coming out at me at different angles in my mouth and on my taste buds and it's not pleasant it's like if you're watching a movie and you can tell that the actor is acting so just ruins the experience that's like this it's like i know that there's all these individual flavors mixed together therefore the flavor as one to me makes me want to throw up moving on next thing we're trying is a drink this is jalapeno limeade it's good low-key actually be really fun i'm just going to drink it straight out of the bottle because i live alone that's actually really [ __ ] spicy i don't know if i'd ever drink this again but i mean it's good this is like a six out of ten it just tastes like limeade that's spicy bomba peanut snacks i have no idea what this is like what is that but i love peanut butter so oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it smells like peanut butter oh my god i've never been more confused in my life you know how like an eggplant okay if you've ever touched an eggplant you know what i'm talking about the like density of it mixed with the weight of it doesn't make sense does that make sense i i the weight of it is weird there's something off about it like its gra sense of gravity is off it's not sweet at all which i was expecting it to be sweet but it's also very under season it feels like you're eating like a hamster and then at the end there's like a peanut aftertaste maybe not a hamster that would actually be like really crunchy i recommend that you buy these from trader joe's just so that you can like experience the confusion that it is they're actually not bad i'm gonna give these a six and a half out of ten because i could see them being addicting because they're not oh really salted or like overly seasoned they're kind of chill as [ __ ] organic dehydrated carrots don't really get the point of this but excited to experience ew it smells bad no i can picture a really hardcore vegan eating these and being like oh yes yes these are so good but not me it tastes like a carrot like it has that like gross kind of earthy carrot flavor that i'm not fond of and the aftertaste in my mouth tastes like a somebody did donuts in their car on my tongue i'm giving this a 3 out of 10. i don't like them you could probably feed them to your toddler because i feel like toddlers probably don't even have taste buds yet if you want to have like a healthy vegan three-year-old baby feed them those and if you are one of those people that likes to eat healthy snacks as a personality trait even when they taste bad again try those so um no not good ghost pepper potato chips i mean i'm just curious to see if this like hurts me i actually ate a ghost pepper once it was not pleasant i actually like spicy food so let's give it a try yeah it's definitely it's definitely oh [ __ ] oh my god they taste really good actually like the initial flavor it's really good but i mean i definitely have a decent tongue burn going on i'm actually gonna give these like a seven and a half out of ten because considering how spicy they are like i would i still want to eat another chip i'm not going to because it's kind of hurting my mouth and i don't want my taste buds to be burned these are chill as [ __ ] the ghost pepper potato chip no although i feel like if i ate one of these right now it would just make all the burning sensation go away because this is that's how weird this flavor is in mild oh my god it actually did help buy these two things together eat a [ __ ] ton of these burn the [ __ ] out of your mouth sorry i'm trying not to cuss as much buy these burn your mouth super bad and then eat these to make the pain go away cornbread crisps so it's like cornbread crackers i just thought that this was so random like i don't okay smells like nothing oh my god how did they do that oh it tastes exactly like cornbread in a crisp eight and a half out of ten imagine you make homemade chili and you put a few of these on top holy [ __ ] that would be so good so i [ __ ] with these sorry i'm trying not to cuss i really like these bagels season everything but the bagel almond and cashews so like nuts that taste like everything bagel seasoning that sounds good to me if i could eat like one thing for the rest of my life it would be a new york bagel everything bagel with cream cheese in it but in new york bagel because bagels here are not as good and then you eat it and then afterwards you're like i really just ate an entire bagel have stomach pain and the bagel wasn't even that good anyway moving on i don't think i'm into this one it's not awful it's not terrible but there's the flavors clash okay because nuts are kind of sweet a little bit and like the everything bagel seasoning is like salty but also has like some onion and garlic and sesame seeds and like it has all these different flavors going on mixed with like the sweetness of the nuts it just clashes five out of ten it's not repulsive on a deserted island would eat these spud crunchy potato snack i don't really know why i got these i just felt like there's something weird about it and they're like freeze-dried french fries or something is that what it is oh my god it looks exactly like a french fry no this is super similar to an in-n-out burger french fry because if you've ever been in and out their french fries are like they're so dry it tastes like a french fry that just got left in the sun for 24 hours three out of ten i just don't i think it's just stupid okay this is upsetting and i don't even want to try it dried okra i don't even think i've ever eaten okra in general so eating it dried is probably gonna be super unpleasant it smells like grass or something no no no i don't like the texture at all okra has a very thin skin around it and then it has all the seeds inside the thin skin is kind of sharp like when they dried it it got sharp so there's like shards of it in your mouth when you're chewing it not pleasant i like pretty much nothing about it i'm gonna give that a two out of ten not into that last snack time flies when you're having fun huh guys love hanging out with you i have a headache pickle flavored popcorn i personally really like pickles god it really smells like a pickle oh my god ew they really nailed the pickle flavor but i don't really think i'd ever eat this again i mean it's kind of addicting actually 6.8 out of 10 no that's not right that's not right yeah um seven point 7.0 7.0 on that one i would rather have like a different flavor like it's just like i wouldn't choose it again but they did nail the pickle flavor the execution was great like it tastes exactly like a [ __ ] pickle um tastes exactly like a pickle a lot of these snacks are just kind of unnecessary definitely fun to try you know i mean it never hurts right i think that i'm now due to have a party at my house um invite all my buddies over all my hundreds of buddies i'm gonna invite everybody over and be like hey guys fun snack taste test trader joe's has so many good like normal snacks that like i don't know why they feel the need to like do these things but i mean regardless i had a good time trying them but we're not done we're not even remotely done we're now gonna have to cook ah i don't wanna cook [ __ ] i really don't wanna cook one of the things that i saw on take talk that everybody was talking about was this vegan mac and cheese that comes in this container it's really easy to make so i think that that's why everybody is obsessed with it because it's just like super easy all you do is you literally just take off the top take off the top pierce some holes in it that's it uh while my mac and cheese is warming up i'm going to try their viral again salad dressings they put these salad dressings in these things um i got two flavors i got almond butter turmeric salad dressing which sounds absolutely awful and then um vegan caesar dressing so we're going to try these dressings while my microwave macaroni is warming up the way that i'm about to try these dressings is probably going to make some of you vomit at home this is how i'm going to try i'm going to take a piece of lettuce and i'm gonna dip it in it then i'm gonna eat it this is the vegan caesar let's check it out wow this is [ __ ] amazing this is a 9 out of 10. i don't know why it comes in a bottle like this i mean it looks like a [ __ ] cold pressed juice but it tastes really good so now we're trying the almond butter turmeric i don't know about this this sounds a little bit too health food-y for me but trying it you know what this is actually good too both nine out of ten this one's not as good but i still like it now it's time to try the mac and cheese that everybody on tiktok talks about vegan mac and cheese that everybody on tiktok likes tests i don't like it actually i don't think it's good tick tock lied to me i'm giving this like a 5 out of 10 because it had a lot of hype around it and i don't think it's that good the sauce kind of has a weird consistency it's like too thin i don't like it and like the flavor it's not really that cheap it's like kind of cheesy but it's like under seasoned god everybody really hyped that [ __ ] up i was so excited um not for me next we're trying this hummus this doesn't require cooking so i don't know why i thought it did dill pickle hummus getting out my pita chip i don't even eat pita chips i don't know why or how i have these but don't pickle hummus down the hatch no i mean okay here's the thing i don't like pickles enough and i like hummus too much for this to happen i'm giving this a 5 out of 10. like i just can't find a reason for it to make sense but if i was at a party and somebody had it they're like a birthday party you know and like everybody was like ah gather underneath the dough pickle hummus i'd eat it but moving on chocolate hummus this makes me want to vomit i'm putting it on a chip which is probably not what i'm supposed to do but wow this is good okay it doesn't taste like hummus at all it has no chickpea flavor this is actually really good and it's it's good because it has like fiber in it no not really actually i would recommend this i'm gonna give this a nine out of ten cause it's really impressive it tastes like nutella or something wow trader joe's i need a break i'm getting really full i also want to try this mac and cheese again just to make sure i hate it it's not it's not pleasant the mac and cheese this is not good next thing i just got because it just it i wanted i was curious about what it meant mini cheesecake cones oh [ __ ] that looks really good oh my god i'm like tearing up i'm literally like i this is [ __ ] delicious oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah i don't give a [ __ ] where you live i don't care if you live literally i don't know where they where they don't have trader joe's but i don't care find a trader joe's i don't care if you have to get on a damn plane this is the best thing i've ever eaten in my life there's like the outside coating they describe it as almond florentine cones but it like has this like butterscotch undertone oh the [ __ ] filling is incredible this should be illegal these are the best things i've ever eaten in my life trader joe's i know i've been giving y'all [ __ ] about your weird random products and this is definitely kind of random but like so good oh my god 11 out of 10. that [ __ ] is crazy that was awesome i feel like a different person now okay we have a few things left these things all require cooking so i'm in for a i'm in for a treat should i just cook everything and then come back that's what i'm gonna do i won't put you all through this [ __ ] brb i made a decision while i'm cooking the remainder of the things that i need to cook i thought i would hang out with you guys so let me fill you in on my life i think i've just been so bored that i'm like kind of getting into like weird things very into conspiracy theories right now not going to talk about them because i feel like i will get kidnapped and killed if i do talk about it but i'm really into all of that and like really into like all of those weird tech talks that are like or things on the internet that are like there's an awaken and emotional awakening and if you see these numbers it means something well let me tell you i've been seeing the same numbers on the clock or like okay even just since i started filming this video it says how long i've been recording and i know i'm gonna sound crazy right now but i've been seeing the same numbers i see eleven like whether it's like one eleven two eleven three eleven four eleven five eleven eleven eleven a lot of eleven and i keep [ __ ] seeing them and i wanna just ignore it but like i can't anymore and even when i was filming this i looked up multiple times at the clock on accident and one of the times it said 11 11 and then one of the other times it said 17 11 or something i'm either gonna like die soon or like something good is gonna happen i know for a fact that something will burn like at some point like one of these things will burn i'm cooking one two three four i'm cooking four things at once cooking up a stem storm in here shut the [ __ ] up hey all my two friends any of y'all wanna come over i have spicy chips and pizza crust made out of broccoli it's actually time to try another product so okay yay next thing we're trying cauliflower thins these are a delicious and versatile bread substitute i actually ended up making a little mini pizza on it it's not terrible it has absolutely no flavor whatsoever which is kind of nice it works like i did randomly just eat the whole thing it kind of grew on me i kind of like it cauliflower things eight and a half out of ten not [ __ ] bad next thing we're trying is very upsetting to me jicama wraps jicama is like some weird vegetable or something trader joe's is stating that you can use it as a taco shell i would love to believe that this is like cold and wet i just warmed up some black beans which i am going to pour onto it these are such good black beans god and then i'm going to put a little bit of vegan cheese on it a little taco jicama i just don't see this being good no no i don't know how the [ __ ] this is possible just by looking at this it's not very appealing but it's kind of like really good i'm gonna give those like a nine out of ten low-key like that was actually really pleasant somehow i just like i bought this and i was like i know i'm gonna hate this i actually liked it so jicama wraps out of 10. we have two more foods left to eat cauliflower and kale pizza crust and then kale gnocchi and cauliflower yoshi i'm so full i feel like i'm going to [ __ ] explode these last three products are the ones that i'm honestly the most excited for so um i'm gonna go take a nap while this is cooking actually don't do that that's not smart because then if the house caught on fire i'm not gonna take a nap but i'm gonna go lay on my couch they don't feel so good okay i cooked i made the pizza and i made the gnocchi and we're gonna give it a taste i feel ill let's try the last few things okay so first we're gonna try this broccoli and kale pizza crust i am not excited about this i do feel like it's going to be gross i do like cauliflower crust though but i just feel like broccoli is such like a strong flavor that i feel like this there's no way this is going to be good you know what wow i mean the texture's a little off but that's kind of expected because it's made out of broccoli and kale like what do you expect but it's actually good broccoli and kale pizza crust from trader joe's i'm gonna give it a 9.5 out of 10. there's no fiber in it i was gonna say i was like this is good because there's more fiber in it there's literally zero grams of fiber i don't even feel like there's a lot of kale in it i feel like this is kind of a scam i'm gonna give it a nine out of ten now because i thought that it was gonna be like you know oh you get your fiber in you know but there's literally no fiber in it and now we have our last our last one this is the one that i see everybody talking about on tick tock the cauliflower gnocchi and the kale gnocchi i don't really see as many people talking about the kale one but i combined them all into one bowl because it was the same cooking time and i'm lazy so first i'm gonna try the cauliflower one okay there's something chewy about it i know that you can cook these on a frying pan and i see people usually doing that so maybe i should have done that because i boiled these the flavor of it is good um so i'm gonna give it you know i'm gonna give it a six out of ten because everybody hypes it up so much like i expected it to be the best thing i've ever eaten in my life and it just wasn't really that not awful uh i think if i would have cooked it differently it could have been better so maybe i'll try that again later in the week but definitely not now because i need to lay down last thing we're trying is the kale one i know i'm gonna hate this and i hate it like it it's leaving like weird little it left like little pieces of kale in my mouth that i'm still trying to swallow um giving that five out of ten i don't like it the texture's not good i feel like maybe again if i saute it on a pan it might be better but i just didn't i just it just didn't click for me moral the story is there is no more of the story i don't know what you guys got out of this i don't even know what i got out of it to be honest i'm probably gonna go lay in bed and wonder like why the [ __ ] i did this for the next few hours but then i'm gonna remember this is what this is something i wanted to do and that's um it's a moral do things because you want to do it um hope you're having an amazing week i love you all and i'm gonna go lay down love you all all right i'm out of here whoa please try the cheesecake cone thing that shows fire you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 6,612,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog, trader joes, taste test, tik tok
Id: jWew43CnEXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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