NATO Expansion Didn't Cause War in Ukraine, Austin Says

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I respectfully disagree with your point that. The expansion of Natal caused the Ukraine crisis. The Ukraine crisis will. Ukraine crisis obviously was caused because. Mr. Putin made a decision to unlawfully invade his neighbour. Who had an inferior military. At that point in time. He assumed that he could very quickly roll over his neighbor and annex the country. That was two plus years ago. He has not achieved any of his strategic objectives to this point. But this was brought on because of a decision made by Mr. Putin. As to whether or not we're trying to create a naito in the Indo-Pacific. I would tell you that what we're doing. Is what I said earlier in the speech. Countries. Of like minded countries with similar values in a and a a a common vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific. Are working together to achieve that vision. And. We've strengthened relationships with our allies and partners, and we see other countries strengthen, strengthening their relationship with each other in the region. This is good news. But it's because they have a common vision. And common values. And we will continue to do those kind of things going forward.
Channel: Bloomberg Television
Views: 1,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lloyd Austin, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, War, War; Military Actions, russia
Id: og4EFjCczmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 58sec (118 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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