Psychic medium John Edward performs a shocking audience reading

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] International renowned psychic medium as well as a best-selling author John Edward is here with us and and they're really excited because they want you to be able to connect with them which I know you will but before we even get there I want to know when you're doing this when you're you know doing your art what's the feeling when you connect do you hear a voice do you have a feeling it's I like to demystify what this is I think a lot of people over the years when they think about psychic phenomena they think it like in terms of Hollywood right they think in terms of what they see on TV it's really like a daydream it's an it's an energy so it's like what you're thinking seeing feeling hearing all happening simultaneously like downloaded then you're kind of so I equated to when you're in school and the teacher was kind of boring and you kind of fogged out you like stared out the window and you had that thought mm-hmm it's like I'm having that thought while I'm having this thought so it's like having two things kind of happen simultaneously it's really like a daydream I'm just paying attention to what it is because they're giving me the daydream that's that makes sense so is there anything you're seeing or feeling right now that you or someone you might be able to connect to did anybody have either a brain tumor brain aneurysm or a cerebral cerebral hemorrhage not connected to him not connected to you somebody behind you had that they tell me to talk about the brain aneurysm the brain hemorrhage this thing can you get the mic back - it's in the last row in the last row thank you I've been had a brain tumor um where's the J name in the family so who around you would be the Jason Jacob my grandson so his grandson yeah yes yes okay did he know Jacob in life yes okay and is there is there somebody who's about ready to get a new car or is there somebody about ready to do something new with their vehicle um no I don't think so no no they well I am yeah in the next ya year yeah but you're already starting to talk about it now yes yeah yeah yes he's making me feel like I'm with you while you're having the conversations because I feel like it's like almost a wholesale change like if you've been a Lexus family you're now thinking about becoming a jeep family saying like you it's like that type of thing so there's almost like this like can I do that am I allowed to do that like can I break with tradition and get a new type of like it's old cars for 35 years so yeah so you a nice sort of yeah yeah you have this like brand loyalty feeling yes he's making me feel like step out live a little joy I'm gonna ask you though are you diabetic are you taking yes he's making me feel like we need to talk about you to taking your blood like and like checking checking the blood and staying on top of that and then who's Stephanie or Stanley right here my daughter hi Stephanie I'm assuming you're Stephanie yeah Sam yeah right okay just wanna clarify so this would be your dad we're talking about yes I feel like I need to let you know then he's letting you know are you Stephanie Ann no but my first name is Ann and okay cuz he's tell me Ann so your Stephanie and n so it's like his way of letting you know that that he's here I think you guys have some fun stuff coming up but I'm gonna tell you Ann you need to stay on top your help just know that he's okay and then I'm gonna tell you I'm seeing a white flower and that means happy birthday so some of these birthdays now that's beautiful yeah thank you you're very welcome okay that somebody at this audience has someone that passed that either went off the road or was thrown from a vehicle because I'm feeling airborne so there's got to be an airborne kind of connection okay can I get my pen did she pass okay um I just need you to know that what they're showing me and it's I'm just so used to seeing things is that when they when they do this it's like an airborne feeling they were over a hill and they came down and went off the side of the road okay and this is your sister yes and you said she was ejected yes okay I don't know what's happened in the last seven years well if I'm supposed to tell you the number seven which be July or the 7th of a month meeting something for your family okay but there's a seven connection um it's her dad passed no I need to know she's with the older male the guy that had the colon cancer she's with thee so whoever the older male is that I would see as being like uncle grandfather or father figure okay she's with that person um and she tell me it's a little bit graphic for morning Feldon that's gonna say it do you want to do will you use your use your discretion do you think that this is if this is something our viewers can hear at home because we're always a edge of our seats right now I'm gonna tell you that I feel like I'm supposed to talk about an issue about the physical body and how something is severed and how and how that issue was affected and how the family had to navigate the images of that and one of the things I'm going to tell you is that they they give me this feeling of please do not remember me in the way that I was the way that I passed in other words remember me how I look you've had celebrity clients kim kardashian is one of the ones that whose name's comes up a lot um tell me about those readings is it tough you said to me right away I don't usually do it because we have a wall up I don't yeah I'm at work right now so I'm probably going to be tougher for you to read do you get that with celebrities I don't enjoy reading celebrities it is my least favorite thing on the planet to do because they come with a lot of baggage yeah they come with a lot they just come with a lot of stuff and then they you know they're out there and there's so much about them that's known so there's that there's a guardedness that kind of comes up and I don't actually have the patience for that I just really don't so um Kim's different you know I met her in a very unique kind of way and um she's one of the most authentic people that I have ever met in my life when it comes to celebrity and it's kind of funny because I had you know I had an opinion before I met her from like you know the shows in reality and I kind of my big reality fan and then I met her and she's sincere she's authentic she's real and being connected to her show was actually more real than doing news programs that I've been interviewed on it was like such a like yeah it was totally yeah it was kind of really wild that's a good take I like that very authentic has there ever been a time when you had the daydream you see you saw the thought but you actually didn't want to relay what that is there because this is interpretation alike I kind of know that I have to be kind of aware of that but I have a rule my rule is if I see it hear it feel it I say it okay anybody who does a swear professionally knows that there was a time and place for it and when you have to do it you kind of turn it on and then when you're done doing it you have to turn it off professionally mm-hmm for a lot of reasons one energetically I don't want to pick up on other people's stuff forget dead people like I don't want to pick up if somebody had an argument with their wife or their husband or whatever and I'm sitting next to them on a plane I don't I don't want any of that coming into any of this so John Edward does audience readings at his live events all over the world he will be back in Canada in April for a six-city tour I think you're going to want to be part of it [Applause] give it up for John Adler [Applause]
Channel: Cityline
Views: 1,570,234
Rating: 4.538949 out of 5
Keywords: cityline, tracy moore, john edward, psychic reading, psychic medium, mediums, reading
Id: t1juNLJ97i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2017
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