What mediums actually see and feel when spirits communicate

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your diet is not good. All right 1015 everybody, 16. >> Time to reveal our surprise celebrity guests so we're answering hazel's question today. What comedians actually see and feel when spirits communicate and have they even realize they have that gift, your clues, psychic medium. Reality TV personality. And when heading call so there are it so here's the thing. As seen on his TV series. He has a passionate family and a huge celebrity following by the way 2.5 million followers instagram he's also the best-selling author of when have been calls and he is here to answer this morning. I want to know Please welcome psychic medium. Matt >> good how are you doing I'm doing well and we're excited to have you here so Hazel has been dying to answer this burning question so please meet Matt Matt mean Hazel that's so nice to meet you. >> don't tie people talking >> I seriously I am so interested in this when did you realize that you had the gift what was it that made you realize, you know what some things off at that you were just some you know that having voices in your head. >> So it's crazy because literally growing up I at me like that little boy from the 6th sense I seeing and hearing the departed, but you know just being 3, 4, 5, years old knew that I was just like it for a medium I literally just thought that the host of this man in the beginning he's alive. He's afraid I remember you know sitting in my bedroom at night yelling and screaming and crying and my parents you know to come and to and you know help me make the voices stop didn't know what it was know looking back and those tend realize now that these were just souls and the nearby area that we're using me as a way to try to get a message back to their and the one thing that read his lips I wish that I would have listened more nice little kid I those spirits and deliver those messages because I know now that those were souls that just wanted to help the living there weren't souls that were coming to scare just using need because they knew they had a way to communicate with them. >> Wow how do you know though like right are you just walking down the street and all of a sudden you hear something like what and what does it that sounds is it your own to hear >> Let's start with this is that everybody has a way to connect with the other right some of us have second to means we're all well sense our loved ones in our genes in the seat messages through means some of us will actually feel our loved ones in spirit with see signs will know all of but that's been the signs and some people like me who have a heightened sense of psychic ability or medium shipped overseas messages in a different way now know that every psychic medium is different there's some mediums that connect to the mediums that are medical mediums in way that my ability works is that I will see the department's happens I see shadows and saying they are behind that person that tells me need to connect like for example, when you see give readings and television yeah and I'll be out you know at the store what that will really what happened is souls will come to me and tell me to to deliver a message that they don't speak the way that we speak here in this world, you know what I receive a thing you is it it's a big donation. It's literally that's information that comes to me like what happens on a simple I say to them make what happened they it will not so say you know what do you mean the thing heart attack and it will start to feel what that was went through here in this world that person had a long issue all issues with with you I was just such a 10 going things yet so use a different way to communicate because of different so you actually hear voices. I do I do. >> The whole thing with of shadows behind him gets me is that I think right now. >> We should know about you see question by the way have get to next week is actually a grandfather that because he showed me military uniform connecting so he's in the military here in the physical and he's sitting right behind you and connect with him. Yes she tells me that was a watch that was so your family has is watching the physical world to stand out. Yeah I do because my dad wears it every single day, gonna cry. He's he said to me please let him know thank you for everything that you did and maybe he says and more importantly, I'm so happy that he my watch bringing that He ends. Let's you to think about tells me at the end he couldn't speak that was issued communicating at the ends and therefore he did not get to say goodbye to everybody the way he wanted to pieces also know that fine you also want to take this job and is while this only John. So I love that was his friend we've got to be the best schools also been with him on the other side and also here as well Williams who's that. >> Gosh I know you're just can be used fast as they're talking to happens is they already with all these all these visions of things a big way. >> And probably just said to me he says please let your dad know he says that I love and care about so they wish and we've got to tell him how much they loved and cared about hearing this fall his abilities his only stop in at the ends. Yeah. >> Oh my goodness you guys take grateful we have had many people with your gift on this broadcast and none of them have been as forthcoming as you have been for example I have often asked how do you commune the fact that you said they speak to a little blips no one has ever said that so thank you for eliminating this for us and now we are all freaking out or or at least that's wonderful maybe a sense of solace I don't know but do you do you ever. Do you ever get a chance to shut your brain off. Do you ever get a chance to say it's House away normal don't like but I can't because this is my life, you know it's like it's like being the 24 hour call center for the other people's loved ones more so my okay, do you want to teach people is that you have your own way to connect with ones you know any that you get a coincidence. one since it might be a spike in spirit for example, you know they just in so many different ways will send repeating numbers 1111 you might hear songs that remind you of your loved you know you make sense and feel your loved one with you make you make a thing and that's all real and the more that you you know tap into that that connection the more realize your loved ones a truly always and I guess we because you have that new book at a time here it's right behind you we never die, but you're also on tour coming to New York City at April 30 at the palladium holds up you guys this is my first time and will coming to New York City, okay and Joyce I'm going to be giving live readings and stop okay it's a lake is many people as I possibly can on the one thing that I want you all to know does not matter where you sit at this really I get off stage and I would be down in the audience with all of you so if you have off to the here is the message from your loved one I'm coming you so much, thank Rhode Island will you know I'm and once you get here. >> Trust me your brain is not going to shut off. >> Here in New York we don't sleep well were alive or dead that is amazing on my gosh that all right Matt, thank you really thank you for that I'm sure my grandmother who is watching is probably at home Thank you very much, Matt and good luck with that good luck, I'm here in New York City, good luck with the 3rd book, yes. >> Congratulations Joyce, the April 30th I'm so excited and please come back, yes please come back and visit with us again. and you threw me through lot to get me Matt and you know I goodness all right so either so you want to know everybody em
Channel: PIX11 News
Views: 78,091
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Keywords: local news, pix11, pix11 news, medium, psychic
Id: 9AVC8Ntj45Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2022
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